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Cvdl ISA

1This is the prophecy of Esay the sonne of Amos, which he shewed vpon Iuda and Ieruasalem: In the tyme of Osias, Ioathan, Ahas, and Ezechias kynges of Iuda. 2Heare o heauen, herken o earth, for the LORDE speaketh: I haue norished & brought vp children, and they are fallen awaye fro me. 3An oxe knoweth his LORDE, and an Asse his masters stall, but Israel knoweth nothinge, my people hath no vnderstondinge. 4Alas for this synful people, which are experte in blasphemies, a frawerde generacion, vnnatural children. They haue forsaken the LORDE, they haue prouoked the holy one of Israel vnto anger, and are gone bacward. 5Wherfore shulde ye be plaged eny more? For ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole heade is sick, and the herte is very heuy. 6From the sole of the foote vnto the heade, there is no whole parte in all yor body: but all are woundes, botches, sores and strypes, which can nether be helped, bounde vp, molified, ner eased with eny oyntment. 7Youre londe lieth waist, youre cities are brent vp, youre enemies deuoure youre londe, and ye must be fayne to stonde, and loke vpon it: and it is desolate, as it were with enemies in a batell. 8Morouer ye doughter of Syon is left alone like a cotage in a vynyearde, like a watchouse in tyme of warre, like a beseged citie. 9And excepte the LORDE of hostes had left us a few alyue: we shulde haue bene as Sodoma, & like vnto Gomorra. 10Heare the worde of the LORDE ye tyrauntes of Sodoma: and herken vnto the lawe of oure God, thou people of Gomorra. 11Why offre ye so many sacrifices vnto me? I am discontent for the brentoffringes of wethers, and with ye fatnesse offedbeastes. I haue no pleasure in the bloude of bullockes, lambes and gootes. 12When ye apeare before me, who requyreth you to treade within my porches? 13Offre me no mo oblacions, for it is but lost laboure. I abhorre youre incense. I maye not awaye with youre newmoones, youre Sabbathes and solempne dayes. Youre fastinges are also in vayne. 14I hate youre new holy dayes and fastinges, euen fro my very harte. They make me weery, I can not abyde them. 15Though ye holde out yor hondes, yet turne I myne eyes from you. And though ye make many prayers, yet heare I nothinge at all, for youre hondes are full of bloude. 16Wash you, make you clene, put awaye yor euell thoughtes out of my sight, cease from doinge of euell and violence. 17Lerne to do right, applie youre selues to equyte, delyuer the oppressed, helpe the fatherlesse to his right, let the wydowes complaynte come before you. 18Now go to (saieth the LORDE) we wil talke together. Is it not so? Though youre synnes be as read as scarlet, shal they not be whyter then snowe? And though they were like purple, shall they not be like whyte woll? 19Is it not so? Yf ye be louynge & obedient, ye shal enioye the best thinge that groweth in the londe. 20But yf ye be obstinate and rebellious, ye shalbe deuoured with the swerde: for thus the LORDE hath promised with his owne mouth. 21How happeneth it then that the rightuous citie (which was full of equite) is become vnfaithfull as an whore? rightuousnes dwelt in it, but now murthur. 22Thy Siluer is turned to drosse, and thy wyne myxte wt water. 23Thy prynces are traytours and companyons of theues. They loue giftes altogether, and folowe rewardes. As for the fatherles, they helpe him not to his right, nether wil they let the wydowes causes come before them. 24Therfore speaketh the LORDE God of hostes the mighty one of Israel: Ah I must ease me of myne enemies, and a venge me vpo the. 25And therfore shal I laye my honde vpon the, and burne out thy drosse from the fynest and purest, and put out all thy leade, 26& set thy iudges agayne as they were somtyme, and thy Senatours as they were from ye begynnynge. Then shalt thou be called the rightuous citie, the faithful citie. 27But Sion shalbe redemed with equyte, and hyr captiuyte with rightuousnesse 28For the transgressours and vngodly, and soch as are become vnfaithfull vnto the LORDE, must all together be vtterly destroyed. 29And excepte ye be ashamed of the oketrees wherin ye haue so delited, and of the gardes that ye haue chosen: 30ye shalbe as an oke whose leaues are fallen awaye, and as a garden that hath no moystnesse. 31And as for the glory of these thinges, it shalbe turned to drie strawe, and he that made them to a sparke. And they shal both burne together, so that no man shalbe able to quench them. 2Morouer this is the worde that was opened vnto Esaye the sonne of Amos, vpon Iuda and Ierusalem. 2It will be also in processe of tyme: That the hill where the the house of the LORDE is buylded, shal be ye chefe amoge hilles, and exalted aboue al litle hilles. And al heithe shal prease vnto him and the multitude of people shall go vnto him, 3speakinge thus one to another: vp, let us go to the hill of the LORDE, and to the house of ye God of Iacob: yt he maye shewe us his waye, and yt we maye walke in his pathes. For ye lawe shal come out of Syon, and the worde of God from Ierusalem, 4and shal geue sentence amonge the heithen, and shal reforme the multitude of people: So that they shal breake their swerdes and speares, to make sythes, sycles & sawes therof. From that tyme forth shal not one people lift vp wapen agaynst another, nether shal they lerne to fight from thensforth. 5It is to the that I crie (o house of Iacob) vp, let us walke in the light of the LORDE. 6But thou art scatred abrode with thy people (o house of Iacob) for ye go farre beyonde yor fathers, whether it be in Sorcerers) whom ye haue as the phylistynes had) or in calkers of mens byrthes, wherof ye haue to many. 7As soone as youre londe was ful of syluer and golde, and no ende of youre treasure: so soone as youre londe was ful of stronge horses and no ende of youre charettes: 8Inmediatly was it ful of Idols also, euen workes of youre owne hondes, which ye youre selues haue facioned, and youre fyngers haue made. 9There kneleth the man, there falleth the man downe before them, so yt thou canst not bringe him awaye from thence. 10And therfore get ye soone in to some rock, vnd hyde the in the grounde from the sight of the fearful iudge, and from ye glory of his Magestie. 11Which casteth downe ye high lokes of presumptuous personnes, and bryngeth lowe the pryde of ma, and he only shall be exalted in ye daye. 12For the daye of ye LORDE of hostes shal go ouer all pryde & presumpcio, vpon all the that exalte the selues, and shal bringe them all downe? 13vpo all high & stoute Cedre trees of Libanus, and vpon all the okes of Basan, 14vpon all high hilles, and vpon all stoute mountaynes, 15vpon all costly towres, and vpon all stronge walles, 16vpon all shippes of the see, and vpon euery thinge yt is glorious and pleasaunt to loke vpon. 17And it shall bringe downe the pryde of man, and laye mans presumptuousnesse full lowe, and the LORDE shal only haue the victory in that daye. 18But the Idols shal utterly be roted out. 19Men shal crepe in to holes of stone, and in to caues of the earth, from the sight of the fearfull iudge, and from the glory of his magesty: what tyme as he shal make him vp to shake the earth. 20Then, the shal ma cast awaye his goddes of syluer and golde (which he neuertheles had made to honoure the) vnto Molles and Backes: 21that he maye the better crepe in to the caues and rockes, and in to the cliffes of hard stones, from ye sight of the fearful iudge and from the glory of his Magesty. 22Every man can eschue a persone moued in anger, for what doth he wysely? 3Euen so shal ye LORDE of hoostes take awaye fro Ierusale & Iuda, all possessios & power, all meat and drinke, 2ye captayne and the soudyare, ye iudge and the prophete, the wyse and the aged ma, 3the worshipful of fiftie yeare olde, and the honorable: the Senatours, and men of vnderstondinge: the masters of craftes and oratours. 4And I shal geue you children to be youre prynces (saieth the LORDE) and babes shall haue the rule of you. 5One shall euer be doinge violence and wronge to another. The boye shal presume agaynst the elder, and the vyle persone agaynst the honorable. 6Yee one shal take a frende of his owne kynred by ye bosome, and saye: thou hast clothinge, thou shalt be oure heade, for thou mayest kepe us from this fall and parell. 7Then shall he sweare and saye: I can not helpe you. Morouer, there is nether meate ner clothinge in my house, make me no rueler of the people. 8For Ierusalem and Iuda must decaye, because that both their wordes and councels are agaynst the LORDE, they prouoke the presence of his magesty vnto anger. 9The chaunginge of their countenaunce bewrayeth them, yee they declare their owne synnes them selues, as the Sodomites, & hyde the not. Wo be vnto their soules, for they shalbe heuely rewarded. 10Then shal they saye: O happie are the godly, for they maye enioye the frutes of their studies. 11But wo be to ye vngodly and vnrightuous for they shalbe rewarded after their workes. 12O my people, rybaudes oppresse ye, and women haue rule of the. O my people, thy leders deceaue the, and treade out the waye of thy footsteppes. 13The LORDE is here to comon of the matter, and stondeth to geue iudgment with the people. 14The LORDE shal come forth to reason with the Senatours and prynces of his people, and shal saye thus vnto them: It is ye that haue burnt vp my vynyearde, the robbery of the poore is in youre house. 15Wherfore do ye oppresse my people, and marre ye faces of the innocentes? thus shal the God of hoostes reuyle them. 16Morouer thus saieth ye LORDE: Seinge the doughters of Sion are become so proude, and come in with stretched out neckes, and with vayne wanton eyes: seinge they come in trippinge so nycely with their fete: 17Therfore shal the LORDE shaue the heades of the doughters of Sion, and make their bewtie bare in that daye. 18In that daye shal the LORDE take awaye the gorgiousnes of their apparel, and spanges, cheynes, partlettes, 19and colares, bracelettes and hooues, 20ye goodly floured, wyde and broderd raymet, brusshes and headbandes, 21rynges and garlades, 22holy daye clothes and vales, kerchues and pynnes, 23glasses and smockes, bonettes and taches. 24And in steade of good smell there shalbe stynck amonge them. And for their gyrdles there shalbe lowse bondes. And for wellset hayre there shalbe baldnesse. In steade of a stomacher, a sack cloth, and for their bewty wythrednesse and sonneburnynge. 25Their husbondes and their mightie men shall perish with the swerde in batell. 26At that tyme shall their gates mourne and complayne, and they shal syt as desolate folck vpon the earth. 4Then shal seuen wyues take holde of one man, and saye: we will laye all oure meat and cloothinge together in comon, only that we maye be called thy wyues, and that this shamefull reprofe maye be take from us. 2After that tyme shal the braunch of ye LORDE be beutiful and mightie, and ye frute of the earth shalbe fayre and pleasaunt for those Israelites that shall springe therof. 3Then shall the remnaunt in Sion and the remnaunt at Ierusalem be called holy: namely all soch as are written amonge the lyuynge at Ierusalem: 4what tyme as the LORDE shall wash awaye the desolacion of the doughters of Sio, ad pourge the bloude out from Ierusale, wt ye wynde of his smoke and fyre. 5Morouer vpon all the dwellinges of the hill of Sion and vpon their whole congregacion, shal the LORDE prouyde a cloude and smoke by daye, and the shyninghe of a flammynge fyre by night, for all their glory shalbe preserued. 6And Ierusalem shall be a tabernacle for a shadowe because of hete in the daye tyme, a place and refuge where a man maye kepe him for wether and rayne. 5Now well than, I will synge my beloued frende a songe of his vynyearde. My beloued frende hath a vyneyearde in a very frutefull plenteous grounde. 2This he hedged, this he walled rounde aboute, and planted it with goodly grapes. In the myddest of it buylded he a towre, and made a wyne presse therin And afterwarde when he loked yt it shulde bringe him grapes, it brought forth thornes. 3I shewe you now my cause (o ye Citysens of Ierusalem and whole Iuda:) Iudge I praye you betwixte me: and my wynegardinge. 4What more coude haue bene done for it, that I haue not done? Wherfore then hath it geuen thornes, where I loked to haue had grapes of it? 5Well, I shall tell you how I will do wt my vynyarde: I will take the hedge from it, that it maye perish, and breake downe ye wall, that it maye be troden vnder fote. 6I will laye it waist, that it shall nether be twysted nor cut, but beare thornes and breares. I wil also forbyd ye cloudes, that they shal not rayne vpon it. 7As for the vynyarde of the LORDE of hoostes it is the house of Israel, and whole Iuda his fayre plantinge. Of these he loked for equyte, but se there is wronge: for rightuousnesse, lo, It is but misery. 8Wo to you that ioyne one house to another, and bringe one londe so nigh vnto another, till ye can get no more grounde. Wil ye dwell vpon the earth alone? 9The LORDE of hoostes rowneth me thus i myne eare: shal not many greater and more gorgions houses be so waist, that no man shall dwell in the? 10And ten akers of vynes shal geue but a Quarte, and xxx. bushels of sede shal geue but thre. 11Wo be vnto them that ryse vp early to vse them selues in dronkynnes, and yet at night are more superfluous with wyne. 12In whose companies are harpes and lutes, tabrettes and pipes, and wyne. But they regarde not the worke of the LORDE, and cosidre not the operacio of his hondes. 13Therfore cometh my folck also in captiuyte, because they haue no vnderstondynge. Their glory shalbe myxte with huger, and their pryde shalbe marred for thurste. 14Therfore gapeth hel, and openeth hyr mouth marvelous wyde: that pryde, boostinge and wisdome, with soch as reioyse therin, maye descende in to it. 15Thus shal man haue a fall, he shalbe brought lowe, and the high lokes of the proude layde downe. 16But the LORDE of hoostes, yt holy God: shalbe exalted and vntouched, when he shal declare his equyte and rightuousnesse after this maner. 17Then shal ye lambes eate their apoynted foder, and shal fede plenteously in the mountaynes 18Wo vnto vayne persones, that drawe wickednes vnto the, as it were with a coorde: and synne, as it were with a cart rope. 19Which vse to speake on this maner: let him make haist now, and go forth wt his worke, that we maye se it. Let the councel of ye holy one of Israel come, and drawe nie, yt we maye knowe it. 20Wo vnto them that call euel good, and good euel: which make darcknesselight, & light darcknesse, yt make sower swete, and swete sower. 21Wo vnto them that are wyse in their owne sight, and thinke them selues to haue vnderstodinge. 22Wo vnto them, yt are connynge men to suppe out wyne, and experte to set vp drokenesse. 23These gyue sentence with the vngodly for rewardes, but condemne the iust cause of the rightuous. 24Therfore, like as fyre licketh vp the strawe, and as the flame cosumeth the stubble: Euen so (when their root is ful,) their blossome shal vanish awaye like dust or smoke. for they despyse the lawe of the LORDE of hoostes, and blaspheme the worde of the holy maker of Israel. 25Therfore is the wrath of the LORDE kyndled also agaynst his people, and he shaketh his honde at them: yee he shal smyte so, that the hilles shal tremble. And their carcases shal lye in the ope stretes, like myre. After all this, the wrath of God shall not ceasse, but he shal stretch his hode wyder. 26And he shal gyue a toke vnto a straunge people, and call vnto them in a farre countre: and beholde, they shal come hastely with spede. 27There is not one faynt nor feble amonge them, no not a slogish nor slepery parsone. There shal not one of them put of the gyrdle from his loynes, ner lowse the lachet of his shue. 28Their arowes are sharpe, and their bowes bent. Their horse hoofes are like flynt, and their cartwheles like a stormy wynde. 29Their crie is as it were of a lyon, and the roaringe of them like lyons whelpes. They shal roare, and hatch vp the praye, and no man shal recouer it or get it from the. 30In that daye they shalbe so fearce vpon them, as the see. And yf we loke vnto the londe, beholde, it shalbe all darcknesse and sorowe. Yf we loke to heauen: beholde, it shalbe darck with careful desperacion. 6In the same yeare yt kynge Osias dyed, I sawe the LORDE sittinge vpon an high and glorious seate, and his trayne fylled ye palace. 2From aboue flakred the Seraphins, wherof euery one had sex wynges. With twayne ech couered his face, wt twayne his fete, and with twayne dyd he flye. 3They cried also ech one to other on this maner: holy, holy, holy is the LORDE of hoostes. The whole worlde is ful of his glory. 4Yee the geastes and dorechekes moued at their crienge, and the house was ful of smoke. 5Then I sayde: O wo is me. For I was astonished: that I (which am a man of vnclene lippes, and dwell amonge people yt hath vnclene lippes also:) Shulde se ye Kynge and LORDE of hoostes with myne eyes. 6Then flewe one of the Seraphins vnto me, hauinge a hote cole in his honde, which he had taken from the aulter with the tonges, 7and touched my mouth, and sayde: lo, this hath touched thy mouth, & thy vnrightouousnes is taken a waye, and thy synne forgeuen. 8After this I herde the voyce of the LORDE takinge advysement on this maner: Whom shall I sende, and who wilbe oure messaunger? The I sayde: here am I, sende me. 9And so he sayde: go, and tel this people: ye shall heare in dede, but ye shal not vnderstonde, ye shal planely se, and not perceaue. 10Harden the harte of this people, stoppe their eares, and shut their eyes, that they se not wt their eyes, heare not with their eares, and vnderstonde not with their hartes, and conuerte and be healed. 11Then spake I: LORDE, how longe? he answered: vntil the cities be vtterly without inhabitours, and ye houses without men, till the lode be also desolate, and lye vnbuylded. 12For the LORDE shal take the men farre awaye, so that the londe shall lye waist 13Neuertheles, the tenth parte shal remayne therin, for it shal conuerte and be fruteful. And likewise as the Terebyntes and Oketrees bringe forth their frutes, so shal the holy sede haue frute. 7It happened in the tyme of Ahas the sonne of Ionathas, which was the sonne of Ioathan Kynge of Iuda: that Rezin the Kinge of Siria, and Poca Romelies sonne, Kynge of Israel: wente vp toward Ierusalem to besege it (but wanne it not.) 2Now when the house of Dauid (that is Ahas) herde worde therof, yt Siria and Ephraim were confederate together: his herte quaked (yee and ye hertes also of his people) like as a tre in the felde, that is moued with the wynde. 3Then sayde God vnto Esay: go mete Ahas (thou and thy sonne Sear Iasub) at the heade of ye ouer pole, in the fote path by the fullers grounde, 4and saye vnto him: take hede to thyself and be still, but feare not, nether be faynt harted, for these two tales: that is: for these two smokynge fyre brandes, the wrath and furiousnes of Rezin the Sirian and Romelies sonne: 5because that the Kynge of Siria Ephraim and Romelies sonne haue wekedly conspyred agaynst the, 6sayenge: We will go downe in to Iuda, vexe the, and brynge them vnder vs, and set a Kynge there, euen the sonne of Taball. 7For thus saieth the LORDE God ther to, It shall not so go forth, nether come so to passe: 8for the headcitie of ye Sirians is Damascus, but the head of Damascus is Rezin. And after fyue and threscore yeare, shal Ephraim be nomore a people. 9And the chefe citie of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Romelies sonne. And yf ye beleue not, there shall no promyse be kepte with you. 10Morouer, God spake vnto Ahas, sayenge: 11requyre a token of the LORDE thy God, whether it be towarde the depth beneth or towarde ye hight aboue. 12The sayde Ahas: I will requyre none, nether will I tempte the LORDE. 13The LORDE answered: Then heare to, ye of the house of Dauid: Is it not ynough for you, that ye be greuous vnto men, but ye must greue my God also? 14And therfore the LORDE shal geue you a token of himself: Beholde, a virgin shal coceaue and beare a sonne, and shal call his name Emanuel. 15Butter and hony shal he eate, yt he maye knowe the euel, and chose ye good. 16But or euer that childe come to knowlege, to eschue the euel and chose the good: The londe (that thou art so afrayde for) shalbe desolate of both hir kynges. 17The LORDE also shal sende a tyme vpon the, vpon thy people, and vpo thy fathers house (soch as neuer came sence the tyme yt Ephraim departed from Iuda) thorow ye kynge of the Assirians. 18For at the same tyme shal the LORDE whistle for the flyes yt are aboute the water of Egipte, and for ye Beyes in the Assirians londe. 19These shall come, and shal light all in the valeyes, in ye vowtes of stone, vpon all grene thinges, and in all corners. 20At the same tyme shal the LORDE shaue the hayre of the heade and the fete and the beerd clene of, with the rasoure that he shall paye them withall beyonde the water: namely, with ye kynge of the Assirians. 21At the same tyme shall a man lyue with a cowe, and two shepe. 22Then because of the aboundaunce of mylck, he shal make butter and eat it. So that euery one which remayneth in the londe, shal eate butter and hony. 23At the same tyme all vynyardes (though there be a thousand vynes in one, and were solde for a thousand siluerlinges) shalbe turned to brears and thornes. 24Like as they shal come in to the londe with arowes and bowes, so shal all the londe become brears and thornes. 25And as for all hilles that now are hewen downe, thou shalt not come vpo them, for feare of brears and thornes. But the catel shalbe dryuen thither, and the shepe shal fede there. 8Morouer the LORDE sayde vnto me: Take the a greate leaf, and wryte in it, as men do with a penne, that he spede him to robbe, and haist him to spoyle. 2And Inmediatly I called vnto me faithful wytnesses: Vrias the prest, and Zacharias ye sonne of Barachias. 3After that went I vnto the prophetisse, that now had conceaued and borne a sonne. Then sayde the LORDE to me: geue him this name: Maherschalal haschbas, that is: a spedie robber, an hastie spoyler. 4For why, or euer the childe shal haue knowlege to saye: Abi and Im, yt is father, and mother: shal ye riches of Damascus and ye substaunce of Samaria be take awaye, thorow the Kynge of ye Assirians. 5The LORDE spake also vnto me, sayenge: 6for so moch as the people refuseth the stilrenninge water of Silo, and put their delite in Rezin and Romelies sonne: 7Beholde, the LORDE shal bringe mightie and great floudes of water vpon them: namely, ye kynge of the Assirians with all his power. Which shall poure out his furyousnes vpo euery man, and renne ouer all their bankes. 8And shal breake in vpon Iuda, increasinge in power, till he get him by the throte. He shal fyl also the wydenesse of thy londe wt his brode wynges, O Emanuel. 9Go together ye people, and gather you, herken to all ye of farre countrees. Mustre you, and gather you: mustre you and gather you, 10take youre councel together, yet must youre councel come to nought: go in honde withal, yet shal it not prospere. Excepte Emanuel: (that is God) be with 11For the LORDE chastised me, and toke me by ye honde, and warned me, sayenge vnto me: that I shulde not walcke in the waye of this people. He sayde morouer: 12rounde with none of the, who so euer saye: yonder people are bounde together. Neuertheles feare them not, nether be afrayde of them, 13but sanctifie the LORDE of hoostes, let him be youre feare and drede. 14For he is the sanctifienge, and stone to stomble at, ye rock to fall vpon, a snare and net to both the houses: to Israel, and the inhabitours of Ierusalem. 15And many shal stomble, fall, and be broke vpon him: yee they shalbe snared and taken. 16Now laye the witnesses together (sayde the LORDE) and seale the lawe with my disciples. 17Thus I waite vpon the LORDE, that hath turned his face from the house of Iacob, and I loke vnto him. 18But lo, as for me, and the children which the LORDE hath geuen me: we are a token and a wondre in Israel, for the LORDE of hoostes sake, which dwelleth vpon the hill of Syon. 19And therfore yf they saye vnto you: aske councel at the soythsayers, witches, charmers and coniurers, then make them this answere: Is there a people enywhere, that axeth not councel at his God: whether it be concernynge the dead, or the lyuynge? 20Yf eny man want light, let him loke vpon the lawe and the testimony, whether they speake not after this meanynge. 21Yf he do not this, he stombleth and suffreth huger. And yf he suffre honger, he is out of pacience, and blasphemeth his kynge and his God. Then loketh he vpwarde, and downewarde to the earth, 22and beholde, there is trouble and darcknesse, vexacion is rounde aboute him, and the cloude of erroure And out of soch aduersite, shall he not escape. 9Even like as in tyme past it hath bene well sene, that ye londe of Zabulon and the londe of Nepthali (where thorow the see waye goeth ouer Iordane in to the londe of Galilee) was at the first in litle trouble, but afterward sore vexed. 