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Bshps NEH Chapter 3

NEH 3 ©

3And Eliasib the hye priest gat him vp with his brethre the priestes, and they buylded the sheepe gate: they repaired it, and set vp the doores of it: euen vnto the towre Mea repaired they it, and vnto the towre of Hananeel. 2Next vnto him also buylded the men of Iericho: And beside him buylded Sachur the sonne of Amri. 3But the fishe port did the children of Asnaa buyld, which also layed the beames therof, and set on the doores, lockes, and barres of it. 4And next vnto them buylded Meremoth the sonne of Uria, the sonne of Hakoz: and next vnto them buylded Mesullam the sonne of Berachia, the sonne of Mesesabel: and next vnto them buylded Zadoc the sonne of Baana. 5And next vnto hym buylded they of Thekoa: But the great men that were among them put not their neckes to the worke of their Lorde. 6The olde gate buylded Iehoiada the sonne of Paseah, & Mesullam the sonne of Besodia, they layed the beames therof, and set on the doores, lockes, & barres of it. 7Next vnto them buylded Melatiah of Gibeon, and Iadon of Merona, men of Gibeon and of Mispah, vnto the throne of the duke which was beyond the riuer. 8Next vnto him buylded Uzziel the sonne of Harhaiah of the goldesmythes: Next vnto hym also buylded Hananiah the sonne of Harakahim, and they repaired Hierusalem vnto the brode wall. 9Next vnto them buylded Raphaiah the sonne of Hur, the ruler of the halfe part of Hierusalem. 10Next vnto him buylded Iedaia the sonne of Harumaph ouer against his house: and next vnto him buylded Hattus the sonne of Hasabnia. 11But Melchia the sonne of Harim, and Hasub the sonne of the captayne of Moab buylded the other peece, and the towre beside the fornaces. 12Next vnto hym buylded Sallum the sonne of Hallohes, the ruler of the halfe part of Hierusalem, he & his daughters. 13The valley gate buylded Hanun, and the citezins of Zanoa: They buylded it, and set on the doores, lockes, and barres thereof, and a thousande cubites on the wall, vnto the doung port. 14But the doung port buylded Melchiah the sonne of Rechab, the ruler of the fourth part of Beth acharem: he repaired it, and set on the doores, lockes, and barres thereof. 15But the wel gate repaired Sallum the sonne of Cholhosah, the ruler of the fourth part of Mispah: He buylded it, and couered it, and set on the doores, lockes and barres thereof: and the wall vnto the poole Siloah by the kinges garden, and vnto the steppes that go downe from the citie of Dauid. 16After him buylded Nehemiah the sonne of Asbok, the ruler of the halfe parte of Bethzur, vntill the other side ouer against the sepulchres of Dauid, and to the poole that was repaired, and vnto the house of the mightie. 17After him buylded the Leuites, Rehuin the sonne of Bani: and next vnto him buylded Hasabia the ruler of the halfe part of Keilah in his quarter. 18After him buylded their brethren Bauai the sonne of Henadad the ruler of the halfe part of Keilah. 19And after him buylded Ezer the sonne of Iesua the ruler of Mispah the other peece, harde ouer against the goyng vp to the house of ordinaunce that was in the corner. 20Againe, after him brake foorth Baruch the sonne of Zachai of indignation, and repaired the other peece from the turning corner, vnto the doore of the house of Eliasib the hie priest. 21After him also buylded Merimoth the sonne of Uria, the sonne of Haccos, the other peece, from the doore of the house of Eliasib, euen as long as the house of Eliasib extended. 22After him buylded the priestes, the men of the playne. 23After him buylded Beniamin and Hasub ouer against their house: and after him wrought Asaria the sonne of Maasia the sonne of Anania by his house. 24After hym also buylded Bennui the sonne of Henadad the other peece, from the house of Azaria vnto the turning of the wall and vnto the corner. 25After him buylded Pala the sonne of Usai, ouer against the corner and the high towre whiche lyeth out ouer from the kinges house, that was beside the court of the prison: After him Phadaia the sonne of Pharos. 26As for the Nethinims they dwelt in the strong hold vnto the water gate toward the east, and to the towre that lyeth out. 27After him buylded they of Thekua the other peece ouer against the great towre that lyeth outwarde, vnto the wall of the strong holde. 28But from aboue the horse gate foorth buylded the priestes, euery one ouer against his house. 29And after them buylded Zadoc the sonne of Immer ouer against his house: After him buylded also Semeia ye sonne of Sechania the keper of the east gate. 30After him buylded Hanania the sonne of Selemia, and Hanun the sonne of Zalaph the sixt, the other peece: And after him buylded Mesullam the sonne of Barachia ouer against his store house. 31After him buylded Melchia the goldsmithes sonne vnto the house of the Nithinims and of the marchauntes, ouer against the gate Mephkad, and to the parlour in the corner. 32And betweene the parlour of the corner vnto the sheepegate, buylded the goldesmithes, and the marchauntes.

NEH 3 ©
