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JER 6:1–6:30 ©

The Book of Jeremiah 6

6Bring yourselves to safety, sons of Benjamin,

from the midst of Jerusalem!

And in Tekoa blast a horn!

And over Beth Hakkerem lift up an uplifting!

For evil looks down from the north,

and a great collapse.

2I liken[fn] the daughter of Zion

to the beautiful and delicate woman.

3To them shepherds and their flocks will go;

they will pitch tents against her all around;

a man will shepherd with his hand.

4“Be sanctified for war against her!

Arise and let us go up at noon!

Woe to us for the day faces away,

for the shadows of evening are lengthening.

5Arise and let us attack at night

and destroy her palaces.”

6For thus says Yahweh of hosts:

Cut a tree,

and heap up siegeworks against Jerusalem!

She is the city he left behind,[fn]

all of her is oppression in her midst.

7Like a well keeps its waters fresh,

thus she keeps her evil fresh.

Violence and oppression are heard in her;

always before my face are sickness and plague.

8Let yourself be instructed, Jerusalem,

lest my soul turns away in disgust from you,

lest I make you a wasteland,

a land not inhabited.’ ”

9Thus says Yahweh of hosts,

“They will certainly glean like a vineyard

the remnant of Israel.

Cause your hand to return

as to gather grapes on tendrils.

10To whom should I speak and testify

and they would listen?

Behold! Their ear is uncircumcised,

and they are not able to pay attention!

Behold! The word of Yahweh has come to them for disgrace,

but they would not delight in it.”

11But I am filled with the heat of Yahweh.

I am tired of holding it in.

“Pour it out on the children outside

and on the groups of young men altogether.

For also a husband will be captured with a wife,

an old person with fullness of days.

12And their houses will be turned over to others,

fields and wives altogether.

For I shall stretch out my hand

against the inhabitants of the land

—the declaration of Yahweh.

13For from the smallest and to the greatest,

all of them are greedy for dishonest gain.

And from a prophet and as far as a priest,

each makes deceit.

14And they have healed the collapse of my people lightly,

saying, ‘Peace, Peace,’ but there is no peace.

15Were they ashamed when they did an abomination?

Even to be ashamed, they were not ashamed;

they did not even know to be humiliated!

Therefore they will fall among the fallen ones;

At the time I punish them they will stumble

says Yahweh.

16Thus says Yahweh,

“Stand at the roads and see,

and ask for the ancient paths.

‘Where is this, the way of the good?’ Then go on it

and find rest for your spirit.

But they say, ‘We shall not go.’

17And I stationed lookouts over you.

Pay attention for the sound of the horn!

But they said, ‘We shall not pay attention.’

18Therefore, hear, nations!

And know, assembly,

what will be among them!

19Hear, the earth:

Behold, I shall bring disaster to this people—

the fruit of their plans.

For to my word they did not pay attention,

and my law, they rejected it.

20What is this to me, frankincense coming from Sheba?

Or reed perfume from a distant land?

Your burnt offerings are not acceptable,

and your sacrifices are not pleasing to me.

21Therefore thus says Yahweh,

‘Behold, I shall give a stumbling block to this people,

and they will stumble on it—fathers and sons together.

A resident and his neighbor will perish.’

22Thus says Yahweh,

‘Behold, a people is coming

from the land of the north,

and a great nation is being woken up

from the farthest parts of the earth.

23They hold bows and spears.

It is cruel and they are not compassionate.

Their sound roars like the sea,

and they ride on horses,

arranged like men for battle

against you, daughter of Zion.’ ”

24We have heard the reports about them

and our hands fall limp.

Distress seizes us,

writhing as a woman giving birth.

25Do not go out to the field,

and do not walk on the road,

for the sword of the enemy,

terror from all around.

26Daughter of my people, gird yourself with sackcloth

and roll in ash;

make mourning for yourself as for an only son

a lamentation of bitterness,

for suddenly the destroyer

will come upon us.

27“I have given you as a tester to my people, an appraiser,

so you can know and test their way.

28All of them are stubborn ones[fn] who rebel,

going about in gossip

All of them are bronze and iron;

they act corruptly.

29The bellows are burned;

the lead is from their fire.[fn]

For worthlessness he refines to refine,

but the evil things are not torn away.

30They will be called, ‘rejected silver,’

for Yahweh has rejected them.”

The Hebrew word for I liken could also be read as I silence or I destroy. The meaning of the word is uncertain.

The meaning of the Hebrew word for left behind in this context is unclear.

Instead of stubborn ones some manuscripts have princes.

Instead of from their fire the Hebrew Qere has consumed from the fire.

JER 6:1–6:30 ©
