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Cvdl LEV Chapter 4

LEV 4 ©

4And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 2Speake vnto the childre of Israel, and saye: Whan a soule synneth thorow ignoraunce in any commaundemet of the LORDE, which he ought not to do: As namely, 3yf a prest which is anoynted, synne, that he make the people do amysse, he shall brynge for ye synne that he hath done, a yonge bullocke without blemysh vnto the LORDE for a synofferynge. 4And the bullocke shal he brynge to the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse before the LORDE, & laie his hade vpo his heade, & kyll him before ye LORDE. 5And ye prest yt is anoynted, shal take of his bloude, & brynge it in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse. 6And he shall dyppe his fynger in to the bloude, & sprenkle therwith seue tymes before the LORDE, towarde the vayle of ye Holy. 7And he shal put of the same bloude vpon the hornes of the altare of incense, yt stondeth before ye LORDE in the Tabernacle of wytnesse: & all the bloude of the bullocke shal he poure vpon the botome of the altare of burntofferinges, yt stondeth at the entringe in of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. 8And all the fat of the synofferynge shal he Heue vp: namely, the fat yt couereth the bowels, & all the fat yt is within, 9ye two kydneys with the fatt that is theron vpon the loynes, and the net on the leuer vpon the kydneys also 10(like as he Heueth it from the oxe in the deadofferynge) and shall burne it vpon the altare of burntofferynges. 11But the skynne of the bullocke, and all the flesh, with the heade & legges, & the bowels and the donge, 12shal he cary alltogether out of the hoost, in to a cleane place, where ye asshes are poured out, & shal burne it vpon wodd with fyre. 13Whan the whole cogregacion of Israel synneth thorow ignorauce, & the dede be hyd from their eyes, so yt they do ought agaynst eny of the comaundementes of the LORDE, which they shulde not do, 14& come afterwarde to the knowlege of the synne that they haue done, they shal bringe a yonge bullocke for a synofferynge, and set him before ye dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. 15And the Elders of the congregacion shall laye their handes vpon his heade before the LORDE, & kyll ye bullocke before the LORDE. 16And ye prest yt is anoynted shal brynge of ye bullockes bloude into the Tabernacle of wytnesse, 17& dyppe ther in with his fynger, and sprenkle therwith seuen tymes before the LORDE, eue before the vayle of the Holy. 18And shall put of the bloude vpon the hornes of the altare, yt stondeth before the LORDE in the Tabernacle of wytnesse: & all ye other bloude shal he poure vpo the botome of ye altare of burntofferynges, yt stondeth before the dore of ye Tabernacle of wytnesse. 19But all his fatt shal he Heue vp, & burne it vpo the altare: 20& shal do with this bullocke, as he dyd with ye bullocke of the synofferinge: Thus the prest shal make an attonement for them, & it shall be forgeuen them. 21And the bullocke shall he brynge without the hoost, and burne him, as he brent ye first bullocke. This shalbe ye synofferynge of the congregacion. 22Whan a prynce synneth, & doth agaynst the comaundement of the LORDE his God, yt he ought not to do, & offendeth ignorauntly, & commeth to the knowlege 23of his synne yt he hath done, he shal bringe for his offeringe an he goate without blemysh, 24& laye his hande vpo the goates heade, & slaye him in ye place where ye burntofferinges are slayne before ye LORDE. 25The shal ye prest take of ye bloude of ye synofferinge wt his fynger, and put it vpon the altare of burntofferynges, & poure the other bloude vpon the botome of the altare of burntofferynges. 26But all the fat of it shal he burne vpo the altare, like as the fat of the healthofferynge. And so the prest shal make an attonement for his synne, and it shal be forgeuen him. 27Wha a soule of ye comon people synneth ignorauntly, doinge eny thinge agaynst the comaundement of the LORDE, yt he ought not to do, & so offendeth, 28& cometh to ye knowlege of the synne yt he hath done, he shal bringe for his offerynge a she goate without blemysh, for the synne yt he hath done, 29and shal laye his hande vpon the heade of the synofferynge, & slaye it in the place of the burntofferynges. 30And the prest shall take of the bloude wt his fynger, & put it vpon the hornes of ye altare of burntofferynges, & poure all the bloude vpon the botome of the altare. 31But all the fat of it shal he take awaye, like as he taketh awaye the fat of the deadofferynge, and shal burne it vpon the altare for a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. And so shal the prest make an attonemet for him, and it shal be forgeuen him. 32But yf he brynge a lambe for a synofferynge, then let him brynge a female without blemysh, 33and laye his hande vpon the heade of the synofferynge, & kyll it for a synofferynge, in the place where the burntofferynges are slayne. 34And the prest shal take of ye bloude wt his fynger, & put it vpon the hornes of the altare of burntofferynges, & poure all the bloude vpon the botome of the altare. 35But all ye fatt therof shall he take fro it, like as he dyd the fat of the lambe of the healthofferynge, & shal burne it vpon ye altare for the LORDES sacrifice. And so ye prest shal make an attonement for the synne that he hath done, and it shalbe forgeuen him.

LEV 4 ©
