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Bshps 2KI

1Then Moab rebelled against Israel, after the death of Ahab. 2And Ahazia fell through a lattesse wyndowe of his vpper chamber that he had in Samaria, and while he was in his sickenesse, he sent messengers and saide vnto them: Go, and enquire of Beelzebub the god of Ekrom, whether I shall recouer of this my disease. 3But the angell of the Lorde spake to Elias the Thesbite: Arise, and go vp against the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say vnto them: Is there not a God in Israel, that ye go to aske counsel at Beelzebub the God of Ekrom? 4Wherefore thus saith the Lorde: Thou shalt not come downe fro the bed on which thou art gone vp, but shalt die the death. And Elias departed. 5And when the messengers turned backe againe vnto him, he saide vnto them: Why are ye now come againe? 6They aunswered him: There came a man vp against vs, and sayde vnto vs: Go, & turne againe vnto the king that sent you, and saye vnto him, thus saith the Lorde: Is there not a God in Israel, that thou sendest to enquyre of Beelzebub the God of Ekrom? Therefore thou shalt not come downe from the bed on which thou art gone vp, but shalt dye the death. 7And he said vnto them: What maner of man was that which came vp and met you, and tolde you these wordes? 8And they aunswered him: It was an heery man, and girt with a girdell of leather about his loynes. And he saide: It is Elias the Thesbite. 9Then the king sent vnto him a captayne ouer fiftie, with his fiftie men: which came to him (and beholde he sat on the top of an hill) And he spake vnto him, Thou man of God, the king hath saide: come downe. 10Elias aunswered and saide to the captaine ouer the fiftie: If I be a man of God, let fyre come downe from heauen & consume thee & thy fiftie. And there came fyre from heauen, and consumed him and his fiftie. 11Againe also he sent vnto him an other captaine ouer fiftie, with his fiftie: And he spake and saide vnto him, O man of God, thus hath the king saide: Make haste, and come downe. 12Elias aunswered & saide vnto them: If I be a man of God, let fyre come downe from heauen, and consume thee and thy fiftie. And there came fyre of God from heauen, and consumed him and his fiftie. 13And the king yet againe sent the third captaine ouer fiftie, with his fiftie men: And the third captaine ouer fiftie went vp, and came and fell on his knees before Elias, and besought him, & sayde vnto him: Oh man of God, I pray thee let my lyfe and the lyfe of the fiftie thy seruauntes be precious in thy sight. 14Beholde, there came fyre downe from heauen, and burnt vp the two fore captaines ouer fiftie with their fifties: therfore let my lyfe now be precious in thy sight. 15And the angell of the Lorde saide vnto Elias: Go downe with him, and be not afrayde of him. And he arose, and went downe with him vnto the king. 16And he saide vnto him, thus saith the Lorde: Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to aske counsell at Beelzebub the god of Ekrom, as though there had ben no God in Israel, whose word thou mightest seeke after: therfore thou shalt not come downe of the bed on which thou art gone vp, but shalt dye the death. 17And so he dyed according to the worde of the Lorde which Elias had spoken: And Iehoram his brother began to raigne in his steade, in the second yere of Iehoram the sonne of Iehosaphat king of Iuda, because he had no sonne. 18The rest of the wordes that concerne Ahazia, what thinges he dyd, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel? 2And it chaunced, that whe the Lord would take vp Elias into heauen by a whorle wind, Elias went with Elisa from Gilgal. 2And Elias saide vnto Elisa: Tary here I praye thee, for the Lorde hath sent me to Bethel. Elisa saide vnto him: As the Lorde lyueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. And they came downe to Bethel, 3And the children of the prophetes that were at Bethel came out to Elisa, and saide vnto him: knowest thou not how that the Lord wyll take away thy maister from thy head this day? He saide: I knowe it also, holde you your peace. 4And Elia saide vnto him: Elisa, tary here I praye thee, for the Lorde hath sent me to Iericho. He saide: As the Lorde lyueth, and as thy soule lyueth, I will not leaue thee. And so they came to Iericho. 5And the children of the prophetes that were at Iericho came to Elisa, and said vnto him: Knowest thou not, that the Lorde wil take away thy maister from thy head this day? He aunswered: I know it also, holde ye your peace. 6And Elias said vnto him: Tary I pray thee here, for the Lorde hath sent me to Iordane. He saide: As the Lord liueth, & as thy soule lyueth, I wyll not leaue thee. And so they two went together. 7And fiftie men of the sonnes of the prophetes came & stoode on the other syde a farre of: and they two stoode by Iordane. 8And Elias toke his mantell, & wrapt it together, and smote the waters, and they were deuided parte the one way, and part the other, so that they two went ouer through the drye lande. 9And it fortuned, that assoone as they were ouer, Elias saide vnto Elisa: Aske what I shal do for thee, yer I be taken away from thee. And Elisa saide: I pray thee let thy spirite be double vpon me. 10And he said, Thou hast asked an hard thing: Neuerthelesse, if thou see me whe I am taken away from thee, thou shalt haue it so: yf thou do not, it shall not be. 11And it fortuned, that as they went walking and talking: beholde, there appeared a charet of fyre, and horses of fyre, & parted them both a sunder, and Elias went vp through the whorle winde into heauen. 12And Elisa sawe, and cryed: O my father, O my father, the charet of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he sawe him no more: and he toke his owne clothes, and rent them in two peeces. 13He toke vp also the mantell of Elias that fell from him, and went backe againe, and stoode by Iordanes syde. 14And toke the mantel of Elias that fel from him, and smote the waters, & he said: Where is the Lord God of Elias, & he him selfe? And when he had smitten the waters, they parted this waye and that waye: and Elisa went ouer. 15And when the childre of the prophetes which were at Iericho sawe him from a farre, they sayde, The spirite of Elias doth rest on Elisa: And they came to meete him, and fel to the grounde before him, 16And saide vnto him: See, now there be with thy seruauntes fiftie strong men, let the go we pray thee & seeke thy maister: yf happly the spirite of the Lorde hath taken him vp, and cast him vpon some mountaine, or into some valley. And he saide: Ye shall send none. 17And when they laye vpon him tyll he was ashamed, he said: Send. They sent therefore fiftie men, which sought him three dayes, but found him not. 18And when they came againe to him (which taryed at Iericho) he saide vnto them: Did I not saye vnto you, that ye should not go? 19And the men of the citie saide vnto Elisa: beholde sir, the dwelling of this citie is pleasaunt, as thou thy selfe seest: but the water is naught, & the grounde barren. 20He saide: Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him. 21And he went vnto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in thyther, and saide, thus saith the Lord: I haue healed these waters, there shall not come hencefoorth either death or barennesse. 22So the waters were healed vnto this day, according to the saying of Elias, which he spake. 23And he went vp from thence vnto Bethel: And as he was going vp the way, there came litle children out of the citie, and mocked him, & saide vnto him: Go vp thou balde head, go vp thou balde head. 24And he turned backe, and loked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lorde: And there came two shee beares out of the wood, and tare fourtie and two children of them. 25And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he turned againe to Samaria. 3Now Iehoram the sonne of Ahab began to raigne vpon Israel in Samaria the eyghtteenth yere of Iehosaphat king of Iuda, and raigned twelue yeres. 2And he wrought euil in the sight of the Lorde, but not lyke his father and lyke his mother: for he put away the images of Baal that his father had made. 3Neuerthelesse, he cleaued vnto the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which made Israel to sinne, and departed not therefrom. 4And Mesa king of Moab was a lorde of sheepe, and rendered vnto the king of Israel an hundred thousand lambes, and an hundred thousand rammes with the wooll. 5But when Ahab was dead, it fortuned that the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel. 6And king Iehoram went out of Samaria the same season, and numbred all Israel: 7And went, & sent to Iehosaphat the king of Iuda, saying: The king of Moab hath rebelled against me, wilt thou come with me against Moab in battell? He aunswered, I will come vp: for as I am, so art thou: and as my people be, so are thy people: & thy horses, as myne. 8And he saide: What way shall we go vp? And he aunswered: The way through the wildernesse of Edom. 9And so the king of Israel toke his iourney, and the king of Iuda, and the king of Edom: And when they had compassed the way seuen dayes, they had no water for the hoast, and for the cattayle that folowed them. 10And the king of Israel saide: Alas, the Lorde hath called these three kinges together, to deliuer them ouer into the hande of Moab. 11But Iehosaphat said: Is there not here a prophete of the Lorde, that we maye enquire of the Lord by him? And one of the king of Israels seruauntes aunswered and saide: Here is Elisa the sonne of Saphat, which powred water on the handes of Elias. 12And Iehosaphat saide: The word of the Lorde is with him. And so the king of Israel, & Iehosaphat, and the king of Edom went downe to him. 13And Elias saide vnto the king of Israel: What haue I to do with thee? Get thee to the prophetes of thy father, & to the prophetes of thy mother. And the king of Israel saide vnto him, Oh naye: for the Lorde hath called these three kinges together, to deliuer them into the hand of Moab. 14And Elias saide: As the Lorde of hoastes liueth, in whose sight I stande, and it were not that I regarde the presence of Iehosaphat the king of Iuda, I would not loke towarde thee, nor yet see thee. 15But now bryng me a minstrell. And when the minstrell played, the hand of the Lorde came vpon him: 16And he sayde, thus saith the Lorde: Make this valley full of ditches: 17For thus saith the Lorde: Ye shall see neither wynde nor rayne, yet the valley shall be filled with water, that ye maye drinke, both ye, and your beastes, & your cattayle: 18And this is yet but a small thing in the sight of the Lorde, forasmuch as he wil geue ouer the Moabites also into your handes. 19And ye shal smite euery strong towne, and euery goodly citie, and shal fell euery pleasaunt tree, and stop euery well of water, and marre euery good platte of ground with stones. 20And in the morning when the meate offering was offered, beholde, there came water by the way of Edom, and the cuntrey was filled with water. 21And when al the Moabites heard that the kinges were come vp to fight against them, they gathered all that was able to put on harnesse, and stoode in the border of the lande: 22And they were vp earlie in the morning, and the sunne shone vpon the water, that the Moabites sawe the water a farre of as red as blood. 23And they saide, This is the blood of slaughter: The kinges are slaine, & one haue smitten another: Now therefore Moab get thee to the spoyle. 24And when they came to the hoast of Israel, the Israelites stoode vp & smote the Moabites, so that they fled before them: but they folowed vpon them and smote Moab, 25And they ouerthrew the cities, and on euery good parcell of lande cast euery man his stone, and filled it, & they stopt all the welles of water, and feld all the good trees, onely in Kirharaseth left they the stones thereof: howbeit they went about it with slinges, & smote it. 26And when the king of Moab saw that the battaile was to sore for him, he toke with him seuen hundred men that drew ye sword, to haue gone through euen vnto the king of Edom: but they could not. 27And then he toke his eldest sonne that should haue raigned in his steade, and offered him for a burnt offering vpon the wall: And there was great indigtion against Israel, and they departed from him, and returned to their owne lande. 4And there cryed a certayne woman of the wyues of the sonnes of the prophetes, vnto Elisa, saying: Thy seruaunt my husband is dead, & thou knowest that thy seruaunt did feare the Lorde: And the creditor is come to fet my two sonnes to be his bondmen. 2Elisa saide vnto her: Tell me what I shall do for thee? What hast thou in thyne house? She saide: Thyne handemayde hath nothing at all in the house, saue a pitcher with oyle. 3He saide vnto her: Go, and borow vessels for thee of them that are without, euen of all thy neighbours, emptie vessels, and that not a fewe: 4And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the doore after thee and after thy sonnes, and powre out into all those vessels: and set asyde that which is full. 5And so she went from him, and shut the doore after her & after her sonnes: And they brought to her, & she powred out. 6And it came to passe, that when the vessels were ful, she said vnto her sonne: Bryng me yet a vessel. And he said vnto her: I haue no mo. And ye oyle ceassed. 7Then she came and tolde the man of God: And he sayde, Go, and sell the oyle, and pay them that thou art in debt vnto: but lyue thou and thy children of the rest. 8And it fell on a day, that Elisa came to Sunem, where was a great woman, that toke him in for to eate bread: And so it came to passe, that from that tyme foorth (as oft as he came that way) he turned in thyther to eate bread. 9And she saide vnto her husband: Beholde, I perceaue that this is an holy man of God which passeth by vs continually. 10Let vs make him a litle chamber I pray thee, with walles, & let vs set him there a bed, and a table, and a stoole, and a candelsticke: that he may turne in thyther when he commeth to vs. 11And it fortuned on a day that he came thither, and turned into the chamber, & lay therein, 12And saide to Gehezi his seruaunt: Call this Sunamite. And when he called her, she presented her selfe before him. 13And againe he said vnto him: Tel her, beholde thou hast ben carefull for vs with all this care, What shal we now do for thee? Wouldest thou be spoken for to the king, or to the captayne of the hoast? She aunswered: I dwell among myne owne people. 14And he said againe: What is to be done for her? Gehezi aunswered: Ueryly she hath no childe, and her husband is olde. 15And he said: Call her. And when he had called her, she stoode in the doore. 16And he saide: At this tyme appoynted, according to the tyme of lyfe, thou shalt imbrace a sonne. And she said: Oh nay my lorde thou man of God, do not lye vnto thyne handmayde. 17And the wyfe conceaued, and bare a sonne that same season that Elisa had sayde vnto her, acording to the tyme of lyfe. 18And when the childe was growen, it fell on a day that he went out to his father, and to the reapers, 19And he said vnto his father: My head, my head. And he saide to a lad: Cary him to his mother. 20And when he had taken him & brought him to his mother, he sate on her knees till noone, and then dyed. 21And she went vp, and laide him on the bed of the man of God, & shut the doore vpon him, and went out, 22And called vnto her husband, & sayde: Send with me I pray thee one of the young men, and one of the asses: for I will runne to the man of God, and come againe. 