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OET-RV by cross-referenced section ACTs 4:23

ACTs 4:23–4:31 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

The believers ask God for power

Acts 4:23–31

4:23 The believers ask God for power

23After Peter and Yohan had been released, they went to their own group and told them what the chief priests and elders had said. 24[ref]When they all heard this, they began to pray out loud to God, saying, “Master, you created heaven and earth and the sea, and everything in them. 25[ref]You spoke long ago by the holy spirit through our ancestor who was your servant, David, when you said,

‘Why are the other nations angry and why have their peoples tried new ideas?”

26The earthly kings and rulers stood and worked together against the master and against his messiah.’

27[ref]And indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met with the pagan Romans and the peoples of Israel to conspire against your holy servant Yeshua who you chose. 28Then they did exactly what your power and plan had already decided would happen. 29So now, master, see their threats and help us, your slaves, to be able to proclaim your message with boldness. 30Let us experience your power to heal and do miracles and things that confirm the scriptures by means of the name and authority of your holy servant, Yeshua.”

31As they finished their requests, the place where they had met was shaken and all of them were filled with the holy spirit, and they went out and boldly proclaimed God’s message.

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Exo 20:11:

11because Yahweh made the heavens and earth, the sea, and everything that’s in them in six days. Then he rested on the seventh day, so that’s why he blessed the rest day and made it sacred.[ref]

20:11: Gen 2:1-3; Exo 31:17.

Neh 9:6:


Psa 146:6:


146:6: Acts 4:24; 14:15.

Psa 2:1-2 (LXX):

2:1 God’s chosen king

2Why do nations make plans,[ref]

and people groups devise empty schemes?

2The kings of this world take their stand

and the rulers collaborate against Yahweh and his chosen one,

2:1-2: Acts 4:25-26.

Luk 23:7-11:

7and when he discovered that he was from Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent him across to King Herod as he also happened to be in Yerusalem at that time. 8Herod was very pleased when he saw Yeshua being brought in because he’d been wanting to see him for quite some time because of everything he’d heard about him. He was hoping to see Yeshua do a miracle in front of his eyes 9and asked him lots of questions, but Yeshua didn’t answer any of them. 10Meanwhile the chief priests and the religious teachers were standing there loudly making many accusations against him. 11Then Herod and his soldiers also insulted and mocked Yeshua, and dressing him in posh clothes, he sent him back to Pilate.

Mat 27:1-2:

27:1 Yeshua is taken to Pilate

(Mark 15:1, Luke 23:1-2, Yhn 18:28-32)

27By now it was early morning, and all the chief priests and local elders discussed and agreed on their plans to have Yeshua put to death 2then they tied his arms and led him away to be handed over to Pilate, the Roman governor.

Mrk 15:1:

15:1 Pilate tries to interrogate Yeshua

(Yhn 18:28-38, Mat. 27:1-2, Luke 23:1-5)

15First thing in the morning, the chief priests called a meeting with the elders and the religious teachers and all the council, and they ordered that Yeshua be tied up and taken over to Governor Pilate.

Luk 23:1:

23:1 Yeshua is taken to Pilate

(Yhn 18:28-38, Mark 15:1-5, Mat. 27:1-2)

23Then the whole group of them stood up and led him to Pilate

Yhn 18:28-29:

18:28 Pilate interrogates Yeshua

(Mat. 26:71-75, Mark 14:69-72, Luke 22:58-62)

28Then they led Yeshua out from Caiaphas’ place and towards the residence of the governor. It was now the early hours of the morning and as Jews, they didn’t enter the residence of the Roman governor so they wouldn’t become defiled and thus unable to eat the Passover meal. 29So Governor Pilate came outside to them and asked, “What charge are you all bringing against this man?”