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Cvdl YHN

1In the begynnynge was the worde, and the worde was with God, and God was ye worde. 2The same was in the begynnynge wt God. 3All thinges were made by the same, and without the same was made nothinge that was made. 4In him was the life, and the life was the light of men: 5and the light shyneth in the darknesse, and the darknesse comprehended it not. 6There was sent from God a man, whose name was Ihon. 7The same came for a witnesse, to beare wytnesse of ye light, that thorow him they all might beleue. 8He was not that light, but that he might beare witnesse of ye light. 9That was the true light, which lighteth all men, that come in to this worlde. 10He was in the worlde, & the worlde was made by him, and ye worlde knewe him not. 11He came in to his awne, and his awne receaued him not. 12But as many as receaued him, to them gaue he power to be the children of God: euen soch as beleue in his name. 13Which are not borne of bloude, ner of the wyl of the flesh, ner of the wyl of man, but of God. 14And the worde became flesh, and dwelt amonge vs: and we sawe his glory, a glory as of the onely begotte sonne of the father, full of grace and trueth. 15Ihon bare wytnesse of him, cryed, and sayde: It was this, of whom I spake: After me shal he come, that was before me, For he was or euer I: 16and of his fulnesse haue all we receaued grace for grace. 17For the lawe was geuen by Moses, grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ. 18No man hath sene God at eny tyme. The onely begotte sonne which is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared the same vnto vs. 19And this is the recorde of Ihon, whan the Iewes sent prestes and Leuites fro Ierusalem, to axe him: Who art thou? 20And he confessed and denyed not. And he confessed, and sayde: I am not Christ. 21And they axed him: What the? Art thou Elias? He sayde: I am not. Art thou the Prophet? And he answered: No. 22Then sayde they vnto him: What art thou the, yt we maye geue answere vnto the that sent vs? What sayest thou of yi self? 23He sayde: I am ye voyce of a cryer in the wyldernesse. Make straight ye waye of the LORDE. As ye prophet Esay sayde: 24And they that were sent, were of ye Pharises. 25And they axed him, & sayde vnto him: Why baptysest thou then, yf thou be not Christ, ner Elias, ner a prophet? 26Ihon answered them, and sayde: I baptyse with water, but there is one come in amonge you, whom ye knowe not. 27It is he that cometh after me, which was before me: whose shue lachet I am not worthy to vnlowse. 28This was done at Bethabara beyonde Iordane, where Ihon dyd baptyse. 29The nexte daye after, Ihon sawe Iesus commynge vnto him, and sayde: Beholde the labe of God, which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde. 30This is he, of whom I sayde vnto you: After me commeth a man, which was before me. For he was or euer I, 31and I knewe him not: but that he shulde be declared in Israel, therfore am I come to baptyse with water. 32And Ihon bare recorde, & sayde: I sawe the sprete descende from heauen like vnto a doue, and abode vpon him, 33& I knewe him not. But he that sent me to baptyse with water, ye same sayde vnto me: Vpon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tary styll on him, the same is he, that baptyseth with the holy goost. 34And I sawe it, and bare recorde, that this is the sonne of God. 35The nexte daye after, Ihon stode agayne, and two of his disciples. 36And wha he sawe Iesus walkynge, he sayde: Beholde the labe of God. 37And two of his disciples herde him speake, and folowed Iesus. 38And Iesus turned him aboute, and sawe them folowinge, and sayde vnto the: What seke ye? They sayde vnto him: Rabbi, (which is to saye by interpretacion, Master.) Where art thou at lodginge? 39He sayde vnto them: Come and se it. They came and sawe it, & abode with him the same daye. It was aboute the tenth houre. 40One of the two, which herde Ihon speake, and folowed Iesus, was Andrew the brother of Symon Peter: 41the same founde first his brother Symon, and sayde vnto him: We haue founde Messias (which is by interpretacion, ye Anoynted) 42and brought him to Iesus. Whan Iesus behelde him, he sayde: Thou art Symon the sonne of Ionas, thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretacion, a stone. 43The nexte daye after, wolde Iesus go agayne in to Galile, and founde Philippe, and sayde vnto him: Folowe me. 44Philippe was of Bethsaida the cite of Andrew and Peter. 45Philippe founde Nathanael, and sayde vnto him: We haue founde him, of who Moses in the lawe, and ye prophetes haue wrytten, euen Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth. 46And Nathanaell sayde vnto him: What good can come out of Nazareth? Philippe sayde vnto him: Come, and se. 47Iesus sawe Nathanael comynge to him, and sayde of him: Beholde, a righte Israelite, in whom is no gyle. 48Nathanael sayde vnto him: From whence knowest thou me? Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: Before yt Philippe called the, whan thou wast vnder the fygge tre, I sawe the. 49Nathanaell answered, and sayde vnto hi: Rabbi, thou art ye sonne of God, thou art ye kynge of Israel. 50Iesus answered, & sayde vnto him: Because I sayde vnto the, that I sawe the vnder the fygge tre, thou beleuest: thou shalt se yet greater thinges the these. 51And he sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Fro this tyme forth shal ye se the heauen open, and the angels of God goinge vp & downe ouer the sonne of man. 2And vpon the thirde daye there was a mariage at Cana in Galile, and the mother of Iesus was there. 2Iesus also and his disciples was called vnto ye mariage. 3And whan the wyne fayled, the mother of Iesus saide vnto him: They haue no wyne. 4Iesus sayde vnto her: Woma, what haue I to do wt the? Myne houre is not yet come. 5His mother sayde vnto ye mynisters: Whatsoeuer he sayeth vnto you, do it. 6There were set there sixe water pottes of stone, after ye maner of the purifienge of ye Iewes, euery one coteyninge two or thre measures. 7Iesus sayde vnto the: Fyll the water pottes with water. And they fylled the vp to ye brymme. 8And he sayde vnto the: Drawe out now, & brynge vnto the Master of the feast. And they bare it. 9Wha the master of ye feast had taisted ye wyne which had bene water, and knewe not whence it came (but the mynisters that drue ye water, knewe it) the Master of the feast called the brydegrome, 10and sayde vnto him: Euery man at the first geueth the good wyne: & whan they are dronken, the that which is worse. But thou hast kepte backe the good wyne vntyll now. 11This is the first token that Iesus dyd at Cana in Galile, and shewed his glory, and his disciples beleued on him. 12Afterwarde wente he downe to Capernaum, he, his mother, his brethre, and his disciples, and taried not longe there. 13And the Iewes Easter was at hande. And Iesus wete vp to Ierusalem, 14and founde syttinge in the teple, those that solde oxen, shepe, and doues, and chaungers of money. 15And he made a scourge of small cordes, and droue them all out of the teple with the shepe and oxen, and poured out the chaungers money, and ouerthrewe the tables, 16and sayde vnto them that solde the doues: Haue these thinges hece, and make not my fathers house an house of marchaundyse. 17His disciples remembred it, that is wrytten: The zele of thine house hath euen eaten me. 18Then answered the Iewes, and sayde vnto him: What token shewest thou vnto vs, that thou mayest do these thinges? 19Iesus answered & sayde vnto the: Breake downe this temple, and in thre dayes wil I set it vp agayne. 20Then sayde the Iewes: Sixe and fourtye yeare was this temple abuyldinge, and wilt thou set it vp in thre dayes? 21But he spake of ye teple of his body. 22Now wha he was rysen agayne from the deed, his disciples remembred that he thus sayde, and they beleued the scripture, and the wordes which Iesus spake. 23Wha he was at Ierusale at Easter in ye feast, many beleued on his name, whan they sawe ye tokes yt he dyd. 24But Iesus comytted not himself vnto the, for he knewe the all, 25& neded not yt eny ma shulde testifye of man, for he knewe well what was in man. 3There was a man of the Pharises, named Nicodemus a ruler amoge the Iewes. 2The same came vnto Iesus by night, & sayde vnto hi: Master, we knowe yt thou art come a teacher fro God: for no ma can do these tokes yt thou doest, excepte God be with him. 3Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: Excepte a man be borne a new, he can not se the kyngdome of God. 4Nicodemus sayde vnto him: How can a man be borne, whan he is olde? Can he entre into his mothers wombe, and be borne agayne? 5Iesus answered: Verely verely I saye vnto the: Excepte a ma be borne of water and of the sprete, he can not come in to ye kyngdome of God. 6That which is borne of flesh, is flesh: & that which is borne of the sprete, is sprete. 7Maruell not, that I sayde vnto ye: Ye must be borne of new. 8The wynde bloweth where he wyl, and thou hearest his sounde: but thou canst not tell whece he commeth, and whither he goeth. So is euery one, that is borne of the sprete. 9Nicodemus answered, and sayde vnto him: How maye these be? 10Iesus answered, & sayde vnto hi: Art thou a Master in Israel, & knowest not these? 11Verely I saye vnto ye: We speake that we knowe, and testifie that we haue sene, and ye receaue not oure wytnesse. 12Yf ye beleue not whan I tell you of earthly thinges, how shulde ye beleue, wha I speake vnto you of heauenly thinges? 13And no man ascendeth vp in to heauen, but he that is come downe from heaue, (namely) the sonne of man which is in heauen. 14And like as Moses lift vp the serpent in the wyldernes, euen so must the sonne of man be lift vp, 15that who so euer beleueth in him, shulde not perish, but haue euerlastinge life. 16For God so loued the worlde, that he gaue his onely sonne, that who so euer beleueth in hi, shulde not perishe, but haue euerlastinge life. 17For God sent not his sonne in to ye worlde to condempne the worlde, but that the worlde might be saued by him. 18He that beleueth on him, shal not be codemned. But he that beleueth not, is codemned allready: because he beleueth not on the name of the onely sonne of God. 19But this is ye codempnacion, that the light is come in to the worlde, and men loued the darknesse more the ye light: for their workes were euell. 20Whosoeuer doth euell, hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, that his dedes shulde not be reproued. 21But he that doth the trueth, commeth to the light, that his workes maye be knowne: for they are done in God. 22Afterwarde came Iesus & his disciples in to the lode of Iewry, and had his beynge there with them, and baptysed 23Ihon baptysed also in Enon besyde Salem: for there was moch water there. And they came thither, and were baptysed: 24for Iohn was not yet put in preson. 25Then arose there a question amonge the disciples of Ihon with the Iewes aboute the purifienge, 26and they came vnto Ihon, and sayde vnto him: Master, he yt was with the beyonde Iordan, of whom thou barest wytnesse, beholde, he baptyseth, and euery man cometh vnto him. 27Ihon answered and sayde: A man can receaue nothinge, excepte it be geuen him from heaue. 28Ye youreselues are my witnesses, how that I sayde, I am not Christ, but am sent before him. 29He that hath the bryde, is the brydegrome: but the frende of the brydegrome stondeth, and herkeneth vnto him, and reioyseth greatly ouer the voyce of the brydegrome, this same ioye of myne is now fulfilled. 30He must increace, but I must decreace. 31He that commeth from an hye, is aboue all. He that is of the earth, is earthly, and speaketh of the earth. He that commeth fro heauen, is aboue all, 32and testifieth what he hath sene & herde, and no man receaueth his wytnesse. 33But he that receaueth it, hath set to his seale, that God is true. 34For he who God hath sent, speaketh ye wordes of God: for God geueth not the sprete (vnto him) by measure. 35The father loueth the sonne, and hath geuen him all thinges in to his hande. 36He that beleueth on the sonne, hath euerlastinge life: he that beleueth not the sonne, shal not se the life, but ye wrath of God abydeth vpon him. 4Now whan Iesus had knowlege, yt it was come to the eares of the Pharises, that Iesus made and baptised mo disciples the Ihon 2(howbeit Iesus himself baptysed not, but his disciples) 3he left the londe of Iewry, and departed agayne in to Galile. 