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Bshps EZE

1It came to passe in the thirtith yere in the fourth moneth in the fifth day of the moneth, that (I beyng in the middes of the captiuitie, by the riuer Chebar) the heauens were opened, and I sawe visions of God: 2In the fifth day of the moneth, which was the fifth yere of kyng Ioakins captiuitie, 3The worde of the Lorde came to Ezechiel the priest the sonne of Buzi, in the lande of the Chaldeans by the riuer Chebar, where the hand of the Lord was vpon hym. 4And I looked, and beholde a stormie wind came out of the north, a great cloude, and a fire folding it selfe in the cloude and a brightnes rounde about it, and foorth of the middes therof as the colour of amber out of the middes of the fire. 5And out of the middes therof, the likenesse of foure beastes appeared and this was their fourme, they had the likenesse of a man. 6And euery one had foure faces, and euery one of them had foure wynges. 7Their feete were straight feete, and the sole of their feete lyke the sole of calues feete, and they glistered as the appearaunce of brasse burnished. 8From vnder their wynges vpon all the foure corners they had mens handes: and they foure had their faces and their wynges. 9Their wynges were ioyned one to another: when they went they looked not backe, but eche one went straight forwarde. 10But touching the similitude of their faces, they foure had the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side, and they foure had the face of an oxe on the left side, the foure also had the face of an Egle. 11Thus were their faces, and their winges were spread out aboue, so that two wynges of euery one were ioyned one to another, and two wynges couered euery one of their bodyes. 12Euery one went straight forward: whyther as the spirite led them, thither thei went, & returned not in their going. 13And the fashion of the beastes, their appearaunce was lyke coales of fire, burning like the appearaunce of cressets, it ran among the beastes, and the fire gaue a glister, and out of the fire there went lightening. 14And the beastes ranne, and returned like lightening. 15When I had considered the beastes, beholde a wheele vpon the earth nye to the beastes, to euery of the foure before his face. 16The fashion & worke of the wheeles was lyke the colour of Tharsis, and they foure had one fashion, and their fashion & their worke was as though it were a wheele in ye middle of a wheele. 17When they went, they went vpon their foure sides: they returned not backe when they went. 18They had ringes, and heyght, and were feareful to beholde: & their ringes were full of eyes rounde about them foure. 19When the beastes went, the wheeles went also by them: and when the beastes were lift vp from the earth, the wheeles were lyft vp. 20Whyther soeuer the spirite was to go, they went, and thyther was the spirite to go, and the wheeles were lyft vp before them: for the spirite of the beastes were in the wheeles. 21When the beastes went, they went, & when thei stoode, they stoode, and when they were lifted vp from the earth, the wheeles were lifted vp before the, for ye spirite of ye beastes was in the wheeles. 22And the similitude of the firmament vpon the heades of the beastes, was like the colour of christall wonderfull, spread ouer their heades aboue. 23And vnder the firmament their winges were stretcht foorth one towardes another, euery one had two couering them, and euery one had two couering them, euen their bodyes. 24And when they went, I hearde the noyse of their wynges, lyke the noyse of great waters, as it had ben the voyce of the almightie, the voyce of speache, as the noyse of an hoast: when they stoode, they let downe their winges. 25And there was a noyse from aboue the firmament that was ouer their heades: when they stoode, they let downe their wynges. 26And aboue the firmament that was ouer their heades, there was the fashion of a throne lyke a Saphir stone: and vpon the similitude of the throne by appearaunce, as the similitude of a man aboue vpon it. 27And I sawe as the appearaunce of amber and as the similitude of fire rounde about within, from the appearaunce of his loynes vpward: and from the appearaunce of his loynes downewarde I sawe as the lykenesse of fire, and brightnesse rounde about it. 28As the likenesse of a bowe that is in a cloude in a raynie day, so was the appearaunce of the brightnesse rounde about: this was the appearaunce of the similitude of the glory of God, & when I sawe it, I fell vpon my face and hearkened vnto the voyce of one that spake. 2And then said he vnto me, Stande vp vpon thy fete (O thou sonne of man) and I wyll talke with thee. 2And the spirite entred into me when he had spoken vnto me, & set me vpon my feete, so that I heard him that spake vnto me. 3And he sayde vnto me, Thou sonne of man, I sende thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious people which haue rebelled against me, both they and their forefathers haue wickedly behaued them selues against me, euen vnto this very day. 4For they are children of a harde face and stiffe heart, I do sende thee vnto them, and thou shalt say vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God. 5And whether they wyll heare or refuse (for they are a rebellious house) yet they may knowe that there hath ben a prophete among them. 6And thou sonne of man feare them not, neither be afraide of their wordes, for bryers and thornes are with thee, and thou doest dwell among scorpions: feare not their wordes, nor be abashed at their lookes, for they are a rebellious house. 7And thou shalt speake my wordes vnto them, whether they wyll heare or refuse, for they are rebellious. 8Therefore thou sonne of man, obay thou all thinges that I say vnto thee, and be not thou rebellious lyke the rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eate that I geue thee. 9And when I looked, beholde a hand was sent vnto me, and lo, in it was a roule of a booke. 10And he opened it before me, and it was written within and without, and there was written therein, lamentations, and mourning, and wo. 3After this said he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, eate whatsoeuer thou findest, eate this roule, and go thy way and speake vnto the house of Israel. 2So I opened my mouth, and he fed me with this roule. 3And he saide vnto me, Thou sonne of man, thy belly shall eate, and thy bowels shalt thou fill with this roule that I geue thee: Then dyd I eate, and it was in my mouth sweeter then honie. 4And he saide vnto me, Thou sonne of man, go, get thee vnto the house of Israel, and declare my wordes vnto them. 5For not to a people of profounde lippes and harde language art thou sent, but vnto the house of Israel: 6Not to many nations whiche haue profounde lippes and harde languages, whose wordes thou vnderstandest not: otherwise if I had sent thee vnto them, they would haue hearkened vnto thee. 7But the house of Israel will not hearken vnto thee, for they will not hearken vnto me: for al the house of Israel haue stiffe foreheades, & stubburne heartes. 8Beholde therefore, I haue made thy face strong against their faces, & thy forehead strong against their foreheades. 9As an Adamant, harder then the flint stone haue I made thy forehead: thou shalt not feare them, nor be abashed at their lookes: for they are a rebellious house. 10He sayde moreouer vnto me, Thou sonne of man, all my wordes that I shall speake vnto thee, receaue in thyne heart, and hearken with thyne eares. 11And go, get thee to the captiuitie, to the chyldren of thy people, and thou shalt speake vnto them, and shalt say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God, whether they will heare, or leaue. 12With that the spirite tooke me vp, and I hearde behinde me a voyce of a great rushing to wit Blessed be the glory of Iehouah from his place. 13I hearde also the noyse of the winges of the beastes ioyning one with another, and the ratling of the wheeles that were before them, euen a noyse of great rushing. 14Nowe when the spirite lift me vp and tooke me away, I went in bitternesse and furie of my spirite: but the hande of the Lorde vpon me was strong. 15Then I came to the captiues in Thelabib that dwelt by the riuer Chebar, and I sate where they sate, and I remayned there seuen dayes, astonished among them. 16And when the seuen dayes were expired, the Lorde saide vnto me, 17Thou sonne of man, I haue made thee a watchman vnto the house of Israel: therefore thou shalt heare the worde at my mouth, and geue them warning from me. 18When I shall say vnto the wicked, Thou shalt surely dye, and thou geuest not him warning, nor speakest to admonishe the wicked of his euill way, and so to liue: then shal the same vngodly man dye in his owne vnrighteousnesse, but his blood wyl I require of thyne hand. 19Neuerthelesse, if thou geue warning vnto the wicked, and he yet turne not from his vngodlynesse and from his wicked way: he shall dye in his owne wickednesse, but thou hast deliuered thy soule. 20Nowe if a righteous man go from his righteousnesse and do the thing that is euyll I wyll lay a stumbling blocke before him: and he shall dye, because thou hast not geuen him warning, dye shall he in his owne sinne, so that his righteousnesse whiche he hath done, shall not be thought vpon: but his blood will I require at thyne hande. 21Neuerthelesse, if thou exhortest that righteous that he sinne not, and so the righteous do not sinne: then shall he liue, because he hath receaued thy warning, and thou hast deliuered thy soule. 22And there came the hand of the Lord vpon me, and he sayd vnto me: Stande vp, and go into the fielde, that I may there talke with thee. 23So when I had risen vp, and gone foorth into the fielde: beholde, the glorie of the Lord stoode there, like the glorie which I sawe by the riuer Chebar: then fell I downe vpon my face. 24And the spirite came into me, whiche set me vp vpon my feete, and spake vnto me, and said vnto me: Go thy way, and shut thy selfe in thyne house. 25Beholde O thou sonne of man, they haue prepared bandes against thee, and they wyll binde thee with them, and thou shalt not go out among them. 26And I will make thy tongue cleaue to the roofe of thy mouth, that thou shalt be dumbe, and not be as a reprouer vnto them: for they are a rebellious house. 27But when I speake vnto thee, I wyl open my mouth, and thou shalt say vnto them, Thus saith the Lorde God: Whoso heareth, let hym heare, whoso leaueth of, let him leaue: for they are a rebellious house. 4Thou sonne of man, take thee a tyle stone and lay it before thee, and purtray vpon it the citie Hierusalem, 2And lay siege against it, and builde a fort against it, and cast a mount against it: set the campe also against it, and lay engins of warre against it rounde about. 3Moreouer, take an iron panne, and set it betwixt thee and the citie in steede of an iron wall, then set thy face towarde it to besiege it, and make an assault against it: this shalbe a token vnto the house of Israel. 4But thou shalt sleepe vpon thy left side, and lay the sinne of the house of Israel vpon it according to the number of the dayes that thou shalt sleepe vpon it, thou shalt beare their iniquitie. 5For I haue layde vpon thee the yeres of their iniquitie according to the number of the dayes euen three hundred and ninetie dayes, so shalt thou beare the iniquitie of the house of Israel. 6When thou hast fulfilled these dayes, lye downe agayne and sleepe vpon thy right side, and beare the sinnes of the house of Iuda: fourtie dayes haue I appointed thee, a day for a yere euen a day for a yere. 7Therfore set nowe thy face towarde the siege of Hierusalem, and discouer thine arme, that thou mayest prophecie against it. 8Behold, I will lay chaines vpon thee, that thou shalt not turne thee from one side to another, till thou hast ended the dayes of thy besieging. 9Wherfore take vnto thee wheate, barlye, beanes, lintils, millot, and fetches, and put these together in a vessell, and make thee loaues of bread thereof, according to the number of the dayes that thou must lye vpon thy side, that thou mayest haue bread to eate for three hundred and ninetie dayes. 10And thy meate that thou eatest shall haue a certaine wayght appointed, namely twentie sicles euery day: & from time to time shalt thou eate therof. 11Thou shalt drinke also a certaine measure of water namely the sixt part of an Hin from tyme to tyme shalt thou drinke. 12Barly cakes shalt thou eate, and them shalt thou bake in mans doung before their eyes. 13And with that sayde the Lord, Euen thus shall the chyldren of Israel eate their defiled bread among the gentiles whyther I wyll cast them. 14Then sayde I, Oh Lorde God: beholde, my soule was yet neuer stayned, for fro my youth vp vnto this houre, I did neuer eate of a dead carkase, or of that whiche was slayne of wylde beastes, neither came there euer any vncleane fleshe in my mouth. 15Whervnto he aunswered me: Lo, I wyll graunt thee cowcasins in steede of mans doung, and thou shalt make thy bread with them. 16And he saide vnto me, Beholde thou sonne of man, I wyll breake the staffe of bread in Hierusalem, and they shall eate their bread with waight and with care, and their water in measure and astonishment shall they drinke, 17That they may cause a lacke of bread and water, and be astonied one at another, and be consumed in their iniquitie. 5O thou sonne of man, take thee then a sharpe knife namely a barbers rasour, take that to thee, and cause it to passe vpon thy head and vpon thy beard: then take thee waight scales and deuide the heere. 2Thou shalt burne with fire the thirde part in the middest of the citie when the dayes of the siege are fulfylled, and thou shalt take the other thirde part and smite about it with a knife, and the last thirde part thou shalt scatter in the wynde, and I wyll drawe out a sworde after them. 3Thou shalt also take therof a fewe in number, and bynde them in thy lappe. 4Of them yet shalt thou take, and cast them into the middest of the fire, & burne them in the fire: therof shall a fire come foorth into all the house of Israel. 5Moreouer, thus saith the Lorde God: This same is Hierusalem, which I set in the middest of nations, and countreis rounde about her. 6But she hath chaunged my iudgementes into wickednesse more then the nations, and my statutes more then the countreis that are rounde about her: for they haue refused my iudgementes and my statutes, and not walked in them. 7Therfore thus saith the Lorde God: For your multiplying more then the gentiles that dwell rounde about you, and because ye haue not walked in my lawes, neither haue ye kept my ordinaunces, no ye haue not done accordyng to the iudgementes of the nations that are rounde about you: 8Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde I will also come agaynst thee, I my selfe I say: for in the middest of thee wyll I execute iudgement in the sight of the heathen. 9And I wyll handle thee of such a fashion as I neuer did before, & as I will neuer do from that tyme foorth, and that because of all thine abhominations. 10For in thee the fathers shalbe fayne to eate their owne sonnes, and the sonnes their owne fathers, I wyll execute iudgement in thee, and the whole remnaunt of thee wyll I scatter into all the wyndes. 11Wherfore, as truly as I lyue saith the Lorde God, seyng thou hast defiled my sanctuarie with all maner of abhominations, and with all shamefull offences: For this cause will I also destroy thee, mine eye shall not spare thee, neither wyll I haue any pitie. 12One thirde part within thee shall dye of the pestilence and be consumed of hunger, another thirde part shalbe slayne downe rounde about thee with the sworde, the other thirde part that remayneth, wyll I scatter abrode towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out a sworde after them. 13Thus wyll I perfourme mine indignation, & make my wrath to settle vpon them, and I will be comforted: so that when I haue fulfylled myne anger agaynst them, they shall knowe that I am the Lorde, which with a seruent gelousie haue spoken it. 14Moreouer, I wyll make thee waste and reuiled among all the heathen that dwell about thee, in the sight of all them that go by thee. 15So thou shalt be a reproche and shame, a chastisement and a wondryng vnto the nations that are rounde about thee, when I shall execute iudgementes in thee, in anger & in wrath, and in sharpe rebukes, I the Lorde haue spoken it: 16When I shoote among them the perilous dartes of hunger, which shalbe for their destruction, yea therfore shall I shoote them because I wyll destroy you, I wyll encrease hunger vpon you, and wyll breake your staffe of bread. 17Plagues wyll I sende vpon you, yea and wicked beastes also to spoyle thee, pestilence and bloodsheddyng shal come vpon thee, and the sworde wyll I bring ouer thee: I the Lorde haue spoken it. 6And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man set thy face to the mountaynes of Israel, that thou mayest prophecie agaynst them, 3And say, Heare the worde of the Lord God: O ye mountaynes of Israel Thus hath the Lord God spoken to the mountaynes, hylles, riuers, & dales, Beholde I euen will bryng a sworde vpon you, and destroy your hye places. 4Your aulters shalbe destroyed, & your images of the sunne broken downe, your slayne men wyll I cast downe before your idols. 5And the dead carkases of the children of Israel wyll I cast before their idols, your bones will I scatter rounde about your aulters. 6In all your dwellyng places your cities shalbe desolate, and the hye places laide waste, so that your aulters shalbe made waste and desolate, your idols shalbe broken and abolished, and your images of the sunne shalbe cut downe, and your workes quite taken away. 7Your slayne men shall fall among you: and ye shal knowe that I am the Lord. 8Yet wyll I leaue a remnaunt, that you may haue some that shall escape the sworde among the nations, when as ye shalbe scattered through the countreis. 9And they that escape of you shal thinke vpon me among the heathen where they shalbe in captiuitie, because I haue ben broken with their whorishe heart which hath departed from me, & with their eyes that haue gone a whoryng after their idols: and they shalbe abhorred before their owne eyes for the euils which they haue commited in all their abhominations. 10And they shall knowe that I am the Lorde, and that I haue not sayde in vayne, that I woulde do this euill vnto them. 11Thus saith the Lorde God, Smite thine handes together, and stampe with thy feete, and say, Wo worth all the abhominations and wickednesses of the house of Israel: for they shall fall with the sworde, with hunger, and with pestilence. 12Who so is farre of shall dye of the pestilence, he that is nye at hande shall perishe with the sworde, and the other that are besieged shall dye of hunger: Thus wyll I satisfie my wrathfull displeasure vpon them. 13And so shall ye knowe that I am the Lorde, when their slayne men shalbe among their idols rounde about their aulters, vpon euery hye hyll, and toppes of mountaynes, and vnder euery greene tree, and vnder euery thicke oke, euen in the places where they dyd offer sweete sauour to all their idols. 14I wyll stretche mine hande out vpon them, and wyll make the lande waste, and desolate from the wildernesse vnto Deblathah through all their habitations: and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 7The worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2And thou sonne of man, thus saith the Lorde God, an ende is come vnto the lande of Israel: yea veryly the ende commeth vpon the foure corners of the lande. 3Nowe shall the ende come vpon thee: for I wyll sende my wrath vpon thee, and wyll punishe thee accordyng to thy wayes, and rewarde thee after all thine abhominations. 4Mine eye shall not spare thee, neither wyll I haue pitie, but rewarde thee accordyng to thy wayes, & declare thine abhominations: then shall ye knowe that I am the Lorde. 5Thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde, one euyll shall come after another: 6The ende is here, the ende I say is come, it watched for thee: beholde it is come alredy. 7The mornyng is come vnto thee that dwellest in the lande, the tyme is at hande, the day of trouble is harde by, and not the foundyng agayne of the mountaynes. 8Nowe I wyll shortly poure out my sore displeasure ouer thee, and fulfyll my wrath vpon thee: I wyll iudge thee after thy wayes, and recompence thee all thine abhominations. 9Mine eye shall not spare, neither wyll I haue pitie, but rewarde thee after thy wayes, & thine abhominations shalbe in the middest of thee: and ye shal knowe that I am the Lorde that smiteth. 10Beholde the day, beholde it is come, the mornyng is gone foorth, the rodde florisheth, pride hath budded. 11Crueltie is waxen to a rodde of wickednesse, none of them shall remayne, none of their riches, not one of their seede, & no lamentation shalbe made for them. 12The tyme commeth, the day draweth nye: who so byeth let hym not reioyce, he that selleth let hym not be sory: for why? wrath is vpon all the multitude therof. 13So that the seller not come againe to the thyng that he solde, although their life be yet with the lyuyng: for when the prophecie was preached vnto all the people, none returned, no man shal strengthen hym selfe in the iniquitie of his life. 14They haue blowen the trumpet, and made all redy, but none goeth to the battayle: for my wrath is vpon the whole multitude. 15The sworde shalbe without, pestilence and hunger within: so that who so is in the fielde shalbe slayne with the sworde, and he that is in the citie shalbe deuoured with hunger and pestilence. 16But they that flee away from them shall escape, and shalbe in the mountaynes lyke the doues of the valleys, all they shall mourne, euery one for his iniquitie. 17All handes shalbe let downe, and all knees shalbe weake as the water. 18They shall girde them selues with sackcloth, feare shall couer them, shame shalbe vpon all faces, and baldnesse vpon their heades. 19Their siluer shall they cast foorth in the streetes, and their golde shalbe dispised: yea their siluer and golde shall not be able to deliuer them in the day of the wrath of the Lorde, they shall not satisfie their soules, neither fyll their bellyes therwith, because it was a stumblyng blocke of their iniquitie. 20He had also set the beautie of his ornament in maiestie: but they made images of their abhominations and fylthinesses in it, therfore haue I set it farre from them. 21Moreouer, I wyll geue it into the handes of straungers to be spoyled, & to the wicked of the earth for to be robbed, and they shall pollute it. 22My face wyll I turne from them, my secrete place shalbe defiled: for burglers shall go into it and pollute it. 23Make a chayne: for the lande is full of the iudgement of blood, and the citie is full of extortion. 24Wherfore I wyll bryng the most wicked of the heathen to take their houses in possession, I wyll make the pompe of the mightie to ceasse, and their sanctuaries shalbe defyled. 25When destruction is come, they shall seeke peace, but they shall haue none. 26One mischiefe shall folowe another, and one rumour shall come after another: then shall they seeke a vision in vayne at their prophete, the lawe shall perishe from the priest, and counsayle from the auncientes. 27The kyng shall mourne, the prince shalbe clothed with desolation, and the handes of the people in the lande shalbe troubled: I wyll do vnto them after their owne wayes, accordyng to their owne iudgementes wyll I iudge them: and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 8And it was in the sixt yere, in the sixt moneth in the fift day of the moneth, I sate in my house, and the elders of Iuda sate before me, and the hande of the Lorde God fell there vpon me. 2Then I behelde, and lo, there was a likenesse as the appearaunce of fire: from the appearaunce of his loynes downewarde, fire: and from his loynes vpwarde as the appearaunce of brightnesse, lyke the colour of amber. 3And he stretched out the likenesse of an hande, and toke me by an heery locke of my head, and the spirite lift me vp betwixt earth and heauen, and brought me in a diuine vision to Hierusalem, into the entry of the inner gate that lyeth towarde the north, where remayned the image of emulation and of gayne. 4And beholde, the glorie of the Lorde God of Israel was in the same place, euen as I had seene it afore in the fielde. 5And he sayde vnto me, Thou sonne of man, lift vp thine eyes nowe towarde the north: then lift I vp mine eyes towarde the north, and beholde northwarde, at the gate of the aulter this image of emulation was in the entry. 6And he sayde furthermore vnto me, Thou sonne of man, seest thou what these do? seest thou the great abhominations that the house of Israel commit in this place, to driue me from my sanctuarie? but turne thee about, and thou shalt see yet greater abhominations. 7And with that brought he me to the court gate, and when I loked, beholde there was a hole in the wall. 8Then sayde he vnto me, Thou sonne of man, digge nowe in the wall: and when I digged in the wall, beholde there was a doore. 9And he sayde vnto me, Go thy way in, and loke what wicked abhominations they do here. 10So I went in and sawe, and beholde there were al maner of creeping beastes, and abhominable beastes, and all the idols of the house of Israel paynted vpon the wall rounde about. 11There stoode also before the images threescore and ten men of the auncientes of the house of Israel, and in the middest of the stoode Iaazaniah the sonne of Shaphan, with euery man his censor in his hande, and the smoke of the insence ascended as a cloude. 12Then sayde he vnto me, Thou sonne of man, hast thou seene what the auncientes of the house of Israel do secretly, euery one in the chaumber of his imagerie? for they say, The Lorde seeth vs not, the Lorde hath forsaken the earth. 13And he sayde vnto me, Turne thee yet agayne, and thou shalt see greater abhominations that they do. 14And with that he brought me to the doore of the gate of the Lordes house towarde the north, and beholde there sate wome mourning for Thammuz. 