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Cvdl 2KI

1The Moabites also fell awaye from Israel, whan Achab was deed. 2And Ochosias fell thorow ye grate in his chaber at Samaria, and was deed sicke, and sent messaungers, and sayde vnto them: Go youre waye, and axe councell at Beelzebub the god of Ekron, whether I shall recouer from this sicknesse. 3But the angell of ye LORDE sayde vnto Elias the Tishbite: Vp, & go mete the messaungers of the kynge of Samaria, and saie vnto them: Is there no God in Israel that ye go to axe councell at ye god of Ekron? 4Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: Thou shalt not come from the bed wheron thou lyest, but shalt dye the death. And Elias wente his waye. 5And wha ye messaunges came to Ochosias agayne, he sayde vnto the: Why come ye agayne? 6They sayde vnto him: There came vp a man in oure waye, and sayde vnto vs: Go againe to the kinge that hath sent you, and saye vnto him: Thus saieth the LORDE: Is there no God in Israel, yt thou sendest to axe coucel at Beelzebub ye god of Ekro? Therfore shalt thou not come from ye bed wheron thou lyest, but shalt dye the death. 7He sayde vnto them: What maner of man was it that mett you, and sayde this vnto you? 8They sayde vnto him: He had a rough heer vpon him, and a letheren gyrdell aboute his loynes. He sayde: It is Elias the Tishbite. 9And he sent vnto him a captaine ouer fiftye, with the same fyftye. And whan he came vnto him, beholde, he sat aboue vpon the mout. He sayde vnto him: Thou ma of God, the kynge sayeth: Thou shalt come downe 10Elias answered the captayne ouer fyftye, and sayde vnto him: Yf I be a man of God, the fyre fall downe then from heauen, and cosume the and thy fyftie. Then fell there fire from heauen, and consumed him and his fyftye. 11And agayne he sent another captayne ouer fyftye vnto him, with his fyftye, which answered, and sayde vnto him: Thou man of God, thus sayeth the kynge: Come downe in all the haist. 12Elias answered, and saide: Yf I be a ma of God, ye fire fall downe from heauen, and consume the and thy fyftye. Then fell the fyre of God from heauen, & consumed him, and his fyftye. Agayne, he sent vnto him the thirde captayne ouer fyftye, with his fyftie. 13Now whan he came to him, he kneled to Elias, and besoughte him, and sayde vnto him: Thou man of God, let my soule and ye soules of thy seruauntes these fyftye, be somwhat worth in thy syghte. 14Beholde, the fyre fell downe from heauen, and hath consumed the fyrst two captaynes ouer fyftye wt their fyftyes. But now let my soule be somwhat worth in thy sighte. 15Then saide the angel of the LORDE vnto Elias: Go downe with him, and feare him not. And he gatt him vp, and wente downe with him vnto ye kynge. 16And he sayde vnto him: Thus saieth the LORDE: Because thou hast sent forth messaugers, and caused to axe councell at Beelzebub the god of Ekron, as though there were no God in Israel to axe coucell at his worde, therfore shalt thou not come from the bed wheron thou hast layed the, but shalt dye ye death. 17So he dyed, acordynge to the worde of the LORDE which Elias sayde. And Ioram (his brother) was kynge in his steade in the seconde yeare of Ioram the sonne of Iosaphat kynge of Iuda: for he had no sonne. 18What more there is to saye of Ochosias, what he dyd, beholde, it is wrytte in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 2Whan the LORDE was mynded to take vp Elias in the tempest, Elias and Eliseus wente from Gilgall. 2And Elias sayde to Eliseus: Tary thou here I praye the, for the LORDE hath sent me vnto Bethel. But Eliseus sayde: As truly as the LORDE liueth, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, I wyll not forsake the. And whan they came downe vnto Bethel, 3the prophetes children that were at Bethel, wete forth to Eliseus, and sayde vnto him: Knowest thou not, that the LORDE wyl take thy lorde awaye from thy heade this daye? He saide: I knowe it well, holde ye youre peace. 4And Elias sayde vnto him: Eliseus, tary thou here I praye the, for the LORDE hath sent me vnto Iericho. Neuerthelesse he sayde: as truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, I wyl not forsake the And whan they came vnto Iericho, 5the prophetes children which were at Iericho, stepte forth to Eliseus and sayde vnto him: Knowest thou not that the LORDE wyll take yi lorde awaye from thy heade this daie? He sayde: I knowe it well, holde ye yor peace. 6And Elias sayde vnto him: I praie the tary here, for ye LORDE hath sent me vnto Iordane. But he sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as thy soule lyueth, I wil not forsake the. And they wente both together. 7But fyftye men of ye prophetes children wete forth, and stode ouer agaynst the a farre of: but they both stode by Iordane. 8Then toke Elias his cloke, and wrapped it together, and smote the water, which deuyded it selfe on both the sydes, so that they wete dry shod thorow it. 9And whan they were come ouer, Elias sayde vnto Eliseus: Axe what I shall do for the, afore I be taken awaye from the. Eliseus saide: That thy sprete maye be vpo me to speake twyse as moch. 10He sayde: Thou hast desyred an harde thinge: neuertheles yf thou shalt se me wha I am taken awaye from the, it shal be so: Yf no, the shal it not be. 11And as they were goinge together, and he talked, there came a fyrie charet with horses of fyre, and parted the both asunder. And so wente Elias vp to heauen in the storme. 12But Eliseus sawe it, & cryed: My father, my father, the charetman of Israel and his horsme. And he sawe him nomore. And he toke holde of his clothes, and rente them in two peces, 13and toke vp Elias cloke that was fallen from him, and turned backe, and stode by the shore of Iordane, 14and toke the same cloke of Elias which was fallen from him, and smote it in the water, and saide: Where is now the LORDE God of Elias? And he smote it in to the water, and then parted it asunder on both the sydes, and Eliseus wente thorow. 15And whan the prophetes children which were at Iericho ouer agynst him, sawe him, they sayde: The sprete of Elias resteth vpo Eliseus, and so they wete forth to mete him, and worshipped him to the groude, 16and sayde vnto him: Beholde, there are fiftye valeaunt me amonge thy seruauntes, let them go and seke thy lorde, peraduenture the sprete of the LORDE hath taken him, and cast him vpon some mountaine or in some valley. But he saide: Sende them not. 17Neuertheles they constrayned him, tyll he was ashamed, and sayde: Let them go. And they sent fiftye men, which soughte him thre dayes: but they founde him not, 18and came agayne vnto him. And he abode at Iericho, and sayde vnto them: Tolde not I you, that ye shulde not go? 19And the men of the cite sayde vnto Eliseus: Beholde, there is good dwellynge in this cite, as my lorde seyth, but the water is euell, and the londe vnfrutefull. 20He sayde: Bringe me hither a new vessell, & put salt in it. And they broughte it him. 21Then wete he forth vnto the well of water, and cast the salt therin, & sayde: Thus sayeth the LORDE: I haue healed this water: from hence forth shal there no deed ner vnfrutefulnes come of it. 22So the water was healed vnto this daye, acordinge to the worde of Eliseus which he spake. 23And he wete vp towarde Bethel. And as he was goynge vp by the waye, there came litle boyes out of the cite, and mocked him, & sayde: Come vp here thou balde heade, come vp here thou balde heade. 24And he turned him aboute. And wha he sawe them, he cursed them in the name of the LORDE. Then came there two Beeres out of the wod, and rente two and fortye of the children. 25From thence wete he vp vnto mount Carmel, and from it turned he backe to Samaria. 3Ioram the sonne of Achab was kynge ouer Israel at Samaria in ye eightenth yeare of Iosaphat kynge of Iuda, & raigned xij. yeares, 2& dyd yt which was euell in ye sighte of ye LORDE, but not as his father & his mother: for he put awaye ye pilers of Baal, which his father caused to make. 3Neuertheles he cleued vnto ye synnes of Ieroboa & sonne of Nebat, which made Israel for to synne, & departed not there fro. 4Mesa ye kynge of the Moabites had many shepe, & payed tribute vnto the kynge of Israel wt the woll of an hundreth thousande labes, & of an hudreth thousande rames. 5But whan Achab was deed, the kynge of ye Moabites fell awaye fro the kynge of Israel. 6At ye same tyme wete kynge Ioram fro Samaria, & mustered all Israel, 7& sent vnto Iosaphat kynge of Iuda, sayenge: The kynge of the Moabites is fallen awaye fro me, come thou wt me to fighte agaynst ye Moabites. He sayde: I wil come vp, I am euen as thou, and my people as yi people, and my horses as thy horses. 8And sayde morouer: Which waye wil we go vp? He sayde: by the waye in the wyldernesse of Edom. 9So the kynge of Israel, the kynge of Iuda, & the kynge of Edom wente forth. And whan they had gone aboute seue dayes iourney, ye hoost & the catell yt were amonge the had no water. 10Then sayde the kynge of Israel: Alas, the LORDE hath called these thre kynges, to delyuer the in to the hande of the Moabites. 11But Iosaphat sayde: Is here no prophet of ye LORDE, yt we maye axe coucell at ye LORDE by him? Then answered one of ye kynge of Israels seruauntes, & saide: Here is Eliseus ye sonne of Saphat, which poured water vpon Elias handes. 12Iosaphat sayde: The worde of ye LORDE is with him. So the kynge of Israel & Iosaphat, and ye kynge of Edom wente downe vnto him. 13But Eliseus sayde vnto the kynge of Israel: What hast thou to do wt me? go to the prophetes of thy father & to yi mothers prophetes. The kinge of Israel saide vnto him: No, for ye LORDE hath called these thre kynges, to delyuer them in to the handes of the Moabites. 14Eliseus sayde: As truly as the LORDE Zebaoth lyueth, before whom I stode, yf I regarded not Iosaphat the kynge of Iuda, I wolde not regarde the, ner set oughte by ye. 15So bringe me now a mynstrell. And whan the mynstrell played vpo the instrument, the hande of the LORDE came vpo him. 16And he sayde: Thus sayeth the LORDE: Make pittes by this broke. 17For thus sayeth the LORDE: Ye shal se nether wynde ner rayne, yet shall the broke be full of water, that ye and youre housholdes & youre catell maie drynke. 18Yee and that is but a small thinge in the sighte of the LORDE. And the Moabites shal he delyuer in to youre handes, 19so yt ye shal smyte all the stronge cities, and all ye chosen cities & shal fell downe all the good trees, and stoppe all the welles of water and all the good feldes shall ye make waist with stones. 20On the morow, whan the meatofferynge is offered, beholde, there came water ye waye from Edom, and fylled ye londe with water. 21But whan the Moabites herde, yt the kynges came vp to fighte agaynst the, they called all ye harnessed men, & their rulers, & stode on ye border. 22And whan they rose early in ye mornynge, & the Sonne wete vp vpon ye water, the Moabites thoughte the water ouer agaynst the to be eue as reed as bloude, 23& they sayde: It is bloude, ye kynges haue destroyed them selues wt the swerde, & one hath smytten another. Now Moab get the vp to the spoyles. 24But whan they came to the tentes of Israel, the Israelites gat vp, & smote the Moabites, & they fled before them. Neuertheles they came in, & smote Moab, 25& brake downe the cities, & euery one cast his stone vpon all the good feldes, and made them full, and stopped all ye welles of water, and felled downe all the good trees, tyll there remayned but the stones in the brickwall, and they compased them aboute with slynges, and smote them. 26But wha the kynge of ye Moabites sawe yt the battayll was to stroge for him, he toke to him seuen C. men, which drue ye swerde, to fall vpon the kynge of Edom: neuertheles they were not able. 27Then toke he his first sonne, which shulde haue bene kynge in his steade, and offred him for a burntofferynge vpon the wall. Then came there a greate wrath ouer Israel, that they departed from him, and turned agayne into their londe. 4And there cried a woman amoge the wyues of the prophetes children vnto Eliseus, and sayde: Thy seruaunt my hu?bade is deed, and thou knowest that thy seruaunt feared the LORDE. Now commeth the man that he was detter vnto, and wyll take awaye both my children to be bonde seruauntes. 2Eliseus sayde vnto her: What shal I do for the? Tell me, what hast thou in the house? She sayde: Thy handmayden hath nothinge in the house but a pitcher wt oyle. 3He sayde: Go yi waye, borowe without of all thy neghboures emptye vessels, & that not a fewe, 4and go in, and shut ye dore behynde the with thy sonnes, and poure of it in to all ye vessels: & whan thou hast fylled them, delyuer them forth. 5She wente, and shut the dore vnto her with hir sonnes, which broughte her the vessels, and so she poured in. 6And whan the vessels were full, she sayde vnto hir sonne: Brynge me yet one vessell. He sayde vnto her: There is not one vessell more here. Then stode ye oyle styll. 7And she sent, and tolde the man of God. He sayde: Go thy waye, sell the oyle, and paye the creditour: but lyue thou and yi sonnes of the resydue. 8And it fortuned at ye same tyme, that Eliseus wente vnto Sunem. And there was a riche woman, which helde him to eate with her: & as he passed oft thorow yt waye, he wete in vnto her: & ate wt her. 9And she sayde vnto hir hu?bande: Beholde, I perceaue that this is an holy man of God, which goeth euer thorow this waye, 10let vs make hi a litle chamber of boordes, & set a bed, a table, a stole & a candelsticke therin, that whan he commeth vnto vs, he maye resorte thither. 11And it fortuned vpon a tyme, that he came in, & layed him downe in the chamber, & slepte therin. 12And he saide vnto Gehasi his childe: Call this woma of Sunem. And wha he had called her, she stode before him. 13He sayde vnto him: Speake thou vnto her, beholde, thou hast mynistred vnto vs in all these thinges, what shal I do for the? Hast thou eny matter to be spoken for to the kynge, or to the chefe captayne of the hoost? She sayde: I dwell amonge my people. 14He sayde: What hast thou then to do? Gehasi sayde: Alas, she hath no sonne, and hir hu?bade is olde. 15He sayde: Call her. And wha he had called her, she stode at the dore. 16And he sayde: Aboute this tyme yf ye frute can lyue, thou shalt enbrace a sonne. She sayde: Alas, no my lorde, thou man of God, lye not vnto thy handmayden. 17And the woman conceaued, and bare a sonne aboute the same tyme, wha the frute coulde lyue, acordynge as Eliseus had sayde vnto her. 18But whan ye childe was growne, it fortuned, yt he wente forth to his father vnto the reapers, 19& sayde vnto his father: Oh my heade, my heade. He saide vnto his seruaut: Bringe him to his mother. 20And he toke him, and broughte him to his mother: and she set him vpon hir lappe vntyll ye noone daye, & the he dyed. 21And she wente vp, and layed him vpo the bed of the man of God, & shut the dore, and wete forth, 22& called hir hu?bande, & sayde vnto him: Sende me one of the seruautes, and an Asse, I wyl go quyckly vnto the man of God, and come agayne. 