2Neuertheles ye people that haue dwelt in darcknesse, shal se a greate light. As for them that dwel in the londe of the shadowe of death, vpon them shal the light shyne. 3Shalt thou multiplie the people, and not increase the ioye also? They shal reioyse before the euen as men make mery in haruest, and as men that haue gotten the victory, when they deale the spoyle. 4For thou shalt breake the yocke of the peoples burthen: the staff of hys shulder, and the rod of his oppressoure, as in ye daye at Madia. 5Morouer all temerarious and sedicious power (yee where there is but a cote fyled wt bloude) shalbe burnt, and fede the fyre. 6For vnto us a childe shalbe borne, and vnto us a sonne shalbe geue. Vpo his shulder shal the kyngdome lye, and he shalbe called wt his owne name: The woderous geuer of councel, the mightie God, the euerlastinge father, the prynce of peace, 7he shal make no ende to encrease the kyngdome and peace, and shal syt vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kyngdome, to set vp the same, to stablish it with equyte and rightuousnesse, from thence forth for euermore. This shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe. 8The LORDE sent a worde in to Iacob, the same is come in to Israel. 9All the people also of Ephraim, and they that dwel in Samaria, can saye with pryde and hie stomackes, on this maner: 10The tyle worcke is fallen downe, but we will buylde it with harder stones. The Molbery tymbre ys broken, but we shal set it vp agayne with Cedre. 11Neuertheles, the LORDE shal prepare Rezin the enemie agaynst the, and so ordre their aduersaries, 12that ye Sirians shal laye holde vpon them before, and the Philistynes behynde, and so deuoure Israel with open mouth. After all this, the wrath of the LORDE shal not ceasse, but yet his hande shable stretched out still. 13For the people turneth not vnto him, that chastiseth them, nether do they seke the LORDE of hoostes. 14Therfore the LORDE shal rote out of Israel both heade and tale, braunch and twygge in one daye. 15By the heade, is vnderstonde the Senatoure and honorable man, and by ye tale, the prophet that preacheth lyes. 16For all they which enfourme the people that they be in a right case, soch be disceauers. Soch as men thynke also to be perfecte amonge these, are but cast awaye. 17Therfore shal the LORDE haue no pleasure in their yonge me, nether fauoure their fatherlesse and wydowes. For thei are altogether ypocrites and wicked, and all their mouthes speake foly. After all this shal not the LORDEs wrath ceasse, but yet his honde shalbe stretched out still. 18For the vngodly burne, as a fyre in the bryers and thornes: And as it were out of a fyre in a wod or a redebush, so ascendeth the smoke of their pryde. 19For this cause shal ye wrath of the LORDE of hoostes fall vpon the londe, and the people shalbe consumed, as it were with fyre, no man shal spare his brother. 20Yf a man do turne him to the right honde, he shal famesh, or to the lefte hande to eat, he shal not haue ynough. Euery man shal eate the flesh of his owne arme: 21Manasses shal eate Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasses, and they both shal eate Iuda. After all this shal not the LORDES wrath ceasse, but yet shal his honde be stretched out still. 10Wo be vnto you yt make vnrightuous lawes, and devyse thinges, which be to harde for to kepe: 2wherthorow the poore are oppressed, on euery syde, and the innocetes of my people are there with robbed of iudgment: that wyddowes maye be youre praye, and that ye maye robbe the fatherlesse. 3What will ye do in tyme of the visitacion and destruction, that shal come from farre? To whom will ye renne for helpe? or to whom will ye geue youre honoure, that he maye kepe it? 4that ye come not amonge the presoners, or lye amonge the deed? After all this shal not the wrath of the LORDE ceasse, but yet shal his honde be stretched out still. 5Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staff of my wrath, in whose honde is the rod of my punyshment. 6For I shal sende him amonge those ypocritish poeple, amonge the people that haue deserued my disfauoure shal I send him: that he maye utterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe like the myre in the strete. 7Howbeit his meanynge is not so, nether thinketh his harte of this fashion. But he ymagineth only, how he maye ouerthrowe and destroye moch people, 8for he saieth: are not my princes all kynges? 9Is not Calno as easie to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Antiochia then Arphad? Or is it lighter to ouercome Damascus the Samaria? 10As who say: I were able to wynne the kingdome of the Idolaters and their goddes, but not Ierusalem and Samaria. 11Shal I not do vnto Ierusalem and their ymages, as I dyd vnto Samaria and their ymages? 12Wherfore the LORDE saieth: As soone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the Hyl of Syon and Ierusalem: the will I also vyset the noble and stoute kynge of Assiria, with his wysdome and pryde. 13For he stondeth thus in his owne coceate: This do I, thorow the power of myne owne honde, and thorow my wisdome: For I am wyse, I am he that remoue the londes of the people, I robbe their prynces: and (like one of the worthies) I dryue them from their hie seates. 14My honde hath founde out the hoostes of the people, as it were a nest. And like as egges, that were layde here and there, are gathered together: So do I gather all countrees. And there is no man, yt darre be so bolde, as to touch a fether, that darre open his mouth, or once whisper. 15But doth the axe boost itself, agaynst him yt heweth therwith, or doth the sawe make eny krakinge, agaynst him that ruleth it? That were euen like, as yf the rod dyd exalte it self agaynst him, that beareth it: or as though ye staff shulde magnifie it self, as who saye: it were no wodd. 16Therfore shal the LORDE of hoostes sende him pouerte in his riches, and burne vp his power, as it were with a fyre. 17But the light of Israel shalbe yt fyre, and his Sanctuary shalbe the flame, and it shal kyndle, and burne vp his thornes and breyers in one daye, 18yee all the glory of his woddes and feldes shalbe consumed with body and soule. As for him self, he shalbe as one chased awaye. 19The trees also of his felde shalbe of soch a nombre, that a childe maye tell them. 20After yt daye shal the remnaunt of Israel, and soch as are escaped out of the house of Iacob, seke no more coforte at him that smote them, but shal conforte them selues with faithfulnesse and treuth in the LORDE, the holy, one of Israel. 21The remnaunt, yee and the Posteryte of Iacob, shal couerte vnto God the mighty one 22For though thy people (o Israel) be as the sonde of the see, yet shal but the remnaunt of them only conuerte vnto him. Perfecte is the iudgmet of him that floweth in rightuousnesse: 23and therfore ye LORDE of hoostes shal perfectly fulfil the thinge, that he hath determyned in the myddest of the whole worlde. 24Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God of hoostes: Thou my people, that dwellest in Sion, be not afrayde for the kinge of the Assirians: He shal wagg his staff at the, yee and beate the with the rodd, as the Egiptias dyd sometyme: 25But soone after, shal my wrath and my indignacion be fulfylled agaynst their blasphemies. 26Morouer the LORDE of hoostes shal prepare a scourge for him, like as was the punyshmet of Madia vpo ye mount of Oreb. And he shal lift vp his rod ouer the see, as he dyd somtyme ouer the Egiptians. 27Then shal his burthen be taken from thy shulders, and his yock from thy neck, yee the same yock shal corrupte for very fatnesse. 28He shal come to Aiath, and go thorow toward Migron. But at Machnias shal he muster his hooste, 29and go ouer ye foorde. Gaba shalbe their restinge place, Rhama shalbe afrayde, Gabea Saul shal fle awaye. 30The voyce of ye noyse of thy horses (o doughter Gallim) shalbe herde vnto lais and to Anathoth, which also shalbe in trouble. 31Madmena shal tremble for feare, but the citesyns of Gabim are maly, 32yet shal he remayne at Nob that daye. After that, shal he lift vp his honde agaynst the mount Sion, and agaynst the hill of Ierusalem. 33But se, the LORde God of hoostes shal take awaye the proude from thence, wt feare. He shal hew downe the proude, and fel the hie mynded. 34The thornes of the wod shal be rooted out wt yron, and Libanus shal haue a mightie fal. 11After this there shal come a rod forth of ye Kynrede of Iesse, and a blossome out of his rote. 2The sprete of the LORDE shal light vpon it: the sprete of wysdome, and vnderstondinge: the sprete of councel, and strength: ye sprete of knowlege, and of the feare of God: 3and shal make him feruent in the feare of God. For he shal not geue sentece, after the thinge yt shal be brought before his eies, nether reproue a matter at the first hearinge: 4but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked. 5Rightuousnesse shalbe the gyrdle of his loynes, treuth and faithfulnesse the gyrdinge vp of his raynes. 6The shal ye wolfe dwel with the labe, and the leoparde shal lye downe by the gote. Bullokes, lyons and catel shal kepe company together, so that a litle childe shal dryue them forth. 7The cowe and the Bere shal fede together, and their yongones shal lye together. The lyo shal eate strawe like the oxe, or the cowe. 8The childe whyle he sucketh, shal haue a desyre to the serpentes nest, and whe he is weened, he shal put his hande in to the Cockatryce denne. 9Noman shal do euel to another, no man shal destro another, in all the hill of my Sanctuary. For the earth shalbe ful of ye knowlege of ye LORDE, euen as though the water of the see flowed ouer the earth. 10Then shal the Gentiles enquere after the rote of Iesse (which shalbe set vp for a token vnto the Gentiles) for his dwellinge shalbe glorious. 11At the same tyme shal the LORDE take in honde agayne, to conquere ye remnaunt of his people (which are lefft alyue) From the Assirias, Egiptians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Caldeyes, Antiochias and Ilodes of the see. 12And he shal set vp a toke amonge the Gentiles, and gather together ye dispersed of Israel, yee and the outcastes of Iuda from the foure corners of ye worlde. 13The hatred of Ephraim, and ye enmyte of Iuda shalbe clene rooted out. Ephraim shal beare no euel wil to Iuda, and Iuda shal not hate Ephraim: 14but they both together shal flye vpo the shulders of the Philistynes toward the West, and spoyle them together that dwell toward the East. The Idumytes and the Moabites shal let their hodes fall, and the Ammonites shalbe obedient vnto them. 15The LORDE also shal cleue the tunges of the Egipcias see, and with a mightie wynde shal he lift vp his honde ouer Nilus, and shal smyte his seue streames and make men go ouer drye shod. 16And thus shal he make a waye for his people, yt remayneth from the Assirians, like as it happened to ye Israelites, what tyme they departed out of the londe of Egipte. 12So that then thou shalt saye: O LORDE, I thanke the, for thou wast displeased at me, but thou hast refrayned thy wrath, and hast mercy vpon me. 2Beholde, God is my health, in whom I trust, and am not afrayde. For the LORDE God is my strength, and my prayse, he also shalbe my refuge. 3Therfore with ioye shal ye drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure, 4and then shal ye saye: Let vs geue thankes vnto the lorde, and call vpon his name, and declare his councels amonge the people, and kepe them in remembraunce, for his name is excellet. 5O synge praises vnto the LORDE, for he doth greate thinges, as it is knowne in all the worlde. 6Crie out, and be glad, thou that dwellest in Sion, for greate is thy prince: the holy one of Israel. 13This is ye heuy burthe of Babilo, which Esaye the sonne of Amos dyd se. 2Make some tokes to the hie hilles, call vnto them, holde vp youre hode, that the prynces maye go in at the dore. 3For I will sende for my debites and my gyautes (sayeth the LORDE) and in my wrath I will call for soch, as tryumphe in my glory. 4With that, me thought I herde in the moutaynes, a noyse, like as it had bene of a greate people: and a ru?shinge, as though the kyngdomes of all nacions had come together. (And the LORDE of hoostes was the captayne of the whole armye.) 5As they had come not only out of farre countrees, but also from the endes of the heaues: Eue the LORDE himself with the ministers of his wrath, to destroye the whole lode. 6Mourne therfore, for the daye of the LORDE is at honde, and commeth as a destroyer from ye allmighty. 7Then shall all hondes be letten downe, and all mens hertes shal melt awaie, 8they shal stonde in feare, carefulnesse and sorowe shal come vpo them, and they shal haue payne, as a woman that traueleth with childe. One shall euer be aba?shed of another, & their faces shal burne, like ye flame. 9For lo, the daye of the LORDE shall come, terrible, full of indignacion and wrath: to make the londe waist, and to root out the synne therof. 10For the starres and planetes of heauen shal not geue their light, the Sonne shalbe quenched in the rysinge, and the Mone shal not shyne with his light. 11And I wil punysh the wickednesse of the worlde, & the synnes of the vngodly, sayeth the LORDE. The hye stomackes of the proude will I take awaye, and will laye downe the boostinge of tyrauntes. 12I will make a man dearer the fyne golde, and a man to be more worth, the a golden wedge of Ophir. 13Morouer, I will so shake the heaue, that the earth shall remo out of hir place. Thus shall it go wt Babilon, in the wrath of the LORDE of hoostes in ye daye of his fearfull indignacio. 14And Babilon shalbe as an hunted or chased doo, and as a flocke wt out a shepherde. Euery ma shal turne to his owne people, & fle echone into his owne londe. 15Who so is founde alone, shalbe shot thorow: And who so gather together, shalbe destroyed wt the swerde. 16Their children shalbe slayne before their eyes, their houses spoyled, & their wyues rauyshed. 17For lo, I shall bringe vp ye Medes agaynst the, which shal not regarde syluer, nor be desyrous of golde. 18Then shall yonge mens bowes be knapped asunder. The Medes shal haue no pitie vpo wome wt childe, & their faces shall not spare ye childre. 19And Babilo (yt glory of kigdomes and bewtie of the Caldees honor) shalbe destroyed, eue as God destroyed Sodom & Gomorra. 20It shal neuer be more inhabited, nether shal there be eny more dwellinge there, from generacion to generacion. The Arabians shall make no mo tentes there, nether shall the shepardes make their foldes there eny more: 21but wylde beastes shal lie there, & ye houses shalbe full of greate Oules. Estriches shal dwell there, & Apes shal daunse there: 22The litle Oules shall crie in the palaces, one after another, & Dragos shalbe in the pleasaut perlours. And as for Babilons tyme, it is at honde, & hir dayes maye not be longe absent. 14Bvt ye LORDE wilbe mercyfull vnto Iacob, & wyll take vp Israel agayne, & set the in their owne lode. Straugers shal cleue vnto the, & get the to ye house of Iacob. 2They shal take ye people, & cary the home wt the. And ye house of Israel shal haue the in possession, for seruautes & maydes in ye lode of ye LORDE. They shal take those prisoners, whose captyues they had bene afore: & rule those, yt had oppressed the. 3When ye LORDE now shal bringe ye to rest, fro ye trauayle, feare, & harde bondage yt thou wast laden withall: 4then shalt thou vse this mockage vpon ye kinge of Babilon, & saye: How happeneth it yt ye oppressour leaueth of? It ye golden tribute come to an ende? 5Doutles the LORDE hath broken the staff of the vngodly, & the cepter of ye lordly. 6Which whe he is wroth, smyteth ye people wt durable strokes, & in his woders he persecuteth the, & tameth the cotinually. 7And therfore ye whole worlde is now at rest and quyetnesse, & men synge for ioye. 8Yee euen the Fyrre trees and Cedres of Libanus reioyse at thy fall, sayenge: Now yt thou art layde downe, there come no mo vp to destroye vs. 9Hell also trembleth at thy commynge, All mightie men and prynces of the earth, steppe forth before the. All kynges of the earth stonde vp fro their seates, 10that they maye all (one after another) synge and speake vnto the. Art thou wounded also as we? art thou become like vnto vs? 11Thy pompe and thy pryde is gone downe to hell: Mothes shalbe layde vnder the, & wormes shalbe thy coueringe. 12How art thou fallen from heauen (o Lucifer) thou faire mornige childe? hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, thou that (notwithstondinge) dyddest subdue the people? 13And yet thou thoughtest in thine harte: I will clymme vp in to heauen, and make my seate aboue the starres of God, I wyll syt vpon the glorious mount toward the North, 14I wyll clymme vp aboue the cloudes, & wilbe like the highest of all. 15Yet darre I laye, yt thou shalt be brought downe to the depe of hell. 16They that se the, shal narowly loke vpo the, and thinke in them selues, sayenge: Is this the man, that brought all londes in feare, and made ye kingdomes afrayde: 17Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waist, & and layde the cities to the grounde, which let not his prisoners go home? 18How happeneth it, that the kynges of all people lie, euery one at home in his owne palace, with worshipe, 19and thou art cast out of thy graue like a wilde braunch: like as dead mens rayment that are shott thorow with the swerde: as they that go downe to the stones of the depe: as a dead coarse that is troden vnder fete: 20and art not buried wt them? Euen because that thou hast waisted thy lode, and destroyed thy people. For the generacion of the wicked shalbe without honor, for euer. 21There shal a waye be sought to destroye their childre, for their fathers wickednes: they shal not come vp agayne to possesse the londe, and fyll the worlde ful of castels and townes. 22I wil stonde vp agaynst them (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) and root out ye name and generacion of Babilon (saieth the LORDE) 23& wil geue it to the Otters, and wil make water poddels of it. And I wil swepe them out with the besome of destruccion, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes. 24The LORDE of hoostes hath sworne an ooth, sayege: It shal come to passe as I haue determined: & shalbe fulfilled as I haue deuysed. 25The Assirians shalbe destroyed in my londe, and vpon my mountaytaines wyll I treade them vnder fote. Wherthorow his yocke shall come from you, & his burthen shalbe taken from youre shulders. 26This deuyce hath God taken thorow the whole worlde, and thu s is his honde stretched out ouer all people. 27For yf the LORDE of hoostes determe a thinge, who wyl dysanulle it? And yf he stretch forth his honde, who wil holde it in agayne? 28The same yeare that kynge Achas dyed, God threatned by Esay on this maner: 29Reioyse not (thou whole Palestina) as though ye rod of him yt beateth the were broken: For out of ye serpentes rote, there shal waxe a kockatrice, & the frute shalbe a fyrie worme. 30But the poore shall fede of the best thinges, and the symple shal dwell in safetie. Thy rotes wil I destroye wt honger, and it shall slaye yi remnaunt. 31Mourne ye portes, wepe ye Cities And feare thou (o whole Palestina) for there shal come fro the North a smoke, whose power no man maye abyde. 32Who shall then maynteyne the messages of the Gentyles? But the LORDE stablisheth Syon, & the poore of my people shall put their trust in him. 15This is ye heuy burthe vpo Moab: Ar of Moab was destroyed (as me thought) in the night season: The walles of Moab perished in the night, & vanished awaye: 2They wete to Baith and Dibon in the hie places, for to wepe: Moab did mourne fro Nebo to Medba: All their heades were colled, and al their beardes shauen. 3In their stretes were they gyrded aboute with sack cloth. In all the toppes of their houses & stretes was there nothinge, but mournynge and wepinge. 4Hesebon and Eleale cried, that their voyce was herde vnto Iahaz. The worthies also of Moab bleared and cried for very sorow of their myndes: 5Wo is my hert for Moabs sake. They fled vnto the cite of Zoar, which is like a fayre fruteful bullock, they went vp to Luhith, wepinge. The waye toward Horonaim was ful of lamentacion for ye hurte. 6The waters of Nimrim were dried vp, the grasse was wythred, the herbes destroyed, & what necessary grene thinge there was besyde. 7In like maner the thinge yt was left them of their substaunce, they caried it by water to Araby. 8The crie went ouer the whole londe of Moab: from Eglaim vnto Beer, was there nothinge but mouanynge. 9The waters of Dimon were full of bloude, for ye enemie had sent thither a bonde of men, which as a lyon, layde waite foe the remnaunt of the londe, and for them yt were escaped. 16Then sent the lordes of the lode a ma of warre, from the rocke that lieth toward the deserte, vnto the hill of the doughter Sion 2(For as for the doughters of Moab, they were as it had bene a trymblinge byrde, yt is put out of hir nest, by the fery of Arnon) which messaunger sayde: 3gather youre councel, come together, couer vs with youre shadowe in the myddaye, as the night doth: hyde the chased, & bewraye not the that are fled, 4let the persecuted Moabites dwel amoge you, be oure open refuge agaynst the destroyer: for the aduersary oppresseth vs, the robber vndoeth vs, & the tyraunte dryueth vs out of oure londe. 5But ye Trone of youre kingdome is ful of grace, therfore he that sytteth vpon it wt faitfulnesse & treuth in the house of Dauid, knowe the thinge & do his diligence to helpe shortly, acordinge to Equite and rightuousnes. 6As for Moabs pride (shal they answere) it is wel knowne. And all though they be excellent, proude, arrogant, & hie mynded: yet is their strength nothinge like. 7And therfore Moab complayneth vnto Moab, wherthorow they come all to mourne: & now yt they be smytten, they take their deuyce beneth by the bryck wall, and make their coplaynte. 8The suburbes also of Hesebon were made waist, & the princes of the Gentyles hewed downe ye vynyardes of Sibma, which were planted with noble grapes, and spred vnto Iazer, and went vnto the ende of the deserte, whose braunches stretched their selues forth beyonde the see. 9Therfore I mourned for Iazer, & for ye vynyardes of Sibma wt greate sorow. I poured my teares vpon Hesebon & Eleale, for all their songes were layde downe, in their haruest & gatheringe of their grapes: 10Myrth and chere was gone out of ye felde & vynyardes, in so moch, that no man was glad ner sunge. There wete no treader in to the wynepresse, their mery chere was layde downe. 11Wherfore my bely robled (as it had bene a lute) for Moabs sake, & myne inwarde membres, for the bryck walles sake. 12For it happened thus also: whe Moab sawe that she was turned vp syde downe: she went vp an hie in to hir sanctuary, to make hir prayer there, but she might not be helped. 13This is the deuyce, which the LORDE toke in honde at that tyme agaynst Moab. 14But now the LORDE sayeth thus: In thre yeare shal ye power of Moab wt their pope (which is greate) be minished, like as ye burthe of an hyred seruaunte: And as for ye remnaunt of them, they shalbe lesse then a fewe, and not rekened moch worth. 17This is the heuy burthe vpo Damascus: Beholde, Damascus shal be nomore a cite, but an heape of broken stones. 2The cities of Aroer shalbe waist, The catel shal lie there, & noma shal fraye the awaye. 3Ephraim shal no more be stroge, & Damascus shal nomore be a kyngdome. And as for ye glory of ye remnaunt of ye Sirians, it shalbe as the glory of the childre of Israel, saieth ye LORDE of hoostes. 4At that tyme also shal ye glory of Iacob be very poore, & his fatnes leane. 5It shal happe to the, as when one sheareth in haruest, which cutteth his handful wt the sickle, & when one gathreth ye sheaues together in the valley, of Rephaim, 6there remayneth yet some ears ouer. Or as whe one shaketh an olyue tre, which fyndeth but two or thre olyue beries aboue in the toppe, and foure or fyue in the braunches. Thus the LORDE God of Israel hath spoken. 7Then shal man couerte agayne vnto his maker, & turne his eyes to the holy one of Israel 8And shal not turne to the aulters that are ye worke of his owne hodes, nether shal he loke vpon groaues & ymages, which his fyngers haue wrought. 9At the same tyme shal their stronge cities be desolate, like as were once ye forsake plowes & corne, which they forsoke, for feare of ye children of Israel. 10So shalt thou (o Damascus) be desolate, because thou hast forgotte God yi Sauioure, & hast not called to remebraunce ye rock of thi stregth, Wherfore thou hast also set a fayre plate, & grafted a straunge braunch. 11In the daye when thou diddest plante it, it was greate, and gaue soone the frute of thi sede: But in the daye of haruest, thou shalt reape an heape of sorowes & miseries. 12Wo be to the multitude of moch people, that russh in like the see, and to the heape of folke, that renne ouer all like greate waters. 