4But he must nedes go thorow Samaria. 5Then came he in to a cite of Samaria, called Sichar, nye vnto ye pece of lode, yt Iacob gaue vnto Ioseph his sonne. 6And there was Iacobs well. Now whan Iesus was weerye of his iourney, he satt hi downe so vpo the well. And it was aboute the sixte houre. 7Then came there a woman of Samaria to drawe water. Iesus sayde vnto her: Geue me drynke. 8(For his disciples were gone their waye in to ye cite, to bye meate.) 9So the woman of Samaria sayde vnto him: How is it that thou axest drynke of me, seynge thou art a Iewe, and I a woman of Samaria? For the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans. 10Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Yf thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that sayeth vnto the, geue me drynke, thou woldest axe of him, and he wolde geue the, the water of life. 11The woman sayde vnto him: Syr, thou hast nothinge to drawe withall, and the well is depe, from whence hast thou then that water of life? 12Art thou greater then oure father Iacob, which gaue vs this well? And he himself dranke therof, and his children, and his catell. 13Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Who so euer drynketh of this water, shal thyrst agayne: 14But whosoeuer shal drynke of the water that I shal geue him, shal neuer be more a thyrst: but the water that I shal geue him, shalbe in him a well of water, which spryngeth vp in to euerlastinge life. 15The woman sayde vnto him: Syr, geue me that same water, that I thyrst not, nether nede to come hither to drawe. 16Iesus sayde vnto her: Go, call they hussbande, and come hither. 17The woman answered, and sayde vnto him: I haue no hussbande. 18Iesus sayde vnto her: Thou hast sayde well, I haue no hussbande: for thou hast had fyue hussbandes, and he whom thou hast now, is not thine hussbande: there saydest thou right. 19The woma sayde vnto him: Syr, I se, that thou art a prophet. 20Oure fathers worshipped vpon this mountayne, and ye saye, that at Ierusalem is the place, where men ought to worshippe. 21Iesus sayde vnto her: Woman, beleue me, the tyme commeth, that ye shal nether vpon this mountayne ner at Ierusalem worshippe the father. 22Ye wote not what ye worshippe, but we knowe what ye worshippe, for Saluacion commeth of the Iewes. 23But the tyme commeth, and is now allready, that the true worshippers shal worshippe the father in sprete and in the trueth: For the father wil haue soch so to worshippe him. 24God is a sprete, and they that worshippe him, must worshippe in sprete and in the trueth. 25The woma sayde vnto him: I wote that Messias shal come, which is called Christ. Whan he commeth, he shal tell vs all thinges. 26Iesus sayde vnto her: I that speake vnto the, am he. 27And in the meane season came his disciples, and they marueyled that he talked with the woman. Yet sayde no man: What axest thou, or what talkest thou with her? 28Then the woman let hir pot stonde, and wente in to the cite, and sayde vnto the people: 29Come, se a man, which hath tolde me all that euer I dyd, Is not he Christ? 30Then wente they out of the cite, and came vnto him: 31In the meane whyle his disciples prayed him, and sayde: Master, eate. 32But he sayde vnto them: I haue meate to eate, that ye knowe not of 33Then sayde the disciples amoge them selues: Hath eny man brought him meate? 34Iesus sayde vnto the: My meate is this, that I do the wyll of him that sent me, and to fynish his worke. 35Saye not ye youre selues: There are yet foure monethes, and then commeth the haruest? Beholde, I saye vnto you: lift vp youre eyes, and loke vpon the felde, for it is whyte allready vnto the haruest. 36And he that reapeth, receaueth rewarde, and gathereth frute to euerlastinge life, that both he that soweth and he that reapeth, maye reioyse together. 37For herin is the prouerbe true: One soweth, another reapeth. 38I haue sent you to reape that, wheron ye bestowed no laboure. Other haue laboured, and ye are come in to their laboures. 39Many Samaritans of the same cite beleued on him, for the sayenge of the woman, which testified: He hath tolde me all that euer I dyd. 40Now whan the Samaritans came to him, they besought him, that he wolde tary with them. And he abode there two dayes, 41and many mo beleued because of his worde, 42and sayde vnto the woman: We beleue now hence forth, not because of thy sayenge, we haue herde him oureselues, and knowe, that this of a trueth is Christ the Sauioure of the worlde. 43After two dayes he departed thence, and wente in to Galile. 44For Iesus himself testified, that a prophet is nothinge set by at home. 45Now wha he came in to Galile, the Galileas receaued him, which had sene all that he dyd at Ierusalem in the feast: for they also were come thither in the feast. 46And Iesus came agayne vnto Cana in Galile, where he turned the water vnto wyne. And there was a certayne ruler, whose sonne laye sicke at Capernaum. 47This herde that Iesus came out of Iewry in to Galile, and wente vnto him, and besought him, that he wolde come downe, and helpe his sonne, for he laye deed sicke. 48And Iesus sayde vnto him: Excepte ye se tokens and wonders, ye beleue not. 49The ruler sayde vnto him: Come downe Syr, or euer my childe dye. 50Iesus sayde vnto him: Go thy waye, thy sonne lyueth. The man beleued the worde, that Iesus sayde vnto him, and wente his waye. 51And as he was goinge downe, his seruauntes mett him, and tolde him, and sayde: Thy childe lyueth. 52Then enquyred he of them the houre, wherin he beganne to amende. And they sayde vnto him: Yesterdaye aboute the seueth houre the feuer left him. 53Then the father perceaued, that it was aboute the same houre, wherin Iesus sayde vnto him: Thy sonne lyueth. And he beleued with his whole house. 54This is now the seconde token that Iesus dyd, whan he came from Iewry in to Galile. 5Afterwarde, there was a feast of the Iewes, and Iesus wente vpto Ierusalem. 2There is at Ierusalem by the slaughter house a pole, which in Hebrue is called Bethseda, & hath fyue porches, 3wherin laye many sicke, blynde, lame, wythred, which wayted, whan the water shulde moue. 4For the angell wente downe at his tyme in to the pole, and stered the water. Who so euer now wente downe first, after that the water was stered, ye same was made whole, what soeuer disease he had. 5And there was a man, which had lyen sicke eight and thirtie yeares. 6Whan Iesus sawe him lye, & knewe that he had lyen so longe, he saide vnto him: Wilt thou be made whole? 7The sicke answered him: Syr, I haue no man, whan the water is moued, to put me in to the pole. And whan I come, another steppeth downe in before me. 8Iesus sayde vnto him: Aryse, take vp thy bed, and go thy waye. 9And immediatly the man was made whole, and toke vp his bed and wente his waye. But vpon the same daye it was the Sabbath. 10Then sayde the Iewes vnto him that was made whole: To daye is ye Sabbath, it is not laufull for the to cary the bed. 11He answered them: He that made me whole, sayde vnto me: Take vp thy bed, and go yi waye. 12Then axed they him: What man is that, which sayde vnto the: Take vp thy bed, and go yi waye? 13But he that was healed, wyst not who he was: for Iesus had gotte him self awaye, because there was moch people. 14Afterwarde founde Iesus him in the teple, and sayde vnto him: Beholde, thou art made whole, synne no more, lest a worse thinge happen vnto the. 15The ma departed, and tolde the Iewes, that it was Iesus, which had made hi whole. 16Therfore dyd ye Iewes persecute Iesus, and sought to slaye him, because he had done this vpo ye Sabbath. 17But Iesus answered them: My father worketh hither to, and I worke also. 18Therfore sought the Iewes the more to slaye hi: because he brake not onely ye Sabbath, but saide also, that God was his father, and made him self equall with God. 19The answered Iesus, and sayde vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you: The sonne can do nothinge of himself, but that he seyth the father do. For what soeuer he doeth, that doeth ye sonne also. 20The father loueth the sonne, & sheweth him all that he doth, and wyll shewe him yet greater workes, so that ye shal marueyle. 21For as the father rayseth vp the deed, and maketh them lyue, eue so the sonne also maketh lyuynge whom he wyll. 22For the father iudgeth no man, but hath geuen all iudgmet vnto the sonne, 23that they all might honoure the sonne, euen as they honoure ye father. Who so honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father, which hath sent him. 24Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so heareth my worde, and beleueth him that sent me, hath euerlastinge life, and cometh not in to damnacion, but is passed thorow from death vnto life. 25Verely verely I saye vnto you: The houre cometh, & is now allready, yt the deed shal heare ye voyce of ye sonne of God: and they that heare it, shal lyue. 26For as the father hath life in him self, so likewyse hath he geuen vnto the sonne, to haue life in himself: 27& hath geue hi power also to execute iudgmet because he is the sonne of ma. 28Maruayle not ye at this: for ye houre cometh, in ye which all that are in ye graues, shal heare his voyce, 29and shal go forth, they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of life: but they that haue done euell, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion. 30I can do nothinge of my self. As I heare, so I iudge: & my iudgmet is iust. For I seke not myne owne wyll, but the wyll of the father which hath sent me. 31Yf I beare wytnesse of my self, my wytnesse is not true. 32There is another that beareth wytnesse of me, and I am sure, that the wytnesse which he beareth of me, is true. 33Ye sent vnto Ihon, and he bare wytnes of the trueth. 34As for me, I take no recorde of ma, but these thinges I saye, that ye might be saued. 35He was a burnynge and shyninge light, but ye wolde haue reioysed a litle whyle in his light. 36Neuertheles I haue a greater wytnesse then the wytnesse of Ihon. For the workes which the father hath geue me to fynish, the same workes which I do, beare wytnesse of me, that the father hath sent me. 37And ye father him self which hath sent me, beareth wytnesse of me. Ye haue nether herde his voyce at eny tyme, ner sene his shappe: 38and his worde haue ye not abydinge in you, for ye beleue not him, whom he hath sent. 39Searche the scripture, for ye thinke ye haue euerlastinge life therin: and the same is it that testifyeth of me, 40and ye wil not come vnto me, that ye might haue life. 41I receaue not prayse of men. 42But I knowe you, that ye haue not the loue of God in you. 43I am come in my fathers name, and ye receaue me not. Yf another shal come in his awne name, him wil ye receaue. 44How can ye beleue which receaue prayse one of another, and seke not the prayse, that is of God onely? 45Ye shall not thynke that I wyll accuse you before ye father: there is one yt accuseth you, euen Moses, in who ye trust. 46Yf ye beleued Moses, ye shulde beleue me also: For he hath wrytte of me. 47But yf ye beleue not his wrytinges, how shal ye beleue my wordes? 6After this wente Iesus ouer the see vnto the cite Tiberias in Galilee. 2And moch people folowed him, because they sawe the tokens that he dyd vpon the which were diseased. 3But Iesus wete vp in to a mountayne, and there he sat with his disciples. 4And Easter ye feast of the Iewes was nye. 5Then Iesus lift vp his eyes, and sawe yt there came moch people vnto him, and he sayde vnto Philippe: Whence shal we bye bred, yt these maye eate? 6But this he sayde to proue him, for he himself knewe, what he wolde do. 7Philippe answered him: Two hundreth peny worth of bred is not ynough amonge the, yt euery one maye take a litle. 8The sayde vnto hi one of his disciples, Andrew ye brother of Symo Peter: 9There is a lad here, yt hath fyue barlye loaues, and two fishes, but what is that amoge so many? 10Iesus sayde: Make the people syt downe. There was moch grasse in the place. Then they sat the downe, aboute a fyue thousande men. 11Iesus toke the loaues, thanked, and gaue them to the disciples: the disciples (gaue) to them that were set downe. Likewyse also of the fishes as moch as they wolde. 12Whan they were fylled, he sayde vnto his disciples: Gather vp the broken meate that remayneth, that nothinge be lost. 13The they gathered, and fylled twolue baskettes with the broke meate, that remayned of the fyue barlye loaues, vnto them which had eaten. 