23He sayde: Why wilt thou go vnto him? To daye is it nether new moone ner Sabbath. She sayde: Well. 24And she sadled the asse, & sayde to the yongman: dryue forth, and kepe me not bak with rydinge, and do as I byd the. 25So she wente, and came to the man of God vnto mount Carmell. Wha the man of God sawe her ouer agaynst him, he sayde vnto his childe Gehasi: Beholde, the Sunamitisse is there, 26runne now & mete her, and axe her yf it go well with her, and hir hu?bande & hir sonne. She sayde: Well. 27But whan she came to the man of God vpon ye mount, she helde him by his fete. And Gehasi stepte to her, to put her awaye. But ye man of God sayde: Let her alone, for hir soule is in heuynes, and the LORDE hath hyd it fro me, and not shewed it me. 28She sayde: Whan desyred I a sonne of my lorde? Sayde I not, yt thou shuldest not mocke me? 29He sayde vnto Gehasi: Girde vp thy loynes, and take my staffe in thy hande, and go thy waye. Yf eny man mete the, salute him not: and yf eny man salute the, thanke him not, and laye thou my staffe vpon ye childes face. 30But the childes mother sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, and as truly as yi soule lyueth, I wyll not leaue the. Then gat he vp, and wente after her. 31As for Gehasi, he wente before them, and layed the staffe vpon the childes face, but there was nether voyce ner felynge. And he wente agayne to mete him, and shewed him, and sayde: The childe is not rysen vp. 32And whan Eliseus came into the house, beholde, ye childe laye deed vpo his bed. 33And he wete in, & shut the dore on the both, & made his prayer vnto the LORDE, 34& wente vp, & layed him selfe vpon the childe, & layed his mouth vpon the childes mouth, and his eyes vpon his eyes, and his handes vpon his handes, & so stretched him selfe forth vpon him, so yt the childes body was warme. 35And he rose vp, & wente in to the house once hither and thither, & wente vp, & layed him selfe a longe vpon him. Then nesed the childe seue tymes, and afterwarde the childe opened his eyes. 36And he cried vpon Gehasi, and sayde: Call the Sunamitisse. And whan he had called her, she came in vnto him. He sayde: Take there thy sonne. 37Then came she, and fell at his fete, and worshipped vnto the grounde, and toke hir sonne, and wente forth. 38But wha Eliseus came againe vnto Gilgal, there was a derth in the londe, & the prophetes children dwelt before him, & he sayde vnto his seruaunt: Set on a greate pot, and make potage for the children of the prophetes. 39Then wente there one into the felde, to gather herbes, and founde a Cucumbers stalke, & gathered wylde Cucumbers therof his cotefull. And whan he came, he chopped it small for potage to the pott, for they knewe it not. 40And wha they poured it forth for the me to eate, & they ate of ye potage, they cried and sayde: O thou man of God, death is in the pot: for they mighte not eate it. 41Neuertheles he sayde: Brynge meel hither. And he put it in the pot, & sayde: Poure it out for the people, that they maye eate. And then was it not bytter in the pot. 42There came a man from Baal Salisa, & broughte the man of God bred of the first frutes, namely twentye barlye loaues, & new corne in his garment. But he sayde: Geue it vnto ye people, that they maye eate. 43His mynister sayde: How shall I geue an hudreth men of this? He sayde: Geue it vnto the people, that they maye eate. For thus sayeth the LORDE: They shal eate, and there shall be lefte ouer 44And he set it before them, so that they ate, and there lefte ouer, acordinge to ye worde of the LORDE. 5Naaman the chefe captayne of the kynge of Syria, was an excellet ma in the sighte of his lorde, and moch set by (for thorow him the LORDE gaue health vnto Syria) and he was a mightie man, but a leper. 2And there had men of warre fallen out of Syria, and caried awaye a litle damsel out of the londe of Israel: the same was in seruyce with Naamas wife, 3and sayde vnto hir mastresse: O that my master were with the prophet at Samaria, he wolde heale him from his leprosy. 4Then wente he into his lorde, and tolde him, and sayde: Thus and thus hath the damsel of the londe of Israel spoken. 5The kynge of Syria sayde: Go thy waye then, & I wyl wrytte a letter vnto the kynge of Israel. And he wente, and toke with him ten hundreth weighte of syluer, and sixe thousande guldens, & ten chaunge of rayment, 6& broughte the letter vnto the kynge of Israel, with these wordes: Whan this letter commeth vnto the, beholde, thou shalt vnderstonde yt I haue sent my seruaunt Naaman vnto the, that thou mayest heale him of his leprosy. 7And whan the kynge of Israel red the letter, he rente his clothes, & sayde: Am I God then, that I can kyll and quycke agayne, yt he sendeth vnto me, to heale the man fro his leprosy? Considre and se, how he seketh an occasion vnto me. 8Whan Eliseus the man of God herde, yt the kynge of Israel had rente his clothes, he sent vnto him, sayenge: Why hast thou rente thy clothes? Let him come to me, that he maye knowe, yt there is a prophet in Israel. 9So Naaman came with horses and charettes, and helde still at the dore of Eliseus house. 10Then sent Eliseus a messaunger vnto him, sayenge: Go thy waye, and wa?she the seuen tymes in Iordane, so shal thy flesh be restored the agayne, & be clensed. 11Then was Naaman wroth, & wente his waye, & sayde: I thoughte he shulde haue come forth vnto me, & to haue stode here & to haue called vpo the name of the LORDE his God, & to haue touched the place with his hande, & so to haue put awaye the leprosy. 12Are not ye waters of Amana and Pharphar at Damascon better then all the waters in Israel, yt I might wa?she me therin & be clesed? and he turned him, and wete his waye in displeasure. 13Then his seruauntes gat the to him, and sayde: Father, yf the prophet had comaunded the eny greate thinge, shuldest thou not haue done it? moch more the yf he saye vnto the: Wasshe the, & thou shalt be cleane. 14Then wete he downe, & wa?shed him selfe in Iordane seue tymes (as the man of God sayde) & his flesh was restored him agayne, euen as the flesh of a yonge childe and he was clensed. 15And he turned agayne to ye man of God with all his armye. And whan he came in, he stode before him, and sayde: Beholde, I knowe that in all londes there is no God, but in Israel. Take now therfore this blessynge I praye the of thy seruaunt. 16Neuertheles he sayde: As truly as the LORDE lyueth, before whom I stonde, I wil not take it. And he wolde nedes haue him to take it, but he wolde not. 17Then sayde Naaman: Mighte there not a burthe of this earth be geue vnto yi seruaunt, as moch as two Mules maye beare? For thy seruaunt wyll nomore do sacrifice and offer burntofferynges vnto other goddes, but vnto the LORDE, 18That the LORDE maye be gracious vnto thy seruaunt, yf I worshippe in the house of Rimmon, wha my lorde goeth there in to ye house to worshippe, & leaneth vpon my hande. 19He sayde vnto him: Go thy waye in peace. And as he was gone from him a felde bredth in the londe, 20Gehasi the seruaunt of Eliseus ye man of God thoughte: beholde, my lorde hath spared Naama this Syrian, so that he hath not taken from him yt which he broughte: As truly as ye LORDE lyueth, I wil rune after him, & take somthinge of him. 21So Gehasi folowed Naaman. And wha Naaman sawe yt he ranne after him, he lighte downe from the charet to mete him, & sayde: Are all thinges well? 22He sayde: Yee. But my lorde hath sent me, & caused to saye vnto the: Beholde, there are now come to me fro mount Ephraim two yonge men of the prophetes childre, geue them a talete of siluer (I praye the) & two chaunge of rayment. 23Naama saide: Go to, take two taletes. And he copelled him, & bande two talentes in two bagges, and two chaunge of rayment, and delyuered it vnto two of his seruauntes, which bare it before him. 24And whan he came in ye darcke, he toke it from their handes, & layed it a syde in the house, & let the men go. 25And whan they were gone their waye, he stode before his lorde. And Eliseus sayde vnto him: Whence commest thou Gehasi? He sayde: Thy seruaunt wente nether hither ner thither. 26But he sayde vnto him: Wente not my hert wt the, whan the man turned backe from his charet to mete the? Now thou hast take the syluer & the rayment, olyue trees, vynyardes, shepe, oxen, seruauntes & maydens. 27But the leprosy of Naaman shal cleue vnto the & to thy sede for euer. Then wete he forth from him leporous as snowe. 6The children of ye prophetes sayde vnto Eliseus: Beholde, the place where we dwell before ye, is to narow for vs, 2let vs go vnto Iordane, & euery one fetch tymbre there, yt we maye there buylde vs a place to dwell in. He saide: Go yor waye. 3And one sayde: Go to then, & come wt thy seruauntes. He sayde: I wil go with you. 4And he wete with them. And whan they came to Iordane, they hewed downe tymber. 5And as one was fellynge downe a tre, the yron fell in to the water, and he cried and sayde: Alas my lorde, & it is burowed. 6But the man of God sayde: Where fell it in? And whan he had shewed him the place, he cut downe a sticke, and thrust it in there. Then swame the yron. 7And he sayde: Take it vp. So he put forth his hande, and toke it. 8And the kynge of Syria warred agaynst Israel, and toke councell at his seruauntes, and sayde: There & there will we lye. 9But the man of God sent to ye kynge of Israel, sayenge: Bewarre yt thou go not vnto that place, for the Syrians rest there. 10So the kynge of Israel sent vnto ye place wherof ye man of God tolde him, & kepte it, & helde watch there, & dyd that not once or twyse onely. 11The was ye kynge of Syrias herte vexed therfore, and called his seruauntes, and sayde vnto them: Wyll ye not tell me, which of oure men is fled vnto the kynge of Israel? 12Then sayde one of his seruauntes: Not so my lorde O kynge, but Eliseus the prophet in Israel telleth the kynge of Israel all that thou speakest in thy chamber where thou lyest. 13He sayde: Go youre waye the and loke where he is, that I maye sende, and cause him be fetched. And they shewed him and sayde: Beholde, he is at Dothan. 14The sent he thither horses & charetes, & a greate power. And wha they came thither by nighte, they compased the cite aboute. 15And the mynister of the ma of God arose early to get him vp. And as he wete forth, beholde, there laye an hoost of men aboute ye cite with horses and charettes. Then saide his childe vnto him: Alas syr, how wyll we now do? 16He sayde: Feare not, for there are mo of them yt are with vs, then of those that are with them. 17And Eliseus prayed & sayde: LORDE open his eyes, yt he maye se. Then the LORDE opened ye childes eyes, yt he sawe, & beholde, ye mount was full of fyrie horses & charettes roude aboute Eliseus. 18And wha they came downe vnto him, Eliseus made his prayer, & sayde: LORDE smyte this people wt blyndnes. And he smote the with blyndnes acordinge to the worde of Eliseus. 19And Eliseus saide vnto them: This is not ye waye nor the cite, folowe me, I wil brynge you to the man whom ye seke. And he broughte them vnto Samaria. 20And whan they came to Samaria, Eliseus sayde: LORDE open these mens eyes, yt they maye se. And the LORDE opened their eyes, yt they sawe, & beholde, they were in the myddes of Samaria. 21And whan the kynge of Israel sawe them, he saide vnto Eliseus: My father, shal I smyte the? 22He saide: Thou shalt not smyte the: loke whom thou takest with thy swerde and bowe, smyte those. Set bred and water before them, that they maye eate and drynke, and let them departe vnto their lorde. 23The was there a greate dyner prepared. And whan they had eaten and dronken, he let them go to departe vnto their lorde. From that tyme forth came the men of warre of the Syrians nomore into the londe of Israel. 24After this it fortuned, that Benadab the kynge of Syria gathered all his hoost, and wete vp, & layed sege vnto Samaria: 25& there was a greate derth at Samaria. But they layed sege to the cite so longe, tyll an Asses heade was worth foure score syluer pes, and the fourth parte of a Cab of doues donge worth fyue syluer pens. 26And whan the kynge of Israel wente vnto the wall, a woman cried vnto him and sayde: Helpe me my lorde O kynge. 27He sayde: Yf the LORDE helpe the not, wherwith shal I helpe the? with ye barne or with the wyne presse? 28And the kynge sayde vnto her: What ayleth ye? She sayde: This woman sayde vnto me: Geue vs yi sonne, that we maye eate him, tomorow wyll we eate my sonne. 29So we sod my sonne, & haue eaten him, and I sayde vnto her on ye thirde daye: Geue vs thy sonne and let vs eate him, but she hath hyd him awaye. 30Whan the kynge herde the womans wordes, he rente his clothes, whyle he was goynge to the wall. The sawe all the people, that he had a sackcloth vnder vpon his body. 31And he sayde: God do this and that vnto me, yf the heade of Eliseus the sonne of Saphat shal this daye stonde vpon him. 32As for Eliseus, he sat in his house, & the Elders sat by him. And he sent a man before him, but or euer the messaunge came to him, he sayde vnto ye Elders: Haue ye not sene how this childe of murthure hath sent hither, to take awaye my heade? Take hede, whan the messaunger cometh, yt ye holde him at the dore. Beholde, ye noyse of his lordes fete foloweth him. 33Whyle he was thus talkynge wt them, beholde, ye messaunger came to him, & sayde: Beholde, this euell cometh of ye LORDE, and what more shal I loke for of the LORDE? 7Eliseus sayde: Heare the worde of the LORDE. Thus sayeth the LORDE: Tomorow aboute this tyme shal a bu?shel of fyne meel be solde for one Sycle, and two bu?shels of barly for one Sycle vnder the porte of Samaria. 2Then a knyghte (vpon whose hande the kynge leaned) answered the ma of God, and sayde: And though the LORDE made wyndowes in heaue, how coulde soch a thinge come to passe? He saide: Beholde, thou shalt se it with thine eyes, & shalt not eate therof. 3And there were foure leporous men at ye dore before the porte, and one sayde vnto another: Why tary we here whyle we dye? 4Though we thoughte to come into the cite, yet is there derth in ye cite, and there shulde we be fayne to dye. And yf we tary here, we must dye also. Let vs go now, and flye vnto the hoost of the Syrians. Yf they let vs lyue, we shall lyue: yf they slaye vs, then are we deed. 5And so they gat them vp early, to come vnto the hoost of the Syrians. And whan they came to the vttemost ende of ye tentes, beholde, there was no body. 6For the LORDE had made the Syrians to heare a noyse of horses, charettes, and of a mightie greate hoost, so that they sayde one to another amonge the selues: Beholde, the kynge of Israel hath hyred the kynge of the Hethites, and the kynge of the Egipcians agaynst vs, to come vpo vs. 7And they gat them vp, and fled early in the twylight, and lefte their bothes, and horses and Asses in the tentes as they stode, & fled euery man where he mighte saue his life. 8Now whan the lepers came to the place of the tentes, they wente in to the tentes, ate and dronke, and toke syluer, golde and rayment, and wente and hyd it: & came agayne & entred in to another tent, and toke therout, and wente and hyd it. 9But one of them saide vnto another: Let vs not do thus, this daye is a daye of good tidynges. Yf we kepe this secrete and byde tyll the lighte mornynge, oure trespace wyl be founde out. Let vs go now therfore, that we maye come, & tell the kynges house. 