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OET-RV by cross-referenced section YHN 18:28

YHN 18:28–18:38a ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Pilate interrogates Yeshua

Yhn 18:28–38a

Mat 26:71–75

Mark 14:69–72

Luke 22:58–62

18:28 Pilate interrogates Yeshua

(Mat. 26:71-75, Mark 14:69-72, Luke 22:58-62)

28Then they led Yeshua out from Caiaphas’ place and towards the residence of the governor. It was now the early hours of the morning and as Jews, they didn’t enter the residence of the Roman governor so they wouldn’t become defiled and thus unable to eat the Passover meal. 29So Governor Pilate came outside to them and asked, “What charge are you all bringing against this man?”

30“We wouldn’t have brought him to you if he hadn’t committed a serious crime,” they answered.

31So Pilate said, “You just take him and judge him yourselves according to your own laws.”

But the Jewish leaders responded, “We don’t have permission to execute anyone.” 32(This happened to fulfil what Yeshua had said[ref] about the way that he was going to die.)

33So Pilate went back into his governor’s residence and called for Yeshua and asked him, “So you’re the king of the Jews?”

34Are you saying this yourself,Yeshua asked, “or did others say it about me?

35Pilate retorted, “Hoy! I’m not a Jew. It was your own people and the chief priests that handed you over to me. What have you done?”

36My kingdom isn’t in this world,Yeshua answered, “because if it was, my supporters would have fought so that I wouldn’t have been handed over to the Jewish leaders. But no, my kingdom isn’t from here.

37So you are a king then?” Pilate responded.

You’re saying that I’m a king,” said Yeshua, “and indeed I was born to be a king. I came into the world so that I could testify to the truth.

38Yeah. What is truth?” said Pilate.

18:32: Yhn 3:14; 12:32.

71Then he went out the gate, but someone else saw him and she told the others, “This man was with Yeshua from Nazareth.”

72Again, Peter disowned Yeshua with an oath, “I don’t even know the guy.”

73A little while later, another person stood up and went to Peter, “You must be one of them because we can tell by your accent.”

74Peter began to curse and promise, “I don’t know that man.” Just then the rooster crowed 75and then Peter remembered that Yeshua had said that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed. He left the courtyard and went away and bawled in shame.

69But the girl that had seen him said to some of the others standing around, “That guy’s one of them.”

70But again Peter denied it.

A little while later, some of those standing there said, “You must be one of them because you’re from Galilee.”

71Now Peter started swearing and cursing and said, “I’ve never even met that fellow that you’re all talking about!”

72And right then the rooster crowed for the second time. Peter remembered now what Yeshua had told him—how he would renounce Yeshua three times before the rooster crows—and he broke down and cried.

58A little while later someone else noticed him and said, “You’re also one of them!”

“Man, I’m not!” Peter retorted.

59About an hour later, someone else insisted on saying, “This fellow was definitely with him because he’s also a Galilean!”

60“Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Peter responded, and while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed.

61Just then the master turned at looked at Peter and he suddenly remembered what the master had said, “Before the rooster crows today, three times you’ll deny even knowing me.62Then Peter went out of the courtyard and cried like a baby.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Yhn 3:14:

14[ref]Just like Mosheh lifted up that bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, it’s also necessary for humanity’s child to be lifted up,[fn]

3:14 lifted up / exalted: See

3:14: Num 21:9.


32and when I’m lifted up[fn] from the earth, I will attract everyone towards me.

12:32 lifted up / exalted: See