23And he saide: Wherefore wylt thou go to him? seing that to day is neither newe moone nor sabbath day. And she aunswered: All shalbe well. 24Then she sadled an asse, and saide to her seruaunt: Dryue and go forwarde, staye not for me to get vp, except I hyd thee. 25And so she went, and came vnto the man of God to mount Carmel: And it fortuned, that when the man of God sawe her farre of, he saide to Gehezi his seruaunt: Beholde, yonder is the Sunamite: 26Runne therefore to meete her, & saye vnto her: Is all well with thee, & with thy husband, and with the lad? And she aunswered: All is well. 27And when she came to the man of God vp to the hill, she caught him by the feete: But Gehezi went to her, to thrust her away. And the man of God sayde: Let her alone, for her soule is vexed within her, and the Lorde hath hid it from me, and hath not tolde it me. 28Then she saide: Did I desire a sonne of my Lorde? did I not require thee that thou shouldest not deceaue me? 29Then he saide to Gehezi: Girde vp thy loynes, and take my staffe in thyne hande, and go thy way: If thou meete any man salute him not: And if any salute thee, aunswere him not againe: And lay my staffe vpon the face of the childe. 30And the mother of the childe said: As the Lorde lyueth, and as thy soule lyueth, I wyll not leaue thee. And he arose, and folowed her. 31Gehezi went before them, and layed the staffe vpon the face of the childe, but ther was neither voyce nor any feeling: wherfore he went againe to meete him, and tolde him, saying: The childe is not awaked. 32And when Elisa was come into the house, behold the childe was dead, and layde vpon his bed. 33He went in therefore, & shut the doore vpon them twayne, & prayed vnto the Lorde, 34And went vp, and laye vpon the lad, and put his mouth on his mouth, & his eyes vpon his eyes, & his handes vpon his handes, & when he so laye vpon the childe, the fleshe of the childe waxed warme. 35And he went againe, and walked once vp and downe in the house, & then went vp, & layde him selfe vpon him againe: And then the childe gasped seue times, and opened his eyes. 36And he called Gehezi, and saide: Call for this Sunamite. So he called her: which when she was come in vnto him, he saide vnto her: Take thy sonne. 37Therfore she went in, and fell at his feete, and bowed her selfe to the ground, and toke vp her sonne, and went out. 38Elisa came againe to Gilgal, and there was a dearth in the lande, and the children of the prophetes dwelt with him: And he saide vnto his seruaunt, Set a great pot on the fyre and make potage for the children of the prophetes. 39And one went out into the fielde to gather hearbes, and found a wylde vine, and gathered therof wylde gourdes his lap ful, and came and shred them into the pot of pottage: for they knew it not. 40So they powred out for the men to eate: And it fortuned, that when they tasted of the pottage, they cryed out and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. And they could not eate therof. 41But he saide: bring meale. And he cast it into the pot, and he saide: Fill for the people, that they may eate. And there was no more harme in the pot. 42There came a man from Baal Salisa, and brought the man of God bread of the first fruites, euen twentie loaues of barlye, & full eares of corne in the huske: And he said, Geue vnto the people, that they may eate. 43And his minister aunswered: Why shall I set this before an hundred men? He said againe, Geue it vnto the people, that they may eate: For thus saith the Lorde, They shall eate, and there shal be left ouer. 44And so he set it before them, and they did eate, and left ouer, according to the word of the Lorde. 5Naaman captayne of the hoast of the king of Syria, was a great man, and honorable in the sight of his maister, because that by him the Lorde had geuen health vnto Syria: He was also a mightie man, & expert in warre but he was a leaper. 2And the Syrians had gone out by companies, & had brought out of the countrey of Israel a litle mayde, & she was with Naamans wyfe. 3And she saide vnto her lady: I would to God my lorde were with the prophet that is in Samaria, for he would delyuer him of his leprosie. 4And he went in, and tolde his lorde, saying: Thus and thus saide the mayd that is of the lande of Israel. 5And the king of Syria saide: Go thy way thither, and I wyll send a letter vnto the king of Israel. And he departed, and toke with him ten talentes of siluer, and sixe thousand peeces of golde, and ten chaunges of raymentes, 6And brought the letter to the king of Israel, conteyning this tenour. Now, when this letter is come vnto thee, beholde I haue therewith sent Naaman my seruaunt to thee, that thou mayest ridde him of his leprosie. 7And it fortuned, that when the king of Israel had red the letter, he rent his clothes, and saide: Am I God, that I should slay, and make a lyue? For he doth send to me that I should delyuer a man from his leprosie: Wherefore consider I pray you, & see how he seeketh a quarell against me. 8Which when Elisa the man of God had heard how that the king of Israel had rent his clothes, he sent to the king, saying: Wherfore hast thou rent thy clothes? Let him come now to me, and he shall knowe that there is a prophet in Israel. 9And so Naaman came with his horses and with his charets, and stoode at the doore of the house of Elisa. 10And Elisa sent a messenger vnto him, saying: Go, and washe thee in Iordane seuen tymes, and thy fleshe shall come againe to thee, and thou shalt be cleansed. 11But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and saide: Beholde, I thought with my selfe, he would surely come out, and stande and call on the name of the Lord his god, & put his hand on the place, that he may heale the leprosie. 12Are not Abana and Pharphar riuers of Damasco, better then all the waters of Israel? If I washe me also in them, shal I not be cleansed? And so he turned him, and departed with displeasure. 13And his seruauntes came, and communed with him, and saide: Father, if the prophet had byd thee do some great thing, oughtest thou not to haue done it? How much rather then when he saith to thee, washe, and be cleane? 14Then went he downe, & washed him selfe seuen tymes in Iordane, according to the saying of the man of God, and his fleshe came againe lyke vnto the fleshe of a litle childe, and he was cleansed. 15And he turned againe to the man of God, he and al his company, and stoode before him, and saide: Behold, I know nowe that there is no God in all the worlde, but in Israel: Now therfore I pray thee take a blessing of thy seruaunt? 16But he saide: As the lorde lyueth before whom I stande, I wyll receaue none: And when the other would haue constrayned him to receaue it, he would not. 17And Naaman saide: Shall there not be geue to thy seruaunt as much of this earth as two mules may beare? For thy seruaunt wyll hencefoorth offer neither burnt sacrifice nor offering vnto any other God, saue vnto the Lorde. 18But herein the Lorde be mercyfull to thy seruaunt, that when my maister goeth into the house of Rimmon for to worship there, and leaneth on my hand, and I bowe my selfe in the house of Rimmon: when I do bowe downe I say in the house of Rimmon, the Lorde be mercyfull vnto thy seruaunt because of this thing. 19Unto whom he saide: Go in peace. And when he was departed from him as it were a furlong of grounde, 20Gehezi the seruaunt of Elisa the man of God, said: Beholde, my maister hath spared Naaman this Syrian, that he would not receaue at his hande those thinges that he offered: As the Lorde lyueth, I wyll runne after him, & take somewhat of him. 21And so Gehezi folowed Naaman: And when Naaman saw him running after him, he light downe from the charet to meete him, and saide: Is all well? 22He aunswered, All is well: Beholde, my maister hath sent me, saying: See, there be come to me euen nowe from mount Ephraim two young men of the children of the prophetes: Geue them I pray thee one talent of siluer, and two chaunge of garmentes. 23And Naaman said: With a good will, take two talentes: And he constrained him, & bounde two talentes of siluer in two bagges, with two chaunge of garmentes, and laide them vpon two of his seruauntes, to beare them before him. 24And when he came to the lower place, he toke them from their hand, and bestowed them in the house, and he let the men go, and they departed. 25But he went in and stoode before his maister: And Elisa said vnto him, whece commest thou Gehezi? He saide: Thy seruaunt went no whyther. 26But he saide vnto him: went not myne heart with thee when the man turned againe from his charet to meete thee? Is it now a tyme to receaue money, to receaue garmentes, olyue trees, vnieyardes, sheepe, and oxen, men seruauntes, and mayde seruauntes. 27The leprosie therefore of Naaman shal cleaue vnto thee, and vnto thy seede for euer. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snowe. 6The children of the prophetes saide vnto Elisa: Beholde we pray thee, the place where we dwell with thee is to litle for vs: 2Let vs go we pray thee vnto Iordane, & take thence euery man a beame, & build vs a place to dwel in. And he aunswered, Go. 3And one saide: Be content I pray thee, and come with thy seruauntes. And he aunswered: I wyll come. 4And so he went with them: And when they came to Iordane, they cut downe wood. 5But it fortuned, that as one was felling downe of a tree, the axe head fell into the water: And he cryed, and saide, Alas maister, it was lent me. 6And the man of God saide: Where fell it? And he shewed him the place: And he cut downe a sticke, and cast it in thyther, and immediatly the iron did swymme. 7Therfore sayde he: Take it vp. And he stretched out his hand, and toke it vp. 8But the king of Syria warred against Israel, and toke counsell with his seruauntes, and sayde: In such and such a place shalbe my campe. 9And the man of God sent vnto the king of Israel, saying: Beware that thou go not ouer to such a place, for there the Syrians are lurkyng. 10Therfore the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God tolde him and warned him of, and saued him selfe from it, not once, nor twyse. 11And the heart of the king of Syria was troubled for this thing, and he called for his seruauntes, and said vnto them: Wil ye not shewe me, whiche of our men betrayght me to the king of Israel? 12And one of his seruauntes sayde, None my lorde O king: But Elisa the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel, yea euen the wordes that thou speakest in thy priuie chamber. 13He sayde: Go, and spie where he is, that I may sende and fet him. And one told him, saying: Behold, he is in Dothan. 14Therefore sent he thyther horses and charets, and a mightie hoast: and they came by night, and compassed the citie about. 15And when the seruaunt of the man of God rose vp early to go out: beholde, there was an hoast rounde about the towne with horses & charets: And his seruaunt sayde vnto him, Alas maister, what shall we do? 16He aunswered, Feare not: for they that be with vs, are mo then they that be with them. 17And Elisa prayed and sayd: Lord I besech thee open his eyes that he may see. And the Lorde opened the eyes of the young man, and he loked: and beholde the mountayne was full of horses, and charets of fire round about Elisa. 18And when they came downe to him, Elisa prayed vnto the Lord, and sayde: Smyte this people I pray thee with blindnesse. And he smote them with blindnesse, according to the worde of Elisa. 19And Elisa sayd vnto them: This is not the way, neither is this the towne: folowe me, & I will bring you to the man whom ye seke. But he led them to Samaria. 20But it fortuned that when they were come to Samaria, Elisa sayde: Lorde, open their eyes that they may see. And the Lorde opened their eyes, and they sawe, & behold they were in the middes of Samaria. 21And the king of Israel sayde vnto Elisa when he sawe them: My father, shall I smyte them, shall I smyte them? 22And he aunswered, Thou shalt not smyte them: But smyte those that thou hast taken with thine owne sworde, and with thyne owne bowe: But rather set bread and water before them, that they may eate & drinke, & go to their maister. 23And he prepared a great refection for them, and when they had eaten and drunke, he sent them away, & they went to their maister: And so the souldiours of Syria came no more into the lande of Israel. 24After this it chaunced, that Benhadad king of Syria gathered al his hoast and went vp, and besieged Samaria. 25But there was a great dearth in Samaria: and beholde, they besieged it, vntill an asses head was sold for fourescore siluer pence, and the fourth part of a cab of doues doung for fiue peeces of siluer. 26And as the king of Israel was goyng vpon the wal, there cryed a woman vnto him, saying: Help me my lord O king. 27He sayde: If the Lorde do not succour thee, wherwith can I helpe thee? with the barne, or with the wine presse? 28And the king sayde vnto her: What wilt thou? She aunswered: Yonder woman sayd vnto me, Bring thy sonne, that we may eate him to day, and we will eate myne to morowe. 29And so we dressed my sonne, and dyd eate him: And I sayde to her the other day, bring thy sonne, that we may eate him: And she hath hyd her sonne. 30And it came to passe, that when the king hearde the wordes of the woman, he rent his clothes, and went vp on the wall, and the people loked, and beholde he had a sackcloth vnder vpon his fleshe. 31Then he sayd: God do so & more also to me, if the head of Elisa the sonne of Saphat shall stande on him this day. 32But Elisa sate in his house (& the elders sate by him) And the king sent a man before him: but yer the messenger came to him, he sayd to the elders: haue ye not seene howe that the sonne of this murtherer hath sent to take away myne head? Be circumspect when the messenger commeth, and shut the doore, and hold him at the doore: Is not the sound of his maisters feete behynde him? 33While he yet talked with them: behold, the messenger came downe vnto him, & sayd, Behold, this euyl is of the Lorde: And what more shall I loke for of the Lorde? 7Then Elisa saide: Heare ye the word of the lord, thus sayth the Lorde: To morow this time shall a bushell of fyne flowre be solde for a sicle, and two bushels of barlye for a sicle in the gate of Samaria. 2Then a certayne lorde (on whose hand the king leaned) aunswered the man of God, and sayde: Beholde, if the Lorde would make windowes in heaue, might this saying come to passe? He sayde: Behold, thou shalt see it with thyne eyes, but shalt not eate therof. 3And there were foure leperous men at the entring in of the gate: And they sayd one to another, Why sit we here vntill we dye? 4If we say, we will enter into the citie: behold, the dearth is in the citie, and we shal die therin: And if we sit stil here, we dye also. Nowe therfore come, and let vs fall vpon the hoast of the Syrians: If they saue our liues, we shall lyue: If they kill vs, then are we dead. 5And they rose vp in the twylight to go to the hoast of the Syrians: And when they were come to the vtmost part of the hoast of Syria, behold there was no man there. 6For the Lorde had made the hoast of the Syrians to heare a noyse of charets, & a noyse of horses, & the noyse of a great hoast: Insomuch that they sayde one to another, Lo, the king of Israel hath hyred against vs the kinges of the Hethites, and the kinges of the Egyptians, to come vpon vs. 7Wherfore they arose, and fled in the twylight, and left their tentes, their horses, and their asses, and the fielde which they had pitched, euen as it was, and fled for their lyues. 