10And whan they came, they cried at the porte of the cite, and tolde them, and sayde: We came to the tentes of the Sirians, and beholde, there is no ma there, nether yet eny mans voyce, but horses and asses bounde, and the bothes as they stonde. 11Then cried ye porters and tolde it within in ye kynges house. 12And the kynge arose in the nighte, & sayde vnto his seruauntes: I will tell you how ye Syrians deale with vs: they knowe yt we suffer honger, and are gone out of the tetes, to hyde them selues in the felde, and thynke thus: whan they go out of the cite, we wyll take them alyue, & come in to the cite. 13Then answered one of his seruauntes, and sayde: Let vs take the fyue horses that remayne, which yet are lefte in the cite (beholde, these are left therin for all ye multitude in Israel, which is destroyed) let vs sende these and se. 14The toke they two charettes with ye horses. And the kynge sent them vnto the tentes of the Syrians, and sayde: Go youre waye and se. 15And whan they wente after the vnto Iordane, beholde, the waye laye full of garmentes and vessels, which the Syrians had cast from the, whyle they made haist. And whan the messaungers came agayne, and tolde the kynge, 16the people wente forth, and spoyled the tentes of the Syrians. And a bu?shel of fyne meell was solde for a Sycle, and two bu?shels of barlye for a Sycle also, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE. 17But the kynge appoynted the knyghte (vpon whose hande he leened) to be at the gate, & the people trode vpon him, so that he dyed, euen as the man of God sayde, whan the kynge came downe vnto him. 18And it came to passe euen as ye man of God tolde the kynge, wha he sayde: Tomorow aboute this tyme shall two bu?shels of barlye be solde for one Sycle, and a bu?shel fyne meel for one Sycle vnder the gate at Samaria. 19And the knyghte answered the man of God, and sayde: Beholde, though ye LORDE made wyndowes in heauen, how coulde soch a thinge come to passe? Neuertheles he sayde: Beholde, with thine eyes shalt thou se it, and shalt not eate therof. 20And euen so fortuned it vnto him, for the people trode vpon him in the gate, yt he dyed. 8Eliseus spake vnto the woma, whose sonne he had restored vnto life againe, and sayde: Get the vp, & go with thine housholde, and be a straunger where thou canst: for the LORDE shall call for a derth, which shal come into the londe seuen yeare loge. 2The woman gat her vp, and dyd as the man of God sayde, & wente with hir housholde, and was a straunger in the londe of the Philistynes seuen yeare. 3But whan the seuen yeares were ended, the woman came agayne out of the Philistynes lode, and wente forth to crye vpon the kynge for hir house and londe. 4The kynge spake vnto Gehasi the seruaunt of the man of God, & sayde: Tell me all the greate actes that Eliseus hath done. 5And whyle he was tellynge the kynge how he had made one that was deed, to lyue agayne, beholde, the woman whose sonne he had caused to reuyue, came euen in the meane season, and cried vnto the kynge for hir house and londe. Then sayde Gehasi: My lorde O kynge, this same is the woma, and this is hir sonne, whom Eliseus restored vnto life agayne. 6And the kynge axed ye woman, and she tolde him. Then the kynge delyuered her a chamberlayne, & saide: Restore her agayne all that is hirs, and all the increase of the londe, sence the tyme that she lefte the londe vntyll now. 7And Eliseus came to Damascon, & Benadab the kynge of Syria laye sicke. And it was tolde him, and sayde: The man of God is come hither. 8Then sayde the kynge vnto Hasael: Take giftes with the, & go mete the man of God, and axe councell at ye LORDE by him, and saye: Maye I recouer from this sicknesse? 9Hasael wente for to mete him, and toke rewardes with him, and of all the goodes at Damasco, as moch as fortye Camels mighte beare. And whan he came, he stode before him, and sayde: Thy sonne Benadab the kynge of Syria hath sent me vnto the, sayenge: Maye I recouer from this siknes? 10Eliseus sayde vnto him: Go yi waye and tell him: Thou shalt recouer. But the LORDE hath shewed me, yt he shal dye ye death. 11And the man of God loked earnestly, & made a troublous countenaunce, & wepte. 12The sayde Hasael: Wherfore wepeth my lorde? He sayde: I knowe what euell thou shalt do vnto the children of Israel. Thou shalt burne their stronge cities with fyre, and slaye their yonge men with the swerde, and kyll their yonge children, and ryppe vp their wemen with childe. 13Hasael sayde: How so, is thy seruaunt a dogg, that he shulde do soch a greate thynge? Eliseus saide: The LORDE hath shewed me, yt thou shalt be kynge of Syria. 14And he wete his waye from Eliseus, & came to his lorde, which saide vnto him: What saieth Eliseus vnto the? He sayde: He tolde me, Thou shalt recouer. 15But on the nexte daye he toke ye bed couerynge, and dypte it in water, and spred it ouer him, and he dyed, & Hasael was kynge in his steade. 16In the fyfth yeare of Ioram the sonne of Achab kynge of Israel, was Ioram ye sonne of Iosaphat kynge of Iuda. 17Two & thirtie yeare olde was he wha he was made kynge, & reigned eighte yeare at Ierusalem, 18& walked in the waye of the kynges of Israel, as the house of Achab dyd (for Achabs doughter was his wife) & he dyd yt which was euell in ye sighte of the LORDE. 19Neuertheles the LORDE wolde not destroye Iuda for his seruaunt Dauids sake, as he promysed him, to geue him euer a lanterne amoge his childre. 20At ye same tyme fell ye Edomites awaye from Iuda, & made a kynge ouer them selues: 21ye cause was this, Ioram had gone thorow Seira, and all the charettes with him, & had gotten him vp by nighte, and smytten the Edomites that were aboute him, and ye rulers ouer the charettes, so that the people fled vnto their tentes: 22therfore fell the Edomites awaye from Iuda vnto this daye. At the same tyme fell Libna awaye also. 23What more there is to saye of Ioram, & all yt he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 24And Ioram fell on slepe with his fathers, & was buried wt his fathers in ye cite of Dauid, & Ochosias his sonne was kynge in his steade. 25In the twolueth yeare of Ioram the sonne of Achab kynge of Israel, was Ochosias ye sonne of Ioram kynge in Iuda. 26Two and twentye yeare olde was Ochosias whan he was made kynge, and reigned one yeare at Iurasalem. His mothers name was Atalia the doughter of Amri kynge of Israel, 27& he walked in the waye of the house of Achab, & dyd that which was euell in the syght of ye LORDE, euen as dyd the house of Achab: 28for he was sonne in lawe in the house of Achab. And he wente with Ioram the sonne of Achab into the battayll agaynst Hasael ye kinge of Syria vnto Ramoth in Gilead, but ye Syrians smote Ioram. 29Then Ioram the kinge turned backe, to be healed at Iesreel of ye woundes, wherwith the Syrians had wounded him at Ramoth, wha he foughte with Hasael kinge of Syria. And Ochosyas ye sonne of Iora kinge of Iuda, came downe to viset Ioram the sonne of Achab at Iesreel, for he laye sicke. 9Eliseus the prophet called one of the prophetes childre, & sayde vnto him: Girde vp yi loynes, and take this cruse of oyle with the, and go vnto Ramoth in Gilead: 2and wha thou comest thither, thou shalt se there one Iehu, ye sonne of Iosaphat the sonne of Nimsi, and go in, and byd him stonde vp amonge his brethren, and brynge him in to the ynmost chamber, 3& take thou ye cruse of oyle, and poure it vpon his heade, & saye: Thus sayeth the LORDE: I haue anointed the to be kynge ouer Israel: & thou shalt open the dore, and flye, and not tary. 4And the prophetes yonge man, the childe wente his waye vnto Ramoth in Gilead. 5And whan he came in, beholde, the captaynes of the hoost sat there, and he sayde: I haue somwhat to saye vnto the O captayne. Iehu saide: Vnto whom amonge vs all? He sayde: Euen vnto the o captayne. 6Then stode he vp, and wente in. So he poured the oyle vpon his heade, and sayde vnto him: Thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: I haue anoynted ye to be kynge ouer the LORDES people of Israel, 7and thou shalt smyte thy lorde Achabs house, that I maye auenge the bloude of my seruauntes the prophetes, and the bloude of all the LORDES seruauntes, from the hande of Iesabel, 8that all the house of Achab maye peri?she. And I wyl rote out from Achab, euen him that maketh water agaynst the wall, and the closed vp and the desolate in Israel: 9and the house of Achab wyll I make euen as the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, and as the house of Baesa the sonne of Ahia, 10and ye dogges shall eate vp Iesabel vpon the felde at Iesrael, and noman shall burye her. And he opened the dore, and fled. 11And wha Iehu came forth to his lordes seruauntes, they saide vnto him: Are all thinges well? Wherfore came this madd felowe vnto the? He saide vnto them: Ye knowe the man well, & what he hath spoken. 12They sayde: That is not true, but tell thou vs. He sayde: Thus and thus hath he spoken vnto me, and sayde: Thus sayeth the LORDE: I haue anoynted the to be kynge ouer Israel. 13Then made they haist, and euery one toke his garment and laied them vnder him in maner of a iudges seate, and blewe the trompet, and sayde: Iehu is made kinge. 14So Iehu the sonne of Iosaphat the sonne of Nimsi, made a confederacion agaynst Ioram. As for Iora he laye before Ramoth in Gilead with all Israel agaynst Hasael the kynge of Syria. 15But Ioram the kynge was turned backe, yt he might be healed of the woundes wherwith the Syrians had wounded him, wha he foughte with Hasael the kynge of the Syrians. And Iehu sayde: Yf it be youre mynde, there shall noman escape out of the cite, to go and tell it at Iesreel. 16And he rode, and departed vnto Iesrael: for Ioram laye there, and Ochosias the kinge of Iuda was come downe to vyset Ioram. 17But the watchman that stode vpon the tower at Iesrael, sawe the company of Iehu commynge, and sayde: I se a company. Then sayde Ioram: Take a charet, and sende to mete the, and saye: Is it peace? 18And the charetman rode to mete them, and sayde: Thus sayeth the kynge: Is it peace? Iehu sayde: What hast thou to do with peace? Turne the behynde me. The watchman tolde it, and sayde: The messaunger is come vnto them, and cometh not agayne. 19Then sent he another charetman, which whan he came to them, saide: Thus sayeth the kynge: Is it peace? Iehu sayde: What hast thou to do with peace? Turne ye behynde me. 20And the watchman tolde it, and sayde: He is come to them: and commeth not agayne, and the goynge is as it were the goynge of Iehu the sonne of Nimsi: for he dryueth on as he were mad. 21Then sayde Ioram: Binde the charet fast. And they bounde the charet, and so they wente forth, Ioram the kynge of Israel, and Ochosias the kynge of Iuda, euery one vpon his charet, to mete Iehu. And they founde him vpon the felde of Naboth the Iesraelite. 22And whan Ioram sawe Iehu, he sayde: Iehu, is it peace? But he sayde: What peace? The whordome and witchcraft of thy mother Iesabel is not yet come to an ende. 23Then turned Ioram his hande and fled, and sayde vnto Ochosias: There is treason Ochosias. 24But Iehu toke his bowe, & shot Ioram betwene the armes, that the arowe wente thorow his hert, and he fell downe in his charet. 25And Iehu sayde vnto Bidekar the knyghte: Take and cast him in the pece of londe of Naboth the Iesraelite: for I remembre sence thou rodest with me in a charet after Achab his father, that the LORDE wolde laye this heuy burthen vpon him. 26I holde (sayde the LORDE) I wyl recompence the yt bloude of Naboth and of his childre, euen in this pece of londe. Take him now and cast him in to that pece of londe, acordynge to the worde of the LORDE. 27Whan Ochosias the kinge of Iuda sawe this, he fled by the waie vnto ye garden house. But Iehu folowed after him, and commaunded to smyte him also vpon his charet in the goynge vp towarde Gur, which lieth by Ieblaam: and he fled vnto Megiddo, and dyed there. 28And his seruauntes caused him to be caried vnto Ierusalem, and there they buryed him in his awne graue with his fathers in the cite of Dauid. 29Ochosias reigned ouer Iuda in ye eleuenth yeare of Iora ye sonne of Achab. 30And whan Iehu came to Iesrael, and Iesabel herde therof, she coloured hir face, and decked hir heade, and loked out at the wyndowe. 31And whan Iehu came vnder the gate, she sayde: Prospered Symri well that slewe his lorde? 32And he lifte vp his face to the wyndow, and sayde: Who is with me? Then resorted there two or thre chamberlaynes vnto him. 33He sayde: Cast her downe headlinges. And they cast her downe headlynges, so that ye wall and the horses were sprenkled with hir bloude, and she was trodde vnder fete. 34And whan he came in, and had eaten and dronken, he sayde: Loke vpon yonder cursed woman, & burye her, for she is a kynges doughter. 35Neuertheles whan they wente in to burye her, they founde nothinge of her, but the?kull and the fete, and the palmes of her handes. 36nd they came agayne and broughte him worde. He saide: This is euen it that the LORDE spake by his seruaunt Elias the Tishbite, and sayde: In the felde of Iesrael shal the dogges eate Iesabels flesh. 37So the deed carcase of Iesabel became euen as donge in the felde of Iesrael, so yt a man coulde not saye: This is Iesabel. 10Achab had thre score and ten sonnes at Samaria. And Iehu wrote a letter, and sent it to Samaria, vnto the rulers of the cite Iesrael, euen vnto the Elders, & to Achabs tuters, sayenge these wordes: 2Whan this letter commeth vnto you wt whom are youre lordes sonnes, charetes, horses, stronge cities, & ordynaunce, 3loke which is the best and most righteous amonge youre lordes sonnes, & set him vpon his fathers seate, and fighte for youre lordes house. 4Neuertheles they were sore afrayed, and sayde: Beholde, two kynges were not able to stonde before him, how wyl we then endure? 5And they that were ouer the house and ouer the cite, and the Elders and tuters sent vnto Iehu, sayege: We are thy seruauntes, we wyll do all that thou sayest vnto vs: We wil make no man kynge, do thou what pleaseth the. 6Then wrote he the seconde letter vnto them with these wordes: Yf ye be myne, and herken vnto my voyce, then take the heades of the men youre lordes sonnes, and brynge me them tomorow by this tyme vnto Iesrael. The kynges sonnes were thre score men and ten, and ye chefemen of the cite broughte the vp. 7Now whan this letter came they toke the kynges sonnes, and slewe them euen thre score men and ten, and layed their heades in ba?kettes, and sent them to him vnto Iesrael. 8And whan the messaunger came, & tolde him, and sayde: They haue broughte the heades of the kynges children, he sayde: Laye them vpon two heapes at the dore of the porte tyll tomorow. 