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Index of sections for T4T ACTs

Intro:0 ACT (Headers)

1:0 Acts 1:1-3

1:1 Luke referred to the Gospel he had written to Theophilus.

1:4 Jesus commanded his apostles to wait for the Holy Spirit.

1:6 Jesus said that they would tell about him everywhere, and then he ascended to heaven.

1:10 Angels told the apostles that Jesus would return later.

1:12 The apostles and other believers often prayed together.

1:15 Peter told them why someone must replace Judas.

1:18 How Judas died.

1:20 Peter quoted from the Psalms about Judas.

1:21 Peter concluded that they needed to choose a man to replace Judas.

1:23 Jesus’ followers prayed and then chose Matthias to replace Judas.

2:1 The Holy Spirit came and enabled the disciples to speak other languages.

2:5 Jews from many places were amazed to hear their native languages spoken by the believers.

2:14 Peter said that the prophet Joel foretold what the Holy Spirit would do.

2:22 Peter said, “You killed Jesus but God caused him to live again.”

2:25 David foretold that the Messiah would rejoice about becoming alive again.

2:29 Peter explained that David wrote that the Messiah would become alive again.

2:32 Peter said, “Jesus has abundantly given us the Holy Spirit, shown by what you see and hear.”

2:36 Peter said, “Know surely that God has made this Jesus both Lord and Messiah.”

2:37 Peter told them to repent, and said that believers would baptize them.

2:41 Many people became believers and joined the other believers.

2:43 The apostles performed miracles, all the believers shared everything, and the Lord helped them.

3:1 Peter healed a lame man, so the people were amazed.

3:9 The people were amazed.

3:12 Peter explained that Jesus healed the man, and they should repent.

3:17 Peter told the people to repent.

4:1 Jewish leaders arrested Peter and John, but many people became believers.

4:5 Jewish leaders questioned Peter and John about healing the lame man.

4:8 Peter told them that Jesus healed the man and only Jesus could save people.

4:13 The Jewish leaders realized that Peter and John had been associating with Jesus.

4:15 The Jewish leaders commanded the two apostles to stop teaching people about Jesus.

4:19 Peter and John said that they needed to continue speaking about Jesus.

4:21 The Jewish leaders threatened to punish Peter and John and then released them.

4:23 The believers talked to God about those who opposed him and them.

4:29 The believers asked God to help them speak boldly to people about Jesus.

4:31 God shook the place where they were, and his Spirit enabled them to speak his words boldly.

4:32 The believers shared everything, and the apostles told others about Jesus.

4:36 Joseph Barnabas sold a field and brought the money to the apostles.

5:1 Ananias pretended to give the apostles all the money from selling a field.

5:3 People were terrified when they saw or heard that Ananias had died.

5:7 Sapphira also died because she lied, and some men buried her beside her husband.

5:12 The apostles healed many people, and many people believed in Jesus.

5:17 Jewish leaders jailed the apostles, but an angel freed them to teach people.

5:21b The Jewish leaders were perplexed because the apostles were not in jail.

5:25 After finding them, the leaders brought the apostles back to question them.

5:27 Peter and the other apostles said that they must obey God.

5:34 After beating the apostles, they followed Gamaliel’s advice and released them.

5:41 The apostles rejoiced and continued to tell others about Jesus.

6:1 The believers neglected the Greek-speaking widows.

6:2 The apostles told the other believers to choose men to care for those widows.

6:5 The apostles appointed seven men to care for the widows’ needs.

6:7 The number of people who were becoming believers increased greatly.

6:8 People opposed Stephen, but could not refute his arguments.

6:11 People persuaded some men to falsely accuse Stephen.

6:15 The people saw Stephen’s face shining like the face of an angel.

7:1 Stephen started to answer the high priest’s accusations by talking about Abraham.

7:5 God promised to give the land to Abraham and his descendants.

7:6 God told Abraham that later on he would deliver his descendants from Egypt.

7:8 God commanded the ceremony of circumcision for Abraham and his descendants.