8And when these lepers came to the edge of the hoast, they went into a tent, and did eate and drinke, and caried thence siluer, and golde, and rayment, & went and hyd it: and came againe and entred into another tent, and caried thence also, and went and hyd it. 9Then sayde one to another: We do not well this day, forasmuche as it is a day to bring good tydinges, and we holde our peace. If we tarie till the day light, some mischiefe wil come vpon vs: Now therfore come, that we may go and tell the kinges housholde. 10And so they came, and called vnto the porter of the citie, and told them, saying: We came to the pauillions of the Syrians, and see there was no man there, neither voyce of man, but horses & asses tyed, and the tentes were euen as they were wont to be. 11And so the man called vnto the porters, and they told the kinges house within. 12And the king arose in the night, & sayde vnto his seruauntes: I wil shewe you nowe what the Syrians haue done vnto vs: They knowe that we be hungrie, and therefore are they gone out of the pauillions to hyde them selues in the fielde, saying: When they come out of the citie, we shall catche them alyue, and get in to the citie. 13And one of his seruauntes aunswered, and sayde: Let men take I pray you fyue of the horses that remayne and are left in the multitude: (Beholde they are euen as all the multitude of Israel that are left in the citie: Beholde I say they are euen as all the multitude of the Israelites that are consumed) and we will send, and see. 14They toke therfore the horses of two charets, and the king sent after the hoast of the Syrians, saying: Go, and see. 15And they went after them euen vnto Iordane, and lo, all the way was full of clothes, and vessels, which the Syrians had cast from them in their haste: And the messengers returned, and tolde the king. 16And the people went out, and spoyled the tentes of the Syrians: And so it came to passe that a bushell of fyne flowre was solde for a sicle, and two bushelles of barlye for a sicle, according to the worde of the Lorde. 17And the king appoynted that lorde (on whose hand he leaned) to be at the gate: And the people trode vpon him in the gate, and he dyed according to the word of the man of God whiche he sayde when the king came downe to him. 18And so came the thing to passe, that the man of God had spoken to the king, saying: Two bushels of barlye for a sicle, and a bushell of fyne flowre for another shalbe to morowe this tyme in the gate of Samaria. 19Whervnto that lorde aunswered the man of God, and sayde: Yea and if the Lorde made windowes in heauen, might it come to passe? And he sayd: Beholde, thou shalt see it with thyne eyes, and shalt not eate thereof. 20And euen so chaunced it vnto him: For the people trode vpon him in the gate, and he dyed. 8Then spake Elisa vnto the woman (whose sonne he had restored to lyfe againe) saying: Up, and go thou and thyne house, and soiourne where so euer thou canst: For the Lord hath called for a dearth, and the same shall come vpon the lande seuen yeres. 2And the woman arose, and dyd after the saying of the man of God, and went both she and her houshold, & soiourned in the land of the Philistines seue yeres. 3And at the seuen yeres ende, it fortuned that the woman came againe out of the land of the Philistines, and went out to call vpon the king for her house and for her lande. 4And the king talked with Gehezi the seruaunt of the man of God, saying: Tel me I pray thee al the great deedes that Elisa hath done. 5He told the king howe he had restored a dead body to lyfe againe: but in the meane time the woman whose sonne he had raysed vp againe, cryed to the king for her house, and for her land: And Gehezi sayde, My lorde O king, this is the woman, and this is her sonne whom Elisa raysed vp againe. 6And when the king asked the woman, she tolde him: And so the king deliuered her a chamberlayne, saying, Restore thou vnto her all that are hers and all the fruites of the fielde, sence the day that she left the land, vnto this tyme. 7And Elisa came to Damascon, & Benhadad the king of Syria was sycke: And one tolde him, saying, The man of God is come hyther. 8And the king sayd vnto Hazael: Take a present in thyne hande, and go meete the man of God, that thou mayest inquire of the Lord by him, saying: Shal I recouer of this disease? 9And so Hazael went to meete him, and toke the present with him, and of euery good thing of Damascon, euen as much as fourtie camels coulde beare: & came and presented him selfe before him, and said: Thy sonne Benhadad king of Syria hath sent me to thee, saying: Shal I recouer of this disease? 10And Elisa sayde vnto him: Go, and say vnto him, Thou shalt recouer: howebeit, the Lorde hath shewed me that he shall surely dye. 11He loked vpon him stedfastlie, vntill he was ashamed: & the man of God wept. 12And Hazael sayde: Why weepeth my lorde? He aunswered: For I knowe the euyl thinges that thou shalt do vnto the children of Israel: for their strong cities shalt thou set on fire, and their young men shalt thou slay with the sword, and shalt dashe out the braynes of their sucking children, and al to teare their women with childe. 13But Hazael sayd: What is thy seruaunt a dogge, that I shoulde do this great thing? And Elisa aunswered: The Lord hath shewed me that thou shalt be king of Syria. 14And so he departed from Elisa, & came to his maister: which sayd to him, What sayde Elisa to thee? He aunswered: He tolde me, that thou shouldest recouer. 15And on the morowe it fortuned, that he toke a thycke cloth, and dipt it in water, and spread it on his face: & he died, and Hazael raigned in his steade. 16The fyft yere of Ioram the sonne of Ahab king of Israel, Iehosaphat being also king of Iuda, Ioram the sonne of Iehosaphat king of Iuda began to raigne. 17Thirtie and two yeres olde was he when he began to raigne, and he raigned eyght yeres in Hierusalem. 18And he walked in the wayes of the kinges of Israel, as they that were of the house of Ahab: for the daughter of Ahab was his wyfe, and he dyd euyll in the sight of the Lorde. 19And the Lord woulde not destroy Iuda and that because of Dauid his seruaunt, as he promised him, to geue him alway a light among his children. 20In those dayes Edom rebelled from vnder the hand of Iuda: for they made them a king of their owne. 21So Ioram wet to Zair, he & al his charettes with him: And he rose by night, and smote the Edomites which compassed him in with the captaynes of his charettes, and the people fled into their tentes. 22But Edom rebelled, so that he woulde not be vnder the hande of Iuda vnto this day: Then Libnah rebelled that same time. 23The rest of the wordes that concerne Ioram, and al that he dyd, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 24And Ioram rested with his fathers, and was buried besyde his fathers in the citie of Dauid: And Ahaziahu his sonne raigned in his steade. 25In the twelfth yere of Ioram the sonne of Ahab king of Israel, dyd Ahaziahu the sonne of Ioram king of Iuda begin to raigne. 26Two and twentie yeres old was Ahaziahu when he began to raigne, and he raigned one yere in Hierusalem: and his mothers name was Athaliahu, the daughter of Omri king of Israel. 27But he walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and dyd euyll in the sight of the Lorde euen as dyd the house of Ahab: for he was the sonne in law of the house of Ahab. 28And he went with Ioram the sonne of Ahab, to warre against Hazael king of Syria in Ramoth Gilead, and the Syrians wounded Ioram. 29And king Ioram went back againe to be healed in Iezrahel of the woundes whiche the Syrians had geuen him at Ramoth when he fought against Hazael king of Syria: And Ahaziahu the sonne of Ioram king of Iuda, went downe to see Ioram the sonne of Ahab in Iezrahel, because he was sicke there. 9And Elisa the prophete called one of the childre of the prophetes, and sayd vnto him: Gyrde vp thy loynes, and take this boxe of oyle in thyne hand, & get thee to Ramoth in Gilead. 2And when thou commest thyther, loke wher is Iehu the sonne of Iehosaphat the sonne of Nimsi, and go to him, and make him arise vp from among his brethren, & cary him to a secrete chamber. 3Then take the boxe of oyle, and powre it on his head, and say, thus saith the Lord, I haue annoynted thee to be king ouer Israel: And then open the doore, and flee, without any tarying. 4And so the seruaunt of the prophete gat him to Ramoth Gilead: 5And when he came in, beholde, the captaynes of the hoast were sitting together: And he sayde, I haue an errand to thee, O captayne. 6And Iehu sayd: Unto whiche of al vs? He sayd: To thee, O captayne. And he arose, and went into the house, and he powred the oyle on his head, and sayde vnto him: Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I haue annoynted thee to be king ouer the people of the Lorde, euen ouer Israel. 7Thou shalt smyte the house of Ahab thy maister, that I may auenge the blood of my seruauntes the prophetes, & the blood of all the seruauntes of the Lord, of the hande of Iezabel: 8For the whole house of Ahab shall be destroyed, and I will destroy from Ahab euen hym that maketh water against the wal, and him that is prysoned and forsaken in Israel: 9And I wil make the house of Ahab, like the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat, and like the house of Baasa the sonne of Ahia. 10And as for Iezabel, the dogges shall eate her in the fielde of Iezrahel, and there shalbe none to burie her. And he opened the doore, and fled. 11Iehu came out to the seruauntes of his lord, and one sayd vnto him: Is al well? Wherfore came this madde felowe to thee? And he sayd vnto them: Ye knowe what maner of man it is, and what his communication is. 12They said vnto him againe: It is not so, tell vs. He said: Thus & thus spake he to me, saying, thus saith the Lord: I haue annoynted thee to be king ouer Israel. 13Then they hasted, and toke euery man his garment, and put it vnder him on the toppe of the staires, and blewe with trumpettes, saying: Iehu is king. 14And so Iehu the sonne of Iehosaphat the sonne of Nimsi, conspired against Ioram: (Ioram kept Ramoth Gilead, he and al Israel, because of Hazael king of Syria: 15And king Ioram returned to be healed in Iezrahel of the woundes which the Syrians had geuen him when he fought with Hazael king of Syria) And Iehu sayde: If it be your mindes, then let no man depart and escape out of the citie, to go and tell in Iezrahel. 16So Iehu gat vp into a charet & went to Iezrahel where Ioram lay: and Ahaziahu king of Iuda was come downe thyther to see Ioram. 17And the watchman that stoode on the towre in Iezrahel, spied the companie of Iehu as he came, and sayde: I see a companie. And Ioram sayde: Take an horsman, and send to meete them, that he may aske whether it be peace. 18And so there went one on horsbacke to meete him, and sayde: Thus sayth the king: is it peace? And Iehu sayd: What hast thou to do with peace? turne thee behind me. And the watchman told, saying: The messenger came to them, but he commeth not againe. 19Then he sent out another on horsbacke, whiche came to them, and sayde: Thus sayth the king: is it peace? Iehu aunswered: What hast thou to do with peace? turne thee behynd me. 20And the watchman tolde, saying: He came to them also, and commeth not againe: And the driuing, is lyke the driuing of Iehu the sonne of Nimsi: for he driueth the charet as he were mad. 21And Ioram sayde: Make redy. And the charet was made redy. And Ioram king of Israel, and Ahaziahu king of Iuda, went out eyther of them in his charet against Iehu, and met him in the fielde of Naboth the Iezrahelite. 22And it fortuned, that when Ioram sawe Iehu, he sayd: Is it peace Iehu? He aunswered: What peace should there be, so long as the whordoms of thy mother Iezabel and her wytchcraftes are so great? 23And Ioram turned his hande, and fled, and sayde to Ahaziahu: There is falshood O Ahaziahu. 24And Iehu toke a bow in his hande, and smote Ioram betweene the armes, & the arrowe went through his heart, and he fell downe flat in his charet. 25Then said Iehu to Bidkar a captayne: Take him and cast him in the plat of the ground of Naboth the Iezrahelite: For I remember that when I & thou rode together after Ahab his father, the Lorde layed this heauy burthen vpon him: 26I haue seene yesterday the blood of Naboth & the blood of his sonnes, sayde the Lord: and I wil quite it thee in this ground sayth the Lord. Nowe therfore take him and cast him in the plat of ground, according to ye word of the Lord. 27But when Ahaziahu the king of Iuda sawe this, he fled by the way of the garden house: And Iehu folowed after him, and sayde, Smyte him also in the charet, at the goyng vp to Gur by Iebleam. And he fled to Megiddo, and ther died. 28And his seruauntes caryed him in a charet to Hierusalem, and buried him there in his sepulchre with his fathers in the citie of Dauid. 29And in the eleuenth yere of Ioram the sonne of Ahab, began Ahaziahu to raigne ouer Iuda. 30And when Iehu was come to Iezrahel, Iezabel hearde of it, & paynted her face, and tired her head, and loked out at a wyndowe. 31And as Iehu entred at the gate, she sayd: Had Zimri peace, which slue his maister? 32And he lift vp his eyes to the windowe, and sayde: Who is of my side, who? And there loked out to him two or three chamberlaynes. 33And he sayd: Throwe her downe. So they threwe her downe, & her blood dasshed toward the wall, and towarde the horses: and he troade her vnder foote. 34And when he was come in, he dyd eate and drinke, & sayd: Go and visite I pray you yonder cursed creature, and burie her: for she is a kinges daughter. 35And so when they came to burie her, they founde no more of her then the skull, and the feete, and the palmes of her handes. 36Wherfore they came againe, and tolde him: And he sayd, This is the worde of the Lorde whiche he spake by the hand of his seruaunt Elias the Thesbite, saying: In the fielde of Iezrahel shall dogges eate the fleshe of Iezabel. 37And so the carkasse of Iezabel was euen as dounge vpon the earth in the fielde of Iezrahel, so that no man might say, This is Iezabel. 10Ahab had threescore & ten sonnes in Samaria: And Iehu wrote letters, and sent to Samaria, vnto the rulers of Iezrahel, to the elders, and to them that brought vp Ahabs children, saying: 2Nowe when this letter commeth to you (ye that haue with you your maisters sonnes, ye haue with you both charets and horses, a strong citie haue ye also, and harnesse) 3Loke which of your maisters sonnes is best and most meete, and set him on his fathers seate, and fight for your lordes house. 4But they were exceedingly afrayde, & sayde: See, two kinges were not able to stande before him: howe shall we then be able to stande? 5And he that was gouernour of Ahabs house, & he that ruled the citie, the elders also, & the tutours, sent to Iehu, saying: We are thy seruauntes, & will do all that thou shalt byd vs, we wil make no man king: therefore do thou what seemeth good in thyne eyes. 6Then he wrote another letter to them, saying: If ye be myne, and wil hearken vnto my voyce, then take the heades of the men that are your maisters sonnes, and come to me to Iezrahel by to morowe this time: (And the kinges sonnes were threescore and ten persons, and they were with the great men of the citie which brought them vp.) 7And when the letter came to them, they toke the kinges children, and slue them, euen threescore and ten persons, & layed their heades in baskettes, and sent them to him to Iezrahel. 