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OET-RV ACTs Chapter 10

OETACTs 10 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

10:1Peter and Cornelius each hear from God

10Just up in Caesarea there was a Roman army commander named Cornelius (leader of the ‘Italian Regiment’) 2who, along with all his household, worshipped God and obeyed his laws. He gave to the poor and regularly asked God for help. 3One afternoon around 3pm he had a vision where he clearly saw one of God’s messengers come into the house and call, “Cornelius.”

4Cornelius was scared and looked intently and asked, “What is it, master?”

Your prayers and your helping the poor rose up to God’s notice and attention,” he said. 5“Now, send some messengers to Yoppa to go and find a man there named Simon Peter. 6He’s staying with Simon the tanner whose house is by the sea.” 7So as soon as the messenger left, Cornelius called two of his house servants and a godly soldier from his bodyguard, 8and after explaining the task to them, he sent them off to Yoppa.

9The next day as they were approaching the town, Peter went up onto the flat roof of the house around midday to pray. 10But he felt hungry and wanted something to eat, but while it was still being prepared he fell into a trance 11and saw the sky open up. Something like a sheet was being lowered down to the earth by the four corners 12and it held all kinds of animals and reptiles, as well as birds. 13Then he heard a voice saying, “Get up Peter, and slaughter these and eat them.”

14“I can’t, master,” Peter responded, “because I’ve never eaten anything that’s forbidden.”

15But the voice spoke a second time, “Don’t you be treating anything as unclean that God has made clean.” 16This vision happened three times and then the sheet thing was lifted back up into the sky.

17Now Peter was still there wondering what the vision was all about when the men sent by Cornelius had tracked down the tanner’s house and arrived outside. 18They called out to ask if Simon Peter was staying there.

19Even as Peter still continued to ponder about the vision, the spirit said, “Hey, there’s three men here looking for you. 20So get up and go downstairs to them. Believe everything they say because I sent them here.” 21So he went down and asked the men, “I’m the one you’re looking for, so tell me what you came here for.”

22They answered, “We were sent by Cornelius who’s an army commander who worships God and obeys his laws and has a good reputation with you Jewish people. A holy messenger told him to send for you to come to his house so they can listen to what you have to say.” 23So Peter invited them in to stay the night.

The next day, Peter and some of the believers from Yoppa started out with them 24and they arrived in Caesarea the following day. Cornelius was expecting them and had also invited some relatives and close friends to join them. 25Peter entered the house and when they met, Cornelius knelt down and worshipped him 26but Peter pulled him up and said, “Stand up. I’m just a man like you.” 27After greeting each other, Peter went into the main room and found that quite a few people had gathered there. 28Then he told them, “You all know that us Jews are forbidden by our laws to associate with or to enter the house of a non-Jew. However, God showed me that it’s not right to treat other people as being lesser or undesirable. 29That’s why I came without any reservations when you sent for me. But I’m still waiting to know what you all want from me?”

30So Cornelius answered, “I was praying in my house three days ago in the middle of the afternoon when I suddenly saw a man in shining clothes standing in front of me 31and he said, ‘Your prayer has been heard, Cornelius, and God has noticed your gifts to the poor. 32Now he wants you to send messengers to get Simon, the one called Peter, from Yoppa where he’s living by the sea in Simon the tanner’s house.’ 33I did that straight away and you kindly came here, so now we’re all here in God’s sight to find out everything that the master has commanded you to say.”

10:34Peter’s talk in Caesarea

34So Peter spoke up and said, “Honestly, I’m still just realising that God doesn’t favour only certain people,[ref] 35but he accepts people from any nation as long as they honour and obey him. 36He sent us a message through the descendants of Israel—a good message that teaches that we can have peace through Yeshua the messiah—everyone’s master. 37And you all know the news that started in Galilee and spread through all Yudea after the time of Yohan’s teaching and ministry of immersion 38how God filled Yeshua from Nazareth with the holy spirit and with power, and who then went around doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil, because God was with him. 39We are witnesses of all the things he did in the Jewish provinces and in Yerushalem, and then how he was executed by them on a stake. 40Then God brought him back to life on the third day and sent him where he could be seen, 41not by all the people, but to the witnesses that God had previously appointed—to us who ate with him and drank with him after he’d been raised from the dead. 42He commanded us to tell the people, and to testify that he is the one who God has designated to be the judge of the living and the dead. 43The writings of all the prophets point towards him, and everyone who believes that he’s God can have their sins forgiven by his authority.”

10:44God’s spirit enters non-Jews

44While Peter was still speaking, the holy spirit came down onto everyone who was listening. 45The Jewish believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the holy spirit had been poured out even on non-Jews 46as they heard them speaking in other languages and magnifying God. Then Peter said, 47Surely no one could argue against them getting immersed in water now that they’ve received the holy spirit just like we did?” 48So with the authority of Yeshua the messiah, he commanded for them to be immersed in water. Then they asked him to stay with them for a few more days.

10:34: Deu 10:17.

OETACTs 10 ©