14Now whan the men sawe the token yt Iesus dyd, they saide: This is of a trueth the Prophet, yt shulde come into the worlde. 15Whan Iesus now perceaued that they wolde come, and take him vp, to make him kynge, he gat him awaye agayne in to a mountayne himself alone. 16At euen wente his disciples downe to ye see, 17and entred in to the shippe, and came to the other syde of ye see vnto Capernau. And it was darcke allready. And Iesus was not come to the. 18And ye see arose thorow a greate wynde. 19Now whan they had rowed vpo a fyue and twetie or thirtie furlonges, they sawe Iesus goinge vpon the see, and came nye to the shippe. And they were afrayed. 20But he sayde vnto them: It is I, be not afrayed. 21Then wolde they haue receaued him in to ye shippe. And immediatly ye shippe was at the londe whither they wente. 22The nexte daye after, the people which stode on the other syde of the see, sawe that there was none other shippe there saue that one, wherin to his disciples were entred: and that Iesus wete not in with his disciples in to the shippe, but yt his disciples were gone awaie alone. 23Howbeit there came other shippes from Tiberias, nye vnto ye place where they had eate the bred, after yt the LORDE had geuen thankes. 24Now whan the people sawe that Iesus was not there, nether his disciples, they toke shippe also, and came to Capernaum, and sought Iesus. 25And whan they founde him on the other syde of the see, they sayde vnto him: Master, whan camest thou hither? 26Iesus answered the, & sayde: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Ye seke me not because ye sawe ye tokes, but because ye ate of the loaues, and were fylled. 27Laboure not for the meate which perisheth but yt endureth vnto euerlastinge life, which the sonne of ma shal geue you: For him hath God the father sealed. 28The sayde they vnto him: What shal we do, that we maye worke ye workes of God? 29Iesus answered, and sayde vnto the: This is the worke of God, that ye beleue on him, whom he hath sent. 30Then sayde they vnto him: What token doest thou the, that we maye se and beleue ye? What workest thou? 31Oure fathers ate Mana in the wyldernesse, as it is wrytte: He gaue the bred fro heauen to eate. 32Then sayde Iesus vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Moses gaue you not bred from heaue, but my father geueth you the true bred from heauen: 33For this is that bred of God, which commeth from heauen, and geueth life vnto the worlde. 34The sayde they vnto him: Syr, geue vs allwaye soch bred. 35But Iesus sayde vnto the: I am yt bred of life. He that cometh vnto me, shal not huger: & he that beleueth on me, shal neuer thyrst. 36But I haue sayde vnto you, yt ye haue sene me, and yet ye beleue not. 37All that my father geueth me, cometh vnto me: and who so cometh vnto me, him wyl not I cast out: 38for I am come downe from heaue, not to do myne awne wyll, but the wyll of him that hath sent me. 39This is ye will of the father, which hath sent me, that of all that he hath geue me, I shulde lose nothinge, but shulde rayse it vp agayne at the last daye. 40This is the wyl of him which hath sent me, that, who soeuer seyth the sonne and beleueth on him, haue euerlastinge life, and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye. 41The murmured the Iewes ther ouer, that he sayde: I am yt bred which is come downe from heaue, 42and they sayde: Is not this Iesus, Iosephs sonne, whose father and mother we knowe? How sayeth he then, I am come downe from heauen? 43Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Murmur not amonge youre selues. 44No man can come vnto me, excepte the father which hath sent me, drawe him. And I shal rayse him vp at the last daye. 45It is wrytten in the prophetes: They shal all be taught of God. Who so euer now heareth it of the father, and lerneth it, commeth vnto me. 46Not that eny man hath sene the father, saue he which is of the father, the same hath sene the father. 47Verely verely I saye vnto you: He that beleueth on me, hath euerlastinge life. 48I am that bred of life. 49Youre fathers ate Manna in the wyldernes, and are deed. 50This is that bred which commeth from heauen, that who so eateth therof, shulde not dye. 51I am that lyuynge bred, which came downe fro heauen: Who so eateth of this bred, shal lyue for euer. And the bred that I wil geue, is my flesh which I wil geue for ye life of the worlde. 52Then stroue the Iewes amonge them selues, and sayde: How ca this folowe geue vs his flesh to eate? 53Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte ye eate ye flesh of ye sonne of man and drynke his bloude, ye haue no life in you. 54Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, hath euerlastinge life: and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye. 55For my flesh is ye very meate, and my bloude is ye very drynke. 56Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, abydeth in me, and I in him. 57As the lyuynge father hath sent me, and I lyue for the fathers sake: Euen so he that eateth me, shall lyue for my sake. 58This is ye bred which is come fro heauen: Not as youre fathers ate Manna, and are deed. He that eateth of this bred, shal lyue for euer. 59These thinges sayde he in the synagoge, wha he taught at Capernaum. 60Many now of his disciples that herde this, sayde: This is an harde sayenge, who maye abyde the hearynge of it? 61But whan Iesus perceaued in hi self, that his discipes murmured ther at he sayde vnto them: Doth this offende you? 62What and yf ye shal se the sonne of man ascende vp thither, where he was afore? 63It is ye sprete that quyckeneth, ye flesh profiteth nothinge. The wordes that I speake, are sprete, and are life. 64But there are some amoge you, that beleue not. For Iesus knewe well from the begynnynge, which they were that beleued not, and who shulde betraye him. 65And he sayde: Therfore haue I sayde vnto you: No man can come vnto me, excepte it be geuen him of my father. 66From that tyme forth, many of his disciples wente backe, and walked nomore with him. 67Then sayde Iesus vnto the twolue: Wyll ye also go awaye? 68Then answered Simon Peter: LORDE, Whither shal we go? Thou hast the wordes of euerlastinge life: 69and we haue beleued & knowne, that thou art Christ the sonne of the lyuynge God. 70Iesus answered them. Haue I not chosen you twolue, and one of you is a deuell? 71But he spake of Iudas Symon Iscarioth: the same betrayed him afterwarde, and was one of the twolue. 7After that wente Iesus aboute in Galile, for he wolde not go aboute in Iewry, because the Iewes sought to kyll him. 2But the Iewes feast of Tabernacles was at hande. 3Then sayde his brethren vnto him: Get the hece, and go into Iewry, that thy disciples also maye se thy workes, that thou doest. 4He that seketh to be openly knowne, doth nothinge in secrete. Yf thou do soch thinges, the shewe yi self before the worlde: 5For his awne brethren also beleued not in him. 6Then sayde Iesus vnto them: My tyme is not yet come, but youre tyme is allwaye ready. 7The worlde can not hate you, but me it hateth: because I testifye of it, that the workes of it are euell. 8Go ye vp vnto this feast, I wyll not go vp yet vnto this feast, for my tyme is not yet fulfylled. 9Whan he sayde this vnto them, he abode styll in Galile. 10But as soone as his brethren were gone vp, then wente he vp also vnto the feast, not openly, but as it were secretly. 11Then sought him ye Iewes at ye feast, and sayde: Where is he? 12And there was a greate murmur of him amonge the people. Some sayde: He is good. But other sayde: No, he doth but disceaue the people. 13Howbeit no man spake frely of him, for feare of the Iewes. 14But in the myddes of the feast wete Iesus vp in to the temple, and taught. 15And the Iewes marueyled and sayde: How can he ye scrypture, seynge he hath not lerned it? 16Iesus answered them, and sayde: My doctryne is not myne, but his that hath sent me. 17Yf eny man wyl do his will, he shal knowe, whether this doctryne be of God, or whether I speake of my self. 18He that speaketh of himself, seketh his awne prayse: but he that seketh the prayse of him that sent him, the same is true, & there is no vnrighteousnes in him. 19Hath not Moses geuen you the lawe? and none of you kepeth the lawe? Why go ye aboute to kyll me? 20The people answered, and sayde: Thou hast the deuell, who goeth aboute to kyll the? 21Iesus answered and sayde: One worke haue I done, and ye all maruayle. 22Moses gaue you the circumcision, (not because it commeth of Moses, but of ye fathers:) Yet do ye circumcyse a man vpon the Sabbath. 23Yf a man receaue circucision vpon the Sabbath, that the lawe of Moses shulde not be broken, dissdayne ye then at me, because I haue made a ma euery whyt whole on the Sabbath? 24Iudge not after the vtter appearauce, but iudge righteous iudgment. 25Then sayde some of them of Ierusalem: Is not this he, who they go aboute to kyll? 26And beholde, he speaketh boldely, and they saye nothinge to him. Do oure rulers knowe in dede, that he is very Christ? 27Howbeyt we knowe, whence this is. But wha Christ commeth, no man shal knowe whence he is. 28Then cryed Iesus in the temple as he taught, and sayde: Yee ye knowe me, and whence I am ye knowe, and of my self am I not come, but he yt sent me, is true, whom ye knowe not. 29But I knowe him, for I am of him, and he hath sent me. 30Then sought they to take him, but no mam layed handes vpon him, for his houre was not yet come. 31But many of the people beleued on him, and sayde: Whan Christ commeth, shall he do mo tokens, then this doth? 32And it came to the Pharises eares, that ye people murmured soch thinges of him. And the Pharises and hye prestes sent out seruauntes, to take him. 33Then sayde Iesus vnto them: I am yet a litle whyle with you and then go I vnto him that hath sent me. 34Ye shal seke me, & not fynde me: and where I am, thither can ye not come. 35Then sayde the Iewes amonge them selues: Whyther wil he go, that we shal not fynde him? Wyl he go amoge the Grekes that are scatred abrode, and teach the Grekes? 36What maner of sayenge is this, that he sayeth: ye shal seke me, and not fynde me: and where I am, thither can not ye come? 37But in the last daye which was ye most solempne daye of the feast, Iesus stode vp, cried, and sayde: Who so thyrsteth, let him come vnto me, and drynke. 38He that beleueth on me, as the scripture sayeth, out of his body shal flowe ryuers of the water of life. 39(But this spake he of the sprete, which they that beleue on him, shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there, because Iesus was not yet glorifyed.) 40Many of the people now whan they herde this sayenge, sayde: This is a very prophet. 41Other sayde: He is Christ. But some sayde: Shal Christ come out of Galile? 42Sayeth not the scripture, that Christ shal come of the sede of Dauid, and out of the towne of Bethleem, where Dauid was? 43Thus was there discencion amonge the people for his sake. 44Some of them wolde haue taken him, but no man layed handes on him. 45The seruauntes came to the hye prestes and pharises, and they sayde vnto them: Why haue ye not brought him? 46The seruauntes answered: Neuer ma spake as this man doth. 47Then answered them the pharises: Are ye also disceaued? 48Doth eny of the rulers or pharises beleue on him? 49But the comon people which knowe not the lawe, are cursed. 50Nicodemus sayde vnto them, he that came to him by night, which was one of them: 51Doth oure lawe iudge eny man, before it heare him, and knowe what he hath done? 52They answered and sayde vnto him? Art thou a Galilean also? Searche and loke, out of Galile aryseth no prophet. 53And so euery man wente home. 8Iesus wente vnto mount Oliuete, 2and early in the mornynge came he agayne in to the temple, and all the people came vnto him. And he sat downe, and taught them. 3And ye scrybes and Pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in aduoutrye, and set her there openly, 4and sayde vnto him: Master, this woman was taken in aduoutrye, eue as the dede was adoynge. 5Moses in the lawe commaunded vs to stone soch. What sayest thou? 6This they sayde, to tempte him, that they might haue wherof to accuse him. But Iesus stouped downe, and wrote with his fynger vpo the grounde. 7Now whyle they contynued axynge him, he lift him self vp, and sayde vnto them: He that is amonge you without synne, let him cast the first stone at her. 8And he stouped downe agayne, and wrote vpon the grounde. 