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Wyc YHN Chapter 14

YHN 14 ©

14Be not youre herte afraied, ne drede it; ye bileuen in God, and bileue ye in me. 2In the hous of my fadir ben many dwellyngis; if ony thing lesse, Y hadde seid to you, for Y go to make redi to you a place. 3And if Y go, and make redi to you a place, eftsoones Y come, and Y schal take you to my silf, that where Y am, ye be. 4And whidur Y go, ye witen, and ye witen the weie. 5Thomas seith to hym, Lord, we witen not whidur thou goist, and hou moun we wite the weie? 6Jhesus seith to hym, Y am weie, treuthe, and lijf; no man cometh to the fadir, but bi me. 7If ye hadden knowe me, sotheli ye hadden knowe also my fadir; and aftirward ye schulen knowe hym, and ye han seyn hym. 8Filip seith to hym, Lord, schewe to vs the fadir, and it suffisith to vs. 9Jhesus seith to hym, So long tyme Y am with you, and `han ye not knowun me? Filip, he that seeth me, seeth also the fadir. Hou seist thou, schewe to vs the fadir? 10Bileuest thou not, that Y am in the fadir, and the fadir is in me? The wordis that Y speke to you, Y speke not of my silf; but the fadir hym silf dwellynge in me, doith the werkis. 11Bileue ye not, that Y am in the fadir, and the fadir is in me? 12Ellis bileue ye for thilke werkis. Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, if a man bileueth in me, also he schal do the werkis that Y do; and he schal do grettere werkis than these, for Y go to the fadir. 13And what euere thing ye axen the fadir in my name, Y schal do this thing, that the fadir be glorified in the sone. 14If ye axen ony thing in my name, Y schal do it. 15If ye louen me, kepe ye my comaundementis. 16And Y schal preye the fadir, and he schal yyue to you another coumfortour, 17the spirit of treuthe, to dwelle with you with outen ende; which spirit the world may not take, for it seeth hym not, nether knowith hym. But ye schulen knowe hym, for he schal dwelle with you, and he schal be in you. 18Y schal not leeue you fadirles, Y schal come to you. 19Yit a litil, and the world seeth not now me; but ye schulen se me, for Y lyue, and ye schulen lyue. 20In that dai ye schulen knowe, that Y am in my fadir, and ye in me, and Y in you. 21He that hath my comaundementis, and kepith hem, he it is that loueth me; and he that loueth me, schal be loued of my fadir, and Y schal loue hym, and Y schal schewe to hym my silf. 22Judas seith to hym, not he of Scarioth, Lord, what is don, that thou schalt schewe thi silf to vs, and not to the world? 23Jhesus answerde, and seide `to hym, If ony man loueth me, he schal kepe my word; and my fadir schal loue hym, and we schulen come to hym, and we schulen dwelle with hym. 24He that loueth me not, kepith not my wordis; and the word which ye han herd, is not myn, but the fadris, that sente me. 25These thingis Y haue spokun to you, dwellynge among you; but thilke Hooli Goost, 26the coumfortour, whom the fadir schal sende in my name, he schal teche you alle thingis, `and schal schewe to you alle thingis, what euere thingis Y schal seie to you. 27Pees Y leeue to you, my pees Y yyue to you; not as the world yyueth, Y yiue to you; be not youre herte affrayed, ne drede it. 28Ye han herd, that Y seide to you, Y go, and come to you. If ye loueden me, forsothe ye schulden haue ioye, for Y go to the fadir, for the fadir is grettere than Y. 29And now Y haue seid to you, bifor that it be don, that whanne it is don, ye bileuen. 30Now Y schal not speke many thingis with you; for the prince of this world cometh, and hath not in me ony thing. 31But that the world knowe, that Y loue the fadir; and as the fadir yaf a comaundement to me, so Y do. `Rise ye, go we hennus.

YHN 14 ©