9And on the morow whan he wente forth, he stode, and sayde vnto all the people: Are ye righteous? Beholde, I haue made an appoyntmet against my lorde, and slayne him, who hath slayne all these then? 10Vnderstonde ye now therfore, that there is not fallen vpon the earth one worde of the LORDE, which he spake agaynst the house of Achab: and the LORDE hath done, euen as he sayde by his seruaunt Elias. 11So Iehu smote all the remnaunt of the house of Achab at Iesrael, all his greate men, his kynsfolkes, and his prestes, tyll there was not one lefte ouer. 12And he gat him vp, wente his waye, and came to Samaria. By the waye there was a shepherdes house, 13where Iehu founde the brethren of Ochosias kynge of Iuda, and sayde: Whence are ye? They sayde: We are Ochosias brethren, and are goynge downe to salute the kynges children, and the quenes children. 14He sayde: Take them alyue. And they toke them alyue, and slewe them by the welles syde at the shepherdes house, euen two and fortye men, and let not one of them remayne. 15And whan he wente from thence, he foude Ionadab ye sonne of Rechab, which met him, & saluted him. And he sayde vnto him: Is thyne hert righte, as myne hert is with thyne hert? Ionadab sayde: Yee. Yf it be so (sayde he) then geue me thy hande. And he gaue him his hande. And so he caused him to syt besyde him in the charet, 16and saide: Come with me, and se my zele for the LORDE. And they caryed him with him vpon his charet. 17And whan he came to Samaria, he smote all that remayned of Achab at Samaria, tyll he had destroyed him, acordynge to the worde of the LORDE, which he spake vnto Elias. 18And Iehu gathered all the people together, and saide vnto them: Achab did Baal but litle seruyce, Iehu wyll serue him better. 19Call vnto me now therfore all Baals prophetes, all his seruautes and all his prestes, that there be none wantynge, for I haue a greate sacrifyce to do vnto Baal. Who so euer is myssed, shal not lyue. But Iehu dyd it craftely, that he mighte destroye all the mynisters of Baal. 20And Iehu sayde: Sanctifie ye feast vnto Baal, and proclame it. 21And Iehu sent in to all Israel, and caused all Baals ministers to come, so that there was noma lefte behynde, which came not. And they came into Baals house, so that the house of Baal was full from one corner to another. 22Then sayde he vnto him that had the rule of the vestrye. Brynge forth rayment for all Baals mynisters. And he broughte forth the rayment. 23And Iehu wente in to Baals house with Ionadab the sonne of Rechab, and sayde vnto Baals mynisters: Search and se that there be not here amoge you eny mynyster of the LORDE, but onely Baals mynisters. 24And whan they came in to offer sacrifyces and burntofferynges, Iehu appoynted him foure score men without, & sayde: Yf eny of these men escape whom I delyuer vnder youre handes, then shal the same mans soule be for his soule. 25Now wha he had made an ende of the burntofferynge, Iehu sayde vnto the fotemen and knyghtes: Go in, & smyte euery man, let noman go forth. And they smote the with the edge of the swerde. And the fote men and knightes threw the awaie and wete vnto the cite of Baals house, 26and brought forth the piler in ye house of Baal, and brent it, 27and brake downe Baals pyler with the house of Baal, and made a preuy house therof vnto this daie. 28Thus Iehu destroyed Baal out of Israel. 29But Iehu lefte not of from the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat (which caused Israel to synne) namely, from the golden calues at Bethel and at Dan. 30And the LORDE sayde vnto Iehu: Because thou hast bene wyllinge to do that which was righte in my sighte, & hast done vnto Achabs house all that was in my hert, therfore shall thy children syt vpon ye seate of Israel vnto the fourth generacion. 31Neuerthelesse Iehu was not diligent to walke in the lawe of the LORDE God of Israel with all his hert: for he lefte not of fro the synnes of Ieroboam which made Israel to synne. 32At the same time beganne the LORDE to be greued at Israel. For Hasael smote them in all the borders of Israel 33from Iordane Eastwarde, and all the londe Gilead of the Gaddites, Rubenites and Manassytes, from Aroer that lyeth on the ryuer by Arnon, and Gilead and Basan. 34What more there is to saye of Iehu, and all that he dyd, and all his power, beholde, it is wryten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 35And Iehu fell on slepe with his fathers, & they buryed him in Samaria. And Ioahas his sonne was kynge in his steade. 36The tyme that Iehu reigned ouer Israel, is eight and twentye yeares at Samaria. 11Athalia the mother of Ochosias, wha she sawe that hir sonne was deed, gat her vp, and destroyed all the kynges sede. 2But Ioseba kynge Iorams doughter the syster of Ochosias, toke Ioas the sonne of Ochosias and stale him awaye with his norse in the chamber from amonge the kynges children which were slayne, and she hyd him from Athalia, so that he was not slayne. 3And he was hyd with her in the house of the LORDE sixe yeares. But Athalia was quene in the londe. 4Neuertheles in the seuenth yeare sent Ioiada, and toke the rulers ouer hudreds with the captaynes and fote men, and caused the to come to him in to the house of the LORDE and made a couenaunt with them, and toke an ooth of them in the house of the LORDE, and shewed them the kynges sonne, 5and comaunded them, and sayde: This is it that ye shall do: One thirde parte of you which enter on the Sabbath, shall kepe the watch in the kynges house, 6and one thyrde parte shalbe at the porte of Sur, and one thirde parte shal be at ye porte which is behynde the fote men, and ye shal kepe the watch at the house of Massa. 7But two partes of you all that go of on the Sabbath, shal kepe the watch in the house of the LORDE aboute the kinge 8and ye shall get you rounde aboute ye kynge and euery one with his weapen in his hande: and who so euer cometh within ye wall, let him die, so that ye be with the kinge, wha he goeth out and in. 9And the rulers ouer the hundreds dyd all as Ioiada the prest had commauded them, and toke vnto them their men which entred vpon the Sabbath, with those that wente of on the Sabbath, and came to Ioiada ye prest. 10And the prest gaue the captaynes speares and shyldes which had bene kynge Dauids, and were in the house of the LORDE. 11And the fote men stode aboute the kynge, euery one with his weapen in his hande, fro the corner on the righte syde of the house vnto the corner of the lefte syde, euen vnto the altare and to the house. 12And he broughte forth the kynges sonne, and set a crowne vpon his heade, and toke the witnes, and made him kynge, and they were glad, and clapped their handes together, and sayde: God saue the kynge. 13And whan Athalia herde the noyse of the people that ranne rogether, she came to the people into the house of the LORDE, 14and loked, and beholde, the kynge stode by the piler, as the vse was, and the syngers and tropettes by the kynge: and all the people of ye lode were glad, and blewe with trompettes. But Athalia rente hir clothes, & sayde: Vproure, vproure. 15Neuertheles Ioiada ye prest commaunded ye rulers ouer hundreds, which were appointed ouer the hoost, and saide vnto them: Brynge her without the wall, and whosoeuer foloweth hir, let him dye of the swerde (for the prest had sayde, that she shulde not dye in the house of the LORDE.) 16And they layde handes vpo her, and she wente in by the waye where the horses go in to ye kynges house, and there was she slayne. 17Then made Ioiada a couenaunt betwene the LORDE and the kynge, and the people, yt they shulde be the people of the LORDE. Likewyse also betwixte the kynge and ye people. 18Then wente all the people of the londe into the house of Baal, and brake downe his altares, and destroyed his ymages right well. And Mathan the prest of Baal slewe they before the altare: And the prest appoynted the officers in the house of the LORDE, 19and toke the rulers ouer hundreds, and the captaynes, and the fote men, and all ye people of the londe, & broughte the kynge downe from the house of the LORDE, and came the waye from the porte of the fote men vnto the kynges house, and he sat vpon the kynges seate. 20And all the people of the lode were glad, and the cite was at rest. As for Athalia, they slewe her with the swerde in ye kynges house. 21And Ioas was seuen yeare olde, whan he was made kynge. 12In the seueth yeare of Iehu, was Ioas made kynge, and reigned fortye yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Zibea of Bersaba. 2And Ioas dyd that which was righte in the sighte of the LORDE, as longe as Ioiada ye prest taught him. 3But they put not downe ye hye places: for the people offred & brent incense yet vpon the hye places. 4And Ioas sayde vnto the prestes: All the money that is sanctified to be bestowed vpo ye house of the LORDE, namely the money yt euery man geueth vnto the treasury, and ye money that euery man geueth for his soule, and all the money that euery man geueth of a fre hert, to be bestowed on the house of the LORDE, 5let the prestes take it vnto them, euery one his porcion: with that shall they repayre the decaye in the house of the LORDE, where they fynde that there is eny decaye. 6But whan ye prestes repayred not the decaye in the house vnto the thre and twetieth yeare of kynge Ioas, 7Ioas the kynge called Ioiada the prest with the other prestes, and sayde vnto them: Wherfore do ye not repayre the decaye in the house? Therfore shall ye not take the money vnto you now euery one his porcion, but shall geue it to the decaye of the house. 8And the prestes agreed to take no money of the people, and to repayre the decaye of the house. 9Then Ioiada the prest toke a chest, and bored an hole aboue therin, and set it on the righte hande besyde the altare, at the entrynge in to the house of the LORDE. And the prestes that kepte the thresholde, put all the money therin that was broughte vnto the house of the LORDE. 10Whan they sawe then that there was moch money in the chest, ye kynges scrybe came vp with the hye prest, and bounde the money together, and tolde it as moch as was founde in the house of the LORDE. 11And so the ready money was geuen vnto them that wrought and were appoynted to the house of the LORDE, and they gaue it forth to the carpenters and to the that buylded and wroughte in the house of the LORDE, 12namely, to the dawbers and masons, and to them that boughte tymber and fre stone, to repayre the decaye in the house of the LORDE and all that they founde to haue nede of repayringe in the house. 13Howbeit there were no syluer chargers, flat peces, basens, trompettes, ner eny other vessell of golde and syluer made on the house of the LORDE, of the money that was brought vnto the LORDES house: 14but it was geuen vnto the workmen to repayre the decaye in the house of the LORDE therwith. 15The men also that the money was delyuered vnto, for to geue the workmen, neded not to make eny acomptes, but did their busynes vpon credence. 16But the money of trespace offerynges and synneofferynges was not broughte vnto the house of the LORDE: for it was the prestes. 17At the same tyme wente Hasael the kyn of Syria vp, and foughte agaynst Gath, and wanne it. And whan Hasael set his face to go vp to Ierusalem, 18kynge Ioas toke all that was sanctifyed, which his fathers Iosaphat, Ioram and Ochosias the kynges of Iuda had halowed, and what he himselfe had sanctifyed, and all the golde that was founde in the treasures of the house of the LORDE, and in the kynges house, and sent it vnto Hasael the kynge of Syria. And so he departed from Ierusalem. 19What more there is to saye of Ioas, and all that he dyd, it is written in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 20And his seruauntes made insurreccion and conspyred, and smote him in the house of Millo, at the goynge downe vnto Silla. 21For Iosebar the sonne of Simeath, and Iosabad the sonne of Somer his seruauntes smote him to death: and he was buried with his fathers in the cite of Dauid. And Amasias his sonne was kynge in his steade. 13In ye XXIII. yeare of Ioas the sonne of Ochosias kynge of Iuda, was Ioahas the sonne of Iehu kynge ouer Israel at Samaria, seuentene yeare: 2& dyd yt which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, and walked after the sinnes of Ieroboam ye sonne of Nebat (which caused Israel to synne) and lefte not of from them. 3And ye wrath of the LORDE waxed whote vpon Israel, & he delyuered them ouer vnder the hande of Hasael kynge of Syria, and vnder the hande of Benadad the sonne of Hasael, as longe as they lyued. 4And Ioahas besoughte the face of the LORDE. And the LORDE herde him, for he consydered the myserie of Israel, how the kynge of Syria oppressed them. 5And ye LORDE gaue Israel a sauioure, which broughte them out of the power of the Syrians, so yt the children of Israel dwelt in their tentes, like as afore tyme. 6Yet lefte they not from the synnes of the house of Ieroboam, which caused Israel to synne, but walked in them. The groue at Samaria stode styll also. 7For of the people of Ioahas there were no mo lefte, but fyftye horsmen, ten charettes, and ten thousande fote men: for the kynge of Syria had destroyed them, and made them as the dust in the barne. 8What more there is to saye of Ioahas, and all that he dyd, and his power, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 9And Ioahas fell on slepe with his fathers, and was buried in Samaria, & Ioas his sonne was kinge in his steade. 10In the seuen and thirtieth yeare of Ioas kynge of Iuda, was Ioas the sonne of Ioahas kynge ouer Israel at Samaria sixtene yeare. 11And he dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, and departed not from all the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which made Israel for to synne, but walked in them. 12What more there is to saye of Ioas, and what he dyd, & his power, how he foughte with Amasias kynge of Iuda, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 13And Ioas fell on slepe with his fathers, and Ieroboam sat vpo his seate. And Ioas was buried in Samaria wt the kynges of Israel. 14As for Eliseus, he fell in to a sicknes, wherof he dyed. And Ioas the kynge of Israel came downe vnto him, and wepte for him, and saide: My father, my father, the charetman of Israel, and his horsmen. 15Eliseus sayde vnto him: Take the bowe and the arowes 16And whan he had taken the bowe and the arowes, he sayde vnto the kynge of Israel: Bende the bowe with thine hande. And he bent it with his hade. And Eliseus layed his hande vpon the kynges hande, 17and sayde: Open that wyndowe towarde the East. And he opened it. And Eliseus saide: Shute. And he shot. He sayde: one arowe of the saluacion of the LORDE, one arowe of saluacio agaynst the Syrians: and thou shalt smyte the Syrians at Aphek, tyll they be brought to naughte. 18And he sayde: Take ye arowes. And wha he had taken them, he sayde vnto the kynge of Israel: Smyte the earth. And he smote thre tymes and stode still. 19Then was the ma of God wroth at him, and sayde: Yf thou haddest smytten fyue or sixe times, thou shuldest haue smytten ye Syrians, tyll thou haddest vtterly brought them to naughte. But now shalt thou smyte them thre tymes. 