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Wyc 2MA Chapter 7

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7Forsothe it bifelle, that seuene britheren takun togidere with the modir, weren constreyned of the kyng for to taaste ayens the lawe swynes fleischis; and weren turmentid with scourgyngis, and turment maad of bole lether. 2Forsothe oon of hem, that was the first, seide thus, What sekist thou? and what wolt thou lerne of vs? we ben redi for to die, more than to breke the fadris lawes of God. 3Therfor the kyng was wroth, and comaundide `pannes of bras, and brasun pottis for to be maad ful hoot. And whan tho anoon werin maad ful hoot, 4he comaundide the tunge for to be kit of fro hym that spak bifore; and whanne the skynne of the heed was drawun awei, he bad bothe the hiyeste partis of hondis and of feet `of hym for to be kit of, the while othere britheren and the modir `of hym bihelden. 5And whanne he was maad thanne vnprofitable bi alle thingis, he comaundide fier for to be brouyt to him, and yit `al quik brethinge for to be brent in the brasun panne; in which whanne he was longe turmentid, the othere togidere with the modir, `coumfortiden hem togidere for to die strongli, 6seiynge, The Lord God schal biholde treuthe, and schal `yyue solace in vs, as Moises declaride `in bifore witnessyng of song, and among his seruauntis he schal yife coumforte. 7Therfor whanne thilke firste was deed in this maner, thei ledden forth the nexte for to be scornyd; and whanne the skyn of his heed was drawun of, with the heeris, thei axiden, if he wolde ete, bifore that he were punyschid in al the bodi, bi alle membris bi hem silf. 8And he answeride bi the vois of fadris, and seide, Y schal not do it. For which `cause this also, in a place faste bi, resseyuede lijk turmentis of the firste. 9And whanne he was ordeyned in the laste spirit, he seide thus, Sotheli thou most wickid lesist vs in this lijf, but the kyng of the world schal reise `vs that ben deede for his lawis, in ayenrisinge of euerlastinge lijf. 10After this the thridde was scorned; and whanne he was bede, he `profride soone forth the tunge, and stidfastli helde forth the hondis, 11and `seide, Of God of heuene Y welde these lymes, but for the lawis of God now Y dispise these same; for Y hope, that Y schal resseyue tho of him. 12So that the kyng, and thei that weren with hym, wondriden on the wisdom of the yonge man, that he ledde the turmentis as nouyt. 13And whanne this was thus deed, thei traueliden the fourthe, and turmentiden in lijk maner. 14And whanne he was thanne at the deth, he seide thus, `Wel the rather it is ned, that men youun to deth of men, abide hope of God, that schulen be reisid ayen `eft of him; for ayen risyng to lijf schal not be to thee. 15And whanne thei hadden brouyt the fyuethe, thei traueliden hym. And he bihelde in to hym, 16and seide, Thou hast power among men, `and thouy thou be corruptible, thou doist what thou wolt; but nyl thou gesse, that oure kyn is forsakun of God. 17But abide thou pacientli, and thou schalt se the greet power of hym, hou he schal turmente thee, and thi seed. 18After thei ledden also the sixte; and this bigan for to die, and seide thus, Nyle thou erre idili; for we suffren these thingis for vs silf, synnynge ayens oure God, and thingis worthi of wondryng ben maad in vs; 19but deme thou not, that it schal be with out peyne to thee, that thou hast temptid for to fiyte ayens God. 20Forsothe the `merueylous moder of hem, and worthi the mynde of goode men, which bihelde seuene sones perischynge vndur the tyme of o day, `and suffride aboue manere with good wille, for the hope that sche hadde in to God; 21sche monestide ech of hem bi vois of fadris, `that is, acordynge to the techyng of hooli fadris, and was strongli fillid with wisdom, and settide mannus witte to wommanys thouyt, 22and seide to hem, Sones, Y woot not hou ye apperiden in my wombe; for nether Y haue youun to you spirit, and soule, and lijf, and Y my silf ioynede not togidere the membris of ech; 23but the makere of nouyt of the world, that fourmyde natiuyte of man, and foond bigynnyng of alle, schal yelde eft to you spirit, and lijf, with merci, as now ye dispisen you silf for the lawis of hym. 24Forsothe Antiok demyde hym for to be dispisid, and also bi dispisable vois of a repreuere, and whanne yit the yongere was `on lyue, not oneli he monestide bi wordis, but and with an ooth he affirmyde, to make hym riche and blissful, and to haue frend, translatid fro lawis of fadris, and to yyue `to hym nedeful thingis. 25But whanne the yonge man was not bowid to these thingis, the kyng clepide the modir, and softli counselide hir, that sche schulde be maad to the yonge man in to helth. 26Forsothe whanne he monestide hir bi many wordis, sche bihiyte hir for to counsele hir sone. 27Therfor sche bowide down to hym, and scornyde the cruel tiraunt, and seide in cuntrei vois, Sone, haue merci on me, that bar thee in wombe nyne monethis, and yaf mylk bi thre yeer, and nurschide, and fulli brouyte in to this age. 28Y axe, child, that thou biholde to heuene and erthe, and alle thingis that ben in hem, and vnderstonde, that God made hem of nouyt, and the kynde of men. 29So it schal be don, that thou drede not this turmentour, but be thou maad worthi to thi britheren, and resseyue deth, that in that merci doyng Y resseyue thee with thi britheren. 30Whanne sche seide yit these thingis, the yong man seide, Whom abiden ye? Y obeie not to biddyng of the kyng, but to comaundement of the lawe, that was youun to vs bi Moises. 31Forsothe thou, that art maad fyndere of al malice ayens Ebrewis, schalt not ascape the hond of God. 32For we suffren these thingis for oure synnes; 33thouy oure Lord be a litil wroth to vs for blamyng and chastisyng, but eft he schal be recounselid to hise seruauntis. 34Forsothe thou cursid, and most flagiciouse, ether fulleste of yuel doyngis, and stiryngis, of alle men, nyle thou veynli be enhaunsid, that art enflaumyd bi veyn hope ayens his seruauntis; 35for thou hast not scapid yit the dom of almyyti God, and biholdynge alle thingis. 36`For whi my britheren suffriden now a litil sorewe, and ben maad vndur testament of euerlastynge lijf; thou sotheli bi dom of God schalt paie iust peynes of pride. 37Sotheli `Y as my britheren, bitake my soule and bodi for lawis of fadris; and Y clepe God to help, that more ripeli he be maad helpful to oure folc, and that thou knouleche with turmentis `and betyngis, that he is God aloone. 38Forsothe the wraththe of Almyyti schal faile in me and in my britheren, which is iustli brouyte in on al oure kyn. 39Thanne the kyng was kyndlid with wrath, and was fers ayens hym more crueli aboue alle; and bar vnworthili, `ether heuyli, hym silf scorned. 40Therfor and this was clene, and diede, tristynge bi alle thingis in the Lord. 41Forsothe at the laste also the modir was wastid, after the sones. 42Therfor of sacrifices, and ouer greet crueltees, is ynowy seid.

2MA 7 ©