7:9 God helped Joseph, so Pharaoh appointed him to govern Egypt.

7:11 There was a famine in Canaan, so Jacob’s family moved to Egypt.

7:15b When Jacob and his sons died, people buried them in Canaan.

7:17 An Egyptian king who did not know about Joseph began to oppress the Israelites.

7:20 Moses, who grew up as an Egyptian, spoke and acted powerfully.

7:23 Moses killed an Egyptian, so he had to flee to Midian.

7:30 God commanded Moses to rescue the Jewish people from Egypt.

7:35 God sent Moses to lead Israel and tell them of the Prophet who would come.

7:39 Israel rejected Moses, so God rejected them and said that he would punish them.

7:44 The Israelite people worshipped God at the tent Moses built and later in the temple that Solomon built.

7:48 People can worship God anywhere, not only at certain places.

7:51 Stephen said that those who were listening to him were opposing God.

7:54 All the people there became very angry with Stephen.

7:55 After Stephen said that he could see Jesus standing beside God in heaven, they stoned him.

7:60 He asked the Lord to forgive them, and he died. The disciples fled, some men buried Stephen, and Saul harassed believers. But the believers preached about Jesus wherever they were scattered.

8:4 Many Samaritans heeded Philip’s words and rejoiced.

8:9 Philip baptized many Samaritans, including a sorcerer.

8:14 Samaritan believers received the power of the Holy Spirit.

8:18 Peter denounced Simon the sorcerer.

8:25 Peter and John preached to many Samaritans.

8:26 Philip met an Ethiopian official.

8:29 The official could not understand what he was reading.

8:31b Philip preached about Jesus to the official.

8:36 Philip baptized the official. Then the Spirit took Philip away.

8:40 Philip preached in towns from Azotus to Caesarea.

9:1 Saul asked the high priest to authorize him to arrest believers.

9:3 While Saul was traveling to Damascus, Jesus appeared to him and blinded him.

9:10 Saul could see again after Ananias had put his hands on him.

9:20 People there were astonished that Saul had believed in Jesus.

9:23 Saul escaped from those who plotted to kill him.

9:26 Barnabas introduced Saul to other believers in Jerusalem.

9:29 The believers sent Saul to Tarsus because some Jews tried to kill him.

9:31 The church in Israel had peace and many people believed.

9:32 Because Peter healed Aeneas, many people believed in Jesus.

9:36 Dorcas died.

9:38 Peter resurrected Dorcas.

10:1 Obeying an angel, Cornelius sent men to summon Peter.

10:9 Peter’s vision.

10:17 The Holy Spirit commanded Peter to go with the non-Jewish men.

10:23b Peter went with the men and met Cornelius.

10:27 Peter asked why they had sent for him.

10:30 Cornelius told about his vision.

10:34 Peter reminded them of what they knew about Jesus.

10:39 Peter said that God would forgive the sins of all who believe in Jesus.

10:44 The Holy Spirit came down on the non-Jewish believers.

11:1 Some Jewish believers criticized Peter.

11:4 Peter told about his vision.

11:11 Peter said that the Holy Spirit came to be with the non-Jewish believers. Peter accepted those non-Jews as fellow believers.

11:18 They praised God that he also saves non-Jewish people.

11:19 Many non-Jews in Antioch believed in the Lord Jesus.

11:22 Barnabas encouraged the believers at Antioch.

11:25 Barnabas and Saul taught many believers at Antioch.

11:27 Believers in Antioch helped needy believers in Judea.

12:1 Herod had James killed and Peter put in prison.

12:5 An angel freed Peter from prison.

12:12 Peter reported to the other believers.

12:18 Herod commanded soldiers to execute the guards.

12:20 An angel caused Herod to die.

12:24 Many people heard God’s message and became believers. Barnabas and Saul returned to Antioch from Jerusalem.

13:1 The Holy Spirit commanded Barnabas and Saul to go on a mission.

13:4 Barnabas and Saul preached the gospel in Jewish meetings place on Cyprus.

13:6 Saul-Paul denounced a sorcerer, and an official believed in Jesus.