13For though so many people increase as the flowinge waters, and though they be armed, yet they fle farre of, and vanish awaye like the dust with the wynde vpon an hill, and as the whyrle wynde thorow a storme. 14Though they be fearful at night, yet in the morninge it is gone with the, This is their porcion, that do vs harme, and heretage of them, that robbe vs. 18Wo be to the londe of flienge shippes, which is of this syde ye floude of Ethiopia: 2which sendeth hir message ouer the see in shippes of redes vpo ye water, and sayeth: go soone, and do yor message vnto a straunge and harde folke: to a fearful people, & to a people yt is further then this: to a desperate and pylled folke, whose londe is deuyded from vs with ryuers of water. 3Yee all ye yt syt in the compasse of the worlde, and dwell vpon the earth: when the token shalbe geuen vpo the mountaynes, then loke vp: and when the horne bloweth, then herken to, 4for thus hath ye LORDE sayde vnto me. I layde me downe, and pondred the matter in my house, at the noone daye when it was hote: and there fel a myslinge shower, like a dew, as it happeneth in haruest. 5But the frutes, were not yet ripe cut of, and the grapes were but yonge and grene. Then one smote of the grapes with an hoke, yee he hewed downe also the buwes and the braunches, & dyd cast the awaye. 6And thus they were layde waist, for the foules of the mountaynes, and for ye beastes of the earth together. So yt the foules sat ther vpon, and the beastes of the earth wyntered there. 7Then shal there be a present brought vnto the LORDE of hoostes: euen that harde folke, that fearful folke, and that further is the this: yt desperate and pylled folke (whose londe is deuyded from vs with floudes of water) vnto the place of the name of the LORDE of hoostes: euen vnto the hill of Sion. 19This is the heuy burthen vpon Egipte: Beholde, the LORDE wil ryde vpon a swifte cloude, and come in to Egipte. And the goddes of Egipte shal trymble at his comynge, and the hert of Egipte shal quake within her. 2For thus saieth the LORDE: I wil stere vp the Egiptians one agaynst another amonge them selues, so that one shalbe euer agaynst his brother and neghboure, yee one cite agaynst another, and one kyngdome agaynst another. 3And Egipte shalbe choked in hir self. Whe they axe councel at their goddes, at their Prophetes, at their soythsayers and witches: then will I bringe their councel to naught. 4I wil delyuer Egipte also in to the hondes of greuous rulers, and a cruel kinge shal haue the rule of them. 5The water of the see shalbe drawe out, Nilus shal synke awaye, & be dronke vp. 6The ryuers also shalbe drawen out, the welles shal decreace and drie awaye. Rede and rush shal fayle, 7the grasse by the waters syde or vpon ye ryuers bancke, yee and what so euer is sowen by the waters, shalbe wythered, destroyed, & brought to naught. 8The fyshers shall mourne, all soch as cast angles in the water, shal complayne, & they that sprede their nettes in the water, shalbe faynt harted. 9Soch as laboure vpon flax & sylcke, shal come to pouerte, & they also that weeue fyne workes. 10All the poundes of Egipte, all the policie of their Moates & diches shal come to naught. 11Yee the vndiscrete prynces of Zoan, the councel of the wyse Senatours of Pharao, shal turne to foolishnesse: Those that darre boast & saye of Pharaos behalfe: I am come of wyse people. 12I am come of ye olde regall Progeny. But where are now thy wyse me? Let them tel the & shewe the, what the LORDE of hoostes hath taken in honde agaynst Egypte. 13Fooles are those prynces of Zoan, & proude are the prynces of Noph: yee they dysceaue Egypte mith the nobilite of their stocke. 14For the LORDE hath made Egypte droncke with the sprete of erroure, and they shal vse it in all matters: eue like as a dronke ma goeth spewinge aboute. 15For Egipte shal lacke good councel, so yt they shal not knowe what to do, nether beginnynge nor ende, nether vpon the lode nor water. 16The shal ye Egiptias be like vnto wome, afrayde & astoied, at the liftinge vp of the hode, which ye LORDE of hoostes shal lifte vp ouer them. 17The londe of Iuda also shal make the Egiptians afrayde, who so doth but speake vpon it, shal put them in feare: And that because of the councel, which ye LORDE of hoostes hath devysed agaynst them. 18Then shal the fyue cities of Egipte speake with the Canaanites tunge, ande sweare by the LORDE of hoostes, & Heliopolis shalbe one of them. 19At the same tyme shal the LORDE of hoostes haue an aulter in the myddest of the londe of Egipte, with this title ther by: Vnto the LORDE. 20This shalbe a token or testimony vnto the LORDE of hoostes in the londe of Egipte, when they shal crie vnto him, because of those that oppresse them: that he shal sende them a captayne and a Sauioure to delyuer them. 21Morouer, Egipte shalbe bought vnto the LORDE, and the Egiptians also shal knowe the LORDE at the same tyme: they shal do him reuerence with peace offringes, and with meatoffringes: they shal promyse him offringes, yee & paye him also. 22Thus the LORDE shal smyte Egipte, & heale it agayne: & so shal they turne to ye LORDE, and he also shal haue mercy vpo them, and saue them. 23Then shal there be a comon waye out of Egipte in to Assiria. The Assirians shal come in to Egipte, and the Egypcians in to Assiria. The Egipcians also and the Assirians shal both haue one Gods seruyce. 24Then shal Israel with honoure be the thirde to Egipte and Assur. 25And the LORDE of hoostes shal blesse them, sayenge: Blissed is my people of the Egipcians, Assur is the worke of my hodes, but Israel is myne enheritaunce. 20The same yeare that Harthan came to Aschod, where Sarge the kinge of the Assirians sent him, what tyme as he also beseged Aschdod, & wane it ye same season: 2The spake the LORDE vnto Esaye ye sonne of Amos, sayenge: go and lowse of yt sack cloth fro thy loynes, and put of yi shues from thy fete. And so he dyd, goinge naked & barefote. 3Then sayde the LORDE: where as my seruaunt Esaye goeth naked and barefote, it is a token and signifienge of the thinge, that after thre yeare shal come vpo Egipte and Ethiopia. 4For euen thus shal the kinge of the Assirians driue both yonge and olde, as prisoners naked and barefote, out of Egipte and Ethiopia, And shal dyscouer ye shame of Egipte. 5They shalbe also at their wittes ende, and ashamed one of another: the Egipcians of the Moryans, and the Morians of the Egipcians, at the sight of their glory. 6Morouer they that dwel in ye Iles shal saye euen the same daye: beholde, this is oure hope, to whom we fled to seke helpe, that we might be delyuered from the kinge of ye Assirians. How will we escape? 21This is the heuy burthe of the waist see: A greuous visio was shewed vnto me, like as when a storme of wynde and rayne russheth in from the wyldernesse, that terrible londe. 2Who so maye disceaue (sayde the voyce) let him disceaue: Who so maye distroye, let him distroye. Vp Elam, besege it o Madai, for I will still all their gronynges. 3With this, the raynes of my backe were ful of payne: Panges came vpon me, as vpon a woman in hir trauayle. When I herde it, I was abasshed: and whe I loked vp, I was afrayde. 4Myne herte paunted, I trembled for feare. The darcknesse made me fearfull in my mynde. 5Yee soone make redy the table (sayde this voyce) kepe the watch, eate and drynke: Vp ye captaynes, take you to youre shylde, 6for thus the LORDE hath charged me: go thy waye, and set a watchma, that he maye tell what he seyth. 7And whe he had wayted diligetly, he sawe two horsmen: the one rydinge vpon an Asse, the other vpon a camel. 8And the lyon cried: LORDE, I haue stonde waytinge all the whole daye, and haue kepte my watch all the night. 9With yt came there one rydinge vpon a charet, which answered, and sayde Babilon is fallen, she is turned vpsyde downe, and all ye ymages of hir goddes are smytten to ye grounde. 10This (o my felowe throsshers and fanners) haue I herde of the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel, to shewe it vnto you. 11The heuy burthen of Duma. One of Seir cried vnto me: watchman, what hast thou espied by night? Watchman, what hast thou espied by night? 12The watchman answered: The daye breaketh on, and the night is comynge: Yf youre request be earnest, then axe, and come agayne. 13The heuy burthen vpon Arabia. At euen ye shal abyde in the wod, in the waye toward Dedanim. 14Mete the thurstie with water, (o ye citisens of Hema) mete those with bred that are fled. 15For thei shal runne awaye from the weapen, from the drawe swerde, from the bet bowe, and from the greate batell. 16For thus hath the LORDE spoken vnto me: ouer a yeare shal all the power of Cedar be gone, like as when the office of an hyred seruaunte goeth out: 17And the remnaunt of the good Archers of Cedar, shalbe very few: For the LORDE God of Israel hath spoken it. 22The heuy burthen, apon the valley of Visions. What hast thou there to do, that thou clymnest vp in to the house toppe, 2o thou citie of miracles, sedicious and wilfull? seinge, thy slayne me are nether killed wt swerde, ner deed in batel? 3For all thy captaynes gat them to their horses from the ordinaunce, yee they are altogether rydden awaye, and fled farre of. 4When I perceaued yt, I sayde: awaye fro me, yt I maye wepe bytterly. Take no laboure for to coforte me, as touchinge the destruction of my people. 5For this is ye daye of the LORDE of hoostes, wherin he will plage, treade downe, and wede out the valley of Visios, and breake downe the walles, with soch a crack, that it shal geue a sownde in the mountaynes. 6I sawe the Elamites take the quyuers to carte and to horse, and that the walles were bare from harnesse. 7Thy goodly valleys were ful of Charettes, the horse men made them soone to besege the gates. 8Then was the coueringe of Iuda put from thence, and then was sene the sege of the tymbre house. 9There shal ye se the riftes in the walles of the cite of Dauid, wherof there shalbe many. Ye shal gather together the waters of the lower pole, 10and tel the houses of Ierusale, and break of some of the to kepe ye walles. 11And ye shal make a pyt betwyxte ye twayne walles of the water of the olde pole, and nothinge regarde him, that toke it in honde and made it. 12And at the same tyme shal ye LORDE of hoostes cal me to wepinge mourninge, to baldnesse and puttinge on of sack clothe. 13But they to fulfil their lust and wilfulnes, slaugter oxe, they kyll shepe, they eate costly meate, & drynke wyne: let vs eate and drinke, tomorow we shal die. 14Neuertheles whe the LORDE of hoostes herde of it, he sayde: yee, yf this wickednes of yours shalbe remitted, ye must die for it. This hath ye LORDE God of hoostes spoken. 15Thus sayeth the LORDE God of hoostes: Go in to the treasury vnto Sobna the gouernoure, and saye vnto him: 16What hast thou here to do? & from whece comest thou? that thou hast made the a graue here? For he had caused a costly tombe of stone to be made for himself, and a place to lye in to be hewen out of a rock. 17Beholde the LORDE shal cast the out by violence, he will deck the of another fashion, and put vpon the a straunge clothe. 18He shal carie ye in to a farre coutre, like a ball with his hondes, There shalt thou die, there shal the pompe of thy charettes haue an ende: thou vylleyne of the house of thy LORDE: 19I wil shute the out of thine office, and put the from thine estate. 20After this wil I cal my seruaunt Eliakim, ye sonne of Helkia, 21and araye him with thy cote, and gyrde him with thy gyrdle, and I wil geue thy power in to his honde He shalbe a father of the citisens of Ierusalem, and of the Kynred of Iuda. 22I will also laye the keye of Dauids house vpon his shulders, and yf he open, no man shal shit, and yf he do shyt, no man shal open. 23I wil fasten him to a nale in the place of the most hie faithfulnesse, and he shalbe vpon the glorius trone of his fathers house. 24They shal hage vpon him all the glory of his fathers house, of the children and childers childre, all apparel small and great, all instrumentes of measure & musike. 25This shal come to passe, (saieth the LORDE of hoostes) when the nale, yt is fastened to the place of the highest faithfulnesse: shalbe pluckt of, And whe the weight that hangeth vpon it, shal fall, be broken, and hewen in peces. For the LORDE himself hath sayde it. 23An heuy burthen vpon Tirus. Mourne ye shippes of Tharsis, for she is throwne downe to the grounde, and conquered of them, that are come from Cithim. 2The Indwellers of the Ilondes, the marchauntes of Sidon, and they that occupied the see (of whom thou wast ful somtyme) are at a poynte. 3For by see were there frutes brought vnto the, and all maner of corne by water. Thou wast the comon marcket of al people. 4Sido is sory for it, yee and all ye power of the see coplaneth, and saieth: O yt I had neuer traueled with childe, that I had neuer borne eny, yt I had nether norished boye, ner brought vp doughter. 5As soone as Egipte perceaueth it, she wilbe as sory as Tirus it self. 6Go ouer the see, Mourne ye yt dwel in the Iles. 7Is not that the glorious cite, which hath bene of longe antiquite? whose natyues dwellinge farre of, commende her so greatly? 8Who hath deuysed soch thinges vpon Tirus the crowne of al cities, whose marchautes and captaynes were the highest and principal of the worlde? 9Eue the LORDE of hoostes hath deuysed it, that he maye put downe al pompe, and minish all the glory of the worlde. 10Go thorow thy londe (o thou doughter of the see) as men go ouer the water, and there is not a gyrdle more. 11Thus the LORDE that remoueth the kingdomes, and hath taken in hande agaynst that mightie Canaan to rote it out:) hath stretched out his honde ouer the see, 12and sayde: From hence forth shalt thou make no more myrth (o thou doughter Sidon) for thou shalt be put downe of the Cethes. Stonde vp therfore, and go where the enemie wil carie the, where thou shalt also haue no rest. 13Beholde (for thyne ensample:) The Caldees were soch a people, that no man was like them, Assur buylded them: he set vp his castels & palaces, and broke them downe agayne. 14And therfore mourne (ye shippes of the see) for youre power shalbe throwne downe. 15After that, shal the lxx yeares of Tirus (euen as longe as their kinges life was) be forgotten. And after lxx. yeares, it shal happe to Tirus as with an harlot that playeth vpon a lute. 16Take thy lute (saie men to her) and go aboute the citie, thou art yet an vnknowne wensche, make pastyme with dyuerse balettes, wherby thou mayest come in to acquantaunce. 17Thus shal it happen after lxx. yeares. The LORDE shal uiset the citie of Tirus, and it shal come agayne to hyr Marchaundyse, and shal occupie with al the Kingdomes that be in the worlde. 18But all hir occupiege and wynnynge, shalbe halowed vnto the LORDE. For then shal they laye vp nothinge behinde them nor vpon heapes: but the marchaudise of Tirus shal beloge vnto the citisens of the LORDE, to the fedinge and susteninge of the hugrie, and to the clothinge of the aged. 24Beholde, ye LORDE shal waist and plage the worlde, he shal make the face of the earth desolate, & scatre abrode ye inhabitours therof. 2Then shal the prest be as the people, the master as the seruaunt, the dame like the mayde, the seller like the byer, he that ledeth vpon vsury, like him yt boroweth vpo vsury, the creditoure, as the detter. 3Yee miserably shal ye worlde be waysted & clene destroyed. For ye LORDE hath so determed in himself. 4The earth shalbe heuye and decaye: The face of ye earth shal perish & fal awaye, the proude people of ye worlde shal come to naught, 5For ye earth is corrupte of hir indwellers. For why they haue offended ye lawe, chaunged the ordinauces, and made the euerlastinge testamet of none effecte, 6And therfore shal the curse deuoure the earth: for they yt dwel thero, haue synned. wherfore they shalbe brent also, and those that remayne, shalbe very few. 7The swete wyne shal mourne, the grapes shalbe weake, and all yt haue bene mery in harte, shal sighe. 8The myrth of tabrettes shalbe layde downe, the chere of the ioyful shal ceasse, and the pleasure of lutes shal haue an ende: 9there shal no more wyne bedronke with myrth, the beer shal be bytter to the that drinke it, 10the wicked cities shalbe broken downe, all houses shalbe shut, that no man maye come in. 11In the stretes shal there be lift vp a crie because of wyne, all mens chere shal vanish awaye, and all ioye of the earth shal passe. 12Desolacion shal remayne in the cities, and the gates shalbe smytten with waistnesse. 13For it shal happen vnto all londes and to all people, like as when a ma smyteth downe ye olyues, yt are left vpon the tre: or seketh after grapes, when the wyne gatheringe is out. 14And those same (that remayne) shal lift vp their voyce, and be glad, & shal magnifie the glory of the LORDE, euen from the see, 15& prayse the name of the LORDE God of Israel, in the valeis and Ilodes. 16We heare songes sunge to the prayse of the rightuous, fro al the endes of the worlde. Therfore I must speake: O my vnfrutfulnesse, o my pouerte, Wo is me, all is ful of synneres, which offende of purpose and malice. 17And therfore, (o thou that dwellest vpon the earth) there is at hode for the, feare, pyt and snare. 18Who so escapeth the terrible crie, shal fall in to the pyt. And yf he come out of the pyt, he shalbe take with the snare. For the wyndowes aboue shalbe opened, and the foundacion of the earth shal moue. 19The earth shal geue a greate crack, it shal haue a sore ruyne, and take an horrible fall. 20The earth shal stacker like a dronken man, and be take awaye like a tent. Hir misdedes shal lie so heuye vpo her, yt she must fall, and neuer rise vp agayne. 21At the same tyme shal the LORDE mustre together the hie hooste aboue, and ye kynges of the worlde vpon the earth. 22These shalbe coupled together as prisoners be, and shalbe shut in one warde and punished innumerable daies. 23The Moone and the Sonne shalbe ashamed, when the LORDE of hoostes shal rule them at Ierusalem vpon the mount Sion, before and with his excellent councel. 25O Lorde, thou art my God, I wil prayse the, and magnifie yi name: For thou bringest marvelous thinges to passe, acordinge to thine olde councels, truly and stedfastly. 2Thou makest of townes, heapes of stone: and of head cities, broken walles: The palaces of the wicked destroyest thou out of the citie, that they shal neuer be buylded againe. 3Therfore the very rude people must magnifie the, and the cities of the cruel heithen must feare the. 4For thou art the poore mans helpe, a stregth for the neadful in his necessite. Thou art a defence agaynst euel wether, a schadowe agaynst the hete. But vnto the presumptuous, thou art like a stroge whyrle wynde, that casteth downe 5the boostinge of the vngodly, thou kepest men from heate with the shadow of the cloudes, thou cuttest of the braunches of tyrauntes. 6Morouer the LORDE of hoostes shal once prepare a feast for all people vpo the hill: A plenteous, costly, pleasaunt feast, of fat and welfed beastes, of swete and most pure thinges. 7Vpon the hill shal he take awaye the syde vale yt hageth before ye face of al people, and the coueringe wherwith all Gentiles are couered. 8As for death, he shal vtterly cosume it, The LORDE God shal wipe awaye the teares from all faces, and take awaye the confucio of his people thorow ye whole worlde. For ye LORDE himself hath sayde it. 9At the same tyme shal it be sayde: lo, this is oure God in who we put oure trust, and he hath healed vs. This is the LORDE that we haue wayted for: Let vs reioyse & delyte in his health. 10For the hode of ye LORDE ceaseth vpo this hil. But Moab shalbe throsshe downe vnder him, like as the straw is trode vnder fete in a doge hill. 11For he shal stretch out his hodes vpon him, like as a swimmer doth to swymme. And wt the power of his hondes shal he cast downe his hie pompe. 12As for his stroge holdes & hie walles: he shal buwe them, cast the downe, and sell the to the grounde in to dust. 26Then shal this songe be sunge in the londe of Iuda: We haue a stroge citie, the walles & the ordinauce shal kepe vs. 2Ope ye gates, yt the good people maye go in, which laboureth for the treuth. 3And thou, which art the doer and hast the matter in honde: shalt prouyde for peace, eue the peace yt me hope for in the. 4Hope stil in the LORDE, for in the LORDE God is euerlastinge stregth. 5For why, it is he, yt bringeth lowe the hie mynded citesyns, & casteth downe the proude cities. He casteth the to the groude, yee eue in to ye myre, yt they maye be trode 6vnder the fete of the symple, & with the steppes of the poore. 7Thou (LORDE) cosidrest the path of ye rigtuous, whether it be right, whether the waye of ye rightuous be right. 8Therfore (LORDE) we haue a respecte vnto the waye of thy iudgmentes, thy name and thy remebraunce reioyse the soule. 9My soule lusteth after the all the night loge, & my mynde haisteth frely to the. For as soone as thy iudgment is knowne to the worlde, the the inhabitours of the earth lerne rightuousnesse. 10But the vngodly (though he haue recaued grace) yet lerneth he not rightuousnesse, but in that place where he is punished, he offendeth, & feareth not the glory of the LORDE. 11LORDE, they wil not se thine hie honde, but they shal se it, and be confounded: whe thou shalt deuoure them with the wrath of the people, and with the fyre of thine enemies. 12But vnto vs (LORDE) prouyde for peace: for thou workest in vs all or workes. 13O LORDE oure God, though soch lordes haue dominacion vpon vs as knowe not the: yet graute, that we maye only hope in the, and kepe thy name in remembraunce. 14The malicious Tyrauntes whe they die, are nether in life nor in the resurrectio, for thou visitest the and rootest the out, and destroyest all the memoryall of them. 15Agayne, thou increacest the people (o LORDE), thou increacest the people, thou shalt be praysed and magnified in all ye endes of the worlde. 16The people that seke vnto the in trouble, that same aduersite which they complane of, is vnto the a chastenynge before the. 17Like as a wife wt childe (whe hir trauayle cometh vpo her) is ashamed, crieth and suffreth the payne: Eue so are we (o LORDE) in thy sight. 18We are with childe, we trauayle, & beare, & with the sprete we bringe forth health, wherethorow the earth is vndestroyed, and the inhabitours of the worlde perish not. 19But as for thy dead men and ours, that be departed, they are in life and resurrection. They lie in the earth, they wake, & haue ioye: for yi dew is a dew of life & light. But ye place of the malicious Tyrauntes is falle awaye. 20So go now my people in to thy chabre, and shut the doore to the, and suffre now ye twicklinge of an eye, till the wrath be ouerpast 21For beholde, the LORDE wil go out of his habitacion, & vyset the wickednes of the that dwell vpon earth. He wil discouer the bloude that she hath deuoured, she shal neuer hyde the, that she hath murthured. 27Then the LORDE with his heuye, great and loge swearde shal vyset Leuiatha, that invincible serpet: eue Leuiatha yt croked serpent, and shal slaye the Wallfish in ye see. 2At the same tyme shal me synge of the vynyarde of Muscatel. 3I the LORDE kepe it, and water it in due season. I watch daye & night, that no man breake in to it. I beare no euel wil in my mynde. 4Who will compell me, that I greatly forgettinge all faithfulnesse, shulde burne it vp at once wt thornes & bushes? 5Or who will enforce me to kepe or make peace? 6It wil come to this poynte, yt Iacob shalbe rooted againe, and Israel shalbe grene & beare floures, & they shal fyll ye whole worlde wt their frute. 7Smyteth he not his smyter, as euel as he is smytte himself? Destroieth he not ye murtherers, as he is murthured? 8Euery ma recopenseth wt ye measure yt he receaueth: He museth vpo his sore wynde, as vpo the dayes of extreme heate. 9And therfore shal the iniquite of Iacob be thus reconciled. And so shal he take awaye all ye frute of his synnes. As for aulter stones, he shal make them all as stones beaten to poulder: the Groues and Idols shal not stonde. 10The stronge cities shalbe desolate, and ye fayre cities shalbe left like a wildernes. The catel shal fede and lie there, and the shepe shal eate it vp. 11Their haruest shal be brent, their wyues which were their bewtie when they came forth: shalbe defyled. For it is a people without vnderstodinge, and therfore he yt created them, shal not fauoure them: and he yt made them, shal not be merciful to the. 12In yt tyme shal ye LORDE shute from ye swifte water of Euphrates, vnto ye ryuer of Egipte. And there shal the children be chosen out one by one. 13Then shal the greate trompet be blowen, so that those which haue bene destroyed in the Assirians londe, and those that be scatred abrode in Egipte: shal come & worshipe the LORDE at Ierusale, vpo the holy mount. 