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PRO 1:1–1:33 ©

The Book of Proverbs 1

1The proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, the king of Israel:

2To know wisdom and instruction,

to understand sayings of understanding;

3to receive instruction of insight,

righteousness and justice and integrity;

4to give to naive ones prudence,

to a young man knowledge and discretion

5(a wise one will hear and increase learning,

and the understanding one will acquire directions),

6to understand a proverb and a satire,

the words of the wise ones and their riddles.

7The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge,

fools despise wisdom and instruction.

8Hear, my son, the instruction of your father

and do not forsake the law of your mother.

9For, they are a garland of grace for your head

and pendants for your neck.

10My son, if sinners entice you,

do not consent.

11If they say, “Come with us!

Let us lie in wait for blood.

Let us hide to ambush the innocent one without cause.

12Let us swallow them, the living ones, like Sheol,

and the whole ones like those going down to a pit.

13We will find all precious wealth.

We will fill our houses with spoil.

14You must cause your lot to fall in our midst;

one purse will be for all of us.”

15My son, do not walk in the way with them;

restrain your foot from their path.

16For their feet run to evil,

and they hurry to pour out blood.

17Surely in vain is the net spread out in the eyes of any owner of wing,

18but they lie in wait for their blood,

they hide in ambush for their lives.

19So are the paths of all who unjustly gain unjust gain;

it takes the life of its owner.

20Wisdom cries out outside,

she gives her voice in the open areas.

21At the head of the tumultuous places she calls out;

at the opening of the gates in the city she says her sayings,

22“Until when will naive ones love naiveté

and mockers delight in mockery for themselves

and stupid ones hate knowledge?

23Turn to my rebuke.

Behold, I shall allow my spirit to gush forth to you,

I shall cause you to know my words.

24Because I have called and you have refused,

I have stretched out my hand and there was no one listening attentively,

25and you have ignored all my counsel,

and my rebuke you did not accept,

26I too shall laugh at your calamity,

I shall mock when your dread comes,

27when your dread comes like a storm[fn]

and your calamity happens like a whirlwind,

when distress and anguish come upon you.

28Then they will call out to me, but I will not answer.

They will diligently seek me, but they will not find me,

29for the reason that they hate knowledge

and the fear of Yahweh they did not choose,

30they did not want my counsel,

and they despised my every rebuke.

31And they will eat from the fruit of their way,

and from their plans they will be satisfied.

32For the turning away of the naive ones will slay them

and false security will lead stupid ones to ruin.

33But the one who listens to me will dwell securely

and will be at ease from the dread of evil.”

Instead of like a storm some versions have like a ruin.

PRO 1:1–1:33 ©
