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ULT 2CH Chapter 24

2CH 24 ©

24A son of seven years was Joash when he became king; and 40 years he reigned in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Zibiah from Beersheba. 2And Joash did what was right in the eyes of Yahweh all the days of Jehoiada the priest. 3And Jehoiada lifted up for him two wives, and he fathered sons and daughters.

4And it happened after this, there was with the heart of Joash to restore the house of Yahweh. 5And he gathered the priests and the Levites, and he said to them, “Go out to the cities of Judah and gather from all Israel enough money to make strong the house of your God year by year. And you all yourselves, hasten to the matter.” But the Levites did not hasten. 6And the king called for Jehoiada the head, and he said to him, “Why did you not seek after the Levites to bring in from Judah and from Jerusalem the tribute of Moses, the servant of Yahweh, and of the assembly of Israel for the tent of the testimony?” 7For wicked Athaliah, her sons had broken into the house of God and also, all the sacred things of the house of Yahweh, they used for the Baals.

8And the king commanded, and they made one chest. And they placed it by the gate of the house of Yahweh outside. 9And they gave voice in Judah and in Jerusalem to bring in to Yahweh the tribute of Moses, the servant of God, over Israel in the wilderness. 10And all the chiefs and all the people rejoiced. And they brought in and they threw into the chest until completed. 11And it happened at the time one brings in the chest to the oversight of the king by the hand of the Levites, and when they saw that there was an abundance of money, then a scribe of the king would come, and the officer of the head priest. And they would empty the chest, and they would carry it, and they would return it to its place. Thus they did day by day, and they gathered money in abundance. 12And the king and Jehoiada gave it to the ones doing the work of the service of the house of Yahweh. And they were hiring stonemasons and craftsmen to restore the house of Yahweh, and also for craftsmen of iron and bronze to make strong the house of Yahweh. 13And the doers of the work did, and the restoration of the work went up by their hand. And they made stand the house of God according to its measurement, and they strengthened it. 14And when they finished, they brought in before the king and Jehoiada the remainder of the money. And they made items for the house of Yahweh, items of ministry and of burnt offerings and pans and items of gold and silver. And they were offering up burnt offerings at the house of Yahweh regularly all the days of Jehoiada.

15And Jehoiada grew old and was full of days, and he died, a son of 130 years at his death. 16And they buried him in the city of David with the kings, because he did good in Israel and toward God and his house. 17And after the death of Jehoiada, the chiefs of Judah came and bowed down to the king. Then the king listened to them. 18And they abandoned the house of Yahweh, the God of their fathers, and they served the Asherim and the idols. And there was wrath on Judah and Jerusalem on account of this, their guilt. 19And he sent among them prophets to bring them back to Yahweh. And they testified against them, but they did not listen.

20And the Spirit of God clothed Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest. And he stood above the people, and he said to them, “Thus says God: Why are you passing over the commands of Yahweh, and you do not prosper? Because you all abandoned Yahweh, then he has abandoned you all.” 21But they conspired against him, and they stoned him with stones by the command of the king in the court of the house of Yahweh. 22And King Joash did not remember the covenant faithfulness that Jehoiada, his father did with him, and he killed his son. And when he died, he said, “May Yahweh see and seek.”

23And it happened at the turn of the year, the army of Aram came up against him, and they came to Judah and Jerusalem. And they destroyed all the chiefs of the people from the people. And all the plunder they sent to the king of Damascus. 24Indeed with a small amount of men the army of Aram came, yet Yahweh gave into their hand a very large army because they abandoned Yahweh, the God of their fathers. And they did judgment on Joash.

25And when they went from him, for they left him with many wounds, his servants conspired against him on account of the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest. And they killed him on his bed, and he died. And they buried him in the city of David, but they did not bury him in the graves of the kings. 26And these were the ones who conspired against him: Zabad the son of Shimeath, the Ammonitess, and Jehozabad the son of Shimrith, the Moabitess. 27And his sons, and many oracles against him, and the establishing of the house of God, behold, they are written in the exposition of the scroll of the Kings. And Amaziah his son became king in his place.

2CH 24 ©
