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OET-RV by section ACTs 17:16

ACTs 17:16–17:34 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

People of Athens like new ideas

17:16 People of Athens like new ideas

16While Paul stayed in Athens waiting for them, he was upset in his spirit as he observed how idolatrous the people were. 17So while he stayed busy having discussions with the Jews and other worshippers from the meeting hall, he also spent time every day with anyone who just happened to be around in the marketplace. 18Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers enjoyed discussing things with him, but others just mocked him, “What does this babbler want to talk about now?”

But others said, “Seems that he’s talking about strange demons,” because he was preaching the good message about Yeshua and coming back to life. 19So they grabbed him and brought him to the Aries Hill where the council sat and asked, “Are we allowed to know what this new teaching that you’re bringing is about? 20It seems that you have some surprising ideas for our ears, so we want to hear what it’s all about.” 21(Everyone in Athens and even visitors often took the opportunity either to explain or to listen to any new things.)

22So Paul stood up in the middle of the gathering on the hill and spoke, “Men of Athens, I’ve noticed how you all are very religious, 23because as I was looking around and observing your objects of worship, I even discovered an altar that was inscribed, ‘To the unknown god.’ So without knowing it, you already worship this God that I’m going to tell you about. 24This God who created the earth and everything in it is the master of heaven and earth. He doesn’t live in man-made temples 25nor can he be repaired by any human hands and he doesn’t need to be fed. On the contrary, he’s the one who gives life and breath and who gives us everything that we need. 26From one man he made every nationality that lives across all the earth and designated their boundaries and their futures. 27He made them so that they would try to discover God, and if they did search for him they might find him as he’s not far from any one of us 28because

‘We live in him and are moved by him and exist through him.’

Even some of your own poets wrote,

‘We are all descended from just one.’

29So since we are God’s offspring, we shouldn’t be putting gold or silver or stone craftsmanship in the same class as the divine. 30In fact God overlooked times of such ignorance in the past, but now he’s informing everyone and requiring them to repent 31because he’s set a date for when he’s going to be fairly judging the world. He’s already appointed the judge who everyone can have faith in because he brought him back to life from the dead.

32When they heard about a dead person coming back to life, some started mocking but others said, “We’d like to hear more about this from you another time.” 33So Paul left at that stage 34but some people joined with him and believed, including Dionysius who was a council member, a woman named Damaris, and others as well.

ACTs 17:16–17:34 ©