20Whan Eliseus was deed and buried, the men of warre of the Moabites fell in to the londe the same yeare. 21And it fortuned yt they buryed a certaine man. But wha they sawe the men of warre, they cast the man in to Eliseus graue. And whan he was therin, and touched Eliseus bones, he reuyued, and stode vpon his fete. 22So Hasael the kynge of Syria oppressed Israel, as longe as Ioahas lyued. 23But the LORDE was gracious vnto them, and had mercy vpon them, and turned him to them for his couenauntes sake, with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, and wolde not destroye the nether dyd he cast them out from his presence vnto this houre. 24And Hasael the kinge of Syria dyed, and Benadad his sonne was kynge in his steade. 25But Ioas turned backe, and toke out of the hande of Benadad the sonne of Hasael the cyties which he had take in battaill out of the hande of his father Ioahas: Thre tymes dyd Ioas smyte him, and broughte the cities of Israel agayne. 14In the seconde yeare of Ioas ye sonne of Ioahas kynge of Israel, was Amasias the sonne of Ioas kynge of Iuda made kynge: 2fyue and twenty yeare olde was he, whan he was made kynge, & reigned nyne and twentye yeare at Ierusale. His mothers name was Ioadan of Ierusalem. 3And he dyd that which was righte in the sighte of the LORDE: yet not as his father Dauid, but euen as his father Ioas did so dyd he also: 4for ye hye places were not put downe, but the people offred and brent incese yet vpon the hye places. 5Now whan he had gotten the power of the kyngdome, he smote his seruauntes which had smytte the kynge his father: 6but the children of ye deedslayers slewe he not, acordinge to yt which is wrytte in the boke of the lawe of Moses, where the LORDE hath comaunded & sayde: The fathers shal not dye for the children, & the children shal not dye for the fathers: but euery one shal dye for his awne synne. 7Ten thousande of the Edomites smote he also in the Salt valley, and wanne Sela in battayll, and called it Iatheel vnto this daye. 8Then sent Amasias messaungers vnto Ioas the sonne of Ioahas the sonne of Iehu kynge of Israel, sayenge: Come hither, let vs se one another. 9But Ioas ye kynge of Israel sent vnto Amasias the kynge of Iuda, sayenge: The hawthorne that is in Libanus, sent to the Ceder tre in Libanus, sayenge: Geue thy doughter vnto my sonne to wife. But a wylde beest of the felde ranne ouer ye hawthorne, and trode it downe. 10Thou hast smytte the Edomites, therfore is thine hert waxen proude: Take the prayse, and byde at home: why stryuest thou for mysfortune, yt thou mayest fall, and Iuda with the? 11Howbeit Amasias consented not. Then wete Ioas the kynge of Israel vp, and they sawe one another, he and Amasias the kynge of Iuda at Beth Semes which lyeth in Iuda. 12But Iuda was smytten before Israel, so that euery one fled in to his tente. 13And Ioas the kynge of Israel toke Amasias the kynge of Iuda, the sonne of Ioas the sonne of Ochosias at Beth Semes, and came to Ierusalem, and brake downe ye wall of Ierusalem from ye porte of Ephraim vnto the corner porte, euen foure hundreth cubites loge: 14and toke all the golde and syluer, and ornamentes that were founde in the house of the LORDE, and in ye treasures of the kynges house, & the children also to pledge, & departed agayne to Samaria. 15What more there is to saie of Ioas, what he dyd, and of his power, & how he foughte with Amasias the kynge of Iuda, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 16And Ioas fell on slepe with his fathers, and was buried at Samaria amonge ye kynges of Israel. And Ieroboam his sonne was kynge in his steade. 17But Amasias the sonne of Ioas kynge of Iuda, lyued after the death of Ioas the sonne of Ioahas kynge of Israel, fiftene yeare. 18What more there is to saye of Amasias, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 19And they conspyred agaynst him at Ierusalem, but he fled vnto Lachis. And they sent after him vnto Lachis, and slewe him there. 20And they broughte him vpon horses, & he was buried at Ierusalem with his fathers in ye cite of Dauid. 21And all the people of Iuda toke Asarias in his sixtenth yeare, and made him kynge in steade of Amasias his father. 22He buylded Eloth, and broughte it agayne vnto Iuda, after that the kynge was fallen on slepe with his fathers. 23In the fyftenth yeare of Amasias the sonne of Ioas kynge of Iuda, was Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas kynge ouer Israel at Samaria, one and fortye yeare. 24And he dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, and departed not from all the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 25But the borders of Israel broughte he agayne from Hemath vnto ye see that lyeth in the playne felde, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE God of Israel, which he spake by his seruaunt Ionas ye sonne of Amithai the prophete, which was of Gath Epher. 26For the LORDE considered the myserable affliccion of Israel, how that euen they which were shut vp and desolate, were awaye, and that there was no helper in Israel. 27And the LORDE sayde not that he wolde destroye the name of Israel from vnder heaue. And he helped the by Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas. 28What more there is to saye of Ieroboam, and all that he dyd, and of his power, how he foughte, and how broughte Damascon and Hemath agayne vnto Iuda in Israel, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 29And Ieroboam fell on slepe with his fathers, with the kynges of Israel. And Zacharias his sonne was kynge in his steade. 15In the seuen & twentieth yeare of Ieroboam kynge of Israel, reigned Asarias the sonne of Amasias kynge of Iuda: 2and was sixtene yeare olde whan he was made kynge, and reigned two and fyftye yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Iechalia of Ierusale. 3And he dyd righte in the sighte of the LORDE, acordinge to all as dyd Amasias his father, 4sauynge that they put not downe the hye places. For the people dyd sacryfice and brent incense yet vpon the hye places. 5Howbeit the LORDE smote the kynge, so that he was leper vnto his death, and dwelt in a frye house. But Iotham the kynges sonne ruled the house, and iudged the people in the londe. 6What more there is to saye of Asarias, & all yt he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 7And Asarias fell on slepe with his fathers, & was buried with his fathers in the cite of Dauid, & Iotham his sonne was kynge in his steade. 8In the eight and thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, was Zacharias the sonne of Ieroboam kynge ouer Israel at Samaria sixe monethes. 9And he dyd yt which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, euen as his fathers dyd. He departed not from ye synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 10And Sellum the sonne of Iabes conspyred agaynst him, and smote him in the presence of ye people, and slewe him, & was kynge in his steade. 11What more there is to saie of Zacharias, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 12And this is it, yt the LORDE sayde vnto Iehu: Thy children shall syt vpo the seate of Israel vntyll the fourth generacion. And euen so came it to passe. 13Sellum the sonne of Iabes reigned in ye nyne & thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, & reigned one moneth at Samaria. 14For Menahem the sonne of Gadi wete vp from Thirza, & came to Samaria, and smote Sellum the sonne of Iabes at Samaria, & slewe him, and was kynge in his steade. 15What more there is to saye of Sellum, & of his sedicion which he stered vp, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 16At the same tyme dyd Manahem smyte Tiphsa, & all yt were therin, & the coastes therof from Thirza, because they wolde not let him in, and smote all their wemen wt childe, and rypte them vp. 17In the nyne & thirtieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Manahem the sonne of Gad to reigne ouer Israel ten yeares at Samaria, 18and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE. As longe as he lyued, departed he not from ye synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 19And Phul the kynge of Assiria came into the lode. And Manahem gaue vnto Phul a thousande talentes of syluer to holde with him, and to cofirme him in the kyngdome. 20And Manahem raysed vp a taxe in Israel vpon the richest, fiftye Sycles of syluer vpon euery man, to geue vnto ye kynge of Assiria. So the kynge of Assiria wete home agayne, and taried not in the londe. 21What more there is to saye of Manahem, & all yt he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 22And Manahem fell on slepe wt his fathers. And Pecahia his sonne was kynge in his steade. 23In the fiftieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Pecahia the sonne of Manahem to reigne ouer Israel at Samaria two yeare, 24and dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE: for he departed not fro the synnes of Ieroboam ye sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 25And Pecah the sonne of Romelia his knyghte conspyred agaynst him, & smote him at Samaria in ye palace of the kynges house wt Argob and Ariah, and fiftye men wt him of ye childre of Gilead, & slewe him, & was kynge in his steade. 26What more there is to saye of Pecahia, & all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 27In the two and fiftieth yeare of Asarias kynge of Iuda, beganne Pecah the sonne of Romelia to reigne ouer Israel at Samaria, twentye yeare, 28& dyd that which was euell in the sighte of ye LORDE: for he departed not from the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which caused Israel for to synne. 29In the tyme of Pecah the kynge of Israel, came Teglatphalasser the kynge of Assiria, & toke Eion, Abel Beth Maecha, Ianoha, Redes, Hasor, Gilead, Galile, and all the londe of Nephtali, & caried the awaye in to Assiria. 30And Osea the sonne of Ela conspyred agaynst Pecah the sonne of Romelia, & slue him, and was kynge in his steade in the twetieth yeare of Iotham the sonne of Osias. 31What more there is to saye of Pecah, & all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Israel. 32In the seconde yeare of Pecah the sonne of Romelia kynge of Israel, was Iotham the sonne of Osias kynge of Iuda, 33& was fyue and twentye yeare olde whan he was made kynge, and reigned sixtene yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Ierusa the doughter of Sabok. 34And he dyd yt which was righte in ye sighte of the LORDE, acordinge vnto all as dyd Osias his father, 35sauynge that he put not downe the hye places: for the people offred & brent incense yet vpon the hye places. He buylded the hye porte of the house of the LORDE. 36What more there is to saye of Iotham, and all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytte in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 37At ye same tyme beganne ye LORDE to sende Rezin ye kynge of Syria, & Pecah ye sonne of Romelia into Iuda. 38And Iotham fell on slepe with his fathers, and was buried wt his fathers in the cite of Dauid his father. And Achas his sonne was kynge in his steade. 16In the seuententh yeare of Pecah ye sonne of Romelia, was Achas the sonne of Iotham kynge of Iuda. 2Twetye yeare olde was Achas wha he was made kynge, & reigned sixtene yeare at Ierusalem, & dyd not yt which was righte in the sighte of ye LORDE his God, as dyd Dauid his father: 3for he walked in the waye of the kynges of Israel, Yee and caused his sonne to go thorow the fyre, after the maner of the abhominacions of the Heythen, whom the LORDE droue awaye before the childre of Israel. 4And he dyd sacrifice, and brent incense vpon the hye places, & vpon all hilles, and amonge all grene trees. 5Then wente Rezin the kynge of Syria, and Pecah the sonne of Romelia kynge of Israel vp to Ierusalem to fighte agaynst it, and layed sege to Achas: but they coulde not wynne it. 6At the same tyme dyd Rezin the kynge of Syria, brynge Eloth agayne vnto Syria, and thrust ye Iewes out of Eloth. But the Syrians came & dwelt therin vnto this daye. 7Neuertheles Achas sent messaungers vnto Teglatphalasser ye kynge of Assiria, sayege: I am thy seruaunt & thy sonne, come vp & helpe me out of ye hande of the kynge of Syria, & of the kynge of Israel, which are rysen vp agaynst me. 8And Achas toke the syluer & golde yt was founde in ye house of ye LORDE, & in the treasures of ye kynges house, & sent a present to ye kynge of Assiria. 9And ye kinge of Assiria cosented vnto him, & wente vp to Damascon, & wanne it, & caried them awaye vnto Cira, & slewe Rezin. 10And kynge Achas wete to Damascon for to mete Teglatphalasser ye kynge of Assiria. And wha he sawe an altare yt was at Damascon, kynge Achas sent a patrone & symilitude of ye same altare vnto the prest Vrias, euen as it was made. 11And Vrias the prest buylded an altare, and made it acordinge as kynge Achas had sent vnto him from Damascon, tyll Achas ye kynge came from Damascon. 12And whan ye kynge came from Damascon, and sawe the altare, he offred theron, 13& kyndled his burntofferynges and meatofferynges vpon it, and poured his drynkofferinges theron, & caused the bloude of ye deedofferynges which he offred, to be sprenkled vpon the altare. 14But the brasen altare that stode before the LORDE, put he awaye, so that it stode not betwene the altare and the house of the LORDE, but set it in the corner on the north syde of the altare. 15And Achas the kynge comaunded Vrias ye prest, & sayde: Vpo the greate altare shalt thou kyndle ye burntoffrynge in the mornynge, & the meatoffrynge in the euenynge, & the kynges burntoffrynge & his meatoffrynge, & the burntoffrynge of all the people in the londe, wt their meatoffrynge & drynkoffrynge. And all the bloude of the burntofferynges, & all the bloude of the other offrynges shalt thou sprenkle theron: but with the brasen altare wyll I deuyse what I can. 16Vrias the prest dyd all acordinge as Achas the kynge commaunded him. 17And kynge Achas brake downe the seates, and put a waye the ketell from aboue, and toke the lauer from the brasen bullockes that were there vnder, and set it vpon ye pauement of stone. 18And the pulpit for the Sabbath which they had buylded in the house, and ye entrye of the kynges house turned he vnto the house of the LORDE, for the kynge of Assirias sake. 19What more there is to saye of Achas, what he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in ye Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 20And Achas fell on slepe with his fathers, & was buried wt his fathers in the cite of Dauid. And Ezechias his sonne was kynge in his steade. 17In the twolueth yeare of Achas the kynge of Iuda, begane Oseas ye sonne of Ela to reigne ouer Israel at Samaria nyne yeare, 2and dyd yt which was euell in ye sighte of the LORDE, but not as ye kynges of Israel yt were before him. 3Agaynst him dyd Salmanasar ye kynge of Assiria come vp. And Oseas was subiecte vnto him, & gaue him trybutes. 