15Then sayd he vnto me, Hast thou seene this thou sonne of man? turne thee yet about, and thou shalt see greater abhominations then these are. 16And so he brought me into the inward court of the Lordes house, and beholde at the doore of the Lordes house, betwixt the porche and the aulter, there were about twentie and fiue men that turned their backes vpon the temple of the Lorde, and their faces towarde the east, and these worshipped the sunne eastwarde. 17And he sayde vnto me, Hast thou seene this thou sonne of man? Thinketh the house of Iuda that it is but a trifle to do these abhominations which they do here? for they haue fylled the lande full of wickednesse, and haue returned to prouoke me to anger, and lo they are puttyng the braunches to their noses. 18Therfore wyll I also do somethyng in my wrathful displeasure, so that mine eye shall not spare them, neither wyll I haue pitie: yea and though they crye in mine eares with a loude voyce, yet wyll I not heare them. 9He cryed also with a loude voyce in mine eares, saying: Drawe neare ye visitations of the citie, euery man with a destroying weapon in his hande. 2And beholde, then came there sixe men out of the streete of the vpper gate towarde the north, and euery man a slaughter weapon in his hande: There was one amongest them that had on hym lynnen rayment, and a writers inckhorne by his syde: these went in and stoode besyde the brasen aulter. 3And the glorie of the Lorde of Israel was gone from the Cherub whervpon it was, to the doore of the house: and he called to the man that had the lynnen rayment vpon hym, and the writers inckhorne by his syde, 4And the Lorde sayde vnto hym, Go through the citie, euen through Hierusalem, & set a marke vpon the foreheades of them that mourne, and are sory for all the abhominations that be done therin. 5And to the other he sayd, that I might here, Go ye after hym through the citie, and sinite, let your eye spare none, neither haue ye any pitie: 6Kyll and destroy both olde men and young, maydens, children, and women: but as for all those that haue the marke vpon them, see that ye touche them not, and begyn at my sanctuarie. Then they began at the auncient men which were before the house. 7And he sayde vnto them, Defyle ye the temple, fyll the courtes with the slayne, then go your way foorth. So they went out, and slue downe through the citie. 8Nowe when they had done the slaughter, and I yet escaped, I fell downe vpon my face, and cryed, saying: Ah Lorde God, wylt thou then destroy all the residue of Israel, in powryng out thy wrath vpon Hierusalem? 9Then sayde he vnto me, The wickednesse of the house of Israel and Iuda is exceedyng great: so that the lande is full of blood, & the citie full of reuoltyng from God for they say, The Lorde hath forsaken the earth, and the Lorde seeth it not. 10As touchyng me also, mine eye shall not spare them, neither wyll I haue pitie: but wyll recompence their wayes vpon their heades. 11And beholde, the man that had the lynnen rayment vpon hym and the writers inckhorne by his syde, reported the matter, and sayde: As thou hast commaunded me, so haue I done. 10And as I loked, beholde in the firmament that was aboue the head of the Cherubims, as it were a Saphir stone made lyke the similitude of a throne, was seene ouer them. 2Then spake he to hym that had the lynnen rayment vpon hym, and sayde: Crepe in betwene the wheeles that are vnder the Cherub, and take thine hand full of hotte coales out from betwene the Cherubims, and scatter them ouer the citie. And he crept in, that I myght see. 3(Nowe the Cherubims stoode vpon the ryght syde of the house when the man went in, and the cloude fylled the inner court. 4And the glorie of the Lorde remoued from the Cherubims, and came vpon the doore of the house: so that the temple was full of cloudes, and the court was full of the shine of the Lordes glorie. 5Yea and the sounde of the Cherubims winges was hearde into the fore court, lyke as it had ben the voyce of the almightie God when he speaketh.) 6Nowe when he had bidden the man that was clothed in lynnen, saying, Take fire from the middest of the wheeles which were vnder the Cherubims: he went, and stoode besyde the wheeles. 7Then one Cherub reached foorth his hande from betwene the Cherubims vnto the fire that was betwene the Cherubims, and toke therof, and gaue it into the handes of hym that had on the lynnen rayment: which toke it, and went out. 8And vnder the wynges of the Cherubims there appeared the likenesse of a mans hande. 9I loked also, and behold foure wheeles beside the Cherubims, one wheele by one Cherub, and another by another Cherub, and the wheeles were to loke vpon after the fashion of the precious stone Tharsis. 10As touchyng their appearaunce (they were all foure of one fashion) as yf one wheele had ben in another. 11When they went foorth, they went vpon their foure sides, not turnyng backe in their goyng: for which way the head of the first loked, after it they went, so that they turned not backe in their goyng. 12And their whole bodyes, their backes, their handes, and wynges, yea and the wheeles also were full of eyes rounde about the foure wheeles. 13And to the wheeles, he cryed to them in my hearyng, O wheele, 14Euery one of them had foure faces, so that the face of the first was the face of a Cherub, and the face of the seconde the face of a man, and of the thirde the face of a lion, and of the fourth the face of an egle. 15And the Cherubims were lyfted vp: This is the beast that I sawe at the water of Chebar. 16Nowe when the Cherubims went, the wheeles went by them: and when the Cherubims lyft vp their wynges to mount vp from the earth, the same wheeles also turned not from besides them. 17Shortly when they stoode, these stoode also, and when they were lifted vp, the wheeles lift vp them selues also with them: for the spirite of the beast was in the wheeles. 18Then the glorie of the Lorde departed from aboue the doore of the temple, and remayned vpon the Cherubims. 19And the Cherubims flackered with their wynges, and lyft them selues vp from the earth, so that I sawe when they went, & the wheeles besides them, and they stoode at the doore of the east gate of the house of the Lorde, so the glorie of the God of Israel was vpon them on hye. 20This is the beast that I sawe vnder the God of Israel by the riuer of Chebar, and I perceaued that it was the Cherubims. 21Euery one had foure faces, and euery one foure wynges, and vnder their wynges the likenesse of mens handes. 22Touchyng the similitude of their countenaunces, they were the very same countenaunces which I sawe at the riuer Chebar, and the selfe same appearaunces: euery one in his goyng went strayght forwarde. 11Moreouer, the spirite lift me vp, and brought me vnto the east gate of the Lordes house, which lyeth eastwarde: and beholde, at the entry of the gate were fiue and twentie men, among whom I sawe Iaazaniah the sonne of Azur, and Pheltiah the sonne of Banaiahu, the rulers of the people. 2Then sayde he vnto me, Thou sonne of man, these men imagine mischiefe, & a wicked counsayle take they in this citie, 3Saying, It is not neare, let vs builde houses: this Hierusalem is the cauldron, and we be the fleshe. 4Therfore shalt thou prophecie against them: yea prophecie O sonne of man. 5And with that fell the spirite of the Lorde vpon me, and sayde vnto me, Speake, thus saith the Lorde: On this maner haue ye spoken (O ye house of Israel) and I knowe the imaginations of your heartes. 6Many one haue ye murthered in this citie, and fylled the streetes full of the slayne: 7Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, The slayne men that ye haue layde on the grounde in the citie are the fleshe, and this citie is the cauldron: but I wyll bryng you out of it, 8ye haue feared the sworde, and I wyll bring a sworde ouer you, saith the Lorde God. 9And I wyll bryng you out of the middest therof, and deliuer you into the handes of straungers, and wyll execute iudgementes among you. 10Ye shall fall by the sworde, in the borders of Israel wyll I iudge you, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 11This citie shall not be your cauldron, neither shall ye be the fleshe therin: but in the borders of Israel wyll I punishe you, 12That ye may knowe that I am the Lorde, in whose commaundementes ye haue not walked, nor kept my lawes: but haue done after the customes of the heathen that lye rounde about you. 13Nowe when I prophecied, Pheltiah the sonne of Banaiahu dyed: then fell I downe vpon my face, and cryed with a loude voyce, saying, Ah Lorde God, wylt thou then vtterly destroy all the remnaunt in Israel? 14And so the worde of the Lorde came vnto me on this maner. 15Thou sonne of man, thy brethren euen thy brethren, the men of thy kinrede, and all the house of Israel, wholly are they vnto whom the inhabitauntes of Hierusalem haue sayde withdrawe ye farre from the Lorde, for the lande is geuen vs in possession. 16Therfore tell them, thus saith the God: Although I sende them farre of among the gentiles, and scatter them among the nations, yet wyll I be to them as a litle sanctuarie in the landes where they shall come. 17Tell them also, thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll gather you agayne out of the nations, and bryng you from the countreis where ye be scattered, and I wyll geue you the lande of Israel agayne. 18And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all their idols, and all their abhominations from thence. 19And I wyll geue them one heart, and I wyll put a newe spirite within their bowels: that stony heart wyll I take out of their body, and geue them a fleshlye heart, 20That they may walke in my commaundementes, and kepe mine ordinaunces and do them, that they may be my people, and I their God. 21But to the heart of their idols and their abhominations their heart goeth, their wayes wyll I bryng vpon their owne heades, saith the Lorde God. 22After this did the Cherubims lift vp their wynges and the wheeles besides them, and the glorie of the God of Israel was vpon them on hye. 23So the glorie of the Lorde went vp from the middest of the citie, and stoode vpon the mount of the citie towarde the east. 24And the spirite toke me vp, & brought me agayne to Chaldea to the captiuitie, in a vision by the spirite of God: then the vision that I had seene went vp from me. 25So I spake vnto the captiues all the wordes of the Lorde which he had shewed me. 12The worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, thou dwellest in the middest of a rebellious house, which haue eyes to see and yet see not, eares haue they to heare, and yet heare they not: for they are a rebellious house. 3Therfore (O thou sonne of man) prepare thee instrumentes to flit with, & remoue on the day time that they may see, yea euen in their sight shalt thou go from thy place to another place, yf peraduenture they wyll consider that they be a rebellious house. 4Thou shalt bryng foorth thine instrumentes as stuffe to flit with by the day tyme in their sight, and thou thy selfe shalt go foorth also at euenyng before their eyes, as they that go foorth to flit. 5Digge through the wall in their sight, and cary out therby. 6In their sight shalt thou beare vpon thy shouldiers, and cary it foorth in the darke: hide thy face, that thou see not the earth, for I haue made thee a shewe token vnto the house of Israel. 7And I did so as I was commaunded, I brought foorth my stuffe by day as the stuffe of one that goeth into captiuitie: and in the euening I digged through the wall with my handes, and brought it foorth in the darke, and bare it vpon my shoulder in their sight. 8And in the mornyng came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, saying: 9Thou sonne of man, hath not the house of Israel, the rebellious house, sayd vnto thee, What doest thou? 10Then tell them, thus saith the Lorde God, This burden toucheth the prince at Hierusalem, and all the house of Israel that dwell among them. 11Tell them, I am your shewe token, lyke as I haue done, so shall it be done vnto them, they shall go into bondage and captiuitie. 12The prince that is among them shall loade his shoulders in the darke and get hym away, they shall breake downe the wall to cary through by it: he shall couer his face, that he see not the ground with his eyes. 13My net will I spreade out vpon him, and he shalbe caught in my net, and I wyll bryng hym to Babylon in the lande of the Chaldees, which he shall not see, and yet shall he dye there. 14As for all his helpers & all his bandes that be about hym, I wyll scatter them towarde all the wyndes, and drawe out a sworde after them. 15So when I haue scattered them among the heathen and strowed them in the landes, they shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 16But I will leaue a litle number of the from the sworde, hunger, and pestilence, to tell all their abhominations among the heathen where they come, that they may knowe howe that I am the Lord. 17Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 18Thou sonne of man, with a fearfull tremblyng shalt thou eate thy bread, with vnquietnesse & sorowe shalt thou drynke thy water. 19And vnto the people of the lande speake thou: Thus saith the Lord God to them that dwell in Hierusalem, and to the lande of Israel: they shall eate their bread with sorowe, and drynke their water with desolation: yea the lande with the fulnesse therof shalbe layde waste for the wickednesse of all them that dwell therin. 20And the cities that nowe be well inhabited, shalbe voyde, & the lande desolate, that ye may knowe that I am the Lorde. 21Yet came the worde of the Lorde vnto me agayne, saying: 22Thou sonne of man, what maner of prouerbe is that which ye vse in the lande of Israel, saying: The dayes are slacke in comyng, & all visions fayle? 23Tell them therfore, thus saith the Lord God, I wyll make that prouerbe to ceasse, and they shall no more vse it as a prouerbe in Israel: but say vnto them, the dayes are at hande, and the effect of euery vision. 24There shall no vision be any more in vayne, neither any flattering diuination within the house of Israel: 25For I the Lorde speake it, and whatsoeuer I shall speake, it shalbe perfourmed, and not be slacke in commyng any more, yea euen in your dayes O rebellious house, wyll I speake the thyng & bryng it to passe, saith the Lorde God. 26And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 27Beholde thou sonne of man, the house of Israel saith on this maner The vision that he seeth, it wyll be many a day or it come to passe: it is farre of yet the tyme that he prophecieth of. 28Therfore say thus vnto them, thus saith the Lorde God, All my wordes shall no more be delayed, loke what I speake, that same shall come to passe, saith the Lorde God. 13The worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, prophecie against chose prophetes of Israel whiche prophecie, and say vnto them that prophecie out of their owne heartes, Heare the worde of the Lorde, 3Thus saith the Lord God, wo be vnto those foolishe prophetes that folowe their owne spirit, & haue seene nothing. 4O Israel, thy prophetes are lyke the fores in desert places. 5For ye haue not stand vp in the gappes, nor made a hedge for the house of Israel, to stande in the battayle in the day of the Lorde. 6They haue seene vanitie and lying diuination, saying: the Lorde saith it, and the Lorde hath not sent them, and they haue made me hope that they woulde confirme the worde. 7Haue ye not seene vayne visions, and spoken false prophecies, when ye say, the Lorde hath spoken it, whereas I neuer sayde it. 8Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, Because ye haue spoken vanitie, and haue seene lies: therfore beholde I am against you, saith the Lorde God: 9Mine handes shal come vpon the prophetes that see vanities, and deuine lies: they shall not be in the counsell of my people, nor written in the booke of the house of Israel, neither shal they come in the lande of Israel, that ye may know howe that I am the Lord God: 10And that for because they haue deceaued my people, and told them of peace where no peace was: one setteth vp a wall, and they daube it with vntempered clay. 11Therfore tell them which daube with vntempred morter, that it shall fall: for there shal come a great showre of raine, I will sende haylestones to cause it to fall, and a great storme of winde shall breake it. 12And lo, when the wall is fallen, shall it not then be sayd vnto you, Where is nowe your morter that ye daubed it withall? 13Therfore thus saith the Lorde God: I wyll cause a stormie winde to breake out in my wrathfull displeasure, so that in mine anger there shall come a mightie showre of raine, and haylestones in my wrath to destroy it. 14As for the wall that ye haue daubed with vntempered morter, I wil breake it downe, and make it euen with the grounde, so that the foundation therof shalbe discouered, and it shall fall: yea and ye your selues shall perishe in the middes therof, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 15Thus wyll I perfourme my wrath vpon this wall, and vpon them that haue daubed it with vntempred morter, and then wyl I say vnto you, The wall is gone, and the daubers of it. 16To wit the prophetes of Israel, whiche prophecie vnto Hierusalem, and looke out visions of peace for it, wheras no peace is, saith the Lorde God. 17Wherefore O thou sonne of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, whiche prophecie out of their owne heartes, and prophecie against them: 18And say, thus saith the Lorde God: Wo be vnto them that sowe pillowes vnder all arme holes, and put kirchifes vpon the heades of euery stature to hunt soules. Wyll ye hunt the soules of my people, and geue life to the soules that come vnto you? 19And wyll ye pollute me to my people for handfuls of barly, and for peeces of bread, to kyll the soules of them that dye not, and promise life to them that liue not, in lying to my people that heareth your lyes? 20Wherfore thus saith the Lorde God: Beholde, I wyll vpon your pillowes wherwith ye hunt the soules, to make them flee, and I will teare them from your armes, and wyll let the soules go, euen the soules that ye hunt to make them to flee. 21Your kirchifes also wyll I teare in peeces, and deliuer my people out of your handes, so that they shall come no more in your handes to be hunted: and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 22Seeing that with your lyes you discomfort the heart of the righteous, who I haue not discomforted: Againe, forsomuche as ye encourage the hande of the wicked, so that he may not turne from his wicked way in promising hym life: 23Therfore shall ye see no more vanitie, neither shall ye deuine diuinations, for I wyll deliuer my people out of your hande, that ye may knowe howe that I am the Lorde. 14There resorted vnto me certayne of the elders of Israel, and sate downe by me. 2Then came the word of the Lorde vnto me, saying: 3Thou sonne of man, these men haue set vp their idols in their heartes, and put the stumbling blocke of iniquitie before their face: shoulde I then aunswere them at their request? 4Therefore speake vnto them, and say vnto them, thus saith the Lorde God: Euery man of the house of Israel that setteth vp his idols in his heart, & putteth the stumbling blocke of his iniquitie before his face, and commeth to the prophete: vnto that man wyll I the Lord my selfe geue aunswere when he commeth, according to the multitude of his idols. 5That the house of Israel may be snared in their owne heartes, because they be cleane gone from me all of them thorowe their idols. 6Wherefore tell the house of Israel, thus saith the Lorde God: Returne and cause to returne from your idols, and turne your faces from all your abhominations. 7For euery man, whether he be of the house of Israel, or a straunger that soiourneth in Israel, whiche departeth from me, and setteth vp his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumbling blocke of his wickednesse before his face, and commeth to a prophete for to aske counsell at me through hym: vnto that man wyll I the Lorde geue aunswere by mine owne selfe. 8I wyll set my face against that man, and wyll make hym to be an example for other, yea and a common byworde, and wyll roote hym out of my people, that ye may knowe howe that I am the Lorde. 9And if that prophete be deceaued when he telleth a thing, then I the Lorde my selfe haue deceaued that prophete, and wyll stretche out my hande vpon him, to destroy him out of my people of Israel: 10And they shalbe punished for their wickednesse, according to the sinne of hym that asketh, shall the sinne of the prophete be: 11That the house of Israel be led no more from me through errour, and be no more defiled in all their transgressions: but that they may be my people, and I their God, saith the Lorde God. 12And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 13Thou sonne of man, when the lande sinneth against me by committing a trespasse, I wyll stretche out my hande vpon it, and breake their staffe of bread, and sende dearth vpon them, to destroy man and beast foorth of it. 14And though Noe, Daniel, and Iob, these three men were among them: yet shal they in their righteousnesse deliuer but their owne soules, saith the Lorde God. 15If I bryng noysome beastes into the lande, and they spoyle it, and it be so desolate that no man may passe through it for beastes, 16If these three men were also in the land: as truely as I liue saith the Lord God, they shall saue neither sonnes nor daughters, but be onlye deliuered them selues: & as for the land, it shalbe waste. 17Or if I bryng a sworde vpon this lande, and say, sworde go through the lande, so that I slay downe man and beast in it, 18And if these three men were therein: as truely as I liue saith the Lord God, they shall deliuer neither sonnes nor daughters, but only be saued theselues. 19If I sende a pestilence into this lande, and powre out my sore indignation vppon it in blood, so that I roote out of it both man and beast, 20And if Noe, Daniel, and Iob were therein, as truely as I liue saith the Lorde God, they shall deliuer neither sonne nor daughter, but saue their owne soules in their righteousnesse. 21Moreouer thus saith the Lorde God, Howe much more when I sende my foure troublous plagues vpon Hierusalem, the sworde, hunger, perillous beastes, and pestilence, to destroy man and beast out of it? 22Beholde, there shalbe a remnaunt saued therein, whiche shall bryng foorth their sonnes and daughters, beholde, they shall come foorth vnto you, and ye shall see their way and their enterprise, and ye shalbe comforted concerning the euyll that I haue brought vpon Hierusalem euen concerning all that I haue brought vpon it. 23They shall comfort you when ye shal see their way and workes: and ye shall knowe howe that it is not without a cause that I haue done all against Hierusalem as I dyd, saith the Lorde God. 15The worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, what commeth of the vine tree, more then of euery other tree, & of the wylde vine stocke among other trees of the forest? 3Do men take wood of it to make any worke withall? or wyll men take a pin of it to hang any vessell theron? 4Behold, it is cast in the fire to be brent, the fire consumeth both the endes of it, the middes of it is brent: is it meete then for any worke? 5Seeing then that it was meete for no worke beyng whole, muche lesse may there any thing be made of it when the fire hath consumed and brent it. 6And therefore thus saith the Lorde god, As the vine tree that is among the trees of the forest, which I haue geuen to the fire to be consumed: so wyll I geue the inhabitauntes of Hierusalem. 7And I wyll set my face against them, they shall go out from the fire, and yet the fire shall consume them: then shall ye knowe that I am the Lorde, when I set my face against them, 8And when I make the lande waste, because they haue so sore offended, saith the Lorde God. 16Agayne the word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, shewe Hierusale their abhominations, 3And say, Thus saith the Lorde God vnto Hierusalem: thy habitation and kinred is of the lande of Chanaan, thy father was an Amorite, thy mother an Hittite. 4In the day of thy byrth when thou wast borne, the string of thy nauell was not cut of, thou wast not bathed in water to make thee cleane, thou wast not salted with salt, nor swadled in cloutes. 5No eye pitied thee to do any of these thinges for thee, for to haue compassion vpon thee: but thou wast vtterly cast out vpon the fielde in contempt of thy person in the day of thy byrth. 6Then came I by thee, and sawe thee defiled in thyne owne blood, and I said vnto thee when thou wast in thy blood, liue: euen when thou wast in thy blood, I sayde vnto thee, liue. 7I caused thee to multiplie as the bud of the fielde, thou art growen vp, and waxen great, thou hast gotten a marueylous pleasaunt beautie, thy brestes are fashioned, thy heere is goodly growen, whereas thou wast naked & bare. 8Nowe when I went by thee and looked vpon thee, beholde, thy tyme was come, yea euen the time to woo thee: then spread I my clothes ouer thee to couer thy dishonestie, yea I made an othe vnto thee, and contracted my selfe with thee (saith the Lorde God) and so thou becamest myne owne. 9Then washed I thee with water, and purged thy blood from thee, and I annointed thee with oyle. 10I clothed thee with broidred worke, and shod thee with badgers skin, and I gyrded thee about with fine linnen, and couered thee with silke. 11I decked thee with costly apparell, I put braselets vpon thy hands, a chayne about thy necke. 12And I put a frontlet vpon thy face, and eareringes vpon thyne eares, and a beautifull crowne vpon thyne head. 13Thus wast thou deckt with golde and siluer, and thy rayment was of fine linnen, and of silke, and of broidred worke: thou didst eate fine floure, honye and oyle, marueylous beautifull wast thou, and thou dydst luckyly prosper into a kingdome. 