9But whan they herde that, they wente out, one after another: the eldest first, and left Iesus alone, and the woman stondinge before him. 10Iesus lift himself vp, and whan be sawe no man but the woman, he sayde vnto her: Woman, where are thine accusers? Hath noman condempned the? 11She sayde: LORDE, no man. Iesus sayde: Nether do I codempne the, Go thy waye, and synne nomore. 12Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, and sayde: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me, shal not walke in darknesse, but shal haue the light of life. 13Then sayde the Pharises vnto him: Thou bearest recorde of thy self, thy recorde is not true. 14Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Though I beare recorde of my self, yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whence I came, and whither I go: but ye can not tell whence I come, and whither I go. 15Ye iudge after the flesh, I iudge no man: 16but yf I iudge, my iudgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the father that hath sent me. 17It is wrytten also in youre lawe, that the testimony of two men is true. 18I am one that beare wytnesse of my self: And the father that sent me, beareth wytnes of me also. 19Then sayde they vnto him: Where is thy father? Iesus answered: Ye nether knowe me ner yet my father.Yf ye knewe me, ye shulde knowe my father also. 20These wordes spake Iesus vpon the Godschest, as he taught in the teple. And noman toke him, for his houre was not yet come. 21Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them: I go my waye, and ye shal seke me, and shal dye in youre synnes: whither I go, thither can not ye come. 22Then sayde ye Iewes: Wyl he kyll him self then, that he sayeth: whither I go, thither can not ye come? 23And he sayde vnto them: Ye are from beneth, I am from aboue: Ye are of this worlde, I am not of this worlde. 24Therfore haue I sayde vnto you, that ye shal dye in youre synnes. For yf ye beleue not that I am he, ye shal dye in youre synnes. 25Then sayde they vnto him: Who art thou then? And Iesus sayde vnto the: Eue the very same thinge that I saye vnto you. 26I haue many thinges to saye and to iudge of you. But he that sent me, is true: and loke what I haue herde of him,that speake I before the worlde, 27Howbeit they vnderstode not, that he spake of the father. 28Then sayde Iesus vnto them: Whan ye haue lift vp an hye the sonne of man, then shal ye knowe that I am he, and that I do nothinge of my self: but as my father hath taught me, euen so I speake. 29And he that sent me, is with me. The father leaueth me not alone, for I do alwaie that pleaseth him. 30Whan he thus spake, many beleued on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto the Iewes, that beleued on him: 31Yf ye contynue in my worde, then are ye my very disciples, 32and ye shall knowe the trueth, and the trueth shal make you fre. 33Then answered they him: We are Abrahams sede, we were neuer bonde to eny man, how sayest thou then: Ye shal be fre? 34Iesus answered them, and sayde: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so euer doth synne, 35is the seruaunt of synne: As for the seruaunt, he abydeth not in the house for euer, 36but the sonne abydeth euer. Yf the sonne therfore make you fre, then are ye fre in dede. 37I knowe that ye are Abrahams sede, but ye seke to kyll me. For my worde taketh not amonge you. 38I speake that I haue sene of my father, & ye do that ye haue sene of youre father. 39They answered, and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them: Yf ye were Abrahams children, ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. 40But now ye go aboute to kyll me, a man, that haue tolde you the trueth, which I haue herde of God, this dyd not Abraham. 41Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto him: We are not borne of fornicacion, we haue one father, euen God. 42Iesus sayde vnto them: Yf God were youre father, then wolde ye loue me. For I am proceaded forth, and come from God. For I am not come of my self, but he hath sent me. 43Why knowe ye not the my speach? Eue because ye can not abyde the hearinge of my worde. 44Ye are of the father the deuell, and after the lustes of youre father wyl ye do. The same was a murthurer from the begynnynge, and abode not in the trueth: for the trueth is not in him. Whan he speaketh a lye, then speaketh he of his awne: for he is a lyar, and a father of the same. 45But because I saye the trueth, ye beleue me not. 46Which of you can rebuke me of one synne? Yf I saye the trueth, why do ye not beleue me? 47He that is of God, heareth Gods worde. Therfore heare ye not, because ye are not of God. 48Then answered the Iewes, and sayde vnto him: Saye we not right, that thou art a Samaritane, and hast the deuell? 49Iesus answered: I haue no deuell, but I honoure my father, and ye haue dishonoured me. 50I seke not myne awne prayse, but there is one that seketh it, and iudgeth. 51Verely verely I saye vnto you: Yf eny man kepe my worde, he shal neuer se death. 52Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: Now knowe me, that thou hast the deuell. Abraham is deed and the prophetes, and thou sayest: Yf eny ma kepe my worde, he shal neuer taist of death. 53Art thou greater then oure father Abraham? which is deed, and the prophetes are deed? Who makest thou thy self? 54Iesus answered: Yf I prayse myself, then is my prayse nothinge. But it is my father that prayseth me, which ye saye is youre God, 55and ye knowe hi not: but I knowe him. And yf I shulde saye, I knowe him not, I shulde be a lyar, like vnto you. But I knowe him, and kepe his worde. 56Abraham youre father was glad, that he shulde se my daye, And he sawe it, and reioysed. 57Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: Thou art not yet fiftie yeare olde, and hast thou sene Abraham? 58Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Or euer Abraham was, I am. 59Then toke they vp stones, to cast at him. But Iesus hyd himself, and wente out of the temple. 9And Iesus passed by, and sawe a man that was borne blynde. 2And his disciples axed him, & sayde: Master, Who hath synned? this, or his elders, that he was borne blynde? 3Iesus answered: Nether hath this synned, ner his elders, but that ye workes of God shulde be shewed on him. 4I must worke the workes of him that hath sent me, whyle it is daye. The night commeth, whan no man can worke. 5As longe as I am in the worlde, I am the light of the worlde. 6Whan he had thus sayde, he spat on the grounde, and made claye of the spetle, and rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde, 7and sayde vnto him: Go thy waye to the pole of Syloha (which is interpretated, sent) and wash the. Then wete he his waye and wasshed him, and came seynge. 8The neghbours and they that had sene him before, that he was a begger, sayde: Is not this he that sat, and begged? 9Some sayde: It is he. Other sayde: he is like him. But he himself sayde: I am euen he. 10Then sayde they vnto him: How are thine eyes opened? 11He answered, and sayde: The ma that is called Iesus, made claye, and anoynted myne eyes, and sayde: Go thy waye to the pole of Siloha, and wash the. I wente my waye, & washed me, and receaued my sight. 12Then sayde they vnto him: Where is he? He sayde: I can not tell. 13Then brought they vnto the pharises, him that a litle before was blynde 14It was the Sabbath, whan Iesus made the claye, and opened his eyes. 15Then agayne the Pharises also axed him, how he had receaued his sight. He sayde vnto the: He put claye vpon myne eyes, and I wasshed me, & now I se. 16Then sayde some of the pharises: This man is not of God, seynge he kepeth not ye Sabbath. But the other sayde: How can a synfull man do soch tokens? And there was a stryfe amonge the. 17They sayde agayne vnto ye blynde: What sayest thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes? He sayde: he is a prophet. 18The Iewes beleued not hi, that he was blynde, and had receaued his sight, tyll they called the elders of him, that had receaued his sight, 19and they axed them, and sayde: Is this youre sonne, whom ye saye, was borne blynde? How doth he now se then? 20His elders answered them, and sayde: We knowe, that this is oure sonne, and that he was borne blynde. 21But how he now seyeth, we can not tell: or who hath opened his eyes, can we not tell. He is olde ynough himself, axe him, let him speake for him self. 22This sayde his elders, because they feared the Iewes. For the Iewes had conspyred allready, that yf eny man dyd confesse that he was Christ, the same shulde be excomunicate. 23Therfore sayde his elders: He is olde ynough, axe him. 24Then called they the ma agayne yt was blynde, and sayde vnto him: Geue God ye prayse, we knowe that this man is a synner. 25He answered, & sayde: Whether he be a synner or no, I can not tell: one thinge am I sure off, that I was blynde, and now I se. 26The sayde they vnto him agayne: What dyd he vnto the? How opened he thine eyes? 27He answered them: I tolde you right now. Herde ye it not? What, wil ye heare it agayne? Will ye also be his disciples? 28Then rayted they him, and sayde: Thou art his disciple. 29We are sure that God spake wt Moses: As for this felowe, we know not whece he is. 30The man answered, and sayde vnto the: This is a maruelous thinge, that ye wote not whence he is, and he hath opened mine eyes. 31For we knowe that God heareth not ye sinners: but yf eny ma be a fearer of God, and doth his will, him heareth he. 32Sens ye worlde beganne was it not herde, that eny man opened the eyes of one that was borne blynde. 33Yf this man were not of God, he coulde haue done nothinge. 34They answered, and sayde vnto him: Thou art alltogether borne in synne, and teachest thou vs? And they thrust him out. 35Iesus herde, yt they had thrust him out, and wha he had founde him, he sayde vnto him: Beleuest thou on the sonne of God? 36He answered, and sayde: LORDE, who is it, yt I might beleue on him? 37Iesus sayde vnto him: Thou hast sene him, and he it is, that talketh with the. 38He sayde: LORDE, I beleue. And he worshipped him. 39And Iesus sayde: I am come to iudgmet in to this worlde, that they which se not, might se: and that they which se, might be made blynde. 40And some of the Pharises yt were with him, herde this, and sayde vnto him: Are we then blynde also? 41Iesus sayde vnto the: Yf ye were blynde, ye shulde haue no synne. But now that ye saye, we se, therfore youre sonne remayneth. 10Verely verely I saye vnto you: He yt entreth not in at the dore in to the shepefolde, but clymmeth vp some other waye, the same is a thefe & a murthurer. 2But he that goeth in at the dore, is the shepherde of the shepe: 3to him ye porter openeth, and the shepe heare his voyce, and he calleth his awne shepe by name, and ledeth them out. 4And whan he hath sent forth his awne shepe, he goeth before them, and the shepe folowe him: for they knowe his voyce. 5As for a straunger, they folowe him not, but flye from him: for they knowe not the voyce of straungers. 6This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto them, but they vnderstode not what it was, that he sayde vnto them. 7Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne: Verely verely I saye vnto you: I am the dore of the shepe. 8All they that are come before me, are theues and murthures. But ye shepe harkened not vnto them. 9I am the dore. Yf eny man entre in by me, he shalbe saued, and shal go in and out, and fynde pasture, 10A thefe cometh not, but for to steale, kyll, and destroye. I am come, yt they might haue life, and haue it more abundauntly. 11I am a good shepherde. A good shepherde geueth his life for the shepe. 12But an hyred seruaunt, which is not the shepherde, nether the shepe are his awne, seyth ye wolfe comynge, and leaueth ye shepe, and flyeth. And the wolfe catcheth & scatereth ye shepe. 13But the hyred seruaut flyeth, because he is an hyred seruaunte, and careth not for the shepe. 14I am a good sheperde, and knowe myne, and am knowne of myne. 15Eue as my father knoweth me, and I knowe ye father. And I geue my life for my shepe. 16And I haue yet other shepe, which are not of this folde, and those same must I brynge also, and they shal heare my voyce, and there shalbe one flocke and one shepherde. 17Therfore doth my father loue me, because I leaue my life, that I maye take it agayue. 18Noma taketh it fro me, but I leaue it of myself. I haue power to leaue it, and haue power to take it agayne. This commaundement haue I receaued of my father. 