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Moff PSA Chapter 109

PSA 109 ©

From the Choirmaster’s collection. A song of David.

109God of my praise, be not thou silent;

2for wicked men are loud against me,

falsely charging me;

3they beset me with their words of malice,

they attack me wantonly;

4they return enmity for love,

even as I pray for them,

5rewarding me with cruelty for my kindness,

and hatred for my love.

6Arrest yon evil knave,

let some accuser face him;

7let him be tried and sentence,

let his prayer pass for a sin!

8Few days be his!

May another seize his office!

9May his children become fatherless,

his wife a widow!

10May they be vagabonds and beggars,

driven out of their ruined home!

11May creditors seize all he has,

and strangers help themselves to all he made!

12May not a soul be kind to him,

may no one pity his fatherless children!

13May his posterity be rooted out,

and his name blotted out in a single generation!

14But never may his father’s evil be forgotten,

or his mother's sin be blotted out!

15(The Eternal ever keep them in his mind,

to root them from the earth!)

16Never did he remember to be kind;

but wretched, weak, and broken-hearted creatures

he persecuted to the death.

17He would not bless? – blessings be far from him!

He loved to curse? – may curses light on him!

18May curses cling to him like clothes!

Curses soak into him like water,

sink to his very bones like oil!

19May curses be the garment he puts on!

curses be like his girdle day by day!

20So may the Eternal reward my accusers,

and all who threaten my life!

21O Lord the Eternal, act on my behalf,

oh rescue me in thy kind love;

22for I am weak and wretched,

my heart is in anguish,

23my days are brief as any evening shadow,

I am whirled off like a locust,

24my knees are giving way with fasting,

my flesh is thin and shrivelled;

25they are taunting, taunting me,

tossing their heads at the sight of me!

26Eternal One, my God, oh help me,

save me in thy love–

27to let them know thy power by this,

what thou canst do, Eternal One!

28They may curse, but do thou bless;

confounded by my foes, but let thy servant joy.

29May my opponents be covered with disgrace,

robed in their own dishonour!

30I will give thanks aloud to the Eternal;

yes, I will praise him in the congregation,

31for he supports a helpless man,

to save him from his persecutors

PSA 109 ©
