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Cvdl DEU Chapter 22

DEU 22 ©

22Yf thou se thy brothers oxe or shepe, go astraie, thou shalt not withdrawe thy selfe from them, but shalt brynge the againe vnto yi brother. 2But yf yi brother be not nye vnto the, & thou knowest him not, then shalt thou take the in to thine house, yt they maye be wt the, tyll ye brother axe after them, & then delyuer him the agayne. 3In like maner shalt thou do with his Asse, wt his rayment, & with euery lost thinge of yi brother, which he hath lost, & thou hast founde it: thou mayest not withdrawe thyselfe. 4Yf thou se thy brothers oxe or Asse fallen downe by the waye, thou shalt not wt drawe thy selfe from him, but shalt helpe him vp. 5A woman shall not weere yt which pertayneth to a man, nether shal a man put on womans raymet. For who so euer doth soch, is abhominacion vnto ye LORDE yi God. 6Yf thou chaunce vpon a byrdes nest by ye waye in a tre, or on the grounde, with yonge or with egges, and the dame syttinge vpon the yonge or vpon the egges, thou shalt not take the dame with the yonge, 7but shalt let the dame flye, and take the yonge, that thou mayest prospere and lyue longe. 8Whan thou buyldest a new house, make a battelment aboute thy rofe, that thou lade not bloude vpon thine house, yf eny man fall therof. 9Thou shalt not sowe thy vynyarde with dyuerse sedes, that thou halowe not (to the full offerynge) the sede which thou hast sowne, with the increase of the vynyarde. 10Thou shalt not plowe with an oxe and an Asse together at one tyme. 11Thou shalt not weere a garmet, yt is mixte with wollen and lynnen together. 12Thou shalt make gardes vpon the foure quarters of thy garment, wherwith thou couerest thy selfe. 13Yf a man take a wife, and hate her whan he hath lyen with her, 14and layeth eny shamefull thinge vnto hir charge, and bryngeth vp an euell name vpon her, and sayeth: I toke this wife, & whan I came to her, I founde her not a mayde. 15Then shall the father and mother of the damsell take her, and brynge forth the tokens of the damsels virginite before the Elders of the cite, euen vnto the gate. 16And ye damsels father shal saie vnto ye Elders: I gaue this man my doughter to wyfe. Now hateth he her, 17and layeth a shamefull thinge to hir charge, and sayeth: I founde not thy doughter a mayde. And lo, these are the tokens of my doughters virginite. And they shal sprede out the clothe before the Elders of the cite. 18So shal the Elders of the cite take that man, and chastice him, 19and put a pennaunce vpon him of an hundreth Sycles of syluer, and geue the same vnto the father of the damsell, because he hath brougte vp an euell name of a mayde in Israel, and he shall haue her to wyfe, so yt he maye not forsake her all his life longe. 20But yf it be of a trueth, that the damsell is not founde a virgin, 21the shal she be brought forth vnto the dore of hir fathers house, and the me of the cite shal stone her to death, because she hath wrought foly in Israel, and played the whore in hir fathers house. And so shalt thou put awaye the euell from the. 22Yf a man be founde lienge with a woma that hath a maried husbande, they shal dye both the man, & the woma that he hath lien withall. And so shalt thou put awaye euell from Israel. 23Yf a mayde be handfested to eny man, & another man getteth her in the cite, & lyeth with her, 24ye shal brynge them both out vnto the gate of the cite, and stone them both, yt they dye. The damsell, because she cryed not, beynge in the cite. The man, because he hath brought his neghbours wife to shame. And thou shalt put awaye the euell from the. 25But yf a man get an handfested damsell vpon the felde, and take her, and lye wt her, then the man that laye with her, shal dye alone, 26and vnto the damsell thou shalt do nothinge: for she hath done no synne worthy of death. It is like as yf a man rose against his neghboure, and slewe him, euen so is this also. 27For he founde her in the felde, and the handfested damsell cryed, and there was no man to helpe her. 28Yf a man fynde a mayde that is not hadfested, and take her, and lye with her, and be founde, 29then shal he that laye with her, geue hir father fyftie Sycles of syluer, and shall haue her to wyfe, because he hath shamed her: he maye not forsake her all his life loge. 30Noma shal take his fathers wife, ner vncouer his fathers couerynge.

DEU 22 ©