14And thy name was spread among the heathen for thy beautie: for it was perfite through thy beautie whiche I put vpon thee, saith the Lorde God. 15But thou hast put thy confidence in thyne owne beautie, and played the harlot because of thy renowne, and hast powred out thy fornications with euery one that went by, thou wast his. 16Thou didst take thy garmentes, and deckt thy hye places with diuers colours, and played the harlot thervpon, they come not, and it shall not be. 17The goodly iewels whiche I gaue thee of mine owne golde and siluer, hast thou taken and made thee mens images therof, and committed whordome with them. 18Thy broidred garmentes hast thou taken, and deckt them therewith: myne oyle and incense hast thou set before them. 19My meate whiche I gaue thee, as fine floure, oyle and hony to feede the withall, that hast thou set before them for a sweete sauour: and thus it was saith the Lorde God. 20Thou hast taken thyne owne sonnes and daughters whom thou hast begotten vnto me, and these hast thou offred vp vnto them to be deuoured: is this but a small whordome of thyne? 21And thou hast slayne my chyldren, and deliuered them, to cause them to passe through the fire for them. 22And yet in all thyne abhominations and whordomes, thou hast not remembred the dayes of thy youth, howe naked and bare thou wast at that tyme, and wast defiled in thyne owne blood. 23After all these thy wickednesses, (wo wo vnto thee, saith the Lorde God.) 24Thou hast buylt vnto thee an hye place, and hast made thee an hye place in euery streete. 25Thou hast buylt thyne hye plate at euery head of the way, thou hast made thy beautie to be abhorred, thou hast opened thy feete to euery one that came by, and multiplied thy whoredome. 26Thou hast committed fornication with the Egyptians, thy neighbours whiche were great in fleshe, and thus hast thou increased thyne whordome to anger me. 27Beholde, I did stretche out my hand ouer thee, and dyd minishe thy store of foode, and deliuered thee ouer into the wylles of them that hate thee, euen the daughters of the Philistines, which are ashamed of thyne abhominable wayes. 28Thou hast plaied the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast insatiable: yea thou hast I say with them played the harlot, and yet hadst thou not inough. 29Thus hast thou furthermore multiplied thy fornication from the lande of Chanaan vnto the Chaldees, and yet thou wast not satisfied herewith. 30Howe weake is thyne heart saith the Lorde God, seeing thou doest all these workes of a presumptuous whorishe woman? 31Buylding thy hye places at the head of euery way, and makest thy hye places in euery streete: thou hast not ben as another whore that holdeth scorne of a rewarde. 32But as a wyfe that breaketh wedlocke, and taketh other in steede of her husbande. 33Giftes are geuen to all other whores: but thou geuest rewardes vnto all thy louers, & rewardest them to come vnto thee on euery side for thy fornication. 34It is come to passe with thee in thy whoredomes contrary to the vse of other women, yea there hath no suche fornication ben committed after thee: seeing that thou geuest gyftes vnto other, and no rewarde is geuen thee, therfore thou art contrary. 35Therefore heare the worde of the Lorde, O thou harlot. 36Thus saith the Lorde God, Because thou hast powred out thy brasse, and discouered thy filthynes thorowe thy fornications with thy louers, and with all the idols of thyne abhominations, and in the blood of thy chyldren whom thou hast geuen them: 37Beholde therefore, I wyll gather together all thy louers with whom thou hast taken pleasure, yea and all them whom thou hast loued, and euery one that thou hatest: I wyll I say gather them together rounde about against thee, and wil discouer thy shame before them, that they may see all thy filthynesse. 38Moreouer, I wyll iudge thee as a breaker of wedlocke and a murtherer, and recompence thee thyne owne blood in wrath and gelousie. 39I wyll geue thee ouer into their handes, and they shal destroy thy hie place, and breake downe thy hye places, they shall strip thee also out of thy clothes: thy farre iewels shall they take from thee, and so leaue thee naked and bare. 40Yea they shall bryng a company vpon thee, whiche shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their swordes, 41They shall burne vp thy houses with fire, and punishe thee in the sight of many women: thus wyll I make thee ceasse from playing the harlot, so that thou shalt geue out no more rewardes. 42So wyll I make my wrath towarde thee to rest, and my ielousie shall depart from thee, and I will ceasse, and be angry no more. 43Seing thou remembrest not the dayes of thy youth, but hast fretted me in all these thinges: beholde therfore, I wyll bryng thyne owne wayes vpon thy head saith the Lord God, so that thou shalt not commit any more mischiefe vpon all thyne abhominations. 44Beholde, all they that vse common prouerbes, shall vse this prouerbe also against thee, saying: Such a mother, such a daughter. 45Thou art euen thy mothers owne daughter, that hath cast of her husband and her chyldren: yea thou art the sister of thy sisters, which forsoke their husbandes & their chyldren: your mother is an Hittito, & your father an Amorite. 46Thyne eldest sister is Samaria, she and her daughters that dwell vpon thy left hande: but thy younger sister that dwelleth on thy right hande is Sodoma and her daughters. 47Yet hast thou not walked after their wayes, nor done after their abhominations, as a litle and a litle: but in all thy wayes thou hast ben more corrupt then they. 48As truely as I liue, saith the Lorde God, Sodoma thy sister with her daughters, haue not done as thou hast done and thy daughters. 49Behold, the sinnes of thy sister Sodoma were these: Pryde, fulnesse of meate, and aboundaunce of idlenesse, these thinges had she and her daughters: besides that, they strengthed not the hande of the poore and needie. 50But they were hautie, and committed abhomination before me, therefore I toke them away as I sawe good. 51Neither hath Samaria done halfe of thy sinnes, yea thou hast exceeded them in thyne abhominations, and hast iustified thy sisters in all thyne abhominations whiche thou hast done. 52Therfore thou which didst condemne thy sister, beare thyne owne shame: for thyne owne offences that thou hast comitted more abhominable then they dyd, which in deede are more righteous then thou art, be thou I say ashamed, and beare the shamefull rebuke, seeing that thou hast iustified thy sisters. 53Therfore I wyll bryng agayne their captiuitie, the captiuitie of Sodom and her daughters, & the captiuitie of Samaria and her daughters, and the captiuitie of thy captiuities among them, 54That thou mayest take thyne owne confusion vpon thee, and be ashamed of all that thou hast done, in that thou hast comforted them. 55And thy sister Sodom and her daughters shall returne to their former state, Samaria also and her daughters shall returne to their former state, when thou and thy daughters shall returne to your former state. 56For thy sister Sodom was not heard of by thy report in the day of thy pryde, 57Before thy wickednesse was discouered, according to the tyme of the reproche of the daughters of Aram, and of all the daughters of the Philistines rounde about her, whiche depise thee on all sides. 58Thou hast borne thy wickednesse and thyne abhomination, saith the Lorde. 59For thus saith the Lorde God, I might by right deale with thee as thou hast done, which hast despised the othe in breaking the couenaunt: 60Neuerthelesse, I wyll remember my couenaunt with thee in the daies of thy youth, and I wyll establishe vnto thee an euerlasting couenaunt. 61Then shalt thou remember thy wayes, and be ashamed when thou shalt receaue thy sisters, both thy elder and thy younger: and I wyll geue them vnto thee for daughters, but not by thy couenaunt. 62And I wyll establishe my couenaunt with thee, that thou mayest know that I am the Lorde. 63That thou mayest thinke vpon it, and be ashamed, and neuer open thy mouth any more for shame of thy selfe, when I am pacified towarde thee for all that thou hast done, saith the Lorde God. 17The worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, put foorth a parable, & speake a prouerbe vnto the house of Israel, 3And say, Thus saith the Lorde God: There came a great Egle, with great winges, yea with a mightie long body, and ful of fethers of diuers colours, vppon the mount of Libanus, and toke the hyest braunche of a Cedar tree. 4And brake of the top of his twigges, and caryed it into the lande of marchauntes, and set it in a citie of marchauntes. 5He toke also of the seede of the land, and planted it in a fruiteful grounde, he brought it vnto great waters, and set it in an open trenche. 6Then did it grow, and was a spreading vine, but lowe of stature, whose braunches turned towarde it, and the rootes of it were vnder it: thus there came of it a vine, and it brought foorth braunches, and shot foorth buddes. 7But there was another Egle, a great one, whiche had great wynges and many fethers: and beholde, the rootes of this vine turned towardes it, and spread out her braunches towards it, that she might water it by the trenches of her plantation. 8It was planted vpon a good soyle beside great waters, so that it should haue brought out braunches, & borne fruite, and haue ben a goodly vine. 9Speake thou therfore, thus saith the Lorde God: Shall this vine prosper? shall he not pull vp the rootes therof, and destroy the fruite thereof, and cause them to dry? all the leaues of her bud shall wither without great power, or many people, to plucke it vp by the rootes thereof. 10Behold, it was planted: Shall it prosper therfore? Shall it not be dryed vp and withered? when the east winde shall touche it, it shall wither in the trenches where it grewe. 11Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 12Speake now to the rebellious house, Knowe ye not what these thinges do signifie? Tell them, beholde, the kyng of Babylon is come to Hierusalem, and hath taken the kyng thereof, and the princes therof, and hath led them with him to Babylon. 13He toke of the kynges seede, and made a couenaunt with him, and toke an othe of hym, the princes of the lande toke he with him also. 14That the kyngdome might be holden in subiection, and not lift vp it selfe, but kepe the couenaunt, and stande to it. 15But he rebelled against hym, and sent his embassadours into Egypt, that he might haue horses and muche people: Should he prosper? shall he escape that doth suche thinges? or shall he breake the couenaunt and escape free? 16As truely as I liue saith the Lorde God, he shall dye at Babylon in the place where the kyng dwelleth that made hym kyng, whose othe he hath despised, and whose couenaunt he hath broken. 17Neither shall Pharao with his great hoast and multitude of people, maintayne hym in the warre, when they haue cast vp mountes, and buylt a fort to destroy many persons. 18For seeing he hath despised the othe and broken the couenaunt, (wheras he yet gaue his hande therevpon) and done all these thinges, he shall not escape. 19Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, As truely as I liue I wyll bryng mine othe that he hath despised, and my couenaunt that he hath broken, vpon his owne head. 20I wyll spreade my net vpon hym, and he shall be caught in my net: and I wyll bryng hym to Babylon, and enter into iudgement with him there, for the trespasse whiche he hath committed against me. 21As for those that flee from hym, with all his hoast, they shalbe slayne with the sworde, and the residue shalbe scattred towardes all the windes: and ye shall knowe that I the Lord haue spoken it. 22Thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll also take of the top of this hye Cedar, and wyll set it, and cut of the top of the tender plant thereof, and wyll plant it vpon an hye hyll and a great. 23namely vpon the hye hyll of Israel will I plant it, that it may bryng foorth bowes, and geue fruite, and be an excellent Cedar: and vnder it shall remayne all byrdes, and euery foule shall remaine vnder the shadowe of the braunches thereof. 24And all the trees of the fielde shall knowe that I the Lorde haue brought downe the hye tree, and exalted the lowe tree, that I haue dryed vp the greene tree, and made the drye tree to florishe, euen I the Lorde that spake it, haue also brought it to passe. 18The word of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 2What meane ye by this comon prouerbe that ye vse in the lande of Israel, saying: The fathers haue eaten sowre grapes, and the chyldrens teeth are set on edge? 3As truely as I liue saith the Lorde God, ye shall vse this byworde no more in Israel. 4Beholde, all soules are mine, lyke as the soule of the father is mine, so is the soule of the sonne myne also: the soule that sinneth shall dye it selfe. 5But if a man be iust, and do that which is lawfull and right: 6He hath not eaten vpon the hilles, he hath not lift his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither hath defiled his neighbours wyfe, neither hath come neare a woman remoued: 7Neither hath oppressed any man, but hath restored to the detter his pledge: he that hath not spoyled any by violence, hath geuen his bread to the hungry, and hath clothed the naked: 8And hath not geuen foorth vpon vsurie, neither taken any encrease, he hath withdrawne his hande from iniquitie, and hath executed true iudgement betweene man and man: 9And hath walked in my statutes, and kept my iudgementes to deale truely: this is a righteous man, he shall surely liue, saith the Lorde God. 10If he nowe get a sonne that is a robber, a shedder of blood, and do any one of these thinges: 11Though he do not all these thinges, but either hath eaten vpon the hilles, or defiled his neighbours wyfe: 12Or hath oppressed the poore and needie, or spoyled by violence, or hath not restored the pledge, or hath lyft vp his eyes vnto the idols, or hath committed abomination: 13Or hath geuen foorth vpon vsurie, or hath taken encrease: Shall this man liue? he shall not liue: Seeing he hath done al these abhominations he shal die the death, his blood shalbe vpon hym. 14Nowe if this man get a sonne also, that seeth all his fathers sinnes whiche he hath done, and feareth, neither doth suche like: 15namely he hath not eaten vpon the hilles, he hath not lift vp his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, nor defiled his neighbours wyfe: 16Neither hath oppressed any, nor hath withholden the pledge, neither hath spoiled by violence: but hath geuen his bread to the hungry, and hath couered the naked with a garment: 17Neither hath withdrawen his hande from the afflicted, nor receaued vsurie nor encrease, but hath executed my iudgementes, and walked in my statutes: this man shall not dye in his fathers sinne, but shall liue without fayle. 18As for his father, because he hath cruelly oppressed and spoyled his brother by violence, and hath not done good among his people, lo he dyeth in his owne sinne. 19And yet say ye, wherfore then should not this sonne beare his fathers sinne? Because the sonne hath done iudgment and righteousnesse, he hath kept all my statutes and done them: therefore shall he liue in deede. 20The same soule that sinneth shall dye, the sonne shall not beare the fathers iniquitie, neither shall the father beare the sonnes iniquitie: the righteousnesse of the righteous shalbe vpon hym, and the wickednesse of the wicked shalbe vpon him selfe also. 21But if the vngodly wyll turne away from all his sinnes that he hath done, and kepe all my statutes, and do the thing that is iugdement and right, doubtlesse he shall liue and not dye. 22As for all his sinnes that he dyd before they shall not be mentioned vnto hym: but in his righteousnesse that he hath done, he shall liue. 23For haue I any pleasure in the death of a sinner saith the Lorde God? shall he not liue if he returne from his wayes? 24Agayne, if the righteous turne from his righteousnesse, and do iniquitie, and shall do according to all the abominations that the wicked man doth: shall he liue? All the righteousnesse that he hath done shall not be remembred, but in his transgression that he hath committed, in his sinne that he hath sinned, in them he shall dye. 25And yet ye say, the way of the Lorde is not indifferent. Heare therefore ye house of Israel, is not my way equall? or are not your wayes rather vnequall? 26When a righteous man turneth away from his righteousnesse, and committeth iniquitie, and dieth in the same: in his iniquitie whiche he hath committed shall he dye. 27Agayne, when the wicked turneth away from his wickednesse that he hath done, and doth iudgement and right, he shall saue his soule aliue. 28Because he seeth, and turneth away from all his iniquitie that he hath committed, he shall surely liue, and not dye. 29And yet saith the house of Israel, the way of the Lorde is not equall. Are my wayes vnequall O ye house of Israel? are not your wayes rather vnequall? 30Therefore I wyll iudge you, euery man according to his wayes, O ye house of Israel saith the Lorde: returne and bryng your selues agayne from all your wickednesse, so iniquitie shall not be your destruction. 31Cast away from you all your transgressions wherby ye haue transgressed, and make you a newe heart and a newe spirite: for why wyll ye dye O ye house of Israel? 32Seing I haue no pleasure in the death of hym that dyeth, saith the Lord God: bryng agayne your selues then, and ye shall lyue. 19Thou also take vp a lamentation for the princes of Israel, 2And say: wherfore lay thy mother that lionesse among the lions? she norished her young ones among the lions whelpes. 3One of her whelpes she brought vp, and it be came a lion, it learned to catche the pray and to deuour folke. 4The heathen hearde of hym, and caught hym in their snare, and brought hym in hookes vnto the lande of Egypt. 5Nowe when she sawe that she had wayted and her hope was lost, she toke another of her whelpes and made a lion of hym. 6Which went among the lions, and became a fearce lion, learned to catche the pray, and to deuour folke, 7He destroyed their palaces and made their cities waste, insomuch that the whole lande and euery thyng therin were vtterly desolate through the voyce of his roaryng. 8Then set the heathen together on euery side of the countreis agaynst him, layde their nettes for him, and toke him in their pit. 9So they put him in prison in chaynes, and brought him to the kyng of Babylon: they put him in holdes, that his voyce shoulde no more be hearde vpon the mountaynes of Israel. 10As for thy mother, she is like a vine in thy blood, planted by the waters: she brought foorth fruite and braunches by the aboundaunt waters. 11And she had strong roddes for the scepters of them that beare rule, and her stature was exalted on hye among the braunches, & she appeared in her height with the multitude of her braunches. 12But she was pluckt vp in wrath, cast out vpon the grounde, the east wynde dryed vp her fruite her braunches were broken of & withered, as for the roddes of her strength, the fire consumed them. 13And nowe she is planted in the wildernesse, in a dry and thirstie grounde. 14And there is a fire gone out of the rodde of her brauches, it hath deuoured her fruite, so that she hath no strong rodde for a scepter to rule: This is a lamentation, and shalbe for a lamentation. 20In the seuenth yere the tenth day of the fift moneth, certayne of the elders of Israel came for to aske counsayle at the Lorde, and sate downe before me. 2Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, saying: 3Thou sonne of man, speake vnto the elders of Israel, and say vnto them, thus saith the Lorde God, Are ye come to enquire of me? As truely as I liue I wyll not be sought of you, saith the Lorde God. 4Wylt thou not iudge them sonne of man, wylt thou not iudge them? cause them to vnderstande the abhominations of their fathers. 5And tell them, thus saith the Lorde God, In the day when I chose Israel, and lift vp mine hande vpon the seede of the house of Iacob, and was knowen vnto them in the lande of Egypt, yea when I lift vp mine hande ouer them, and sayde, I am the Lorde your God: 6Euen in the day that I lift vp mine hande vnto them, to bryng them out of the lande of Egypt into a lande that I had prouided for them, which floweth with mylke and hony, and is pleasaunt among all other landes: 7The said I vnto them, Cast away euery man the abhominations of his eyes, & defile not your selues with the idols of Egypt: for I am the Lorde your God. 8But they rebelled against me, and woulde not hearken vnto me, they dyd not cast away euery man the abhominations of his eyes, neither dyd they forsake the idols of Egypt: then I said I woulde powre out mine indignation ouer them, and accomplishe my wrath vpon them, yea euen in the middest of the lande of Egypt. 9And I wrought for my names sake that it shoulde not be polluted before the heathen among whom they were, to whom I was manifestly knowen, in bryngyng them foorth of the lande of Egypt. 10Nowe when I had caused them to go out of the lande of Egypt, and brought them into the wildernesse: 11I gaue them my statutes, and shewed them my iudgementes: which whoso doeth, shall lyue in them. 12I gaue them also my Sabbath dayes to be a token betwixt me and them, and therby to knowe that I am the Lorde which halowe them. 13And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynst me in the wildernesse, they woulde not walke in my statutes, they haue cast away my iudgementes, which whoso doth shall lyue in them, and my Sabbath dayes haue they greatly polluted: then I sayde, I woulde powre out mine indignation vpon them, and consume them in the wildernesse. 14And I wrought for my names sake, lest it shoulde be defiled before the heathen, in whose sight I brought them out. 15Yet neuerthelesse I lift vp my hande vnto them in the wildernesse, that I woulde not bring them into the lande which I gaue them, that floweth with mylke and hony, and is a pleasure of all landes: 16And that because they cast away my iudgementes and walked not in my statutes: but haue defiled my Sabbathes: for their heart was gone after their idols. 17Neuerthelesse mine eye spared them, so that I woulde not destroy them, nor consume them in the wildernesse. 18Moreouer, I sayde vnto their sonnes in the wildernesse, Walke not in the statutes of your fathers, kepe not their iudgementes, and defile not your selues with their idols. 19I am the Lord your God, walke in my statutes, kepe my iudgementes, & do the. 20Halowe my Sabbathes, for they are a token betwixt me and you: that ye may knowe howe that I am the Lord your God. 21Notwithstandyng, their sonnes rebelled agaynst me also, they walked not in my statutes, they kept not my iudgementes to fulfyll them, which he that doth shall liue in them, they prophaned my Sabbath dayes: and I sayde, I woulde powre out mine indignation ouer them, and accomplishe my wrath vpon them in the wildernesse. 22Neuerthelesse, I withdrewe my hand and wrought for my names sake, lest it shoulde be defiled in the sight of the heathen, before whom I had brought them foorth. 23I lift vp my hande to them also in the wildernesse, that I would scatter them among the heathen, and strawe them among the nations: 24Because they had not kept my iudgementes, but cast aside my statutes and broken my Sabbathes, and their eyes were after their fathers idols. 25Wherfore I gaue them also statutes that were not good, and iudgementes wherin they shoulde not lyue. 26And I defiled them in their owne giftes, in that they caused all that openeth the wombe to passe, that I might destroy them, that they might knowe howe that I am the Lorde. 27Therfore speake vnto the house of Israel thou sonne of man, and thou shalt say vnto them, Thus saith the Lord God: yet in this also your fathers haue blasphemed me, and greeuously transgressed agaynst me: 28For after I had brought them into the lande, for the which I lifted vp my hande to geue it vnto them, when they sawe euery hie hil, & all thicke trees, they offered there their sacrifices, & there they presented their offering of anger, there also they made their sweete sauours, and powred out their wine offerynges. 29And I sayde vnto them, What is that hye place whervnto ye resort? and the name of it is called Bamah vnto this day. 30Wherfore speake vnto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lorde God, Are ye not defiled in the waies of your fathers, and commit ye not whoredome after their abhominations? 31For when ye offer your giftes, & make your sonnes to passe through the fire, you are polluted with all your idols vnto this day: shall I aunswere you when I am asked, O house of Israel? As I liue saith the Lorde God, I wyll not be sought of you. 32And that which commeth into your mynde shall not be at all, which you say, We wyll be as the gentiles, as the kinredes of countreis, to serue wood and stone. 33As truely as I lyue saith the Lorde God, I my selfe wyll rule you with a mightie hande, with a stretched out arme, and with indignation powred out ouer you. 34And I wyll bryng you from the people, and gather you out of the countreis wherin ye are scattered, with a mightie hande, with a stretched out arme, and with indignation powred out. 35And I wyll bryng you into the wildernesse of the people, & there I wyll be iudged with you face to face. 36Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wildernesse of Egypt: so wyll I pleade with you also, saith the Lorde God. 37I wyll cause you to passe vnder the rodde, and I wyll bryng you into the bonde of the couenaunt. 38And I wyll purge out of you the rebelles, & them that transgresse against me, and bryng them out of the lande of their habitation: as for the lande of Israel they shall not come in it, that you may knowe howe that I am the Lord. 39As for you O house of Israel, thus saith the Lorde God, Go you and serue euery man his idols, seyng that ye obey not me: and pollute no more my holy name with your giftes and your idols. 40For vpon my holy hyll, euen vpon the hye hyll of Israel saith the Lord God, shall all the house of Israel, and all that is in the lande worship me: and in the same place wyll I fauour them, & there wyll I require your heaue offerynges, and the firstlinges of your oblations, with all your holy thinges. 41I wyll accept your sweete sauour, when I bryng you from the nations, & gather you together out of the landes wherin ye haue ben scattered, that I may be halowed in you before the heathen. 42And ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde, when I shall bring you into the lande of Israel, into the lande for the which I lift vp my hande to geue it vnto your fathers. 