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KJB-1611 by section PSA 103:0

PSA 103:0–103:22 ©

Psalmes 103

01 An exhortation to blesse God for his mercie, 15 And for the constancie thereof.

¶ A Psalme of Dauid.

CIII¶ Blesse the LORD, O my soule: and all that is within me, blesse his holy Name. 2Blesse the LORD, O my soule: & forget not all his benefits. 3Who forgiueth all thine iniquities: who healeth all thy diseases. 4Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: who crowneth thee with louing kindnesse and tender mercies. 5Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things: so that thy youth is renewed like the Eagles. 6The LORD executeth righteousnesse: and iudgement for all that are oppressed. 7He made knowen his wayes vnto Moses: his actes vnto the children of Israel. 8[fn][fn]The LORD is mercifull and gracious: slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. 9Hee will not alwayes chide: neither will he keepe his anger for euer. 10Hee hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes: nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities. 11[fn]For as the heauen is high aboue the earth: so great is his mercy toward them that feare him. 12As farre as the East is from the West: so farre hath hee remooued our transgressions from vs. 13Like as a father pitieth his children: so the LORD pitieth them that feare him. 14For he knoweth our frame: hee remembreth that we are dust. 15As for man, his dayes are as grasse: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. 16[fn]For the winde passeth ouer it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. 17But the mercy of the LORD is from euerlasting to euerlasting vpon them that feare him: and his righteousnesse vnto childrens children: 18[fn]To such as keepe his couenant: and to those that remember his commandements to doe them. 19The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heauens: and his kingdome ruleth ouer all. 20[fn]Blesse the LORD yee his Angels, that excell in strength, that do his commandements: hearkening vnto the voice of his word. 21Blesse ye the LORD all yee his hostes: ye ministers of his that doe his pleasure. 22Blesse the LORD all his works in all places of his dominion: blesse the LORD, O my soule.

103:8 Exod.34.7. deut.34.6 nnm. 14.18 nehe. 9.17. psal.86.15. ier. 32.18.

103:8 Heb. great of mercie.

103:11 Heb. according to the height of the heauen.

103:16 Heb. it is not.

103:18 Deut.7.9.

103:20 Heb. mighty in strength

PSA 103:0–103:22 ©
