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Cvdl YHN Chapter 8

YHN 8 ©

8Iesus wente vnto mount Oliuete, 2and early in the mornynge came he agayne in to the temple, and all the people came vnto him. And he sat downe, and taught them. 3And ye scrybes and Pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in aduoutrye, and set her there openly, 4and sayde vnto him: Master, this woman was taken in aduoutrye, eue as the dede was adoynge. 5Moses in the lawe commaunded vs to stone soch. What sayest thou? 6This they sayde, to tempte him, that they might haue wherof to accuse him. But Iesus stouped downe, and wrote with his fynger vpo the grounde. 7Now whyle they contynued axynge him, he lift him self vp, and sayde vnto them: He that is amonge you without synne, let him cast the first stone at her. 8And he stouped downe agayne, and wrote vpon the grounde. 9But whan they herde that, they wente out, one after another: the eldest first, and left Iesus alone, and the woman stondinge before him. 10Iesus lift himself vp, and whan be sawe no man but the woman, he sayde vnto her: Woman, where are thine accusers? Hath noman condempned the? 11She sayde: LORDE, no man. Iesus sayde: Nether do I codempne the, Go thy waye, and synne nomore. 12Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, and sayde: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me, shal not walke in darknesse, but shal haue the light of life. 13Then sayde the Pharises vnto him: Thou bearest recorde of thy self, thy recorde is not true. 14Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Though I beare recorde of my self, yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whence I came, and whither I go: but ye can not tell whence I come, and whither I go. 15Ye iudge after the flesh, I iudge no man: 16but yf I iudge, my iudgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the father that hath sent me. 17It is wrytten also in youre lawe, that the testimony of two men is true. 18I am one that beare wytnesse of my self: And the father that sent me, beareth wytnes of me also. 19Then sayde they vnto him: Where is thy father? Iesus answered: Ye nether knowe me ner yet my father.Yf ye knewe me, ye shulde knowe my father also. 20These wordes spake Iesus vpon the Godschest, as he taught in the teple. And noman toke him, for his houre was not yet come. 21Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them: I go my waye, and ye shal seke me, and shal dye in youre synnes: whither I go, thither can not ye come. 22Then sayde ye Iewes: Wyl he kyll him self then, that he sayeth: whither I go, thither can not ye come? 23And he sayde vnto them: Ye are from beneth, I am from aboue: Ye are of this worlde, I am not of this worlde. 24Therfore haue I sayde vnto you, that ye shal dye in youre synnes. For yf ye beleue not that I am he, ye shal dye in youre synnes. 25Then sayde they vnto him: Who art thou then? And Iesus sayde vnto the: Eue the very same thinge that I saye vnto you. 26I haue many thinges to saye and to iudge of you. But he that sent me, is true: and loke what I haue herde of him,that speake I before the worlde, 27Howbeit they vnderstode not, that he spake of the father. 28Then sayde Iesus vnto them: Whan ye haue lift vp an hye the sonne of man, then shal ye knowe that I am he, and that I do nothinge of my self: but as my father hath taught me, euen so I speake. 29And he that sent me, is with me. The father leaueth me not alone, for I do alwaie that pleaseth him. 30Whan he thus spake, many beleued on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto the Iewes, that beleued on him: 31Yf ye contynue in my worde, then are ye my very disciples, 32and ye shall knowe the trueth, and the trueth shal make you fre. 33Then answered they him: We are Abrahams sede, we were neuer bonde to eny man, how sayest thou then: Ye shal be fre? 34Iesus answered them, and sayde: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so euer doth synne, 35is the seruaunt of synne: As for the seruaunt, he abydeth not in the house for euer, 36but the sonne abydeth euer. Yf the sonne therfore make you fre, then are ye fre in dede. 37I knowe that ye are Abrahams sede, but ye seke to kyll me. For my worde taketh not amonge you. 38I speake that I haue sene of my father, & ye do that ye haue sene of youre father. 39They answered, and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them: Yf ye were Abrahams children, ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. 40But now ye go aboute to kyll me, a man, that haue tolde you the trueth, which I haue herde of God, this dyd not Abraham. 41Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto him: We are not borne of fornicacion, we haue one father, euen God. 42Iesus sayde vnto them: Yf God were youre father, then wolde ye loue me. For I am proceaded forth, and come from God. For I am not come of my self, but he hath sent me. 43Why knowe ye not the my speach? Eue because ye can not abyde the hearinge of my worde. 44Ye are of the father the deuell, and after the lustes of youre father wyl ye do. The same was a murthurer from the begynnynge, and abode not in the trueth: for the trueth is not in him. Whan he speaketh a lye, then speaketh he of his awne: for he is a lyar, and a father of the same. 45But because I saye the trueth, ye beleue me not. 46Which of you can rebuke me of one synne? Yf I saye the trueth, why do ye not beleue me? 47He that is of God, heareth Gods worde. Therfore heare ye not, because ye are not of God. 48Then answered the Iewes, and sayde vnto him: Saye we not right, that thou art a Samaritane, and hast the deuell? 49Iesus answered: I haue no deuell, but I honoure my father, and ye haue dishonoured me. 50I seke not myne awne prayse, but there is one that seketh it, and iudgeth. 51Verely verely I saye vnto you: Yf eny man kepe my worde, he shal neuer se death. 52Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: Now knowe me, that thou hast the deuell. Abraham is deed and the prophetes, and thou sayest: Yf eny ma kepe my worde, he shal neuer taist of death. 53Art thou greater then oure father Abraham? which is deed, and the prophetes are deed? Who makest thou thy self? 54Iesus answered: Yf I prayse myself, then is my prayse nothinge. But it is my father that prayseth me, which ye saye is youre God, 55and ye knowe hi not: but I knowe him. And yf I shulde saye, I knowe him not, I shulde be a lyar, like vnto you. But I knowe him, and kepe his worde. 56Abraham youre father was glad, that he shulde se my daye, And he sawe it, and reioysed. 57Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: Thou art not yet fiftie yeare olde, and hast thou sene Abraham? 58Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Or euer Abraham was, I am. 59Then toke they vp stones, to cast at him. But Iesus hyd himself, and wente out of the temple.

YHN 8 ©
