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JER 4:1–4:31 ©

The Book of Jeremiah 4

4“If you return, Israel—the declaration of Yahweh—

to me you should return.

And if you remove your detestable things from before my face

and do not wander,

2and you swear, ‘As Yahweh is alive’

in truth, in justice, and in righteousness,

then the nations will bless themselves in him,

and in him they will boast.”

3For thus says Yahweh to the man of Judah and to Jerusalem:

‘Plow your unplowed ground,

and do not sow into thorns.

4Be circumcised to Yahweh,

and remove the foreskins of your heart,

man of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem,

lest my heat go out like the fire,

and burn, and there is no one to extinguish

from the face of the evil of your deeds.

5Declare in Judah, and in Jerusalem announce, and say,

“Blow the horn in the land!”

Call out fully and say,

“Be gathered, and let us go

to the cities of fortification.”

6Lift up a banner toward Zion,

and bring yourself to safety, do not stand still!

For I am bringing disaster from the north

and a great collapse.

7A lion has come up from his thicket

and a destroyer of nations has set out.

He has gone out from his place

to make your land into a desolation;

your cities will become ruins,

without an inhabitant.

8Because of this, gird yourselves with sackcloth,

lament and wail!

For the force of the nose of Yahweh

has not turned away from us.

9And it will happen in that day—the declaration of Yahweh—

the heart of the king and the heart of the officials will perish,

And the priests will be appalled,

and the prophets will be horrified.’ ”

10And I said, “Alas! Lord Yahweh, surely you have completely deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, ‘It will be well for you.’ Yet the sword will reach as far as the life.”

11In that time it will be said of this people and of Jerusalem, “A shimmering wind of the bare hills of the wilderness—the way of the daughter of my people, not to winnow and not to cleanse, 12a wind more full than these will come to me. Now I myself shall also speak judgments against them.

13Behold, like clouds he comes up,

and his chariots are like the storm.

His horses are faster than eagles.

Woe to us, for we are devastated! 14Cleanse your heart from evil, Jerusalem so that you might be saved.

Until when will your unjust intentions lodge within you? 15For a voice declares from Dan,

and announces coming disaster from the mount of Ephraim. 16Report to the nations: Behold!

Announce over Jerusalem,

Guards are coming from the distant land,

and they give their voice against the cities of Judah. 17Like the watchmen of a field they will be around against her,

since she has been rebellious against me

—the declaration of Yahweh— 18your way and your deeds

have done these to you.

This is your evil.

Indeed it is bitter!

Indeed it reaches as far as your heart!

19My inward parts! My inward parts!

I writhe in pain in the walls of my heart!

My heart is turbulent for me.

I shall not be silent,

for I hear the sound of the horn, my soul,

an alarm for battle. 20Collapse upon collapse is called out,

for all the land is devastated.

Suddenly my tents are devastated,

in a moment, my curtains! 21Until when will I see the banner,

will I hear the sound of the horn?

22For my people are foolish;

they do not know me.

They are foolish sons

and they have no understanding.

They are wise to do evil,

but do not know to do good.

23I saw the land,

and behold, it was formless and empty,

and to the heavens,

and there was not their light.

24I saw the mountains.

and behold, they were quaking,

and all the hills were shaking themselves.

25I saw, and behold, there was not the man,

and all the birds of the heavens had fled.

26I saw, and behold, the orchard was the wilderness,

and all the cities had been pulled down

before the face of Yahweh, before the face of the fury of his nose.”

27For thus says Yahweh,

“All the land will become a devastation,

but complete destruction I shall not make.

28Because of this the land will mourn,

and the heavens will darken from above.

Because I have spoken my plans and will not regret,

and I shall not turn away from it.

29From the noise of the horseman and the shooter of the bow

every city will flee.

They will go into the thickets

and ascend onto the hollowed out rocks.

Every city will be abandoned,

and there will be no man dwelling in them.

30And you,[fn] what will you do for the devastated one?

Although you dress in scarlet,

although you adorn yourself with jewelry of gold,

although you tear open your eyes with eye paint,

you beautify yourself for futility.

The ones lusting reject you;

they seek your life.

31For I hear a sound like a woman in labor,

distress like a woman birthing her firstborn,

the sound of the daughter of Zion;

she gasps for breath.

She spreads out her hands,

‘Woe now to me,

for my spirit faints because of murderers!.’ ”

The text has a female you pronoun, which does not match the male form of devastated. Many modern versions have What will you do, devastated one? despite the mismatch in gender.

JER 4:1–4:31 ©