4But wha ye kynge of Assiria perceaued yt Oseas had conspyred & sent messaungers to Sua ye kynge of Egipte, & payed not trybute yearly to ye kynge of ye Assirians, he beseged him & put him in preson. 5And the kynge of Assiria wente vp in to all the londe and to Samaria, and layed sege vnto it thre yeare. 6And in the nyenth yeare of Oseas dyd ye kynge of Assiria wynne Samaria, and caried Israel awaye in to Assiria, and set them at Halah and at Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes. 7For whan the childre of Israel synned agaynst ye LORDE their God (yt broughte the out of ye londe of Egipte, from the hade of Pharao kynge of Egipte) and serued other goddes: 8and walked after the customes of the Heythe, whom the LORDE had dryuen out before the children of Israel, and dyd as the kynges of Israel, 9and prouoked ye LORDE their God, and dyd secretly the thinges that were not righte in the sighte of ye LORDE their God: namely in that they buylded them hye places in all cities, both in castels and stronge cities, 10and set vp pilers and groues, vpon all hye hilles, and amonge all grene trees, 11and brent incense there in all ye hye places, euen as dyd the Heythen, whom the LORDE had cast out before them, & wroughte wicked thinges, wherwith they prouoked the LORDE vnto wrath, 12& serued the Idols, wherof the LORDE sayde vnto them: Ye shal not do soch a thynge. 13And whan the LORDE testified in Israel and Iuda by all the prophetes and Seers, sayenge: O turne agayne from youre euell wayes, and kepe my commaundemetes and ordynaunces, acordinge to all ye lawe which I gaue vnto youre fathers, and that I sent vnto you by my seruauntes the prophetes: 14they wolde not herken, but herdened their neckes, acordinge to the hardneck of their fathers, which beleued not on the LORDE their God. 15Yee they despysed his ordinaunces and his couenaunt which he made with their fathers, and his testimonies which he witnessed amonge them, and walked in their awne vanities, and became vayne folowinge the Heythen, which dwelt rounde aboute them, concernynge whom the LORDE had commaunded them, that they shulde not do as they dyd. 16Neuertheles they forsoke all the commaundementes of the LORDE their God and made them two molten calues and groues, and worshipped all the hoost of heauen, & serued Baal, 17and caused their sonnes and doughters to go thorow the fyre, and medled wt soythsayers and witches, and gaue them selues ouer to do that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath. 18Then was the LORDE very wroth at Israel, and put them awaye fro his presence, so yt there remayned nomo but onely ye trybe of Iuda. 19Nether dyd Iuda kepe the commaundemetes of the LORDE their God, but walked after the customes of Israel, which they dyd. 20Therfore dyd ye LORDE cast awaye all ye sede of Israel, and troubled them, and delyuered them in to the handes of the spoylers, tyll he had cast them out of his presence: 21for Israel was deuyded from the house of Dauid. And they made the a kynge, one Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which turned Israel back from ye LORDE, & caused the to synne so sore. 22Thus walked the childre of Israel in all ye synnes of Ieroboam, which he had done, & departed not fro them, 23vntyll ye LORDE put Israel out of his presence, acordinge as he had spoke by all his seruauntes ye prophetes. So Israel was caried awaye out of their awne londe to Assiria vnto this (daye. 24The kynge of Assiria caused men to come fro Babilon, from Cutha, fro Aua, from Hemath & Sepharuaim, & caused the to inhabite ye cities in Samaria in steade of the children of Israel. And they toke possession of Samaria, & dwelt in ye same cities. 25But wha they begane to dwell there, & feared not ye LORDE, the LORDE sent lyons amoge the, which slewe them. 26And they caused it be sayde vnto ye kynge of Assiria: The Heythe whom thou hast broughte hither, & caused them to inhabite the cities of Samaria, knowe not the lawe of ye God of the londe. Therfore hath he sent lyons amoge them, & beholde, they slaye the, because they knowe not the ordinaunce of the God of the londe. 27The kinge of Assiria comaunded & saide: Bringe thither one of ye prestes yt were caried awaye fro thence & let him go thither, & dwell there, & teach the the ordinauce of the God of ye londe. 28Then came one of ye prestes which were caried awaye from Samaria, & dwelt at Bethel, & taughte them how they shulde feare ye LORDE. 29But euery people made the goddes, & put the in the houses vpon ye hye places, which the Samaritanes had made, euery people i their cities wherin they dwelt. 30They of Babilo made Sochoth Benoth. They of Chut made Nergel. They of Hemath made Asima. 31They of Aua made Nibehas & Tharthak. They of Sepharuaim burnt their sonnes vnto Adramelech and Anamelech ye goddes of the of Sepharuaim. 32And whyle they feared ye LORDE, they made prestes in ye hye places of ye lowest amonge them, & put them in ye houses of ye hye places: 33thus they feared ye LORDE, & serued ye goddes also, acordinge to ye custome of euery nacion, from whence they were broughte. 34And vnto this daye do they after ye olde fashion, so yt they nether feare ye LORDE, ner yet kepe their awne ordinaunces and lawes, after the lawe and commaundement that the LORDE comaunded the childre of Iacob, vnto whom he gaue ye name of Israel, 35and made a couenaunt with them, and commaunded them, and sayde: Feare none other goddes, and worshipe them not, and serue them not, and offer not vnto them: 36but the LORDE which broughte you out of the lode of Egipte, with greate power and outstretched arme, Him feare, him worshippe, & vnto him do sacrifice: 37and the statutes, ordinaunces, lawe & comaundement which he hath caused to be wrytten vnto you, those se that ye kepe, that ye allwaye do therafter, and feare none other goddes. 38And forget not the couenaunt which he hath made with you, lest ye feare other goddes. 39But feare ye LORDE youre God, he shall delyuer you from all youre enemies. 40Neuertheles they wolde not herken, but dyd after their olde custome. 41Thus these Heythen feared the LORDE, and serued their Idols also, and so dyd their children and childers childre likewyse. Eue as their fathers haue done before them, so do they vnto this daye. 18In the thirde yeare of Oseas ye sonne of Ela kynge of Israel, reigned Ezechias ye sonne of Achas kynge of Iuda. 2And he was fyue and twentie yeare olde whan he was made kynge, & reigned nyne & twentye yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Abi the doughter of Zachary. 3And he dyd that which was righte in the sighte of the LORDE, acordinge vnto all as dyd Dauid his father. 4He put awaye the hye places, and brake downe the pilers, & roted out the groues, and brake the brasen serpente which Moses had made. For vnto that tyme had the children of Israel brent incese vnto it. And it was called Nehusthan. 5He put his trust in the LORDE God of Israel, so that after him there was not his like amoge all the kynges of Iuda nether had bene before him. 6He cleued vnto the LORDE, and departed not backe from him, and kepte his commaundementes, which the LORDE had comaunded Moses. 7And the LORDE was wt him. And whither so euer he wete forth, he behaued him selfe wysely. He resisted the kyn of Assiria, and was not subdued vnto him. 8He smote the Philistynes also vnto Gasa, and their borders, from the castels vnto the stronge cities. 9In the fourth yeare of Ezechias kynge of Iuda (yt was the seuenth yeare of Oseas the sonne of Ela kynge of Israel) came Salmanasar the kynge of Assiria vp agaynst Samaria, and layed sege vnto it, 10and wanne it after thre yeares in the sixte yeare of Ezechias, that is in the nyenth yeare of Oseas kynge of Israel, the was Samaria wonne. 11And the kynge of Assiria caried Israel awaye vnto Assiria, and set them at Halah and Habor by the water Gosan, and in the cities of the Meedes. 12And all because they herkened not vnto the voyce of the LORDE their God, and had transgressed his couenaunt: And as for all that Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE had commaunded the, they had nether herkened vnto eny of those, ner done them. 13In the fourteth yeare of kynge Ezechias dyd Sennacherib ye kynge of Assiria come vp agaynst all the stronge cities of Iuda, & coquered the. 14Then sent Ezechias the kynge of Iuda to ye kynge of Assiria vnto Lachis, sayenge: I haue offended, turne back fro me: loke what thou layest vnto me, I wil beare it. The the kynge of Assiria layed vnto Ezechias the kynge of Iuda, thre hundreth talentes of syluer, & thirtie talentes of golde. 15So Ezechias gaue all ye slyuer yt was foude in ye house of the LORDE, & in the treasures of ye kynges house. 16At ye same tyme brake Ezechias the kynge of Iuda the dores of the teple of ye LORDE, & the plates of golde which he him selfe had caused to laye ouer the, & gaue the vnto the kynge of Assiria. 17And the kynge of Assiria sent Thartan, and the chefe chamberlayne, & the chefe butler from Lachis to kynge Ezechias with a greate power vnto Ierusalem. And they wete vp: and whan they came there, they stode styll at the condyte by the ouer pole, which lyeth in the waye vpo the fullers londe, 18and called vnto the kynge. The came there forth vnto them Eliachim the sonne of Helchias the stewarde, and Sobna the scrybe, & Ioah the sonne of Assaph the Secretary. 19And the chefe butler sayde vnto the: Tell kynge Ezechias: Thus sayeth ye greate kynge, eue the kynge of Assiria: What presumpcion is this yt thou trustest vnto? 20Thinkest thou, yt thou hast yet councell and power to fighte? Where vnto trustest thou then, that thou art fallen of fro me? 21Beholde, puttest thou thy trust in this broken staffe of rede, in Egipte? which who leaneth vpon, it shall go into his hande, & pearse it thorow. Euen so is Pharao the kynge of Egipte vnto all them that put their trust in him. 22But yf ye wolde saye vnto me: We put oure trust in ye LORDE oure God. Is not that he, whose hye places and altares Ezechias hath take downe, and sayde vnto Iuda and Ierusale: Before this altare which is at Ierusale, shal ye worshippe? 23Make a multitude now therfore vnto my lorde the kynge of Assiria, and I wil geue ye two thousande horses, let se yf thou be able to man them: 24how wilt thou then endure before the smallest prynce of my lordes subiectes? And trustest thou vnto Egipte because of the charettes and horsmen? 25But thinkest thou that I came vp hither without ye LORDE to destroye these cities? The LORDE hath commaunded me: Go vp in to that londe and destroye it. 26Then sayde Eliachim the sonne of Helchia & Sobna and Ioah vnto the chefe butler: Speake to thy seruauntes in the Syrias language, for we vnderstonde it, and speake not vnto vs in the Iewes speche before the eares of the people that are vpon the wall. 27Neuertheles ye chefe butler sayde vnto the: Hath my lorde then sent me vnto thy lorde, or to the, to speake these wordes? Yee euen vnto the men, which syt vpon the wall, that they maye eate their owne donge and drynke their owne stale wt you. 28So the chefe butler stode and cried with loude voyce in the Iewes language, and spake and sayde: Heare the worde of the greate kynge the kynge of Assiria. 29Thus sayeth the kynge: Let not Ezechias disceaue you, for he is not able to delyuer you fro my hade: 30& let not Ezechias make you to trust in the LORDE, sayenge: The LORDE shall delyuer vs, and this cite shal not be geuen in to the handes of ye kynge of Assiria. 31Folowe not ye Ezechias, for thus sayeth the kynge of Assiria: Do me this blessynge, and come forth vnto me, so shal eueryman eate of his vyne and of his fygge tre, and drynke of his well, 32tyll I come my selfe and fetch you in to a londe, which is like youre awne lode, wherin is corne, wyne, bred, vynyardes, oyle trees, oyle and hony, so shal ye lyue, and not dye. Folowe not ye Ezechias, for he disceaueth you, when he sayeth: The LORDE shal delyuer vs. 33Haue the goddes of the Heythen delyuered eueryone his londe from the hande of the kynge of Assiria? 34Where are the goddes of Hemath and Arphad? Where are the goddes of Sepharnaim Hena and Iua? Haue they delyuered Samaria fro my hande? 35Where is there one god amonge the goddes of all londes, which hath delyuered his londe fro my hande? that the LORDE shulde delyuer Ierusalem fro my hande. 36As for the people, they helde their peace, and gaue him no answere: for the kynge had commaunded and sayde: Answere him nothinge. 37Then came Eliachim the sonne of Helchia ye stewarde, and Sobna the scrybe, and Ioah the sonne of Assaph the Secretary vnto Ezechias with rente clothes, and tolde him the wordes of the chefe butler. 19Whan Ezechias ye kynge herde this, he rente his clothes, & put on a sack cloth, & wente in to ye house of the LORDE, 2& sent Eliachim the stewarde & Sobna the Scrybe with the Eldest prestes, clothed in sackcloth, vnto the prophet Esay ye sonne of Amos, 3& they saide vnto him: Thus sayeth Ezechias: This is a daye of trouble, & of defiaunce & blasphemy. The childre are come to the byrth, & there is no strength to be delyuered of them. 4Yf happly the LORDE thy God wil heare all the wordes of ye chefe butler, whom his lorde the kynge of Assiria hath sent, to blasphemie ye lyuynge God, & to defye him with soch wordes as the LORDE thy God hath herde, therfore lifte thou vp thy prayer for the remnaunt, which are yet lefte behynde. 5And wha kynge Ezechias seruauntes came to Esay, 6Esay sayde vnto them: Speake thus vnto youre lorde: Thus sayeth the LORDE: Feare not thou the wordes yt thou hast herde, wherwith the kynge of Assirias seruauntes haue blasphemed me. 7Beholde, I wil put him in another mynde, so yt he shall heare tydinges, & go agayne in to his awne countre, and in his awne londe wil I cause him to fall thorow the swerde. 8And whan ye chefe butlar came agayne, he founde the kynge of Assiria fightinge agaynst Libna: for he had herde that he was departed from Lachis. 9And he herde of Taracha the kynge of the Morians: Beholde, he is gone forth to fighte with the. 10Then turned he back, & sent messaungers to Ezechias, & caused to saye vnto him: Let not thy God disceaue the, on whom thou trustest & sayest: Ierusalem shal not be geue in to the hade of the kynge of Assiria. 11Beholde, thou hast herde what the kynges of Assiria haue done vnto all londes, & how they daned them, & shalt thou be delyuered? 12Haue ye goddes of ye Heithen delyuered the, whom my father destroyed, as Gosan, Haran, Reseph, & the childre of Eden which were at Thalassar? 13Where is ye kynge of Hemath, ye kynge of Arphad, & ye kinge of ye cite Sepharnaim, Hena & Iua? 14And whan Ezechias had receaued the letters of the messaungers and had red them, he wente vp vnto the house of the LORDE, and layed them abrode before the LORDE, 15& made his prayer before the LORDE, and sayde: O LORDE God of Israel, thou that syttest vpo the Cherubins, thou onely art God amonge all ye kyngdomes of the earth, thou hast made heauen and earth. 