8And there came a messenger, and told him, saying: They haue brought the heades of the kinges sonnes. And he said: Let them lay them on two heapes in the entring in of the gate, vntill the morning. 9And when it was day, he went out, and stoode, and sayde to al the folke, Ye be righteous: Behold, I conspired against my maister, and slue him: But who slue all these? 10Learne here that there shall fall vnto the earth nothing of the worde of the Lorde, whiche he spake concerning the house of Ahab: For the Lorde hath brought to passe ye thinges that he spake by the hande of his seruaunt Elias. 11And so Iehu slue all that remayned of the house of Ahab in Iezrahel, and all that were great with him, and his kinsfolkes, and his priestes, so that he let nothing of him remayne. 12And he arose, & departed, and came to Samaria: And when Iehu was in the way of the house where the sheepheardes dyd sheare their sheepe, 13He met with the brethren of Ahaziahu king of Iuda, and sayde: What are ye? They aunswered: The brethren of Ahaziahu are we, and go downe to salute the children of the king & of the queene. 14And he said: Take them alyue. Whom when they had taken them alyue, they slue them at the wel whiche was beside the house where the sheepe are shoren, euen two and fourtie men, neither left he any of them. 15And when he was departed thence, he met with Iehonadab the sonne of Rechab comming against him, and he blessed him, & sayde to him: Is thyne heart right, as myne heart is true with thine? And Iehonadab aunswered: Yea that it is. Then geue me thyne hand. And when he had geuen him his hande, he toke him vp to him into the charet, 16And sayde: Come with me, and see the zeale that I haue for the Lord. And so they made him ride in his charet. 17And when he came to Samaria, he slue al that remained vnto Ahab in Samaria, till he had wiped him out, accorcording to the saying of the Lord which he spake to Elias. 18And Iehu gathered all the people together, and sayd vnto them: Ahab serued Baal a litle, but Iehu shall serue him more. 19Now therfore call vnto me all the prophetes of Baal, all such as serue him, and al his priestes, & let none be lacking: For I haue a great sacrifice to do to Baal, & therefore whosoeuer is missed he shall not lyue. But Iehu dyd it for a sutteltie, to the intent that he might destroy the seruauntes of Baal. 20And Iehu sayde: Proclayme an holy conuocation for Baal. And they proclaymed it. 21And Iehu sent vnto all Israel, and al the seruauntes of Baal came, that there was not a man left behind that came not: And they came into the house of Baal, and the house of Baal was full from one ende to another. 22And he sayde vnto him that was the keper of the vestrie: Bring foorth garmentes for all the seruauntes of Baal. And he brought them out garmentes. 23And when Iehu went with Iehonadab the sonne of Rechab into the house of Baal, he sayd vnto the seruauntes of Baal: Searche, & loke that ther be here with you none of the seruauntes of the Lord, but the seruauntes of Baal only. 24And when they went in to offer sacrifice and burnt offring, Iehu appoynted foure score men without, and sayde: If any of ye men whom I haue brought vnder your handes escape, he that letteth him go, shall dye for him. 25And it fortuned, that assoone as he had made an ende of offring the burnt sacrifice, Iehu sayd to the men of warre and to the captaynes: Go in, and slay them, let none come out. And they smote them with the edge of the sword: And the men of warre & the captaynes cast them out, & went to the citie of the temple of Baal, 26And set the images out of the temple of Baal, and burnt them. 27And they brake the image of Baal, and brake the house of Baal, & made a draft house of it vnto this day. 28And so Iehu destroyed Baal out of Israel. 29But from the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat whiche made Israel to sinne, Iehu departed not from them neither from the golden calues that were in Bethel and in Dan. 30And the Lorde sayde vnto Iehu: Because thou hast done right wel, in bringing to passe the thing that is right in myne eyes, and hast done vnto the house of Ahab according to all thinges that are in myne heart, therefore shall thy children vnto the fourth generation sit on the seate of Israel. 31But Iehu cared not for this, to walke in the lawe of the Lorde God of Israel with all his heart: for he departed not from the sinnes of Ieroboam whiche made Israel to sinne. 32In those dayes the Lorde began to cut Israel short, and Hazael smote them in all the coastes of Israel, 33From Iordane eastward, euen all the land of Gilead, the Gadites, the Rubenites, and them that were of Manasses, from Aroer (which is by the riuer Arnon) euen Gilead and Basan. 34The rest of the wordes that concerne Iehu, and al that he did, & al his power, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel? 35And Iehu slept with his fathers, and they buryed him in Samaria, & Iehoahas his sonne raigned in his steade. 36And the time that Iehu raigned vpon Israel in Samaria, is twentie & eyght yeres. 11And Athalia ye mother of Ahaziahu, when she saw that her sonne was dead, she arose, and destroyed all the kinges seede. 2But Iehosaba the daughter of king Ioram and syster of Ahaziahu, toke Ioas the sonne of Ahaziahu, and stale him from among the kinges sonnes that were slayne, and his nurse with him in the bedde chamber: and hyd him from Athalia, that he was not slayne. 3And he was with her hyd in the house of the Lord sixe yeres: And Athalia dyd raigne ouer the lande. 4And the seuenth yere Iehoiada sent and set the rulers ouer hundredes, with the captaynes and them of the garde, and toke them to him into the house of the Lorde, & made a bonde with them, and toke an oth of them in the house of the Lorde, and shewed them the kinges sonne. 5And he commaunded them, saying, This is it that ye must do: One third part of you, whose duetie is to come in on the Sabbath day, shall keepe the watch of the kinges house: 6And another third part shal keepe the gate of Sur: And another third part shall keepe the gate which is behinde them of the garde: and so shall ye keepe the watch of the house of Messah. 7And two partes of you, that is, al that go out on the Sabbath day, shall keepe the watch of the house of the Lorde about the king. 8And ye shall compasse the king round about, & euery man shall haue his weapon in his hand: And whosoeuer commeth within ye ranges, let him be slaine: And see that ye be with the king as he goeth out and in. 9And the captaynes ouer the hundredes did according to all thinges that Iehoiada the priest commaunded: and they toke euery man his men that were to come in on the Sabbath day, with them that should go out on the Sabbath, and came to Iehoiada the priest. 10And to the captaynes ouer hundredes, did the priest geue king Dauids speares and shieldes, that were in the temple. 11And they of the garde stoode, and euery man had his weapon in his hande rounde about the king, from the ryght corner of the temple to the left, along by the aulter and the temple. 12And he brought out the kinges sonne, and put the crowne vpon him, and delyuered him the witnesse, & made him king, & annoynted him: And they clapt their handes, and saide: God saue the king. 13And when Athalia heard the noyse of the running of the people, she came to the people into the temple of the Lorde. 14And whe she looked, behold, the king stoode by a piller as the maner was, & the singers & the trumpets by the king, and all the people of the land reioysed, and blew with trumpets: And Athalia rent her clothes & cryed, treason, treason. 15But Iehoiada the priest commaunded the captaines of the hundredes that had the rule of the hoast, and saide vnto them: Haue her foorth of the ranges, & if any folowe her, kill him with the sword. For the priest had saide: she may not be slaine in the house of the Lorde. 16And they layde handes on her, till she came into the way by the which the horses went in to the kinges palace, and there was she slaine. 17And Iehoiada made a bond betweene the Lorde and the king and the people, that they should be the Lordes people, and also betweene the king and the people. 18And all the people of the lande went into the house of Baal, and destroyed it, his aulters also, and his images brake they downe lustylie, and slue Mathan the priest of Baal before the aulters: And the priest set watch ouer the house of the Lorde. 19And toke the rulers ouer hundredes, the captaines, and them of the gard, and all the people of the lande, and they brought the king from the house of the Lorde, and came by the way of the gate of them of the gard to the kings palace, and he sat him downe on the seate of the kinges. 20And all the people of the lande reioyced, and the citie was in quiet: And they slue Athalia with the sword, beside the kinges palace. 21Seuen yeres olde was Iehoas when he began to raigne. 12And Iehoas began to raigne in the seuenth yere of Iehu, fouretie yeres raigned he in Hierusalem: & his mothers name was Zebiah of Beerseba. 2And he did that which was good in the sight of the Lorde, as long as Iehoiada the priest enfourmed him. 3But the high places were not taken away: for the people offred and burnt incense yet vpon the high places. 4And Iehoas sayde to the priestes: All the siluer of the dedicate thinges that be brought to the house of the Lorde, that is, the money of them that were numbred, the money that euery man is set at, and all the money that euery man with a willing heart geueth and bryngeth into the house of the Lorde: 5Let the priestes take it to them, euery man of his acquayntaunce, to repayre the broken places of the house wheresoeuer any decaye is founde. 6And so it came to passe, that vnto the three and twentith yere of king Iehoas, the priestes had mended nothing that was decayed in the temple. 7Then king Iehoas called for Iehoiada the priest, and the other priestes, and saide vnto them: Why repaire ye not the broken places of the temple? Now therfore, see that ye receaue no more money of your acquayntaunce, except ye deliuer it to repaire the temple withall. 8And the priestes consented to receaue no more money of the people, except to repaire the decayed places of the temple. 9But Iehoiada the priest toke a chest, and bored a hole in the lyd of it, and set it besyde the aulter, on the right syde as euery man commeth into the temple of the Lorde, and the priestes that kept the vessels put therein all the money that was brought into the house of the Lorde. 10And it fortuned, that when they sawe ther was much money in the chest, the kinges scribe & the hye priest came vp, and tolde the money that was found in the house of the Lorde, and put it into a bagge. 11And they gaue the money sealed into the handes of them that executed the worke, and that had the ouersight of the house of the Lorde: and they brought it out to the carpenters and builders that wrought vpon the house of the Lorde, 12And to masons, and hewers of stone: And they bought timber and free stone to repaire the decaye in the house of the Lorde, and to al that went out to mend the temple. 13Howbeit, there was not made for the house of the Lorde bowles of siluer, instrumentes of musicke, basons, trumpets, or any vessels of golde, or vessels of siluer, of the money that was brought into the house of the Lorde. 14But they gaue that to the workemen, and repaired therewith the house of the Lorde. 15Moreouer, they reckened not with the men into whose handes they deliuered that money to be bestowed on workme: for they did their busines faithfully: 16Howbeit, trespasse money, and sinne money, was not brought into the house of the Lorde, for it was the priestes. 17Then came Hazael king of Syria vp, and fought against Geth, and toke it: And Hazael set his face to go vp to Hierusalem. 18And Iehoas king of Iuda, toke all the halowed thinges that Iehosaphat, Iehoram & Haziahu his fathers kinges of Iuda had dedicate, and that he him selfe had dedicated, and al the gold that was founde in the treasures of the house of the Lorde and in the kinges house, and sent it to Hazael king of Syria, & so he departed from Hierusalem. 19The remnaunt of the wordes that concerne Iehoas, and all that he dyd, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 20And his owne seruauntes arose, and wrought treason, and slue Iehoas in the house Millo, when he came downe to Silla: 21Iozachar the sonne of Semaath, and Iehozabad the sonne of Somer his seruauntes, smote him, and he dyed: And they buryed him with his fathers in the citie of Dauid, and Amaziahu his sonne raigned in his steade. 13In the three & twentith yere of Ioas the sonne of Ahaziahu king of Iuda, Iehoahaz the sonne of Iehu began to raigne ouer Israel in Samaria seuenteene yeres. 2And he wrought that which was euil in the sight of the Lorde, and folowed the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which made Israel to sinne, and departed not therfrom. 3And the Lorde was angry with Israel, and delyuered them into the hand of Hazael king of Syria, & into the hand of Benhadad the sonne of Hazael all their dayes. 4And Iehoahaz besought the Lord, & the Lorde heard him: For he considered the trouble of Israel, wherewith the king of Syria troubled them. 5(And the Lord gaue Israel a deliuerer, so that they went out from vnder the subiection of the Syrians: And the children of Israel dwelt in their tentes as before tyme. 6Neuerthelesse, they departed not from the sinnes of the house of Ieroboam which made Israel sinne, but walked in them: And there remayned an idols groue still also in Samaria.) 7Neither did he leaue of the people to Iehoahaz but fiftie horsemen, ten charets, and ten thousand footemen: for the king of Syria destroyed them, and made them lyke thresshed dust. 8The rest of the wordes that concerne Iehoahaz and all that he dyd, and his power, are they not writte in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel? 9And Iehoahaz slept with his fathers, and they buryed him in Samaria, and Ioas his sonne raigned in his steade. 10In the thirtie and seuenth yere of Ioas king of Iuda, began Iehoas the sonne of Iehoahaz to raigne ouer Israel in Samaria sixteene yeres. 11And did that which is euill in the sight of the Lorde, and departed not from all the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat that made Israel sinne: for he walked therein. 12The remnaunt of the wordes that concerne Ioas, and all that he did, and his power wherewith he fought against Amaziahu king of Iuda, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel? 13And Ioas slept with his fathers, and Ieroboam sat vpon his seate: And Ioas was buryed in Samaria among the kinges of Israel. 14When Elisa was fallen sicke of his sicknesse whereof he dyed, Ioas the king of Israel came downe vnto him, and wept before him, and saide: O my father, my father, the charet of Israel, & the horsemen of the same. 15Elisa saide vnto him: Take bowe and arrowes. And he toke vnto him bowe and arrowes. 16And he saide to the king of Israel: Put thyne hand vpon the bowe. And he put his hand vpon it: And Elisa put his handes vpon the kinges handes, 17And said: Open a windowe eastward. And when he had opened it, Elisa sayd: shoote. And he shot: And he saide, The arrowe of health of the Lorde, and the arrowe of health against Syria: For thou shalt smyte Syria in Aphec, till thou haue made an ende of them. 18And he saide: Take the arrowes. And he toke them: And he said vnto the king of Israel, Smyte the grounde. And he smote thrise, and ceassed. 