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Wyc YHN Chapter 13

YHN 13 ©

13Bifor the `feeste dai of pask Jhesus witynge, that his our is comun, that he passe fro this world to the fadir, whanne he hadde loued hise that weren in the world, in to the ende he louede hem. 2And whanne the souper was maad, whanne the deuel hadde put than in to the herte, that Judas of Symount Scarioth schulde bitraye hym, 3he witynge that the fadir yaf alle thingis to hym in to hise hoondis, and that he wente out fro God, 4and goith to God, he risith fro the souper, and doith of hise clothis; and whanne he hadde takun a lynun cloth, he girde hym. 5And aftirward he putte watir in to a basyn, and biganne to waische the disciplis feet, and to wipe with the lynnen cloth, with which he was gird. 6And so he cam to Symount Petre, and Petre seith to hym, Lord, waischist thou my feet? 7Jhesus answerde, and seide to hym, What Y do, thou wost not now; but thou schalt wite aftirward. 8Petre seith to hym, Thou schalt neuere waische my feet. Jhesus answeride to hym, If Y schal not waische thee, thou schalt not haue part with me. 9Symount Petre seith to hym, Lord, not oneli my feet, but bothe the hoondis and the heed. 10Jhesus seide to hym, He that is waischun, hath no nede but that he waische the feet, but he is al clene; and ye ben clene, but not alle. 11For he wiste, who `was he that schulde bitraye hym; therfor he seide, Ye ben not alle clene. 12And so aftir that he hadde waischun `the feet of hem, he took hise clothis; and whanne he was set to mete ayen, eft he seide to hem, Ye witen what Y haue don to you. 13Ye clepen me maistir and lord, and ye seien wel; for Y am. 14Therfor if Y, lord and maistir, haue waischun youre feet, and ye schulen waische oon anothers feet; 15for Y haue youun `ensaumple to you, `that as I haue do to you, so do ye. 16Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, the seruaunt is not grettere than his lord, nether an apostle is grettere than he that sente hym. 17If ye witen these thingis, ye schulen be blessid, if ye doen hem. 18Y seie not of `alle you, Y woot whiche Y haue chosun; but that the scripture be fulfillid, He that etith my breed, schal reise his heele ayens me. 19Treuly, Y seie to you bifor it be don, that whanne it is don, ye bileue that Y am. 20Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, he that takith whom euere Y schal sende, resseyueth me; and he that resseyueth me, resseyueth hym that sente me. 21Whanne Jhesus hadde seid these thingis, he was troblid in spirit, and witnesside, and seide, Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, that oon of you schal bitraye me. 22Therfor the disciplis lokiden togidere, doutynge of whom he seide. 23And so oon of hise disciplis was restynge in the bosum of Jhesu, whom Jhesu louede. 24Therfor Symount Petre bikeneth to hym, `and seith to hym, Who is it, of whom he seith? 25And so whanne he hadde restid ayen on the brest of Jhesu, he seith to hym, Lord, who is it? 26Jhesus answerde, He it is, to whom Y schal areche a sop of breed. And whanne he hadde wet breed, he yaf to Judas of Symount Scarioth. 27And aftir the mussel, thanne Sathanas entride in to hym. And Jhesus seith to hym, That thing that thou doist, do thou swithe. 28And noon of hem that saten at the mete wiste, wherto he seide to hym. 29For summe gessiden, for Judas hadde pursis, that Jhesus hadde seid to hym, Bie thou tho thingis, that ben nedeful to vs to the feeste dai, or that he schulde yyue sum thing to nedi men. 30Therfor whanne he hadde takun the mussel, he wente out anoon; and it was nyyt. 31And whanne he was gon out, Jhesus seide, Now mannus sone is clarified, and God is clarified in hym. 32If God is clarified in hym, God schal clarifie hym in hym silf, and anoon he schal clarifie hym. 33Litle sones, yit a litil Y am with you; ye schulen seke me, and, as Y seide to the Jewis, Whidur Y go, ye moun not come; and to you Y seie now. 34Y yyue to you a newe maundement, that ye loue togidir, as Y louede you, `and that ye loue togidir. 35In this thing alle men schulen knowe, that ye ben my disciplis, if ye han loue togidere. 36Symount Petre seith to hym, Lord, whidur goist thou? Jhesus answeride, Whidur Y go, thou mayst not sue me now, but thou schalt sue afterward. 37Petre seith to hym, Whi may Y not sue thee now? Y schal putte my lijf for thee. 38Jhesus answeride, Thou schalt putte thi lijf for me? Treuli, treuli, Y seie to thee, the cok schal not crowe, til thou schalt denye me thries. And he seith to hise disciplis.

YHN 13 ©