43There shall ye call to rembraunce your owne wayes, and all your workes wherin ye haue ben defiled, and ye shalbe cut of in your owne sight for all your wickednesse that ye haue done. 44And ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde, when I deale with you for my names sake, and not after your wicked wayes, nor accordyng to your corrupt workes O ye house of Israel, saith the Lorde God. 45Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 46Thou sonne of man, set thy face towarde the way of Themanah, and drop thy worde towarde the south, and prophecie towarde the forest of the south fielde. 47And say to the forest of the south, Heare the worde of the Lord, thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde I wyll kindle a fire in thee, that shall consume all the greene trees, with all the dry: the continuall flambe shall not be quenched, and euery face from the south to the north shalbe burnt therin. 48And all fleshe shall see that I the Lorde haue kindled it, and it shall not be quenched. 49Then sayde I, Ah Lorde God, they say of me, Doth not he speake parables? 21The worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, set thy face towarde Hierusalem, and drop thy worde towarde the holy places, and prophecie agaynst the lande of Israel. 3Say to the lande of Israel, thus saith the Lorde, Beholde I am against thee, and wyll drawe my sworde out of the sheath, and cut of from thee both the righteous and the wicked. 4Seyng then that I wyll cut of from thee both the righteous and the wicked: therfore shall my sworde go out of his sheath agaynst all fleshe from the south to the north, 5That all fleshe may knowe howe that I the Lorde haue drawne my sworde out of the sheath, and it shall not be put in agayne. 6Mourne therfore O thou sonne of man, yea euen with the breakyng of thy loynes, mourne bitterly in their presence. 7And if they say vnto thee, wherfore mournest thou? Then tell them, for the tidinges that commeth: All heartes shall melt, all handes shalbe letten downe, all stomackes shal faynt, and all knees shall go as water: beholde it commeth, and shalbe brought to passe, saith the Lorde God. 8Agayne, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 9Thou sonne of man, prophecie and speake, thus saith the Lorde God, Speake, the sworde the sworde is sharpened and well furbished. 10Sharpened is it to make a great slaughter, and furbished that it may glitter: Shall we then make mirth? It contemneth the rodde of my sonne as all other trees. 11He hath geuen it to be furbished, to holde it in the hande: this sworde is sharpened, and furbished, to geue it into the hande of the slayer. 12Crye and houle sonne of man, for it commeth vpon my people it commeth vpon all the princes of Israel: the terrours of the sworde shalbe vpon my people, smite therfore thou vpon thy thygh. 13Because it is a triall: and what if it contemne the rodde? It shalbe no more saith the Lorde. 14Prophecie thou sonne of man, & smite thy handes together, & let the sworde be doubled thrise, euen the sworde of the great slaughter, entryng into their priuie chaumbers, 15To make them faynt at the heartes, and to multiplie their falles, in all their gates, haue I geuen the terrour of the sworde: Ah it is made bright, and dressed for the slaughter. 16Get thee one way or other, either vpon the right hande or vpon the left, whyther soeuer thy face turneth. 17I will smite my handes together also, and make my wrathfull indignation to rest: euen I the Lorde haue sayde it. 18The worde of the Lorde came yet vnto me agayne, saying: 19Thou sonne of man, appoynt thee two wayes, that the sworde of the king of Babylon may come: Both these wayes shal go out of one lande, and choose thee a place, at the head of the citie wayes choose it. 20Appoynt a way that the sworde may come towarde Rabbath of the Ammonites, and towarde Iuda in the defenced Hierusalem. 21For the kyng of Babylon stoode at the partyng of the wayes, at the head of the two wayes, consultyng by diuination, he made his arrowes bright, consulted with images, & lookt in the liuer. 22At his right hande was the soothsaying for Hierusalem, to appoynt captaynes, to open their mouth to the slaughter, and to lift vp their voice with the alarum, to set battle rammes agaynst the gates, to cast a bulwarke, and to builde a fort. 23And it shalbe vnto them as a false diuination in their sight, for the othes made vnto them: but he wyll call to remembraunce their iniquitie, to the intent they may be taken. 24Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, Because ye haue made your iniquitie to be remebred in discoueryng your transgressions, so that in all your workes your sinnes might appeare, because ye are come to remembraunce, ye shalbe taken by hande. 25O thou shamefull wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, euen when wickednesse shall haue an ende, 26Thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll take away the Diademe, and put of the crowne: this shalbe no more the same, I wyll exalt the humble, and abase him that is hye. 27Ouerthrowen, ouerthrowen, ouerthrowen wyll I put it, and it shall not be, vntyll he come to whom the iudgement belongeth, and to whom I haue geuen it. 28And thou O sonne of man, prophecie and speake, Thus saith the Lorde God to the children of Ammon, and to their blasphemie, speake thou: The sworde, the sworde is drawen foorth alredy to slaughter, and furbished to consume because of the glitteryng: 29Whiles they see vnto thee vanitie, and deuine a lye vnto thee, to put thee with the neckes of the wicked that be slayne, whose day is come when their iniquitie shall haue an ende. 30Shoulde I cause it to returne into his sheath? In the place where thou wast created, in the lande of thine habitation wyll I iudge thee: 31And I wyll powre mine indignation vpon thee, and wyll blowe vpon thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliuer thee into the handes of desperate people, which are skilfull to destroy. 32Thou shalt feede the fire, and thy blood shalbe shed in the lande: thou shalt be put out of remembraunce, for I the Lorde haue spoken it. 22Moreouer the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, and sayde, 2Thou sonne of man, wylt thou not iudge, wylt thou not iudge this blooddy citie? wylt thou not shewe her all her abhominations? 3And tell them, thus saith the Lorde God, The citie sheddeth blood in the middest of it, that her tyme may come, and maketh idols agaynst her selfe, to defile her selfe. 4Thou hast made thy selfe giltie in the blood that thou hast shed, and defyled thee in the idols which thou hast made: thou hast caused thy dayes to drawe nye, and made the tyme of thy yeres to come: therfore wyll I make thee a reproche among the heathen, and to be a mockyng in all landes. 5Whether they be nye or farre from thee, they shall laugh thee to scorne, thou that hast gotten thee so foule a name, and art full of trouble. 6Beholde the rulers of Israel, euery one in thee was redy to his power to shed blood. 7In thee haue they dispised father and mother, in thee haue they oppressed the straunger, in thee haue they vexed the widowe and the fatherlesse. 8Thou hast dispised my holy thynges, and defiled my Sabbathes. 9Tale tellers are there in thee to shed blood, in thee are such as eate vpon the hylles, and in thee they commit abhomination. 10In thee they discouered their fathers shame, in thee they haue humbled her that was set apart for pollution. 11Euery man hath dealt shamefully with his neighbours wife, and abhominably defiled his daughter in lawe, in thee hath euery man forced his owne sister, euen his fathers daughter. 12Yea giftes haue ben receaued in thee to shed blood, thou hast taken vsurie and encrease, thou hast oppressed thy neighbours by extortion, and forgotten me, saith the Lorde God. 13Beholde, I haue smitten my handes vpon thy couetousnesse that thou hast vsed, and vpon the blood which hath ben shed in thee. 14Is thy heart able to endure? or may thy handes be strenghthened in the dayes that I shal haue to do with thee? Euen I the Lorde that speake it, wyll bryng it also to passe. 15I wyll scatter thee among the heathen, & strawe thee about in the landes, and wyll cause thy filthinesse to ceasse out of thee. 16Yea and thou shalt be thine owne inheritaunce in the sight of the heathen, that thou mayest knowe that I am the Lorde. 17And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 18Thou sonne of man, the house of Israel is vnto me as drosse: all they are brasse, tinne, iron, and lead in the middest of the furnace, euen drosse of siluer are they. 19Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, Forasmuch as ye all are turned into drosse, therfore beholde I wyll bryng you together vnto Hierusalem. 20Lyke as they gather siluer, brasse, iron, tinne, and lead, into the middest of the furnace, and the fire is blowne there vnder to melt them: euen so wyll I gather you in mine anger & in my wrath, and let you remayne there and cause you to melt. 21I wyll bryng you together, and blowe the fire of my wrath vpon you, and ye shalbe molten in the middest therof. 22Lyke as the siluer is molten in the furnace, so shall ye also be molten therin, that ye may knowe howe that I the Lord haue powred my wrath vpon you. 23And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 24Thou sonne of man, tell her, Thou art an vncleane lande, which is not rayned vpon in the day of wrath. 25There is a conspiracie of her prophetes in the middest therof: as a roring lion rauenyng his pray, they deuour soules, they haue taken the riche and pretious thynges, they haue made her many widowes in the middest therof. 26Her priestes haue broken my lawe, and defiled my holy thynges, they put no difference betweene the holy & vnholy, neither discerne they betweene the cleane & vncleane: they turne their eyes from my Sabbathes, and I am defiled among them. 27Thy rulers in thee are lyke woolues rauenyng the pray, to shed blood, and destroy soules, for their owne couetous lucre. 28As for her prophetes, they daube with vntempered morter, they see vanities, and diuine lyes vnto them, saying, The Lorde saith so: wheras the Lorde hath not spoken. 29The people in the lande vsed wicked extortion and robbery, they vexe the poore and needy, and oppresse the straunger agaynst right. 30And I sought among them for a man that woulde make vp the hedge, and set hym selfe in the gap before me in the landes behalfe, that I shoulde not destroy it: but I coulde fynde none. 31Therfore haue I powred out my cruel displeasure vpon them, and consumed them in the fire of my wrath: their owne wayes wyll I recompence vpon their heades, saith the Lorde God. 23The worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, there were two women the daughters of one mother. 3And they committed fornication in Egypt, they played the harlottes in their youth: there were their breastes pressed, and there they bruised the teates of their virginitie. 4The names of them were Aholah the elder, and Aholibah her sister, and they were mine, and they bare sonnes and daughters: thus were their names, Samaria is Aholah, and Hierusalem Aholibah. 5Aholah played ye harlot when she was mine, and she was set on fire with her louers the Assyrians her neighbours: 6Which were clothed with blewe silke, both captaynes and princes, they were all pleasaunt young men, and horsemen rydyng vpon horses. 7Thus she committed her whordome with them beyng all chosen men of Asshur, & with all on whom she doted, and defiled her selfe with all their idols. 8Neither left she the fornication that she vsed with the Egyptians: for in her youth they lay with her, they bruised the brestes of her maydenhead, and powred their whordome vpon her. 9Wherfore I deliuered her into the handes of her louers euen into ye handes of the Assyrians vpon whom she doted. 10These discouered her shame, toke her sonnes & daughters, and slue her with the sworde, an euyll name had she among women: for they had executed iudgement vpon her. 11Her sister Aholibah sawe this, and destroyed her selfe with inordinate loue more then she, & with her fornications, more the her sister with her fornications. 12She doted vpo the Assyrians captaines & princes her neighbours, clothed with all maner of gorgious apparel, horsmen riding vpon horses, beyng all pleasaunt young men. 13Then I sawe that she was defiled, and they toke both one way. 14But the encreased styll in whordome: for when she sawe men paynted vpon the wall, the images of the Chaldees paynted with vermilon, 15And girded with girdles vpon their loynes and with dyed attire vpon their heades, lokyng all like princes, after the maner of the Babylonians in Chaldea, the lande where they were borne. 16Assoone as she sawe them, she burnt in loue vpon them, & sent messengers vnto them into the lande of the Chaldees. 17Nowe when the Babylonians came vnto her in the bed of loue, they defiled her with their whordome: and so was she polluted with them, and her lust was abated from them. 18And she discouered her whordome, and disclosed her shame: then my heart forsoke her, like as my heart was gone from her sister also. 19Neuerthelesse, she encreased her whordome more, and remembred the dayes of her youth wherin she had played the harlot in the lande of Egypt. 20She burnt in lust vpon their concubines, whose fleshe was like the fleshe of asses, and their issue like the issue of horses. 21Thus thou hast called to remebraunce the filthinesse of thy youth, when thy teates were bruised by the Egyptians, for the pappes of thy youth. 22Therfore O Aholibah, thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll raise vp thy louers agaynst thee from whom thy heart is departed, and gather them together agaynst thee on euery syde, 23namely the Babylonians and all the Chaldees, rulers, wealthy and mightie men, with all the Assyrians, all pleasaut young men, captaynes and princes, all valiaunt and renowmed, riding vpon horses. 24These shall come vpon thee with charrettes, wagons, and wheeles, and great multitude of people, with buckler, shielde, and helmet they shall beser thee on euery side: I wyll geue iudgement before them, yea they them selues shall iudge thee accordyng to their owne iudgement. 25I wyll lay mine indignation vpon thee, so that they shal deale cruelly with thee: they shall cut of thy nose and thine eares, and thy remnaunt shall fall by the sworde, they shall cary away thy sonnes and daughters, and the residue shalbe deuoured by the fire. 26They shal strip thee out of thy clothes, and take away thy faire iewels. 27Thus wyll I make thy wickednesse to ceasse from thee, and thy fornication out of the lande of Egypt: so that thou shalt turne thine eyes no more after them, and cast thy mynde no more vpon Egypt. 28For thus saith the Lord God, Beholde I wyll deliuer thee into the handes of them whom thou hatest, yea euen into the handes of them from whom thine heart is departed. 29And they shall deale hatefully with thee, and take away all thy labour, & leaue thee naked & bare, and the shame of thy fornications shalbe discouered, both thy wickednesse & thy whordome. 30I wyll do these thynges vnto thee, because thou hast gone a whoryng after the heathen, and because thou art polluted with their idols. 31Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister, therfore wyll I geue her cuppe in thine hande. 32Thus saith the Lorde God, Thou shalt drynke of thy sisters cuppe, deepe & large, thou shalt be laughed to scorne, and had in derision, because it conteineth much. 33Thou shalt be filled with drunkennesse and sorowe euen with the cup of destruction and desolation, with the cup of thy sister Samaria. 34Thou shalt drynke it and sucke it out, and thou shalt breake the sheardes therof, and teare thine owne brestes: for I haue spoken it, saith the Lorde God. 35Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, Forasmuch as thou hast forgotten me, and cast me aside behynde thy backe, so beare nowe thine owne wickednesse and whordome. 36The Lorde sayde moreouer vnto me, Thou sonne of man, wilt thou not iudge Aholah and Aholibah? shewe them their abhominations. 37namely that they haue broken their wedlocke, and blood is in their handes: and with their idols haue they comitted adulterie, and haue also caused their sonnes whom they bare vnto me, to passe by the fire to be their meate. 38Yea and this haue they done vnto me also, they haue defiled my sanctuarie in the same day, and haue prophaned my Sabbathes. 39For when they had slayne their children for their idols, they came the same day into my sanctuarie to defile it: and lo thus haue they done in my house. 40And howe much more is it that they sent for men to come from farre, vnto whom a messenger was sent, and lo they came? for whom thou didst washe thy selfe, and paynted thine eyes, and deckedst thee with ornamentes. 41Thou sattest vpon a stately bed, and a table spread before it, whervpon thou hast set mine incense and mine sylc. 42And a noyse of a mery company at it, and with the men, beside the multitude of the people, were brought men of Saba out of the desert, which gaue them bracelettes vpon their handes, and beautifull crownes vpon their heades. 43And I sayd vnto her that was worne in her adulteries, Nowe shall her fornications come to an ende, and she also. 44And they went in to her as they go vnto a common harlot: euen so went they I say to Aholah and Aholibah, those wicked women. 45And the righteous men, they shall iudge the after the maner of harlottes, and after the maner of murtherers: for they are harlottes, and blood is in their handes. 46Wherfore thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll bryng a great multitude of people vpon them, and geue them to be scattered and spoyled: 47And the multitude shall stone them with stones, and cut them downe with their swordes, they shall slay their sonnes and daughters, and burne vp their houses with fire. 48Thus wyll I cause wickednesse to ceasse out of the lande, that all women may be taught, not to do after your wickednesse. 49And so they shal lay your wickednesse vpon your owne selues, and the sinnes of your idols shall ye beare: and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde God. 24In the ninth yere, in the tenth moneth, the tenth day of the moneth, came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, saying: 2O thou sonne of man, write the name of this day, yea euen of this present day: for the kyng of Babylon set hym selfe agaynst Hierusalem this selfe same day. 3Shewe the rebellious house a parable, and speake vnto them, thus saith the Lorde God: Prepare a pot, set it on, and powre water into it. 4Gather the peeces therof into it, euery good peece, the thygh and the shoulder, & fyll it with the chiefe bones. 5Take one of the best sheepe, & a heape of bones vnder it: let it boyle well, and let the bones therof seeth well therin. 6With that sayde the Lorde God on this maner, Wo vnto the blooddy citie, to the pot whose scumme is therin, & whose scumme is not gone out of it: bryng it out peece by peece, let no lot fall vpon it. 7For her blood is yet in it, vpon a hygh drye stone hath she powred it: and not vpon the grounde, that it myght be couered with dust. 8That it might cause wrath to arise, and take vengeaunce: I haue set her blood vpon a high drye rocke, that it shoulde not be couered. 9Wherefore thus sayth the Lorde God: O wo be vnto the bloodthirstie citie, for whom euen I my selfe wil make a great fire, 10And set much wood, and kindle the fire, and seeth the fleshe, & spice the pot, so that the very bones shalbe brent. 11Moreouer, I will set the pot emptie vpo the coales, so that the brasse thereof may be hot and burnt, and the filthynesse of it may be molten in it, and the scum of it shalbe consumed. 12She hath weeried her selfe with labour, yet her great scum is not gone of her, in the fire her scum must be consumed. 13In thy filthynesse is wickednesse: because I would haue purged thee, and thou wast not purged, from thy filthynesse thou shalt not be purged any more, till I haue caused myne indignation to rest in thee. 14Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it: yea it is come therto all redy that I will do it, I will not go backe, I will not spare, I will not repent: but according to thy wayes and imaginations shall they iudge thee, sayth the Lorde God. 15And the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 16Thou sonne of man, behold I wil take away from thee the pleasure of thyne eyes with a plague, yet shalt thou neither mourne nor weepe, neither shal thy teares run downe. 17Mourne in scilens, make no mourning of the dead, bynde the tyre of thy head vpon thee, and put on thy shoes vpon thy feete, couer not thy lippes, and eate no mans bread. 18So I spake vnto the people betymes in the morning, & at euen my wife dyed: then vpon the next morowe I dyd as I was commaunded. 19And the people sayd vnto me: Wilt thou not tell vs what this signifieth towarde vs, that thou doest so? 20I aunswered them, The word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 21Tell the house of Israel, thus sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I will pollute my sanctuarie, euen the glorie of your power, the pleasure of your eyes, and your heartes delite: & your sonnes and daughters whom ye haue left, shall fall through the sworde. 22Like as I haue done, so shall ye do also: ye shall not couer your lippes, ye shall eate no mans bread. 23And your tire shalbe vpon your heades, and your shoes vpon your feete: ye shall neither mourne nor weepe, but ye shall pyne away in your iniquities, & mourne one towardes another. 24Thus Ezechiel is your shewtoken, according to all that he hath done, ye shall do: when it commeth, then ye shal know that I am the Lorde God. 25Also thou sonne of man, shall it not be in the day when I take from the their power, the ioy of their honour, the pleasure of their eyes, and the lifting vp of their soules, their sonnes & their daughters, 26In that day shall come one that is escaped, vnto thee, and bring it to the hearing of 27In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, that thou mayst speake & be no more dumbe: yea thou shalt be their shewtoken, that they may knowe how that I am the Lorde. 25The worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, set thy face toward the Ammonites, and prophecie vpon them. 3And say vnto the Ammonites: heare the worde of the Lorde God, thus sayth the Lorde God: Forsomuch as thou saydest Haha ouer my sanctuarie because it was polluted, and ouer the land of Israel because it was desolate, and ouer the house of Iuda because they went into captiuitie: 4Beholde therfore, I wil deliuer thee to the people of the cast, that they may haue thee in possession: these shall settle their palaces in thee, and make their dwellinges in thee, they shall eate thy fruite, and drinke vp thy milke. 5As for Rabbath, I will make of it a stable for camels, and of the Ammonites a sheepfolde: and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 6For thus sayth the Lorde God: Insomuch as thou hast clapped with thyne handes, and stamped with thy feete, yea and reioyced ouer the lande of Israel with all thy despite in heart: 7Behold therfore I wil stretche out my hande ouer thee, and deliuer thee to be spoyled of the heathen, & roote thee out from among the people, and cause thee to perishe out of the landes: yea I will make thee to be destroyed, that thou mayest know that I am the Lorde. 8Thus sayth the Lord God: Forsomuch as Moab and Seir do say, Beholde the house of Iuda is like as all gentiles be: 9Therfore behold, I will open the side of Moab from the cities, from his cities I say of his frontiers, the pleasures of the countrey as namely Bethiesimoth, Baalmeon, and Kiriathaim: 10Unto the children of the east against the Ammonites, and will geue it into possession, so that the Ammonites shall no more be had in remembraunce among the heathen. 11And I will execute iudgementes vpon Moab, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 12Thus sayth the Lorde God: For that Edom hath done in auenging reuengement vpon the house of Iuda, & hath done great offence and auenged hym selfe vpon them: 13Therfore thus sayth the Lord God, I wil reache out myne hand vpon Edom, and destroy man and beast out of it, I will make it desolate from Theman, & Dedanah shall fall by the sworde. 14And I will execute my reuengement vpon Edom by the hande of my people Israel, they shall do in Edom according to my wrath and indignation, so that they shall knowe my vengeaunce, sayth the Lord God. 15Thus sayth the Lorde God: For that the Philistines dyd in vengeaunce, namely in auenging reuengement, with a dispyteful heart to destroy it for the old enmitie: 16Therfore thus saith the Lord God, Behold I will stretche out my hande ouer the Philistines, and destroy the Cerethites, and cause all the remnaunt of the sea coast to perishe: 17A great vengeaunce will I take vpon them, with punishements of my wrath, that they may knowe that I am the Lord, when I shal lay my vengeaunce vpon them. 26And it came to passe in the eleuenth yere, the first day of the moneth, the word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, because that Tyre hath spoken vpon Hierusalem, Haha, the gates of the people is broken, it is turned vnto me, for now that she is destroyed, I shalbe filled: 3Therfore thus sayth the Lord God, Behold O Tyre, I will vpon thee, I wil raise vp many nations against thee, like as whe the sea ariseth with his waues. 4They shal breake the walles of Tyre, & cast downe her towres, I will scrape her dust fro her, & make her a drie rocke. 5She shalbe for a spreading of nettes in the sea, for I haue spoken it, sayth the Lord God, and she shalbe for a spoyle to the nations. 6Her daughters that are in the fielde shalbe slayne with the sworde, that they may knowe how that I am the Lorde. 7For thus sayth the Lord God: Behold, I will bring vpon Tyrus, Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon from the north, a king of kinges, with horses, charets, horsemen, with a multitude, and much people. 8Thy daughters that are in the field shal he slay with the sword: but against thee he shal make bulwarkes, & cast a mount against thee, and lift vp his speare against thee. 9He shall set engins of warre before hym against thy walles, & with his weapons breake downe thy towres. 