13:13 The leaders of the Jewish meeting place in Antioch asked Paul and Barnabas to speak to them.

13:16 Paul said that God helped Israel and gave them the land of Canaan.

13:20b Paul told about God’s removing Saul and appointing David to be Israel’s king.

13:23 Paul said that God sent David’s descendant, Jesus, to Israel to save them.

13:26 Paul said that God resurrected Jesus and caused many people to see him.

13:32 Paul said that God had done what he had promised that he would do by resurrecting Jesus.

13:38 Paul informed them that God would forgive their sins if they believed in Jesus.

13:42 People asked Paul and Barnabas to speak to them again the next Jewish day of rest.

13:44 Many non-Jews believed in Jesus and told others about him.

13:50 People expelled the apostles, but the believers continued on.

14:1 Paul and Barnabas preached the gospel and performed miracles in Iconium.

14:4 Before people could attack the apostles, they escaped to Lystra and Derbe.

14:8 God enabled Paul to heal a lame man.

14:11 The apostles stopped the people from worshipping them.

14:19 Some Jews incited people to stone Paul at Lystra.

14:20b The apostles revisited believers and appointed leaders.

14:24 Paul and Barnabas reported to the believers at Syrian Antioch.

15:1 Some Jewish believers said that God will save only people who are circumcised.

15:3 Paul and Barnabas reported what God had enabled them to do.

15:5 Some Jewish believers said that non-Jewish believers must obey Moses’ laws.

15:6 Peter told about non-Jews becoming believers when he preached to them.

15:12 Barnabas and Paul reported what God had helped them to do among the non-Jews.

15:13 James recommended what they should tell the non-Jewish believers.

15:22 The church leaders sent messengers with a letter to non-Jewish believers.

15:30 The letter and messengers encouraged the believers at Antioch.

15:33 Paul and Barnabas continued to teach and preach in Antioch.

15:36 Paul and Barnabas separated, and Paul chose Silas.

16:1 Paul chose Timothy to work with him and Silas.

16:4 Paul, Silas and Timothy told believers in Galatia what the church leaders had decided.

16:6 Because of a vision in Troas, Paul went to preach in Macedonia.

16:11 Paul’s company went from Troas to Philippi.

16:13 Paul preached the gospel and Lydia became a believer.

16:16 Paul expelled a demon from a slave girl, so officials imprisoned Paul and Silas.

16:25 Paul and Silas helped the jailer and his household to become believers.

16:35 Paul and Silas encouraged the believers and then left Philippi.

17:1 In Thessalonica, Paul convinced many people that Jesus is the Messiah.

17:5 Some Jews there incited people to oppose Paul and Silas.

17:10 In Berea, Paul helped many Jews and non-Jews to believe in Jesus.

17:13 Jews from Thessalonica incited people to oppose Paul.

17:16 In Athens, idols distressed Paul, so he talked to many people about Jesus.

17:18 When Paul talked about Jesus, he perplexed some teachers.

17:19 Athens Council members asked Paul to explain what he had been teaching.

17:22 Paul told them about the God whom they did not know.

17:32 Some Council members believed in Jesus.

18:1 In Corinth, Paul helped many people to become believers.

18:5 Paul helped many non-Jews become believers.

18:9 Jesus commanded Paul to continue speaking about him, so Paul did that.

18:12 Gallio refused to judge Paul.

18:18 At Ephesus, Paul parted from Priscilla and Aquila.

18:22 Paul visited Jerusalem, then he went on to Antioch in Syria and then he returned to visit the believers throughout Galatia and Phrygia.

18:24 Priscilla and Aquila instructed Apollos about the gospel.

18:27 Apollos helped believers in Achaia.

19:1 Paul helped some men to become real believers in Jesus.

19:8 Paul helped many people in Asia province to hear the gospel.

19:11 God enabled Paul to do amazing miracles.

19:13 People honored Jesus’ name, after Jewish exorcists misused it and failed.

19:18 Many believers confessed their former sins and burned their books of magic.