19Then was there discension amoge the Iewes for these sayenges. 20Many of the sayde: He hath the deuell, and is madd, why heare ye him? 21Other sayde: These are not wordes of one that is possessed. Can the deuell also open ye eyes of the blynde? 22It was the dedicacion of the teple at Ierusale, & was wynter, 23and Iesus walked in Salomos porche. 24The came ye Iewes rounde aboute hi, & saide vnto hi: How loge dost thou make vs doute? Yf thou be Christ, tell vs planely. 25Iesus answered the: I tolde you, & ye beleue not. The workes yt I do in my fathers name, they beare wytnesse of me. 26But ye beleue not, because ye are not of my shepe as I sayde vnto you. 27My shepe heare my voyce, & I knowe the, & they folowe me. 28And I geue the euerlastinge life, & they shal neuer perishe, and noma shal plucke the out of my hande. 29My father which gaue the me, is greater the all: & noman is able to plucke them out of my fathers hande. 30I and the father are one. 31Then the Iewes toke vp stones agayne, to stone him. 32Iesus answered the: Many good workes haue I shewed you fro my father, for which of the stone ye me? 33The Iewes answered hi, and sayde: For the good worke sake we stone the not, but for the blasphemy: and because yt thou beynge a man, makest thyself God. 34Iesus answered the: Is it not wrytten in youre lawe: I haue sayde, Ye are Goddes? 35Yf he call them Goddes, vnto whom the worde of God came (& the scripture can not be broke) 36saye ye the vnto hi, who ye father hath sanctified & sent in to ye worlde: thou blasphemest God, because I sayde: I am ye sonne of God? 37Yf I do not ye workes of my father, beleue me not: 38but yf I do the, the (yf ye beleue not me) yet beleue ye workes, yt ye maye knowe & beleue, yt the father is in me, & I in ye father. 39They wente aboute agayne to take him, but he escaped out of their hades, 40and wete awaye agayne beyode Iordane, into ye place where Iho had baptysed before, & there he abode. 41And many came to hi, and sayde: Iho dyd no tokes, but all yt Ihon spake of this man, is true. 42And many beleued on him there. 11There laye one sicke, named Lazarus of Bethania, in ye towne of Mary & hir sister Martha. 2It was yt Mary which anoynted ye LORDE wt oyntment, & dryed his fete wt hir heer, whose brother Lazarus laye sicke.) 3The sent his sisters vnto hi, & sayde: LORDE, beholde, he who thou louest lyeth sicke. 4Wha Iesus herde that, he sayde: This sicknesse is not vnto death, but for the prayse of God, yt the sonne of God maye be praysed there thorow. 5Iesus loued Martha & hir sister, & Lazarus. 6Now wha he herde that he was sicke, he abode two dayes in ye place where he was. 7Afterwarde sayde he vnto his disciples: Let vs go agayne i to Iewry. 8His disciples sayde vnto him: Master, lately wolde the Iewes haue stoned the, & wilt thou go thither agayne: 9Iesus answered: Are there not twolue houres in ye daye? He yt walketh in the daye, stombleth not, for he seyeth ye light of this worlde. 10But he that walketh in the night, stobleth: for there is no light in him. 11This he spake, & after warde sayde he vnto the: Lazarus or frende slepeth, but I go to wake him out of slepe. 12The sayde his disciples: LORDE, yf he slepe, he shal do well ynough 13(Howbeyt Iesus spake of his death but they thought yt he had spoke of ye bodely slepe.) 14The sayde Iesus vnto the planely: Lazarus is deed, 15& I am glad for yor sakes, yt I was not there, that ye maye beleue. Neuertheles let vs go vnto hi. 16The sayde Thomas (which is called Didimus) vnto ye disciples: Let vs go also, yt we maye dye wt hi. 17The came Iesus, & founde yt he had lyen in ye graue foure dayes allready. 18Bethanye was nye vnto Ierusale, aboute fiftene furloges. 19And many of the Iewes were come to Martha & Mary, to coforte the ouer their brother. 20Now wha Martha herde yt Iesus came, she wete to mete him. But Mary satt styl at home. 21The sayde Martha vnto Iesus: LORDE, yf thou haddest bene here, my brother had not bene deed. 22But neuertheles I knowe also, what soeuer thou axest of God, that God wyl geue it the. 23Iesus sayde vnto her: Thy brother shal ryse agayne. 24Martha sayde vnto hi: I knowe, yt he shal ryse agayne in the resurreccion at ye last daye. 25Iesus saide vnto her: I am the resurreccion & the life He yt beleueth on me, shal lyue, though he were deed allready: 26& whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth on me, shal neuer dye. Beleuest thou this? 27She saide vnto him: Yee LORDE, I beleue, that thou art Christ the sonne of God, which shulde come into the worlde. 28And wha she had sayde this, she wete hir waye, & called Mary hir sister secretly, & saide: The maister is come, & calleth for the. 29She whan she herde that, rose vp quyckly, and came vnto him: 30For Iesus was not yet come in to ye towne, but was yet in the place, where Martha met him. 31The Iewes that were wt her in the house and comforted her, whan they sawe Mary, that she rose vp haistely, & wente out, they folowed her, & saide: She goeth to the graue, to wepe there. 32Now wha Mary came where Iesus was & sawe him, she fell downe at his fete, & sayde vnto hi: LORDE, yf thou haddest bene here, my brother had not bene deed. 33Wha Iesus sawe her wepe, & the Iewes wepinge also yt came wt her, he groned in the sprete, & was sory wt in himself, 34& sayde: Where haue ye layed him? They sayde: LORDE come, & se it. 35And Iesus wepte. 36Then sayde ye Iewes: Beholde how he loued him. 37But some of the saide: Coulde no the which opened the eyes of ye blynde, haue made also, that this ma shulde not haue dyed? 38But Iesus groned agayne in himself, and came to the graue. It was a caue, and a stone layed on it. 39Iesus saide: Take awaye ye stone. Martha the sister of him yt was deed, saide vnto hi: LORDE, he stynketh allready, for he hath bene deed foure dayes. 40Iesus sayde vnto her: Sayde I not vnto the, that yf thou dyddest beleue, thou shuldest se the glory of God? 41Then toke they awaye the stone, where the deed laye. Iesus lift vp his eyes, and sayde: Father, I thake ye, that thou hast herde me. 42Howbeit I knowe, that thou hearest me allwaye: but because of ye people that stonde by, I sayde it, that they maye beleue, that thou hast sent me. 43Whan he had sayde this, he cryed loude: Lazarus come forth. 44And ye deed came forth bounde hande & fote wt graue clothes, & his face bounde wt a napkyn. Iesus sayde vnto the: Lowse him, & let him go. 45Many now of ye Iewes which mere come vnto Mary, and sawe what Iesus dyd, beleued on him. 46But some of the wente their waye vnto the pharises, and tolde the what Iesus had done. 47Then the hye prestes, and the pharises gathered a councell, and sayde: What do we? This man doth many tokens. 48Yf we let him go thus, all me wyl beleue in him: the shal the Romaynes come, and take awaye oure londe and people. 49But one of them, named Caiphas, which was hye prest that same yeare, sayde vnto them: Ye knowe nothinge nether considre ye eny thinge at all. 50It is better for us that one ma dye for the people, then that all the people shulde perishe. 51This spake he not of himself, but for so moch as he was hye prest of the same yeare, he prophecied. For Iesus was for to dye for the people, 52and not for the people onely, but that he shulde gather together the children of God, which were scatered abrode: 53From that daye forth they toke coucell, how they might put him to death. 54Iesus walked nomore openly amonge the Iewes, but wente from thence in to a countre by the wyldernesse, to a cite called Ephraim, & there had he his beynge with his disciples. 55The Iewes Easter was nye at hande. And there wente vp many to Ierusale out of that countre before ye Easter, to purifye them selues. 56Then stode they vp, and axed after Iesus, and spake amonge them selues in the temple: What thynke ye, that he cometh not to ye feast? 57The hye prestes & pharises had geuen a commaundement, that yf eny man knewe where he were, he shulde shewe it, that they might take him. 12Sixe dayes before Easter came Iesus vnto Bethanye, where Lazarus was, which was deed, whom Iesus raysed vp from the deed. 2There they made him a supper, and Martha serued. But Lazarus was one of them, that sat at the table with him. 3Then toke Mary a pounde of oyntment of pure and costly Nardus, and anoynted Iesus fete, & dryed his fete with hir heer. The house was full of the sauoure of the oyntment. 4Then sayde one of his disciples, Iudas Iscarioth Symons sonne, which afterwarde betrayed him: 5Why was not this oyntment solde for thre hundreth pens, and geuen to the poore? 6(This sayde he not that he cared for the poore, but because he was a thefe, and had the bagge, and bare that which was geue.) 7Then sayde Iesus: Let her alone, this hath she kepte agaynst the daye of my buryenge. 8For the poore haue ye allwaye with you, but me haue ye not allwaye. 9Then moch people of the Iewes had knowlege, that he was there, and they came not for Iesus sake onely, but also yt they might se Lazarus, whom he had raysed from the deed. 10But ye hye prestes were aduysed to put Lazarus to death also: 11because yt for his sake many of the Iewes wete awaye and beleued on Iesus. 12Vpon the nexte daye moch people which were come vnto the feast, whan they herde that Iesus came towarde Ierusalem, 13they toke braunches of palme trees, and wete out to mete him, and cryed: Hosianna, Blessed be he, that in the name of the LORDE commeth kynge of Israel. 14Iesus gat a yonge Asse, and rode theron, As it is wrytte: 15Feare not thou doughter of Sion, beholde, thy kynge cometh rydinge vpo an Asses foale. 16Neuertheles his disciples vnderstode not these thinges at the first, but whan Iesus was glorified, then remebred they that soch thinges were wrytte of him, and that they had done soch thinges vnto him. 17The people that was with him whan he called Lazarus out of ye graue and raysed him from the deed, commended the acte. 18Therfore the people met him, because they herde, that he had done soch a miracle. 19But the pharises sayde amonge them selues: Ye se, that we preuayle nothinge, beholde, all ye worlde runneth after him. 20There were certayne Grekes (amonge the that were come vp to Ierusale to worshipe at the feast) 21the same came vnto Philippe, which was of Bethsaida out of Galile, & prayed him, and sayde: Syr, we wolde fayne se Iesus. 22Philippe came, & tolde Andrew. And agayne, Philippe and Andrew tolde Iesus. 23Iesus answered the, and sayde: The houre is come, that the sonne of man must be glorified. 24Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte the wheatcorne fall in to the grounde, and dye, it bydeth alone: But yf it dye, it bryngeth forth moch frute. 25He that loueth his life, shal lose it: and he that hateth his life in this worlde, shal kepe it vnto life euerlastinge. 26He that wyl serue me, let him folowe me. And where I am, there shal my seruaunt be also: and he that serueth me, him shal my father honoure. 27Now is my soule heuy, and what shal I saye? Father, helpe me out of this houre. But therfore am I come in to this houre. 28Father, glorifye thy name. Then came there a voyce from heauen: I haue glorified it, and wyl glorifye it agayne. 29Then sayde the people that stode by and herde: It thondereth. Other sayde: An angell spake vnto him. 30Iesus answered, and sayde: This voyce came not because of me, but for youre sakes. 31Now goeth the iudgment ouer the worlde. Now shal the prynce of this worlde be thrust out. 32And I whan I am lift vp from the earth, wyl drawe all vnto me. 33(But this he sayde, to signifye, what death he shulde dye.) 34Then answered him the people: We haue herde in the lawe, that Christ endureth for euer: and how sayest thou then, that the sonne of man must be lift vp? Who is this sonne of man? 35Then sayde Iesus vnto them: The light is yet a litle whyle with you, walke whyle ye haue the light, that the darknesse fall not vpo you. He that walketh in the darknesse, woteth not whither he goeth. 36Beleue ye on the light, whyle ye haue it, that ye maye be the children of light. These thinges spake Iesus, and departed awaye, and hyd himself from them. 37And though he had done soch tokens before the, yet beleued they not on him, 38that the sayenge of Esay the prophet might be fulfylled, which he spake: LORDE, who beleueth oure preachinge? Or to whom is the arme of the LORDE opened? 