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Index of sections for LEB ACTs

Intro:0 ACT (Headers)

1:1 The Preface

1:6 The Ascension

1:12 Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas

2:1 Pentecost and the Coming of the Holy Spirit

2:14 Peter’s Sermon on the Day of Pentecost

2:37 The Response to Peter’s Sermon

2:42 The Fellowship of the First Believers

3:1 A Lame Beggar Healed at the Temple

3:11 Peter’s Sermon in Solomon’s Portico

4:1 Peter and John Arrested

4:5 Peter and John on Trial Before the Sanhedrin

4:23 The Believers Pray for Continued Bold Witness

4:32 The Believers Share All Things in Common

5:1 Ananias and Sapphira Lie to the Holy Spirit

5:12 Many Signs and Wonders Are Performed by the Apostles

5:17 The Apostles Arrested and Imprisoned

5:27 The Apostles on Trial Before the Sanhedrin

6:1 The First Seven Deacons Appointed

6:8 Stephen Arrested

7:1 Stephen’s Defense

7:54 Stephen’s Martyrdom

8:1 Saul Attempts to Destroy the Church

8:4 Philip Proclaims Christ in Samaria

8:9 Simon the Magician

8:26 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

9:1 Saul’s Conversion on the Damascus Road

9:10 Ananias Sent to Saul

9:20 Saul Proclaims Christ in Damascus

9:26 Saul in Jerusalem

9:32 Aeneas Healed

9:36 Dorcas Raised

10:1 Cornelius Has a Vision

10:9 Peter Has a Vision

10:24b Peter Visits Cornelius

10:44 The Holy Spirit Given to Gentiles

11:1 Peter’s Explanation to the Church in Jerusalem

11:19 Developments in the Church in Antioch

12:1 Herod Kills James and Imprisons Peter

12:6 Peter Rescued by an Angel

12:20 Herod’s Gruesome Death

13:1 Barnabas and Saul Sent Out from Antioch

13:4 Confronting a Magician on Cyprus

13:13 Preaching in the Synagogue at Pisidian Antioch

13:42 Response to the Message in Pisidian Antioch

14:1 Preaching in Iconium

14:8 Mistaken for Gods in Lystra

14:21 Paul and Barnabas Return to Antioch in Syria

15:1 The Jerusalem Council

15:22 The Letter from the Council

15:30 The Letter Is Delivered to Antioch

15:36 Paul and Barnabas Disagree and Part Company

16:1 Timothy Accompanies Paul and Silas

16:6 Paul’s Vision of a Man of Macedonia

16:11 The Conversion of Lydia at Philippi

16:16 Paul and Silas Imprisoned

16:25 The Conversion of the Philippian Jailer

16:35 Paul and Silas Receive an Official Apology

17:1 Attacked by a Mob in Thessalonica

17:10 Paul and Silas in Berea

17:16 Paul in Athens

17:22 Paul Speaks to the Areopagus

18:1 Paul, Silas, and Timothy in Corinth

18:12 Paul Accused Before the Proconsul Gallio

18:18 Paul Returns to Antioch in Syria

18:24 The Early Ministry of Apollos

19:1 Paul Finds Disciples of John the Baptist in Ephesus

19:11 Would-be Exorcists

19:21 A Major Riot in Ephesus

20:1 Paul Travels Through Macedonia and Greece

20:7 Eutychus Falls from a Window

20:13 The Voyage to Miletus

20:17 Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesian Elders

21:1 Paul Travels on to Jerusalem

21:17 Paul Visits the Leaders of the Jerusalem Church

21:27 Paul Arrested in the Temple Courts

21:37 Paul Permitted to Address the Crowd

22:6 Paul Tells of His Conversion on the Damascus Road

22:22 Paul Questioned by the Military Tribune

23:1 Paul Before the Sanhedrin

23:12 A Conspiracy to Kill Paul

24:1 Paul Before Felix at Caesarea Maritima

24:22 Paul Held Awaiting Trial

25:1 Paul Appeals to Caesar

25:13 Festus Asks King Agrippa for Advice

26:1 Paul Makes His Defense Before King Agrippa

27:1 Paul and His Associates Sail for Rome

27:13 A Violent Storm at Sea

27:39 The Shipwreck

28:1 Paul on Malta

28:11 Paul Arrives in Rome at Last

28:17 Paul and the Jewish Community in Rome