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Bshps 2KI Chapter 8

2KI 8 ©

8Then spake Elisa vnto the woman (whose sonne he had restored to lyfe againe) saying: Up, and go thou and thyne house, and soiourne where so euer thou canst: For the Lord hath called for a dearth, and the same shall come vpon the lande seuen yeres. 2And the woman arose, and dyd after the saying of the man of God, and went both she and her houshold, & soiourned in the land of the Philistines seue yeres. 3And at the seuen yeres ende, it fortuned that the woman came againe out of the land of the Philistines, and went out to call vpon the king for her house and for her lande. 4And the king talked with Gehezi the seruaunt of the man of God, saying: Tel me I pray thee al the great deedes that Elisa hath done. 5He told the king howe he had restored a dead body to lyfe againe: but in the meane time the woman whose sonne he had raysed vp againe, cryed to the king for her house, and for her land: And Gehezi sayde, My lorde O king, this is the woman, and this is her sonne whom Elisa raysed vp againe. 6And when the king asked the woman, she tolde him: And so the king deliuered her a chamberlayne, saying, Restore thou vnto her all that are hers and all the fruites of the fielde, sence the day that she left the land, vnto this tyme. 7And Elisa came to Damascon, & Benhadad the king of Syria was sycke: And one tolde him, saying, The man of God is come hyther. 8And the king sayd vnto Hazael: Take a present in thyne hande, and go meete the man of God, that thou mayest inquire of the Lord by him, saying: Shal I recouer of this disease? 9And so Hazael went to meete him, and toke the present with him, and of euery good thing of Damascon, euen as much as fourtie camels coulde beare: & came and presented him selfe before him, and said: Thy sonne Benhadad king of Syria hath sent me to thee, saying: Shal I recouer of this disease? 10And Elisa sayde vnto him: Go, and say vnto him, Thou shalt recouer: howebeit, the Lorde hath shewed me that he shall surely dye. 11He loked vpon him stedfastlie, vntill he was ashamed: & the man of God wept. 12And Hazael sayde: Why weepeth my lorde? He aunswered: For I knowe the euyl thinges that thou shalt do vnto the children of Israel: for their strong cities shalt thou set on fire, and their young men shalt thou slay with the sword, and shalt dashe out the braynes of their sucking children, and al to teare their women with childe. 13But Hazael sayd: What is thy seruaunt a dogge, that I shoulde do this great thing? And Elisa aunswered: The Lord hath shewed me that thou shalt be king of Syria. 14And so he departed from Elisa, & came to his maister: which sayd to him, What sayde Elisa to thee? He aunswered: He tolde me, that thou shouldest recouer. 15And on the morowe it fortuned, that he toke a thycke cloth, and dipt it in water, and spread it on his face: & he died, and Hazael raigned in his steade. 16The fyft yere of Ioram the sonne of Ahab king of Israel, Iehosaphat being also king of Iuda, Ioram the sonne of Iehosaphat king of Iuda began to raigne. 17Thirtie and two yeres olde was he when he began to raigne, and he raigned eyght yeres in Hierusalem. 18And he walked in the wayes of the kinges of Israel, as they that were of the house of Ahab: for the daughter of Ahab was his wyfe, and he dyd euyll in the sight of the Lorde. 19And the Lord woulde not destroy Iuda and that because of Dauid his seruaunt, as he promised him, to geue him alway a light among his children. 20In those dayes Edom rebelled from vnder the hand of Iuda: for they made them a king of their owne. 21So Ioram wet to Zair, he & al his charettes with him: And he rose by night, and smote the Edomites which compassed him in with the captaynes of his charettes, and the people fled into their tentes. 22But Edom rebelled, so that he woulde not be vnder the hande of Iuda vnto this day: Then Libnah rebelled that same time. 23The rest of the wordes that concerne Ioram, and al that he dyd, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 24And Ioram rested with his fathers, and was buried besyde his fathers in the citie of Dauid: And Ahaziahu his sonne raigned in his steade. 25In the twelfth yere of Ioram the sonne of Ahab king of Israel, dyd Ahaziahu the sonne of Ioram king of Iuda begin to raigne. 26Two and twentie yeres old was Ahaziahu when he began to raigne, and he raigned one yere in Hierusalem: and his mothers name was Athaliahu, the daughter of Omri king of Israel. 27But he walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and dyd euyll in the sight of the Lorde euen as dyd the house of Ahab: for he was the sonne in law of the house of Ahab. 28And he went with Ioram the sonne of Ahab, to warre against Hazael king of Syria in Ramoth Gilead, and the Syrians wounded Ioram. 29And king Ioram went back againe to be healed in Iezrahel of the woundes whiche the Syrians had geuen him at Ramoth when he fought against Hazael king of Syria: And Ahaziahu the sonne of Ioram king of Iuda, went downe to see Ioram the sonne of Ahab in Iezrahel, because he was sicke there.

2KI 8 ©