10The dust of his horses shall couer thee they shalbe so many: thy walles shall shake at the noyse of the horsemen, wheeles & chariots, when he shal enter into thy gates, as into the entry of a citie broken downe. 11With the hoofes of his horses shall he treade downe al thy streetes, he shall slay the people with the sworde, dna the pillers of thy strength shall fall downe to the grounde. 12They shall rob thy riches, and spoyle thy marchaundise, thy walles shall they breake downe, and destroy thy houses of pleasure, thy stones, thy timber, and dust shall they cast into the mids of the water. 13Thus will I cause the sounde of thy songues to ceasse, and the noyse of thy harpes shall no more be hearde. 14I wil bring thee into a drie rocke, thou shalt be for a spreading of nettes, thou shalt neuer be buylt againe: for euen I the Lord haue spoken it, saith the Lord God. 15Thus hath the Lord God spoken concerning Tyre: Shall not the iles tremble at the noyse of thy fall, and at the crie of the wounded, when they shalbe slaine & murthered in the mids of thee? 16All princes of the sea shal come downe from their thrones, they shall lay away their robes, & put of their broidred garmentes, yea with trembling shall they be clothed, they shal sit vpon the ground, they shalbe astonished at euery moment, and be amased at thee. 17They shall mourne for thee, and say vnto thee: How art thou destroyed that wast inhabited of the seas, the renowmed citie, whiche was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitauntes, whiche caused their feare to be on all that haunted therin? 18Now shall the inhabitours of the iles be astonished in the day of thy fall: yea the iles that are in the sea shalbe troubled at thy departure. 19For thus sayth the Lord God: when I make thee a desolate citie, as other cities be that no man dwell in, and when I bring vp the deepe vpon thee, that great waters may couer thee: 20Then wil I cast thee downe vnto them that descend into the pit, vnto a people of olde time, and set thee in a lande that is beneath, like the olde ruynes, with them which go downe to the graue, so that no man shall dwell more in thee: but I wil reserue honour for the land of the liuing: 21I will make thee terrors, and thou shalt be no more: though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou not be founde for euermore, sayth the Lorde God. 27The worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2O thou sonne of man, take vp a lamentable complaint vpon Tyre, 3And say vnto Tyre that is situate at the entry of the sea, whiche is the mart of the people for many iles, thus sayth the Lorde God O Tyre, thou hast sayde, I am of perfite beautie. 4Thy borders are in the mids of the seas, thy buylders haue made perfite thy beautie. 5They haue made all thy ship bordes of firre trees of Shenir, from Libanus haue they taken Cedar trees to make thee mastes: 6And the Okes of Basan to make thee ores, they haue made thy benches of iuory, gotten in Assyria, brought out of the iles of Chittim. 7Fine linnen with broidred worke out of Egypt was spread ouer thee to be thy sayle: blewe silke and purple out of the iles of Elishah was thy couering. 8The inhabitours of Sidon and Aruad were thy mariners: and thy wise men O Tyre, that were in thee, were thy shipmaisters. 9The auncient and wyse men of Gebal were in thee, thy stoppers of chinkes: all shippes of the sea with their shipmen were in thee, to occupie thy marchaundise. 10The Perses, Lydians, and Phutens were in thy armies, thy men of warre: these haged vp their shieldes & helmets in thee, these set foorth thyne honour. 11They of Aruad were with thyne hoast round about thy walles, and the Pygmenians were thy watchmen vpon thy towres: these hanged vp their quiuers round about thy walles, they made thy beautie perfite. 12They of Tharsis were thy marchauntes for the multitude of all riches, in siluer, iron, tin, and lead, whiche they brought to thy faires. 13Iauan, Tubal, and Mesech were thy marchauntes concerning the lyues of men, and they brought vessels of brasse for thy marchaundise. 14They of the house of Thogarma brought vnto thee at the time of thy marte, horses, coursers, and mules. 15They of Dedan were thy marchaunts, and many iles the marchaundise of thy handes, & brought thee hornes, teeth, and Hebenus, for presentes. 16They of Aram were thy marchauntes for the multitude of thy workes, and occupied in thy fayres with emeraudes, purple, broidred worke, fine linnen, coral, and pearle. 17Iuda and the land of Israel occupied with thee, & brought vnto thy markets wheat of Minnith & Pannag, hony, oyle, and triacle. 18Damascus also vsed marchaundise with thee, in the wine of Helbon, and whyte wooll: because thyne occupying was so great, and thy wares so many. 19Dan, Iauan, & Meuzal haue brought vnto thy markets wrougth iron, Cassia, and Calamus were among thy marchaundise. 20They of Dedan were thy marchauntes in precious clothes for chariots. 21Arabia and all the princes of Cedar haue occupied with thee, in weathers, rammes, and goates: in these were they thy marchauntes. 22The marchauntes of Seba and Rema haue occupied also with thee, in al chiefe spices, in all precious stones and golde, which they brought vnto thy markets. 23Haran, Chenne, and Eden, the marchauntes of Seba, Assyria, and Chelmad were doers with thee: 24These were thy marchauntes in all sortes of thinges, in rayment of blewe silke, and of broidred worke, and in coffers for the riche apparell, whiche were trussed with coardes, and Cedar boorde among thy marchaundise. 25The ships of Tharsis were the chiefe of thyne occupying: thus thou wast replenished and in great worship, euen in the mids of the sea. 26Thy rowers haue brought thee into great waters, the east wind hath broken thee in the mids of the sea. 27Thy riches, and thy fayres, thy marchaundise, thy mariners, & shipmasters, thy calkars, and the occupiers of thy marchaundise, and al thy men of warre that are in thee, and all thy multitude that is in the mids of thee, shall fal in the mids of the sea, in the day of thy fall. 28The suburbes shal shake at the loude crie of thy shipmen. 29All that handle the ore, mariners, and all shipmaisters of the sea, shall come downe from their ships, and stand vpon the lande. 30And they shall cause their voyce to be heard against thee, and shall crye bitterly, and shall cast dust vpon their heades, and wallowe in the asshes. 31They shal make them selues bauld for thee, and girde them with sackcloth, & they shal weepe for thee, with sorowefull heart, and bitter mourning. 32And they shall take vp a lamentation for thee in their mourning, and lament ouer thee, what citie is like Tyrus so destroyed in the mids of the sea? 33When thy wares went foorth of the seas, thou filledst many people: the kinges of the earth hast thou made riche, thorowe the multitude of thy riches and marchaundise. 34When thou shalt be broken by the seas in the deapthes of the waters, thy marchaundise & all thy multitude that was in the mids of thee, shall fall. 35All the inhabitauntes of the iles shalbe astonied at thee, and all their kinges shalbe sore afrayde, and troubled in their countenaunce. 36The marchauntes of the nations shall hisse at thee: thou shalt be a terrour, and shalt neuer be any more. 28The worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, tel the prince of Tyre, thus sayth the Lorde God: Because thou hast a proude heart, and hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seate of God, in the mids of the sea: wher as thou art but a man, and not God, though thou set thyne heart as the heart of God. 3Beholde, thou thinkest thy selfe wyser then Daniel, that there is no secretes hyd from thee. 4With thy wisdome and thine vnderstanding thou hast gotten thee great welthines, & gathered treasure of siluer & gold. 5With thy great wysedome and occupying hast thou encreased thy power, and because of thy great riches thy heart is proude. 6Therfore thus sayth the Lorde God, Forsomuch as thou hast set thyne heart as the heart of God: 7Behold, I will bring straungers vpon thee, euen the terrible nations, these shal drawe out their swordes vpon the beautie of thy wysdome, and shall defile thy glorie. 8They shall cast thee downe to the pit, so that thou shalt dye the death of them that be slayne in the mids of the sea. 9Wilt thou say then before them that slay thee, I am a God? where as thou art but a man, and not God, in the handes of them that slay thee. 10Die shalt thou the death of the vncircumcized in the handes of the straungers: for I haue spoken it, sayth the Lorde God. 11Moreouer, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 12Thou sonne of man, take vp a lamentation vpon the king of Tyre, & tel him, thus sayth the Lord God: Thou sealest vp the summe, full of wysdome, & perfite beautie. 13Thou hast ben in the pleasaunt garden of God, thou art deckt with all maner of precious stones, with ruby, topas, diamond, thurkis, onyx, iasper, saphir, emeralde, carbuncle, and golde: the workemanship of thy timbrels and of thy pipes that be in thee, was prepared in the day that thou wast created. 14Thou art an annoynted Cherub, that couereth, and I haue set thee in this dignitie, thou wast vpon the holy mount of God, thou hast walked in the mids of the stones of fire. 15From the time of thy creation thou haste ben perfite in the wayes, till wickednesse was founde in thee. 16By the multitude of thy marchaundise they haue filled the mids of thee with crueltie, & thou haste sinned: I will cast thee as prophane out of the mount of God, & I will destroy thee O couering Cherub, from the mids of the stones of fire. 17Thy heart was proude in thy beautie, and thorowe thy brightnesse thou hast destroyed thy wisdome: I will cast thee downe to the grounde, I will lay thee before kinges, that they may beholde thee. 18Thou hast defiled thy sanctification with the great wickednesse of thyne vnrighteous occupying: I will bring a fire from the middest of thee to consume thee, and will make thee to asshes vpon the earth, in the sight of all them that loke vpon thee. 19Al they that haue ben acquainted with thee among the heathen shalbe abashed at thee: thou hast ben a terrour, and neuer shalt thou be any more. 20And the word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 21Thou sonne of man, set thy face against Sidon, and prophecie vpon it, 22And speake, thus sayth the Lord God: Beholde O Sidon, I will vpon thee, aud I wilbe glorified in thee: that it may be knowen howe that I am the Lord when I shal haue executed iudgementes in her, & shalbe sanctified in her. 23For I will sende pestilence and bloodsheding into her streetes, and the slayne shall fall in the mids of her, by the sword comming vpon her on euery side: & they shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 24They shalbe no more a pricking thorne vnto the house of Israel, nor a greeuous thorne of al that are round about them and despised them: and they shal knowe that I am the Lorde God. 25Thus sayth the Lorde God: When I gather the houshold of Israel together againe from the nations among whom they be scattered, then shall I be sanctified in them in the sight of the gentiles, and they shall dwell in the lande that I gaue to my seruaunt Iacob. 26They shal dwell with confidence therin, buyld houses and plant vineyardes: yea with confidence shall they dwell therin, when I haue executed iudgementes vpon all those that despise them rounde about: and then shal they know that I am the Lorde their God. 29In the tenth yere, vpon the twelft day of the tenth moneth, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, set thy face against Pharao the king of Egypt, prophecie against him, and against the whole lande of Egypt. 3Speake & tell him, thus sayth the Lord God: Beholde O Pharao thou king of Egypt, I will vpon thee thou great dragon that lyeth in the mids of his riuers, thou that sayst, The riuer is mine, I haue made it for my selfe. 4I wil put hookes in thy chawes, and hang the fishe in thy riuers vpon thy skales: after that I will drawe thee out of thy riuers, yea and all the fishe of thy riuers shall hang vpon thy skales. 5I will leaue thee in the wildernesse, both thee and all the fishe of thy riuers: thou shalt fall vpon the open fielde, thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: I haue geuen thee for meate to the beastes of the fielde, & to the foules of the ayre, 6That all they which dwell in Egypt may know that I am the Lord, because they haue ben a staffe of reede to the house of Israel. 7When they toke hold of thee with their hand, thou brakest & rent all their shoulder: & when they leaned vpon thee, thou brakest and madest all their loynes to stande vpright. 8Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God: Behold, I wil bring a sword vpon thee, & destroy out of thee both man and beast. 9Yea the lande of Egypt shalbe desolate and waste, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde, because he sayde, The riuer is myne, I my selfe haue made it. 10Beholde therefore I will vpon thee and vpon thy riuers, I will make the land of Egypt vtterly waste and desolate, from the towre of Seueneh vnto the borders of Ethiopia. 11No foote of man shall passe by it, nor foote of beast shall passe by it, neither shall it be inhabited fourtie yeres. 12I wil make the land of Egypt to be desolate among other waste countreys, and her cities destroyed fourtie yeres among other destroyed cities: and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and strawe them thorow the countreys. 13Againe, thus sayth the Lorde God: when the fourtie yeres are expired, I will gather the Egyptians together againe out of the nations among whom they were scattered. 14And I will bring the captiuitie of Egypt againe, and cause them to returne into the lande of Pathros, the lande of their habitation, and they shalbe there a small kingdome. 15Yea it shalbe the smallest among other kingdomes, neither shall it exalt it selfe any more aboue the nations: for I wil so minishe them, that they shall no more rule the nations. 16And they shalbe no more vnto the house of Israel a trust whiche bringeth their iniquitie to remembraunce, when they shall loke after them: & they shal knowe that I am the Lorde God. 17In the twentie and seuenth yere, the first day of the first moneth, came the word of the Lorde vnto me, saying: 18Thou sonne of man, Nabuchodonozor the king of Babylon caused his armie to serue a great seruice against Tyrus: euery head was made balde, & euery shoulder bare, yet had neither he nor his armie any wages for Tyrus for the seruice which he serued against it. 19Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God: Behold, I will geue the lande of Egypt vnto Nabuchodonozor the king of Babylon, that he may take away her multitude, and spoyle her spoyles, & take her pray to pay his hoast their wages withall. 20For the worke whiche he wrought about it, I haue geuen him the lande of Egypt, because they wrought for me, sayth the Lorde God. 21In that day I will cause the horne of the house of Israel to bud foorth, and I will geue thee the opening of thy mouth in the mids of them: & they shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 30The word of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man prophecie, and speake, thus sayth the Lorde God, howle, wo worth this day: 3For the day is neare, the day of the Lorde is at hande, the darke day, the time of the nations shalbe, 4And the sworde shall come vpon Egypt, and feare shalbe in Ethiopia when the slayne shall fall in Egypt: and they shall take away her multitude, and her foundations shalbe broken downe. 5Yea Ethiopia, Lybia, & Lydia, all their common people, and Chub, and all that be confederate vnto them, shal fall with them thorowe the sworde. 6Thus sayth the Lorde: The maynteiners of the lande of Egypt shall fall, the pryde of her powre shall come downe: euen from the towre of Seueneh shal they fall downe in it with the sworde, sayth the Lorde God. 7Among other desolate countreys they shalbe made desolate, among other waste cities they shalbe wasted. 8And they shall knowe that I am the Lord when I haue set a fire in Egypt, & when al her helpers shalbe destroyed. 9In that day shall messengers go foorth from me in ships to make the carelesse Morians afrayde, and feare shall come vpon them, according to the day of Egypt: for lo it commeth. 10Thus sayth the Lord God, I wil cause the multitude of Egypt to ceasse by the hande of Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon. 11He, and his people with him, the terrible nations shalbe brought to destoy the land: they shal drawe out their swordes vpon Egypt, & fill the land full of slayne men. 12I wil make their riuers drie, and sel the lande into the handes of wicked people: the land and all that is therin I will destroy thorow the hand of straungers: euen I the Lorde haue sayde it. 13Thus sayth the Lorde God, I will destroy the idoles, and bring the images of Noph to an end: there shal no more be a prince of Egypt, and a fearfulnesse wil I send into the Egyptians lande. 14As for Pathros, I wil make it desolate, and kindle a fire in Zoan, and I will execute iudgementes in No. 15And I will powre my wrathful indignation vpon Sin the strength of Egypt, & I will destroy the multitude of No. 16And I will kindle a fire in Egypt, Sin shalbe in great heauinesse, No shalbe rooted out, and Noph shall haue dayly sorowe. 17The young men of Auen, and of Phibeseth shall fall by the sworde, and these cities shall go into captiuitie. 18At Tehaphnehes the day shalbe darke, when I breake there the barres of Egypt, and when the pompe of her power shall ceasse in her: a cloude shall couer her, and her daughters shall go into captiuitie. 19Thus will I execute my iudgementes in Egypt, and they shall knowe howe that I am the Lorde. 20And in the eleuenth yere, vpon the seuenth day of the first moneth, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 21Thou sonne of man, I haue broken the arme of Pharao king of Egypt: and lo, it shall not be bounde vp to be healed, to put a roller to bynde it, to make it strong to hold the sworde. 22Therfore thus sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I will vpon Pharao king of Egypt, and breake his arme that was strong, but is broken: and I will cause the sworde to fall out of his hande. 23As for the Egyptians, I will scatter them among the nations, and strawe them in the landes about. 24Againe, I will strengthen the arme of the king of Babylon, and geue hym my sword in his hande: but I will breake Pharaos armes, and he shall grone the grodinges of a deadly wounded man before hym: 25Yea I will strengthen the king of Babylons arme, and the armes of Pharao shall fall downe: and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde, when I shall geue my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, that he may stretch it out vpon the lande of Egypt. 26And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, & strowe them in the landes about: and they shal knowe that I am the Lorde. 31Moreouer, in the eleuenth yere, the first day of ye third moneth, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying, 2Thou sonne of man, speake vnto Pharao king of Egypt, and to all his people: whom art thou lyke in thy greatnesse? 3Behold, Assur is a Cedar in Libanon, with faire braunches, and with thycke shadowing bowes, of a hygh stature, & his top was among the thicke bowes. 4The waters made him great, and the deepe set him vp on hye, with her riuers running rounde about his plantes, and sent out her litle riuers vnto all the trees of the fielde. 5Therefore was he higher then all the trees of the fielde, and his bowes were multiplied, & his braunches were long, because of the multitude of the waters, which the deepe sent out. 6Al foules of the aire made their nestes in his braunches, vnder his bowes did all the beastes of the fielde bring foorth their young, and vnder his shadowe dwelt all mightie nations. 7Beautiful was he in his greatnesse, and in the length of his braunches: for his roote stoode beside great waters. 8No Cedar tree might hyde hym in the garden of God, there was no fyrre trees like his braunches, the chestnut trees were not like the bowes of him: all the trees in the garden of God, might not be compared vnto him in his beautie. 9I made him faire with the multitude of his braunches: insomuch that all the trees in the pleasaunt garden of God had enuie at hym. 10Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God: forsomuch as he hath lift vp him selfe so hye, and hath shot vp his top among the thycke bowes, and his heart is lift vp in his heyght: 11I haue therfore deliuered hym into the handes of the mightiest among the heathen: he shall handle hym, for in his wickednesse haue I cast hym away. 12And straungers haue destroyed hym, euen the terrible nations, and haue left hym: vpon the mountaynes and vpon al valleys haue his bowes fallen, and his bowes are broken by all the riuers of the land: and all the people of the earth are departed from his shadowe, & haue forsaken hym. 13Upon his ruine shall all the foules of the ayre remayne, and all the beastes of the fielde shalbe vpon his braunches. 14So that none of all the trees by the waters shalbe exalted in their heyght, nor shoot vp their toppes among the thycke bowes, neither shall their trees stande in their heyght, as many of them as drinke water: for they are all deliuered vnto death in the neather partes of the earth, in the mids of the children of men among them that go downe to the pit. 15Thus sayth the Lord God: In the day when he went downe to the graue, I caused a lamentation to be made, I couered the deepe for hym, I restrayned the fluddes thereof, and the great waters were stayed, I caused Libanus to mourne for him, and all the trees of the fielde fainted. 16I made the heathen shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast hym downe to hell with them that descend into the pit: all the excellent trees of Eden, & the best of Libanus, all that drinke waters, shalbe comforted in the neather partes of the earth. 17They also went downe to hell with him vnto them that be slayne with the sword, which were his arme and dwelt vnder his shadowe in the middest of the nations. 18To whom art thou thus like in glorie and in greatnesse among the trees of Eden? yet thou shalt be cast downe with the trees of Eden vnto the neather partes of the earth: in the middest of the vncircumcised shalt thou sleepe with them that are slayne with the sworde: This is Pharao and all his multitude, sayth the Lorde God. 32In the twelfth yere, the first day of ye twelfth moneth, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, take vp a lamentation vpon Pharao the king of Egypt, and say vnto him, thou art lyke a lion of the heathen, and as a whale fishe in the sea: thou drawest out thy riuers, thou troublest the waters with thy feete, and stampest in their riuers. 3Thus saith the Lorde God, I wyll spreade my nette ouer thee with a great multitude of people, these shal make thee come vp into my net. 4For I wyll leaue thee vpon the lande, and cast thee vpon the open fielde, and I wyll cause all the foules of the ayre to remaine vpon thee, & fill all the beastes of the fielde with thee. 5Thy flesh wyll I lay vpon the hils, and fill the valleyes with thy highnesse. 6I wyll water thyne ouerflowing lande with thy blood euen to the mountaynes, and the riuers shalbe ful of thee. 7When thou art put out, I wyll couer the heauen, and make his starres dim: I wyll spreade a cloude ouer the sunne, and the moone shall not geue her light. 8All the lightes of heauen wyll I make darke for thee: and bring darkenesse vpon thy lande, saith the Lorde God. 9I wyll stirre vp to anger the heartes of many people, when I bring thy destruction among the heathen, and vpon the countries which thou knowest not. 10Yea, I wyll make many people amased at thee, and their kinges shalbe astonished with feare for thee, when I shall make my sworde to glitter against their faces: and they shalbe afraide at euery moment euery man for his owne lyfe, in the day of thy fall. 11For thus saith the Lorde God, The king of Babylons sworde shal come vpon thee: 12With the swordes of the mightie wyll I smyte downe thy multitude: they all shalbe terrible nations, & they shal destroy the pompe of Egypt, and all the multitude thereof shalbe consumed. 13I wyll destroy also al the beastes therof from the great waters sides, neither shall the foote of man trouble them any more, nor the hooues of beastes trouble them. 14Then wyll I make their waters deepe, and cause their riuers to runne lyke oyle, saith the Lorde God, 15When I make the lande of Egypt desolate, and when the countrey with all that is therein shalbe layde waste, and when I smyte all them which dwell in it, then shall they knowe that I am the Lorde. 16This is the mourning when they shal lament her, the daughters of the nations shall lament her, they shall make the lamentation ouer Egypt, and ouer all the people thereof, saith the Lorde God. 17In the twelfth yere, the fifteenth day of the moneth, came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, saying: 18Thou sonne of man, lament for the multitude of Egypt, and cast them downe, euen them and the daughters of the famous nations vnto the neather partes of the earth, with them that go downe into the pit. 19Whom doest thou passe in beautie? go downe and sleepe with the vncircumcized. 20Among those that be slaine with the sworde shall they lye: to the sworde is she alredie delyuered, drawe her downe and all her multitude. 21The mightie worthies shall speake to her out of the hell, and to her helpers: they are gone downe and lye vncircumcized with them that be slaine with the sworde: 22Assur is there also with all his company, and their graues rounde about him, which were slaine and fell all with the sworde. 23Whose graues are made in the side of the pit, and his multitude are rounde about his graue, to wit all the slaine and fallen by the sworde, which cause a feare to be in the lande of the liuing. 24There is Elam also, with all his people rounde about his graue: which all being slaine & fallen with the sworde, are gone downe vncircumcized vnder the earth, which neuerthelesse sometime brought feare into the lande of the lyuing: they beare their owne shame, with the other that be gone downe to the graue. 