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Cvdl 2KI Chapter 15

2KI 15 ©

15In the seuen & twentieth yeare of Ieroboam kynge of Israel, reigned Asarias the sonne of Amasias kynge of Iuda: 2and was sixtene yeare olde whan he was made kynge, and reigned two and fyftye yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Iechalia of Ierusale. 3And he dyd righte in the sighte of the LORDE, acordinge to all as dyd Amasias his father, 4sauynge that they put not downe the hye places. For the people dyd sacryfice and brent incense yet vpon the hye places. 5Howbeit the LORDE smote the kynge, so that he was leper vnto his death, and dwelt in a frye house. But Iotham the kynges sonne ruled the house, and iudged the people in the londe. 6What more there is to saye of Asarias, & all yt he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 7And Asarias fell on slepe with his fathers, & was buried with his fathers in the cite of Dauid, & Iotham his sonne was kynge in his steade. 8In the eight and thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, was Zacharias the sonne of Ieroboam kynge ouer Israel at Samaria sixe monethes. 9And he dyd yt which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, euen as his fathers dyd. He departed not from ye synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 10And Sellum the sonne of Iabes conspyred agaynst him, and smote him in the presence of ye people, and slewe him, & was kynge in his steade. 11What more there is to saie of Zacharias, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 12And this is it, yt the LORDE sayde vnto Iehu: Thy children shall syt vpo the seate of Israel vntyll the fourth generacion. And euen so came it to passe. 13Sellum the sonne of Iabes reigned in ye nyne & thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, & reigned one moneth at Samaria. 14For Menahem the sonne of Gadi wete vp from Thirza, & came to Samaria, and smote Sellum the sonne of Iabes at Samaria, & slewe him, and was kynge in his steade. 15What more there is to saye of Sellum, & of his sedicion which he stered vp, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 16At the same tyme dyd Manahem smyte Tiphsa, & all yt were therin, & the coastes therof from Thirza, because they wolde not let him in, and smote all their wemen wt childe, and rypte them vp. 17In the nyne & thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Manahem the sonne of Gad to reigne ouer Israel ten yeares at Samaria, 18and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE. As longe as he lyued, departed he not from ye synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 19And Phul the kynge of Assiria came into the lode. And Manahem gaue vnto Phul a thousande talentes of syluer to holde with him, and to cofirme him in the kyngdome. 20And Manahem raysed vp a taxe in Israel vpon the richest, fiftye Sycles of syluer vpon euery man, to geue vnto ye kynge of Assiria. So the kynge of Assiria wete home agayne, and taried not in the londe. 21What more there is to saye of Manahem, & all yt he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 22And Manahem fell on slepe wt his fathers. And Pecahia his sonne was kynge in his steade. 23In the fiftieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Pecahia the sonne of Manahem to reigne ouer Israel at Samaria two yeare, 24and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE: for he departed not fro the synnes of Ieroboam ye sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 25And Pecah the sonne of Romelia his knyghte conspyred agaynst him, & smote him at Samaria in ye palace of the kynges house wt Argob and Ariah, and fiftye men wt him of ye childre of Gilead, & slewe him, & was kynge in his steade. 26What more there is to saye of Pecahia, & all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 27In the two and fiftieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Pecah the sonne of Romelia to reigne ouer Israel at Samaria, twentye yeare, 28& dyd that which was euell in the sighte of ye LORDE: for he departed not from the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 29In the tyme of Pecah the kynge of Israel, came Teglatphalasser the kynge of Assiria, & toke Eion, Abel Beth Maecha, Ianoha, Redes, Hasor, Gilead, Galile, and all the londe of Nephtali, & caried the awaye in to Assiria. 30And Osea the sonne of Ela conspyred agaynst Pecah the sonne of Romelia, & slue him, and was kynge in his steade in the twetieth yeare of Iotham the sonne of Osias. 31What more there is to saye of Pecah, & all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 32In the seconde yeare of Pecah the sonne of Romelia kynge of Israel, was Iotham the sonne of Osias kynge of Iuda, 33& was fyue and twentye yeare olde whan he was made kynge, and reigned sixtene yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Ierusa the doughter of Sabok. 34And he dyd yt which was righte in ye sighte of the LORDE, acordinge vnto all as dyd Osias his father, 35sauynge that he put not downe the hye places: for the people offred & brent incense yet vpon the hye places. He buylded the hye porte of the house of the LORDE. 36What more there is to saye of Iotham, and all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytte in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 37At ye same tyme beganne ye LORDE to sende Rezin ye kynge of Syria, & Pecah ye sonne of Romelia into Iuda. 38And Iotham fell on slepe with his fathers, and was buried wt his fathers in the cite of Dauid his father. And Achas his sonne was kynge in his steade.

2KI 15 ©