19And the man of God was angry with him, and saide: Thou shouldest haue smitten fiue or sixe tymes, and then thou haddest smytten Syria till thou haddest made an end of them: where now thou shalt smyte Syria but thrise. 20And so Elisa dyed, & they buried him: and the souldiers of the Moabites came into the lande the same yere. 21And it chaunced as some of them were burying a man, and spyed the souldiers, they cast ye man into the sepulchre of Elisa: And when the man was roulled downe, and touched the bones of Elisa, he reuiued, and stoode vpon his feete. 22But Hazael king of Syria vexed Israel all the dayes of Iehoahaz. 23And the Lorde had mercie on them, and pitied them, and had respect vnto them, because of his appoyntment made with Abraham, Isahac, and Iacob, and would not destroy them, neither cast he them from him as yet. 24So Hazael the king of Syria dyed, & Benhadad his sonne raigned in his steade. 25And Iehoas the sonne of Iehoahaz went againe, and toke out of the hande of Benhadad the sonne of Hazael, the cities which he had taken away out of the hande of Iehoahaz his father in warre: For three times did Ioas beate him, and restored the cities vnto Israel againe. 14The second yere of Ioas, sonne of Iehoahaz king of Israel, raigned Amaziahu the sonne of Ioas king of Iuda. 2He was twentie and fiue yeres olde when he began to raigne, and raigned twentie and nyne yeres in Hierusalem: and his mothers name was Iehoadan, of Hierusalem. 3And he did that which is good in the sight of the Lorde, yet not lyke Dauid his father: but did according to all thinges as Ioas his father did. 4Neither were the high places taken a way: For as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt incense on the high places. 5And assoone as the kingdome was setled in his hande, it came to passe, that he slue his seruauntes which had killed the king his father. 6But the children of those murtherers he slue not, according vnto it that is written in the booke of the law of Moyses, wherein the Lorde commaunded, saying: Let not the fathers dye for the children, nor let the children be slaine for the fathers: but let euery man be put to death for his owne sinne. 7He slue of Edom in the salt valley ten thousand, and toke the castell on the rocke in the same battaile, and called the name of it Ioktheel vnto this day. 8Then Amaziahu sent messengers to Iehoas the sonne of Iehoahaz sonne of Iehu king of Israel, saying: Come, let vs see eche other. 9And Iehoas the king of Israel sent to Amaziahu king of Iuda, saying: Did not a thistle that is in Libanon, send to a Cedar tree that is in Libanon, saying: Geue thy daughter to my sonne to wife? And the wilde beast that was in Libanon went and trode downe the thystle. 10Thou hast smitten Edom, thyne heart hath made thee proude: Enioye this glory, & tarry at home: Why doest thou prouoke to mischiefe, that thou shouldest be ouerthrowen & Iuda with thee? 11But Amaziahu would not heare: And Iehoas king of Israel went vp, and he and Amaziahu king of Iuda, sawe either other at Bethsames, which is in Iuda. 12And Iuda was put to the worse before Israel, and they fled euery man to their tentes. 13And Iehoas king of Israel toke Amaziahu king of Iuda the sonne of Iehoas the sonne of Ahaziahu at Bethsames, and came to Hierusalem, & brake downe the wall of Hierusalem, from the gate of Ephraim, to the corner gate, foure hundred cubites. 14And he toke all the golde and siluer, and all the vessels that were founde in the house of the Lorde, and in the treasures of the kinges house: and the children toke he to be his wardes, and returned to Samaria againe. 15The rest of the actes of Iehoas which he did, and his power, & how he fought with Amaziahu king of Iuda, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel? 16And Iehoas slept with his fathers, and was buried at Samaria among the kinges of Israel, & Ieroboam his sonne raigned in his steade. 17Amaziahu the sonne of Ioas king of Iuda, liued after the death of Iehoas sonne of Iehoahaz king of Israel fifteene yeres. 18And the remnaunt of the wordes that concerne Amaziahu, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 19But they conspired treason against him in Hierusalem: And when he fled to Lachis, they sent after him to Lachis, and slue him there. 20And they brought him on horses, and he was buried at Hierusalem with his fathers in the citie of Dauid. 21And all the people of Iuda toke Azaria (which was sixteene yeres olde) and made him king for his father Amaziahu. 22He built Elath, and brought it againe to Iuda after that the king was layde to rest with his fathers. 23In the fifteenth yere of Amaziahu the sonne of Ioas king of Iuda, was Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas made king ouer Israel in Samaria, and raigned fourtie and one yeres: 24And wrought that which was euill in the sight of the Lorde, neither turned he away from all the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which made Israel to sinne. 25He restored the coast of Israel from the entring of Hemath vnto the sea of the wildernesse, according to the worde of the Lorde God of Israel which he spake by the hande of his seruaunt Ionas the sonne of Amithai the prophete, which was of Geth Hepher: 26For the Lorde sawe howe that the affliction of Israel was exceeding bytter, insomuch that the prisoned and the forsaken were at an ende, and there was none to helpe Israel. 27And the Lorde saide not that he would put out the name of Israel from vnder heauen: but he helped them by the hande of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas. 28The rest of the wordes that concerne Ieroboam, and all that he did, and his strength, and howe he fought in the warres, & howe he restored Damascon & Hemath to Iuda in Israel, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel? 29And Ieroboam slept with his fathers, euen with the kinges of Israel, & Zacharia his sonne raigned in his steade. 15In the twentie and seuenth yere of Ieroboam king of Israel, began Azaria sonne of Amazia king of Iuda to raigne. 2Sixteene yeres olde was he when he was made king, and he raigned two and fiftie yeres in Hierusalem: and his mothers name was Iecholiahu, of Hierusalem. 3And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lorde, according to all thinges as did his father Amaziahu. 4Saue that the high places were not put a way: For the people offered and burnt incense still on the high places. 5And the Lorde smote the king, and he was a leaper vnto the day of his death, and dwelt in a seuerall house at libertie: and Iotham the kinges sonne gouerned the palace, and iudged the people of the lande. 6The rest of the wordes that concerne Azaria, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 7And so Azaria slept with his fathers, and they buryed him with his fathers in the citie of Dauid, and Iotham his sonne raigned in his steade. 8In the thirtie and eyght yere of Azaria king of Iuda, did Zacharia the sonne of Ieroboam raigne vpon Israel in Samaria sixe monethes: 9And wrought that which was euill in the sight of the Lorde, as did his fathers: And turned not away from the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which made Israel to sinne. 10And Sallum the sonne of Iabes conspired against him, and smote him in the sight of the people, and killed him, and raigned in his steade. 11The rest of the wordes that concerne Zacharia, beholde they are written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel. 12This is also the worde of the Lorde which he spake vnto Iehu, saying: Thy sonnes shall sit on the seate of Israel in the fourth generation after thee. And so it came to passe. 13Sallum the sonne of Iabes began to raigne in the thirtie and ninth yere of Uzziah king of Iuda, and he raigned a moneth in Samaria. 14For Menahem the sonne of Gadi went vp from Thirza, & came to Samaria, and smote Sallum the sonne of Iabes in Samaria, and slue him, and raigned in his steade. 15The rest of the wordes that concerne Sallum, and the treason which he conspired, beholde they are written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel. 16The same time Menahem destroyed Thiphsah, and all that were therein, & the coastes therof from Thirza: And because they opened not to him, he smote it, and ript vp al the women with childe. 17The thirtie and ninth yere of Azaria king of Iuda began Menahem the sonne of Gadi to raigne vpon Israel ten yeres in Samaria. 18And he did euil in the sight of the Lord, and turned not away al his dayes from the sinne of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which made Israel to sinne. 19And Phul the king of Assyria came vpon the lande: And Menahem gaue Phul a thousand talentes of siluer, that his hand might be with him & stablishe the kingdome in his hande. 20And Menahem made a proclamation for the money in Israel, that all men of substaunce should geue the king of Assyria fiftie sicles of siluer a peece: And so the king of Assyria turned backe againe, and taryed not there in the lande. 21The rest of the wordes that concerne Menahem, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel? 22And Menahem slept with his fathers, and Pecahia his sonne did raigne in his steade. 23In the fiftith yere of Azaria king of Iuda, began Pecahia the sonne of Menahem to raigne ouer Israel in Samaria two yeres: 24And did that which was euill in the sight of the Lorde, and left not of from the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which made Israel sinne. 25But Pecah the sonne of Remaliahu, which was a captaine of his, conspired against him, & smote him in Samaria, euen in the place of the kinges house, with Argob and Aria, and with hym were fiftie men of the Gileadites: and he killed him, and raigned in his roome. 26The rest of the wordes that concerne Pecahia, & all that he did, behold they are written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel. 27In the fiftie and two yere of Azaria king of Iuda, began Pecah the sonne of Remaliahu to raigne ouer Israel in Samaria twentie yeres: 28And did euill in the sight of the Lorde, and turned not away from the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat that made Israel sinne. 29In the dayes of Pecah king of Israel, came Thiglath Pelesar king of Assyria, & toke Iion, Abel Beth maacha, Ianoah, Kedes, Hazor, Gilead, Galilee, and all the lande of Nephthali, and carryed them away to Assyria. 30And Hosea the sonne of Ela, conspired treason against Pecah the sonne of Remaliahu, and smote him, & slue him, & raigned in his steade in the twentith yere of Iotham the sonne of Uzziah. 31The rest of the wordes that concerne Pecah, and al that he did, behold they are written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Israel. 32The second yere of Pecah the sonne of Remaliahu king of Israel, began Iotham the sonne of Uzziah king of Iuda to raigne. 33Fiue and twentie yeres olde was he when he began to raigne, and he raigned sixteene yeres in Hierusalem: His mothers name was Ierusa, the daughter of Zadoc. 34And he did that which is right in the sight of the Lorde: euen according to all as did his father Uzziah, so did he. 35But the high places were not put away, for the people offered and burnt incense still in the high places: he built the higher doore of the house of the Lorde. 36The rest of the wordes that concerne Iotham, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 37(In those dayes the Lorde began to sende into Iuda, Rezin the king of Syria, & Pecah the sonne of Remaliahu.) 38And Iotham slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the citie of Dauid his father, and Ahaz his sonne raigned in his steade. 16The seuenteenth yere of Pecah the sonne of Remaliahu king of Israel Ahaz the sonne of Iotham king of Iuda began to raigne. 2Twentie yeres olde was he when he was made king, and raigned sixteene yeres in Hierusalem, & did not that which was right in the eies of the Lorde his God, lyke Dauid his father: 3But walked in the way of the kinges of Israel, yea and made his sonnes to go through the fire after the abhominations of the heathen whom the Lorde cast out before the children of Israel. 4And he offred and burnt incense in the high places, and on the hilles, and vnder euery thicke tree. 5Then Rezin king of Syria, and Pecah sonne of Remaliahu king of Israel, came vp to Hierusalem to fight: And they fought against Ahaz, but could not ouercome him. 6At the same tyme Rezin king of Syria brought Elath againe to Syria, and ryd the Iewes thence: And the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt therein vnto this day. 7So Ahaz sent messengers to Thiglath Peleser king of Assyria, saying: I am thy seruaunt and thy sonne, come vp and deliuer me out of the hande of the king of Syria, and out of the hande of the king of Israel, which rise vp against me. 8And Ahaz toke the siluer and golde that was founde in the house of the Lord, and in the treasures of the kinges house, and sent a rewarde to the king of Assyria. 9And the king of Assyria consented vnto him: For the king of Assyria went vp against Damasco, and when he had taken it, he carryed the people away to Kir, and slue Rezin. 10And king Ahaz went to Damascon, to meete Thiglath Peleser king of Assyria: And when king Ahaz sawe an aulter that was at Damascon, he sent to Uria the priest, the paterne of the aulter and the fashion of it, and all the workemanship thereof. 11And Uria the priest made an aulter, in all poyntes lyke to the paterne which king Ahaz had sent from Damascon, euen so did Uria ye priest make it against king Ahaz came from Damascon. 12And so when the king was come from Damascon, he sawe the aulter: and the king went to it, and offred thereon: 13And he burnt his burnt offring, and his meate offring, & powred his drincke offring, and sprinckled the blood of his peace offringes beside the aulter, 14And by the brasen aulter which was before the Lorde, and set it without the temple betweene the aulter and the temple of the Lorde, and put it on the northsyde of the aulter. 15And king Ahaz commaunded Uria the priest, & saide: Upon the great aulter, set on fire in the morning the burnt offring, and in the euen the meate offering, and the kinges burnt sacrifice, and his meate offring, with the burnt offering of all the people of the lande, and their meate offring, and their drinke offringes, and powre thereby al the blood of the burnt offring, and all the blood of the sacrifice: and the brasen aulter wyll I come, and see. 16And Uria the priest did according to al thinges as king Ahaz commaunded him. 17And king Ahaz brake the sydes of the botomes, and toke the lauer from of them, & toke downe the lauatorie from of the brasen oxen that were vnder it, and put it vpon a pauement of stones. 18And the vayle for the Sabbath that they had made in the house, and the kinges entrie without, turned he to the house of the Lorde, for feare of the king of Assyria. 19The rest of the wordes that concerne Ahaz what he did, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 20And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the citie of Dauid, & Hezekia his sonne raigned in his steade. 17In the twelfth yere of Ahaz king of Iuda, began Hosea the sonne of Elah to raigne in Samaria vpon Israel nine yeres: 2And did that which was euill in the sight of the Lorde, but not as the kinges of Israel that were before him. 3And Salmanasar king of Assyria came vp against him, and Hosea became his seruaunt, and gaue him presentes. 