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Gnva NUM Chapter 2

NUM 2 ©

2And the Lord spake vnto Moses, and to Aaron, saying, 2Euery man of the children of Israel shall campe by his standerd, and vnder the ensigne of their fathers house: farre off about the Tabernacle of the Congregation shall they pitch. 3On the East side towarde the rising of the sunne, shall they of the standerd of the hoste of Iudah pitch according to their armies: and Nahshon the sonne of Amminadab shalbe captaine of the sonnes of Iudah. 4And his hoste and the nomber of the were seuentie and foure thousande and sixe hundreth. 5Next vnto him shall they of the tribe of Issachar pitch, and Nethaneel the sonne of Zuar shalbe the captaine of the sonnes of Issachar: 6And his hoste, and the nomber thereof were foure and fiftie thousand, and foure hundreth. 7Then the tribe of Zebulun, and Eliab the sonne of Helon, captaine ouer the sonnes of Zebulun: 8And his hoste, and the nomber thereof seuen and fiftie thousand and foure hundreth: 9The whole nomber of the hoste of Iudah are an hundreth fourescore and sixe thousande, and foure hundreth according to their armies: they shall first set foorth. 10On the South side shalbe ye standerd of the host of Reuben according to their armies, and the captaine ouer the sonnes of Reuben shalbe Elizur the sonne of Shedeur. 11And his host, and the nomber thereof sixe and fourty thousand and fiue hundreth. 12And by him shall the tribe of Simeon pitch, and the captaiue ouer the sonnes of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the sonne of Zurishaddai: 13And his hoste, and the nomber of them, nine and fiftie thousand and three hundreth. 14And the tribe of Gad, and the captaine ouer the sonnes of Gad shall be Eliasaph the sonne of Deuel: 15And his host and the nomber of the were fiue and fourtye thousande, sixe hundreth and fiftie. 16All the nomber of the campe of Reuben were an hundreth and one and fiftie thousande, and foure hundreth and fiftie according to their armies, and they shall set foorth in the seconde place. 17Then the Tabernacle of the Congregation shall goe with the host of the Leuites, in the mids of the campe as they haue pitched, so shall they goe forwarde, euery man in his order according to their standerds. 18The standerd of the campe of Ephraim shalbe toward the west according to their armies: and ye captaine ouer the sonnes of Ephraim shall be Elishama the sonne of Ammihud: 19And his host and the nomber of the were fortie thousand and fiue hundreth. 20And by him shalbe the tribe of Manasseh, and the captaine ouer the sonnes of Manasseh shalbe Gamliel the sonne of Pedahzur: 21And his hoste and the nomber of them were two and thirtie thousand and two hundreth. 22And the tribe of Beniamin, and ye captaine ouer the sonnes of Beniamin shalbe Abidan the sonne of Gideoni: 23And his host, and the nomber of the were fiue and thirtie thousand and foure hundreth. 24All the nomber of the campe of Ephraim were an hundreth and eight thousande and one hundreth according to their armies, and they shall go in the third place. 25The standerd of the host of Dan shalbe toward the North according to their armies: and the captaine ouer the children of Dan shall be Ahiezer the sonne of Ammishaddai: 26And his host and the number of them were two and threescore thousand and seue hundreth. 27And by him shall the tribe of Asher pitch, and the captaine ouer the sonnes of Asher shalbe Pagiel the sonne of Ocran. 28And his host and the nomber of them were one and fourtie thousand and fiue hundreth. 29Then the tribe of Naphtali, and the captaine ouer the children of Naphtali shall be Ahira the sonne of Enan: 30And his host and the nomber of them were three and fiftie thousand and foure hundreth. 31All the nomber of the host of Dan was an hundreth and seuen and fiftie thousand and sixe hundreth: they shall goe hinmost with their standerdes. 32These are the summes of the childre of Israel by ye houses of their fathers, all the nomber of ye host, according to their armies, six hundreth and three thousand, fiue hundreth and fiftie. 33But the Leuites were not nombred among the children of Israel, as the Lord had commanded Moses. 34And the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord had commanded Moses: so they pitched according to their standards, and so they iourneyed euery one with his families, according to the houses of their fathers.

NUM 2 ©