25They haue made his bed in the midst of the slaine, with al his multitude, their graues are rounde about him: all these vncircumcized, slaine by the sworde, although they caused their feare in the lande of the lyuing, yet haue they borne their shame with them that go downe to the pit, they are layde in the midst of them that are slaine. 26There is Mesech also and Tubal, and their people, & their graues rounde about him: these al vncircumcized were slaine with the sworde, because aforetime they made the lande of the lyuing afraide. 27They shall not lye with the valiaunt which are fallen of the vncircumcized, which are gone downe to the graue with their weapons of warre, and haue layde their swordes vnder their heades: but their iniquitie shalbe vpon their bones, because the terrour of their mightie was in the lande of the lyuing. 28Yea, among the vncircumcized shalt thou be destroyed, and sleepe with them that perished through the sworde. 29There is Edom with her kinges and princes also, which with their strength are layde by them that were slaine with the sworde: yea among the vncircumcized shal they sleepe, & with them which are gone downe into the pit. 30Moreouer, there be al the princes of the north with al the Sidonians, which are gone downe with the slaine: with their feare and strength they are come to confusion, and lye there vncircumcized among those that be slaine with the sworde, and beare their owne shame with them that be gone downe to the pit. 31Pharao shall see them, and be comforted ouer all his multitude: Pharao and al his armie shalbe slaine with the sworde, saith the Lorde God. 32For I haue geuen my feare in the lande of the lyuing: but Pharao and al his people shalbe layde among the vncircumcized, and among them that be slaine with the sworde, saith the Lorde God. 33Againe, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, speake to the children of thy people, and tell them: When I sende a sworde vpon a lande, if the people of the lande take a man of their coastes, and set him to be their watchman: 3If when he seeth the sworde come vpon the lande, he shall blow the trumpet and warne the people: 4Then he that heareth the noyse of the trumpet and wyll not be warned, and the sworde come and take him away, his blood shalbe vpon his owne head. 5For he heard the sounde of the trumpet, and would not be warned, therefore his blood be vpon him: but he that receaueth warning, he shall saue his lyfe. 6Againe, if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, so that the people is not warned, if the sworde come then, and take any man from among them: the same shalbe taken away in his owne sinne, but his blood wyl I require at the watchmans hand. 7And thou O sonne at man, I haue made thee a watchman vnto the house of Israel: therefore thou shalt here the worde at my mouth, and thou shalt warne them from me. 8If I say vnto the wicked, thou wicked, thou shalt surely dye: & thou speakest not to admonish the wicked of his way: that wicked man shall dye in his owne sinne, but his blood wyl I require at thy hande. 9Neuerthelesse, if thou warne the wicked of his way to tourne from it, and he yet wyll not be turned from his way: then shal he dye in his iniquitie, but thou hast deliuered thy soule. 10Therfore O thou sonne of man, speake vnto the house of Israel, yea say thus: If our offences and sinnes lye vpon vs, and we be consumed in them, howe should we then liue? 11Tell them, as truely as I liue saith the Lorde God, I haue no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but much rather that the wicked tourne from his way, and lyue: Turne you, turne you from your wicked wayes, for why wil ye dye O ye of the house of Israel? 12Therefore thou sonne of man, tell the children of thy people, the righteousnes of the righteous shall not saue him in the day of his iniquitie: againe, the wickednes of the wicked shall not ouerthrow him for it in the day that he returneth from his wickednes: neither shall the righteous lyue for it in the day that he sinneth. 13If I say vnto the righteous, he shall surely lyue, and so he trust to his owne righteousnes, and do sinne: then shall his righteousnes be no more thought vpon, but in his wickednes that he hath done, in it he shall dye. 14Againe, if I say vnto the wicked, thou shalt surely dye: and so he turne from his sinnes, and do the thing that is lawfull and right, 15Insomuch that the same wicked man geueth the pledge againe, restoreth that he had take away by robbery, walketh in the commaundementes of lyfe, and doth none iniquitie: then shall he surely lyue and not dye. 16None of the sinnes that he hath committed shalbe mentioned vnto him: for insomuch as he doth now the thing that is lawfull and right, he shall lyue, 17And yet the children of thy people say, the way of the Lorde is not equall: but their owne way is rather vnequall. 18When the righteous turneth from his righteousnes, and doth the thing that is wicked, he shall dye therein. 19But if the wicked turne from his wickednes, doing the thing that is lawfull and right, he shall lyue therefore. 20Yet ye say, the way of the Lorde is not equall: O ye house of Israel, I wyll iudge euery one of you after his wayes. 21In the twelfth yere, the fift day of the tenth moneth of our captiuitie, one which was escaped out of Hierusalem, came vnto me and said, The citie is smitten. 22Nowe the hande of the Lorde had ben vpon me the euening afore this man which was escaped came vnto me, and had opened my mouth vntill the morning that he came to me: yea, my mouth was opened, so that I was no more dumbe. 23Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto me, and saide: 24Thou sonne of man, these that dwell in the wasted lande of Israel talke and say: Abraham was but one man, and he had the lande in possession: nowe are we many, and the lande is geuen vs to possesse also. 25And therefore tel them, thus saith the Lorde God, In the blood haue ye eaten, your eyes haue ye lift vp to idols, and haue shed blood: shall ye then haue the lande in possession? 26Ye leane vpon your swordes, ye worke abhominations, euery one defileth his neighbours wyfe: and shall ye then possesse the lande? 27Say thou thus vnto them, thus saith the lorde God: As truely as I liue, they that are in the desolate places shall fall by the sworde, and him that is vpon the fielde wyll I geue vnto the beastes to be deuoured: and they that be in the strong holdes and dennes shall dye of the pestilence. 28For I wyll make the lande so desolate and waste, that the pompe of her strength shall ceasse: the mountaynes of Israel shalbe so waste, that no man shall trauaile thereby. 29Then shall they knowe that I am the Lorde, when I make the land desolate and waste, because of all their abhominations that they haue wrought. 30And thou sonne of man, the children of thy people that talke of thee by the waters and in the doores of their houses, and speake one to another, euery one to his brother, saying, Come I praye you, let vs heare what worde is gone foorth from the Lorde: 31They come vnto thee as the people vseth to come, and my people syt before thee, and heare thy wordes, but they do not therafter: for in their mouthes they make a iest of them, and their heart goeth after their couetousnes. 32And lo, thou art vnto them as a testing song of one that hath a pleasaunt voyce, and can sing well: for they heare thy wordes, but do them not. 33When this commeth to passe (lo it commeth:) then shall they knowe that there hath ben a prophete among them. 34And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, prophecie against the shepheardes of Israel, prophecie and speake vnto them: thus saith the Lorde God vnto the shepheardes, Wo be vnto the shepheardes of Israel that feede them selues: should not the shepheards feede the flockes? 3Ye eate vp the fat, ye clothe you with the wooll, the best fed do ye slay: but the flocke do ye not feede. 4The weake haue ye not strengthened, the sicke haue ye not healed, the broken haue ye not bounde together, the dryuen away haue ye not brought againe, the lost haue ye not sought: but with force and crueltie haue ye ruled them. 5They are scattered without a shephearde, yea all the beastes of the fielde deuour them, and they go astray. 6My sheepe go wandring vpon al mountaines, and vpon euery hie hill, yea my flocke is scattered through all the face of the earth, and there is no man that seeketh or searcheth after them. 7Therefore O ye shepheardes, heare the worde of the Lorde. 8As truely as I lyue saith the Lorde God, forsomuch as my sheepe are robbed, & deuoured of all the wylde beastes of the fielde, hauing no shepheard, and seeing that my shepheardes seke not my sheepe, but the shepheardes feede them selues, and feede not my sheepe: 9Therefore heare the worde of the Lorde O ye shepheardes, 10Thus saith the Lorde God: beholde, I wyll vpon the shepheardes, and require my sheepe from their handes, and make them ceasse from feeding of the sheepe, yea the shepheardes shall feede them selues no more: for I wyll deliuer my sheepe out of their mouthes, so that they shall not deuour them after this. 11For thus saith the Lorde God: behold, I euen I wyll loke to my sheepe my selfe, and seeke them out. 12Lyke as a shephearde when he hath ben among the flocke, seeketh after the sheepe that are scattered abroade: euen so wyll I seeke after my sheepe, and deliuer them out of all places where they haue ben scattered, in the cloudie and darke day. 13I wyll bring them out from the people, and gather them together out of the landes, I wyl bring them into their owne lande, and feede them vpon the mountaines of Israel, by the riuers and in all the places of the countrey. 14I wyll feede them in right good pastures, and vpon the hie mountaines of Israel shall their foldes be: there shall they lye in a good folde, and in a fat pasture shall they feede, euen vpon the mountaines of Israel. 15I wyll feede my sheepe and bring them to their rest, saith the Lorde God. 16Such as be lost, wyll I seeke: such as are driuen away, wyll I bring againe: such as be broken, wyl I binde vp: such as be weake, wyll I make strong: such as be fat and strong, those wyll I roote out, and feede them with iudgement. 17And as for you O my sheepe, saith the Lorde God, I wyll iudge betweene cattaile & cattaile, betweene the rammes and the goates. 18Seemeth it a smal thing to you to haue eaten vp the good pasture, and to treade downe the residue of your pasture with your feete also? to drinke the deepe waters, and to trouble the rest also with your feete? 19Thus my sheepe must be faine to eate the thing that ye haue troden downe with your feete, and to drinke it that ye with your feete haue defiled. 20Therefore thus saith the Lorde God vnto them: Beholde I euen I wyll iudge betweene the fat cattaile and the leane cattaile, 21Forsomuch as with side and shoulder ye haue shoued, and with your hornes haue pushed all the weake, till ye haue scattered them abroade. 22I wyll saue my sheepe, so that they shal no more be spoyled, yea I wil iudge betweene cattaile and cattaile. 23I wyll set vp ouer them a shepheard, and he shall feede them, euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shall feede them, & he shalbe their shepheard. 24And I the Lorde wyll be their God, and my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their prince: euen I the Lorde haue spoken it. 25Moreouer I wyll make a couenaunt of peace with them, & cause euil beastes to ceasse out of the lande: so that they may dwell safely in the wildernesse, and sleepe in the woods. 26And I wyll set them as a blessing euen rounde about my hill, and I wyll cause raine to come downe in due season, and there shalbe raine of blessing. 27And the tree of the fielde shal yeelde her fruite, and the earth shall geue her encrease: they shalbe safe in their lande, and shall knowe that I am the Lorde, when I haue broke the bondes of their yoke, and deliuered them out of the handes of those that serued them selues of them. 28They shall no more be spoyled of the heathen, nor deuoured with the beastes of the lande: but safely shall they dwel, and no man shall fray them. 29And I wil raise vp for them a plant of renowme, and they shalbe no more clungd with hunger in the lande, neither beare the reproche of the heathen any more. 30Thus shall they vnderstand that I the Lorde their God am with them, and that they, euen the house of Israel, are my people, saith the Lorde God: 31And ye my sheepe, the sheepe of my pasture, are men: and I am your God, saith the Lorde God. 35Moreouer, the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, set thy face toward the mount Seir, prophecie against it. 3And say vnto it, thus saith the Lorde God: Beholde O thou mount Seir, I wyll vpon thee, I wyll reache out my hande ouer thee, yea waste and desolate wyll I make thee, 4Thy cities wyll I laye waste, & thou shalt lye voyde, that thou mayst knowe howe that I am the Lorde, 5Forsomuch as thou bearest an olde enmitie, and hast put the children of Israel to flight by the force of the sworde, in the time of their calamitie, when their iniquitie had an ende. 6Therefore as truely as I lyue, saith the Lorde God, I wyll prepare thee vnto blood, yea blood shall folowe vpon thee, except thou hate blood, euen blood shall persecute thee. 7Thus wyll I make the mount Seir desolate and waste, and cut out from it him that passeth out, and him that returneth: 8His mountaines wyll I fill with his slaine men, thy hils, valleys, and al thy riuers, the slaine with the sworde shall fall in them. 9I wyll make thee a perpetuall wildernes, so that thy cities shal not returne: that ye may knowe that I am the Lorde. 10And because thou hast saide, both these nations, and both these landes must be myne, and we wyll haue them in possession, whereas the Lorde was there: 11Therefore as truely as I lyue saith the Lorde God, I wyll euen do according to thy wrath, and according to thyne enuiyng which thou hast vsed in thyne hatred against them: and I wyll make my selfe knowen amongst them when I haue iudged thee. 12Yea and thou shalt knowe that I the Lorde haue heard all thy blasphemies, whiche thou hast spoken against the mountaines of Israel, saying, They are made waste, & geuen vs to deuour. 13Thus with your mouthes ye haue made your boastes against me, yea and multiplied your wordes against me, which I haue heard. 14Thus saith the Lord God: To the ioy of all the worlde wyll I make thee waste. 15And lyke as thou wast glad because the heritage of the house of Israel was destroyed, euen so wyll I do vnto thee: thou shalt be destroyed O mount Seir, and all Idumea wholly, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 36Thou sonne of man prophecie vnto the mountaines of Israel, and speake, heare the worde of the lord O ye mountaines of Israel. 2Thus saith the Lord God: Because your enemie hath saide vpon you aha, the hie places of the worlde are now become ours in possession: 3Prophecie therefore and speake, thus saith the Lorde God: For because that they haue made you desolate, and swalowed you vp on euery side, that ye might be a possession vnto the residue of the gentiles, and ye are taken vp in the lippes and tongues of men, and to the reproche of the people: 4Therefore heare the worde of the Lorde God, O ye mountaines of Israel, thus saith the Lorde God to the mountaines and hils, to the riuers and valleys, to the waste and desolate places, and to the cities that are forsaken, which are spoyled and had in derision on euery side, among the residue of the heathen: 5Therefore thus saith the Lorde God: Surely in the fire of my gelousie haue I spoken against the residue of the gentiles, and against all Edom, which haue appoynted my lande for their possession, which also reioyced from their whole heart with a dispitefull stomake, to cast it out for a pray. 6Prophecie therefore vpon the lande of Israel, and speake vnto the mountaines and hils, to the riuers and dales, thus saith the Lorde God: Behold, this haue I spoken in my gelousie and terrible wrath, because ye haue borne the shame of the heathen: 7Therefore thus saith the Lorde God, I haue lyft vp my hande, surely the heathen that are about you, shall beare their shame. 8But you, O mountaynes of Israel, ye shall shoote out your braunches, and bring foorth your fruite to my people of Israel: for they are at hande to come. 9Beholde I come vnto you, and vnto you wyll I turne my face, that ye may be tilled and sowen. 10I wyll multiplie men vpon you, euen al the house of Israel wholly, the cities shalbe inhabited, and the decayed places shalbe repaired againe. 11And I wyll multiplie vpon you man and beast, which shal encrease and bring fruite: and I wyll cause you to dwell after your olde estate, & be better vnto you then at the beginning: and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 12Yea I wyll cause men to walke vpon you, euen my people Israel, & they shall possesse thee, and thou shalt be their inheritaunce, & thou shalt no more hencefoorth depriue them of men 13Thus saith the lorde God, Forsomuch as they say vnto you, thou art an eater vp of men, and a waster of thy people: 14Therefore thou shalt eate no more men, neither destroy thy people any more, saith the Lorde God: 15Neither wyll I cause men to heare in thee the shame of the heathe any more: neither shalt thou beare the reproche of the people any more, nor cause thy folke to fall any more, saith the Lorde God. 16Moreouer, the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 17O thou sonne of man, when the house of Israel dwelt vpon their owne grounde, they defiled them selues with their owne wayes and imaginations: so that in my sight, their way was lyke the vncleannes of a remoued woman. 18Wherfore I powred my wrathful displeasure vpon them, because of the blood that they had shed in the lande, and because of their idols wherewith they had defiled it: 19I scattered them also among the heathen, so that they were strawed about in the landes: according to their wayes, & after their owne inuentions, so did I iudge them. 20And when they entred vnto the heathen whyther they went, they polluted my holy name, when they saide of them, These are the people of God, & are gone out of his lande. 21Then spared I my holy name, which the house of Israel had dishonoured among the gentiles where they came. 22Therfore tel the house of Israel, thus saith the Lorde God: I do not this for your sakes O house of Israel, but for my holy names sake which ye dishonoured among the heathen where ye came. 23Therefore I wyll halowe my great name againe, which among the gentiles is polluted, for ye your selues haue dishonoured it among them: & the gentiles shall know that I am the Lorde saith the Lorde God, when I shalbe sanctified in you before your eyes. 24As for you, I wyll take you from among the heathen, and gather you together out of all countreys, and bring you againe into your owne lande. 25Then wyll I sprinckle cleane water vpon you, and ye shalbe cleane: yea from all your vncleannes and from all your idols shall I cleanse you. 26A newe heart also wyll I geue you, and a newe spirite wyll I put into you: as for that stony heart I wyll take it out of your fleshe, and geue you a fleshy heart. 27I wyll geue my spirite among you, and cause you to walke in my comaundementes, and ye shall kepe my iudgementes and do them. 28And so ye shall dwell in the lande that I gaue to your fathers: & ye shalbe my people, and I wil be your God. 29I wyll deliuer you from all your vncleannes, I wyl call for the corne, and wyll encrease it, and lay no famine vpon you. 30I wil multiplie the fruites of the trees and the encrease of the fielde: so that ye shal receaue no more reproche of hunger among the heathen. 31Then shall ye remember your owne wicked wayes, and your imaginations which were not good: so that ye shalbe irksum in your owne eyes for your sinnes and abhominations. 32But I wyl not do this for your sakes, saith the Lorde God, be ye sure of it: therefore O ye house of Israel, be ashamed and confounded of your owne wayes. 33Moreouer, thus saith the Lorde God, what time as I shal cleanse you from al your iniquities, then wil I make the cities to be inhabited againe, and the places that be decayed shalbe repaired. 34The desolate lande shalbe tilled againe, which afore time lay waste in the sight of al them that went by. 35And they shal say, this waste lande was like the garden of Eden: and these waste and desolate and ruinous cities were strong and inhabited. 36Then the residue of the heathen that lye rounde about you, shall knowe that I the Lord repaire that was broken downe, and plant againe that that was made waste: euen I the Lord haue spoken it, and wyl do it in deede. 37Thus saith the Lorde God: I wyll yet for this be sought of the house of Israel, to do it for them, I wyll multiplie them as a flocke of men, 38Like as the holy flocke, and the flocke of Hierusalem are in the hie solempne feastes, so shall also the wasted cities be filled with flockes of men: and they shal knowe that I am the Lorde. 37The hande of the Lorde was vpon me, and caried me out in the spirite of the Lorde, and set me downe in the midst of a plaine fielde that was full of bones. 2And he led me rounde about by them, and beholde, there were very many in the open fielde, and lo they were very drye. 3Then saide he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, thinkest thou these bones may liue againe? I aunswered, O Lorde God, thou knowest. 4And he saide vnto me, Prophecie thou vpon these bones, & speake vnto them: Ye drye bones, heare the worde of the Lorde, 5Thus saith the Lorde God vnto these bones: Beholde, I wyll cause breath to enter into you, that ye may lyue. 6I wyll geue you sinowes, and make fleshe growe vpon you, and couer you ouer with skinne, & so geue you breath, that ye may liue, and knowe that I am the Lorde. 7So I prophecied as I was comaunded: and as I was propheciyng, there was a noyse, and lo a great motion, so that the bones came neare together, bone to his bone. 8Now when I had loked, behold they had sinowes, & flesh grewe vpon them, and aboue they were couered with skin: but there was no breath in them. 9Then saide he vnto me: Thou sonne of man, prophecie thou towarde the winde, prophecie & speake to the winde, thus saith the Lorde God: Come, O thou ayre from the foure windes, and blowe vpon these slaine, that they may lyue. 10So I prophecied as he had commaunded me: then came the breath into them, and they receaued lyfe, and stoode vp vpon their feete, a marueilous great armie. 11Moreouer he said vnto me: Thou sonne of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: Behold, they say, Our bones are dryed vp, our hope is gone, and we are cleane cut of. 12Therefore prophecie thou, and speake vnto them, thus saith the Lorde God: Beholde, I wyll open your graues O my people, and cause you to come vp out your sepulchres, and bring you into the lande of Israel againe. 13So shal ye know that I am the Lord, when I open your graues O my people, & bring you out of your sepulchres. 14My spirite also wil I put in you, and ye shal liue, I wil set you againe in your owne lande: and ye shall knowe that I the Lorde haue sayde it, and fulfilled it in deede, sayth the Lorde. 15The word of the Lord came vnto me, saying: 16Thou sonne of man, take one sticke, and write vpon it, Unto Iuda and to the children of Israel his companios. Then take another sticke and write vpon it, Unto Ioseph the stocke of Ephraim, & to all the housholde of Israel his companions. 17And ioyne thee them one to another into one sticke: and they shalbe as one in thy hande. 18Now if the children of thy people speake vnto thee, saying: Wilt thou not shew vs what thou meanest by these? 19Then geue them this aunswere, thus sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I will take the stocke of Ioseph, whiche is in the hand of Ephraim, and of the tribes of Israel his felowes, and wil put them with him, euen with the stocke of Iuda, and make them one stocke, and they shalbe one in my hande. 20And the stickes where vpon thou wrytest, shalt thou haue in thy hand, that they may see. 21And thou shalt say vnto them, thus sayth the Lorde God: Beholde, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen vnto whom they be gone, and will gather them together on euery side, and bring them againe into their owne lande. 22Yea I wil make one people of them in the land vpon the mountaynes of Israel, and one king shalbe king to them al: they shall no more be two peoples, neither be deuided from hencefoorth into two kingdomes. 23They shall also defile them selues no more with their idoles and abhominations, and al their wicked doynges: I wil saue them out of all their dwelling places wherin they haue sinned, and will so cleanse them, that they shalbe my people, and I wilbe their God. 24Dauid my seruaunt shalbe their king, and they all shall haue one sheepheard only: they shall walke in my iudgementes, and my commaundementes shall they kepe, and fulfill them. 25They shall dwell in the lande that I gaue vnto Iacob my seruaunt, wheras your fathers also haue dwelt, yea euen in the same land shal they, their children, & their childers children dwell for euermore: and my seruaunt Dauid shalbe their prince for euer. 26Moreouer, I will make a bonde of peace with them, whiche shalbe vnto them an euerlasting couenaunt: I will settle them also and multiplie them, my sanctuarie will I set among them for euermore. 27My tabernacle shalbe with them: yea I wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people. 28Thus the heathen also shal know that I the Lorde do sanctifie Israel, when my sanctuarie shalbe among them for euermore. 38And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me, saying: 2Thou sonne of man, set thy face towarde Gog, the land of Magog, which is the chiefe prince at Mesech and Tubal: prophecie against him, 3And say, thus sayth the Lorde God: O Gog, thou chiefe prince of Mesech and Tubal, beholde, I will vpon thee: 4And I will turne thee backe, and put hookes in thy chawes, I will bring thee foorth and all thyne hoast, both horse and horsemen, all armed with all sortes of armour, a great multitude with speares and shieldes, all handling swordes. 