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ISA 45:1–45:25 ©

The Book of Isaiah 45

45Thus says Yahweh to his anointed,

to Cyrus, whose right hand I hold

to subdue nations before his face

and the loins of kings I shall loosen,

to open the doors before his face,

and the gates will not be closed:

2“I shall go before your face

and level the mountains;

the doors of bronze I shall break

and bars of iron cut

3and I shall give to you the treasures of darkness

and the riches of secret places

so that you may know that it is I, Yahweh,

who call you by your name, the God of Israel.

4For the sake of my servant Jacob

and Israel my chosen,

I have called you by your name,

I gave you a name of honor, though you have not known me.

5I am Yahweh, and there is no other;

except me there is no God.

I shall gird you,

though you have not known me,

6so that they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west

that there is nothing besides me.

I am Yahweh, and there is no other.

7Forming light and creating darkness,

making peace and creating disaster;

I am Yahweh, doing all these.

8Rain down, heavens, from above!

And let the skies trickle down righteousness.

Let the earth open, and salvation sprout up,

and righteousness spring up together.

I, Yahweh, have created it.

9Woe, who argue against his creator,

a pottery shard from the shards of the ground.

Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’

or ‘Your work has no hands’?

10Woe, who says to a father,

‘What are you begetting?’

or to a woman,

‘What are you in labor for?’

11Thus says Yahweh,

the Holy One of Israel and its Maker:

“Do the signs ask me about my sons,

and concerning the work of my hands command me?

12I made the earth

and created man on it.

I, my hands stretched out the heavens,

and all their hosts I commanded.

13I stirred him up in righteousness,

and I shall level all his paths.

It is he who will build my city,

and he will send out my exiles,

not for price and not for bribe,”

says Yahweh of hosts.

14Thus says Yahweh,

“The earnings of Egypt and the merchandise of Cush

and the Sabeans, men of tall stature,

will pass over to you and be yours.

They will walk after you; they will pass by in chains.

And they will bow down to you

and plead with you:

‘Surely God is with you,

and there is no other, only God.’ ”

15Truly you are a God who hides yourself,

God of Israel, Savior.

16They will be ashamed and also disgraced,

all of them together,

they will walk in humiliation,

crafters of idols.

17Israel will be saved by Yahweh,

a salvation of eternity;

you will not be ashamed and you will not be humiliated

to eternity evermore.

18For thus says Yahweh,

who created the heavens, he is God,

creator of the earth and its maker; he established it;

he created it, not as a void,

to dwell there he formed it:

“I am Yahweh, and there is no other.

19I have not spoken in private,

in a dark place of the earth;

I did not say to the seed of Jacob,

‘Seek me in vain!’

I am Yahweh, speaking righteousness,

declaring uprightness.

20“Assemble yourselves and come!

Gather together, refugees of the nations!

They do not know, those who carry their wooden idols

and pray to a god not saving.

21Declare and approach,

even consult together!

Who has announced this from previous times?

From then, declared it?

Was it not I, Yahweh?

For there is no other God except me,

a just God and a Savior;

there is none besides me.

22“Turn to me and be saved,

all the ends of the earth,

for I am God, and there is no other.

23By myself I swear;

righteousness goes out from my mouth,

a word and it does not turn back:

‘For to me every knee will bend,

every tongue will swear.

24But in Yahweh’—they will say of me—

‘salvation and strength!’ ”

To him they will come and be ashamed,

all who raged against him.

25In Yahweh they will be justified,

and they will take pride in him, all the seed of Israel.

ISA 45:1–45:25 ©