39Therfore coulde they not beleue, for Esay saide agayne: 40He hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their hert, that they shulde not se with the eyes, ner vnderstonde with the hert, & shulde be conuerted, and he shulde heale them. 41This sayde Esay, whan he sawe his glory, and spake of him. 42Neuertheles many of the chefe rulers beleued on him, but because of the Pharises they wolde not be aknowne of it, lest they shulde be excommunicate, 43For they loued more the prayse with men, then with God. 44Iesus cryed and sayde: He that beleueth on me, beleueth not on me, but on him that sent me. 45And he that seyth me, seyth him yt sent me. 46I am come a light in to the worlde, that whosoeuer beleueth on me, shulde not byde in darknesse. 47And he that heareth my wordes and beleueth not, I iudge him not, for I am not come to iudge the worlde, but to saue the worlde. 48He that refuseth me, and receaueth not my wordes, hath one allready that iudgeth him. The worde that I haue spoken, that shall iudge him at the last daye, 49For I haue not spoken of my self: but the father that sent me, hath geuen me a commaundement, what I shulde do and saye. 50And I knowe that his commaundement is life euerlastinge. Therfore loke what I speake, that speake I eue so, as the father hath sayde vnto me. 13Before the feast of Easter whan Iesus knewe that his tyme was come, that he shulde departe out of this worlde vnto ye father, as he loued his which were in the worlde, euen so loued he them vnto the ende. 2And after supper, whan the deuell had allready put into ye hert of Iudas Iscarioth Symons sonne, to betraye him, 3Iesus knowinge that the father had geuen all thinges in to his handes, & that he was come from God, and wente vnto God, 4he rose from supper, and layed asyde his vpper garmentes, and toke a towell, and gyrde it aboute him. 5Afterwarde poured he water into a basen, and beganne to wash the disciples fete, and dryed them with the towell, yt he was gyrded withall. 6Then came he vnto Symon Peter, and ye same sayde vnto him: LORDE, shalt thou washe my fete? 7Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: What I do, thou knowest not now, but thou shalt knowe it herafter. 8The sayde Peter vnto him: Thou shalt neuer wash my fete. Iesus answered him: Yf I wash ye not, thou shalt haue no parte with me. 9Symon Peter sayde vnto him: LORDE, not the fete onely, but the handes also and the heade. 10Iesus sayde vnto him: He that is wasshe, nedeth not, saue to washe ye fete, but is cleane euery whytt. And ye are cleane but not all. 11For he knewe his betrayer, therfore sayde he: ye are not all cleane. 12Now whan he had wasshen their fete, and taken his clothes, he sat him downe agayne, and sayde vnto the: Wote ye what I haue done vnto you? 13Ye call me master and LORDE, and ye saye right therin, for so I am. 14Yf I then youre LORDE and master haue wasshen youre fete, ye ought also to wash one anothers fete. 15I haue geue you an ensample, that ye shulde do as I haue done vnto you. 16Verely verely I saye vnto you: the seruaunt is not greater then his lorde, nether is the Apostell greater then he that sent him. 17Yf ye knowe these thinges, blessed are ye yf ye do them. 18I speake not of you all, I knowe whom I haue chosen, but that the scripture might be fulfilled: He yt eateth my bred, hath lift vp his hele against me. 19I tell it you now, before it come, that whan it is come to passe, ye maye beleue, that I am he. 20Verely verely I saye vnto you: He that receaueth whom so euer I sende, receaueth me: and he that receaueth me, receaueth him that sent me. 21Whan Iesus had thus sayde, he was heuy in sprete, and testified, and sayde: Verely verely I saye vnto you: One amonge you shal betraye me. 22Then the disciples loked one vpon another, & were in doute, of whom he spake. 23But there was one amoge his disciples, that leaned at the table on Iesus bosome, who Iesus loued: 24to him beckened Symon Peter, that he shulde axe, who it was, of whom he spake. 25For the same leaued vpo Iesus brest, and sayde vnto him: LORDE, who is it? 26Iesus answered: It is he, vnto whom I dyppe the soppe & geue it. And he dypte in the soppe, and gaue it vnto Iudas Iscarioth Symons sonne. 27And after ye soppe the deuell entred in to him. Then sayde Iesus vnto him: That thou doest, do quyckly. 28But ye same wyst no man at the table, for what intent he sayde it vnto him. 29Some thought (for so moch as Iudas had the bagge) that Iesus had sayde vnto him: Bye that is necessary for vs agaynst the feast: Or that he shulde geue some thinge vnto the poore. 30Whan he had receaued the soppe, he wente out immediatly, and it was night. 31Whan he was gone forth, Iesus sayde: Now is the sonne of ma glorified, and God is glorified in him. 32Yf God be glorified in him, the shal god glorifie him also in hiself, & straight waye shal he glorifye him. 33Deare childre, I am yet a litle whyle with you. Ye shal seke me, and (as I sayde vnto ye Iewes) whither I go, thither can ye not come. And now I saye vnto you, 34A new comaundemet geue I you, that ye loue together as I haue loued you, yt euen so ye loue one another. 35By this shal euery man knowe that ye are my disciples, yf ye haue loue one to another. 36Symon Peter sayde vnto him: LORDE, whither goest thou? Iesus answered him: Whither I go, thou canst not folowe me now, but thou shalt folowe me herafter. 37Peter sayde vnto him: LORDE, why ca not I folowe the now? I wil geue my life for yi sake. 38Iesus answered him: Wilt thou geue thy life for my sake? Verely verely I saye vnto ye. The cock shal not crowe, tyll thou haue denyed me thryse. 14And he sayde vnto his disciples: Let not youre hert be afrayed. Yf ye beleue on God, the beleue also on me. 2In my fathers house are many dwellinges. Yf it were not so, I wolde haue tolde you: I go to prepare the place for you. 3And though I go to prepare the place for you, yet wil I come agayne, and receaue you vnto myself, yt ye maye be where I am. 4And whither I go, ye knowe, and the waye knowe ye also. 5Thomas sayde vnto him: LORDE, we knowe not whither thou goest, & how can we knowe the waye? 6Iesus sayde vnto him: I am the waye, and the trueth, and the life. Noman cometh to the father but by me. 7Yf ye knewe me, ye knewe my father also. And fro hece forth ye knowe hi, & haue sene him. 8Philippe sayde vnto him: LORDE, shewe vs the father, and it sufficeth vs. 9Iesus sayde vnto him: Thus longe am I with you, and hast thou not knowne me? Philippe, he that seyth me, seyth the father. And how sayest thou then: Shewe vs the father? 10Beleuest thou not that I am in the father, and that ye father is in me? The wordes that I speake vnto you, those speake not I of my self: but the father that dwelleth in me, he doth the workes. 11Beleue me, that I am in the father, and that ye father is in me: Or els, beleue me at the leest for the workes sake. 12Verely verely I saye vnto you: He that beleueth on me, shal do the workes that I do, and shal do greater then these: for I go to the father. 13And what soeuer ye axe ye father in my name, that wyl I do, that the father maye be praysed in the sonne. 14Yf ye axe eny thinge in my name, I wyl do it. 15Yf ye loue me, kepe my commaundementes. 16And I wyl praye the father, and he shal geue you another comforter, that he maye byde wt you for euer: 17euen ye sprete of trueth, whom ye worlde can not receaue, for it seyth him not, nether doth it knowe him: but ye knowe him, for he abydeth wt you, & shalbe in you 18I wil not leaue you cofortles, I come vnto you. 19It is yet a litle whyle, the shal the worlde se me nomore, but ye shal se me: for I lyue, and ye shal lyue also. 20In yt daye shal ye knowe, that I am in the father and ye in me, and I in you. 21He that hath my comaundementes, and kepeth them, the same is he that loueth me: and he that loueth me, shalbe loued of my father: & I wyl loue him, and wyl shewe myne awne self vnto him. 22Iudas sayde vnto hi: (not that Iscarioth) LORDE, What is the cause the, that thou wilt shewe thy self vnto vs, and not vnto the worlde? 23Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: He that loueth me, wyl kepe my worde, and my father wyl loue him: and we wyl come vnto him, and wyll make oure dwellynge with him. 24But he that loueth me not, kepeth not my sayenges. And the worde that ye heare, is not myne, but the fathers which hath sent me. 25This haue I spoken vnto you, whyle I was with you. 26But that comforter euen ye holy goost, who my father shal sende in my name, he shal teache you all thinges, & bringe all to youre remembraunce, what soeuer I haue tolde you. 27Peace I leaue vnto you, my peace I geue you: I geue not vnto you, as the worlde geueth. Let not yor hert be troubled, nether let it be afrayed. 28Ye haue herde, that I sayde vnto you: I go, & come agayne vnto you. Yf ye loued me, ye wolde reioyse, because I saide, I go to the father: for ye father is greater the I. 29And now haue I tolde you, before it come, that whan it is come to passe, ye maye beleue: 30Here after wyl not I talke moch with you. For the prynce of this worlde cometh, and hath nothinge in me. 31But that the worlde maye knowe that I loue ye father. And as the father hath comaunded me, so do I. Aryse, let vs go hence. 15I am a true vyne, and my father is an hussbande man. 2Euery braunch that bringeth not forth frute in me, shal he cut of: and euery one that bryngeth forth frute, shal he pourge, yt it maye bringe forth more frute. 3Now are ye cleane, because of the worde, that I haue spoke vnto you. 4Byde ye in me, and I in you. Like as ye braunch can not brynge forth frute of it self excepte it byde in the vyne, Euen so nether ye also, excepte ye abyde in me. 5I am the vyne, ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me, and I in him, the same bryngeth forth moch frute: for without me can ye do nothinge. 6He that abydeth not in me, is cast out as a vyne braunche, and it wythereth, and men gather it vp, and cast it in to the fyre, and it burneth. 7Yf ye abyde in me, and my wordes abyde in you, ye shal axe what ye wyl, & it shal be done vnto you. 8Herin is my father praysed, that ye brynge forth moch frute, and become my disciples. 9Like as my father hath loued me, eue so haue I loued you. Cotynue ye i my loue. 10Yf ye kepe my comaundementes, ye shal cotynue in my loue: like as I haue kepte my fathers comaundementes, and cotynue in his loue. 11These thinges haue I spoken vnto you, that my ioye might remayne in you, and yt youre ioye might be perfecte. 12This is my comaundement, that ye loue together, as I haue loued you. 13No man hath greater loue, then to set his life for his frende. 14Ye are my frendes, yf ye do that I commaunde you. 15Hence forth call I you not seruauntes, for a seruaunt knoweth not what his lorde doeth. But I haue sayde that ye are frendes: For all that I haue herde of my father, haue I shewed vnto you. 16Ye haue not chosen me, but I haue chosen you, and ordeyned you, that ye go, and bringe forth frute, and that youre frute contynne, that what soeuer ye axe the father in my name, he shulde geue it you. 17This I commaunde you, that ye loue one another. 18Yf the worlde hate you, then knowe, that it hath hated me before you. 19Yf ye were of the worlde, the worlde wolde loue his awne. Howbeit because ye are not of the worlde, but I haue chosen you from the worlde, therfore the worlde hateth you. 20Remembre my worde, that I sayde vnto you: The seruaunt is not greater then his lorde. Yf they haue persecuted me, they shal persecute you also: Yf they haue kepte my worde, they shal kepe yours also. 21But all this shal they do vnto you for my names sake, because they knowe not him yt sent me. 22Yf I had not come & spoke vnto the, the shulde they haue no synne But now haue they nothinge to cloake their synne withall. 23He yt hateth me, hateth my father also. 24Yf I had not done amoge the the workes which no other ma dyd, they shulde haue no synne. But now haue they sene it, and yet haue they hated both me & my father. 25Neuertheles that the sayenge might be fulfilled, which is wrytten in their lawe: They haue hated me without a cause. 26But wha the comforter commeth, who I shal sende you from the father eue the sprete of trueth which proceadeth of the father, he shal testifie of me 27and ye shal beare wytnesse also: for ye haue bene with me from the begynnynge. 16These thinges haue I sayde vnto you, that ye shulde not be offended. 