19:23 Demetrius made silver shrines of the goddess Artemis.

19:25 Demetrius incited people to shout and to riot.

19:32 The crowd shouted, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”

19:35 The city secretary quieted, warned and dismissed the crowd.

20:1 After being in Macedonia and Greece, Paul went to Troas.

20:7 At Troas, Paul encouraged believers by resurrecting Eutychus.

20:13 Paul and his companions traveled from Troas to Miletus.

20:17 Paul reminded the Ephesian elders how he had conducted himself and had taught them.

20:22 Paul told them that they would never see him again.

20:32 Paul entrusted them to God and to the message about God’s goodness.

20:36 Paul prayed with them and they sadly told him goodbye.

21:1 Paul, Luke and his other companions traveled from Miletus to Tyre.

21:4 At Tyre, believers warned Paul not to go to Jerusalem, but he went on anyway.

21:7 Paul and his companions sailed from Tyre to Caesarea.

21:10 The believers could not persuade Paul from going on to Jerusalem.

21:15 Paul and other believers went from Caesarea to Jerusalem.

21:17 Paul agreed with church leaders to perform a Jewish purifying ritual.

21:27 Some Jews seized Paul in the Temple courts.

21:31 Roman soldiers ran to where those Jews were trying to kill Paul.

21:33 After the commander arrested Paul, soldiers carried him towards the fort.

22:1 Paul defended his believing in Jesus, but the Jews wanted to kill him.

22:17 Paul told about the Lord’s commanding him to go to non-Jewish people.

22:23 Paul said that he was a Roman citizen, so soldiers did not flog him.

22:30 The commander’s soldiers brought Paul to the Jewish Council.

23:1 Paul apologized for unknowingly denouncing the high priest.

23:6 The commander rescued Paul from the Council members.

23:11 The Lord revealed that Paul would tell people about him in Rome.

23:12 Some Jews plotted to kill Paul.

23:16 Paul’s nephew warned that some Jews had plotted to kill Paul.

23:23 Many soldiers escorted Paul safely to Governor Felix at Caesarea.

24:1 Paul defended himself, and the governor Felix promised to judge him.

24:10 Paul disproved what they had said, but admitted that he was a Christian.

24:22 Governor Felix adjourned the trial.

24:24 Felix often talked to Paul, hoping that Paul would give him money.

25:1 Festus told the Jews to go and accuse Paul at Caesarea.

25:6 Paul appealed to Caesar, so Festus agreed to that.

25:13 Festus told King Agrippa about Paul.

25:23 Festus asked King Agrippa to tell him what to write to Caesar about Paul.

26:1 Paul requested that his hearers would listen to him.

26:4 Paul told about being a Pharisee who believed that God would resurrect people.

26:9 Paul told about how he had persecuted Christians.

26:12 Paul told how he had become a believer in Jesus.

26:19 Paul said that he obeyed what Jesus commanded him from heaven.

26:21 Paul said that he proclaimed what the prophets had written about the Messiah.

26:24 Paul talked to Festus and Agrippa, urging them to become believers in Jesus.

26:30 The officials said that Paul was innocent but must go to Rome.

27:1 Paul and other prisoners sailed from Caesarea to Crete.

27:9 Paul warned them not to travel on, but the ship’s officials decided to go on anyway.

27:21 Paul told them that an angel from God said that they would all survive.

27:27 Paul thwarted some sailors who tried to sneak ashore in the lifeboat.

27:33 Paul urged them to eat some food, so they did and then lightened the ship.

27:39 The waves began to break up the ship after it struck a shoal.

27:42 The officer saved Paul and commanded all to go to the shore, so they did that.

28:1 The Maltese thought that Paul was a god because a snake did not harm him.

28:7 Paul healed many Maltese, so they supplied what he and the others needed.

28:11 Paul and the others sailed to Puteoli, then went by land towards Rome.

28:15 Christians came out from Rome and escorted Paul into that city.

28:17 The Jewish leaders asked Paul to tell them about Christianity.

28:23 Paul told the Jews that non-Jews would believe the gospel.