4And the king of Assyria founde treason in Hosea: for he had sent messengers to So king of Egypt, and brought no present vnto the king of Assyria from yere to yere: and therefore the king of Assyria shut him vp, and bounde him in the pryson house. 5And then the king of Assyria came vp throughout all the lande, and gat vp against Samaria, and besieged it three yeres. 6In the ninth yere of Hosea, the king of Assyria toke Samaria, and carryed Israel away vnto Assyria, & put them in Hala & in Habor by the ryuer of Goza and in the cities of the Medes. 7For it came to passe, that the children of Israel sinned against the Lord their God which had brought them out of the land of Egypt, from vnder the hand of Pharao king of Egypt, and feared other gods. 8And they walked in the ceremonies of the heathen whom the Lorde cast out before the children of Israel, and in the 9And the children of Israel went about to hide those thinges that were not wel from the Lorde their God: And they buylt them hygh places in all their cities, both in the towres where they kept watch, and also in the strong townes: 10And they made the images & groues in euery hye hill, & vnder euery thicke tree. 11And there they burnt incense in all the hygh places, as did the heathen whom the Lord caryed away before them, and wrought wicked thinges to anger the Lorde withall: 12For they serued most vile idols, wherof the Lorde had sayd vnto them: Ye shall do no such thing. 13And the Lorde testified in Israel and in Iuda by all the prophetes and by all the sears, saying: Turne from your wicked wayes, and kepe my commaundementes and my statutes, according to all the law which I commaunded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my seruauntes the prophetes. 14Nothwithstanding they woulde not heare, but rather hardened their neckes, lyke to the stubburnesse of their fathers, that dyd not beleue in the Lorde their God. 15For they refused his statutes, and his appoyntment that he made with their fathers, and the witnesses wherwith he witnessed vnto them, and they folowed vanitie, and became vayne, and went after the heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the Lorde had charged them that they shoulde not do lyke them. 16But they left al the commaundemetes of the Lord their God, and made them images of metal, euen two calues, and made idol groues, & worshipped all the hoast of heauen, and serued Baal. 17And they sacrificed their sonnes and their daughters in fire, and vsed witchcraftes, & enchauntmentes, euen selling them selues to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde, and to anger him. 18And the Lorde was exceeding wroth with Israel, & put them out of his sight, that there was left but the tribe of Iuda onely. 19Neuerthelesse, Iuda also kept not the commaundementes of the Lorde their God, but walked in the ceremonies of Israel whiche they made. 20And the Lord cast of all the seede of Israel, and vexed them, & deliuered them into the handes of spoylers, vntil he had rast them out of his sight. 21For he cut of Israel from the house of Dauid, and made them a king, euen Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat: And Ieroboam drewe Israel away that they shoulde not folowe the Lorde, and made them sinne a great sinne. 22For the children of Israel walked in all the sinnes of Ieroboam whiche he dyd, and departed not therfrom, 23Untill the Lord put Israel away out of his sight, as he had sayd by all his seruauntes the prophetes: And so was Israel caried away out of their owne land to Assyria euen vnto this day. 24And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon, from Cutha, fro Aua, from Hamath, and from Sepharuaim, and put them in the cities of Samaria in steede of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities therof. 25And it fortuned, that at the beginning of their dwelling there, they feared not the Lorde, and the Lorde sent lions among them, which slue them. 26Wherfore they spake to the king of Assyria, saying: The nations which thou hast translated & put in the cities of Samaria knowe not the lawe of the God of the lande: therefore he hath sent lions vpon them, and behold they slay them, because they knowe not the maner of worshipping the God of the lande. 27Then the king of Assyria commaunded, saying: Cary thyther one of the priestes whom ye brought thence, and let hym go and dwell there, and teache them the fashion how to serue the God of the countrey. 28And then one of the priestes whom they had caried from Samaria, came and dwelt in Bethel, and taught them howe they shoulde feare the Lorde. 29Howebeit euery nation made them gods of their owne, and put them in the houses of the hygh places whiche the Samaritans had made, euery nation in their cities wherin they dwelt. 30The men of Babylon made Socoth Benoth, & the men of Cuth made Nergal, & the men of Hamath made Asima, 31The Auites made Nibbaz and Tharthak: And the Sepharuites burnt their children in fire for Adramelech and Anamelech, the gods of Sepharuaim. 32And so they feared the Lorde, & made them priestes of the basist of them, which sacrifised for them in the houses of the hygh places. 33And so they feared the Lord, and serued their owne gods, after the maner of the people whom they caryed thence. 34And vnto this day they do after the olde maner: and neither feare God, neither do after their ordinaunces and customes, and after the lawe & commaundement which the Lorde commaunded the children of Iacob, whom he called Israel. 35And the Lorde made an appoyntment with them, and charged them, saying: Feare none other gods, nor bowe your selues to them, nor serue them, nor sacrifice to them: 36But feare the Lorde whiche brought you out of the land of Egypt with great power & a stretched out arme, him feare, and to him bow, and to him do sacrifice. 37The statutes, ordinaunces, lawe and commaundement whiche he wrote for you, see that ye be diligent to do for euermore, and feare not any other gods. 38And the appoyntment that I haue made with you see ye forget not, and feare none other gods: 39But the Lord your God ye shal feare, & he shall deliuer you out of the handes of all your enemies. 40Howebeit, they dyd not hearken, but did after their olde custome. 41And so these nations feared the Lord, and serued their images also, like as did their children and their childrens children: Euen as dyd their fathers, so do they vnto this day. 18In the thirde yere of Hosea sonne of Ela king of Israel, it came to passe that Hezekia ye sonne of Ahaz king of Iuda did raigne. 2Twentie and fyue yeres olde was he when he began to raigne, and raigned twentie and nine yeres in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Abi, ye daughter of Zacharia. 3And he dyd that whiche is right in the sight of the Lord, according to al as did Dauid his father. 4He put away the high places, & brake the images, and cut downe the groues, and all to brake the brasen serpent that Moyses had made: For vnto those dayes the children of Israel dyd burne sacrifice to it: and he called it Nehustan. 5He trusted in the Lorde God of Israel, so that after him was none lyke him among all the kinges of Iuda, neither were there any such before him. 6For he claue to the Lorde, and departed not from him: but kept his commaundementes, which the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 7And the Lorde was with him, so that he prospered in all thinges whiche he toke in hande: And he rebelled against the king of Assyria, and serued him not. 8He smote the Philistines euen vnto Azza & the coastes therof, both castels where they kept watches, and strong cities. 9And in the fourth yere of king Hezekia, (whiche was the seuenth yere of Hosea sonne of Ela king of Israel) it fortuned that Salmanazar king of Assyria came vp against Samaria, and besieged it. 10And after three yeres they toke it: euen in the sixth yere of Hezekia (that is to say the nynth yere of Hosea king of Israel) Samaria was wonne. 11And the king of Assyria dyd cary away Israel vnto Assyria, & put them in Halah and in Habor by the riuer of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes: 12Because they woulde not hearken vnto the voyce of the Lord their God, but transgressed his appoyntment, and all that Moyses the seruaunt of the Lorde commaunded: and would neither heare them, nor do them. 13Therfore in the fourteenth yere of king Hezekia, did Semacherib king of Assyria come vp against all the strong cities of Iuda, and toke them. 14And Hezekia king of Iuda sent to the king of Assyria to Lachis, saying: I haue offended: depart from me, and all that thou puttest on me, that will I beare. And the king of Assyria appoynted vnto Hezekia king of Iuda three hundred talentes of siluer, and thirtie talentes of golde. 15And Hezekia gaue him all the siluer that was founde in the house of the Lorde, & in the treasures of the kinges house 16At the same season dyd Hezekia rent of the doores of the temple of the Lorde and the pillers (whiche the sayde Hezekia king of Iuda had couered ouer) and gaue them to the king of Assyria. 17And the king of Assyria sent Tharthan, and Rabsaris, & Rabsakeh from Lachis, to king Hezekia with a great hoast against Hierusalem: And they went vp, and came to Hierusalem, and gat them vp and stoode by the conduite of the vpper poole, whiche is in the way of the fullers fielde. 18And when they had called to the king, there came out to them Eliakim the sonne of Elkia, which was stewarde of the houshold, and Sobna the scribe, and Ioah the sonne of Asaph, the recorder. 19And Rabsakeh sayd vnto them: Tell ye Hezekia I pray you, thus sayth the great king, euen the king of Assyria: what confidence is this that thou hast? 20Thou thinkest surely I haue eloquece, but counsell and strength are for the warre: On whom then doest thou trust, that thou rebellest against me? 21Doest thou trust to the staffe of this broken reede Egypt, on which if a man leane, it will go into his hande, & pearse it: Euen so is Pharao king of Egypt vnto all that trust on hym. 22If ye say vnto me, we trust in the Lorde our God: Is not that he whose hygh places and whose aulters Hezekia hath put downe? and hath sayd to Iuda and Hierusalem, ye shall worship before this aulter here in Hierusalem. 23Nowe therfore I pray thee geue hostages to my lorde the king of Assyria, and I will deliuer thee two thousande horses, if thou be able to set ryders vpon them: 24Why thinkest thou scorne at the presence of one of the least Dukes of my maisters seruauntes, and trustest to Egypt for charets and horsmen? 25Moreouer, am I come nowe without the bidding of the Lorde to this place, to destroy it? The Lord said to me: Go vp to this lande, and destroy it. 26And Eliakim the sonne of Helkia, and Sobna, & Ioah, sayde vnto Rabsakeh: Speake I pray thee to thy seruauntes in the Syrians language (for we vnderstande it) and talke not with vs in the Iewes tongue in the eares of this people that are on the wall. 27And Rabsakeh sayde vnto them: Hath my maister sent me to thy maister and thee, to speake these wordes? Hath he not sent me because of the men which sit on the wall, that they may eate their owne dongue, & drinke their owne pisse with you? 28And so Rabsakeh stoode, & cryed with a lowde voyce in the Iewes language, and spake, saying: Heare the wordes of the great king, euen of the king of Assyria. 29Thus sayth the king: Let not Hezekia beguile you, for he shal not be able to deliuer you out of myne hande: 30Neither let Hezekia make you to trust in the Lorde, saying, The Lorde shall surely deliuer vs, & this citie shall not be geuen ouer into the hande of the king of Assyria. 31Hearken not vnto Hezekia: For thus sayth the king of Assyria, Deale kindely with me, and come out to me, and then eate euery man of his owne vine, and of his owne figge tree, and drincke euery man of the water of his owne well, 32Till I come, and set you to as good a lande as yours is, a lande of corne and wine, a lande of bread and vineyardes, a lande of oyle, of olyue trees, and of hony, that ye may liue, and not dye: And hearken not vnto Hezekia, for he beguileth you, saying: The Lorde shall deliuer vs. 33Hath euery one of the gods of the nations deliuered his land out of the hand of the king of Assyria? 34Where is the god of Hamath, & of Arphad? and where is the god of Sepharuaim, Hena, and Iua? Dyd they deliuer Samaria out of myne hande? 35And what god is among al the gods of the nations, that hath deliuered his land out of myne hande? Shall the Lorde deliuer Hierusalem out of myne hande? 36But the people held their peace, and aunswered not him a word: for the king had commaunded, saying: Aunswere hym not. 37Then Eliakim the sonne of Helkia, which was the steward of the houshold, and Sobna the scribe, & Ioah the sonne of Asaph the recorder, came to Hezekia with their clothes rent, and tolde him the wordes of Rabsakeh. 19So it came to passe, that when king Hezekia hearde it, he rent his clothes, & put on sacke, & came into the house of the Lorde, 2And sent Eliakim which was the steward of the houshold, and Sobna the scribe, and the elders of the priestes clothed in sacke, to Isai the prophete, the sonne of Amoz. 3And they sayd vnto him, thus sayth Hezekia: This day is a day of tribulation, & of rebuke and blasphemie: For the children are come to the byrth, and there is no strength to be deliuered. 4Peraduenture the Lorde thy God will heare al the wordes of Rabsakeh, who the king of Assyria his maister hath sent to rayle on the lyuing God, & to rebuke him with wordes which the Lorde thy God hath hearde: And lift thou vp thy prayer for the remnaunt that are left. 5So the seruauntes of king Hezekia came to Isai. 6And Isai sayde vnto them, So shall ye say to your maister: Thus sayth the Lorde, Be not afrayde of the wordes which thou hast heard, with which the young men of the king of Assyria haue rayled on me. 7Beholde, I will put hym in another mynde, and he shall heare tydinges, and so returne to his owne land, and I will bring to passe, that he shall fall vpon the sworde euen in his owne land. 8And Rabsakeh went backe againe, and founde the king of Assyria fighting against Libna: for he had hearde howe that he was departed from Lachis. 9And when he hearde men say of Thirhaka king of the blacke Mores, Behold he is come out to fight against thee: he departed, and sent messengers vnto Hezekia, saying. 10Thus speake to Hezekia king of Iuda, saying: Let not thy God deceaue thee in whom thou trustest, saying: Hierusalem shall not be deliuered into the hand of the king of Assyria. 11Beholde, thou hast hearde what the kinges of Assyria haue done to all landes, how they haue vtterly destroyed them: And shalt thou escape? 12Haue the gods of the heathen deliuered them, whiche myne auncestours haue destroyed? As Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden which were in Thelassar? 13Where is the king of Hamath, and the king of Arphad, the king of the citie of Sepharuaun, and of Hena and Iua? 14And Hezekia receaued the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: And Hezekia went vp into the house of the Lorde, and layde it abrode before the Lorde. 15And Hezekia prayed before the Lord, and sayd: O Lord God of Israel which dwellest betweene ye Cherubs, thou art God alone ouer al the kingdomes of the earth, thou hast made heauen & earth. 