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Bshps EZE Chapter 48

EZE 48 ©

48These are ye names of the tribes: from the north side to the coast towarde Hethlon, till thou comest vnto Hamah and Hazar, Enan, the borders of Damascus northward, the coast of Hamah, Dan shall haue his portion from the east quarter vnto the west. 2Upon the borders of Dan, from the east side vnto the west, shall Aser haue his portion. 3Upon the borders of Aser, from the east part vnto the west, shall Nephthali haue his portion. 4Upon the borders of Nephthali, from the east quarter vnto the west, shal Manasses haue his portion. 5Upon the borders of Manasses, from the east side vnto the west, shall Ephraim haue his portion. 6Upon the borders of Ephraim, from the east part vnto the west, shall Ruben haue his portion. 7Upon the borders of Ruben, from the east quarter vnto the west, shall Iuda haue his portion. 8Upon the borders of Iuda, from the east part vnto the west part, shalbe the offering which they shall offer of fiue and twentie thousand canes brode, and of length as one of the partes, from the east side vnto the west side: and the sanctuarie shalbe in the midst of it. 9The oblation that ye shall offer vnto the Lord, shalbe fiue and twentie thousand long, and ten thousand brode. 10And for these euen for the priestes shalbe this holy oblation: toward the north fiue & twentie thousand long & toward the west ten thousand brode, towarde the east ten thousand brode also, and toward the south fiue and twentie thousand long, & the sanctuarie of the Lorde shalbe in the midst thereof. 11This sanctified portion shalbe the priestes that are of the children of Sadoc, which haue kept my charge, which went not astray in the errour of the children of Israel like as the Leuites went astray. 12Therefore this oblation of the lande that is offered, shalbe theirs as a thing most holy, hard vpon the borders of the Leuites. 13And ouer against the border of the priestes, shall the Leuites haue fiue and twentie thousand long, & ten thousand brode: all the length shalbe fiue & twentie thousand, and the breadth ten thousand. 14Of this portion they shall sell nothing, nor make any permutation thereof, nor alienate the first fruites of the lande: for it is holy vnto the Lorde. 15And the fiue thousande that are left in the breadth ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand, shalbe a prophane place for the citie, for housing, & for suburbes: and the citie shalbe in the midst thereof. 16And these shalbe the measures therof: the north part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the south part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the east part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the west part fiue hundred & foure thousand. 17The suburbes of the citie shall haue toward the north two hundred and fiftie, toward the south two hundred and fiftie, toward the east two hundred and fiftie, toward the west also two hundred and fiftie. 18And the residue in length ouer against the oblation of the holy portion, shalbe ten thousand toward the east, and ten thousand toward the west: and it shalbe ouer against the oblation of the holy portion: and the encrease thereof shalbe for their meate that serue the citie. 19And they that serue the citie, they shal serue it out of all the tribes of Israel. 20All the oblation shalbe fiue and twentie thousand with fiue and twentie thousand: ye shall offer this oblation foure square, for the sanctuarie, and for the possession of the citie. 21And the residue shalbe for the prince, on the one side and on the other of the holy oblation, and of the possession of the citie ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand of the oblation toward the east border: and westward ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand towarde the west border, ouer against shalbe the portion for the prince: this shalbe the holy oblation, and the house of the sanctuarie shalbe in the midst thereof. 22Moreouer, from the possession of the Leuites, and the cities possession, that which is in the midst shalbe the princes, betwixt the border of Iuda and the border of Beniamin shalbe the princes. 23Nowe of the other tribes: from the east part vnto the west, shall Beniamin haue his portion. 24Upon the borders of Beniamin, from the east side vnto the west, shall Simeon haue his portion. 25Upon the borders of Simeon, from the east side vnto the west, shal Isachar haue his portion. 26Upon the borders of Isachar, from the east side vnto the west, shall Zabulon haue his portion. 27Upon the borders of Zabulon, from the east part vnto the west, shall Gad haue his portion. 28Upon the borders of Gad at the south side toward Temanah, the border shalbe from Thamar, vnto the waters of strife to Cades, and to the riuer that runneth into the maine sea. 29This is the lande which ye shal deuide by lot for an inheritauce vnto the tribes of Israel, and these be their portions saith the Lorde God. 30These be the bondes of the citie, vpon the north part fiue hundred and foure thousand measures. 31The gates of the citie shal haue the names of the tribes of Israel, three gates of the north side: one gate of Ruben, another of Iuda, the third of Leui. 32Upon the east side fiue hundred and foure thousand measures, with three gates: the one of Ioseph, another of Beniamin, the third of Dan. 33Upon the south side fiue hundred and foure thousand measures, with the three gates: the one of Simeon, another of Isachar, the third of Zabulon. 34And vpon the west side, fiue hundred and fiue thousand measures, with their three gates also: the one of Gad, another of Aser, the third of Nephthali. 35Thus shal it haue eighteene thousand measures rounde about: and the name of the citie from that time foorth, shalbe, The Lorde is there.

EZE 48 ©