28Wo be to ye crowne of pryde, to ye dronke Ephraemites, and to the faydinge floure, to the glory of his pope, yt is vpo the toppe of the pleteous valley: which me be ouerladen wt wyne. 2Beholde, the strength and power of the LORDE shal breake in to the londe on euery syde, like a tempest of hale, that beareth downe stronge holdes, and like an horrible, mightie and ouer flowinge water. 3And the proude crowne of the dronken Ephraemites, shal be troden vnderfoote. 4And as for the faydinge floure, the glory of his pompe, which is vpon the toppe of the plenteous valley: it shal happen vnto him, as to an vntymely frute before the haruest come. Which as soone as it is sene, is by and by deuoured, or euer it come well in a mans honde. 5And then shal the LORDE of hoostes be a ioyful crowne, and a glorious garlade vnto the remnaunt of his people. 6Vnto the lowly, he shalbe a sprete of iudgment, and vnto them that dryue awaye the enemies from ye gates, he shalbe a sprete of stregth. 7But they go wronge by ye reason of wyne, they fall and stacker because of stroge drynke. Yee eue the prestes and prophetes them selues go amisse, they are dronken with wyne, and weake braned thorow stronge drynke. They erre in seinge, and in iudgmet they fayle. 8For all tables are so ful of vomyte and fylthynes, yt no place is clene. 9What is he amonge them, yt can teach, instructe or enfourme the childre, which are weened from suck or taken from the brestes: of eny other fashion, then: 10Commaunde yt maye be commaunded, byd yt maye be bydde, forbyd that maye be forbydde, kepe backe yt maye be kepte backe, here a litle, there a litle. 11And therfore the LORDE also shal speake wt lispinge lippes and wt a straunge laguage vnto this people, to whom he spake afore of this maner: 12This shal bringe rest, yf one refresh the weery, ye this shal bringe rest. But they had no will to heare. 13And therfore the LORDE shal answere their stubbournes (Comaunde yt maye be comaunded, byd yt maye be bydden, forbyd yt maye be forbydde, kepe backe yt maye be kepte backe, here a litle, there a litle) That they maye go forth, fall backwarde, be brussed, snared and taken. 14Wherfore heare the worde of the LORDE, ye mockers that rule the LORDES people, which is at Ierusale. 15For ye coforte yor selues thus: Tush, death & we are at a poynte, & as for hell, we haue made a codicion with it: that though there breake out eny sore plage, it shal not come vpon vs. For with disceate wil we escape, and with nymblenes will we defende or selues. 16Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I wil laye a stone in Sion, a greate stone, a costly corner stone for a sure foundacion: yt who so putteth his trust in him, shal not be confouded. 17Rightuousnes wil I set vp agayne in ye balaunce, and iudgment in the weightes. The tepest of hale shal take awaye yor refuge, that ye haue to disceaue withal, and ye ouerflowinge waters shal breake downe yor stroge holdes of dissimulacio. 18Thus the appoyntmet that ye haue made wt death, shalbe done awaye, and the codicion that ye made with hell, shal not stode. When the greate destructio goeth thorow, it shal all to treade you, It shal take you quyte awaye before it. 19For it shal go forth early in the mornynge, and contynue only yt daye and yt night. And the very feare only shal teach you, when ye heare it. 20For ye bedde shalbe so narow yt a ma ca not lye vpon it. And the coueringe to small, that a ma maye not wynde him self therin. 21For the LORDE shal steppe forth as he dyd vpon the mount Perazim, and shal take on as he dyd vpo the dale of Gabaon: that he maye bringe forth his deuyce, his straunge deuyce: and fulfil his worke, his wonderful worcke. 22And therfore make no mockes at it, that youre captiuyte increase not: for I haue herde the LORDE of hoostes saye, that there shal come a soden destruction and plage vpon the whole earth. 23Take hede, and heare my voyce, pondre and merck my wordes wel. 24Goeth not the husbonde man euer in due season earnestly to his londe? he moweth & ploweth his grounde to sowe. 25And whe he hath made it playne, he soweth it with fitches or comyn. He soweth ye wheate and Barlye in their place, Milium and Rye also in their place. 26And yt he maye do it right, his God teacheth him and sheweth him. 27For he treadeth not the fitches out with a wayne, nether bringeth he the cart here and there ouer the comyn, but he throssheth ye fitches out with a flale, and the comyn with a rod. 28As for the wheate, he gryndeth it to make bred therof, In as moch as he can not bringe it to passe wt treadinge out. For nether the brussinge that the cart wheles make, ner his beastes can grynde it. 29This and soch like thinges come of the LORDE of hostes which is maruelous in councel, and greate in rightuousnesse. 29Wo vnto the o Ariel Ariel, thou cite that Dauid wane. Take yet some yeares, and let some feastes yet passe ouer: 2then shal Ariel be beseged, so that she shal be heuy and sorouful, and shal be vnto me euen as a lyon. 3For I wil laye sege to the rounde aboute, and kepe ye in with towers, and graue vp dykes agaynst ye. 4And thou shalt be brought lowe, and speake out of the earth, and thy wordes shal go humbly out of ye grounde. 5Thy voyce shal come out of the earth, like the voyce of a witch, and thy talkinge shal groane out of the myre. For the multitude of thine enemies shalbe like mealdust. And the nombre of Tyrauntes shalbe as ye dust that the wynde taketh awaye sodenly. 6Thou shalt be visited of the LORDE of hoostes with thondre, earth quake, and with a greate crack, with the whyrle wynde, tempest, and with the flame of a consumynge fyre. 7But now the multitude of all the people, that went out agaynst Ariel: the whole hooste, the stronge holdes, and sege: is like a dreame which apeareth in the night. 8It is like as when an hungrie man dreameth that he is eatynge, and when he awaketh, he hath nothinge: like as when a thurstie man dreameth that he is drinkinge, and when he awaketh, he is faynt, and his soule vnpacient. So is the multitude of all people, that mustre them selues agaynst the hill of Sion. 9But ye shalbe at youre wittes ende, ye shalbe abasshed: ye shal stackre, and rele to and fro. Ye shalbe dronken, but not of wyne. Ye shal fall, but not thorow dronkenes: 10For the LORDE shal geue you an hard slepinge sprete, and holde downe youre eyes: namely yor prophetes and heades which shulde se, them shal he couer. 11And all visions shalbe vnto you, as the wordes that stonde in a sealed lettre, when one offreth it to a man that is lerned, and sayeth: rede vs this lettre. The he answereth: I ca not rede it, for it is shutt. 12But yf it be geue to one yt is not lerned, or sayde vnto him: rede this lettre: Then sayeth he. I can not rede. 13Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: For so moch as this people draweth nye me wt their mourh, and prayseth me highly with their lippes (where as there herte neuertheles is farre fro me, and the feare which they owe vnto me, that turne they to mens lawes and doctrynes) 14therfore wil I also shewe vnto this people, a maruelous terrible and greate thinge (Namely this:) I wil destroye the wisdome of their wise, and the vnderstodinge of their lerned men shal perish. 15Wo be vnto them that seke so depe, to hyde their ymaginacion before the LORDE, which rehearce their coucels in ye darknes, and saye: who seith vs, or who knoweth vs? 16Which ymaginacion of yours is euen as when the potters claye taketh advisemet, as though the worke might saye to ye worke master: make me not, or as when an erthen vessel saieth of the potter: he vnderstondeth not. 17Se ye not that it is hard by, that Libanus shalbe turned in to Charmel, and that Charmel shalbe taken as a wodde? 18Then shal deaf men vnderstonde the wordes of the boke, and the eyes of the blynde shal se without eny cloude or darknes. 19The oppressed shal holde a mery feast in the LORDE, and the poore people shal reioyse in the holy one of Israel. 20Then shal the furious people ceasse, and ye mockers shal be put awaye, and all they yt do wronge shalbe rooted out, 21soch as laboure to drawe me vnto synne: and yt disceaue him, which reproueth them in the gate, & soch as turne good personnes to vanite. 22And therfore the LORDE (euen the defender of Abraham) saieth thus vnto the house of Iacob: Now shal not Iacob be ashamed, nor his face cofounded, 23when he seith amonge his children (whom my hondes haue made) soch as halowe my name amonge them: that they maye sancifie the holy one of Iacob, and feare the God of Israel: 24and that they which afore tyme were of an erroneous sprete, haue now vnderstondinge, and yt soch as before coude not speake, are now lerned in my lawe. 30Wo be to those shrenkinge children (saieth the LORDE) which seke councel, but not at me: which take a webbe in honde, but not after my will: that they maye heape one synne vpon another. 2They go downe in to Egipte, (and axe me no councel) to seke helpe at the power of Pharao, and coforte in the shadowe of the Egipcias. 3But Pharaos helpe shalbe youre cofucion, and the comforte in the Egipcians shadowe shalbe youre owne shame. 4Youre rulers haue bene at Zoan, and yor messaungers came vnto Hanes. 5But ye shal all be ashamed of the people yt maye not helpe you, which shal not bringe you strength or comforte, but shame and confucion. 6Youre beastes haue borne burthens vpo their backes towarde the South, thorow the waye that is ful of parell and trouble, because of the lyo and lyones, of the Cockatrice and shutynge dragon. Yee the Mules bare youre substaunce, and the Camels brought yor treasure vpon their croked backes, vnto a people that can not helpe you. 7For the Egipcians helpe shalbe but vane and lost. Therfore I tolde you also yt youre pryde shulde haue an ende. 8Wherfore go hece, and write them this in their tables, and note it in a booke: that it maye remayne by their posterite, and be stil kepte. 9For it is an obstinate people, vnfaithful children, children that will not heare the lawe of the LORDE. 10They darre saye to the prophetes: Intromitte youre selues with nothinge, and vnto ye Soythsayers: tell us of nothinge for to come, but speake frendly wordes vnto vs, and preach vs false thinges. 11Treade out of the waye, go out of the path, turne the holy one of Israel from vs. 12Therfore thus saieth the holy one of Israel: In as moch as ye haue cast of youre bewtie, and conforted youre selues with power and nymblenesse, and put youre confidence therin: 13therfore shal ye haue this myschefe agayne for youre destruction and fall, like as an hie wall, that falleth because of some rift (or blast,) whose breakinge cometh sodenly. 14And youre destruction shalbe like as an erthe pot, which breaketh no man touchinge it, yee and breaketh so sore, that a man shal not fynde a sheuer of it to fetch fyre in, or to take water with all out of the pyt. 15For the LORDE God, euen the holy one of Israel hath promised thus: With stilsittinge and rest shal ye be healed, In quyetnesse and hope shal youre strength lie. 16Notwithstondinge ye regarde it not, but ye will saie: No, for thus are we costrayned to fle vpo horses. (And therfore shall ye fle) we must ryde vpon swift beastes, and therfore youre persecutours shal yet be swifter. 17A thousand of you shal fle for one, or at the most for fyue, which do but only geue you euell wordes: vntil ye be desolate, as a shipmast vpon an hie mountayne, and as a beaken vpon an hill. 18Yet stondeth the LORDE waitinge, that he maye haue mercy vpon you, and lifteth him self vp, that he maye receaue you to grace. For the LORDE God is rightuous. Happie are all thei that wate for him. 19For thus (o thou people of Sion and ye citisens of Ierusalem) shal ye neuer be in heuynes, for doutlesse he will haue mercy vpon the. As soone as he heareth the voyce of thy crie, he will helpe the. 20The LORDE geueth you the bred of aduersite, and the water of trouble. But thine instructer fleyth not farre from the, yf thine eyes loke vnto thine instructer, 21and thine eares harken to his worde, that crieth after the and saieth: This is the waye, go this, and turne nether to the right honde nor the leffte. 22Morouer yf ye destroye the syluer workes of youre Idols, and cast awaye the golden coapes that ye deckt them withall (as fylthynes) and saie, get you hence: 23The wil he geue rayne to the sede, that ye shal sowe in the earth, and geue you breade of the encrease of the earth, so that all shalbe plenteous aud abundaunt. Thy catel also shal he fede in the brode medowes. 24yee thyne oxe and Mules that till the grounde, shal eate good fodder, which is pourged wt ye fanne. 25Goodly ryuers shal flowe out of all his mountaynes and hilles. In the daye of the greate slaughter when the towers shal fall, 26the Moone shal shyne as the Sonne and ye Sone shyne shalbe seuefolde, and haue as moch shyne, as in seuen dayes beside. In that daye shal the LORDE bynde vp ye brussed sores of his people, and heale their woundes. 27Beholde, the glory of the LORDE shal come from farre, his face shal burne, that no man shalbe able to abyde it, his lippes shal wagge for very indignacion, and his tunge shal be as a consumynge fyre. 28His breath like a vehement floude of water, which goeth vp to the throte. That he maye take awaye ye people, which haue turned them selues vnto vanite, and the brydle of erroure, that lieth in other folkes chawes. 29But ye shal synge, as the vse is in ye night of the holy solempnite. Ye shal reioyse from youre hert, as they that come with the pipe, when they go vp to the mount of the LORDE, vnto ye rock of Israel. 30The LORDE also shal set vp the power of his voyce, and declare his terrible arme, with his angrie countenaunce, yee and the flame of the consumynge fyre, with earth quake, tempest of wynde, and hale stones. 31Then shal the Assirian feare also, because of the voyce of the LORDE, which shal smyte him with the rodde. 32And the same rodde which the LORDE wil sende vpon him, shal moue the whole foundacion: with trompet, with noyse of warre and batell to destroye. 33For he hath prepared the fyre of payne from the begynnynge, yee euen for kynges also. This hath he made depe & wyde, ye norishinge therof is fyre and wodde innumerable, which the breath ofte LORDE kyndleth, as it were a match of brymstone. 31Wo vnto them that go downe in to Egipte for helpe, and trust in horses, and conforte them selues in Charettes, because they be many, and in horse me because they be lustie and stronge. But they regarde not the holy one of Israel, and they aske no question at the LORDE. 2Where as he neuertheles plageth ye wicked, and yet goeth not from his worde, wha he steppeth forth and taketh the victory agaynst the housholde of the frauwerde, and against the helpe of euel doers. 3Now the Egiptians are men, and not God, and their horses flesh and not sprete. And as soone as the LORDE stretcheth out his honde, then shal the helper fall, and he that shulde haue bene helped, and shal altogether be destroyed. 4For thus hath the LORDE spoke vnto me: Like as the Lyon or lyos whelpe roareth vpon the pray that he hath gotten, and is not afrayde, though ye multitude of shepardes crie out vpon him, nether abashed for all the heape of them: So shal the LORDE of hoostes come downe from the mount Sion, and defende his hill. 5Like as byrdes flotre aboute their nestes, so shal the LORDE of hoostes kepe, saue, defende and deliuer Ierusalem. 6Therfore (o ye childre of Israel turne agayne, like as ye hahaue exceaded in youre goinge back. 7For in yt daye euery man shal cast out his Idols of syluer and golde, which ye haue made with youre synful hondes. 8Assur also shalbe slayne with the swerde, not wt a mans swerde. A swerde shal deuoure him, but not a mans swerde. And he shal fle from the slaughter, and his seruauntes shalbe taken prisoners. 9He shal go for feare to his stronge holdes, and his prynces shal fle from his badge. This hath ye LORDE spoke, whose light burneth in Sion, and his fyre in Ierusalem. 32Beholde, the kinge shal gouerne after ye rule of rightuousnes, and ye princes shal rule acordinge to the balaunce of equite. 2He shalbe vnto me, as a defence for the wynde, and as a refuge for the tempest, like as a ryuer of water in a thurstie place, and ye schadowe of a greate rock in a drie lode. 3The eyes of the seinge shall not be dymme, and the eares of them that heare, shal take diliget hede. 4The hert of the vnwise, shal attayne to knowlege, and the vnparfite tuge shal speake planely and distinctly. 5Then shal the nygarde be no more called gentle, ner the churle lyberall. 6But the churle wil be churlishly mynded, and his hert wil worke euell and playe the ypocrite, and ymagyn abhominacios agaynst God, to make the hungrie leane, and to withholde drinke from the thurstie: 7These are the perlous weapons of the cuvetous, these be his shameful councels: that he maye begyle the poore with disceatful workes, yee euen there as he shulde geue sentence with the poore. 8But the liberall person ymagineth honest thinges, and commeth vp with honesty. 9Vp (ye rich and ydle cities), harken vnto my voyce. Ye careles cities, marcke my wordes. 10After yeares and dayes shal ye be brought in feare, o ye carelesse cities. For Haruest shalbe out, and the grape gatheringe shal not come. 11O ye rich ydle cities, ye that feare no parell, ye shalbe abashed and remoued: when ye se the barennesse, the nakednesse and preparinge to warre. 12Ye shal knock vpo youre brestes, because of the pleasaunt felde, and because of the fruteful vynyarde. 13My peoples felde shal bringe thornes and thistels, for in euery house is voluptuousnes & in the cities, wilfulnes. 14The palaces also shalbe broken, and the greatly occupide cities desolate. The towers and bulwerckes shalbe become dennes for euermore, the pleasure of Mules shalbe turned to pasture for shepe: 15Vnto the tyme that ye sprete be poured vpon vs from aboue. Then shal the wildernesse be a fruteful felde & the plenteous felde shalbe rekened for a wodde. 16Then shal equyte dwel in the deserte, and rightuousnesse in a fruteful londe. 17And the rewarde of rightuousnesse shalbe peace, and hir frute rest and quietnesse for euer. 18And my people shal dwel in the ynnes of peace, in my tabernacle and pleasure, where there is ynough in the all. 19And whe the hale falleth, it shal fall in the wodde and in the citie. 20O how happy shal ye be, whe ye shal safely sowe youre sede besyde all waters & dryue thither the fete of youre oxe & asses. 33Therfore wo vnto the (o robber) shalt not thou be robbed also? and vnto the that laiest wait, as who saye there shulde no waite be layde for the? Wo vnto the which doest hurte, euen so shalt thou be hurt also. And as thou layest waite, so shal wait be layde for the also. 2LORDE be merciful vnto vs, we wait for the. Thine arme is at a poynte to vyset vs, but be thou oure health in the tyme of trouble. 3Graute that the people maye fle at the anger of thy voyce, & that at thy vpstondinge the Gentiles maye be scatred abrode, 4and that their spoyle maye be gathered, as the greshoppers are comonly gathered together in to the pyt. 5Stonde vp LORDE, thou that dwellest on hie: Let Sio be fylled with equyte and rightuousnesse. 6Let treuth and faithfulnesse be in hir tyme: power, health, wisdome, knowlege & the feare of God are hir treasure. 7Beholde, their aungels crie with out, the messaungers of peace wepe bytterly. 8The stretes are waist, there walketh no man therin, the appoyntmen is broken, the cities are despised, they are not regarded, 9the desolate earth is in heuynes. Libanus taketh it but for a sporte, that it is hewen downe: Saron is like a wyldernes: Basa & Charmel are turned vpside downe. 10And therfore saieth ye LORDE: I wil vp, now wil I get vp, now wil I aryse. 11Ye shal conceaue stubble, and beare strawe, & youre sprete shalbe the fyre, that it maye consume you: 12& the people shalbe burnt like lyme, & as thornes burne that are hewen of, & cast in the fyre. 13Now herken to (ye that are farre of) how I do with them, & cosidre my glory, ye that be at honde. 14The synners at Sion are afrayde, a sodane fearfulnesse is come vpon the ypocrytes. What is he amonge us (saye they) that will dwell by that consumynge fyre? which of vs maye abyde that euerlastinge heate? 15He that ledeth a godly life (saye I) & speaketh the treuth: He that abhorreth to do violence and disceate: he that kepeth his hode that he touch no rewarde: which stoppeth his eares, that he heare no councel agaynst the innocent: which holdeth downe his eyes, that he se no euel. 16He it is, that shal dwel on hie, whose sauegarde shalbe in the true rocke, to him shalbe geuen the right true meat & drynke. 17His eyes shal se the kynge in his glory: & in the wyde worlde, 18and his herte shal delite in the feare of God. What shal then become of the scrybe? of the Senatoure? what of him that teacheth childre? 19There shalt thou not se a people of a straunge tuge, to haue so diffused a laguage, that it maye not be vnderstonde: nether so straunge a speache, but it shal be perceaued. 20There shal Sion be sene, the head citie of oure solempne feastes. There shal thine eyes se Ierusalem that glorious habitation: the tabernacle that neuer shal remoue, whose nales shal neuer be taken out worlde without ende, whose coardes euerychone shal neuer corruppe: 21for the glorious Magesty of the LORDE shal there be present amoge vs. In that place (where fayre broade ryuers & streames are) shal nether Gallye rowe, ner greate shippe sale. 22For the LORDE shalbe oure capteyne, the LORDE shalbe oure lawe geuer, The LORDE shalbe oure kinge, & he himself shalbe oure Sauioure. 23There are the coardes so layd abrode, that they ca not be better: The mast set vp of soch a fashion, that no baner ner sale hageth thero: but there is dealed greate spoyle, yee lame men runne after the pray. 24There lieth no ma that saieth: I am sick, but all euel is taken awaye from the people, that dwel there. 34Come ye Heithen & heare, take hede ye people. Herke thou earth & all that is therin: thou rounde copasse & al that groweth thervpon: 2for the LORDE is angrie with al people, & his displeasure is kindled agaynst all the multitude of them, to curse them, & to slaye them. 3So that their slayne shalbe cast out, & their bodies stincke: that eue the very hilles shalbe wet with the bloude of them. 4All the starres of heauen shalbe consumed, & the heauen shal folde together like a roll, & all the starres therof shall fall, like as the leaues fall from the vynes and fygetrees. 5For my swearde (saieth he) shalbe bathed in heauen, & shal immediatly come downe vpon Idumea, and vpon the people which I haue cursed for my vengeaunce. 6And the LORDES swearde shalbe full of bloude, & be rustie with the fatnesse & bloude of lambes and gootes, with the fatnesse of neeres of the wethers. For the LORDE shal kyl a great offringe in Bosra, and in the londe of Idumea. 7There shal the Vnicornes fall with the Bulles, (that is with the giauntes) and their londe shalbe washed with bloude, & their grounde corrupte with fatnesse. 8Vnto the also (o Sion) shal come the daye of the vengeaunce of God, and the yeare when as thyne owne iugdmentes shalbe recompensed. 9Thy floudes shalbe turned to pytch, and thine earth to brymstone, & therwith shal the londe be kyndled, 10so that it shal not be quenched daye ner night: But smoke euermore, & so forth to lie waist. And no man shal go thorow thy londe for euer: 11But Pellicanes, Storkes, great Oules, and Rauens shall haue it in possession, & dwell therein. For God shal sprede out the lyne of desolacion vpon it, & weye it with the stones of emptynes. 12When kinges are called vpo, there shalbe none, and all princes shalbe awaye. 13Thornes shal growe in their palaces, nettels & thistles in their stronge holdes, yt the dragons maye haue their pleasure therin, & that they maye be a courte for Estriches. 14There shal straunge visures and monstruous beastes mete one another, & the wylde kepe company together. There shal the lamia lye, & haue hir lodginge. 15There shall the hedghogge buylde, digge, be there at home, and bringe forth his yongeones. There shal the kytes come together, ech one to his like. 16Seke thorow the scripture of the LORDE & rede it. There shal none of these thinges be left out, there shal not one (ner soch like) fayle. For what his mouth commaundeth, that same doth his sprete gather together (or fulfilleth). 17Vpon whom so euer ye lot fallet, or to whom he dealeth it with the line: those shal possesse the enheritaunce from generacion to generacion, and dwel therin. 35Bvt the deserte & wildernesse shal reioyse, ye waist grounde shal be glad, and florish as the lilly. 2She shal florish pleasauntly, and be ioyful, and euer be geuynge of thankes more and more. For ye glory of libanus, the bewty of Charmel & Saro shalbe geuen her. These shal knowe the honoure of the LORDE, and the magesty of oure God. 3And therfore strength ye weake hodes, and conforte the feble knees. 4Saye vnto them that are of a fearful hert: Be of good chere, and feare not. Beholde: youre God cometh, to take vengeaunce & to rewarde, God cometh his owne self, and wil delyuer you. 5Then shal the eyes of the blinde be lightned, and the eares of the deaff opened. 