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Cvdl YHN Chapter 11

YHN 11 ©

11There laye one sicke, named Lazarus of Bethania, in ye towne of Mary & hir sister Martha. 2It was yt Mary which anoynted ye LORDE wt oyntment, & dryed his fete wt hir heer, whose brother Lazarus laye sicke.) 3The sent his sisters vnto hi, & sayde: LORDE, beholde, he who thou louest lyeth sicke. 4Wha Iesus herde that, he sayde: This sicknesse is not vnto death, but for the prayse of God, yt the sonne of God maye be praysed there thorow. 5Iesus loued Martha & hir sister, & Lazarus. 6Now wha he herde that he was sicke, he abode two dayes in ye place where he was. 7Afterwarde sayde he vnto his disciples: Let vs go agayne i to Iewry. 8His disciples sayde vnto him: Master, lately wolde the Iewes haue stoned the, & wilt thou go thither agayne: 9Iesus answered: Are there not twolue houres in ye daye? He yt walketh in the daye, stombleth not, for he seyeth ye light of this worlde. 10But he that walketh in the night, stobleth: for there is no light in him. 11This he spake, & after warde sayde he vnto the: Lazarus or frende slepeth, but I go to wake him out of slepe. 12The sayde his disciples: LORDE, yf he slepe, he shal do well ynough 13(Howbeyt Iesus spake of his death but they thought yt he had spoke of ye bodely slepe.) 14The sayde Iesus vnto the planely: Lazarus is deed, 15& I am glad for yor sakes, yt I was not there, that ye maye beleue. Neuertheles let vs go vnto hi. 16The sayde Thomas (which is called Didimus) vnto ye disciples: Let vs go also, yt we maye dye wt hi. 17The came Iesus, & founde yt he had lyen in ye graue foure dayes allready. 18Bethanye was nye vnto Ierusale, aboute fiftene furloges. 19And many of the Iewes were come to Martha & Mary, to coforte the ouer their brother. 20Now wha Martha herde yt Iesus came, she wete to mete him. But Mary satt styl at home. 21The sayde Martha vnto Iesus: LORDE, yf thou haddest bene here, my brother had not bene deed. 22But neuertheles I knowe also, what soeuer thou axest of God, that God wyl geue it the. 23Iesus sayde vnto her: Thy brother shal ryse agayne. 24Martha sayde vnto hi: I knowe, yt he shal ryse agayne in the resurreccion at ye last daye. 25Iesus saide vnto her: I am the resurreccion & the life He yt beleueth on me, shal lyue, though he were deed allready: 26& whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth on me, shal neuer dye. Beleuest thou this? 27She saide vnto him: Yee LORDE, I beleue, that thou art Christ the sonne of God, which shulde come into the worlde. 28And wha she had sayde this, she wete hir waye, & called Mary hir sister secretly, & saide: The maister is come, & calleth for the. 29She whan she herde that, rose vp quyckly, and came vnto him: 30For Iesus was not yet come in to ye towne, but was yet in the place, where Martha met him. 31The Iewes that were wt her in the house and comforted her, whan they sawe Mary, that she rose vp haistely, & wente out, they folowed her, & saide: She goeth to the graue, to wepe there. 32Now wha Mary came where Iesus was & sawe him, she fell downe at his fete, & sayde vnto hi: LORDE, yf thou haddest bene here, my brother had not bene deed. 33Wha Iesus sawe her wepe, & the Iewes wepinge also yt came wt her, he groned in the sprete, & was sory wt in himself, 34& sayde: Where haue ye layed him? They sayde: LORDE come, & se it. 35And Iesus wepte. 36Then sayde ye Iewes: Beholde how he loued him. 37But some of the saide: Coulde no the which opened the eyes of ye blynde, haue made also, that this ma shulde not haue dyed? 38But Iesus groned agayne in himself, and came to the graue. It was a caue, and a stone layed on it. 39Iesus saide: Take awaye ye stone. Martha the sister of him yt was deed, saide vnto hi: LORDE, he stynketh allready, for he hath bene deed foure dayes. 40Iesus sayde vnto her: Sayde I not vnto the, that yf thou dyddest beleue, thou shuldest se the glory of God? 41Then toke they awaye the stone, where the deed laye. Iesus lift vp his eyes, and sayde: Father, I thake ye, that thou hast herde me. 42Howbeit I knowe, that thou hearest me allwaye: but because of ye people that stonde by, I sayde it, that they maye beleue, that thou hast sent me. 43Whan he had sayde this, he cryed loude: Lazarus come forth. 44And ye deed came forth bounde hande & fote wt graue clothes, & his face bounde wt a napkyn. Iesus sayde vnto the: Lowse him, & let him go. 45Many now of ye Iewes which mere come vnto Mary, and sawe what Iesus dyd, beleued on him. 46But some of the wente their waye vnto the pharises, and tolde the what Iesus had done. 47Then the hye prestes, and the pharises gathered a councell, and sayde: What do we? This man doth many tokens. 48Yf we let him go thus, all me wyl beleue in him: the shal the Romaynes come, and take awaye oure londe and people. 49But one of them, named Caiphas, which was hye prest that same yeare, sayde vnto them: Ye knowe nothinge nether considre ye eny thinge at all. 50It is better for us that one ma dye for the people, then that all the people shulde perishe. 51This spake he not of himself, but for so moch as he was hye prest of the same yeare, he prophecied. For Iesus was for to dye for the people, 52and not for the people onely, but that he shulde gather together the children of God, which were scatered abrode: 53From that daye forth they toke coucell, how they might put him to death. 54Iesus walked nomore openly amonge the Iewes, but wente from thence in to a countre by the wyldernesse, to a cite called Ephraim, & there had he his beynge with his disciples. 55The Iewes Easter was nye at hande. And there wente vp many to Ierusale out of that countre before ye Easter, to purifye them selues. 56Then stode they vp, and axed after Iesus, and spake amonge them selues in the temple: What thynke ye, that he cometh not to ye feast? 57The hye prestes & pharises had geuen a commaundement, that yf eny man knewe where he were, he shulde shewe it, that they might take him.

YHN 11 ©
