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Cvdl YHN Chapter 2

YHN 2 ©

2And vpon the thirde daye there was a mariage at Cana in Galile, and the mother of Iesus was there. 2Iesus also and his disciples was called vnto ye mariage. 3And whan the wyne fayled, the mother of Iesus saide vnto him: They haue no wyne. 4Iesus sayde vnto her: Woma, what haue I to do wt the? Myne houre is not yet come. 5His mother sayde vnto ye mynisters: Whatsoeuer he sayeth vnto you, do it. 6There were set there sixe water pottes of stone, after ye maner of the purifienge of ye Iewes, euery one coteyninge two or thre measures. 7Iesus sayde vnto the: Fyll the water pottes with water. And they fylled the vp to ye brymme. 8And he sayde vnto the: Drawe out now, & brynge vnto the Master of the feast. And they bare it. 9Wha the master of ye feast had taisted ye wyne which had bene water, and knewe not whence it came (but the mynisters that drue ye water, knewe it) the Master of the feast called the brydegrome, 10and sayde vnto him: Euery man at the first geueth the good wyne: & whan they are dronken, the that which is worse. But thou hast kepte backe the good wyne vntyll now. 11This is the first token that Iesus dyd at Cana in Galile, and shewed his glory, and his disciples beleued on him. 12Afterwarde wente he downe to Capernaum, he, his mother, his brethre, and his disciples, and taried not longe there. 13And the Iewes Easter was at hande. And Iesus wete vp to Ierusalem, 14and founde syttinge in the teple, those that solde oxen, shepe, and doues, and chaungers of money. 15And he made a scourge of small cordes, and droue them all out of the teple with the shepe and oxen, and poured out the chaungers money, and ouerthrewe the tables, 16and sayde vnto them that solde the doues: Haue these thinges hece, and make not my fathers house an house of marchaundyse. 17His disciples remembred it, that is wrytten: The zele of thine house hath euen eaten me. 18Then answered the Iewes, and sayde vnto him: What token shewest thou vnto vs, that thou mayest do these thinges? 19Iesus answered & sayde vnto the: Breake downe this temple, and in thre dayes wil I set it vp agayne. 20Then sayde the Iewes: Sixe and fourtye yeare was this temple abuyldinge, and wilt thou set it vp in thre dayes? 21But he spake of ye teple of his body. 22Now wha he was rysen agayne from the deed, his disciples remembred that he thus sayde, and they beleued the scripture, and the wordes which Iesus spake. 23Wha he was at Ierusale at Easter in ye feast, many beleued on his name, whan they sawe ye tokes yt he dyd. 24But Iesus comytted not himself vnto the, for he knewe the all, 25& neded not yt eny ma shulde testifye of man, for he knewe well what was in man.

YHN 2 ©