6Then shal the lame man leape as an herte, & the domme mas tuge shal geue thankes. In the wildernesse also there shal welles springe, and floudes of water in the deserte. 7The drie grounde shal turne to ryuers, and the thurstie to springes of water. Where as dragons dwelt afore, there shal growe swete floures and grene russhes. 8There shalbe footpathes & comon stretes, this shalbe called the holywaye. No vnclene person shal go thorow it, for the LORDE himself shal go with the that waye, and the ignoraut shal not erre. 9There shalbe no lyon, and no rauyshinge beast shall come therin nor be there, but men shal go there fre and safe. 10And the redemed of the LORDE shal conuerte, and come to Sion with thankesgeuinge. Euerlastinge ioye shal they haue, pleasure & gladnesse shalbe amoge them, And as for all sorow and heuynes, it shal vanish awaye. 36In the xiiij. yeare of kinge Ezechias, came Sennacherib kinge of the Assirians downe, to laye sege vnto all the stronge cities of Iuda 2And the kinge of the Assirias sent Rabsaches from Lachis toward Ierusalem, agaynst kinge Ezechias, with a greuous hooste, which set him by the condite of the ouerpole, in the waye that goeth thorow ye fullers lode. 3And so there came forth vnto him Eliachim Helchias sonne the presydent, Sobna the scribe, and Ioah Asaphs sonne the Secretary. 4And Rabsaches sayde vnto them: Tel Ezechias, that the greate kinge of Assiria sayeth thus vnto him: What presumpcion is this, that thou trustest vnto? 5Thou thinkest (peradueture) that thou hast councel & power ynough, to mayntene this warre: or els wher to trustest thou, that thou castest thi self of fro me? 6lo, Thou puttest thy trust in a broken staff of rede (I meane Egipte) which he that leaneth vpon, it goeth in to his honde & shuteth him thorow. Euen so is Pharao the kinge of Egipte, vnto all the that trust in him. 7But yf thou woldest saye to me: We trust in ye LORDE oure God: A goodly god, in dede: whose hie places & aulteres Ezechias toke downe, and commaunded Iuda and Ierusalem, to worshipe only before the aulter. 8Abyde the, thou hast made a condicion with my lorde the kinge of the Assirias, that he shulde geue the two thousande horses: Art thou able to set me there vp? 9Seinge now that thou canst not resist the power of the smallest prynce that my LORDE hath, how darrest thou trust in yt charettes and horse men of Egipte? 10Morouer, thinkest thou yt I am come downe hither, to destroye this londe with out the LORDES will? The LORDE sayde vnto me: go downe in to that londe, that thou mayest destroye it. 11Then sayde Eliachim, Sobna & Iohah vnto Rabsaches: Speake to vs thy seruauntes (we praye the) in the Sirians language, for we vnderstonde it well: And speake not to vs in the Iewes tunge, lest the folcke heare, which lieth vpon the wall. 12Then answered Rabsaches: Thinke ye, yt the kinge sent me to speake this only vnto you? Hath he not sent me to the also, that lie vpo the wall? that they be not copelled to eate their owne donge, and drinke their owne stale with you? 13And Rabsaches stode stiff, & cried with a loude voyce in the Iewes tuge, and sayde: Now take hede, how the greate kinge of the Assirias geueth you warnynge. 14Thus saieth the kinge: Let not Ezechias disceaue you, for he shal not be able to delyuer you. 15Morouer, let not Ezechias comforte you in the LORDE, when he saieth: The LORDE with out doute shal defende vs, & shal not geue ouer this cite in to the hondes of the kinge of the Assirias, beleue him not. 16But thus saieth the kinge of Assiria: opteyne my fauoure, enclyne to me: So maye euery ma enioye his vynyardes and fygetrees, and drinke the water of his cisterne: 17vnto the tyme that I come myself, & bringe you in to a londe, yt is like youre owne: wher in is wheat and wyne, which is both sowen with sede, and planted with vynyardes. 18Let not Ezechias disceaue you, when he sayeth vnto you: the LORDE shal delyuer us. Might the goddes of the Gentiles kepe euerymans londe, from the power of the kinge of the Assirians? 19Wher is the God of hemath & Arphad? Where is the God of Sepharnaim? And who was able to defende Samaria out of my honde? 20Or which of all the goddes of the lodes, hath deliuered their countre out of my power, so that the LORDE shulde delyuer Ierusalem fro my honde? 21Vnto this, Ezechias messaungers helde their tunges, and answered not one worde: for the kinge had charged them, that they shulde geue him none answere. 22So came Eliachim Elchias sonne the presidet, Sobna the scrybe, and Ioah Asaphs sonne the Secretary, vnto Ezechias with rente clothes, & tolde him the wordes of Rabsaches. 37When Ezechias herde that, he rente his clothes, & put on a sack cloth, & went in to the temple of the LORDE. 2But he sent Eliachim the Presidet, Sobna the scrybe wt the eldest prestes cloothed in sack, vnto the Prophet Esay the sonne of Amos, 3& they sayde vnto him: Thus saieth Ezechias: this is the daye of trouble, of plage & of wrath: like as when a childe cometh to the byrth, but the woman hath no power to bringe it forth. 4The LORDE thy God (no doute) hath well considered the wordes of Rabsaches, whom his lorde ye kinge of the Assirians hath sent, to defie & blaspheme the lyuynge God: with soch wordes, as the LORDE yi God hath herde rightwell. And therfore lift vp yi prayer for the remnaunt, that yet are left. 5So the seruauntes of kinge Ezechias came to Esay. 6And Esay gaue them this answere: Saie thus vnto youre lorde: thus saieth the LORDE: Be not afrayde of the wordes that thou hast herde, wherwith the kinge of Assirias seruauntes haue blasphemed me. 7Beholde, I will cause a wynde go ouer him, as soone as he heareth it, he shal go agayne in to his countre, there will I distroye him with the swerde. 8Now when Rabsaches returned, he founde ye kinge of Assiria layenge sege to Lobna, for he had vnderstonde, that he was departed from Lachis. 9For there came a rumoure, yt Taracha kinge of Ethiopia was come forth to warre agaynst him. And when the kinge of Assiria herde yt, he sent other messaungers to kinge Ezechias, with this commaundement. 10Saye thus to Ezechias kinge of Iuda: Let not thy God disceaue the, in whom thou hopest, & sayest: Ierusale shal not be geue in to the hondes of the kinge of Assiria. 11For thou knowest well, how the kinges of Assiria haue handled all the londes, that they haue subuerted, & hapest thou to escape? 12Were the people of the Getiles (whom my progenitours coquered) deliuered at eny tyme thorow their goddes? As namely, Gozan, Haran, Rezeph, & the childre of Eden, which dwell at Thalassar. 13Where is the kinge of Hemath, & the kinge of Arphad, & the kinge of the citie Sepharnaim, Ena and Aua? 14Now when Ezechias had receaued ye lettre of the messaungers, & red it, he went vp in to the house of the LORDE, & opened the lettre before ye LORDE. 15And Ezechias prayed before the LORDE on this maner: 16O LORDE of hoostes, thou God of Israel, which dwellest vpo Cherubin. Thou art the God, that only is God of all the kingdomes of the worlde, for thou only hast created haue & earth. 17Encline thine eare LORDE & cosidre, open thine eyes (o LORDE,) & se, and pondre all the wordes of Senacherib, which hath sent his embassage to blaspheme the, the lyuynge God. 18It is true (o LORDE) that the kinges of Assiria haue coquered all kingdomes & londes, 19& cast their goddes in the fyre. Notwithstodinge those were no goddes but the workes of mens hondes, of wodd or stone, therfore haue they destroyed them. 20Delyuer vs then (o LORDE oure God) from the hondes of Sennacherib, yt all kingdomes of the earth maye knowe, that thou only art ye LORDE. 21Then Esay the sonne of Amos sent vnto Ezechias, sayenge: Thus saieth ye LORDE God of Israel: Where as thou hast made thy prayer vnto me, as touchinge Sennacherib, 22this is the answere, that the LORDE hath geuen concernynge him: Despised art thou, & mocked (o doughter of Sion) he hath shaken his heade at the, o doughter of Ierusalem. 23But thou Sennacherib, whom hast thou defied or blaspemed? And agaynst who hast thou lifted vp thy voyce, & exalted thy proude lokes? euen agaynst the holy one of Israel. 24Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the LORDE, and thus holdest thou of thyself: I couer the hie mountaynes, & sydes of Libanus with my horsmen. And there wil I cut downe the hie Cedre trees & the fayrest Fyrre trees. I will vp in to the heyth of it & in to the chefest of his timbre woddes. 25Yf there be no water, I wil graue & drynke. And as for waters of defence, I shal drie them vp with the fete of myne hooste. 26Yee (saiest thou) hast thou not herde, what I haue taken in honde, & brought to passe of olde tyme? That same wil I do now also: waist, destroye, & bringe the stronge cities vnto heapes of stones. 27For their inhabitours shalbe like lame men, brought in feare & confounded. They shalbe like the grasse & grene herbes in the felde, like the hay vpo house toppes, that wythereth, afore it be growne vp. 28I knowe thy wayes, thy goinge forth & thy comynge home, yee & thy madnesse agaynst me. 29Therfore thy furiousnesse agaynst me, & thy pryde is come before me. I wil put a rynge in yi nose, & a bridle byt in the chawes of the, & turne the aboute, eue the same waye thou camest. 30I wil geue the also this token (o Ezechias) this yeare shalt thou eate that is kepte in stoare, & the next yeare soch as groweth of himself, and in the thirde yeare ye shal sowe and reape, yee ye shal plante vynyardes, and enioye the frutes therof. 31And soch of the house of Iuda as are escaped, shal come together, and the remnaunt shal take rote beneth, & bringe forth frute aboue. 32For the escaped shal go out of Ierusale, & the remnaunte from the mount Sion. And this shal the gelousy of the LORDE of hoostes bringe to passe. 33Therfore thus saieth the LORDE, cocernynge the kinge of the Assirians: He shall not come in to the citie, and shal shute no arowe in to it, there shall no shilde hurte it, nether shal they graue aboute it. 34The same waye that he came, shal he returne, and not come at this citie, saieth the LORDE. 35And I wil kepe and saue the citie (saieth he) for myne owne, & for my seruaunte Dauids sake. 36Thus the angel went forth, and slewe of the Assirians hooste, an clxxxv. thousande. And when men arose vp early (at Ierusale:) Beholde, all laye ful of deed bodies. 37So Sennacherib the kinge of the Assirians brake vp, and dwelt at Niniue. 38Afterwarde it chaunsed, as he prayed in the Teple of Nesrah his god, that Adramalech and Sarazer his owne sonnes slewe him with the swearde, and fled in to the londe of Ararat. And Esarhadon his sonne reigned after him. 38Not longe afore this, was Ezechias deadsick: And the prophet Esay the sonne of Amos came vnto him, and sayde: Thus commaundeth the LORDE: Set thyne house in ordre, for thou must dye, and shalt not escape. 2Then Ezechias turned his face towarde the wall, & prayed vnto the LORDE, 3and sayde: Remembre (o LORDE) that I haue walked before the in treuth and a stedfast hert, and haue done the thinge that is pleasaunt to the. And Ezechias wepte sore. 4The sayde God vnto Esay: 5Go and speake vnto Ezechias: The LORDE God of Dauid thy father sendeth ye this worde: I haue herde thy prayer, and considred thy teares: beholde, I will put xv yeares mo vnto thy life, 6and delyuer the and the citie also, from the honde of the kinge of Assiria, for I will defende the cite. 7And take the this token of the LORDE, yt he will do it, as he hath spoken: 8Beholde, I will returne the shadowe of Achas Diall, yt now is layed out with the Sonne, and bringe it ten degrees bacward. So the Sonne turned ten degrees bacward, the which he was descended afore. 9A thankesgeuynge, which Ezechias kinge of Iuda wrote, when he had bene sicke, & was recouered. 10I thought I shulde haue gone to the gates of hell in my best age, and haue wanted the residue of my yeares. 11I spake within my self: I shal neuer viset the LORDE God in this life: I shal neuer se man, amonge the dwellers of the worlde 12Myne age is folden vp together and taken awaye fro me, like a sheperdes cotage: my lyfe is hewen of, like as a weeuer cutteth of his webb. Whyl I was yet takinge my rest, he hewed me of, & made an ende of me in one daie. 13I thought I wolde haue lyued vnto the morow, but he brussed my bones like a lyon, and made an ende of me in one daye. 14Then chatred I like a swalowe, and like a Crane, and mourned as a doue. I lift vp myne eyes in to ye hight: O LORDE, (sayde I) violence is done vnto me, be thou suertie for me. 15What shal I speake or say, ethat he maye this doo? yt I maye lyue out all my yeares, yee in the bytternesse of my life? 16Verely (LORDE,) men must lyue in bytternesse, & all my life must I passe ouer therin: For thou raysest me vp, and wakest me. But lo, I wilbe wel content with this bytternes. 17Neuertheles my couersacion hath so pleased ye, that thou woldest not make an ende of my life, so that thou hast cast all my synnes behynde thy backe. 18For hell prayseth not the, death doth not magnifie the. They that go downe into the graue, prayse not thy treuth: 19but the lyuynge, yee the lyuynge acknowlege the, like as I do this daye. The father telleth his children of thy faithfulnesse. 20Delyuer vs (o LORDE) and we wil synge prayses in thy house, all the dayes of oure life. 21And Esay sayde: take a playster offyges, and laye it vpon the sore, so shal it be whole. 22Then saide Ezechias: O what a greate thinge is this, that I shal go vp in to the house of the LORDE. 39At the same tyme Merodach Balada, Baladas sonne kinge of Babilon, sent lettres and presentes to Ezechias. For he vnderstode, how that he had bene sick, & was recouered agayne. 2And Ezechias was glad therof, & shewed them the comodities of his treasure: of syluer, of golde, of spyces & rootes, of precious oyles, all that was in his cubboordes and treasure houses. There was not one thinge in Ezechias house, & so thorow out all his kingdome, but he let them se it. 3The came Esay the prophet to kinge Ezechias, and sayde vnto him: What haue ye men sayde, and from whence came they vnto the? Ezechias answered: They came out of a farre countre vnto me: out of Babilon. 4Esay sayde: what haue they looked vpon in thyne house? Ezechias answerde: All that is in myne house, haue they sene: and there is nothinge in my treasure, but I shewed it them. 5Then sayde Esay vnto Ezechias: Vnderstode the worde of the LORDE of hoostes, 6Beholde, the tyme wil come, that euery thinge which is in thine house, and all that thy progenitours haue layde vp in stoare vnto this daye, shalbe caried to Babilon, and nothinge left behinde. This sayeth the LORDE. 7Yee and parte of thy sonnes that shal come of the, and whom thou shalt get, shalbe caried hence, and become gelded chamberlaines in the kinge of Babilons courte: 8Then sayde Ezechias to Esay: Now God prospere his owne councel, which thou hast tolde me. He sayde morouer: So that there be peace, and faithfulnesse in my tyme. 40Be of good chere my people, be of good chere (saieth youre God) 2Conforte Ierusalem, and tell her: that hir trauale is at an ende, that hir offence is pardoned, that she hath receaued of the LORDES honde sufficient correction for all hir synnes. 3A voyce crieth: Prepare ye waye for the LORDE in the wyldernesse, make straight ye path for oure God in the deserte. 4Let all valleis be exalted, and euery mountayne and hill be layde lowe. What so is croked, let it be made straight, and let the rough places be made playne feldes. 5For the glory of the LORDE shal apeare, & all flesh shal se it, for why, ye mouth of the LORDE hath spoken it. 6The same voyce spake: Now crie. And I sayde: what shal I crie? Then spake it: that, all flesh is grasse, and that all the bewtie therof, is as the floure of the felde. 7When the grasse is wytthered, the floure falleth awaye. Euen so is the people as grasse, when the breath of the LORDE bloweth vpon them. 8Neuerthelesse whether the grasse wyther, or the floure fade awaye: Yet the worde of oure God endureth for euer. Morouer the voyce cried thus: 9Go vp vnto the hill (o Sion) thou that bringest good tidinges, lift vp thy voyce with power, o thou preacher Ierusalem. Lift it vp without feare, and say vnto the cities of Iuda: Beholde, youre God: 10beholde, the LORDE, euen the almightie sha come with power, & beare rule with his arme. Beholde, he bringeth his treasure with him, and his workes go before him. 11He shal fede his flock like an hirdman. He shal gather the lambes together with his arme, and carie them in his bosome, & shal kindly intreate those that beare yonge. 12Who hath holden the waters in his fist? Who hath measured heauen with his spanne, and hath comprehended all the earth of ye worlde in thre fyngers? Who hath weyed the mountaynes and hilles? 13Who hath refourmed the mynde of the LORDE? Or who is of his councel to teach him? 14At whom hath he asked coucel, to make him vnderstode, and to lerne him the waye of iudgment: to teach him science, and to enstructe him in the waye of vnderstodinge? 15Beholde, all people are in coparison of him, as a droppe to a bucketfull, and are counted as the leest thinge yt the balaunce weyeth. Beholde, ye Iles are in comparison of him, as the shadowe of the Sonne beame. 16Libanus is not sufficiet to ministre fyre for his offringe, and all the beastes therof are not ynough to one sacrifice. 17All people in comparison of him, are rekened, as nothinge, yee vayne vanite and emptynesse. 18To whom then will ye licke God? or what similitude will ye set vp vnto him? 19Shal the caruer make him a carued ymage? and shal the goldsmyth couer him with golde, or cast him in to a fourme of syluer plates? 20Morouer shal the ymage maker (yt the poore man which is disposed, maye haue somthinge to set vp also) seke out and chose a tre, that is not rotten, and carue ther out an ymage, yt moueth not? 21Knowe ye not this? Herde ye neuer of it? Hath it not bene preached vnto you sence the hegynnynge? Haue ye not bene enfourmed of this, sence the foundacion of ye earth was layde: 22That he sytteth vpon the Circle of the worlde, and that all the inhabitours of the worlde are in coparison of him, but as greshoppers: That he spredeth out the heaues as a coueringe, that he stretcheth them out, as. a tent to dwell in: 23That he bringeth princes to nothinge, and the iudges of the earth to dust: 24so that they be not planted nor sowen agayne, nether their stocke rooted agayne in the earth? For as soone as he bloweth vpon them, they wither & fade awaye, like the strawe in a whirle wynde. 25To whom now wil ye licken me, & whom shal I be like, saieth the holy one? 26Lift vp youre eyes an hie, and considre. Who hath made those thinges, which come out by so greate heapes? and he can call them all by their names. For there is nothinge hyd vnto the greatnesse of his power, strength, and might. 27How maye then Iacob thinke, or how maye Israel saye: My wayes are hyd from the LORDE, and my God knoweth not of my iudgmentes. 28Knowest thou not, or hast thou not herde, that the euerlastinge God, the LORDE which made all the corners of the earth, is nether weery nor faynt, and that his wisdome can not be comprehended: 29but that he geueth strength vnto the weery, and power vnto the faynte? 30Children are weery and faynt, and the strongest men fall: 31But vnto them that haue the LORDE before their eyes, shal strength be encreased, Aegles wynges shal growe vpon them: When they runne, they shal not fall: and when they go, they shal not be weery. 41Be still (ye Ilondes) and herken vnto me. Be stronge ye people, Come hither, and shew youre cause, we will go to the lawe together. 2Who rayseth vp ye iuste from the rysinge of the Sonne, and calleth him to go forth? Who casteth downe the people, and subdueth the kinges before him: that he maye throwe them all to the groude with his swearde, and scatre them like stuble with his bowe? 3He foloweth vpon them, and goeth safely himself, and cometh in no footpath with his fete. 4Who hath made, created, and called the generacions from the begynnynge? Euen I the LORDE, which am the first, and with the last. 5Beholde ye Iles, that ye maye feare, and ye endes of the earth, that ye maye be abasshed, draw nye, and come hither. 6Euery man hath exorted his neghboure, and brother, and bydden him be stronge. 7The Smyth conforted the moulder, & the Ironsmyth the hammerman, sayenge: It shalbe good, that we fasten this cast worke: and then they fastened it with nales, that it shulde not be moued. 8And thou Israel my seruaunt: Iacob my electe sede of Abraha my beloued, 9whom I led from the endes of the earth by the honde: For I called the from farre, & saide vnto the: Thou shalt be my seruaunt: I haue chosen the, & will not cast ye awaye: 10be not afrayde, for I wil be with ye. Lake not behinde ye, for I wil be thy God, to stregth ye, helpe ye, & to kepe ye with this right hode of myne. 11Beholde, all they that resist the, shal come to confucion and shame: and thine aduersaries shalbe destroyed & brought to naught. 12So that who so seketh after them, shal not fynde them. Thy destroyers shal perish, & so shall they that vndertake to make batell agaynst the. 13For I thy LORDE & God, wil strength thy right honde. Euen I that saye vnto the: Feare not, I will helpe the. 14Be not afrayde thou litle worme Iacob, and thou despysed Israel: For I will helpe the, saieth the LORDE, & the holyone of Israel thine avenger. 15Beholde, I wil make the a treadinge cart & a new flale, yt thou mayest throsshe & grynde the mountaynes, and bringe the hilles to poulder. 16Thou shalt fanne them, & the wynde shal carie them awaye, & the whyrlwynde shal scatre the. But thou shalt reioyse in the LORDE, and shalt delite in praysinge the holyone of Israel. 17When the thurstie and poore seke water & fynde none, & when their tunge is drie of thurst: I geue it them, saieth the LORDE. I the God of Israel forsake them not. 18I bringe forth floudes in the hilles, & welles in the playne feldes. I turne ye wildernes to ryuers, and the drie londe to condytes of water. 19I plante in the wayst grounde trees of Cedre, Boxe, Myrre and olyues. And in the drie, I set Fyrre trees, elmes and hawthornes together. 20All this do I, yt they altogether maye se and marcke, perceaue with their hertes, & considre: that the honde of the LORDE maketh these thinges, and that the holyone of Israel bringeth them to passe. 21Stonde at youre cause (saieth the LORDE) and bringe forth youre strogest grounde, counceleth the kinge of Iacob. 22Let the goddes come forth them selues, and shewe vs the thinges ye are past, what they be: let the declare the vnto vs, yt we maye take them to herte, and knowe them herafter. 23Ether, let the shewe vs thinges for to come, and tel vs what shalbe done herafter: so shal we knowe, that they be goddes. Shewe somthinge, ether good or bad, so wil we both knowlege ye same, & tel it out. 24Beholde, ye goddes are of naught, & yor makinge is of naught, but abhomination hath chosen you. 25Neuertheles I haue waked vp one from the North, & he shal come. And another from the East, which shal call vpo my name, & shal come to the prynces, as the Potter to his claye, & as ye Potter treadeth downe the myre. 26Who tolde yt afore? So wil we confesse & saye, that he is rightuous. But there is none that sheweth or declareth eny thinge, there is none also that heareth youre wordes. 27Beholde, I will first graute the of Sion & Ierusalem to be Euangelistes. 28But when I cosidre: there is not one amonge the yt prophecieth, nether (when I axe him) yt answereth one worde. 29Lo, wicked are they & vayne, with the thinges also that they take in honde: yee wynde are they, and emptynesse, with their ymages together. 42Beholde now therfore, this is my seruaunt whom I will kepe to my self: my electe, In whom my soule shalbe pacified. I will geue him my sprete, that he maye shewe forth iudgment & equyte amonge the Gentiles. 2He shal not be an outcryer, ner an hie mynded person. His voyce shall not be herde in ye stretes. 3A brussedrede shal he not breake, & the smokinge flax shal he not quench: but faithfully & truly shal he geue iudgmet. 4He shal nether be ouersene ner haistie, that he maye restore rightuousnesse vnto the earth: & the Getiles also shal kepe his lawes. 5For thus saieth God the LORDE vnto him (Euen he that made the heauens, and spred them abrode, & set forth the earth with hir encrease: which geueth breath vnto the people that is in it, & to them that dwel therin) 6I the LORDE haue called ye in rightuousnesse, & led the by the honde. Therfore wil I also defende the, & geue the for a couenaunt of the people, & to be the light of the Getiles. 7That thou mayest open the eyes of the blinde, let out the prysoners, & them that syt in darknesse, out of the dongeon house. 8I my self, whose name is the LORDE, which geue my power to none other, nether myne honoure to the goddes: 9shewe you these new tidinges, and tel you them or they come, for olde thinges also are come to passe. 