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OET-RV by cross-referenced section YAC 2:14

YAC 2:14–2:26 ©

Note that the OET uses ‘Yacob’ for ‘The Letter of Jacob’ (wrongly called ‘James’ in older Bibles).

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Faith in action

Yac 2:14–26

2:14 Faith in action

14My fellow believers, what would I gain if I said that someone had faith but it didn’t alter how they live their life? Faith like that wouldn’t be able to save them. 15If a fellow believer is lacking clothes or food, 16and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace and be warm and satisfied,’ but don’t help with their physical needs, what use would that be? 17In other words, faith without the corresponding lifestyle is just dead.

18No doubt someone will say, ‘Well you have the faith and I do the good deeds.’ So show me your faith without good deeds and I’ll demonstrate my faith by my good deeds. 19You believe that there’s one God and you’re right, but even the demons believe that and shudder. 20But the vain person still wants to know if faith without good deeds is wasted? 21Wasn’t our ancestor Abraham considered right with God due to his actions when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar?[ref] 22So his faith was working together with his actions, and it was by his actions that his faith was perfected. 23This fulfilled the scripture that says, ‘Abraham believed in God and so he was consider to be right with God, and was called a friend of God.’[ref] 24So you can see that a person is considered right with God due to his actions, and not just by their ‘faith’. 25Similarly the prostitute Rahab was made right by her actions when she welcomed the Hebrew messengers and then helped them get away by a different route.[ref] 26Just like a body is dead once the spirit has departed, so too faith is dead if it’s not demonstrated by good deeds.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Gen 22:1-14:

22:1 God tests Abraham over Yitshak

22Several years later, God decided to test Abraham, calling him, “Abraham.”[ref]

“Here I am,” he replied.

2“Take your son Yitshak who you love, your only son,” God commanded him, “and go to the Moriah region and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I’ll point out to you.”[ref]

3So Abraham got up early in the morning and saddled his donkey. Then he took two of his young men with him and his son Yitshak, and he cut some firewood for the burnt offering. Then they left to go to the place that God had told him. 4On the third day Abraham looked up ahead and he could see the place from a distance, 5so he said to his young men, “Stay here by yourselves with the donkey while the boy and I go over there to worship God, then we’ll come back to you here.”

6So Abraham took the firewood for the burnt offering and put it on his son Yitshak, and he carried the fire pot and the knife. Then the two of them went on together, 7and Yitshak asked his father Abraham his father, “My father?”

“Yes, son?”, he replied.

“We’ve got the fire and the wood,”, he continued, “but where’s the lamb for the burnt offering?”

8God will provide the lamb for the burnt offering himself, my son,” Abraham answered, and then the two of them continued on together.

9Then they came to the place that God had told him, and Abraham built an altar there and arranged the firewood on it. Then he tied up his son Yitshak and laid him on the altar on top of the wood.[ref] 10Then Abraham took the knife and raised his arm to kill his son, 11but one of Yahweh’s messengers called to him from the sky and said, “Abraham! Abraham!”

“Here I am.” he answered.

12“Don’t lift up your hand against the boy,” the messenger continued. “And don’t do anything to him, because now I know that you respect and obey God, since you haven’t withheld your son, your only son, from me.”

13Then Abraham raised his head and looked around, and wow, there was a ram was behind him, caught by its horns in the thicket. So Abraham went and grabbed the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. 14So Abraham named that place ‘Yahweh will provide’, and to this day it’s still said, “Yahweh will provide on his mountain.”

22:1-13: Heb 11:17-19.

22:2: 2Ch 3:1.

22:9: Jam 2:21.

Gen 15:6:

6Abram believed in Yahweh, and Yahweh considered that faith of Abram’s as an act of obedience.[ref]

15:6: Rom 4:3; Gal 3:6; Jam 2:23.

2Ch 20:7:


20:7: Isa 41:8; Jam 2:23.

Isa 41:8:


Josh 2:1-21:

2:1 The me tahasiliban commanded going to Hiriku







2:1: Heb 11:31; Jam 2:25.

2:10: a Exo 14:21; b Num 21:21-35.