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NET by section 1PET 3:8

1PET 3:8–4:6 ©

Suffering for Doing Good

Suffering for Doing Good

8Finally, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, affectionate, compassionate, and humble. 9Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but instead bless others because you were called to inherit a blessing. 10For

the one who wants to love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from uttering deceit.

11 And he must turn away from evil and do good;

he must seek peace and pursue it.

12 For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer.

But the Lord’s face is against those who do evil.

13For who is going to harm you if you are devoted to what is good? 14But in fact, if you happen to suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed. But do not be terrified of them or be shaken. 15But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. 16Yet do it with courtesy and respect, keeping a good conscience, so that those who slander your good conduct in Christ may be put to shame when they accuse you. 17For it is better to suffer for doing good, if God wills it, than for doing evil.


Because Christ also suffered once for sins,

the just for the unjust,

to bring you to God,

by being put to death in the flesh

but by being made alive in the spirit.

19In it he went and preached to the spirits in prison,

20after they were disobedient long ago when God patiently waited in the days of Noah as an ark was being constructed. In the ark a few, that is eight souls, were delivered through water. 21And this prefigured baptism, which now saves you – not the washing off of physical dirt but the pledge of a good conscience to God – through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22who went into heaven and is at the right hand of God with angels and authorities and powers subject to him.

4So, since Christ suffered in the flesh, you also arm yourselves with the same attitude, because the one who has suffered in the flesh has finished with sin, 2in that he spends the rest of his time on earth concerned about the will of God and not human desires. 3For the time that has passed was sufficient for you to do what the non-Christians desire. You lived then in debauchery, evil desires, drunkenness, carousing, drinking bouts, and wanton idolatries. 4So they are astonished when you do not rush with them into the same flood of wickedness, and they vilify you. 5They will face a reckoning before Jesus Christ who stands ready to judge the living and the dead. 6Now it was for this very purpose that the gospel was preached to those who are now dead, so that though they were judged in the flesh by human standards they may live spiritually by God’s standards.

1PET 3:8–4:6 ©