10Synge therfore vnto the LORDE, a new songe of thakes geuynge, blow out his prayse vnto the ende of the worlde. They that be vpon the see, & all that is therin, prayse him, the Iles & they that dwel in them. 11Let the wildernes with hir cities lift vp hir voyce, the townes also that be in Cedar. Let them be glad that syt vpon rockes of stone, and let them crie downe from the hie mountaynes: 12ascribinge almightynes vnto the LORDE, & magnifienge him amonge the Getiles. 13The LORDE shal come forth as a gyaunte, and take a stomacke to him like a fresh man of warre. He shal roare and crie, and ouercome his enemies. 14I haue longe holden my peace (saieth the LORDE) shulde I therfore be still, and kepe sylence for euer? I will crie like a trauelinge woman, and once wil I destroye, and deuoure. 15I wil make waist both mountayne & hill, & drie vp euery grene thinge, that groweth theron. I wil drie vp the floudes of water, & drinke vp the ryuers. 16I wil bringe the blinde into a strete, that they knowe not: and lede them in to a fotepath, that they are ignoraunt in. I shal make darknesse light before the, & the thinge yt is croked, to be straight. These thinges will I do, & not forget them. 17And therfore let them conuerte, and be ashamed earnestly, that hope in Idols, & saye to fashioned ymages: ye are oure godes. 18Heare, o ye deaf men, and sharpen youre sightes to se (o ye blinde.) 19But who is blynder, the my seruaunt? Or so deaf, as my messaungers, whom I sent vnto them? For who is so blynde as my people, & they yt haue the rule of them? 20They are like, as yf thou vnderstodest moch, and keptest nothinge: or yf one herde well, but were not obedient. 21The LORDE be merciful vnto them for his rightuousnesse sake, that his worde might be magnified & praysed. 22But it is a myscheuous & wiked people. Their yonge men belonge all to the snare, & shalbe shut in to preson houses. They shal be caried awaye captyue and no man shal lowse them. They shal be trode vnder fote, & no man shal laboure to bringe the agayne. 23But who is he amonge you, yt pondreth this in his mynde, yt considreth it, & taketh it for a warnynge in tyme to come? 24Who suffred Iacob to be trodden vnder fote, and Israel to be spoyled? dyd not the LORDE? Now haue we synned agaynst him, and haue had no delite to walke in his wayes, nether bene obedient vnto his lawe. 25Therfore hath he poured vpon vs his wroothful displeasure, and stroge batell, which maketh vs haue to do on euery syde, yet will we not vnderstode: He burneth vs vp, yet syncketh it not in to oure hartes. 43Bvt now, the LORDE that made the (o Iacob) and he that fashioned the (o Israel) saieth thus: Feare not, for I will defende ye. I haue called ye by thy name, thou art myne owne. 2When thou wentest in the water, I was by the, that the stroge floudes shulde not pluck ye awaye: When thou walkest in the fyre, it shal not burne ye, and the flame shall not kindle vpon the. 3For I am the LORDE thy God, the holyone of Israel, thy Sauioure. I gaue Egipte for yi delyueraunce, the Moryas and the Sabees for the: 4because thou wast deare in my sight, and because I set by the, and loued the. I pilled all men for the, and delyuered vp all people for thy sake, 5that thou shuldest not feare, for I was with the. I wil bringe thy sede from the east, and gather the together from the west. 6I wil saye to the north: let go. And to the south, kepe not backe: But bringe me my sonnes from farre, and my doughters from the endes of the worlde: 7Namely, all those that be called after my name: For the haue I created, fashioned, and made for myne honoure. 8Bringe forth that people, whether they haue eyes or be blynde, deaf or haue eares. 9All nacions shal come in one, and be gathered in one people. But which amonge yonder goddes shall declare soch thinges, & tell vs what is to come? Let them bringe their witnesses, so shal they be fre: for the men shal heare it, and saye: it is truth. 10But I bringe you witnesses (saith the LORDE) euen those that are my seruauntes, whom I haue chosen: to the intent that ye might be certified, and geue me faithful credence: yee and to cosidre, that I am he, before whom there was neuer eny God, and that there shalbe none after me. 11I am only the LORDE, and without me is there no Sauioure. 12I geue warnynge, I make whole, I teach you, that there shulde be no straunge God amonge you. And this recorde must ye beare me youre selues (saieth the LORDE) that I am God. 13And euen he am I from the begynnynge, and there is none, that can take eny thinge out of my honde. And what I do, can no man chaunge. 14Thus saieth the LORDE the holy one of Israel youre redemer: For youre sake I will sende to Babilon, and bringe all the strongest of them from thence: Namely, the Caldees that boost them of their shippes: 15Euen I the LORDE youre holy one which haue made Israel, and am youre kinge. 16Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE (Euen he that maketh a waye in the see, and a footpath in the mightie waters: 17which bringeth forth the charettes and horses, the hooste and the power, that they maye fall a slepe and neuer ryse, and be extincte, like as tow is quenched. 18Ye remembre not thinges of olde, and regarde nothinge that is past. 19Therfore beholde, I shal make a new thinge, and shortly shall it apeare: Ye shall well knowe it, I tolde it you afore, but I will tell it you agaane. I will make stretes in the deserte, and ryuers of water in the wildernesse. 20The wilde beastes shal worshippe me: the dragon, and the Estrich. For I shall geue water in ye wildernesse, and streames in the deserte: that I maye geue drike to my people, whom I chose. 21This people haue I made for my self, and they shal shewe forth my prayse. 22For thou (Iacob) woldest not call vpon me, but thou haddest an vnlust towarde me, o Israel. 23Thou gauest me not thy yonge beastes for burntoffringes, nether didest honoure me with thy sacrifices. Thou boughtest me no deare spice with thi money, nether pouredest the fat of thy sacrifices vpon me. Howbeit I haue not bene chargeable vnto the in offriges, nether greuous in Incense. 24But thou hast lade me with thy synnes, and weeried me with thy vngodlynes: 25Where as I yet am euen he only, that for myne owne selfes sake do awaye thine offences, & forget thy synnes: so that I wil neuer thinke vpon them. 26Put me now in remembraunce (for we will reason together) & shewe what thou hast for the, to make the quyte. 27Thy first father offended sore, and thy rulers haue synned agaynst me 28Therfore I ether suspended, or slewe the chefest prynces: I dyd curse Iacob, and gaue Israel into reprofe. 44So heare now, o Iacob my seruaunt, and Israel whom I haue chose. 2For thus saieth the LORDE, that made the, fashioned the, and helped the, euen from thy mothers wombe: Be not afrayde (o Iacob my seruaunte,) thou rightuous, whom I haue chosen. 3For I shal poure water vpon the drie grounde, and ryuers vpon the thurstie. I shal poure my sprete vpon thi sede, and myne encrease vpo thy stocke. 4They shal growe together, like as the grasse, and as the Willies by the waters side. 5One will saye: I am the LORDES. Another wil call vnder the name of Iacob. The thirde shal subscrybe with his honde vnto ye LORDE, and geue him self vnder the name of Israel. 6Morouer, thus hath the LORDE spoke: euen the kinge of Israel, and his avenger, ye LORDE of hoostes: I am the first, and the last, and without me is there no God. 7For what is he, that euer was like me, which am from euerlastinge? Let him shewe his name and do wherthorow he maye be lickened vnto me. Let him tell you forth planely thiges, that are past and for to come: 8yee and that without eny feare or stoppe. For haue not I euer tolde you hyther to, & warned you? Ye can beare me recorde youre selues. Is there eny God excepte me? or eny maker, that I shulde not knowe him? 9Wherfore all caruers of Idols are but vayne, and their laboure lost. They must beare recorde them selues, that (seinge they can nether se ner vnderstonde) they shalbe confounded. 10Who shulde now make a god, or fashio an Idol, that is profitable for nothinge? 11Beholde all the felashippe of the must be brought to confucion. Let all the workmasters of them come and stonde together from amonge men: they must be abashed and confouded one with another. 12The smyth taketh yron, and tempreth it with hote coles, and fashioneth it with hammers, & maketh it wt all the strength of his armes: Yee somtyme he is faynt for very hunger, and so thurstie, that he hath no more power. 13The carpenter (or ymage caruer) taketh me the tymbre, and spredeth forth his lyne: he marketh it with some coloure: he playneth it, he ruleth it, ad squareth it, and maketh it after the ymage of a man, and acordinge to the bewtie of a man: that it maye stonde in the temple. 14Morouer, he goeth out to hewe downe Cedre trees: He bringeth home Elmes and okes, and other tymbre of the wodd. Or els the Fyrre trees which he planted himself, ad soch as the rayne hath swelled, 15which wodde serueth for me to burne. Of this he taketh and warmeth himself withall: he maketh a fyre of it to bake bred. And after warde maketh a god there of, to honoure it: and an Idol, to knele before it. 16One pece he burneth in the fyre, with another he rosteth flesh, that he maye eate roste his bely full: with the thirde he warmeth himself, and saieth: Aha: I am well warmed, I haue bene at the fyre. 17And of the residue, he maketh him a god, and an Idol for himself. He kneleth before it, he worshippeth it, he prayeth vnto it, and sayeth: delyuer me, for thou art my god. 18Yet men nether considre ner vnderstonde, because their eyes are stopped, that they can not se: and their hertes, that they cannot perceaue. 19They pondre not in their myndes (for they haue nether knowlege ner vnderstodinge) to thinke thus: I haue bret one pece in the fyre, I haue baked bred wt ye coles there of, I haue rosted flesh withall, & eaten it: Shal I now of the residue make an abhominacion, and fall downe before a rotten pece of wodd? 20The kepinge of dust, and folishnesse of herte hath turned them a syde: so that none of them can haue a fre conscience to thinke: maye not I erre? 21Cosidre this (o Iacob and Israel) for thou art my seruaut. I haue made the, that thou mightest serue me. O Israel, forget me not. 22As for thyne offences, I dryue them awaye like the cloudes, and thy synnes as the myst. Turne ye agayne vnto me, & I will delyuer ye. 23Be glad ye heauens, whom the LORDE hath made, let all yt is here beneth vpon the earth, be ioyfull. Reioyse ye mountaynes & woddes, with all the trees that are in you: for ye LORDE shal redeme Iacob, & shewe his glory vpon Israel. 24For thus saieth the LORDE thy redemer, euen he that fashioned the from thy mothers wombe: I am the LORDE, which do all thinges my self alone. I only haue spred out the heauens, and I only haue layde the foundacion of the earth. 25I destroye the tokens of witches, and make the Sothsayers go wronge. As for the wise, I turne them bacward, and make their conninge folishnesse. 26But I set vp the purpose of my seruauntes, and fulfil the councel of my messaugers. I saye to Ierusale: turne agayne: And to the cities of Iuda, be ye buylded agayne: and I repayre their decayed places. 27I saye to the grounde: be drie. And I drie vp thy water floudes. 28I saye to Cirus: thou art myne hyrd man, so that he shal fulfill all thinges after my will. I saye to Ierusalem: be thou buylded, and to the teple: be thou fast grounded. 45Thus saieth the LORDE vnto Cirus his anoynted, whom he ledeth by ye right hode: that the people maye fall downe before him: I wil lowse the gyrdle of kinges, yt they shal open the gates before thy face, and not to shut their dores. 2I wil go before the, and make the croked straight. I shal breake the brasen dores, & burst the yron barres. 3I shall geue the the hyd treasure, & the thinge which is secretly kepte: that thou mayest knowe, yt I the God of Israel haue called the by thy name: 4and that for Iacob my seruaunt sake, & for Israel my chosen. For I called the by yi name, and ordened the, or euer thou knewest me: 5Euen I the LORDE, before whom there is none other, for wt out me there is no God I haue prepared the, or euer thou knewest me: 6that it might be knowne from the risynge of the Sonne to the goinge downe of the same, that all is nothinge without me. For I am the LORDE, & there is els none. 7It is I yt created the light and darcknes, I make peace and trouble: Yee euen I the LORDE do all these thinges. 8The heauens aboue shal droppe downe, and the cloudes shal rayne rightuousnes. The earth shal open itself, and brynge forth health, and therby shal rightuousnes florish. Euen I the LORDE shal bringe it to passe. 9Wo be vnto him that chydeth wt his maker, the potsherde with the potter. Saieth ye claye to the potter: What makest thou? or, yi worke serueth for nothige? 10Wo be vnto him, yt saieth to his father: why begettest thou? And to his mother: why bearest thou? 11Thus saieth the LORDE, euen the holy one & maker of Israel: Axe me of thinges for to come, concernynge my sonnes: and put me in remebraunce, as touchinge the workes of my hodes: 12I haue made the earth, and created ma vpon it. With my hondes haue I spred forth heauen, and geuen a commaundment for all the hooste therof. 13I shal wake him vp with rightuousnesse, and ordre all his wayes. He shal buylde my cite, & let out my prisoners: & that nether for gift nor rewardes, saieth the LORDE of hoostes. 14The LORDE hath sayde morouer: The occupiers of Egipte, the marchauntes of the Moryans and Sabees, shal come vnto the with tribute, they shalbe thine, they shal folowe the, and go with cheynes vpon their fete. They shal fall downe before the, and make supplicacion vnto the. For God (wt out who there is none other God) shal be with the. 15O how profounde art thou o God, thou God & Sauioure of Israel? 16Confounded be ye, and put to dishonoure: go hence together with shame, all ye that be workmasters of erroure: (that is worshippers of Idols) 17But Israel shalbe saued in the LORDE, which is the euerlastinge saluacio: They shal not come to shame ner confucion, worlde without ende. 18For thus sayeth the LORDE: euen he that created heauen, the God yt made the earth, that fashioned it, and set it forth: I haue not made it for naught, but I made it to be enhabited: Euen I the LORDE, without whom there is none other. 19I haue not spoken secretly, nether in darcke places of the earth. It is not for naught, that I sayde vnto the sede of Iacob: seke me. I am the LORDE, which whe I speake, declare the thinge that is rightuous and true. 20Let the be gathered & come together, let the drawe nye hyther, yt are escaped of the people: Haue they eny vnderstondinge, that set vp the stockes of their Idols, and praye vnto a god, that ca not helpe the? 21Let men drawe nye, let them come hither, ad aske councel one at another, and shewe forth: What is he, that tolde this before? or, who spake of it, euer sence the begynnynge? Haue not I ye LORDE done it: without whom there is none other God? the true God and sauioure, and there is els none but I? 22And therfore turne you vnto me (all ye endes of the earth) so shal ye be saued, for I am God, & there is els none. 23I sweare by myself: out of my mouth cometh ye worde of rightuousnesse, and that maye no man turne: but all knees shal bowe vnto me, and all tunges shal sweare by me, 24sayenge: Verely in the LORDE is my rightuousnes and strength. To him shal me come: but all they that thinke scorne of him, shalbe confounded. 25And the whole sede of Israel shalbe iustified, & praysed in ye LORDE 46Neuertheles Bel shal fall, & Nabo shalbe broken: whose ymages are a burthe for the beastes and catell, to ouerlade the, and to make them weery. 2They shal syncke downe, and fall together: for they maye not ease them of their burthen, therfore must they go in to captiuyte. 3Herken vnto me, o house of Iacob, and all ye that remayne yet of the housholde of Israel: whom I haue borne from youre mothers wombe, and brought you vp from yor byrth, till ye were growen: 4I I which shall beare you vnto youre last age: I haue made you, I will also norish you, beare you and saue you. 5Whom will ye make me like, in fashion or ymage, that I maye be like him? 6Ye fooles (no doute) wil take out syluer and golde out of youre purses, and weye it, and hyre a goldsmyth to make a god of it, that men maye knele downe and worshipe it. 7Yet must he be taken on mens shulders and borne, and set in his place, that he maye stonde and not moue. Alas that men shulde crie vnto him, which geueth no answere: and delyuereth not the man that calleth vpon him, from his trouble. 8Considre this well, and be ashamed, Go in to youre owne selues (O ye runnagates). 9Remembre the thinges which are past, sence the begynnynge of the worlde: that I am God, and that there is els no God, yee and yt there is nothinge like vnto me. 10In the begynnynge of a thinge, I shewe the ende therof: and I tel before, thinges that are not yet come to passe. With one worde is my deuyce accomplished, & fulfilleth all my pleasure. 11I call a byrde out of the east, and all that I take in honde, out of farre countrees. As soone as I commaunde, I bringe it hither: as soone as I thinke to deuyse a thinge, I do it. 12Heare me, o ye that are of an hie stomack, but farre from rightuousnesse. 13I shal bringe forth my rightuousnesse, It is not farre, and my health shal not tarie longe awaye. I wil laye health in Sio, and geue Israel my glory. 47But as for the (O doughter, thou virgin Babilon) thou shalt syt in the dust. Thou shalt syt vpon the groude, and not in a trone (o thou mayden of Chaldea). Thou shalt nomore be called tender, and pleasaut. 2Thou shalt bringe forth the querne, & grynede meel, put downe thy stomacher, make bare thy knees, and shalt wade thorow the water ryuers. 3Thy shame shalbe discouered, ad thy preuyties shal be sene. For I wil auenge me of the, and no man shal let me: 4saieth oure redemer, which is called the LORDE of hoostes, the holy one of Israel. 5Syt still, holde thy tunge, and get the in to some darcke corner (O doughter Caldea) for thou shalt nomore be called lady of kyngdomes. 6I was so wroth with my people, yt I punyshed myne enheritaunce, and gaue them in to thy power. Neuertheles, thou shewdest them no mercy, but euen the very aged men of the, didest thou oppresse right sore with thy yock, 7& thou thoughtest thus: I shalbe lady for euer. And besyde all that, thou hast not regarded these thinges, nether cast, what shulde come after. 8Heare now therfore, thou wilful, that syttest so carelesse, & speakest thus in thine herte: I am alone, and without me is there none: I shal neuer be wydow, ner desolate agayne. 9And yet both these thiges shal come to the vpo one daye in the twincklinge of an eye: Namely, wyddowhead, and desolacion. They shal mightely fall vpon the, for ye multitude of thy witches, and for the greate heape of thy coniurers. 10For thou hast conforted thy self in thy disceatfulnes, and hast sayde: No ma seith me. Thyne owne wisdome & connynge haue disceaued the, In that thou hast sayde: I am alone, and without me there is none. 11Therfore shal trouble come vpo ye, & thou shalt not knowe, from whece it shal arise. Myschefe shal fall vpo ye, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodane misery shal come vpon the, or euer thou be awarre. 12Now go to thy coniurers, and to the multitude of thy witches, (whom thou hast bene acquanted withal from thi youth) yf they maye helpe the, or strengthe the. 13Thou hast hither to had many councels of them, so let the heauengasers & the beholders of starres, come on now and delyuer the: yee and let the shewe, when these new thinges shall come vpon the. 14Beholde, they shalbe like strawe, which yf it be kindled with fyre, no man maye rydde it for the vehemence of the flame: And yet it geueth no zynders to warme a ma by, ner cleare fyre to syt by. 15Euen so shal they be vnto the, whom thou hast vsed & occupide from thy youth. Euery one shal shewe ye his erroneous waye, yet shall none of them defende the. 48Heare this, O thou house of Iacob: ye yt are called by the name of Israel, and are come out of one stocke wt Iuda: which sweare by the name of the LORDE, and beare witnesse by the God of Israel (but not wt treuth and right) 2which are called fre men of the holy citie, as they that loke for conforth in the God of Israel, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes. 3The thinges that I shewed you euer sence the begynnynge: Haue I not brought the to passe, immediatly as they came out of my mouth, and declared them? And they are come? 4Howbeit I knewe that thou art obstinate, and that thy neck hath an yron vane, and that thy brow is of brasse. 5Neuertheles I haue euer sence the begynnynge shewed the of thinges for to come, and declared the vnto the, or euer they came to passe: that thou shuldest not saye: myne Idol hath done it, my carued or cast ymage hath shewed it. 6Heare & considre all these thinges, whether it was ye that prophecied the: But as for me, I tolde the before at the begynnynge, new & secrete thinges, yt thou knewest not of: 7And some done now not of olde time, wherof thou neuer herdest, before they were brought to passe: that thou canst not saye: I knewe of them. 8Morouer there be some wherof thou hast nether herde ner knowne, nether haue they bene opened vnto thine eares afore tyme. For I knew that thou woldest maliciousli offende, therfore haue I called the a transgressoure, euen from thy mothers wombe. 9Neuertheles for my names sake, I haue withdrawen my wrath, and for myne honours sake I haue ouersene the, so that I haue not rooted the out. 10Beholde I haue pourged the, and not for moneye. I haue chosen the in the fyre of pouerte, 11And that only for myne owne sake, for I geue myne Honoure to none other, that thou shuldest not despise me. 12Herken vnto me o Iacob, & Israel who I haue called. I am euen he that is, I am ye first and the last. 13My honde is the foundacion of the earth, & my right honde spanneth ouer the heauens. As soone as I called the they were there. 14Gather you all together, ad herken: Which of yonder goddes hath declared this, that the LORDE wil do by the kinge of Babilon, (whom he loueth & fauoureth) and by the Caldees his arme? 15I my self alone haue tolde you this before. Yee I shal call him and bringe him forth, & geue him a prosperous iourneye. 16Come nye & heare this: haue I spoke eny thige darckly sence the begynnynge? whe a thige begynneth, I am there. Wherfore the LORDE God with his sprete hath sent me, 17And thus saieth the LORDE thine avenger, the holyone of Israel: I am ye LORDE thy God, which teach the profitable thinges, and lede ye the waye, that thou shuldest go 18Yf thou wilt now regarde my comaundement, thy welthynes shalbe as the water streame: & thy rightuousnes as the wawes flowinge in the see. 19Thy sede shalbe like as the sonde in the see, & the frute of thy body, like the grauel stones therof: Thy name shal not be roted out, nor destroyed before me. 20Ye shal go awaye from Babilon, and escape the Caldees with a mery voyce. This shalbe spoken of, declared abrode, & go forth vnto the ende of the worlde: so that it shalbe sayde: The LORDE hath defended his seruaunte Iacob, 21that they suffred no thurste, whe they trauayled in the wildernesse. He claue the rockes a sonder, and the water gusshed out. 22As for the vngodly, they haue no peace, saieth the LORDE. 49Herken vnto me, ye Iles, and take hede ye people from farre: The LORDE hath called me fro my byrth, and made mecion of my name fro my mothers wobe: 2he hath made my mouth like a sharpe swerde, vnder ye shadowe of his honde hath he defended me, and hyd me in his quyuer, as a good arowe, 3and sayde vnto me: Thou art my seruaunt Israel, I wilbe honoured in the. 4Then answerde I: I shal lese my laboure, I shal spende my strength in vayne. Neuertheles, I wil commytte my cause and my worke vnto the LORDE my God. 5And now saieth the LORDE (eue he that fashioned me fro my mothers wombe to be his seruaute, that I maye bringe Iacob agayne vnto him: howbeit, Israel will not be gathered vnto hi agayne. In whose sight I am greate, which also is my LORDE, my God and my stregth) 6Let it be but a smal thinge, that thou art my seruaunt, to set vp the kinreddes of Iacob, & to restore the destructio of Israel: yf I make the not also the light of the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my health vnto the ende of the worlde. 7Morouer thus saieth the LORDE the aveger and holy one of Israel, because of the abhorringe and despisinge amonge the Gentiles, concernynge the seruaunt of all them yt beare rule: Kynges and prynces shal se, and arise and worshipe, because of the LORDE that he is faithfull: and because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the. 8And thus saieth the LORDE: In the tyme apoynted wil I be present with the. And in the houre of health wil I helpe the, & delyuer the. I wil make the a pledge for ye people, so yt thou shalt helpe vp the earth agayne, and chalenge agayne the scatred heretages: 9That thou mayest saye to ye presoners: go forth, & to them that are in darknesse: come in to the light, that they maye fede in the hie wayes, & get their lyuynge in all places. 