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Moff PSA Chapter 34

PSA 34 ©

A song of David when he feigned madness before Abimelek, who compelled him to go away.

34I will bless the Eternal at all times,

his praise shall be continually on my lips;

2my soul boasts openly of the Eternal,

and the humble are glad as they hear it.

3Magnify the Eternal with me,

and let us exalt him together.

4I besought the Eternal and he answered me,

he rescued me from all my terrors;

5look to him, and you shall beam with joy,

you shall never be abashed.

6Here is a poor man whose cry the Eternal heard,

and helped him out of all his troubles.

7The angels of the Eternal camp around his worshippers,

and rescue them.

8Try the Eternal; you will find he is kind;

happy the man who takes shelter with him!

9Revere the Eternal, O ye saints of his,

for the reverent never want for anything;

10apostates may be famishing and starving

but those who turn to the Eternal lack no good.

11Come, listen to me, my sons,

I will teach you true religion.

12’Tis your desire to live,

to live long and be happy?

13Then keep your tongue from evil,

keep your lips from deceit;

14shun evil and do good,

seek to be friendly—aim at that.

16For the Eternal sets his face against evildoers,

to root their very name out of the earth;

15but the Eternal turns his eyes towards good men,

his ears are open to their cry;

17when they cry, the Eternal listens,

he rescues them from all their troubles.

18The Eternal is near the broken-hearted,

and for crushed spirits he has help;

19the good man may have many a mishap,

but from them all the Eternal rescues him.

20He guards every bone of him,

not one is broken.

21Misfortune is the death of wicked men,

and haters of good men are doomed;

22but the Eternal saves his servants’ life,

none who take shelter with him shall be punished.

PSA 34 ©
