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Cvdl PRO Chapter 25

PRO 25 ©

25These also are Salomons prouerbes, which the men of Ezechias kinge of Iuda gathered together. 2It is the honor of God to kepe a thinge secrete, but ye kinges honor is to search out a thinge. 3The heauen is hie, ye earth is depe, and ye kinges hert is vnsearcheable. 4Take ye drosse from ye syluer, & there shalbe a cleane vessell therof. 5Take awaye vngodlinesse fro ye kynge, & his seate shal be stablished wt rightuousnes. 6Put not forth yi self in ye presence of ye kynge, & prease not in to ye place of greate men. 7Better it is yt it be sayde vnto ye: come vp hither, then thou to be set downe in ye presence of ye prynce, whom thou seyst with thine eyes. 8Be not haistie to go to the lawe, lest happlie thou ordre yi self so at ye last, yt thy neghbor put ye to shame. 9Handle thy matter wt yi neghbor himself, & discouer not another mans secrete: 10lest whan men heare therof, it turne to yi dishonor, & lest thine euell name do not ceasse. 11A worde spoken in due season, is like apples of golde in a syluer dyshe. 12The correccion of the wyse is to an obedient eare, a golden cheyne and a Iewel of golde. 13Like as the wynter coole in the haruest, so is a faithfull messaunger to him that sent him, & refre?sheth his masters mynde. 14Who so maketh greate boastes & geueth nothinge, is like cloudes & wynde without rayne. 15With pacience maye a prynce be pacified, & wt a soft tonge maye rigorousnes be broke. 16Yf thou findest hony, eate so moch as is sufficiet for ye: lest thou be ouer full, & perbreake it out againe. 17Withdrawe yi foote fro thy neghbours house, lest he be weery of the, and so abhorre the. 18Who so beareth false wytnesse agaynst his neghboure, he is a very speare, a swearde & a sharpe arowe. 19The hope of the vngodly in tyme of nede, is like a rotten toth and a slippery foote. 20Who so syngeth a songe to a wicked herte, clotheth hi with ragges in the colde, and poureth vyneger vpon chalke. 21Yf thine enemie honger, fede him: yf he thyrst, geue him drynke: 22for so shalt thou heape coales offyre vpo his heade, and the LORDE shal rewarde the. 23The north wynde dryueth awaye the rayne, euen so doth an earnest sober countenauce a backbyters tonge. 24It is better to syt in a corner vnder the rofe, then wt a braulynge woman in a wyde house. 25A good reporte out of a farre countre, is like colde water to a thyrstie soule. 26A righteous man fallynge downe before the vngodly, is like a troubled well and a sprynge yt is destroyed. 27Like as it is not good to eate to moch hony, euen so he that wyll search out hye thynges, it shal be to heuy for him. 28He that can not rule himself, is like a cite, which is broken downe, and hath no walles.

PRO 25 ©
