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Cvdl ISA Chapter 41

ISA 41 ©

41Be still (ye Ilondes) and herken vnto me. Be stronge ye people, Come hither, and shew youre cause, we will go to the lawe together. 2Who rayseth vp ye iuste from the rysinge of the Sonne, and calleth him to go forth? Who casteth downe the people, and subdueth the kinges before him: that he maye throwe them all to the groude with his swearde, and scatre them like stuble with his bowe? 3He foloweth vpon them, and goeth safely himself, and cometh in no footpath with his fete. 4Who hath made, created, and called the generacions from the begynnynge? Euen I the LORDE, which am the first, and with the last. 5Beholde ye Iles, that ye maye feare, and ye endes of the earth, that ye maye be abasshed, draw nye, and come hither. 6Euery man hath exorted his neghboure, and brother, and bydden him be stronge. 7The Smyth conforted the moulder, & the Ironsmyth the hammerman, sayenge: It shalbe good, that we fasten this cast worke: and then they fastened it with nales, that it shulde not be moued. 8And thou Israel my seruaunt: Iacob my electe sede of Abraha my beloued, 9whom I led from the endes of the earth by the honde: For I called the from farre, & saide vnto the: Thou shalt be my seruaunt: I haue chosen the, & will not cast ye awaye: 10be not afrayde, for I wil be with ye. Lake not behinde ye, for I wil be thy God, to stregth ye, helpe ye, & to kepe ye with this right hode of myne. 11Beholde, all they that resist the, shal come to confucion and shame: and thine aduersaries shalbe destroyed & brought to naught. 12So that who so seketh after them, shal not fynde them. Thy destroyers shal perish, & so shall they that vndertake to make batell agaynst the. 13For I thy LORDE & God, wil strength thy right honde. Euen I that saye vnto the: Feare not, I will helpe the. 14Be not afrayde thou litle worme Iacob, and thou despysed Israel: For I will helpe the, saieth the LORDE, & the holyone of Israel thine avenger. 15Beholde, I wil make the a treadinge cart & a new flale, yt thou mayest throsshe & grynde the mountaynes, and bringe the hilles to poulder. 16Thou shalt fanne them, & the wynde shal carie them awaye, & the whyrlwynde shal scatre the. But thou shalt reioyse in the LORDE, and shalt delite in praysinge the holyone of Israel. 17When the thurstie and poore seke water & fynde none, & when their tunge is drie of thurst: I geue it them, saieth the LORDE. I the God of Israel forsake them not. 18I bringe forth floudes in the hilles, & welles in the playne feldes. I turne ye wildernes to ryuers, and the drie londe to condytes of water. 19I plante in the wayst grounde trees of Cedre, Boxe, Myrre and olyues. And in the drie, I set Fyrre trees, elmes and hawthornes together. 20All this do I, yt they altogether maye se and marcke, perceaue with their hertes, & considre: that the honde of the LORDE maketh these thinges, and that the holyone of Israel bringeth them to passe. 21Stonde at youre cause (saieth the LORDE) and bringe forth youre strogest grounde, counceleth the kinge of Iacob. 22Let the goddes come forth them selues, and shewe vs the thinges ye are past, what they be: let the declare the vnto vs, yt we maye take them to herte, and knowe them herafter. 23Ether, let the shewe vs thinges for to come, and tel vs what shalbe done herafter: so shal we knowe, that they be goddes. Shewe somthinge, ether good or bad, so wil we both knowlege ye same, & tel it out. 24Beholde, ye goddes are of naught, & yor makinge is of naught, but abhomination hath chosen you. 25Neuertheles I haue waked vp one from the North, & he shal come. And another from the East, which shal call vpo my name, & shal come to the prynces, as the Potter to his claye, & as ye Potter treadeth downe the myre. 26Who tolde yt afore? So wil we confesse & saye, that he is rightuous. But there is none that sheweth or declareth eny thinge, there is none also that heareth youre wordes. 27Beholde, I will first graute the of Sion & Ierusalem to be Euangelistes. 28But when I cosidre: there is not one amonge the yt prophecieth, nether (when I axe him) yt answereth one worde. 29Lo, wicked are they & vayne, with the thinges also that they take in honde: yee wynde are they, and emptynesse, with their ymages together.

ISA 41 ©
