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Cvdl GEN Chapter 36

GEN 36 ©

36This is the generacio of Esau, which is called Edom. 2Esau toke wyues of the doughters of Canaan. Ada the doughter of Elo the Hethite: & Ahalibama the doughter of Ana, the childes childe of Zibeon the Heuyte: 3And Basmath Ismaels doughter, the sister of Nebaioth. 4And Ada bare Eliphas vnto Esau. Basmath bare Reguel. 5Ahalibama bare Ieus, Iaelam, & Korah. These are the childre of Esau, yt were borne vnto him in the lande of Canaan. 6And Esau toke his wiues sonnes & doughters, and all the soules of his house, his substaunce, and all the catell with all the goodes that he had gotten in the lande of Canaan, and wente in to a countre awaye fro his brother Iacob: 7for their substaunce was so greate, that they coude not dwell together: and the londe wherin they were straungers, might not holde them because of their goodes. 8So Esau dwelt vpon mount Seir. And Esau is Edom. 9This is ye generacio of Esau, of who are come ye Edomites vpon ye mount Seir. 10And these are ye names of the childre of Esau: Eliphas ye sonne of Ada Esaus wife: Reguel ye sonne of Basmath Esaus wife: 11The sonnes of Eliphas were these: Theman, Omar, Zepho, Gaetham & Kenas. 12And Thimna was a concubyne of Elyphas ye sonne of Esau, and bare him Amaleck. These are ye children of Ada Esaus wyfe. 13The children of Reguel are these: Nahath Serah, Samma, Misa. These are the children of Basmath Esaus wife. 14The children of Ahalibama Esaus wife the doughter of Ana, that was the childes childe of Zibeon (which she bare vnto Esau) are these: Ieus, Iaelam and Korah. 15These are the prynces amoge the childre of Esau. The children of Eliphas the first sonne of Esau, were these: The prynce Theman, ye prynce Omar, the prynce Zepho, the prynce Kenas, 16the prynce Korah, the prynce Gaethan, the prynce Amaleck. These are the prynces of Eliphas in the lade of Edo, and are the children of Ada. 17And these are the children of Roguel Esaus sonne: ye prynce Nahath, ye prynce Serah, ye prynce Sama, ye prynce Misa. These are ye prynces of Reguel in ye londe of ye Edomites, & they are ye children of Basmath Esaus wife. 18These are the children of Ahalibama Esaus wife: The prynce Ieus, ye prince Iaelam, the prynce Korah. These are the prynces of Ahalibama, ye doughter of Ana Esaus wife. 19These are ye childre of Esau and their princes. He is Edom. 20The children of Seir ye Horite yt dwelt in the londe, are these: Lothan, Sobal, Zibeon, Ana, 21Dison, Ezer & Disan. These are the prynces of the Horites, all children of Seir in the londe of Idumea. 22But ye childre of Lothan were these: Hori, & Hema, & Lothas sister was called Thimna. 23The children of Sobal were these: Alua, Manahat, Ebal, Sepho & Ona. 24The childre of Zibeo were: Aia & Ana. This is the same Ana yt foude Mules in ye wyldernes, wha he kepte his fathers Zibeons Asses. 25The children of Ana were: Dison: & Ahalibama, yt is ye doughter of Ana. 26The childre of Dison were: Hemdan, Esban, Iethra & Charan. 27The children of Ezer were: Bilhan, Seana, & Ackan. 28The children of Disan were: Vz & Aran. 29These are ye prices of ye Horites: The prince Lothan, ye prynce Sobal, ye prynce Zibeo, ye prynce Ana, 30ye prynce Dison, ye prince Ezer, ye prynce Disan. These are the prynces of the Horites, which ruled in ye londe of Seir. 31The kynges that reigned in the londe of Edumea (before the childre of Israel had eny kynge) are these: 32Bela ye sonne of Beor was kynge in Edumea, & ye name of his cite was Dinhaba. 33And wha Bela died, Iobab ye sonne of Serah of Bosra was kinge in his steade. 34When Iobab dyed, Husam out of ye lode of the Themanites was kynge in his steade. 35Whan Husam dyed, Hadad ye sonne of Bedad) which slewe ye Madianites in ye Moabites felde) was kinge in his steade, & the name of his cite was Auith. 36Whan Hadad dyed, Samla of Masreck was kinge in his steade. 37Wha Samla died, Saul of Rehoboth by ye water syde, was kinge in his steade. 38Whan Saul dyed, Baal Hana the sonne of Achbor was kynge in his steade. 39Wha Baal Hana the sonne of Achbor dyed, Hadad was kinge in his steade, & the name of his cite was Pagu, & his wifes name was Mehet Abeel, the doughter of Matred, the doughter of Mesahab. 40Thus are the princes of Esau called in their kynreds, places & names: The prynce Thymna, ye prynce Alua, ye prynce Ietheth, 41the prynce Ahalibama, the prynce Ela, the prynce Pynon, 42the prynce Kenas, ye prynce Theman, ye prince Mibzar, 43the prince Magdiel, ye prynce Ira. These are the prynces in Edumea, like as they dwelt in ye lade of their possessions. And Esau is ye father of ye Edomites.

GEN 36 ©
