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OEB PRO Chapter 1

PRO 1 ©

On the Worth of Wisdom

1The proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel.

The Aim of the Book

2That people may learn wisdom and discipline,

and understand words of discernment;

3that they may win training in prudence,

in right and in justice and rectitude;

4that shrewdness be imparted to the simple,

and knowledge and insight to youth –

5the wise too, who listens, will grow wiser,

and the prudent more skilled in direction –

6that proverbs and parables may be plain,

even the words of the wise and their riddles

The Motto of the Book

7Reverence for the Lord is the basis of knowledge,

but wisdom and discipline are scorned by fools.

Exhortation and Warning

8Listen, my child, to your father’s instruction,

and do not forsake what you mother has taught you;

9they will be a garland to your head,

and a chain for your neck.

10My son, if sinners entice you,

do not consent. 11If they say,

‘Come with us, let us lurk for the blameless,

and ambush the innocent for fun –

12let us swallow them up like the grave, alive

and entire, just as those that go down to the pit.

13Precious wealth of all sorts will be ours,

we will fill our houses with spoil.

14Cast your lot with us;

we will all share what we steal,’

15Do not go their way, my child.

Keep your foot away from their path.

16For their feet hasten to evil,

and they rush to shed blood.

17The net is spread in the sight of the birds,

who hungrily take the bait.

18Their own is the blood they lurk for.

Their own are the lives they ambush.

19So end all who would grasp at gain –

it destroys the life of its owner.

The Appeal of Wisdom

20Wisdom cries aloud in the streets,

in the squares echoes her voice,

21she calls from the top of the walls,

at the doors of the city gates she says:

22‘How long will you fools love folly,

and scoffers delight in scoffing,

and fools in their hatred of knowledge?

23Respond to my rebuke.

See! I speak my mind to you;

I will tell you my thoughts.

24Because you refused my call,

gave no heed to my hand when it beckoned you,

25rejected all my counsel,

and refused my admonition,

26when distress falls on you, I will laugh;

I will mock, when your terror comes,

27when your terror comes as a storm,

as a whirlwind your distress.

28Then I will not answer their call;

they may seek, but they will not find me.

29Because they hated knowledge,

and rejected the fear of the Lord,

30would have nothing of my counsel.

but despised all my admonition,

31they must eat the fruit of their ways,

and be filled with their own devices.

32By their own choice will the simple be slain.

Prosperous ease will bring fools to destruction.

33But he who listens to me will live securely,

in a peace unruffled by fear of calamity.’

PRO 1 ©
