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OET-RV by cross-referenced section LUKE 13:22

LUKE 13:22–13:30 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Entering God’s kingdom

Luke 13:22–30

Mat 7:13–23

13:22 Entering God’s kingdom

(Mat. 7:13-14)

22Then Yeshua started on his journey towards Yerusalem and as he passed through each town or village, he would teach the people there 23and one day someone asked him, “Master, will only a few people be saved?”

Yeshua replied, 24Make an effort to get in through the narrow door, because I’m telling you that many people want to come in but they won’t be able to. 25Once the home-owner gets up and locks the door, even if you get there now and stand outside knocking and calling out, ‘Master, open us for us,’ he’ll answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you’re from.’ 26‘You saw us eating and drinking,’ you’ll start saying, and, ‘You taught along our roads.’ 27[ref]But he’ll reply to you all, ‘I’ve got no idea where you’re all from, so go away you who do evil deeds.’ 28[ref]There’ll be crying and much anguish when you all see Abraham and Isaak and Yacob and all the prophets in God’s kingdom, but all of you will be being thrown out. 29Others will come from the east and the west, and from the north and the south, and they will be comfortably seated in God’s kingdom, 30[ref]so listen: the last people will be the first ones, and the first ones will end up last.

7:13 The wide and narrow gates

(Luke 13:24)

13Come in through the narrow gate, because there’s a big gateway and a wide path that leads away to destruction and lots of people go that way. 14The gateway leading away to life is narrow and the path has been kept narrow and not many people find it.

7:14 Recognising the tree by the fruit

(Luke 6:43-44)

15Watch out for false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inside they are swindling wolves. 16You’ll all know who they are if you observe their fruit. Does anyone pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17Similarly, every good tree produces good fruit, but the bad tree produces evil fruit. 18A good tree can’t produce bad fruit and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. 19[ref]Every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown in the fire. 20[ref]So then, you’ll know the false teachers by observing their fruit.

7:20 Words need actions

(Luke 13:25-27)

21Not everyone who goes around calling me ‘master’ will enter the kingdom of heavens—only those who actually do what my father who lives in the heavens wants. 22Many people will complain on judgement day saying, “Master, master, didn’t we prophesy using your name, and exorcise demons using your name, and do many miracles using your name?” 23[ref]Then I’ll have to tell them, “I don’t even know you. Go away from me all of you whose behaviour is against God’s laws.”

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Psa 6:8:


6:8: Mat 7:23; Luk 13:27.

Mat 22:13:

13[ref]So the king told his servants, ‘Tie up the man’s hands and feet and throw him outside into the darkness, and there’ll be weeping and much anguish out there.’

22:13: Mat 8:12; 25:30; Luk 13:28.


30[ref]So throw that useless slave out into the darkness where there’ll be crying and great anguish.

25:30: Mat 8:12; 22:13; Luk 13:28.

Mrk 10:31:

31[ref]But many at the top now will be at the bottom then, and many at the bottom now will be blessed then.

10:31: Mat 20:16; Luk 13:30.

Mat 19:30:

19:30 The last will be first

30[ref]But many who are first will end up last, and the last will be first

19:30: Mat 20:16; Luk 13:30.


16[ref]So the last will be first like that, and the first will be last.

20:16: Mat 19:30; Mrk 10:31; Luk 13:30.

Mat 3:10:

10[ref]The axe has already been placed at the base of the trees ready to cut down any tree that’s not producing good fruit and then it’ll be thrown into the fire.

3:10: Mat 7:19.

Luk 3:9:

9[ref]The axe is already sitting at the base of the trees, so that every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.”

3:9: Mat 7:19.

Mat 12:33:

12:33 A tree is recognised by its fruit

(Luke 6:43-45)

33[ref]Either make both the tree and its fruit good, or make them both bad, because a tree is known by its fruit.

12:33: Mat 7:20; Luk 6:44.

Psa 6:8:


6:8: Mat 7:23; Luk 13:27.