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Gnva PRO Chapter 16

PRO 16 ©

16The preparations of the heart are in man: but the answere of the tongue is of the Lord. 2All the wayes of a man are cleane in his owne eyes: but the Lord pondereth the spirits. 3Commit thy workes vnto the Lord, and thy thoughts shalbe directed. 4The Lord hath made all things for his owne sake: yea, euen the wicked for the day of euill. 5All that are proude in heart, are an abomination to the Lord: though hand ioyne in hand, he shall not be vnpunished. 6By mercy and trueth iniquitie shalbe forgiuen, and by the feare of the Lord they depart from euill. 7When the wayes of a man please the Lord, he will make also his enemies at peace with him. 8Better is a litle with righteousnesse, then great reuenues without equitie. 9The heart of man purposeth his way: but the Lord doeth direct his steppes. 10A diuine sentence shalbe in the lips of the King: his mouth shall not transgresse in iudgement. 11A true weight and balance are of the Lord: all the weightes of the bagge are his worke. 12It is an abomination to Kings to commit wickednes: for the throne is stablished by iustice. 13Righteous lips are the delite of Kings, and the King loueth him that speaketh right things. 14The wrath of a King is as messengers of death: but a wise man will pacifie it. 15In the light of the Kings coutenance is life: and his fauour is as a cloude of the latter raine. 16Howe much better is it to get wisedome then golde? and to get vnderstanding, is more to be desired then siluer. 17The pathe of the righteous is to decline from euil, and hee keepeth his soule, that keepeth his way. 18Pride goeth before destruction, and an high minde before the fall. 19Better it is to be of humble minde with the lowly, then to deuide the spoyles with the proude. 20He that is wise in his busines, shall finde good: and he that trusteth in the Lord, he is blessed. 21The wise in heart shall bee called prudent: and the sweetenesse of the lippes shall increase doctrine. 22Vnderstading is welspring of life vnto them that haue it: and the instruction of fooles is folly. 23The heart of the wise guideth his mouth wisely, and addeth doctrine to his lippes. 24Faire wordes are as an hony combe, sweetenesse to the soule, and health to the bones. 25There is a way that seemeth right vnto man: but the issue thereof are the wayes of death. 26The person that traueileth, traueileth for himselfe: for his mouth craueth it of him. 27A wicked man diggeth vp euill, and in his lippes is like burning fire. 28A frowarde person soweth strife: and a tale teller maketh diuision among princes. 29A wicked man deceiueth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good. 30He shutteth his eyes to deuise wickednes: he moueth his lippes, and bringeth euil to passe. 31Age is a crowne of glory, when it is founde in the way of righteousnes. 32He that is slowe vnto anger, is better then the mightie man: and hee that ruleth his owne minde, is better then he that winneth a citie. 33The lot is cast into the lap: but the whole disposition thereof is of the Lord.

PRO 16 ©