2They shal excomunicate you. The tyme commeth, that who soeuer putteth you to death, shal thynke that he doth seruyce vnto God. 3And soch thinges shal they do vnto you, because they haue nether knowne ye father ner yet me. 4But these thinges haue I sayde vnto you, that whan the tyme cometh ye maye thynke theron, that I tolde you. But these thinges haue I not sayde vnto you from the begynnynge: For I was with you. 5But now I go vnto him that sent me, & none of you axeth me: Whither goest thou? 6but because I haue sayde these thinges vnto you, youre hert is full of sorowe. 7Neuertheles I tell you the trueth, It is better for you yt I go awaye: For yf I go not awaye that comforter commeth not vnto you: but yf I departe, I wil sende hi vnto you. 8And whan he commeth, he shal rebuke the worlde of synne, and of righteousnes, & of iudgment. 9Of synne, because they beleue not on me. 10Of righteousnes, because I go to the father, and ye shal se me nomore. 11Of iudgmet, because the prynce of this worlde is iudged allready. 12I haue yet moch to saye vnto you, but ye can not now beare it awaye: 13howbeit whan he (the sprete of trueth commeth) he shal lede you in to all trueth. For he shal not speake of himself, but what soeuer he shal heare, that shal he speake: and he shall shewe you, what is for to come. 14He shal glorifye me: for he shal receaue of myne, and shal shewe vnto you. 15All that the father hath, is myne. Therfore haue I sayde: he shal receaue of myne, and shewe vnto you. 16After a litle whyle, and ye shal not se me: and agayne after a litle whyle, and ye shal se me: for I go to the father. 17The saide some of his disciples amonge themselues: What is this that he sayeth vnto vs, After a litle whyle, and ye shal not se me: & agayne after a litle whyle, & ye shal se me: for I go to the father? 18Then sayde they: What is this, that he sayeth: After a litle whyle? We can not tell what he sayeth. 19Then perceaued Iesus that they wolde axe him, and he sayde vnto them: Ye enquyre of this amonge youre selues, that I sayde: After a litle whyle, and ye shal not se me: & agayne after a litle whyle, and ye shal se me. 20Verely verely I saye vnto you: Ye shal wepe and lamente, but the worlde shal reioyse: Ye shal be sory, but youre sorowe shal be turned in to ioye. 21A woman whan she trauayleth, hath sorowe, for hir houre is come. But whan she is delyuered of the childe, she thinketh nomore of the anguyshe, for ioye that a man is borne in to the worlde. 22And now haue ye sorowe also: but I wil se you agayne, and youre hert shal reioyse, and youre ioye shal noman take from you. 23And in that daye shal ye axe me no question. Verely verely I saye vnto you: Yf ye axe ye father ought in my name, he shal geue it you. 24Hither to haue ye axed nothinge in my name. Axe, and ye shal receaue, yt youre ioye maye be perfecte. 25These thinges haue I spoken vnto you by prouerbes. Neuertheles the tyme commeth, that I shal speake nomore by prouerbes, but I shal shewe you planely of my father. 26In that daye shal ye axe in my name. And I saye not vnto you, that I wyl praye vnto the father for you: 27for the father himself loueth you, because ye haue loued me, & beleued that I am come out from God. 28I wente out from the father, and came in to the worlde: Agayne, I leaue ye worlde, and go to the father. 29His disciples sayde vnto him: Beholde, now talkest thou planely, and speakest no prouerbe. 30Now are we sure yt thou knowest all thinges, and nedest not that eny ma shulde axe the. Therfore beleue we, that thou camest out from God: 31Iesus answered them: Now ye do beleue: 32Beholde, the houre draweth nye, and is come allready, that ye shalbe scatred, euery man in to his awne, and shal leaue me alone: and yet am I not alone, for the father is with me. 33These thinges haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye might haue peace. In ye worlde haue ye trouble, but be of good comforte, I haue ouercome the worlde. 17These thinges spake Iesus, and lift vp his eyes towarde heauen, and sayde: Father, the houre is come, that thou glorifye thy sonne, that thy sonne also maye glorifye the. 2Like as thou hast geuen him power ouer all fleshe, that he shulde geue euerlastinge life to as many as thou hast geuen him. 3But this is the life euerlastinge, that they knowe the (that thou onely art the true God) and whom thou hast sent, Iesus Christ. 4I haue glorified ye vpo earth, & fynished ye worke, yt thou gauest me to do. 5And now glorifye me thou father by thine awne self, with ye glory which I had or euer the worlde was. 6I haue declared thy name vnto ye men, whom thou gauest me from the worlde. They were thine, and thou gauest them vnto me, and they haue kepte thy worde. 7Now knowe they, that all thinges what soeuer thou hast geuen me, are of the. 8For ye wordes which thou gauest me, haue I geue vnto them, and they haue receaued them, & knowne of a trueth, that I am come forth from the, and haue beleued, that thou hast sent me. 9I praye for them, and praye not for the worlde, but for them whom thou hast geuen me, for they are thine. 10And all that is myne, is thine: and what thine is, that is myne. And I am glorifyed in them. 11And now am I nomore in the worlde, and they are in ye worlde, and I come to the. Holy father, kepe in thy name, those whom thou hast geue me, that they maye be one, like as we are. 12Whyle I was with the in the worlde, I kepte them in thy name. Those yt thou gauest me, haue I kepte, and none of them is lost, but that lost childe, that the scripture might be fulfylled. 13But now come I vnto the, and this I speake in the worlde, that they maye haue my ioye perfecte in them. 14I haue geuen them thy worde, and the worlde hateth the: for they are not of the worlde, euen as I also am not of the worlde. 15I praye not that thou shuldest take them out of the worlde, but that thou kepe the fro euell. 16They are not of the worlde, as I also am not of the worlde. 17Sanctifye them in thy trueth. Thy worde is the trueth. 18Like as thou hast sent me in to the worlde, so haue I sent them in to the worlde: 19and for their sakes I sanctifye my self, that they also maye be sanctifyed in the trueth. 20Neuertheles I praye not for them onely, but also for those, which thorow their worde shal beleue on me, 21that they all maye be one, like as thou father art in me, and I in ye that they also maye be one in vs: that the worlde maye beleue, that thou hast sent me. 22And the glory which thou gauest me, haue I geuen them: that they maye be one, like as we are one. 23I in the, and thou in me, that they maye be perfecte in one, and that the worlde maye knowe, that thou hast sent me and hast loued them, as thou hast loued me. 24Father, I wil, that they whom thou hast geuen me, be with me where I am, yt they maye se my glory, which thou hast geue me: for thou hast loued me, or euer ye worlde was made. 25Righteous father, the worlde hath not knowne ye, but I haue knowne ye: and these haue knowne, that thou hast sent me. 26And I haue declared thy name vnto them, & wyl declare it, yt the loue wherwith thou hast loued me, maye be in the, & I in them. 18Whan Iesus had thus spoke, he wete forth with his disciples ouer the broke Cedron, where there was a garde, in to the which Iesus entred and his disciples. 2But Iudas yt betrayed hi, knewe the place also. For Iesus resorted thither oft tymes wt his disciples. 3Now whan Iudas had take vnto him the copany, & mynisters of the hye prestes and Pharises, he came thither with creshettes, wt lanternes, and with weapens. 4Iesus now knowinge all yt shulde come vpon him, wete forth, and sayde vnto the: Whom seke ye? 5They answered him: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayde vnto them: I am he. Iudas also which betrayed him, stode with the. 6Now whan Iesus sayde vnto the: I am he, they wete bacwardes, and fell to the grounde. 7Then axed he the agayne: Whom seke ye? They sayde: Iesus of Nazareth. 8Iesus answered: I haue tolde you, that I am he. Yf ye seke me, then let these go their waye. 9That the worde might be fulfylled, which he sayde: Of them who thou gauest me, haue I not lost one. 10Then had Symon Peter a swerde, and drewe it out, and smote the hye prestes seruaut, and cut of his right eare. And ye seruautes name was Malchus. 11Then sayde Iesus vnto Peter: Put vp thy swerde in to the sheeth. Shal I not drynke of ye cuppe, which my father hath geue me? 12Then the company and the captayne & the officers of the Iewes toke Iesus, and bounde him, 13& led him awaye first vnto Annas, that was fatherlawe vnto Caiphas, which was hye prest yt same yeare. 14It was Caiphas, which gaue coucell vnto ye Iewes that it were good, that one man shulde dye for the people. 15As for Symon Peter, he and another disciple folowed Iesus. The same disciple was knowne vnto the hye prest,and wete in with Iesus in to the hye prestes palace. 16But Peter stode without at the dore. Then yt other disciple which was knowne vnto the hye prest, wente out, and spake to the damsell yt kepte the dore, and brought in Peter. 17Then the damsell that kepte the dore, sayde vnto Peter: Art not thou also one of this mans disciples? He sayde: I am not. 18The seruauntes & officers stode, and had made a fyre of coles (for it was colde) & warmed the selues. Peter also stode with them, and warmed him self. 19The hye prest axed Iesus of his disciples, and of his doctryne. 20Iesus answered him: I haue spoken openly before the worlde, I haue euer taught in the synagoge and in the teple, whither all the Iewes resorted, & in secrete haue I spoke nothinge. 21Why axest thou me? Axe the yt haue herde, what I haue spoken vnto the: beholde, they can tell what I haue sayde. 22But whan he had thus spoke, one of the officers that stode by, smote Iesus on the face, and sayde: Answerest thou the hye prest so? 23Iesus answered him: Yf I haue euell spoke, the beare wytnesse of euell: but yf I haue well spoken, why smytest thou me? 24And Annas sent him bounde vnto Caiphas ye hye prest. 25Symo Peter stode and warmed him self. The sayde they vnto him: Art not thou one of his disciples? He denyed, and sayde: I am not. 26A seruaut of the hye prestes, a kynssma of his, whose eare Peter had smytten of, sayde vnto him: Dyd not I se the in the garde with him? 27Then Peter denyed agayne. And immediatly the cock crew. 28Then led they Iesus from Caiphas in to the comon hall. And it was early in the mornynge. And they them selues wete not in to the como hall, lest they shulde be defyled, but yt they might eate ye Pascall lambe. 29Then wente Pilate out vnto the, and sayde: What accusacion brynge ye agaynst this man? 30They answered, and sayde vnto him: Yf he were not an euell doer, we had not delyuered him vnto the. 31Then sayde Pilate vnto the: Take ye him, and iudge him after yor lawe. Then sayde ye Iewes vnto him: It is not laufull for vs to put eny ma to death. 32That ye worde of Iesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, whan he signified, what death he shulde dye. 33Then entred Pilate in to the comon hall agayne, and called Iesus, & sayde vnto him: Art thou the kynge of the Iewes? 34Iesus answered: Sayest thou that of thy self, or haue other tolde it the of me? 35Pilate answered: Am I a Iewe? Thy people and the hye prestes haue delyuered the vnto me. What hast thou done? 36Iesus answered: My kyugdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde, my mynisters wolde fight therfore, yt I shulde not be delyuered vnto the Iewes. But now is my kyngdome not from hence. 37The sayde Pilate vnto hi: Art thou a kynge the? Iesus answered: Thou sayest it, for I am a kynge. For this cause was I borne, and came in to the worlde, that I shulde testifye the trueth. Who so euer is of the trueth, heareth my voyce. 38Pilate sayde vnto hi: What is the trueth? And whan he had sayde that he wete out agayne to the Iewes, and sayde vnto them: I fynde no gyltinesse in him: 39But ye haue a custome, that I shulde geue one vnto you lowse at Easter. Wyl ye now yt I lowse vnto you the kynge of ye Iewes? 40The cryed they agayne alltogether, and sayde: Not him, but Barrabas. Yet was Barrabas a murthurer. 