16Lorde bowe downe thyne eare, and heare: Open Lorde thyne eyes, I besech thee, and see: and heare the wordes of Sennacherib whiche hath sent this man to rayle on the lyuing God. 17Of a trueth Lorde, the kinges of Assyria haue destroyed nations and their landes, 18And haue set fire on their gods: For they were no gods, but the worke of the handes of man, euen of wood and stone: and they destroyed them. 19Nowe therfore O Lord our God I besech thee, saue thou vs out of his hande, that all the kingdomes of the earth may knowe that thou onely art the Lorde God. 20And Isai the sonne of Amoz sent to Hezekia, saying, Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel: That whiche thou hast prayed me concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria, I haue hearde it. 21This is therefore the worde that the Lorde hath sayd of him: The virgin, euen the daughter of Sion hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorne O thou king of Assyria, the daughter of Hierusalem hath shaken her head at thee. 22Whom hast thou rayled on? and whom hast thou blasphemed? Against whom hast thou exalted thy voyce, and lyfted vp thyne eyes so hye? Euen against the holy of Israel. 23By the hande of thy messengers thou hast rayled on the Lord, and sayd: With the multitude of my charets I am come vp to the toppes of the mountaynes, euen along by the sides of Libanon, and I will cut downe the hye Cedar trees and the lusty fyrre trees therof: and I will go into the lodging of his borders, and into the wood of his Carmel. 24I haue digged and druncke straunge waters: & with the steppe of my goyng wil I drye al the water pooles that are besieged. 25Hast thou not heard howe I haue ordeyned such a thing a great whyle a go, and haue prepared it from the beginning? And shall I not nowe bring it foorth that it may destroy and bring strong cities into wast heapes of stones? 26And the inhabiters of them shalbe of litle power, and faynt hearted, and confounded, and shalbe lyke the grasse of the field, or greene hearbe, or as the hay on the toppes of the houses, or as the corne that is vnripe & smitten with blasting. 27I knowe thy dwelling, thy comming out and thy goyng in, and thy fury against me. 28And because thou ragest against me, & thy tumult is come vp to myne eares, I will put my hoke in thy nostrels, and my byt in thy lippes, and wil bring thee backe againe the same way thou camest. 29And this shalbe a signe vnto thee, O Hezekia: Ye shall eate this yere of such thinges as grow of them selues, and the next yere such as come vp of those that dyd growe of their owne accorde, and the thirde yere sowe ye and reape, plant vineyardes, and eate the fruites therof. 30And it that is escaped and left of the daughter of Iuda, shall yet againe take roting downewarde, and beare fruite vpwarde. 31For out of Hierusalem shall go a remnaunt and a number that shall escape out of mout Sion: The zeale of the lord of hoastes shal bring this thing to passe. 32Wherfore thus sayth the Lord concerning the king of Assyria: he shall not come to this citie, nor shote an arrowe into it, nor come before it with shielde, nor cast a banke against it. 33But shall go backe againe the way he came, and shall not come into this citie, sayth the Lorde. 34For I will defende this citie, to saue it, for myne owne sake, and for Dauid my seruauntes sake. 35And it came to passe, that the selfe same night the angell of the Lorde went out, and smote in the hoast of the Assyrians an hundred fourescore & fyue thousand: And when the remnaunt were vp early in the morning, beholde they were all dead coarses. 36And so Sennacherib king of Assyria auoyded and departed, and went againe and dwelt at Niniue. 37And it fortuned, that as he was in a temple worshipping Nisroch his God, Adramelech & Saresar his owne sonnes smote hym with the sworde: And they escaped into the lande of Armenia, and Asarhaddon his sonne raigned in his steade. 20About that time was Hezekia sicke vnto the death: And the prophete Isai the sonne of Amoz came to him, and sayde vnto him, Thus saith the Lord: Put thine houshold in an order, for thou shalt dye, and not lyue. 2And Hezekia turned his face to the wal, and prayed vnto the Lord, saying. 3I beseche the, O Lorde, remember now how I haue walked before thee in trueth and with a perfect heart, & haue done that whiche is good in thy sight. And Hezekia wept sore. 4And it fortuned that afore Isai was gone out into the middle of the court, the word of the Lorde came to him, saying: 5Turne againe, and tell Hezekia the captayne of my people, thus sayth the Lorde God of Dauid thy father: I haue hearde thy prayer, and seene thy teares, and beholde I will heale thee, so that on the thirde day thou shalt go vp into the house of the Lorde. 6And I wil adde vnto thy dayes yet fifteene yeres, & I will deliuer thee & this citie out of the hand of ye king of Assyria, & will defende this citie, for myne owne sake, & for Dauid my seruauntes sake. 7And Isai sayd: Take a lumpe of dried figges. And they toke and layed it on the sore, and he recouered. 8And Hezekia sayde vnto Isai: What shalbe the signe that the Lorde will heale me, and that I shal go vp into the house of the Lorde the thirde day? 9Isai aunswered: This signe shalt thou haue of the Lord, that the Lord will do that he hath spoken: Shall the shadowe go forwarde ten degrees? or go backe againe ten degrees? 10Hezekia aunswered: It is a light thing for the shadowe to go downe ten degrees, I desire not that: but let the shadowe go backwarde ten degrees. 11And Isai the prophete called vnto the Lord, and he brought the shadowe ten degrees backewarde, by whiche it had gone downe in the dyall of Ahaz, 12The same season Berodach Baladan the sonne of Baladan king of Babylon, sent letters and a present vnto Hezekia: for he had hearde howe that Hezekia was sicke. 13And Hezekia was glad of them, and shewed them all his treasure house, siluer, golde, odours, precious oyntment, all the house of his armory, and all that was found in his treasures: There was nothing in his house, & in all his realme, that Hezekia shewed them not. 14And Isai the prophete came vnto king Hezekia, and sayd vnto him: What sayde these men? and from wence came they to thee? And Hezekia sayde: They be come from a farre countrey, euen from Babylon. 15And he sayde againe: What haue they seene in thy house? Hezekia aunswered: All ye thinges that are in my house haue they seene: there is nothing among my treasures, that I haue not shewed the. 16And Isai sayde vnto Hezekia: Heare the word of the Lord, 17Beholde, the dayes come, that all that is in thy house, and whatsoeuer thy fathers haue layde vp in store vnto this day, shalbe caryed into Babylon: and nothing shalbe left sayth the Lorde. 18And of thy sonnes that shall proceede out of thee, and which thou shalt beget, shall they take away, and they shalbe chamberlaynes in the palace of the king of Babylon. 19And Hezekia sayde vnto Isai: Welcome be the worde of the Lorde whiche thou hast spoken. And he sayde: Shall there not be peace & trueth in my dayes? 20The remnaunt of the wordes that concerne Hezekia, and all his power, and howe he made a poole and a conduite, & brought water into the citie, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 21And Hezekia slept with his fathers, & Manasse his sonne raigned in his steade 21Manasse was twelue yeres old when he began to raigne, and raigned fyftie and fyue yeres in Hierusale: his mothers name also was Hephziba. 2And he did euil in the sight of the Lord, euen after the abominations of the heathen whom the Lorde cast out before the children of Israel. 3For he went and buylt vp the hygh places whiche Hezekia his father had destroyed, and he reared vp aulters for Baal, and made idol groues as dyd Ahab king of Israel, and worshipped all the hoast of heauen, and serued them. 4And he buylt aulters in the house of the Lord, of which the Lorde sayde: in Hierusalem will I put my name. 5And he buylt aulters for all the hoast of heauen, euen in two courtes of the house of the Lorde. 6And he offred his owne sonne in fire, and gaue heede vnto witchcraft and sorcery, and mainteyned workers with spirites, and tellers of fortunes, and wrought much wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde to anger him. 7And he put an image of a groue that he had made euen in the temple, of which the Lord had sayd to Dauid and Solomon his sonne: in this house and in Hierusalem which I haue chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for euer. 8Neither will I make the feete of Israel moue any more out of the lande which I gaue their fathers: so that they will obserue and do all that I haue commaunded them, and according to all the law that my seruaunt Moyses commaunded them. 9But they hearkened not: and Manasse led them out of the way, to do more wickedly then dyd the heathen people whom the Lorde destroyed before the children of Israel. 10And the Lord spake by his seruauntes the prophetes, saying: 11Because Manasse king of Iuda hath done such abhominations, and hath wrought more wickedly then all the Amorites whiche were before him dyd, and hath made Iuda sinne also with his idols: 12Therfore thus sayth the Lord God of Israel: Behold, I will bring such euyll vpon Hierusalem and Iuda, that whoso heareth of it, both his cares shal tingle. 13And I will stretche ouer Hierusalem the squaryng line of Samaria, & the plummet of the house of Ahab: And I will wype out Hierusalem, as a man wypeth a dishe, and when he hath wyped it, turneth it vp syde downe. 14And I will leaue the remnaunt of myne inheritaunce, and deliuer them into the hand of their enemies, and they shalbe robbed and spoyled of all their aduersaries: 15Euen because they haue done euyll in my sight, and haue angred me, sence the time their fathers came out of Egypt, vnto this day. 16And Manasse shed innocent blood exceeding much, till he replenished Hierusalem from corner to corner, besyde his sinne wherwith he made Iuda to sinne and to do euyll in the sight of the Lorde. 17The rest of the wordes that concerne Manasse, and all that he dyd, and his sinne that he sinned, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 18And Manasse slept with his fathers, and was buried in the garden of his owne house, euen in the garde of Uzza, & Amon his sonne raigned in his steade. 19Amon was twentie and two yeres olde when he began to raigne, and he raigned two yeres in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Mesullemeth the daughter of Harus of Iotba. 20And he dyd euyll in the sight of the Lord, as his father Manasse dyd: 21And walked in al the way that his father walked in, and serued the idols that his father serued, and worshipped them: 22And he forsoke the Lord God of his fathers, and walked not in the way of the Lorde. 23And the seruauntes of Amon conspired against hym, & slue the king in his owne house. 24And the people of the land slue al them that had conspired against king Amon, and the people made Iosia his sonne king in his steade. 25The rest of the wordes that concerne Amon what thinges he dyd, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 26And they buryed him in his sepulchre in the garden of Uzza, & Iosia his sonne raigned in his steade. 22Iosia was eight yeres olde when he began to raigne, & he raigned thirtie & one yeres in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Iedida the daughter of Adaia of Bozcath. 2He dyd that which is right in the sight of the Lorde, & walked in all the wayes of Dauid his father, and bowed neither to the right hande or to the left. 3And it came to passe, that in the eyghtteenth yere of the raigne of king Iosia, the king sent Saphan the sonne of Azalia the sonne of Mesulam the scribe to the house of the Lord, saying: 4Go vp to Helkia the hye priest, that he may summe the siluer whiche is brought into the house of the Lorde, which the kepers of the porche haue gathered of the people: 5And let them deliuer it into the hande of them that do the worke, and that haue the ouersight of the house of the Lord: and let them geue it to them that worke in the house of the Lorde, to repaire the decayed places of the temple, 6Euen vnto carpenters and masons, and workers vpon the walles, and for to bye tymber and free stone, to repaire the temple. 7Howbeit, let no reckenyng be made with them of the money that is deliuered into their hande, for their vse is to deale faithfully. 8And Helkia the hie priest said vnto Saphan the scribe: I haue founde the booke of the lawe in the house of the Lorde. And Helkia gaue the booke to Saphan, and he read in it. 9And Saphan the scribe came to the king, and brought him worde againe, and sayde: Thy seruauntes haue gathered the money that was founde in the temple, and haue deliuered it vnto them that do the worke, and that haue the ouersight of the house of the Lorde. 10And Saphan the scribe shewed the king, saying, Helkia the priest hath deliuered me a booke: And Saphan read in it before the king. 11And it fortuned, that when the king had hearde the wordes of the booke of the lawe, he rent his clothes. 12And the king commaunded Helkia the priest, and Ahikan the sonne of Saphan, and Achbor the sonne of Michaia, and Saphan the scribe, and Asahia a seruaunt of the kinges, saying: 13Go ye and enquire of the Lord for me, and for the people, and for al Iuda, concerning the wordes of this booke that is founde: For great is the wrath of the Lord that is kyndled against vs, because our fathers haue not hearkened vnto the wordes of this booke, to do according vnto al that which is written therin for vs. 14So Helkia the hye priest and Ahikam, Achbor, and Saphan, and Asahia, went vnto Hulda the prophetisse the wyfe of Sallum the sonne of Thikua the sonne of Harhas keper of the wardrope: (which prophetisse dwelt in Hierusalem in the house of the doctrine:) & they communed with her. 15And she aunswered them: thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, Tell the man that sent you to me, 16Thus sayth the Lorde: Behold, I wil bring euyll vpon this place, and on the inhabiters therof, euen all the wordes of the booke whiche the king of Iuda hath read: 17Because they haue forsaken me, and haue burnt incense vnto other gods, to anger me with all the workes of their handes: My wrath also shalbe kindled against this place, and shall not be quenched. 18But to the king of Iuda whiche sent you to aske counsell of the Lord, so shall ye say: Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, as touching the wordes whiche ye haue hearde: 19Because thyne heart dyd melt, and because thou hast humbled thy selfe before me the Lorde, when thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabiters of the same, howe that they should be destroyed and accursed: and hast rent thy clothes and wept before me, of that also haue I hearde sayth the Lorde: 20Beholde therefore I wyll receaue thee vnto thy fathers, and thou shalt be put into thy graue in peace, and thyne eyes shall not see all the euill which I wyll bryng vpon this place. And they brought the king worde againe. 23And then the king sent, and there gathered vnto him all the elders of Iuda and of Hierusalem. 2And the king went vp into the house of the Lorde, with all the men of Iuda, and all the inhabitours of Hierusalem, with the priestes, and prophetes, and all the people both small and great: And he read in the eares of them al the wordes of the couenaunt which was founde in the house of the Lorde. 3And the king stoode by a piller, & made a couenaunt before the Lorde, that they should walke after the Lorde, and kepe his commaundementes, his witnesses, and his statutes, with all their heart and all their soule, and make good the wordes of the sayde appoyntment, that were written in the foresayde booke: And all the people consented to the appoyntment. 