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KJB-1611 by section PSA 55:0

PSA 55:0–55:23 ©

Psalmes 55

01 Dauid in his prayer complaineth of his fearefull case. 9 He prayeth against his enemies, of whose wickednesse and trecherie he complaineth. 16 He comforteth himselfe in Gods preseruation of him and confusion of his enemies.

¶ To the chiefe musician on Neginoth, Maschil. A Psalme of Dauid.

LV¶ Giue eare to my prayer, O God: and hide not thy selfe from my supplication. 2Attend vnto me, and heare me: I mourne in my complaint, and make a noise. 3Because of the voyce of the enemie, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquitie vpon me, and in wrath they hate me. 4My heart is sore pained within me: and the terrours of death are fallen vpon me. 5[fn]Fearefulnesse and trembling are come vpon me, and horrour hath ouerwhelmed me. 6And I said, O that I had wings like a doue; for then would I flee away and be at rest. 7Loe, then would I wander farre off, and remaine in the wildernesse. Selah. 8I would hasten my escape from the windie storme, and tempest. 9Destroy, O LORD, and diuide their tongues: for I haue seene violence and strife in the citie. 10Day and night they goe about it vpon the walles thereof: mischiefe also and sorrow are in the midst of it. 11Wickednesse is in the midst thereof: deceite and guile depart not from her streets. 12For it was not an enemie that reproached me, then I could haue borne it, neither was it hee that hated me, that did magnifie himselfe against me, then I would haue hid my selfe from him. 13[fn]But it was thou, a man, mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. 14[fn]Wee tooke sweet counsell together, and walked vnto the house of God in companie. 15[fn]Let death seaze vpon them, and let them goe downe quicke into hell: for wickednes is in their dwellings, and among them. 16As for me, I will call vpon God: and the LORD shall saue me. 17Euening and morning, and at noone will I pray, and crie aloud: and he shall heare my voyce. 18He hath deliuered my soule in peace from the battell that was against me: for there were many with me. 19[fn]God shall heare and afflict them, euen he that abideth of old, Selah: because they haue no changes, therefore they feare not God. 20[fn]He hath put foorth his handes against such as be at peace with him: he hath broken his couenant. 21The words of his mouth were smoother then butter, but warre was in his heart: his words were softer then oyle, yet were they drawen swords. 22[fn][fn]Cast thy burden vpon the LORD, and he shall sustaine thee: hee shall neuer suffer the righteous to bee moued. 23[fn][fn]But thou, O God, shalt bring them downe into the pit of destruction: Bloody and deceitfull men shall not liue out halfe their dayes, but I will trust in thee.

55:5 Heb. couered me.

55:13 Heb. a man according to my ranke.

55:14 Heb. who sweetned counsell.

55:15 Or, the graue.

55:19 Or, with whom also there be no changes yet they feare not God.

55:20 Heb. hee hath profaned.

55:22 Psal.37.8 mat.6.25. luk. 12.22.

55:22 Or, gift.

55:23 Heb. men of bloods and deceit.

55:23 Hebr. shal not halfe their dayes.

PSA 55:0–55:23 ©