10There shal nether hunger ner thurste, heate nor Sonne hurte them. For he that fauoureth them, shal lede them, and geue them drike of the springe welles. 11I will make wayes vpon all my mountaynes, and my fote pathes shalbe exalted. 12And beholde, they shal come from farre: lo, some from the north and west, some from the south. 13Reioyse ye heauens, and synge prayses thou earth: Talke of ioye ye hilles, for God wil coforte his people, & haue mercy vpon his, yt be in trouble. 14Then shal Sion saye: God hath forsaken me, and the LORDE hath forgotte me. 15Doth a wife forget the childe of hir wombe, ad the sonne who she hath borne? And though she do forget, yet wil not I forget the. 16Beholde, I haue written the vp vpon my hondes, thy walles are euer in my sight. 17They that haue broken the downe, shal make haist to buylde the vp agayne: and they that made the waist, shal dwell in the. 18Lift vp thine eyes, and loke aboute the: all these shal gather them together, and come to the. As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE) thou shalt put them all vpo the, as an apparell, and gyrde the to the, as a bryde doth hir Iewels. 19As for thy londe that lieth desolate, waisted & destroyed: it shalbe to narow for the, that shal dwell in it. And they yt wolde deuoure the, shalbe farre awaye. 20Then the childe who ye bare shall bringe forth vnto ye, shal saye in thine eare: this place is to narow, syt nye together, yt I maye haue rowme. 21Then shalt thou thinke by thy self: Who hath begotte me these? seinge I am bare & aloe, a captyue & an outcast? And who hath norished the vp for me? I am desolate & alone, but fro whece come these? 22And therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I will stretch out myne honde to the Gentiles, and set vp my token to the people. They shal bringe the thy sonnes in their lappes, & carie thy doughters vnto ye vpon their shulders. 23For kinges shalbe thy noursinge fathers, and Quenes shalbe thy noursinge mothers. They shal fall before the wt their faces flat vpon the earth, and lick vp the dust of thy fete: that thou mayest knowe, how that I am the LORDE. And who so putteth his trust in me, shal not be confounded. 24Who spoyleth the giaunte of his pray? or who taketh the presoner from the mightie? 25And therfore thus saieth the LORDE: The prisoners shalbe taken from the giaunte, and the spoyle delyuered from the violete: for I wil maynteyne thy cause agaynst thine aduersaries, and saue thy sonnes. 26And wil fede thine enemies with their owne fleshe, and make the drinke of their owne bloude, as of swete wyne. And all flesh shal knowe (o Iacob) that I am the LORDE thy Sauioure, and stronge auenger. 50Thus saieth the LORDE: Where is the bill of yor mothers deuorcemet, that I sent vnto her? or who is the vsurer, to who I solde you? Beholde, for youre owne offeces are ye solde: & because of youre transgression, is youre mother forsake. 2For why wolde no ma receaue me, when I came? & when I called, no man gaue me answere. Was my hode clene smyte of, that it might not helpe? or, had I not power to delyuer? lo, at a worde I drike vp the see, & of water floudes I make drie lode: so yt for want of water, the fish corruppe, and die of thurst. 3As for heauen, I clooth it with darcknesse, and put a sack vpon it. 4The LORDE God hath geue me a wel lerned tuge, so that I can conforte them which are troubled, yee & yt in due season. He waked myne eare vp by tymes in ye mornynge (as ye scolemasters do) yt I might herke. 5The LORDE God hath opened myne eare, therfore ca I not saye naye, ner wt drawe myself, 6but I offre my backe vnto ye smyters, and my chees to the nyppers. I turne not my face fro shame ad spittinge, 7for the LORDE God helpeth me, therfore shal I not be cofounded. I haue hardened my face like a flynt stone, for I am sure, that I shal not come to confucion. 8Myne aduocate speaketh for me, who wil then go with me to lawe? Let vs stode one agaynst another: yf there be eny that wil reason with me, let him come here forth to me. 9Beholde, the LORDE God stondeth by me, what is he that can condempne me? lo, they shalbe all like as an olde cloth, which ye mothes shal eate vp. 10Therfore who so feareth the LORDE amoge you, let him heare the voyce of his seruaut. Who so walketh in darcknesse, & no light shyneth vpo him, let him hope in the LORDE, and holde him by his God. 11But take hede, ye haue all kyndled a fyre, and gyrded youre selues with the flame: Ye walke in the glistrige of youre owne fyre, and in the flame that ye haue kyndled. This cometh vnto you fro my honde, namely, yt ye shal slepe in sorowe. 51Herken vnto me, ye that holde of rightuousnes, ye that seke the LORDE. Take hede vnto the stone, wherout ye are hewen, and to the graue wherout ye are digged. 2Considre Abraham youre father, & Sara that bare you: how that I called him alone, prospered him wel, & encreased him: 3how the LORDE conforted Sio, and repayred all hir decaye: makinge hir deserte as a Paradise, and hir wildernesse as the garden of the LORDE. Myrth and ioye was there, thankesgeuynge and ye voyce of prayse. 4Haue respecte vnto me then (o my people) and laye thine eare to me: for a lawe, and an ordinaunce shal go forth fro me, to lighten the Gentiles. 5It is hard by, that my health & my rightuousnesse shal go forth, and the people shalbe ordred with myne arme. The Ilondes (that is ye Gentiles) shal hope in me, and put their trust in myne arme. 6Lift vp youre eyes toward heaue, and loke vpon the earth beneth. For the heauens shal vanish awaye like smoke, and the earth shall teare like a clothe, & they that dwel therin, shal perish in like maner. But my health endureth for euer, and my rightuousnes shall not ceasse. 7Therfore hercken vnto me, ye yt haue pleasure in rightuousnes, thou people that bearest my lawe in thine herte. Feare not the curse of men, be not afrayde of their blasphemies & reuylinges: 8for wormes & mothes shal eat the vp like clothe & woll. But my rightuousnesse shal endure for euer, & my sauynge health from generacion to generacion. 9Wake vp, wake vp, & be stronge: O thou arme of the LORDE: wake vp, lyke as in tymes past, euer and sence the worlde beganne. 10Art not thou he, that hast wounded that proude lucifer, and hewen the dragon in peces? Art not thou euen he, which hast dried vp the depe of the see, which hast made playne the see grounde, that the delyuered might go thorow? 11That the redemed of the LORDE, which turned agayne, might come with ioye vnto Sio, there to endure for euer? That myrth and gladnesse might be with them: that sorowe & wo might fle from the? 12Yee I, I am eue he, that in all thiges geueth you consolacion. What art thou then, that fearest a mortall ma, ye childe of man, which goeth awaye as doeth the floure? 13And forgettest the LORDE that made the, that spred out the heauens, and layde the foundacion of the earth. But thou art euer afrayde for the sight of thyne oppressoure, which is ready to do harme: Where is the wrath of the oppressoure? 14It cometh on fast, it maketh haist to apeare: It shal not perish, yt it shulde not be able to destroye, nether shal it fayle for faute of norishinge. 15I am the LORDE yi God, that make the see to be still, and to rage: whose name is the LORDE of hoostes. 16I shal put my worde also in thy mouth, and defende the with the turnynge of my honde: that thou mayest plante the heauens, and laye the foundacions of the earth, and saye vnto Sion: thou art my people. 17Awake, Awake, and stonde vp o Ierusalem, thou that from the honde of the LORDE, hast dronke out the cuppe of his wrath: thou that hast supped of, and sucked out the slombringe cuppe to the botome. 18For amonge all the sonnes whom thou hast begotten, there is not one that maye holde the vp: and not one to lede the by the honde, of all the sonnes that thou hast norished. 19Both these thinges are happened vnto the, but who is sory for it? Yee, destruction, waistinge, hunger & swerde: but who hath conforted the? 20Thy sonnes lie comfortles at ye heade of euery strete like a take venyson, & are ful of ye terrible wrath of ye LORDE, & punyshmet of thy God. 21And therfore thou miserable & dronke (howbe it not wt wyne) Heare this: 22Thus saieth thy LORDE: thy LORDE & God, ye defender of his people: Beholde, I wil take ye slobrige cuppe out of thy hode, eue ye cuppe wt the dregges of my wrath: yt fro hence forth thou shalt neuer drinke it more, 23& wil put it i their hode that trouble the: which haue spoken to thy soule: stoupe downe, that we maye go ouer the: make thy body eaue with the grounde, and as the strete to go vpon. 52Vp Sion vp, take thy strength vnto the: put on thine honest rayment o Ierusale, thou citie of the holy one. For from this tyme forth, there shal no vncircumcised ner vncleane person come in the. 2Shake the fro the dust, arise & stonde vp, o Ierusale. Pluck out thy neck from the bode, o thou captyue doughter Sion. 3For thus saieth the LORDE: Ye are solde for naught, therfore shal ye be redemed also without eny money. 4For thus hath the LORDE sayde: My people wete downe afore tyme in to Egipte, there to be straungers. Afterwarde dyd the kinge of the Assirians oppresse the, for naught. 5And now what profit is it to me (saieth ye LORDE) yt my people is frely caried awaye, & brought in to heuynes by their rulers, and my name euer still blasphemed? saieth the LORDE. 6But yt my people maye knowe my name, I my self will speake in that daye. Beholde, here am I. 7O how bewtiful are the fete of the Embassitoure, yt bringeth the message fro the mountayne, & proclameth peace: yt brigeth the good tydinges, & preacheth health, & saieth vnto Sion: Thy God is the kinge. 8Thy watchme shal lift vp their voyce, wt loude voyce shal they preach of him: for they shal se him present, whe the LORDE shal come agayne to Sion. 9Be glad, o thou desolate Ierusale, & reioyse together: for the LORDE will coforte his people, he wil delyuer Ierusale. 10The LORDE wil make bare his holy arme, & shewe it forth in the sight of all the Getiles, & all the endes of the earth shal se the sauynge health of oure God. 11Awaye, Awaye, get you out fro thence, & touch no vncleane thinge. Go out from amonge soch, And be cleane, ye that beare the vessell of the LORDE. 12But ye shal not go out with sedicio, ner make haist as they that fle awaye: for the LORDE shal go before you, ad the God of Israel shal kepe the watch. 13Beholde, my seruaunt shal deale wysely, therfore shal he be magnified, exalted & greatly honoured. 14Like as ye multitude shal wodre vpon him, because his face shalbe so deformed & not as a mans face, & his bewtie like no man: 15Euen so shal the multitude of the Getiles loke vnto him, & ye kinges shal shut their mouthes before him. For they yt haue not bene tolde of him, shal se him: and they yt herde nothinge of him, shal beholde him. 53Bvt who geueth credence vnto oure preachinge? Or to who is the arme of the LORDE knowne? 2He shal growe before the LORDE like as a brauch, & as a rote in a drie grounde. He shal haue nether bewty ner fauoure. When we loke vpon him, there shalbe no fayrnesse: we shal haue no lust vnto him. 3He shalbe the most symple & despised of all, which yet hath good experience of sorowes & infirmities. We shal reken him so symple & so vyle, that we shal hyde oure faces fro him. 4Howbeit (of a treuth) he only taketh awaye oure infirmite, & beareth oure payne: Yet we shal iudge him, as though he were plaged and cast downe of God: 5where as he (not withstodinge) shal be wouded for oure offences, & smytten for oure wickednes. For the payne of or punyshmet shalbe layde vpo him, & wt his stripes shal we be healed. 6As for vs, we go all astraye (like shepe), euery one turneth his owne waye. But thorow him, the LORDE pardoneth all or synnes. 7He shal be payned & troubled, ad shal not ope his mouth. He shalbe led as a shepe to be slayne, yet shal he be as still as a lambe before the shearer, & not open his mouth. 8He shal be had awaye, his cause not herde, & wtout eny iudgment: Whose generacion yet no man maye nombre, when he shalbe cut of fro the grounde of the lyvinge: Which punyshment shal go vpon him, for the transgression of my people. 9His graue shalbe geue him with the codemned, & his crucifienge with the theues, Where as he dyd neuer violence ner vnright, nether hath there bene eny disceatfulnesse in his mouth. 10Yet hath it pleased ye LORDE to smyte him with infirmite, that when he had made his soule an offeringe for synne, he might se a loge lastinge sede. And this device of the LORDE shal prospere in his honde. 11With trauayle and laboure of his soule, shal he optayne greate riches. My rightuous seruaunt shall with his wisdome iustifie & delyuer the multitude, for he shal beare awaye their synnes. 12Therfore wil I geue him the multitude for his parte, & he shal deuyde the stroge spoyle because he shal geue ouer his soule to death, & shalbe rekened amonge the transgressours, which neuertheles shal take awaye ye synnes of the multitude, and make intercession for the my?doers. 54Therfore be glad now, thou bare that bearest not. Reioyce, synge & be mery, thou yt art not with childe: For the desolate hath moo children, then the maried wife, saieth the LORDE. 2Make thy tente wyder, & sprede out the hanginges of thine habitacio: spare not, laye forth thy coardes, and make fast thy stakes: 3for thou shalt breake out on the right syde and on the left, & thy sede shal haue ye Getiles in possession, ad dwel in the desolate cities. 4Feare not, for thou shalt not be confouded: Be not ashamed, for thou shalt not come to confucion. Yee thou shalt forget the shame off thy youth, and shalt not remembre the dishonoure of thy wedowheade. 5For he that made the, shalbe thy LORDE & husbonde (whose name is the LORDE of hoostes) & thine avenger shalbe euen the holy one off Israel, the LORDE of the whole worlde. 6For the LORDE shal call the, beinge as a desolate soroufull woman, and as a yonge wife that hath broken hir wedlocke: saieth thy God. 7A litle while haue I forsaken the, but wt greate mercifulnes shal I take the vp vnto me. 8Whe I was angrie, I hid my face from the for a litle season, but thorow euerlastinge goodnesse shal I pardon the, saieth the LORDE thine avenger. 9And this must be vnto me, as the water of Noe: For like as I haue sworne yt I wil not bringe the water off Noe eny more vpo the worlde: So haue I sworne, yt I wil neuer be angrie wt the, ner reproue the: 10The mountaynes shall remoue, & the hilles shal fall downe: but my louynge kyndnesse shal not moue, and the bonde off my peace shal not fall downe fro ye, saieth ye LORDE thy merciful louer. 11Beholde, thou poore, vexed & despised: I wil make thy walles of precious stones, & yi foundacio of Saphires, 12thy wyndowes off Cristall, thi gates of fyne cleare stone, & yi borders of pleasaut stones. 13Thy childre shal all be taught of God, & I wil geue the plenteousnes of peace. 14In rightuousnes shalt thou be grounded, & be farre fro oppression: for the which thou nedest not be afrayed, nether for hynderauce, for it shal not come nye the. 15Beholde, ye aleaunt yt was farre fro the, shal dwell wt the: & he yt was somtyne a straunger vnto the, shalbe ioyned wt the: 16Beholde, I make the smyth yt bloweth the coles in the fyre, & he maketh a weapon after his hondy worke. I make also the waister to destroye: 17but all the weapens yt are made agaynst the, shal not prospere. And as for all tunges, yt shal resiste the in iudgmet, thou shalt ouercome the, & codemne them. This is the heretage of the LORDES seruauntes, & the rightuousnes that they shal haue of me, saieth the LORDE. 55Come to the waters all ye, yt be thurstie, & ye that haue no moneye. Come, bye, that ye maye haue to eate. Come, bye wyne & mylck, without eny money, or moneye worth, 2Wherfore do ye laye out yor moneye, for the thinge yt fedeth not, and spende youre laboure aboute the thinge that satisfieth you not? But herke rather vnto me, ad ye shal eate of the best, & youre soule shal haue hir pleasure in pleteousnes. 3Enclyne youre eares, & come vnto me, take hede & youre soule shal lyue. For I will make an euerlastinge couenaunt with you, eue the sure mercies of Dauid. 4Beholde, I shal geue him for a witnesse amoge ye folke, for a prynce & captayne vnto the people. 5Lo, thou shalt call an vnknowne people: & a people that had no knowlege of the, shall runne vnto the: because off the LORDE thy God, ye holy one of Israel, which glorifieth the. 6Seke the LORDE while he maye be founde, call vpo him while he is nye. 7Let the vngodly man forsake his wayes, ad the vnrightuous his ymaginacios, & turne agayne vnto the LORDE, so shal he be merciful vnto him: and to oure God, for he is redy to forgeue. 8For thus saieth the LORDE: My thoughtes are not youre thoughtes, & youre wayes are not my wayes: 9But as farre as the heauens are hyer then the earth, so farre do my waies exceade yours, & my thoughtes yours 10And like as the rayne & snowe cometh downe from heaue, & returneth not thither agayne, but watereth the earth, maketh it frutefull & grene, that it maye geue corne & breade vnto the sower: 11So the worde also that commeth out of my mouth, shal not turne agayne voyde vnto me, but shal accoplish my wil & prospere in the thinge, wherto I sende it. 12And so shal ye go forth wt ioye, & be led with peace. The mountaynes and hilles shal synge with you for ioye, and all the trees of the felde shal clappe their hondes. 13For thornes, there shal growe Fyrre trees, & ye Myrte tre in the steade of breres. And this shal be done to the prayse of the LORDE, & for an euerlastinge toke, that shal not be taken awaye. 56Thus saieth ye LORDE: Kepe equite, and do right, for my sauynge health shal come shortly, & my rightuosnes shalbe opened. 2Blissed is the man yt doth this, & the mans childe which kepeth the same. He that taketh hede, yt he vnhalowe not the Sabbath (that is) he that kepeth himself that he do no euel. 3Then shal not the straunger, which cleaueth to the LORDE, saye: Alas the LORDE hath shut me cleane out from his people. Nether shal the gelded man saye: lo, I am a drie tre. 4For thus saieth the LORDE, first vnto the gelded yt kepeth my Sabbath: Namely: that holdeth greatly of the thinge that pleaseth me, and kepeth my couenaut: 5Vnto them wil I geue in my housholde and with in my walles, a better heretage & name: the yf they had bene called sonnes & daughters. I wil geue them an euerlastinge name, that shall not perishe. 6Agayne, he saieth vnto the straugers that are disposed to sticke to the LORDE, to serue him, & to loue his name: That they shalbe no bode me. And all they, which kepe the selues, that they vnhalowe not the Sabbath, namely: that they fulfill my couenaut: 7Them wil I bringe to my holy moutayne, & make the ioyfull in my house of prayer. Their burntoffringes and sacrifices shalbe accepted vpo myne aulter. for my house shalbe an house of prayer for all people. 8Thus saieth the LORDE God which gathereth together the scatred of Israel: I wil bringe yet another cogregacion to him. 9All the beastes of the felde, & all the beastes of ye wod, shal come to deuoure hi. 10For his watchmen are all blinde, they haue alltogether no vnderstondinge, they are all domme dogges, not beinge able to barcke, they are slepery: slogish are they, & lie snortinge: 11they are shamelesse dogges, yt be neuer sati?fied. The sheperdes also in like maner haue no vnderstondinge, but euery man turneth his owne waye, euery one after his owne couetousnes, wt all his power. 12Come (saye they) I wil fetch wyne, so shal we fyll oure selues, that we maye be dronken. And do tomorow, like as to daye, yee and moch more. 57Bvt in the meane season ye righteous perisheth, & no ma regardeth it in his hert. Good godly people are taken awaye. & no ma cosidreth it. Namely: that the righteous is conuayed awaye thorow ye wicked: 2that he himself might be in rest, lie quietly vpon his bed, & lyue after his owne pleasure. 3Come hither therfore ye charmers children, ye sonnes of the aduoutrer & the whore: 4Wherin take ye youre pleasure? Vpo whom gape ye with yor mouth, & bleare out yor tonge? Are ye not childre of aduoutry, & a sede of dissimulaicon? 5Ye take youre pleasure vnder the okes, & vnder all grene trees, the childe beynge slayne in the valleys, & dennes of stone. 6Thy parte shalbe with the stony rockes by the ryuer: Yee euen these shal be thy parte. For there thou hast poured meat and drynkoffringes vnto the. Shulde I ouersee that? 7Thou hast made thy bed vpon hie mountaynes, thou wentest vp thither, and there hast thou slayne sacrifices. 8Behynde the dores & postes, hast thou set vp thy remembraunce? When thou haddest discouered thyself to another then me, when thou wetest downe, & made thy bed wyder (that is) when thou didest carue the certayne of yonder Idols, & louedest their couches, where thou sawest the: 9Thou wentest straight to kinges with oyle & dyuerse oyntmentes (that is) thou hast sent thy messaungers farre of, and yet art thou fallen in to the pyt therby. 10Thou hast had trouble for ye multitude of thyne owne wayes, yet saydest thou neuer: I wil leaue of. Thou thinkest to haue life (or health) of thy self, and therfore thou beleuest not that thou art sick. 11For when wilt thou be aba?shed or feare, seinge thou hast broken thy promyse, & remembrest not me, nether hast me in thine hert? Thinkest thou, that I also will holde my peace (as afore tyme) yt thou fearest me not? 12Yee verely I wil declare yi goodnes & yi workes, but they shal not profit ye. 13whe thou criest, let yi chosen heape delyuer the. But the wynde shal take them all awaye, & cary the in to ye ayre. Neuertheles, they yt put their trust in me, shal inheret the londe, and haue my holy hill in possession. 14And therfore thus he saieth: Make redy, make redy, and clense ye strete, take vp what ye can out of the waye, that ledeth to my people. 15For thus saieth the hie and excellet, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastingnesse, whose name is the holyone: I dwel hie aboue and in the sanctuary, & with him also, yt is of a cotrite and huble sprete: yt I maye heale a troubled mynde, and a cotrite herte. 16For I chide not euer, & am not wroth wt out ende. But ye blastinge goeth fro me, though I make the breath. 17I am wroth wt hi for his couetousnes & lust, I smyte him, I hyde me, and am angrie, whe he turneth himself, and foloweth ye bywaye of his owne hert. 18But yf I maye se his right waye agayne, I make him whole, I lede him, and restore him vnto them whom he maketh ioyful, & that were sory for him. 19I make the frutes of thakesgeuinge. I geue peace vnto them that are farre of, and to them that are nye, saye I the LORDE, that make him whole. 20But the wicked are like the raginge see, that ca not rest, whose water fometh with the myre & grauel. 21Eueso ye wicked haue no peace, saieth my God. 58And therfore crie now, as loude as thou canst. Leaue not of, lift vp thy voyce like a tropet, and shewe my people their offences, and ye house of Iacob their synnes. 2For they seke me dalye, and wil knowe my wayes, euen as it were a people that dyd right, and had not forsaken the statutes of their God. They argue with me concernynge right iudgment, and wil pleate at the lawe with their God. 3Wherfore fast we (saye they) and thou seist it not? we put oure liues to straitnesse, and thou regardest it not? 4Beholde, when ye fast, youre lust remayneth still: for ye do no lesse violence to youre detters: lo, ye fast to strife and debate, and to smyte him with youre fist, that speaketh vnto you. Ye fast not (as somtyme) that youre voyce might be herde aboue. 5Thynke ye this fast pleaseth me, that a ma shulde chasten himself for a daye, and to wryth his heade aboute like an hoke in an hairy cloth, & to lye vpon the earth? Shulde that be called fastinge, or a daye yt pleaseth ye LORDE? 6But this fastinge pleaseth not me, till ye tyme be thou lowse him out of bondage, that is in thy daunger: that thou breake the ooth of wicked bargaynes, that thou let the oppressed go fre, and take from them all maner of burthens. 7It pleaseth not me, till thou deale thy bred to the hongrie, & brynge the poore fatherlesse home in to thy house, when thou seist the naked that thou couer him, and hyde not thy face fro thine owne flesh. 8Then shal thy light breake forth as ye mornynge, and thy health florish right shortly: thy rightuousnesse shal go before the, and ye glory of the LORDE shal embrace the. 9Then yf thou callest, the LORDE shal answere the: yf thou criest, he shal saye: here I am. Yee yf thou layest awaye thy burthens, and holdest thy fyngers, and ceasest from blasphemous talkinge, 10yf thou hast compassion vpon the hongrie, and refre?shest ye troubled soule: Then shal thy light springe out in the darknesse, and thy darknesse shalbe as the noone daye. 11The LORDE shal euer be thy gyde, and satisfie the desyre of thine hert, and fyl yi bones with marry. Thou shalt be like a freshwatred garden, and like the founteyne of water, that neuer leaueth runnynge. 