16Enclyne thine eare O LORDE, and heare: open thine eyes, and beholde, and heare the wordes of Sennacherib, which hath sent hither to blaspheme the lyuynge God. 17It is true (O LORDE) that the kynges of Assiria haue destroyed the Heythen and their londe with the swerde, 18and haue cast their goddes in the fyre: for they were not Goddes, but ye worke of mes hondes, wodd and stone, therfore haue they destroyed them. 19But now O LORDE helpe thou vs out of his hande, that all the kyngdomes vpon earth maye knowe, that thou LORDE art God alone. 20Then sent Esay the sonne of Amos vnto Ezechias, sayenge: Thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: Where as thou hast made thy prayer vnto me concernynge Sennacherib ye kynge of Assiria, I haue herde it. 21This is it that the LORDE hath spoken agaynst him: He hath despysed ye and mocked the O virgin thou doughter Sion: he hath shake his heade at the O doughter Ierusalem. 22Whom hast thou despysed & blasphemed? Ouer whom hast thou lifte vp thy voyce? Eue agaynst ye holy one in Israel hast thou lifte vp thine eyes: 23thou hast blasphemed ye LORDE by thy messaungers, and sayde: Thorow the multitude of my charettes haue I gone vp to the toppes of the mountaynes, vpon the sydes of Libanus. I haue hewen downe his hye Ceders and his chosen Pyne trees, and am come to the vttemost habitacion of the wod of Carmel that belongeth vnto it. 24I haue dygged and dronke vp the straunge waters, and with ye soles of my fete haue I dryed vp the See. 25But hast thou not herde how that I haue done this longe agoo, and haue prepared it from the begynnynge? Now haue I caused it for to come, that contencious stronge cities mighte fall into a waist heape of stones, 26& they that dwell therin, shal be faynte, and fearfull and a shamed, and shal be as the grasse vpon the felde, and as ye grene herbe and hay vpon the house toppes, that wythereth afore it be growne vp. 27I knowe thy habitacion, thy out and ingoynge, and that thou ragest agaynst me. 28For so moch then as thou ragest agaynst me, and seynge thy presumpcion is come vp to myne eares, therfore wyll I put a rynge in thy nose, and a brydle bytt in thy lippes, and wyll brynge the agayne, euen the same waye thou camest. 29And let this be a token vnto the O Ezechias. In this yeare eate yt which is fallen. in the seconde yeare soch as groweth of it selfe: In ye thirde yeare sowe and reape, and plante vynyardes, and eate the frute therof. 30And the doughter Iuda which is escaped & remayneth, shall from hence forth take rote beneth, and beare frute aboue. 31For the remnaunt shal go forth from Ierusalem, & they yt are escaped, shall go out fro mount Sion. The gelousy of the LORDE Zebaoth shall brynge this to passe. 32Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE concernynge ye kynge of the Assyrians: He shall not come in to this cite, and shall shute no arowe therin, nether shal there come eny shylde before it, nether shall he dygge eny backe aboute it, 33but shal go agayne the waye that he came, and shall not come in to this cite, sayeth the LORDE: 34and I wyll defende this cite, to helpe it for myne awne sake, and for my seruaunt Dauids sake. 35And in the same nighte wente the angell of the LORDE, and smote in the hoost of the Assyrians, an hundreth and fyue and foure score thousande men. And whan they gatt them vp in the mornynge, beholde, all laye full of deed coarses. 36So Sennacherib the kinge of Assyria brake vp, and departed, and returned, and abode at Niniue. 37And as he worshipped in ye house of Nesrach his god, his awne sonnes Adramalech and Sarazer smote him with the swerde, and fled in to ye londe of Ararat. And Asarhadon his sonne was kynge in his steade. 20At that tyme was Ezechias deedsicke. And the prophet Esay ye sonne of Amos, came to him, & sayde vnto him: Thus sayeth ye LORDE: Set thine house in ordre for thou shalt dye & not lyue. 2And he turned, his face to the wall, and prayed vnto ye LORDE, and sayde: 3Remembre (O LORDE) that I haue walked faithfully before the, & with a perfecte hert, and haue done yt which is good in thy syghte. And Ezechias wepte sore. 4But whan Esay was not gone out of halfe the cite, ye worde of ye LORDE came to him, & sayde: 5Turne back, & tell Ezechias ye prynce of my people: Thus sayeth ye LORDE God of thy father Dauid: I haue herde thy praier, & considered yi teares. Beholde, I wil heale ye: on the thirde daye shalt thou go in to ye house of the LORDE, 6& fiftene yeares wil I adde vnto yi life, & wyll delyuer the & this cite from the kynge of Assyria, & this cite wil I defende for myne awne sake, and for my seruaut Dauids sake. 7And Esay sayde: Bringe hither a quantite of fygges. And whan they broughte them, they layed them vpon the sore, and it was healed. 8Ezechias sayde vnto Esay: Which is ye token, that the LORDE wyll heale me, and that I shal go vp in to the house of ye LORDE on the thirde daye? 9Esay sayde: This token shalt thou haue of the LORDE, that the LORDE shal do acordynge as he hath sayde. Shall the shadowe go ten degrees forwarde, or shal it turne ten degrees backwarde? 10Ezechias sayde: It is an easy thinge for the shadowe to go ten degrees downewarde, yt is not my mynde: but that it go ten degrees backwarde. 11Then cryed the prophet Esay vnto the LORDE, and the shadowe wente backe ten degrees in Achas Dyall, which he was descended afore. 12At the same tyme Merodach Baladan the sonne of Baladan kynge of Babilon, sent letters and presentes vnto Ezechias, for he had herde that Ezechias had bene sicke. 13And Ezechias reioysed with them, & shewed them all the house of rotes, the syluer, golde, spyces, and the best oyle, and the house of ordinaunce, and all that was founde in his treasures. There was nothinge in his house and in all his domynion, but Ezechias shewed it them. 14Then came Esay the prophet vnto kynge Ezechias, and sayde vnto him: What haue these men sayde? and whence came they vnto the? Ezechias sayde: They came to me out of a farre countre, euen from Babilon. 15He sayde: What haue they sene in thyne house? Ezechias sayde: They haue sene all that is in my house, and there is nothynge in my treasures but I haue shewed it them. 16Then sayde Esay vnto Ezechias: Heare the worde of the LORDE: 17Beholde, the tyme commeth, that it shall all be caryed awaye vnto Babilon, and whatsoeuer thy fathers haue layed vp vnto this daye, and there shall nothinge be lefte, sayeth the LORDE. 18Yee and the children which come of the, whom thou shalt beget, shalbe taken awaye, to be chamberlaynes in the kynge of Babilons palace. 19Ezechias sayde vnto Esay: It is good that the LORDE hath spoken. And he sayde morouer: Let there be peace yet and faithfulnesse in my tyme. 20What more there is to saye of Ezechias, and all his power, and what he dyd, and of the pole and water condyte, wher by he conueyed water in to the cite, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 21And Ezechias fell on slepe with his fathers, and Manasses his sonne was kynge in his steade. 21Manasses was twolue yeare olde, whan he was made kinge, and reigned fyue and fyftye yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Hephziba. 2And he dyd that which was euell in ye sight of the LORDE (euen after the abhominacios of the Heithen, whom the LORDE expelled before the children of Israel) and waxed frowarde, 3and builded vp the hye places which his father Ezechias had destroyed, and sett vp Baals altares, and made groues (as Achab the kynge of Israel dyd) and worshipped all the hoost of heauen, and serued them. 4And buylded altares in the LORDES house, wherof the LORDE sayde: I wyll set my name at Ierusalem. 5And in both the courtes of the house of the LORDE buylded he altares vnto all the hoost of heaue. 6And caused his sonne to go thorow the fyre, and regarded byrdes cryenge and tokens, and maynteyned soythsayers, and expounders of tokens, and so moch dyd he of this which was euell in the sight of the LORDE, that he prouoked him vnto wrath. 7A groue Idol also which he had made, set he in the house, wherof the LORDE sayde vnto Dauid and to Salomon his sonne: In this house, and at Ierusalem ( which I haue chosen out of all the trybes of Israel) wil I set my name for euer, 8and wyl not cause ye fote of Israel to be remoued eny more from the londe, which I gaue vnto their fathers, yee so that they obserue and do acordynge vnto all that I haue charged them, and after all the lawe that my seruaunt Moses comaunded them. 9Neuertheles they wolde not herken, but Manasses disceaued them, so yt they dyd worse then the Heithen, whom the LORDE expelled before ye children of Israel. 10Then spake the LORDE by his seruauntes the prophetes, and saide: 11Because that Manasse the kynge of Iuda hath gone these abhominacions, which are worse then all ye abhominacions that the Amorites haue done which were before them, and hath caused Iuda also to synne agaynst their God, 12therfore thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: Beholde, I wyll brynge soch a plage vpon Ierusalem and Iuda, that who so euer heareth it, both his eares shal glowe, 13and ouer Ierusalem wyll I stretch forth the lyne of Samaria, and the weighte of the house of Achab, and wyll wype out Ierusalem, euen as one wypeth a platter, and I wyl ouerthrowe it. 14And ye remnaunt of myne inheritaunce wil I cast out, & scater them abrode, & wil delyuer them in to the hades of their enemies, to be spoyled and rent of all their enemies: 15because they haue done yt which is euell in my sighte, & haue prouoked me vnto wrath, sence the daye that I broughte their fathers out of Egipte, vnto this daye. 16Manasses also shed exceadinge moch innocet bloude, so longe tyll Ierusale was full on euery syde, without the synnes wherwith he caused Iuda for to synne, so yt they dyd that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE. 17What more there is to saie of Manasses, and all that he dyd, and his synnes which he commytted, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 18And Manasses fell on slepe with his fathers, and was buried in the garden besyde his house, namely, in the garden of Vsa, and Amon his sonne was kynge in his steade. 19Two and twentye yeare olde was Amon whan he was made kynge, & he reigned two yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Mesumeleth, ye doughter of Harus of Iatba, 20and he dyd euell in the sighte of the LORDE, as Manasses his father had done, 21and walked in all the waye which his father walked, and serued the Idols which his father had serued, and worshipped them, 22and forsoke the LORDE the God of his father, and walked not in the waye of the LORDE. 23And his seruauntes conspyred agaynst Amon, & slewe the kynge in his house. 24But the people of the londe slewe all them yt had cospyred agaynst kynge Amon. And the people of the londe made Iosias his sonne kynge in his steade. 25As for other thinges that Amon dyd, beholde, they are wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 26And he was buried in his graue in Vsas garde. And Iosias his sonne was kynge in his steade. 22Iosias was eight yeare olde wha he was made kynge, & reigned one and thirtie yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Iedida the doughter of Adaia of Bascath, 2and he dyd that which was righte in ye sighte of the LORDE, and walked in all ye waye of Dauid his father, & turned not asyde, nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte. 3And in the eightenth yeare of kynge Iosias, the kynge sent Saphan ye sonne of Asalia the sonne of Mesulam the scrybe, in to ye house of the LORDE, and sayde: 4Go vp to Helchias the hye prest, that the money that is brought vnto ye house of ye LORDE (which the tresholde kepers haue gathered of ye people) 5maye be delyuered vnto them, that they maye geue it to the workmen which are appoynted in the house of the LORDE, & to geue it vnto the labourers in the house (yt they maye repayre the decaye of the house) namely, 6vnto the carpenters, and buylders, & masons, and to them yt bie timber & fre stone for the repairinge of the house: 7but so yt there be no accomptes taken of them concernynge the money, that is vnder their hande, but yt they deale withall vpon credence. 8And Helchias ye prest sayde vnto Sapha the scrybe: I haue founde the boke of the lawe in the house of the LORDE. And Helchias gaue the boke vnto Saphan, that he might reade it. 9And Saphan the scrybe bare it vnto the kynge, and brought him worde agayne, & sayde: Thy seruauntes haue gathered together ye money yt was founde in the house, & haue delyuered it vnto the workme, which are appoynted in ye house of the LORDE. 10And Saphan the scrybe tolde the kynge and sayde: Helchias the prest hath delyuered me a boke, and Saphan red it before the kynge. 11But whan the kinge herde the wordes of the boke of lawe, he rente his clothes. 12And the kynge comaunded Helchias the prest, & Ahicam the sonne of Saphan, & Achbor the sonne of Michaia, and Saphan the scribe, & Asaia ye kynges seruaunt, and sayde: 13Go yor waye and axe councell at the LORDE for me, for the people, and for all Iuda, concernynge the wordes of this boke that is founde: for greate is the wrath of the LORDE that is kyndled ouer vs, because or fathers haue not herkened vnto the wordes of this boke, to do all that is wrytten vnto vs therin. 14Then wente Helchias the prest, and Ahicam, Achbor, Saphan & Asaia vnto Hulda the prophetisse ye wife of Sellu the sonne of Thecua the sonne of Harham the keper of ye clothes, and she dwelt at Ierusalem in the seconde porte, and they spake vnto her. 15And she sayde vnto them: Thus sayeth ye LORDE God of Israel: Tell the man that sent you vnto me, 16Thus sayeth the LORDE: Beholde, I wil brynge euell vpon this place, and the inhabiters therof, euen all the wordes of ye lawe which the kynge hath caused to be red, 17because they haue forsaken me, and brent incense vnto other goddes, to prouoke me vnto wrath with all the workes of their handes. Therfore is my wrath kindled agaynst this cite, and shall not be quenched. 18But tell this vnto the kynge of Iuda, which hath sent you to axe councell at the LORDE: Thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: Because thine hert is not departed fro the wordes which thou hast herde, 19and hast humbled thyselfe before the LORDE, to heare what I haue spoken agaynst this place and the inhabiters therof (how that they shall become a very desolacion and curse) & hast rente thy clothes, and wepte before me, I haue herde it, sayeth the LORDE: 20therfore wyll I gather the vnto thy fathers, so yt thou shalt be put in to thy graue in peace, and thine eyes shall not se all the euell that I wyll brynge vpon this place. And they brought the kynge worde agayne. 23And the kynge sent forth, and all the Elders in Iuda and Ierusalem resorted vnto him, 2and the kynge wente vp in to the house of the LORDE, and all the men of Iuda, and all the inhabiters of Ierusalem with him, the prestes and prophetes and all the people both small and greate, and all the wordes of the boke of the couenaunt that was founde in the house of the LORDE, were red in their eares. 