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OET-RV 1SA Chapter 16

OET1SA 16 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

16:1 Shemuel anoints David as King

16Then Yahweh spoke to Shemuel, “How long are you going to keep mourning for Sha’ul for, when I myself have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go. I’ll send you to Yishay (Jesse) from Bethlehem, because I’ve seen one of his sons who’d make a good king for me.”

2“How can I do that?” asked Shemuel. “Sha’ul would kill me if he heard about it.”

“Take a heifer with you,” Yahweh said, “and say, ‘I’ve come to sacrifice to Yahweh.’ 3Invite Yishay to the sacrifice, and I’ll show you what do to from there, and you should anoint the one I tell you to.”

4So Shemuel did what Yahweh had told him, and went to Bethlehem. The town elders trembled when they met him, and asked, “Do you come in peace?”

5Yes, in peace,” he answered “I’ve come to sacrifice to Yahweh. Purify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice.” Then he purified Yishay and his sons and called them to the sacrifice.

6When they arrived, Shemuel saw Eliab and thought, “Surely this man’s the one that Yahweh wants to anoint.” 7But Yahweh told him, “Don’t look at his height or outward appearance, because I’ve rejected him. Because it isn’t what a person sees with their eyes, but Yahweh sees their motives and values.”

8Then Yishay called for Abinadab to walk across in front of Shemuel, but he said again, “Yahweh hasn’t chosen that one.” 9Then Yishay made Shammah walk across in front, but again he said, “Yahweh hasn’t chosen that one.” 10So all up, Yishay made seven of his sons walk across in front of Shemuel, but Shemuel told him, “Yahweh hasn’t chosen any of them.” 11Then Shemuel asked Yishay, “Is that all of your sons?”

Well, there’s just the youngest,” he answeredbut see, he’s out looking after the flock.”

“Send for him,” Shemuel ordered, “because we won’t do anything else until he gets here.” 12So he sent for him and brought him in. He was a good-looker with beautiful eyes and red colouring, and Yahweh said, “Stand up and anoint him, because he’s the one.” 13So Shemuel took the horn full of olive oil and anointed him right there with his brothers, and Yahweh’s spirit rushed onto David from that day onwards. Then Shemuel left and went home to Ramah.

16:14 Sha’ul employs David

14Meanwhile, Yahweh’s spirit left Sha’ul, and instead an evil spirit from Yahweh tormented him, 15and his servants told him, “Look, an evil spirit from God is tormenting you. 16Let our master please get your servants to find a man who knows how to play the harp. Then, whenever the evil spirit from God is on you, then he’ll play it and it’ll be good for you.”

17Okay,Sha’ul responded, “Find a man for me who’s good at playing it, and bring him to me.”

18Then one of his servants spoke up, “Listen, I’ve noticed one of the sons of Yishay in Bethlehem who knows how to play. He’s also a very powerful warrior, as well as being good looking and wise in what he says. And Yahweh is with him.”

19So Sha’ul sent messengers to Yishay to tell him, “Your son David who looks after your flock, send him to me.” 20So Yishay loaded a donkey with bread, a skin of wine, and a young goat, and sent them to King Sha’ul with his son David. 21When David got to the king, he became his servant, and he was liked so much that he was appointed as the one who carried the king’s equipment. 22Sha’ul sent a message back to Yishay, saying, “Let David remain in my service, because I really like him.” 23Then whenever the spirit from God tormented Sha’ul, David would take the harp and play it. That would bring relief to Sha’ul and make him feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.

OET1SA 16 ©