5They of Paras, of Cush, & Phut, with them euen all hauing shieldes and helmets. 6Gomer and all his hoastes, the house of Togarma out of the north quarters and all his hoastes, yea and much people with thee. 7Therfore prepare thee, set thy selfe in aray with all thy people that are come vnto thee by heapes, & be thou their defence. 8After many dayes thou shalt be visited, and in the latter yeres thou shalt come into the lande that hath ben turned and cost with the sworde, and gathered together againe out of many people vpon the mountaynes of Israel, which haue ben alwayes subiect to waste: but it is brought out of the people, and they dwell all safe. 9Thou shalt ascend and come vp like a storme, as a cloude to couer the lande shalt thou be: thou with al thine hoastes, & a great multitude of people with thee. 10Moreouer, thus sayth the Lorde God: At the same time shall thinges come into thy minde, so that thou shalt thinke euyll thoughtes. 11And say, I will vp to the lande of vnwalled villages, I will go to them that be at rest, whiche dwell safely, all dwelling without walles, they haue neither barres nor gates: 12To spoyle the pray, and to take a bootie, to turne thy hande vpon the desolate places that are nowe inhabited, & vpon that people that is gathered together from among the heathen, whiche haue gotten cattell and goodes, and dwell in the mids of the lande. 13Then shall Saba and Dedan, and the marchauntes of Tharsis with all their lions, say vnto thee: Art thou come to spoyle a pray? hast thou gathered thy people together to take a bootie, to take away siluer and golde, to cary away cattel and good, and to haue a great pray? 14Therfore, O thou sonne of man, thou shalt prophecie and say vnto Gog, thus sayth the Lord God: In that day when my people Israel dwelleth safe, shalt thou not knowe it? 15And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north partes, thou and much people with thee, which ride al vpon horses, euen a great multitude and a mightie armie. 16Yea thou shalt come vpon my people of Israel, as a cloude to couer the lande: this shall come to passe in the latter dayes, and I will bring thee vp into my land, that the heathen may knowe me, when I shalbe sanctified in thee O Gog, before their eyes. 17Thus sayth the Lorde God: Art not thou he of whom I haue spoken in olde time by the handes of my seruauntes the prophetes of Israel, which prophecied in those dayes and yeres, that I should bring thee vpon them? 18At the same time when Gog commeth vp into the lande of Israel, sayth the Lorde God, shall myne indignation rise in my wrath: 19For in my ielousie and fire of my wrath haue I spoken it, surely at that time ther shalbe a great shaking in the lande of Israel. 20The very fisshes in the sea, the foules in the ayre, the beastes of the fielde, and all that moue and crepe vpon the earth, and all the men that are vpon the earth, shall tremble at my presence: the hilles also shalbe turned vpside downe, the staires shall fall, and all walles shall fall downe to the grounde. 21I will call for a sworde vpon hym in all my mountaynes, sayth the Lorde God: so that euery mans sworde shalbe vpon another. 22With pestilence and blood wil I pleade against him: stormie rayne and haylestones, fire and brimstone wil I cause to rayne vpon him and all his hoastes, yea and vpon all that great people that is with him. 23Thus will I be magnified, sanctified, and knowen in the eyes of many nations: and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde. 39Therfore O thou sonne of man, prophecie against Gog, & speake, thus sayth the Lorde God: Behold O Gog, thou chiefe prince at Mesech and Tubal, I will vpon thee. 2And I wil turne thee about, and I wil prouoke thee forward, and cause thee to come vp from the north partes, and bring thee vp to the mountaynes of Israel. 3As for thy bow, I wil smite it out of thy left hande, and cause thyne arrowes to fall out of thy right hande. 4Thou with all thyne hoast, and all the people that is with thee, shall fall vpon the mountaynes of Israel: then will I geue thee vnto the flockes of birdes euen to all fethered foules and beastes of the fielde, to be deuoured. 5Thou shalt fal vpon the open fielde: for I haue spoken it, sayth the Lorde God. 6Into Magog, and among those that sit so carelesse in the Iles will I sende a fire, and they shall know that I am the Lorde. 7I will make also the name of my holinesse to be knowen among my people of Israel, and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: but the very heathen also shall knowe that I am the Lord, the holy one of Israel. 8Behold it is come, and it is done, sayth the Lorde God: this is the day wherof I haue spoken. 9They that dwell in the cities of Israel, shall go foorth and set fire vpon the weapons, and burne them, shieldes and speares, bowes & arowes, hand staues and swordes, and they shal burne them with fire seuen yeres. 10So that they shall els bring no wood from the fielde, neither hew downe any out of the wood: for with weapons shal they make their fire, they shall rob those that robbed them, and spoyle those that spoyled them, sayth the Lorde God. 11At the same time wil I geue vnto Gog a place to be buried in Israel, euen the valley wherethrough men go towarde the east sea: those that trauayle thereby, shall stop their noses, there shall Gog and all his multitute be buried, & it shalbe called the valley of the multitude of Gog. 12Seuen monethes long shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the lande. 13Yea all the people of the land shal burie them, and they shall haue a name when I shalbe glorified, sayth the Lord God. 14They shall chose out men to go continually thorowe the lande, to burie as they passe through those that remayne vpon the ground, to cleanse it: after the end of seuen monethes, shall they make their searche. 15And the trauaylers that passe thorowe the land, where they see a mans bone, they shal set vp a token by it, til the dead buriers haue buried it also in the valley of the multitude of Gog. 16And the name of the citie shalbe called Hamonah: thus shall they make the lande cleane. 17And thou sonne of man, thus sayth the Lord God: Speake vnto the birdes and all fethered foules, yea and to all the beastes of the fielde, Assemble you together, and come, gather you round about to my sacrifice that I sacrifice for you, euen a great sacrifice vpon the mountaynes of Israel, that ye may eate fleshe, and drinke blood. 18Ye shall eate the fleshe of the valiaunt, and drinke the blood of the princes of the land, of the rammes, of the weathers, of the goates, and of the bullockes, that be all fed at Basan. 19Ye shall eate the fat your belly full, and drinke blood till ye be drunken of my sacrifice, which I haue sacrificed for you. 20Ye shall fil you at my table with horses & horsemen, with the valiaunt and men of warre, sayth the Lorde God. 21I wil set my glorie also among the gentiles, that all the heathen may see my iudgement that I haue executed, & my hand whiche I haue layde vpon them. 22And the house of Israel shall knowe that I am the Lorde their God, from that day, and so forwarde. 23And the heathen shal know, that wheras the house of Israel was led into captiuitie, it was for their wickednesse sake, because they offended me: for the which cause I hyd my face from them, & deliuered them into the handes of their enemies, that they might all be slayne with the sworde. 24According to their vncleanesse, & according to their transgressions haue I done vnto them, & hid my face fro them. 25Therefore thus sayth the Lorde God: Nowe will I bring againe the captiues of Iacob, and haue mercie vpon the whole house of Israel, and be ielous for my holy names sake, 26After that they haue borne their shame, and all their transgression, wherby they haue transgressed against me when they dwelt safely in their lande, and no man to feare them: 27And when I haue brought them againe from among the people, when I haue gathered them together out of their enemies landes, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations: 28Then shall they knowe that I am the Lorde their God, which caused them to be led into captiuitie among the heathen, but haue gathered them againe into their owne land, and not left one of them any more there. 29After that wil I hyde my face no more from them, but will powre out my spirite vpon the house of Israel, sayth the Lorde God. 40In the fyue and twentie yere of our captiuitie, in the beginning of the yere, the tenth day of the moneth, that is the fourtenth yere after the citie was smitten, the selfe same day came the hand of the Lorde vpon me, & brought me thyther: 2Euen into the land of Israel brought he me in the visions of god, & set me downe vpon a marueylous hye mountayne, wherevpon there was as it had ben the buylding of a citie towarde the south. 3Thyther he caried me, and behold there was a man, whose similitude was like brasse, whiche had a twisted line of flax in his hand, and a cane to measure with: and he stoode in the doore. 4And that man sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, marke well with thyne eyes, hearken to with thyne eares, and fasten it in thy heart, whatsoeuer I shal shewe thee: for to the intent that they might be shewed thee, therfore art thou brought hyther, and whatsoeuer thou seest, thou shalt certifie the house of Israel therof. 5Behold, there was a wall on the outside of the house, rounde about: the cane to measure with that he had in his hande, was sixe cubites long by the cubite & a hande breadth: So he measured the breadth of the building with one cane, and the heyght with one cane. 6Then came he to the gate which loketh toward the east, and went vp the staires therof, and measured the post of the gate one cane broade, and the other post of the gate one cane broade. 7And euery chamber was one cane long and one cane broade, and betweene the chambers were fiue cubites: and the post of the gate by the porche of the gate within, was one cane. 8He measured also the porche of the gate within one cane. 9Then measured he the porche of the gate eyght cubites: & the pentises therof two cubites, and the porche of the gate was inwarde. 10And the chambers of the gate eastward, were three on this side, & three on that side: they three were of one measure, & the pentises had one measure on this side, and one measure on that side. 11After this, he measured the breadth of the entrie of the gate ten cubites, and the heyght of the gate thirteene cubites. 12The space also before the chambers was one cubite on this side and the space one cubite on that side: & the chambers sixe cubites on this side, and sixe cubites on that side. 13He measured the gate from the roofe of a chamber to his owne roofe the breadth of fiue and twentie cubites: doore against doore. 14He made frontes also of threescore cubites, euen vnto the front of the court rounde about the gate. 15And from the forefront of the entrie of the gate, vnto the forefront of the gate within were fiftie cubites. 16And there were narowe windowes in the chambers, and in the frontes within the gate rounde about: & so in the arches: and the windowes went rounde about within, and vpon the frontes were paulme trees. 17Then brought he me into the outward court, where as were chambers, and a pauement made for the court rounde about: thirtie chambers were vpon the pauement. 18And the pauement was by the side of the gates, ouer against the length of the gates: and the pauement was beneath. 19Then he measured the breadth fro the forefront of the lower gate without, vnto the forefront of the court within, a hundreth cubites eastwarde and northwarde. 20And the gate in the outward court that loked toward the north, measured he after the length and breadth therof. 21And the chambers therof were three on this side, and three on that side: and the frontes therof, and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate: the length thereof was fiftie cubites, and the breadth fiue and twentie cubites. 22And their windowes and their arches with their paulme trees were after the measure of the gate that loketh toward the east: and the goyng vp vnto it had seuen steppes, and the arches thereof were before them. 23And the gate of the inner court stoode ouer against the gate towarde the north and toward the east, and he measured from gate to gate a hundreth cubites. 24After that he brought me towarde the south, where there stoode a gate towarde the south, and he measured the frontes therof and the arches therof according to those measures. 25And there were windowes in it, and in the arches therof round about like these windowes: the length was fiftie cubites, & the breadth fiue and twentie cubites. 26And there were seuen steppes at the goyng vp to it, and the arches therof before them: & it had paulme trees, one on this side, and an other on that side, vpon the front therof. 27And there was a gate in the inner court towarde the south, and he measured from gate to gate toward the south, a hundred cubites. 28So he brought me into the inner court thorowe the south gate, and he measured the south gate according to those measures. 29And the chambers thereof, the frontes therof, and the arches thereof, according to these measures, and wyndowes in it: and in the arches thereof round about, fiftie cubites long, and fiue and twentie cubites broade. 30And the arches round about were fiue and twentie cubites long, and fiue cubites broade. 31And the arches therof were toward the vtter court, and paulme trees vpon the frontes therof, & the goyng vp to it had eyght steppes. 32He brought me also into the inmost court toward the east, and measured the gate according to those measures. 33And the chambers thereof, and frontes therof, and the arches therof were according to these measures, & there were windowes therin, and in the arches therof round about: it was fiftie cubites long, & fiue and twentie cubites broade. 34And the arches therof were towarde the vtter court, and paulme trees vpon the frontes thereof on this side and on that side, & the goyng vp to it had eyght steppes. 35And he brought me to the north gate, & measured it according to those measures. 36The chambers thereof, the frontes therof, and the arches therof, and there were windowes therin rounde about: and the length was fiftie cubites, & the breadth fiue and twentie cubites. 37And the frontes therof were towarde the vtter court, and paulme trees were vpon the frontes therof on this side, and on that side, and the goyng vp to it had eyght steppes. 38And a chamber and the entrie thereof was vnder the frotes of the gates: there they washed the burnt offeringes. 39And in the porche of the gate stoode two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, vpon the whiche they slue the burnt offering, and the sinne offering, and the trespasse offering. 40And at the side without the steppes at the entrie of the north gate stoode two tables, and on the other side which was at the porche of the gate were two tables. 41Foure tables were on this side, and foure on that side by the side of the gate, euen eyght tables, wherevpon they slue their sacrifices. 42And the foure tables were of hewen stone for the burnt offring, of a cubite & a halfe long, and a cubite and a halfe broade, and one cubite hye, wherevpon were layde the instrumentes wherwith they slue the burnt offring, and the sacrifice. 43And within there were hookes one hand breadth long fastened rounde about, and vpon the tables was the offering fleshe. 44And without the inner gate were the chambers of the singers in the inwarde court, whiche was at the side of the north gate, and their prospect was towarde the south: and one was at the side of the east gate, hauing the prospect towarde the north. 45And he sayde vnto me: This chamber, whose prospect is towarde the south, is for the priestes that haue charge to kepe the house. 46And the chamber whose prospect is towarde the north is for the priestes that haue charge to kepe the aulter: these are the sonnes of Sadoc, which of the sonnes of Leui come neare to the Lorde, to minister vnto him. 47So he measured the court, which had in length a hundred cubites, and a hundred in breadth, euen fouresquare: and the aulter stoode before the house. 48And he brought me to the porche of the house, and measured the porche fiue cubites on this side, and fiue cubites on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubites on this side, and three cubites on that side. 49The length of the porche was twentie cubites, the breadth eleuen cubites, and by steps went men vp to it: by the frontes also were pillers, one on this side, and another on that side. 41After this he brought me to the temple, and measured the frontes sixe cubites broade on the one side, and sixe cubites broade on the other side, which was the breadth of the tabernacle. 2The breadth of the doore was ten cubites, and the sides of the doore were fiue cubites on the one side and fiue cubites on the other syde, and he measured the length therof fourtie cubites, and the breadth twentie cubites. 3Then went he in & measured the front of the doore two cubites: but the doore it selfe was sixe cubites, and the breadth on the other side of the doore was seuen cubites. 4He measured the length therof twentie cubites, and the breadth twentie cubites before the temple. And he said vnto me, This is the most holy place. 5He measured also the wall of the house sixe cubites, and the breadth of a chamber foure cubites round about the house on euery side. 6And the chambers were chamber vpon chamber, three and thirtie in order: and they entred the wall whiche was of the house for the chambers rounde about, that they might be fastened, and not be fastened in the wall of the house. 7Ther was an enlarging, and a winding about, mounting still vpwarde to the chabers: for the staire of the house was mounting still vpward round about the house, therfore the house was larger vpwarde: so they went vp from the lowest chamber to the highest by the midst. 8And I saw the house hye round about: the foundatios of the chambers were a ful cane of sixe cubites vp to the armeholes. 9The thickenesse of the wall which was for the chamber without was fiue cubites, and that whiche remayned was the place of the chambers that were within. 10And betweene the chambers was the wydenesse of twentie cubites rounde about the house on euery side. 11And the doores of the chambers were toward the place that remayned, one doore toward the north, and another toward the south: & the breadth of the place that remayned was fiue cubites rounde about. 12Now the buylding that was before the separate place at the end towarde the west was seuentie cubites broade: and the wall of the buylding was fyue cubites thicke round about, and the length ninetie cubites. 13So he measured the house, which was a hundred cubites long, and the separate place and the buylding with the walles were a hundred cubites long also. 14The breadth also of the forefront of the house and of the separate place towarde the east, was a hundred cubites. 15And he measured the length of the buylding ouer against the separate place which was behynde it, and the chambers on the one side & on the other side a hundreth cubites, with the temple within, and the porches of the court. 16The doore postes, and the narow windowes, & the chambers round about, on three sides ouer against the doore, seeled with wood round about, and from the ground vp to the windowes: and the windowes themselues were seeled. 17And from aboue the doore vnto the house within and without, and vpon euery wall rounde about within and without, toke he measure. 18And it was made with Cherubims and paulme trees, so that a paulme tree was betweene a Cherub and a Cherub, and euery Cherub had two faces. 19So that the face of a man was toward the paulme tree on the one side, and the face of a lion towarde the paulme tree on the other side: thus was it made through all the house rounde about. 20From the ground vnto aboue the doore were Cherubims & paulme trees made: and thus was the wall of the temple. 21The postes of the temple were foure squared, and the fashion of the sanctuarie was appearaunce lyke appearaunce. 22The aulter of wood was three cubites hye, and two cubites long: the corners, the length, and the walles thereof were of wood. And he sayd vnto me, This is the table that shalbe before the Lorde. 23The temple and the holiest of all had either of them two doores. 24And the doores had two doores a peece, euen two folding doores, two for the one doore, and two doores for the other. 25And vpon the doores of the temple, there were made Cherubims & paulme trees, lyke as was made vpon the walles: & thicke beames vpon the forefront of the porche without. 26And there were narow windowes and paulme trees on the one side and on the other side, by the sides of the porche and vpon the sides of the house, and thicke beames. 42Then led he me into the vtter court by the way toward the north, and he brought me into the chamber that was ouer against the separate place, whiche was before the buylding towarde the north. 2Before the length of a hundred cubites was the north doore: and the breadth was fiftie cubites. 3Ouer against the twentie cubites, which were for the inner court, and ouer against the pauement, which was for the vtter court, was chamber against chamber, three orders. 4And before the chambers, ther was a walking place of ten cubites wyde inwarde, the way of one cubite: and their doores towarde the north. 5Thus the vpper chambers were alway narower: for those chambers seemed to eate vp these, to wit the lower and the middlemer of the buylding. 6For they were in three orders, but had no pillers as the pillers of the courtes: therfore were they smaller then the nethermost and the middlemost to recken from the grounde. 7And the wall that was without ouer against the chambers, towarde the vtter court on the forefront of the chambers, the length therof was fiftie cubits. 8For the length of the chambers that were in the vtter court was fyftie cubites: and lo, before the temple was a hundred cubites. 9And vnder these chambers was the entrie from the east, as one goeth vnto them from the vtter court. 10In the thicknesse of the wall of the court towarde the east before the separate place, and before the building of the chambers. 11And the way before them after the appearaunce of the chambers which were toward the north, as their length, so was their breadth: and all their entries were according to their fashion, and according to their doores. 12And according to the doores of the chambers that were toward the south, was a doore in the head of the way, euen the way directly before the wall towarde the east, as one entreth. 13Then sayd he vnto me: The chambers toward the north, and the chambers towarde the south, whiche are before the separate place, those be holy chambers, wherin the priestes that approche vnto the Lorde must eate the most holy thinges, & there must they lay the most holy thinges, and the meate offring, and sinne offering, and trespasse offering: for it is a holy place. 14When the priestes come therein, they shall not go out of the holy place into the vtter court, but there they shall lay vp their garmentes wherin they minister, for they are holy: & shall put on other garmentes, and so shall approche to those which are for the people. 15Now when he had finished the measuring of the house within, he led me foorth toward the gate whose prospect is towarde the east, and he measured it rounde about. 16He measured the east side with the measuring cane fiue hundred canes, euen with the measuring cane round about. 17And he measured the north side fyue hundred canes, euen with the measuring cane round about. 18The south side also measured he fiue hundred canes, by the measuring cane. 19He turned about also to the west side, and measured fiue hundred canes, by the measuring cane. 20So he measured it by the foure sides: it had a wall round about fyue hundred canes long, and fiue hundred broade, to make a separation betweene the sanctuarie, and the prophane place. 43So he brought me to the gate euen the gate that turneth towarde the east: 2And beholde, then came the glorie of the God of Israel from out of the east, whose voyce was lyke a great noyse of waters, and the earth was lightened with his glorie. 3And according to the appearaunce of the vision which I saw, euen according to the vision which I sawe when I came to destroy the citie: and the visions were like the visions whiche I sawe by the riuer Chebar, & I fell vpon my face. 4And the glorie of the Lorde came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is towarde the east. 5So a winde toke me vp, and brought me into the innermer court: and behold, the house was full of the glorie of the Lorde. 6And I heard one speaking vnto me out of the house, & there stoode a man by me, 7And he sayd vnto me: O thou sonne of man, this roome is my seate, & the place of my foote steppes, wheras I wil dwel among the children of Israel for euermore: so that the house of Israel shal no more defile my holy name, neither they nor their kinges thorowe their whordome, and thorowe the dead bodies of their kinges in their hye places. 8Albeit they haue set their thresholdes by my thresholdes, and their postes by my postes, and a wal betwixt me and them, yet haue they defiled my holy name with their abominations that they haue committed: wherfore I haue consumed them in my wrath. 9But nowe let them put away their whordome, and the dead bodies of their kinges out of my sight, and I will dwel among them for euermore. 10Therfore O thou sonne of man, shewe thou the house of Israel this house, that they may be ashamed of their wickednesse, & measure them selues an example therat. 11And if they be ashamed of all their workes, then shew them the fourme of the house and patterne thereof, the going out, the comming in, all the maner therof, yea all the ordinaunces thereof, the figures, and all the lawes thereof, and write it in their sight, that they may kepe the whole fashion thereof, and all the ordinaunces thereof, and do them. 12This is the lawe of the house: Upon the top of the mount, shall all the limits thereof be, rounde about the most holy place: lo, this is the lawe of the house. 