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Wyc 1CH Chapter 1

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1Adam gendride Seth; Enos, 2Chaynan, Malaleel, Jared, 3Enoch, Matussale, Lameth; 4Noe gendride Sem, Cham, and Japhet. 5The sones of Japhat weren Gomer, Magog, Magdai, and Jauan, Tubal, Mosoch, and Tiras. 6Forsothe the sones of Gomer weren Asceneth, and Riphat, and Thogorma. 7Sotheli the sones of Jauan weren Helisa, and Tharsis, Cethym, and Dodanym. 8The sones of Cham weren Chus, and Mesraym, Phuth, and Chanaan. 9Sotheli the sones of Chus weren Saba, and Euila, Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabathaca. Forsothe the sones of Regma weren Saba, and Dadan. 10Sotheli Chus gendride Nemroth; this Nemroth bigan to be myyti in erthe. 11Forsothe Mesraym gendride Ludym, and Ananyn, and Labaym, 12and Neptoym, and Phetrusym, and Casluym, of whiche the Philisteis and Capthureis yeden out. 13Sotheli Chanaan gendride Sidon his first gendrid sone, 14and Ethei, and Jebusei, and Ammorrei, and Gergesei, 15and Euei, and Arachei, and Synei, 16and Aradye, and Samathei, and Emathei. 17The sones of Sem weren Elam, and Assur, and Arphaxat, and Luth, and Aram. Forsothe the sones of Aram weren Hus, and Hul, and Gothor, and Mosoch. 18Forsothe Arphaxat gendride Sale; which hym silf gendride Heber. 19Sotheli to Heber weren borun twei sones; name of oon was Phaleg, for the lond was departid in hise daies; and the name of his brother was Jectan. 20Forsothe Jectan gendride Elmodad, and Salech, and Aselmod, 21and Jare, and Adoram, and Vzal, 22and Deda, Hebal, and Ameth, and Abymael, 23and Saba, also and Ophir, and Euila, and Jobab; alle these weren the sones of Jectan. 24Sem, Arphaxat, Sale, 25Heber, Phalech, Ragau, 26Seruth, Nachor, Thare, Abram; 27forsothe this is Abraham. 28The sones of Abraham weren Isaac and Ismael. 29And these the generaciouns of hem; the firste gendrid of Ismael Nabioth, and Cedar, and Abdahel, and Mapsam, 30and Masma, and Duma, and Massa, Adad, and Themar, Jahur, Naphis, Cedma; 31these ben the sones of Ismael. 32Forsothe the sones of Cethure, secoundarie wijf of Abraham, whiche sche gendride, weren Zamram, Jersan, Madan, Madian, Jelboe, Sue. Sotheli the sones of Jersan weren Saba, and Dadan. Forsothe the sones of Dadan weren Assurym, and Latusym, and Laomym. 33Sotheli the sones of Madian weren Epha, Ethei, and Enoch, and Abdia, and Heldaa. Alle these weren the sones of Cethure. 34Forsothe Abraham gendride Isaac; whose sones weren Esau and Israel. 35The sones of Esau weren Eliphat, Rahuel, Semyaus, and Elam, and Chore. 36The sones of Eliphath weren Theman, Omer, Sephi, Gethem, Genez, Cenez, Thanna, Amalech. 37The sones of Rahuel weren Naab, Gazara, Samma, Masa. 38The sones of Seir weren Lothan, Sobal, Sebeon, Ana, Dison, Eser, Disan. 39The sones of Lothan weren Horry, Huma; sotheli the sistir of Lothan was Thanna. 40The sones of Sobal weren Alian, and Manaath, and Ebal, and Sephi, and Onam. The sones of Sebeon weren Ana, and Anna. The sone of Ana was Dison. 41The sones of Dison weren Amaram, and Hesabam, and Lecram, and Caram. 42The sones of Eser weren Balaam, and Jaban, and Jesan. The sones of Disan weren Hus and Aram. 43These ben the kyngis that regneden in the lond of Edom, bifor that a kyng was on the sones of Israel. Bale, the sone of Beor; and the name of his citee was Danaba. 44Sotheli Bale was deed; and Jobab, sone of Zare of Basra, regnyde for hym. 45And whanne Jobab was deed, Husam of the lond of Themayns regnede for hym. 46And Husam diede; and Adad, sone of Badad, that smoot Madian in the lond of Moab, regnyde for hym; and the name of the citee of `hym, that is, of Adad, was Abyud. 47And whanne Adad was deed, Semela of Maserecha, regnede for hym. 48But also Semela was deed, and Saul of Robooth, which is set bisidis the ryuer, regnyde for hym. 49Also whanne Saul was deed, Balanam, the sone of Achabor, regnyde for him. 50But also he was deed, and Adad, the name of whos citee was Phou, regnede for hym; and his wijf was clepid Methesael, the douyter of Mathred, douyter of Mezaab. 51Forsothe whanne Adad was deed, dukis bigunnen to be in Edom for kyngis; duyk Thanna, duyk Alia, duyk Jetheth, 52duyk Olibama, duyk Ela, duyk Phynon, 53duik Ceneth, duyk Theman, duyk Mabsar, 54duyk Magdiel, duyk Iram. These weren the duykis of Edom.

1CH 1 ©