3And the kinge stode vpon a piler, and made a couenaut before the LORDE, that they shulde walke after the LORDE, and to kepe his commaundementes, witnesses, and ordinaunces with all their hert and with all their soule, yt they shulde set vp the wordes of this couenaunt, which are wrytten in this boke. And all the people entred in to the couenaunt. 4And the kynge comaunded Helchias the hye prest, and the prestes of the secode course, and the kepers of the thresholde, yt they shulde put out of the temple all the vessels which were made for Baal, and for the groue, and for all the hoost of heauen, & he brent them without Ierusalem in the valley of Cedron, and the dust of them was caryed vnto Bethel. 5And he put downe the Kemurims, who the kynges of Iuda had founded, to burne incense vpon the hye places, in the cities of Iuda, and aboute Ierusalem. He put downe also them that brent incense vnto Baal, to the Sonne, and the Mone, and the twolue tokens, and to all ye hoost of heauen. 6And the groue caused he to be caryed from the house of the LORDE out of Ierusalem in to ye valley of Cedron, and brent it in the valley of Cedron, and made it to dust, and cast the dust vpon the graues of ye comen people. 7And he brake downe the whorekepers houses which were by the house of the LORDE, wherin the wemen made mansions for the groue. 8And he caused all the prestes for to come out of the cities of Iuda, and suspended ye hye places, where the prestes brent incense, from Geba vnto Berseba. And brake downe the hye places in the portes, that were at ye dore of the gate of Iosua ye shreue of the cite, at the lefte hande as one goeth to the cite porte. 9Yet had not the prestes of the hye places offred vpon the altare of the LORDE at Ierusalem, but ate vnleuended bred amonge their brethren. 10He suspended Tophet also in the valley of the children of Ennon, that noman shulde cause his sonne or his doughter to go thorow ye fyre vnto Moloch. 11And he put downe the horses, which ye kynges of Iuda had set vnto the Sonne, at the intringe in to the house of the LORDE, besyde the chest of Netham Melech the chamberlayne which was at Paruarim, and the charettes of the Sonne brent he with fyre, 12and the altares vpon the rofe of Achabs perler, which the kynges of Iuda had made. And the altares which Manasses had made in the two courtes of the house of the LORDE, dyd the kynge breake downe. And ranne from thence, and cast the dust of them in to the broke Cedron. 13And the hye places that were before Ierusalem on the righte hande of Mount Mashith which Salomon the kynge of Israel had buylded vnto Astaroth the abhomynacion of Sidon, and to Camos the abhominacion of Moab, and to Malcom the abhominacion of the children of Ammon, those did the kynge suspende, 14and brake the pilers, and roted out the groues, and fylled their places with mens bones. 15And the altare at Bethel, and the hye place that Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat made, which caused Israel to synne, the same altare brake he downe, and the hye place, & brent the hye place, and made it to dust, and brent vp the groue. 16And Iosias turned him aboute, and sawe the graues that were vpo the mount, and caused the bones to the fetched out of the graues, and brent them vpo the altare, and suspended it, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, which the man of God cryed out, that tolde this before. 17And he sayde: What titell is this, that I se here? And the men of the cite sayde vnto him: It is the graue of the man of God, which came from Iuda, and cried out this that thou hast done agaynst ye altare of Bethel. 18And he sayde: Let him lye, no man touche his bones. Thus were his bones delyuered with the bones of the prophet that came from Samaria. 19He put awaye also all the houses of the hye places in the cities of Samaria (which the kynges of Israel had made to prouoke ye LORDE vnto wrath) and dyd with them acordinge to all as he had done at Bethel. 20And all ye prestes of the hye places that were there, offred he vp vpon the altares, and so brent he mens bones theron, and came agayne to Ierusalem. 21And the kynge commauded the people, and sayde: Kepe Easter vnto the LORDE youre God, as it is wrytten in the boke of this couenaunt. 22For there was no Easter so kepte as this, sence the tyme of the Iudges which iudged Israel, and in all the tymes of the kynges of Israel, and of the kynges of Iuda: 23but in the eightenth yeare of kynge Iosias, was this Easter kepte vnto the LORDE at Ierusalem. 24And Iosias expelled all soythsayers, expounders of tokes, ymages and Idols, and all the abhominacions which were sene in the londe of Iuda and at Ierusalem, that he mighte set vp the wordes of the lawe, which were wrytten in the boke, that Helchias ye prest foude in the house of ye LORDE. 25His like was no kynge before him, which so couerted vnto ye LORDE wt all his hert, wt all his soule, & with all his strength, acordinge to all the lawe of Moses. And after him came there not vp soch another. 26Yet turned not the LORDE from the indignacion of his greate wrath, wherwith he was displeased ouer Iuda, because of all the prouocacion wherwith Manasses had prouoked him. 27And ye LORDE sayde: I wil put Iuda out of my presence also, euen as I haue put awaye Israel: and this cite which I haue chosen, wyl I cast out, namely, Ierusalem, & the house wherof I sayde: My name shalbe there. 28What more there is to saye of Iosias, and all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 29In his tyme wete Pharao Necho ye kynge of Egipte vp agaynst the kynge of Assyria by the water Euphrates. But kynge Iosias wente agaynst him, and dyed at Megiddo, wha he had sene him. 30And his seruauntes caried him deed fro Megiddo, & brought him to Ierusale, & buryed him in his graue. And the people of the londe toke Ioahas the sonne of Iosias, and anoynted him, and made him kynge in his fathers steade. 31Thre & twentye yeare olde was Ioahas wha he was made kynge, & reigned thre monethes at Ierusale. His mothers name was Hamutal ye doughter of Ieremia of Libna. 32And he dyd yt which was euell in ye sight of ye LORDE, euen as his fathers had done. 33But Pharao Necho toke him presoner of Reblatha in the londe of Hemath, yt he shulde not reigne at Ierusalem: & raysed a taxe vpo the londe, an hundreth taletes of siluer, & one talente of golde. 34And Pharao Necho made Eliachim ye sonne of Iosias kynge in his father Iosias steade, & turned his name Ioachim. But Ioahas toke he, & brought him in to Egipte where he dyed. 35And Ioachim gaue the siluer & golde vnto Pharao, yet taxed he the londe, yt he might geue ye syluer acordynge to Pharaos comaundement. Euery one amonge the people in ye londe taxed he after his abilite in siluer & golde, to geue it vnto Pharao. 36Fyue & twentye yeare olde was Ioachim whan he was made kynge, & reigned eleuen yeares at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Sebida ye doughter of Pedaia of Ruma, 37& he dyd euell in the sight of the LORDE, euen as his fathers had done. 24In his tyme came vp Nabuchodonosor ye kynge of Babilon, & Ioachim was in subieccion vnto him iij. yeare. And he turned back, & rebelled agaynst him. 2And ye LORDE sent men of warre vpon him out of Chaldea, out of Syria, out of Moab, & fro amonge the childre of Ammon, & caused the for to come in to Iuda, to destroie it acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, which he spake by his seruauntes the prophetes. 3It fortuned eue so vnto Iuda, acordynge to ye worde of the LORDE, that he wolde put them awaye from his presence, because of ye sinnes of Manasses which he dyd, 4& because of the innocent bloude that he shed. And he fylled Ierusalem with innocent bloude, therfore wolde not the LORDE be reconcyled. 5What more there is to saye of Ioachim, and all that he dyd, beholde, it is wrytten in the Cronicles of the kynges of Iuda. 6And Ioachim fell on slepe with his fathers. And Ioachim his sonne was kynge in his steade. 7And the kynge of Egipte came nomore out of his londe: for the kynge of Babilon had conquered all that was the kynge of Egiptes, from the ryuer of Egipte vnto ye water Euphrates. 8Eightene yeare olde was Ioachim whan he was made kynge, and reigned thre monethes at Ierusale. His mothers name was Nebustha the doughter of Elnathan of Ierusalem. 9And he dyd euell in the sighte of the LORDE, euen as his father had done. 10At the same tyme wente the seruauntes of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon vp to Ierusalem, and came vpon the cyte with ordinaunce of warre. 11And whan Nabuchodonosor and his seruauntes came to the cite they layed sege vnto it. 12But Ioachim ye kynge of Iuda wente forth to the kynge of Babilon with his mother, with his seruauntes, with his rulers and chamberlaynes. And the kynge of Babilon receaued him in the eight yeare of his reigne. 13And he toke forth fro thence all the treasure in the house of the LORDE, and in ye kynges house, and brake all the golden vessell yt Salomon the kynge of Israel had made in the house of the LORDE (acordynge as the LORDE had sayde) 14and caryed awaye all Ierusalem, all the rulers, all the mightie men, euen ten thousande presoners, and all the carpenters, and all the smithes, and lefte none behynde but the poore people of the londe. 15And he caryed Ioachim awaye vnto Babilon, and the kynges mother, the kinges wyues, and his chamberlaynes: and ye mightie men of the londe led he awaye presoners also from Ierusalem vnto Babilon, 16and seuen thousande of the best men, and a thousande carpenters and smythes, and all the stronge men of warre. 17And the kynge of Babilon made Matania his vncle kynge in his steade, and turned his name Sedechias. 18One and twentye yeare olde was Sedechias, whan he was made kynge, and reigned eleuen yeare at Ierusalem. His mothers name was Amithal the doughter of Ieremia of Libna. 19And he dyd euell in the sight of the LORDE, eue as Ioachim dyd: 20for thus fortuned it vnto Ierusale thorow the wrath of the LORDE, tyll he had cast them out fro his presence. And Sedechias fell awaye fro the kynge of Babilon. 25And it fortuned, that in ye nyenth yeare of his reigne, vpon the tenth daye of the tenth moneth, Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon came with all his power agaynst Ierusalem. And they laied sege vnto it, and buylded stronge holdes rounde aboute it. 2Thus was the cite beseged vnto the eleuenth yeare of kynge Sedechias. 3But on ye nyenth daye of the fourth moneth was the honger so stronge in the cite, that the people of the londe had nothinge to eate. 4And the cite was broken vp, & all the men of warre fled in the night by the waye of the porte betwene the two walles, which goeth to the kynges garde. But the Caldees laye aboute the cite. And he fled by the waye to the playne felde. 5Neuertheles the power of the Caldees folowed after the kynge, and toke him in the plaine felde of Iericho: and all the men of warre that were with him, were scatered abrode from him. 6And they toke the kynge, and led him vp to the kynge of Babilon vnto Reblatha. And he gaue iudgmet vpon him. 7And they slewe Ezechias children before his eyes, and put out Sedechias eies, and bounde him with cheynes, and caryed him vnto Babilon. 8Vpon the seuenth daye of the fyfth monet, that is the ninetenth yeare of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon, came Nabusaradan the chefe captayne the kynge of Babilons seruaunt, vnto Ierusalem, 9and brent ye house of the LORDE, and the kynges house, & all the houses at Ierusalem, and all the greate houses brent he with fyre. 10And all the power of the Caldees which was with the chefe captayne, brake downe the walles rounde aboute Ierusalem. 11As for the other people that yet were lefte in the cite, and were falle vnto the kinge of Babilon, and the other comen people, Nabusaradan the chefe captayne caryed them awaye. 12And of the poorest people dyd the chefe captaine leaue in ye londe to be wynegardeners and plowmen. 13But the brasen pilers in the house of the LORDE, and the seates, and the brasen lauer that was in the house of the LORDE, dyd ye Caldees breake downe, and caried the metall vnto Babilon. 14And the pottes, shouels, fleshokes, spones, & all ye brasen vessell that was occupied in the seruyce, caried they awaye. 15And ye chefe captayne toke awaye ye censors and basens yt were of golde and syluer, 16two pilers, one lauer, and the seates yt Salomon had made for ye house of the LORDE. The metall of all these ornamentes coulde not be weyed. 17Eightene cubytes hye was one piler, and ye knoppe theron was of brasse also, & thre cubytes hye: & the rope and the pomgranates vpon the knoppe rounde aboute, were all of brasse. After the same maner was the other piler also with the rope. 18And the chefe captayne toke Seraia the prest of the first course, & Sophony the prest of the seconde course, and thre dorekepers, 19and one chamberlayne out of the cite, which was appoynted ouer ye men of warre: and fyue men that were euer before the kynge, which were founde in the cite: and Sophar the captayne, which taught the people of ye londe to fighte: and thre score men of ye people of the londe, that were founde in the cite: 20these dyd Nabusaradan ye chefe captayne take, and broughte them to the kynge of Babilon vnto Reblatha. 21And the kynge of Babilon slewe them at Reblatha in ye londe of Hemath. Thus was Iuda caried awaye out of his awne londe. 22But ouer the remnaunt of the people in the londe of Iuda, whom Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babilon lefte behynde, he set Godolias ye sonne of Ahicam ye sonne of Saphan. 23Now wha all the captaynes of the soudyers, & the men herde, that the kynge of Babilon had made Godolias gouernoure, they came to Godolias vnto Mispa, namely, Ismael ye sonne of Nathanias, & Iohanna ye sonne Carea, & Seraia ye sonne of Tanhometh the Netopharite, & Iesanias ye sonne of Maechati wt their men. 24And Godolias sware vnto them & to their men, & sayde vnto them: Feare not ye ye officers of the Caldees, tary in the londe, & submytte youre selues vnto the kynge of Babilon, & ye shal prospere. 25But in the seueth moneth came Ismael the sonne of Nathanias the sonne of Elisama (of the kynges kynred) and ten men with him, and slewe Godolias, and the Iewes and Caldees that were with him at Mispa. 26Then all the people gat them vp, both small and greate, and the captaynes of the hoost, and came in to Egipte, for they were afrayed of ye Caldees. 27Howbeit in the seuen and thirtieth yeare after that Ioachim the kynge of Iuda was caried awaye on the seuen and twenty daye of the twolueth moneth, Euilmerodach the kynge of Babilon in the first yeare of his reigne, lifte vp the heade of Ioachim ye kynge of Iuda out of preson, 28and spake louyngly vnto him, and set his trone aboue ye trones of ye kynges that were with him at Babilon, 29and chaunged the clothes of his captiuyte. And he ate allwaye before him as longe as he lyued. 30And he appoynted him his porcion, which was euer geue him daylie of the kynge, as longe as he lyued.