19Then Pilate toke Iesus, and scourged him. 2And the soudyers platted a crowne of thornes, and set it vpon his heade, and put a purple garment vpon him, 3and sayde: Hayle kynge of the Iewes. And they smote him on the face. 4Then wente Pilate forth agayne, and sayde vnto the: Beholde, I brynge him forth vnto you, yt ye maye knowe, yt I fynde no faute in hi. 5So Iesus wente out, & ware a crowne of thorne and a purple robe. And he sayde vnto them: Beholde, the man. 6Whan the hye prestes & the mynisters sawe him, they cryed, & sayde: Crucifye, crucifye. Pilate saide vnto the: Take ye him, and crucifye him, for I fynde no giltynesse in him. 7The Iewes answered him: We haue a lawe, & after oure lawe he ought to dye, because he made him self the sonne of God. 8Whan Pilate herde that worde, he was the more afrayed, 9and wente agayne in to the comon hall, and sayde vnto Iesus: Whence art thou? But Iesus gaue him no answere. 10The sayde Pilate vnto him: Speakest thou not vnto me? Knowest thou not, yt I haue power to crucifye ye, & haue power to lowse ye? 11Iesus answered: Thou shuldest haue no power vpo me, yf it were not geue the from aboue. Therfore he that delyuered me vnto ye, hath the more synne. 12From that tyme forth Pilate sought meanes to lowse him. But the Iewes cryed, & sayde: Yf thou let him go, thou art not the Emperours frede. For whosoeuer maketh himself kynge, is agaynst the Emperoure. 13Whan Pilate herde yt worde, he brought Iesus forth, & sat hi downe vpo ye iugdmet seate, in the place which is called the Pauement, but in the Hebrue, Gabbatha. 14It was the daye of preparinge of the Easter aboute the sixte houre. And he sayde vnto the Iewes: Beholde yor kynge. 15But they cryed: Awaye wt him, awaye wt him, crucifie him. Pilate saide vnto the: Shal I crucifye yor kynge? The hye prestes answered: We haue no kynge but ye Emperor. 16The delyuered he him vnto them, to be crucifyed.They toke Iesus, and led him awaye. 17And he bare his crosse, and wente out to the place called ye place of deed men skulles, which in Hebrue is named Golgatha, 18where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either syde one, but Iesus in the myddes 19Pilate wrote a superscripcion, and set vpon the crosse. And there was wrytten: Iesus of Nazareth, kynge of the Iewes. 20This superscripcion red many of the Iewes. For ye place where Iesus was crucifyed, was nye vnto the cite. And it was wrytten in Hebrue, Greke & Latyn. 21Then sayde the hye prestes of the Iewes vnto Pilate: Wryte not kynge of the Iewes, but yt he sayde, I am kynge of the Iewes. 22Pilate answered: What I haue wrytten, that haue I wrytten. 23The sondyers, whan they had crucifyed Iesus, toke his garmentes, and made foure partes, to euery soudyer one patte, and the cote also. As for the cote, it was vnsowed fro aboue, wrought thorow and thorow. 24Then sayde they one to another: Let vs not deuyde it, but cast lottes for it, who shal haue it, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which sayeth: They haue parted my garmentes amonge them, and on my cote haue they cast lottes. This dyd the soudyers in dede. 25There stode by the crosse of Iesus, his mother, and his mothers sister Mary, the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. 26Now whan Iesus sawe his mother, and the disciple stondynge by, who he loued, he sayde vnto his mother: Woman, beholde, that is thy sonne. 27Then sayde he to the disciple: beholde, that is thy mother. And from that houre the disciple toke her vnto him. 28After that whan Iesus knewe that all was perfourmed, that the scripture might be fulfylled, he sayde: I am a thyrst. 29There stode a vessell full of vyneger. They fylled a sponge with vyneger and wonde it aboute with ysope, and helde it to his mouth. 30Now whan Iesus had receaued the vyneger, he sayde: It is fynished, and bowed his heade, and gaue vp the goost. 31The Iewes then, for so moch as it was the daye of preparinge, that ye bodies shulde not remayne vpon the crosse on the Sabbath, (for ye same Sabbath daye was greate) besought Pilate, that their legges might be broken, and that they might be taken downe. 32Then came the soudyers, and brake the legges of the first, and of the other that was crucifyed with him. 33But whan they came to Iesus, and sawe that he was deed allready, they brake not his legges, 34but one of the soudyers opened his syde with a speare. And immediatly there wente out bloude and water. 35And he that sawe it, bare recorde, and his recorde is true. And he knoweth that he sayeth true, that ye might beleue also. 36For this is done, yt the scripture might be fulfylled: Ye shal not breake a bone of him. 37And agayne, another scripture sayeth: They shal se him, whom they haue pearsed. 38After that, Ioseph of Arimathia, which was a disciple of Iesus (but secretly for feare of the Iewes) besought Pilate, yt he might take downe the body of Iesus. And Pilate gaue him lycence. 39There came also Nicodemus, (which afore came vnto Iesus by night) & brought of Myrre & Aloes mingled together, aboute an hudreth poude weight. 40The toke they the body of Iesus, & wonde it with lynnen clothes, and with the spyces, as the maner of the Iewes is to burye. 41And by ye place where Iesus was crucified, there was a garde, and in the garden a new sepulchre, where in was neuer man layed: 42there layed they Iesus, because of the preparinge daye of ye Iewes, for the sepulcre was nye at hande. 20Vpon one daye of the Sabbath, came Mary Magdalene early (whe it was yet darcke) vnto the sepulcre, & sawe that the stone was take from the sepulcre. 2Then ranne she, & came to Symon Peter, and to ye other disciple, whom Iesus loued, and sayde vnto them: They haue take awaye the LORDE out of the sepulcre, & we can not tell where they haue layed him. 3The wete Peter forth and the other disciple, and came to the sepulcre. 4They rane both together, and that other disciple out rane Peter, and came first to the sepulcre, 5and loked in, and sawe the lynnen clothes layed. But he wete not in. 6The came Symon Peter after him, and wente in to the sepulcre, & sawe the lynne clothes lye, 7and the napkyn that was bounde aboute Iesus heade, not layed with the lynnen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by it self. 8The wete i also yt other disciple, which came first to ye sepulcre, & he sawe & beleued: 9for as yet they knewe not ye scriptures, yt it behoued hi to ryse agayne fro ye deed. 10The wete ye disciples againe together. 11As for Mary, she stode before ye sepulcre & wepte without. Now as she wepte she loked in to the sepulcre, 12and sawe two angels in whyte garmentes syttinge, ye one at the heade, & the other at ye fete, where they had layed the body of Iesus. 13And they sayde vnto her: Woma, why wepest thou? She saide vnto the: They haue taken awaye my LORDE, & I wote not where they haue layed hi. 14And whan she had sayde yt, she turned her self backe, & sawe Iesus stondinge, & knewe not yt it was Iesus. 15Iesus sayde vnto her: Woman, why wepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She thought yt it had bene ye gardener, & sayde vnto him: Syr, yf thou hast borne him hence: then tell me where thou hast layed him? and I wil fetch hi. 16Iesus sayde vnto her: Mary. Then turned she her aboute, & sayde vnto him: Rabboni, yt is to saye: Master. 17Iesus sayde vnto her: Touche me not, for I am not yet ascended vnto my father. But go thou yi waye vnto my brethre & saye vnto the: I ascede vp vnto my father and yor father: to my God, & yor God. 18Mary Magdalene came, & tolde ye disciples: I haue sene the LORDE, & soch thinges hath he spoken vnto me. 19The same Sabbath at eue wha ye disciples were gathered together, and the dores were shut for feare of ye Iewes, came Iesus, and stode i ye myddes, & sayde vnto the: Peace be wt you. 20And wha he had so sayde, he shewed the his hades & his syde. The were ye disciples glad, yt they sawe ye LORDE. 21The sayde Iesus vnto the agayne: Peace be with you. Like as my father sent me, eue so sede I you. 22And whan he had sayde yt, he brethed vpo the, and sayde vnto the: Receaue the holy goost. 23Whose synnes soeuer ye remytte, they are remytted vnto the: and whose synnes so euer ye retayne, they are retayned. 24But Thomas one of the twolue which is called Didimus, was not wt the wha Iesus came. 25The sayde the other disciples vnto him: We haue sene the LORDE. But he sayde vnto the: Excepte I se in his handes the prynte of the nales, and put my hade in to his syde, I wil not beleue. 26And after eight dayes agayne were his disciples with in, & Thomas wt the. The came Iesus (wha ye dores were shutt) & stode in the myddes, & sayde: Peace be wt you. 27After yt sayde he vnto Thomas: Reach hither yi fynger, and se my handes, and reach hither yi hade, & put it i to my syde, & be not faithlesse, but beleue. 28Thomas answered, & sayde vnto him: My LORDE, and my God. 29Iesus sayde vnto him: Thomas, because thou hast sene me, thou hast beleued. Blessed are they, that se not, and yet beleue. 30Many other tokes dyd Iesus before his disciples, which are not wrytte in this boke. 31But these are wrytte, yt ye shulde beleue, yt Iesus is Christ the sonne of God, & that ye thorow beleue might haue life in his name. 21After that shewed Iesus himself agayne at the see of Tiberias But on this wyse shewed he himself. 2There were together Symo Peter, & Thomas which is called Didimus, & Nathanael of Cana a cite of Galile, & the sonnes of Zebede, & two other of his disciples. 3Symon Peter sayde vnto the: I go a fyshinge. They sayde vnto hi: We also wil go wt the. They wete out, & entred into a shippe straight waye. And yt same night toke they nothinge. 4But wha it was now morow, Iesus stode on the shore, but his disciples knewe not yt it was Iesus. 5Iesus sayde vnto the: Childre, haue ye eny thinge to eate? They answered hi:No. 6He sayde vnto the: Cast out the nett on ye right syde of the shippe, & ye shal fynde. The they cast out, & coulde nomore drawe it for ye multitude of fishes. 7The sayde ye disciple who Iesus loued, vnto Peter: It is the LORDE.Whan Simon Peter herde that is was the LORDE, he gyrde his mantell aboute him (for he was naked) and sprange in to ye see. 8But other disciples came by shippe (for they were not farre fro londe, but as it were two hundreth cubytes) and they drewe the net with the fisshes. 9Now whan they were come to londe, they sawe coles layed, and fysh theron, and bred. 10Iesus sayde vnto the: Bringe hither of the fyshes, that ye haue taken now. 11Symon Peter stepped forth, and drew the nett to the londe, full of greate fysshes, an hundreth and thre and fyftie. And for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. 12Iesus sayde vnto them: Come, and dyne. But none of the disciples durst axe him: Who art thou? For they knewe, that it was the LORDE. 13Then came Iesus, and toke ye bred, and gaue it the: and the fysshe likewyse. 14This is now the thirde tyme that Iesus appeared vnto his disciples, after that he was rysen agayne from the deed. 15Now wha they had dyned, Iesus sayde vnto Symon Peter: Symo Iohana, louest thou me more then these do? He sayde vnto him: Yee LORDE, thou knowest yt I loue the. He sayde vnto him: Fede my labes. 16He sayde vnto him agayne the seconde tyme: Symo Iohana, louest thou me? He sayde vnto him: Yee LORDE, thou knowest, yt I loue ye. He sayde vnto him: Fede my shepe. 17He saide vnto him ye thirde tyme: Symon Iohana, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto him, louest thou me? And he sayde vnto him: LORDE, thou knowest all thinges, thou knowest, that I loue ye. Iesus sayde vnto him: Fede my shepe. 18Verely verely I saye vnto the: Whan thou wast yoge, thou gerdedst thyselfe, and walkedst whither thou woldest. But wha thou art olde, thou shalt stretch forth thy handes, and another shal gyrde the, and lede the whither thou woldest not. 19But this he sayde, to signifye with what death he shulde glorifye God.Whan he had spoken this, he sayde vnto him: Folowe me. 20Peter turned him aboute, and sawe the disciple folowinge, whom Iesus loued, ( which also leaned vpo his brest at the supper, and sayde: LORDE, who is it that betrayeth the)? 21Wha Peter sawe him, he sayde vnto Iesus: LORDE, but what shal he do? 22Iesus sayde vnto him: Yf I wil that he tary tyll I come, what is that to the? Folowe thou me. 23Then wente there out a sayenge amonge the brethren: This disciple dyeth not. And Iesus sayde not vnto him: He dyeth not, but: Yf I wil that he tary tyll I come, what is that to the? 24This is the same disciple, which testifyeth of these thinges, and wrote these thinges, and we knowe that his testimony is true. 25There are many other thinges also that Iesus dyd, which, yf they shulde be wrytte euery one, I suppose the worlde shulde not contayne the bokes, that were to be wrytten.