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Wyc DEU Chapter 3

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3And so we turneden, and stieden bi the weie of Basan; and Og, the kyng of Basan, yede out ayens vs with his puple, to fiyte in Edrai. 2And the Lord seide to me, Drede thou not hym, for he is bitakun in thin hond, with al his puple, and his lond; and thou schalt do to hym, as thou didist to Seon, kyng of Ammoreis, that dwellide in Esebon. 3Therfor oure Lord God bitook in oure hondis also Og, kyng of Basan, and al his puple; and we han smyte hym `til to deeth, 4and wastiden alle the citees `of him in o tyme; no town was that ascapide vs; `we destrieden sixti citees, al the cuntrei of Argob, of the rewme of Og in Basan. 5Alle the citees weren strengthid with hiyest wallis, and with yatis and barris; with out townes vnnoumbrable, that hadden not wallis. 6And we diden awey thilke men, as we diden to Seon, kyng of Esebon; and we losten ech citee, and men, and wymmen, and litle children; 7forsothe we token bi prey beestis, and the spuylis of citees. 8And we token in that tyme the lond fro the hond of twey kyngis of Ammorreis, that weren biyonde Jordan, fro the stronde of Arnon `til to the hil of Hermon, 9`which hil Sidonyes clepen Sarion, and Ammorreis clepen Sanyr. 10We tooken alle the citees that weren set in the pleyn, and al the lond of Galaad, and of Basan, `til to Selcha and Edray, citees of the rewme of Og, in Basan. 11For Og aloone, kyng of Basan, was left of the generacioun of giauntis; and his yrun bed is schewid, which is in Rabath, of the sones of Amon, and hath nyne cubitis of lengthe, and foure cubitis of breede, at the mesure of a cubit of mannus hond. 12And we weldiden in that tyme the lond, fro Aroer, which is on the `brynke of the stronde of Arnon, `til to the myddil paart of the hil of Galaad; and Y yaf the citees `of hym to Ruben and Gad. 13Forsothe Y yaf the tother part of Galaad, and al Basan, of the rewme of Og, to the half lynage of Manasses, and al the cuntrei of Argob. Al Basan was clepid the lond of giauntis. 14Jair, `sone of Manasses, weldide al the cuntrey of Argob, `til to the lond of Gesuri and of Machati; and he clepide bi his name Basan Anothiair, that is, the townes of Jair, til in to present dai. 15Also Y yaf Galaad to Machir; and to the lynagis of Ruben and of Gad Y yaf the lond of Galaad, `til to the strond of Arnon, the myddil of the stronde, 16and of the endis `til to the stronde of Jeboth, which is the terme of `the sones of Amon. 17And Y yaf the pleyn of the wildernesse `til to Jordan, and the termes of Cenereth `til to the see of deseert, which see is moost salt, at the rotis of the hil of Phasga, ayens the eest. 18And Y comaundide to you in that tyme, and seide, Youre Lord God yyueth to you this lond in to erytage; 19alle ye stronge men, without wyues and litle children and beestis, be maad redi, and `go ye bifor youre brithren, the sones of Israel. For Y knowe that ye han many beestis, and tho schulen dwelle in citees whiche Y yaf to you, 20til the Lord yyue reste to youre brithren, as he yaf to you, and til thei also welden the lond `which the Lord schal yyue to hem biyonde Jordan; thanne ech man schal turne ayen in to his possessioun which Y yaf to you. 21Also Y comaundid to Josue in that tyme, and seide, Thin iyen sien what thingis youre Lord God dide to these twei kyngis; so he schal do to alle rewmes, to whiche thou schalt go; drede thou not hem. 22And Y preiede the Lord in that tyme, 23and seide, Lord God, thou hast bigunne to schewe to thi seruaunt thi greetnesse, and strongeste hond, 24for noon other God is ether in heuene, ether in erthe, that mai do thi werkis, and may be comparisound to thi strengthe. 25Therfor Y schal passe, and schal se this beeste lond biyende Jordan, and this noble hil and Liban. 26And the Lord was wrooth to me for you, nethir he herde me, but seide to me, It suffisith to thee; speke thou no more of this thing to me. 27`Stye thou in to the hiynesse of Phasga, and caste aboute thin iyen to the west, and north, and south, and eest, and biholde, for thou schalt not passe this Jordan. 28Comaunde thou to Josue, and strengthe thou and coumforte hym; for he schal go bifore this puple, and he schal departe to hem the lond, which thou schalt se. 29And we dwelliden in the valey ayens the temple of Phegor.

DEU 3 ©