13And these are the measures of the aulter in cubites: the cubite is a cubite and a hande breadth, the botome shalbe a cubite, and the breadth a cubite, & the border therof by the edge thereof rounde about was one span, and this shalbe the height of the aulter. 14And from the bottome vpon the groud vnto the lower peece shalbe two cubites, and the breadth one cubite: and from the litle peece to the great peece shalbe foure cubites, & the breadth one cubite. 15The aulter was foure cubites hie, and from the aulter vpwarde stoode foure hornes. 16And the aulter was twelue cubites long, and twelue cubites broade, square in the foure corners thereof. 17The frame of the aulter shalbe fourteene cubites long, and fourteene broade in the foure square corners thereof, and the border about it shalbe halfe a cubite, and the bottome thereof shalbe a cubite about, and the steps thereof shalbe turned toward the east. 18And he saide vnto me, Thou sonne of man, thus saith the Lorde God: These are the ordinaunces of the aulter, in the day when it is made, to offer burnt offeringes thereupon, & to sprinckle blood thereupon. 19And thou shalt geue to the priestes, to the Leuites that be of the seede of Sadoc, and approche vnto me saith the Lord God to minister vnto me, a young bullocke for a sinne offering. 20And thou shalt take of the blood therof, & put it on the foure hornes of it, and on the foure corners of the frame, and vpon the border rounde about: thus shalt thou cleanse it, and purge it. 21Thou shalt take the bullocke also of the sinne offering, and burne him in the appoynted place without the sanctuary. 22The seconde day, take a goate bucke without blemishe for a sinne offering, to cleanse the aulter withal, like as it was cleansed with the bullocke. 23Now when thou hast made an ende of cleansing it, then offer a young bullocke without blemishe, and a ramme out of the flocke without blemishe also. 24Offer them before the Lorde, and let the priestes cast salt therupon, and geue them so vnto the Lorde for a burnt offering. 25Seuen dayes shalt thou prepare euery day a goate bucke for sinne, a young bullocke and a ramme of the flocke, both without blemishe shall they prepare. 26Seuen dayes shall they reconcile and cleanse the aulter, and fill the place thereof. 27When these dayes are expired, then vpon the eight day & so foorth, the priestes shall make your burnt offringes, and peace offringes vpon the aulter: so I wyll accept you, saith the Lorde God. 44After this, he brought me againe to the outward gate of the sanctuarie on the east side, and that was shut. 2Then saide the lorde vnto me: This gate shalbe still shut and not opened, neither shall any man go through it: for the Lorde God of Israel hath entred by it, and it shalbe shut. 3It is for the prince, the prince him selfe shal sit in it to eate bread before the lord: he shal enter by the way of the porche of that gate, and shal go out by the way of the same. 4Then brought he me toward the north gate before the house: and as I loked, beholde the glory of the Lorde filled the house of the Lorde, and I fell vpon my face. 5So the Lorde spake vnto me: O thou sonne of man, set thyne heart, and beholde with thyne eyes, and heare with thyne eares al that I say vnto thee concerning all the ordinaunces of the house of the Lorde, and all the lawes thereof, and marke well the entring in of the house, with euery going foorth of the sanctuarie. 6And thou shalt say to the rebellious euen to the house of Israel, thus saith the Lorde God: O house of Israel, ye haue inough of al your abhominations. 7Seeing ye haue brought into my sanctuary straungers hauing vncircumcized heartes and vncircumcized fleshe, to be in my sanctuarie to pollute my house, when ye offer my bread, fat, and blood, and they haue broken my couenaunt because of all your abhominations: 8And ye haue not kept the ordinaunces of my holy thinges, and ye haue set kepers to kepe my sanctuarie for you. 9Therefore thus saith the Lorde God: Of al the straungers that dwell among the children of Israel, no straunger vncircumcized in heart, nor vncircumcized in fleshe, shall enter into my sanctuarie. 10But the Leuites that went backe from me when Israel went astraye, which strayed from me after their idols, shal beare their iniquitie: 11And they shalbe ministers in my sanctuary, and kepe the gates of the house, and minister in the house: they shall slay the burnt offeringes, and the sacrifice for the people, and they shal stand before them to serue them. 12Because they serued before their idols, and caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquitie: therefore haue I lift vp my hande against them, saith the Lorde God, and they shal beare their iniquitie. 13And they shall not come neare vnto me to do the office of a prieste vnto me, neither shall they come neare vnto any of myne holy thinges in the most holy place: but they shall beare their owne shame and abhominations which they haue done. 14And I wyll make them kepers of the watch of the house for all the seruice thereof, & for al that shalbe done therin. 15But the priestes, the Leuites, the sonnes of Sadoc that kept the charge of my sanctuarie when the children of Israel straied from me, shal come to me to do me seruice, to stand before me, and to offer me the fat and the blood, saith the Lorde God. 16They shall go into my sanctuarie, and apropche vnto my table to do me seruice, and they shall kepe my charge. 17Now when they go in at the gates of the innermer court, they shal put on linnen clothes, so that no woollen come vpon them while they do seruice vnder the gates of the innermer court, and with in. 18They shall haue linnen bonnets vpon their heades, and linnen breeches vpon their loynes: they shal not gird them selues in the sweate. 19And when they go foorth into the vtter court euen to the vtter court of the people, they shall put of the clothes wherein they haue ministred, and laye them in the chamber of the sanctuarie, and put on other apparel, and they shal not sanctifie the people with their clothes. 20They shall not shaue their heades, nor suffer their here to growe long, but poule their heades onely. 21Al the priestes that go into the inmost court shal drinke no wine. 22They shall mary no widowe, neither one that is put from her husband: but a maide of the seede of the house of Israel, or a widowe that hath had a priest before. 23They shall shewe my people the difference betweene the holy and vnholy, and cause them to discerne betwixt the cleane and vncleane. 24And in controuersie they shall stand to iudge, and geue sentence after my iudgementes: and my lawes and my statutes shal they kepe in al my solempne feastes, and halowe my Sabbathes. 25They shall come at no dead person to defile them selues: but with father or mother, sonne or daughter, brother or sister, that hath had yet no husband, may they be defiled. 26And when he is cleansed, there shalbe reckened vnto him seuen dayes. 27And when he goeth into the sanctuarie vnto the inner court to minister in the sanctuarie, he shal bring his sinne offring saith the Lorde. 28There shalbe to them an inheritauce, euen I their inheritaunce: but possession shall ye geue them none in Israel, for I am their possession. 29The meate offering, sinne offring, and trespasse offring shal they eate: & euery dedicate thing in Israel shalbe theirs. 30And all the first of all the first borne, and euery oblation, euen all of euery sort of your oblations shalbe the priestes: ye shall also geue vnto the priestes the first of your dough, that he may cause the blessing to rest in thyne house. 31But the priestes shal eate nothing that is dead by it selfe or torne of foule or of beaste. 45When ye deuide the land by the lot for inheritaunce, ye shall offer an oblation to the Lorde, a holy portion of the lande, twentie and fiue thousand canes long, and ten thousand broade: this shalbe holy in all the borders thereof rounde about. 2Of this part there shall belong vnto the sanctuarie fiue hundred cubites in length with fiue hundred in breadth square rounde about: and fiftie cubites rounde about for the suburbes. 3And of this measure shalt thou measure, namely of the length of twentie & fiue thousand, and the breadth of ten thousand: and in it shalbe the sanctuarie and the most holy place. 4That holy portion of the lande shall parteyne vnto the priestes which do seruice in the sanctuarie, which come neare to serue the Lorde: and it shalbe vnto them a place for their houses, and a holy place for the sanctuarie. 5And in the twentie and fiue thousand length, and ten thousand breadth, shall the Leuites that minister in the house haue their possession for twentie chambers. 6Ye shal geue also vnto the citie a possession of fiue thousand canes broade, and twentie and fiue thousand long, ouer against the oblation of the holy portion, that shalbe for the whole house of Israel. 7And a portion shalbe for the prince on this side and on that side of the oblation of the holy portion, and of the possession of the citie, euen before the oblation of the holy portion, and before the possession of the citie, from the west corner westwarde, & from the east corner eastwarde: and the length shalbe by one of the portions, from the west border vnto the east border. 8In this lande shalbe his possession in Israel: and my princes shall no more oppresse my people, and the rest of the lande shall they geue to the house of Israel according to their tribes. 9Thus saith the Lorde God, Let it suffise you O ye princes of Israel: leaue of crueltie and oppression, and execute iudgement and iustice: take away your exactions from my people, saith the lord God. 10Ye shall haue a true Ballaunce, a true Ephah, and a true Bath. 11The Ephah and the Bath shalbe alyke: one Bath shall containe the tenth parte of an Homer, and an Ephah the tenth part of an Homer: the equalitie thereof shalbe after the Homer. 12The Sicle maketh twentie Gerrahs: & twentie Sicles, and twentie & fiue, and fifteene Sicles make a Maneh. 13This is the oblation that ye shall offer: the sixt part of an Ephah out of an Homer of wheate, and the sixt part of an Ephah out of an Homer of barlye. 14Concerning the ordinaunces of the oyle, euen of the Bath of oyle, ye shall offer the tenth part of a Bath out of the Cor: ten Bathes shalbe a Homer, because ten Bathes fill a Homer. 15And one lambe from two hundred sheepe out of the fat pastures of Israel, for a meate offring, burnt offring, and peace offring, to reconcile them, saith the Lorde God. 16All the people of the lande shall geue this oblation for the prince in Israel. 17Againe, it shalbe the princes part to offer burnt offringes, meate offringes, and wine offringes, in the holy dayes, newe moones, Sabbathes, & in all the hie feastes of the house of Israel: he shal prepare the sinne offring, meate offring, burnt offring, and peace offring, to reconcile the house of Israel. 18Thus saith the Lorde God: The first day of the first moneth, thou shalt take a young bullocke without blemishe, and cleanse the sanctuarie. 19So the priest shall take of the blood of the sinne offring, and put it vpon the postes of the house, & vpon the foure corners of the frame of the aulter, & vpon the postes of the gate of the inner court. 20And thus shalt thou do also the seuenth day of the moneth for such as haue sinned of ignoraunce, or being deceaued, to reconcile the house withall. 21Upon the fourteenth day of the first moneth, ye shall haue the passouer, a feast of seuen dayes, and ye shall eate vnleauened bread. 22Upon the same day shal the prince prepare for him selfe and all the people of the lande a bullocke for a sinne offring. 23And in the seuen dayes of the feast, he shall make a burnt offring to the Lord, euen of seuen bullockes & seue rammes without blemishe dayly, for seuen dayes, and a hee goate dayly for a sinne offring. 24And he shall prepare a meate offering of an Ephah for a bullocke, & an Ephah for a ramme, and a Hin of oyle for an Ephah. 25In the seuenth moneth in the fifteenth day of the moneth on the feast, he shall do according vnto these for seuen dayes: according to the sinne offering, according to the burnt offring, and according to the meate offring, and according to the oyle. 46Thus saith the Lorde God: The gate of the inner court towarde the east shalbe shut the sixe working dayes: but in the Sabbath & in the day of the new moone it shalbe opened. 2And the prince shall enter by the way of the porche of the gate without, and shall stande by the poste of the gate: and the priestes shal make his burnt offring, and his peace offringes, and he shall worship at the thresholde of the gate, & go foorth: and the gate shall not be shut till the euening. 3On the same maner shall the people of the lande also do their worship before the Lorde, at the doore of this gate vpon the Sabbathes, and new moones. 4The burnt offring that the prince shal bring vnto the lorde vpon the Sabbath, shalbe sixe lambes without blemish, and a ramme without blemishe. 5And the meate offring shalbe an Ephah for a ramme, and the meate offring for the lambes a gift of his hande, and a Hin of oyle to an Ephah. 6In the day of the new moneth, it shalbe a young bullocke without blemishe, and sixelambes, and a ramme also without blemishe. 7With the bullocke he shall geue an Ephah, & with the ramme an Ephah also for a meate offring: but to the lambes according as his hande shal take, and a Hin of oyle to an Ephah. 8And when the prince shall enter, he shal go in by the way of the porche of that gate: he shall go foorth by the way thereof. 9But when the people of the lande come before the Lorde in the hie solempne feast, as many as come in by the north gate to do worship, shal go out againe at the south gate: and they that come in at the south gate, shall go foorth againe at the north gate: there shall none returne by the gate where he came in, but shall go right foorth ouer on the other side. 10And the prince he shall go in the midst of them when they go in, and so come foorth when they come foorth. 11Upon the solempne & hie feast dayes this shalbe the meate offring: an Ephah to a bullocke, & an Ephah to a ramme, and to the lambes the gift of his hande, and a Hin of oyle to an Ephah. 12Nowe when the prince shall make a free burnt offring, or peace offringes freely vnto the Lord: one then shal open him the gate that turneth toward the east, and he shal make his burnt offeringes, and his peace offeringes, as he did on the Sabbath day: after he shall go foorth, and when he is gone foorth, one shall shut the gate. 13Thou shalt dayly make a burnt offering vnto the Lorde of a lambe of one yere without blemishe, thou shalt do it euery morning. 14Thou shalt prepare a meate offering for it euery morning, the sixt part of an Ephah, and the third part of a Hin of oyle to mingle with the fine floure: this meate offering shalbe continually by a perpetuall ordinaunce vnto the Lorde. 15Thus shal they prepare the lambe, the meate offering, & oyle, euery morning, for a continuall burnt offering. 16Moreouer, thus saith the Lorde God: If the prince geue a gift vnto any of his sonnes, the inheritaunce thereof shalbe his sonnes: their possession shalbe by inheritaunce. 17But if he geue a gift of his inheritaunce to one of his seruauntes, then it shalbe his to the yere of libertie, and then returne to the prince: but the inheritaunce thereof is his sonnes and shalbe theirs. 18The prince also shall take none of the peoples inheritaunce, nor put them from their possession: but to his sonnes shall he geue his owne possession, that my people be not scattered abrode euery man from his possession. 19And he brought me through the entraunce at the side of the gate, to the holy chambers of the priestes which stoode toward the north, & beholde, there was a place vpon the west side of them. 20Then saide he vnto me: This is the place where the priestes shall seethe the trespasse and sinne offringes, and bake the meate offringes: that they neede not beare them into the outward court, and to sanctifie the people. 21So he brought me into the vtter court, & caused me to go by the foure corners of the court: and beholde, in euery corner of the court, there was a court. 22In the foure corners of the court there were courtes ioyned, of fourtie cubites long, and thirtie broade: these foure corners were of one measure. 23And there went a wall rounde about them, euen about those foure: and vnder the walles there were kitchins made rounde about. 24Then saide he vnto me: These are the cookes houses, where the ministers of the house shall boyle the sacrifice of the people. 47Afterwarde he brought me againe vnto the doore of the house, and beholde there gushed out waters from vnder the thresholde of the house eastwarde: for the forefront of the house stoode toward the east: & the waters ran downe from vnder the right side of the house, which lyeth to the aulter southwarde. 2Then led he me out to the north gate, and led me about by the way without vnto the vtter gate, by the way that turneth eastward: and behold, there issued foorth waters from the right side. 3Now when the man that had the line in his hande went foorth eastward, he measured a thousand cubites, and then he brought me through the waters, the waters were to the ancles. 4So he measured yet a thousande, and brought me through ye waters, the waters were to the knees: yet measured he a thousand, and brought me through, the waters were to the loynes. 5After this he measured a thousand againe, then was it such a riuer that I might not wade through it, the waters was risen, & the waters did flowe as a riuer that might not be waded ouer. 6And he saide vnto me: Hast thou seene this O thou sonne of man? and with that he brought me and caused me to returne to the riuer banke againe. 7Now when I returned, beholde at the bancke of the riuer were very many trees on the one side and on the other. 8Then saide he vnto me: These waters flowe out toward the east countrey, and runne downe into the plaine, & come into the sea: which when it commeth into the sea, the waters shalbe holsome. 9Yea, all that liue and moue, whereunto this riuer commeth, shall liue: and there shalbe a very great multitude of fishe, because these waters shal come thither, for they shalbe holsome: and euery thing shall liue whyther the riuer commeth. 10By this riuer shall the fishers stand, from En gaddi vnto En Eglaim, and ther spreade out their nets: for their fishe shalbe according to their kindes as the fishe of the maine sea, exceeding many. 11But the marishes thereof, and the pits thereof, shal not be made holsome, they shalbe made salt pits. 12By this riuer vpon the bankes therof on this side and on that side shall grow all trees for meate, whose leaues shall not fade, neither shall the fruite thereof fall, but shall bring foorth newe fruite according to his monethes, for the waters thereof run out of the sanctuarie: and the fruite thereof shalbe for meate, and the leaues thereof for medicine. 13Thus saith the Lorde God: Let this be the border whereby ye shall inherite the lande according to the twelue tribes of Israel, Ioseph shall haue two portions. 14And ye shall inherite it one aswell as an other, concerning the which I lift vp my hande to geue it vnto your fathers: and this lande shall fall vnto you for inheritaunce. 15This is the border of the lande vpon the north side, from the maine sea toward Hethlon, as men go to Zedada. 16namely Hamah, Berotha, Sabarim, which are betweene the borders of Damascus, and betweene the borders of Hamah, Hazar Hatichon, that lyeth vpon the coastes of Hauran. 17Thus the borders from the sea foorth shalbe Hazar Enan, the border of Damascus, and the north northwarde, and the borders of Hamah: this is the north part. 18The east side shall ye measure from Hauran and Damascus, from Galead and the land of Israel by Iordane, and from the border vnto the cast sea: & this is the east part. 19The south side shalbe toward Teman, from Thamar to the waters of strife in Cades, and the riuer to the maine sea: and that is the south part towarde Teman. 20The west part also shalbe the great sea, from the borders till a man come ouer against Hamah: this is the west part. 21This lande shall ye part among you according to the tribes of Israel, 22And deuide it by lot to be an heritage for you, & for the straungers that dwell among you and beget children among you: for ye shall take them among the children of Israel lyke as though they were of your owne countrey, and they shall haue heritage with you among the children of Israel. 23And in what tribe the straunger dwelleth, in the same tribe shall ye geue him his heritage, saith the Lorde God. 48These are ye names of the tribes: from the north side to the coast towarde Hethlon, till thou comest vnto Hamah and Hazar, Enan, the borders of Damascus northward, the coast of Hamah, Dan shall haue his portion from the east quarter vnto the west. 2Upon the borders of Dan, from the east side vnto the west, shall Aser haue his portion. 3Upon the borders of Aser, from the east part vnto the west, shall Nephthali haue his portion. 4Upon the borders of Nephthali, from the east quarter vnto the west, shal Manasses haue his portion. 5Upon the borders of Manasses, from the east side vnto the west, shall Ephraim haue his portion. 6Upon the borders of Ephraim, from the east part vnto the west, shall Ruben haue his portion. 7Upon the borders of Ruben, from the east quarter vnto the west, shall Iuda haue his portion. 8Upon the borders of Iuda, from the east part vnto the west part, shalbe the offering which they shall offer of fiue and twentie thousand canes brode, and of length as one of the partes, from the east side vnto the west side: and the sanctuarie shalbe in the midst of it. 9The oblation that ye shall offer vnto the Lord, shalbe fiue and twentie thousand long, and ten thousand brode. 10And for these euen for the priestes shalbe this holy oblation: toward the north fiue & twentie thousand long & toward the west ten thousand brode, towarde the east ten thousand brode also, and toward the south fiue and twentie thousand long, & the sanctuarie of the Lorde shalbe in the midst thereof. 11This sanctified portion shalbe the priestes that are of the children of Sadoc, which haue kept my charge, which went not astray in the errour of the children of Israel like as the Leuites went astray. 12Therefore this oblation of the lande that is offered, shalbe theirs as a thing most holy, hard vpon the borders of the Leuites. 13And ouer against the border of the priestes, shall the Leuites haue fiue and twentie thousand long, & ten thousand brode: all the length shalbe fiue & twentie thousand, and the breadth ten thousand. 14Of this portion they shall sell nothing, nor make any permutation thereof, nor alienate the first fruites of the lande: for it is holy vnto the Lorde. 15And the fiue thousande that are left in the breadth ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand, shalbe a prophane place for the citie, for housing, & for suburbes: and the citie shalbe in the midst thereof. 16And these shalbe the measures therof: the north part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the south part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the east part fiue hundred and foure thousand, and the west part fiue hundred & foure thousand. 17The suburbes of the citie shall haue toward the north two hundred and fiftie, toward the south two hundred and fiftie, toward the east two hundred and fiftie, toward the west also two hundred and fiftie. 18And the residue in length ouer against the oblation of the holy portion, shalbe ten thousand toward the east, and ten thousand toward the west: and it shalbe ouer against the oblation of the holy portion: and the encrease thereof shalbe for their meate that serue the citie. 19And they that serue the citie, they shal serue it out of all the tribes of Israel. 20All the oblation shalbe fiue and twentie thousand with fiue and twentie thousand: ye shall offer this oblation foure square, for the sanctuarie, and for the possession of the citie. 21And the residue shalbe for the prince, on the one side and on the other of the holy oblation, and of the possession of the citie ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand of the oblation toward the east border: and westward ouer against the fiue and twentie thousand towarde the west border, ouer against shalbe the portion for the prince: this shalbe the holy oblation, and the house of the sanctuarie shalbe in the midst thereof. 22Moreouer, from the possession of the Leuites, and the cities possession, that which is in the midst shalbe the princes, betwixt the border of Iuda and the border of Beniamin shalbe the princes. 23Nowe of the other tribes: from the east part vnto the west, shall Beniamin haue his portion. 24Upon the borders of Beniamin, from the east side vnto the west, shall Simeon haue his portion. 25Upon the borders of Simeon, from the east side vnto the west, shal Isachar haue his portion. 26Upon the borders of Isachar, from the east side vnto the west, shall Zabulon haue his portion. 27Upon the borders of Zabulon, from the east part vnto the west, shall Gad haue his portion. 28Upon the borders of Gad at the south side toward Temanah, the border shalbe from Thamar, vnto the waters of strife to Cades, and to the riuer that runneth into the maine sea. 29This is the lande which ye shal deuide by lot for an inheritauce vnto the tribes of Israel, and these be their portions saith the Lorde God. 30These be the bondes of the citie, vpon the north part fiue hundred and foure thousand measures. 31The gates of the citie shal haue the names of the tribes of Israel, three gates of the north side: one gate of Ruben, another of Iuda, the third of Leui. 32Upon the east side fiue hundred and foure thousand measures, with three gates: the one of Ioseph, another of Beniamin, the third of Dan. 33Upon the south side fiue hundred and foure thousand measures, with the three gates: the one of Simeon, another of Isachar, the third of Zabulon. 34And vpon the west side, fiue hundred and fiue thousand measures, with their three gates also: the one of Gad, another of Aser, the third of Nephthali. 35Thus shal it haue eighteene thousand measures rounde about: and the name of the citie from that time foorth, shalbe, The Lorde is there.