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NET by section 2TIM 2:14

2TIM 2:14–3:9 ©

Dealing with False Teachers

Dealing with False Teachers

14Remind people of these things and solemnly charge them before the Lord not to wrangle over words. This is of no benefit; it just brings ruin on those who listen. 15Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately. 16But avoid profane chatter, because those occupied with it will stray further and further into ungodliness, 17and their message will spread its infection like gangrene. Hymenaeus and Philetus are in this group. 18They have strayed from the truth by saying that the resurrection has already occurred, and they are undermining some people’s faith. 19However, God’s solid foundation remains standing, bearing this seal: “ The Lord knows those who are his,” and “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from evil.”

20Now in a wealthy home there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also ones made of wood and of clay, and some are for honorable use, but others for ignoble use. 21So if someone cleanses himself of such behavior, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart, useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. 22But keep away from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faithfulness, love, and peace, in company with others who call on the Lord from a pure heart. 23But reject foolish and ignorant controversies, because you know they breed infighting. 24And the Lord’s slave must not engage in heated disputes but be kind toward all, an apt teacher, patient, 25correcting opponents with gentleness. Perhaps God will grant them repentance and then knowledge of the truth 26and they will come to their senses and escape the devil’s trap where they are held captive to do his will.

3But understand this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, slanderers, without self-control, savage, opposed to what is good, 4treacherous, reckless, conceited, loving pleasure rather than loving God. 5They will maintain the outward appearance of religion but will have repudiated its power. So avoid people like these. 6For some of these insinuate themselves into households and captivate weak women who are overwhelmed with sins and led along by various passions. 7Such women are always seeking instruction, yet never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8And just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these people – who have warped minds and are disqualified in the faith – also oppose the truth. 9But they will not go much further, for their foolishness will be obvious to everyone, just like it was with Jannes and Jambres.

2TIM 2:14–3:9 ©