4And the king commaunded Helchia the hie prieste, and the inferior priestes, and the kepers of the ornamentes, to bryng out of the temple of the Lorde all the vessels that were made for Baal, for the idoll groues, and for all the hoast of heauen: And he burnt them without Hierusalem in the fieldes of Cedron, and carryed the asshes of them into Bethel. 5And he put downe the ministers of Baal whom the kinges of Iuda had founded to burne incense in the high places and cities of Iuda that were rounde about Hierusalem, & also them that burnt incense vnto Baal, to the sunne, to the moone, to the planets, and to all the hoast of heauen. 6And he brought out the groue from the temple of the Lorde without Hierusalem vnto the brooke Cedron, and burnt it there at the brooke Cedron, and stampt it to powder, and cast the dust thereof vpon the graues of the children of the people. 7And he brake downe the celles of the male stewes that were by the house of the Lorde, where the women woue hanginges for the idol groue. 8And he brought all the priestes out of the cities of Iuda, and defiled the high places where the priestes had burnt incense, euen from Geba to Beerseba, and destroyed the high places of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Iosua ye gouernour of the citie, which were as a man goeth in on the left hande of the gate of the citie. 9Neuerthelesse, the priestes of the high places came not vp to the aulter of the Lorde in Hierusalem, saue onely they did eate of the sweete bread among their brethren. 10And he defiled Thopheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, because no man should offer his sonne or his daughter in fire to Moloch. 11He put downe the horses that the kinges of Iuda had geuen to the sunne, at the entering in of the house of the Lorde, by the chambre of Nathanmelech the chamberlayne, which was ruler of the suburbes, and burnt the charets of the sunne with fire. 12And the aulters that were on the top of the parlour of Ahaz which the kinges of Iuda had made, and the aulters which Manasse had made in the two courtes of the house of the Lorde, did the king breake downe, & ran thence, and cast the dust of them into the brooke Cedron. 13And the high places that were before Hierusalem, on the right hand of the mount Oliuet, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Astaroth the idol of the Zidons, and for Chamos the idol of the Moabites, and for Milthon the abhominable idoll of the children of Ammon, those the king defiled: 14And brake the images, and cut downe the idol groues, and filled their places with the bones of men. 15Moreouer, the aulter that was at Bethel, the high places made by Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which made Israel sinne, both the aulter and also the high places he brake downe, and burnt the high places, and stampt it to powder, and burnt the idol groue. 16And as Iosia turned him selfe, he spyed the graues that were in the mount, and sent and fet the bones out of the graues, and burnt them vpon the aulter, to pollute it, according to the word of the Lorde that the man of God proclaymed which tolde the same wordes. 17Then he saide: What title is that that I see? And the men of the citie tolde him: It is the sepulchre of the man of God, which came from Iuda, and tolde the selfe same thinges that thou hast done to the aulter of Bethel. 18And he saide, let him be: see that no man moue his bones. And so his bones were saued, with the bones of a prophete that came out of Samaria. 19And all the houses of the high places in the cities of Samaria, which the king of Israel had made to anger the Lorde withal those Iosia put out of the way, & did to them according to all the actes that he had done in Bethel. 20And he sacrifised all the priestes of the high places that were there, euen vpon the aulters, and burnt mens bones vpon them, and returned to Hierusalem. 21And the king commaunded all the people, saying: Kepe the feast of Passouer vnto the Lorde your God, as it is written in the booke of this couenaunt. 22There was no Passouer holden lyke that from the dayes of the iudges that iudged Israel, and in all the dayes of the kinges of Israel and of the kinges of Iuda. 23In the eighteenth yere of king Iosia, was this Passouer holden to the Lord in Hierusalem. 24And therto workers with spirites, & soothsayers, images, idols, and all the abhominations that were spyed in the lande of Iuda and in Hierusalem, those did Iosia put out of the way, to perfourme the wordes of the lawe, which were written in the booke that Helchia the priest founde in the house of the Lorde 25Lyke vnto him was there no king before him that turned to the Lorde with all his heart, with all his soule, and all his might, according to all the lawe of Moyses, neither after him arose ther any such as he. 26Notwithstanding, the Lorde turned not from the fiercenesse of his great wrath wherewith he was angry against Iuda, because of all the prouocations that Manasse had prouoked him withall. 27And the Lorde sayde: I wyll put Iuda also out of my sight, as I haue done away Israel, and wyll cast of this citie Hierusalem which I haue chosen, and the house of which I sayde, My name shall be there. 28The rest of the wordes that concerne Iosia, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 29In his dayes Pharao Necho king of Egypt went vp against the king of Assyria to the riuer of Euphrates: And king Iosia went against him, and was slaine of him at Megiddo when he had seene him. 30And his seruauntes carryed him dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Hierusalem, & buryed him in his owne sepulchre: And the people of the lande toke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosia, and annoynted him, and made him king in his fathers steade. 31Iehoahaz was twentie & three yeres olde when he began to raigne, and raigned three monethes in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Hamiel, the daughter of Ierenna of Libna. 32And he did euil in the sight of the Lord, according to all thinges as his fathers had done. 33And Pharao Necho put him in bondes at Ribla in the lande of Hamath while he raigned in Hierusalem, and put the lande to a tribute of an hundred talents of siluer, and a talent of golde. 34And Pharao Necho made Eliakim the sonne of Iosia king in the roome of Iosia his father, and turned his name to Iehoakim, and toke Iehoahaz away: which when he came to Egypt, dyed there. 35And Iehoakim gaue the siluer and the golde to Pharao, & tayed the lande, to geue the money according to the commaundement of Pharao: requiring of euery man according to their habilitie siluer and golde, euen of the people of the lande, to geue vnto Pharao Necho. 36Iehoakim was twentie & fiue yeres olde when he began to raigne, and he raigned aleuen yeres in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Zebuda, the daughter of Pedaia of Ruma. 37And he did that which was euill in the sight of the Lord, according to al things as his fathers had done. 24In his dayes came Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon vp, & Iehoakim became his seruaunt three yeres: and then turned, and rebelled against him. 2And the Lord sent against him bandes of the Chaldes, and bandes of the Syrians, and bandes of the Moabites, and bandes of the Ammonites: and sent them against Iuda to destroye it, according to the saying of the Lorde which he spake by his seruauntes the prophetes. 3Onely at the bidding of the Lorde happened it so to Iuda, to put them out of his sight for the sinnes of Manasse, according to all that he did. 4And for the innocent blood that he shed, and filled Hierusalem with innocent blood: and the Lorde would not be reconciled. 5The rest of the wordes that concerne Iehoakim, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda? 6And so Iehoakim slept with his fathers: and Iehoachin his sonne raigned in his steade. 7And the king of Egypt came no more out of his lande: For the king of Babylon had taken from the ryuer of Egypt vnto the ryuer of Euphrates, all that pertayned to the king of Egypt. 8Iehoachin was eighteene yeres olde when he began to raigne, and raigned in Hierusalem three monethes: His mothers name also was Nehusta, the daughter of Elnathan of Hierusalem. 9And he did that which was euil in the sight of the Lorde, according to all as his father had done. 10In that tyme came the seruauntes of Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon vp against Hierusalem, & the citie was besieged. 11And Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon came against the citie, and his seruauntes did besiege it. 12And Iehoachin the king of Iuda, came out to the king of Babylon, he and his mother, his seruauntes, his lordes, and his chamberlaynes: and the king of Babylon toke him in the eight yere of his raigne. 13And he carryed out thence al the treasures of the house of the Lorde, and the treasure of the kinges house, and brake al the vessels of golde which Solomon king of Israel had made in the temple of the Lorde, as the Lorde had sayde. 14And he carryed away all Hierusalem, and al the lordes, and all the strong men of warre, euen ten thousand, into captiuitie, and all the craftesmen, & kepers, none remaining saue the poore common people of the lande. 15And he carryed away Iehoachin to Babylon, and the kinges mother, and the kinges wyues, his chamberlaynes: & them that were mightie in the lande those carryed he away into captiuitie, from Hierusalem to Babylon. 16And all the actiue men of warre, euen seuen thousand, and craftesmen, and porters a thousand, all that were strong and apt for warre, did the king of Babylon bryng to Babylon captiue. 17And the king of Babylon made Mathania his fathers brother king in his steade, and chaunged his name to Zedekia. 18Zedekia was twentie and one yeres olde when he began to raigne, and he raigned aleuen yeres in Hierusalem: His mothers name also was Hamital, the daughter of Ieremia of Libna. 19And he did euill in the sight of the Lorde, according to all as Iehoachin had done. 20For the wrath of the Lorde was moued against Hierusalem & Iuda, vntill he cast them out of his sight: And Zedekia rebelled against the king of Babylon. 25And it fortuned, that in the ninth yere of his raigne, the tenth day of the tenth moneth, Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon came, he & all his hoast, against Hierusalem, and pitched against it, and made engins against it on euery syde. 2And the citie was besieged vnto the eleuenth yere of king Zedekia. 3And the ninth day of the moneth, there was so great hunger in the citie, that there was no bread for the people of the lande. 4And the citie was broken vp, and all the men of armes fled by night by a way through a gate which is betweene two walles by the kinges garden (the Chaldees lying about the citie:) And the king went the way toward the playne. 5And the souldiers of the Chaldees folowed after the king, and toke him in the playne of Iericho: and all his army were scattered away from him. 6So they toke the king, and brought him to Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon to Ribla, where they gaue iudgement vpon him. 7And they slue the sonnes of Zedekia before his eyes, and he put out the eyes of Zedekia, and fettered him with chaynes, and carryed him to Babylon. 8And the seuenth day of the fifth moneth (which is the nineteenth yere of king Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon) came Nebusaradan a seruaunt of the king of Babylon & chiefe captayne of the men of warre, vnto Hierusalem: 9And burnt the house of the Lord, and the kinges house, and all the houses of Hierusalem, and all great houses burnt he with fire. 10And all the souldiers of the Chaldees that were with the chiefe captayne of the men of warre, brake downe the walles of Hierusalem rounde about. 11But the rest of the people that were left in the citie, and them that were fled to the king of Babylon, with the remnaunt of the common people, did Nabusaradan the chiefe captayne of the men of warre carry away. 12But the captaine of the souldiers left of the poore of the land, to dresse the vines and to tyll the grounde. 13And the pillers of brasse that were in the house of the Lorde, and the sockets, and the brasen lauatorie that was in the house of the Lorde, did the Chaldees breake, & carryed all the brasse of them to Babylon. 14And the pots, shouels, instrumentes of musicke, spoones, and all the vessels of brasse that they ministred in, toke they away, 15And the fire pannes, and basons: and such thinges as were of golde and of siluer, them toke ihe chiefe captayne away: 16Euen two pillers, one lauatorie, and the sockets which Solomon had made for the house of the Lorde: The brasse of al these vessels was without waight. 17The height of the one piller was eightteene cubites, and the pommel thereof was brasse: and the height of the pommel was with wreathen worke three cubites, & pomegranates vpon the pommel rounde about all of brasse: And of the same fashion was the second piller, with a wreathen worke. 18And the chiefe captayne of the men of warre toke Saraia the chiefe priest, and Zephoniah the highest priest saue one, and the three kepers of the holy things: 19And out of the citie he toke a chamberlayne that had the ouersight of the men of warre, & fiue men of them that were euer in the kinges presence which were founde in the citie, and him that was scribe to the captaine of the hoast which brought out the people of the lande to warre, and threescore men of the people of the lande that were founde in the citie. 20And Nebusaradan the chiefe captaine of the men of warre, toke these, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Ribla. 21And the king of Babylon smote them, and slue them at Ribla in the lande of Hamath: And so Iuda was carryed away out of their lande. 22Howebeit, there remayned people in the lande of Iuda, whom Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon left, & made Gedalia the sonne of Ahikam the sonne of Saphan ruler ouer them. 23And all the captaynes of the souldiers, & other men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedalia gouernour, and there came to Gedalia to Mizpah Ismael ye sonne of Nathania, Iohannan the sonne of Karea, Saraia the sonne of Thanhumeth the Netophatite, and Iaazania the sonne of Maachati, they and their men. 24And Gedalia sware to them and to the men whom they had with them, and saide vnto them: Feare not ye because ye are the seruauntes of the Chaldees: dwell in the lande, and serue the king of Babylon, and ye shall be well. 25But it chaunced in the seuenth moneth, that Ismael the sonne of Nathania the sonne of Elisama of the kinges blood, came, and ten men with him, and smote Gedalia that he dyed: and so did he the Iewes and the Chaldees that were with him at Mizpah. 26And all the people both small & great, and the captaynes of warre, arose and came to Egypt: for they were afrayde of the Chaldees. 27Notwithstading, yet in the seuen & thirtith yere after Iehoachin king of Iuda was carryed away, the seuen and twentith day of the twelfth moneth Euilmerodach king of Babylon the same yere that he began to raigne, did lyft vp the head of Iehoachin king of Iuda out of pryson. 28And spake kindely to him, and set his seate aboue the seate of the kinges that were with him in Babylon, 29And chaunged his pryson garmentes, and he did euer eate bread before him al the dayes of his lyfe. 30His portion was a continuall portion that was assigned him of the king, euery day a certaine as long as he lyued.