12Then the places that haue euer bene waist, shalbe buylded of the: there shalt thou laye a foundacion for many kynreds. Thou shalt be called the maker vp of hedges, and ye buylder agayne of ye waye of the Sabbath. 13Yee yf thou turne thy fete from the Sabbath, so that thou do not the thinge which pleaseth thyself in my holy daye: then shalt thou be called vnto the pleasaunt, holy & glorious Sabbath of the LORDE, where thou shalt be in honor: so yt thou do not after thine owne ymaginacion, nether seke thine owne wil, ner speake thine owne wordes. 14The shalt thou haue yi pleasure in ye LORDE, which shal carie ye hie aboue ye earth, & fede the wt the heretage of Iacob thy father: for the LORDES owne mouth hath so promised. 59Beholde the LORDES honde is not so shortened yt it can not helpe, nether is his eare so stopped yt it maye not heare. 2But yor my?dedes haue separated you from yor God, & yor synnes hyde his face from you, yt he heareth you not. 3For yor hondes are defyled with bloude, and yor fyngers wt vnrighteousnesse: Yor lippes speake lesynges, & yor tonge setteth out wickednes. 4No man regardeth righteousnes, & no ma iudgeth truly Euery man hopeth in vayne thinges, and ymagineth disceate, coceaueth weerynesse, & bringeth forth euell. 5They brede cockatrice egges, & weeue ye spyders webb. Who so eateth of their egges, dieth. But yf one treade vpon the, there cometh vp a serpent. 6Their webbe maketh no clothe, & they maye not couer the wt their labours. Their dedes are ye dedes of wickednes, & ye worke of robbery is in their hodes. 7Their fete runne to euell, & they make haist to shed innocet bloude. Their coucels are wicked coucels, harme & destruccio are in their wayes. 8But ye waye of peace they knowe not. In their goinges is no equyte, their wayes are so croked, yt who so euer goeth therin, knoweth nothinge of peace. 9And this is ye cause yt equite is so farre fro vs, & yt rightuousnes cometh not nye vs. We loke for light, lo, it is darknesse: for ye mornynge shyne, se, we walke in ye darke. 10We grope like ye blynde vpon ye wall, we grope euen as one yt hath none eyes. We stomble at ye noone daye, as though it were toward night: in ye fallinge places, like men yt are half deed. 11We roare all like Beeres, & mourne stil like doues. We loke for equite, but there is none: for health, but it is farre fro vs. 12For or offences are many before ye, & or synnes testifie agaynst vs. Yee we must cofesse yt we offende, & knowlege, yt we do amysse: 13Namely, transgresse & dyssemble agaynst ye LORDE, & fall awaye fro or God: vsinge presuptuous & traytorous ymaginacions, & castinge false matters in or hertes. 14And therfore is equyte gone asyde, & righteousnes stodeth farre of: treuth is fallen downe in the strete, and the thinge that is playne and open, maye not be shewed. 15Yee ye treuth is lade in preson, and he that refrayneth himself fro euel, must be spoyled. When the LORDE sawe this, it displeased him sore, yt there was no where eny equite. 16He sawe also, that there was no man, which had pitie therof, or was greued at it. And he helde him by his owne power, and cleued to his owne rightuousnes. 17He put rightuousnes vpo him for a brest plate, & set the helmet of health vpo his heade. He put on wrath in steade of clothige, & toke gelousy aboute him for a cloke: 18(like as when a man goeth forth wrothfully to recopence his enemies, & to be avenged of his aduersaries.) Namely, that he might recompence and rewarde the Ilodes, 19wherthorow the name of the LORDE might be feared, from the risynge of the Sone: and his magesty, vnto the goinge downe of the same. For he shal come as a violent waterstreame, which the wynde of the LORDE hath moued. 20But vnto Sion there shal come a redemer, and vnto them in Iacob that turne from wickednesse, saieth the LORDE. 21I will make this conuenaunt with them (sayeth ye LORDE): My sprete that is come vpon the, & the wordes which I haue put in yi mouth, shal neuer go out of thy mouth, nor out of ye mouth of thy childre, no ner out of ye mouth of thy childers childre, from this tyme forth for euer more. 60And therfore get the vp by tymes, for thy light cometh, & the glory of ye LORDE shal ryse vp vpo ye. 2For lo, while ye darknesse & cloude couereth the earth & the people, the LORDE shal shewe the light, & his glory shal be sene in the. 3The Gentiles shal come to thy light, & kynges to the brightnes yt springeth forth vpo ye. 4Lift vp thine eyes, & loke rounde aboute the: All these gather the selues, & come to the. Sonnes shal come vnto ye from farre, & doughters shal gather the selues to the on euery side. 5When thou seist this, thou shalt maruel exceadingly, and thine hert shalbe opened: when the power of the see shalbe couerted vnto the (that is) whe the strength of the Gentiles shal come vnto the. 6The multitude of Camels shal couer ye, the Dromedaries of Madia and Epha. All they of Saba shal come, bringinge golde & incense, & shewinge the prayse of the LORDE. 7All the catel of Cedar shalbe gathered vnto ye, the rames of Nabaioth shal serue the, to be offred vpo myne aulter, which I haue chosen, & in the house of my glory which I haue garnished. 8But what are these that fle here like the cloudes, and as the doues flienge to their wyndowes? 9The Iles also shal gather the vnto me, and specially the shippes of ye see: that they maye bringe the sonnes from farre, and their syluer and their golde with them, vnto the name of the LORDE thy God, vnto the holy one of Israel, that hath glorified the. 10Straugers shal buylde vp thy walles, and their kiges shal do the seruyce. For when I am angrie, I smyte the: and when it pleaseth me, I pardon the. 11Thy gates shal stonde open still both daye and night, and neuer be shut: that the hooste of the Gentiles maye come, and that their kinges maye be brought vnto the. 12For euery people & kingdome that serueth not the, shal perish, and be distroyed wt the swerde. 13The glory of libanus shal come vnto the: The Fyrre trees, Boxes & Cedres together, to garnish the place of my Sanctuary, for I wil glorifie the place of my fete. 14Morouer those shal come knelinge vnto the, yt haue vexed the: & all they that despised ye, shal fall downe at yi fote. Thou shalt be called the cite of the LORDE, the holy Sion of Israel. 15Because thou hast bene forsake and hated, so that noman went thorow the: I wil make the glorious for euer and euer, ad ioyful thorow out all posterities. 16Thou shalt sucke the mylck of the Gentiles, and kinges brestes shal fede the. And thou shalt knowe that I the LORDE am thy Sauioure and defender, the mighty one of Iacob. 17For brasse wil I geue the golde, and for yron syluer, for wod brasse, and for stones yron. I wil make peace thy ruler, and rightuousnes thyne officer. 18Violence and robbery shal neuer be herde of in thy londe, nether harme and destruction with in thy borders. Thy walles shalbe called health, & thy gates the prayse of God 19The Sonne shal neuer by thy daye light, ad the light of the Moone shal neuer shyne vnto the: but ye LORDE himself shalbe thy euerlastinge light, & thy God shalbe thy glory. 20The Sonne shal neuer go downe, & thy Moone shal not be taken awaye, for the LORDE himself shalbe thy euerlastinge light, ad thy sorouful dayes shal be rewarded ye. 21Thy people shalbe all godly, & possesse the londe for euer: the floure of my plantinge, the worke of my hondes, wherof I wil reioyce. 22The yongest & leest shal growe in to a thousande, & the symplest in to a stronge people. I the LORDE shal shortly bringe this thinge to passe in his tyme. 61The sprete of the LORDE God is wt me, for ye LORDE hath anoynted me, & sent me, to preach good tydiges vnto the poore, yt I might bynde vp ye wounded hertes, yt I might preach delyueraunce to ye captyue, & open the preson to the that are bounde: 2yt I might declare ye acceptable yeare of ye LORDE, & the daye of ye avegeaunce of oure God: that I might comforte all them that are in heuynesse, 3that I might geue vnto them yt mourne in Sion, bewty in the steade of asshes, ioyful oyntmet for sighinge, pleasaunt raymet for an heuy mide: That they might be called excellent in rightuousnesse, a platinge of the LORDE for him to reioyce in. 4They shal buylde the loge rough wildernes, & set vp ye olde deserte. They shal repayre the waist places, & soch as haue bene voyde thorow out many generacios 5Straugers shal stode & fede yor catel, & the Aleauntes shalbe yor plowme & reapers. 6But ye shalbe named the prestes of the LORDE, & me shall call you the seruautes of oure God. Ye shall enioye the goodes of ye Getiles & tryuphe in their substauce. 7For yor greate reprofe & shame, shal they haue ioye, yt ye maye haue parte wt the. For they shal haue dubble possession i their lode, & euerlastinge ioye shalbe wt them. 8For I the LORDE, which loue right ad hate robbery (though it were offred me) shal make their workes ful of faithfulnes, & make an euerlastinge couenaunt with them. 9Their sede also and their generacion shalbe knowne amoge the Gentiles, and amoge the people. All they that se them, shall knowe, that they are the hie blessed sede of ye LORDE. 10And therfore I am ioyful in the LORDE, & my soule reioyseth in my God. For he shall put vpon me the garmet of health, & couer me with the matle of rightuousnes. He shal decke me like a brydegrome, & as a bryde that hath hir apparell vpo her. 11For like as ye grounde bringeth forth frute, & as the garde shuteth forth sede: So shal the LORDE God cause rightuousnes, and the feare of God to florish forth before all the Heithen. 62For Sions sake therfore wil I not holde my tuge, & for Ierusales sake I will not ceasse: vntill their rightuousnes breake forth as ye shyninge light, & their health as a burnynge lampe. 2Then shal the Getiles se thy rightuousnesse & all kinges thy glory. Thou shalt be named with a new name, which the mouth of ye LORDE shal shewe. 3Thou shalt be a crowne in the honde of the LORDE, and a glorious garlade in the hode of thy God. 4From this tyme forth thou shalt neuer be called the forsake, & thy lode shal nomore be called the wildernesse. But thou shalt be called Hephziba (that is, my beloued) & yi londe Beula (that is) a maried woma: for ye LORDE loueth ye, & thy lode shalbe inhabited. 5And like as yonge ma taketh a doughter to mariage, so shal God mary himself vnto yi sonnes. And as a brydegrome is glad of his bryde, so shal God reioyse ouer the. 6I wil set watchme vpo thy walles (o Ierusalem) which shall nether ceasse daye nor night, to preach ye LORDE. And ye also shall not kepe him close, 7nor leaue to speake of hi, vntill Ierusale be set vp, & made the prayse of the worlde. 8The LORDE hath sworne by his right honde & by his stronge arme, that fro hence forth he wil not geue thy corne to be meate for thine enemies, ner yi wyne (wheri thou hast laboured) to be drynke for ye straungers. 9But they that haue gathered in the corne, shal eate it, & geue thankes to the LORDE: & they that haue borne in the wyne, shall drynke it in the court of my Sanctuary. 10Stode back, & departe a sunder, ye yt stonde vnder ye gate, make rowme ye people, repayre the strete, & take awaye ye stones, & set out a toke for the people. 11Beholde, ye LORDE proclameth in the endes of the worlde: tel ye doughter Sio: se, thy Saluacio cometh, beholde, he bringeth his treasure wt him, & his workes go before him. 12For they who ye LORDE delyuereth, shalbe called the holy people: & as for the, thou shalt be named the greatly occupied, and not the forsaken. 63What is he this, that cometh from Edom, with stayned reade clothes of Bosra: (which is so costly, cloth) & cometh in so neebly with all his stregth? I am he yt teacheth rightuousnes, & am of power to helpe. 2Wherfore the is thy clothinge reade, & thy raymet like his yt treadeth in ye wyne presse? 3I haue trodde the presse my self alone, & of all people, there was not one with me. Thus haue I trode downe myne enemies in my wrath, and set my fete vpo them in my indignacion: And their bloude sprange vpo my cloothes, & so haue I stayned all my rayment. 4For the daye of vengeauce that I haue take in honde, & the yeare of my delyueraunce is come. 5I loked aboute me, and there was no ma to shewe me eny helpe, I fel downe, and no man helde me vp. The I helde me by myne owne arme, & my feruetnesse susteyned me. 6And thus haue I troden downe the people in my wrath, and bathed them in my displeasure: In so moch that I haue shed their bloude vpon the earth. 7I will declare the goodnesse of the LORDE, yee and the prayse of the LORDE for all that he hath gyuen vs, for the greate good yt he hath done for Israel: which he hath gyuen them of his owne fauoure, & acordinge to the multitude of his louynge kindnesses. 8For he sayde: These no doute wilbe my people, and no shrekinge children, and so he was their Sauioure. 9In their troubles he forsoke the not, but the angel that went forth from his presence, delyuered them: Of very loue & kindnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caried them vp euer, sence the worlde begane. 10But after they prouoked him to wrath and vexed his holy minde, he was their enemie, and fought agaynst them him self. 11Yet remebred he the olde tyme, of Moses & his people: How he brought them from the water of the see, as a shepherde doth with his shepe: how he had geuen his holy sprete amonge them: 12how he had led Moses by the right honde with his glorious arme: how he had deuyded the water before them (wherby he gat him self an euerlastinge name) 13how he led them in the depe, as an horse is led in the playne, that they shulde not stomble. 14The sprete of the LORDE led them, as a tame beast goeth in the felde. Thus (o God) hast thou led thy people, to make thy self a glorious name with all. 15Loke downe then from heaue, and beholde the dwellinge place of thy sanctuary & thy glory. How is it, yt thy gelousy, thy strength, the multitude of thy mercies and thy louynge kyndnesse, wyl not be entreated of vs? 16Yet art thou or father: For Abraham knoweth vs not, nether is Israel acquanted with vs. But thou LORDE art oure father and redemer, and thy name is euer lastinge. 17O LORDE wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy waye? wherfore hast thou hardened oure hertes, that we feare the not? Be at one with vs agayne, for thy seruauntes sake yt are of the generacio of thy heretage. 18Thy people hath had but litle of thy Sanctuary in possessio, for oure enemies haue take it in: 19And we are become, euen as we were from the beginnynge: but thou art not their LORDE, for they haue not called vpon thy name. 64O that thou woldest cleue the heauen in sonder, & come downe: that the mountaynes might melt awaye at thy presence, 2like as at an hote fyre: and that the malicious might boyle, as the water doth vpon the fyre: Wherby thy name might be knowne amoge thine enemies, & yt the Getiles might treble before ye. 3That thou mightest come downe with thy wonderous straunge workes, then shulde the hilles melt at thy presence. 4For sence the begynnynge of the worlde there was none (excepte thou o God) that herde or perceaued, nether hath eny eye sene what thou dost for the, that put their trust in the. 5Thou helpest him that doth right with cherefulnesse, and them that thynke vpon thy wayes. But lo, thou art angrie, for we offende, and haue bene euer in synne, and there is not one whole. 6We are all as an vnclene thinge, & all oure rightuousnesses are as the clothes stayned with the floures of a woman: we fall euerychone as the leaf, for oure synnes carie vs awaye like the wynde. 7There is no man that calleth vpon thy name, that stondeth vp to take holde by the. Therfore hydest thou thy face from vs, and consumest vs, because of oure synnes. 8But now o LORDE, thou father of ours: we are the claye, and thou art oure potter, and we all are the worke of thy hondes. 9Be not to sore displeased (o LORDE) and kepe not oure offences to loge in thy remembraunce, but considre that we all are thy people. 10The cities of thy Sanctuary lye waist, Sion is a wildernesse, and Ierusalem a deserte. 11Oure holy house which is oure bewty, where oure fathers praysed the, is brent vp, yee all oure comodities and pleasures are waysted awaye. 12Wilt thou not be intreated (LORDE) for all this? Wilt thou holde thy peace, and scourge vs so sore? 65They shal seke me, that hitherto haue not axed for me: they shal fynde me, that hither to haue not sought me. Then shal I saye immediatly, to the people that neuer called vpon my name: I am here, I am here. 2For thus longe haue I euer holden out my hondes to an vnfaithful people, that go not the right waye, but after their owne ymaginacions: 3To a people, that is euer defyenge me to my face. They make their oblacions in gardens, and their smoke vpon aulters of bricke, 4they lurck amonge the graues, and lie in the dennes all night. They eate swyne flesh, and vnclene broth is in their vessels. 5Yf thou comest nye them, they saie: touch me not, for I am holyer then thou. All these men when I am angrie, shalbe turned to smoke and fyre, that shal burne for euer. 6Beholde, it is written before my face, & shal not be forgotten, but recopensed. I shal rewarde it them in to their bosome: 7I meane youre mysdedes, and the mysdedes of youre fathers together (saieth the LORDE) which haue made their smokes vpon the mountaynes, and blasphemed me vpon the hilles: therfore will I measure their olde dedes in to their bosome agayne. 8Morouer thus saieth the LORDE: like as when one wolde gather holy grapes, men saye vnto him: breake it not of, for it is holy: Euen so will I do also for my seruauntes sakes, that I will not destroye them all. 9But I will take a sede out of Iacob, and out of Iuda one, to take possession of my hill. My chosen shal possesse these thinges, & my seruauntes shall dwell there. 10Saron shalbe a shepefolde, and the valley of Achor shal geue stallinge for the catell of my people, that feare me. 11But as for you, ye are they, yt haue forsaken the LORDE, and forgotten my holy hill. Ye haue set vp an aulter vnto fortune, & geue rich drinkofferinges vnto treasure. 12Therfore wil I nombre you with the swerde, that ye shall be destroyed all together. For when I called, no man gaue me answere: when I spake, ye herkened not vnto me, but dyd wickednes before myne eyes, and chosed the thinge that pleased me not. 13Therfore thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, my seruauntes shal eate, but ye shall haue honger. Beholde, my seruauntes shall drynke, but ye shal suffre thurste. Beholde, my seruauntes shal be mery, but ye shal be cofounded. 14Beholde, my seruauntes shal reioyse for very quietnesse of herte. But ye shal crie for sorow of hert, and coplayne for vexacion of mynde. 15Youre name shal not be sworne by amonge my chosen, for God the LORDE shal slaye you, and call his seruauntes by another name. 16Who so reioyseth vpo earth, shall reioyse in the true God: And Who so sweareth vpo earth, shal sweare in the true God. For the olde enemite shalbe forgotten, and taken awaye out of my sight. 17For lo, I shal make a new heaue, & a new earth. And as for the olde, they shall neuer be thought vpo, ner kepte in mynde: 18but me shalbe glad and euermore reioyse, for the thinges, that I shall do. For why: Beholde, I shal make a ioyfull Ierusale, 19yee I myself will reioyse with Ierusalem, & be glad with my people: And the voyce of wepinge and waylinge shall not be herde in her from thece forth. 20There shall neuer be childe ner olde man, that haue not their full dayes. But whe the childe cometh to an huderth yeare olde, it shall dye. And yf he that is an huderth yeare of age do wronge, he shalbe cursed. 21They shal buylde houses, and dwel in them: they shal plante vynyardes, and eate the frute of them. 22They shall not buylde, & another possesse: they shall not plante, and another eate: But the life of my people shalbe like a tre, and so shal the worke of their hondes. 23My chosen shal lyue longe, they shall not laboure in vayne, ner beget wt trouble: for they are the hie blessed sede of the LORDE, & their frutes with them. 24And it shalbe, that or euer they call, I shal answere them. Whyle they are yet but thinkinge how to speake, I shal heare them. 25The wolff and the lambe shal fede together, and the lyon shal eate haye like the bullocke. But earth shalbe the serpetes meate. There shal no man hurte ner slaye another, in all my holy hill, saieth the LORDE. 66Thus saieth the LORDE: Heaue is my seate, and the earth is my fote stole. Where shal now the house stonde, yt ye will buylde vnto me? And where shal be the place, yt I wil dwel in? 2As for these thinges, my hode hath made them all, and they are all created, saieth the LORDE. Which of them shal I then regarde? Eue him that is of a lowly troubled sprete, and stodeth in awe of my wordes. 3For who so slayeth an oxe for me, doth me so greate dishonoure, as he yt kylleth a ma. He that kylleth a shepe for me, choketh a dogge. He that bringeth me meatoffringes, offreth swynes bloude: Who so maketh me a memoriall of Incense, prayseth the thinge yt is vnright. Yet take they soch wayes in honde, and their soule deliteth in these abhominacions. 4Therfore wil I also haue pleasure in laughinge them to scorne, and the thinge that they feare, wil I bringe vpon the. For when I called, no man gaue answere: when I spake, they wolde not heare: But dyd wickednesse before myne eyes, & chose the thinges that displease me. 5Heare the worde of God all ye, that feare the thinge which he speaketh. Youre brethren that hate you, and cast you out for my names sake, saye: Let the LORDE magnifie himself, that we maye se youre gladnesse: & yet they shalbe cofounded. 6For as touchinge the cite and the temple, I heare the voyce of the LORDE, that will rewarde, and recompece his enemies: 7like as when a wife bringeth forth a man childe, or euer she suffre the payne of the byrth and anguysh of ye trauayle. 8Who euer herde or sawe soch thinges? doth the grounde beare in one daye? or are the people borne all at once, as Sion beareth his sonnes? 9For thus sayeth the LORDE: Am I he that maketh other to beare, and beare not my self? Am not I he that beareth, and maketh baren? saieth thy God. 10Reioyse with Ierusalem, & be glad with her, all ye that loue her. Be ioyful with her, all ye that mourned for her. 11For ye shal sucke coforte out of hir brestes, and be satisfied. Ye shal taist, and haue delite in the plenteousnesse of hir power. 12For thus sayeth the LORDE: beholde, I wil let peace i to her, like a water floude, & ye might of the Heithe like a flowinge streame. Then shal ye sucke, ye shal be borne vpon hir sydes, and be ioyful vpo hir knees. 13For like as a childe is comforted of his mother, so shal I conforte you, and ye shalbe comforted in Ierusalem. 14And when ye se this, youre herte shal reioyse, and youre bones shal florish like an herbe. Thus shal the honde of the LORDE be knowne amonge his seruauntes, and his indignacion amonge his enemies. 15For beholde, the LORDE shal come wt fyre, and his charet shal be like a whyrlwynde, that he maye recompence his vengeaunce in his wrath, and his indignacion with the flame of fyre. 16For ye LORDE shal iudge all flesh with the fyre and with his swerde, and there shalbe a greate nombre slayne of the LORDE. 17Soch as haue made themselues holy and cleane in the gardens, and those that haue eaten swyne flesh, myce, and other abhominacios, shalbe taken awaye together, saieth the LORDE. 18For I wil come to gather all people and tonges, with their workes and ymaginacions: these shal come, and se my glory. 19Vnto them shal I geue a toke, and sende certayne of the (that be delyuered) amonge the Gentiles: in to Celicia, Africa and Lidia (where men can handle bowes) into Italie also and Grekelonde. The Iles farre of, that haue not herde speake of me, & haue not sene my glory: shal preach my prayse amonge the Gentiles, 20and shal bringe all youre brethre for an offringe vnto the LORDE, out of al people, vpo horses, charettes and horse lytters, vpo Mooles and cartes to Ierusalem my holy hill (saieth the LORDE) like as the children of Israel bringe the offringe in cleane vessels, to the house of the LORDE. 21And I shal take out certayne of them for to be preastes and leuites, saieth ye LORDE. 22For like as the new heaue and the new earth which I wil make, shalbe fast stablished by me: (saieth the LORDE) So shal youre sede and youre name contynue, 23and there shalbe a new Moone for the other, and a new Sabbath for the other, & all flesh shal come to worshipe before me, (saieth ye LORDE.) 24And they shal go forth, and loke vpo the caryons of them, that haue transgressed agaynst me. For their wormes shal not dye, nether shal their fyre be quenched, & all flesh shal abhorre them.