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JAS -- Free Bible


1This letter comes from James, servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is sent to the twelve tribes scattered abroad.[fn] Best wishes to you!

2My friends, choose to stay happy even when all kinds of troubles come your way, 3because you know that endurance comes from dealing with challenges to your trust in God. 4Let your endurance become as strong as possible, so that you will be completely mature, without any shortcomings.

5If any of you need wisdom, ask God, who gives generously to everyone without holding back. 6But when you ask, remember to trust in God—don't have any doubts. Someone who doubts is like the crashing waves of the sea, tossed about and driven by the wind. 7Nobody like that should think they'll get anything from the Lord— 8their minds think every which way, and they're unstable in whatever they do.

9Believers who are born poor should take pride in the high position they've been given, 10while the rich should “boast” in the humble position they now have,[fn] since they will fade away like flowers in the field. 11For the sun rises along with the blistering wind and scorches the grass. The flowers fall and their beauty is marred. Everything the rich achieve will fade in just the same way.

12Happy is anyone who patiently endures temptation, for when they've proved that they are trustworthy, they will receive the crown of life which God promises to those who love him. 13Nobody should say when they're tempted, “I'm being tempted by God.” For God is not tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone. 14Temptations come from our own evil desires that lead us astray and entrap us. 15Such desires lead to sin, and sin, when it's fully developed, causes death.

16My dear friends, don't be deceived. 17All that's good, every perfect gift, is from above, and comes down from the Father who made heaven's lights. Unlike them he doesn't change—he doesn't vary or cause shadows.[fn] 18He chose to give us new life through the word of truth, so that out of all his creation we would be very special to him.[fn]

19Remember this, my dear friends: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak, and slow to get angry, 20because human anger doesn't reflect the good character of God.[fn] 21So get rid of all that's filthy and evil. Humbly accept the word that's been implanted within you—for this is what can save you. 22But do what the word says—don't just listen to it and delude yourselves. 23If you just listen to the word, and don't act on it, it's like staring at your own face in a mirror. 24You see yourself, but then you leave, and immediately forget what you looked like. 25But if you look to the perfect law of freedom and follow it, not as someone who just listens and then forgets, but as someone who acts on it—then you will be blessed in what you do. 26If you think you're religious, but don't control what you say, you deceive yourself—your religion is pointless. 27In the eyes of our God and Father, religion that's pure and genuine is to visit orphans and widows in their suffering, and to keep yourself from being contaminated by the world.

2My friends, as trusting believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, you must not show favoritism. 2Imagine that a man comes into your synagogue wearing gold rings and fine clothes, and then a poor man comes in dressed in rags. 3If you pay special attention to the well-dressed man, and say, “Please sit here in a seat of honor,” while you say to the poor man, “Stand over there, or sit on the floor by my feet,” 4haven't you discriminated and judged with bad motives? 5Listen, my dear friends: Didn't God choose those who the world considers poor to be rich in their trust in him, and to inherit the kingdom he promised to those who love him? 6But you've treated the poor shamefully. Isn't it the rich who oppress you and drag you before the courts? 7Don't they insult the honorable name[fn] of the one who called you and to whom you belong?

8If you really observe the royal law of Scripture: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,”[fn] then you do well. 9But if you show favoritism, you're sinning. The law convicts you as guilty of breaking it. 10Someone who observes everything in the law but fails in just one part is guilty of breaking it all. 11God told you not to commit adultery, and he also told you not to kill. So if you don't commit adultery, but you do kill, you've become a law-breaker.[fn] 12You should speak and act as people who will be judged by the law of freedom. 13Anyone who doesn't show mercy will be judged without mercy. Yet mercy wins out over judgment![fn]

14My friends, what's the good of someone saying they trust in God when they don't do what's good and right? Can such “trust” save them? 15If a brother or sister doesn't have clothes, or food for the day, 16and you say to them, “Blessings on you! Stay warm and have a good meal!” and you don't provide what they need to survive, what's the good of that? 17By itself even your trust-based faith in God is dead and worthless if you don't actually do what's good and right.

18Someone may argue, “You have your trust in God; I have my good deeds.” Well, show me your trust in God without good deeds, and I will show you my trust in God by my good deeds! 19You believe that God is one God? That's great—but demons believe in God too, and they're scared of him! 20You foolish people! Don't you know that trust in God without doing what's right is worthless? 21Wasn't our father Abraham made right[fn] by what he did—by offering his son Isaac on the altar? 22You notice that his trust in God worked together with what he did, and through what he did his trust in God was made complete. 23In this way scripture was fulfilled: “Abraham trusted God, and this was considered as him doing right,”[fn] and he was called the friend of God.[fn]

24You see that people are made right by what they do, and not just by trusting God. 25In the same way, wasn't Rahab the prostitute made right by what she did when she looked after the messengers and then sent them away by a different road? 26Just as the body is dead without the spirit, trust in God is dead if you don't do what's right.

3My friends, not many of you should become teachers, because you know that we who teach will have a heavier responsibility in the judgment. 2All of us make mistakes in many ways. Anyone who doesn't make mistakes in what they say is truly a good person who can keep the whole body under control. 3We put bridles into the mouths of horses so that they'll obey us, and we can direct them wherever we want. 4Look at ships as well: even though they're very big and are driven along by strong winds, they're steered by a very small rudder in the direction the pilot wants to go.

5In just the same way the tongue is a very small part of the body, but it makes great boasts! Think how a big forest can be set on fire by a very small flame! 6And the tongue is a fire! The tongue is a world of evil among the parts of the body. It disgraces all you are as a person, and can burn down the whole of your life, since it is set on fire by Gehenna.[fn] 7People have tamed all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and sea creatures, 8but no one can tame the tongue—it's an evil thing, hard to control, full of deadly poison. 9We use the same tongue to bless our Lord and Father, as well as to curse people who are made in God's image— 10blessings and curses come from the same mouth! Friends, it shouldn't be this way! 11Does a spring send both sweet and bitter water out of the same opening? 12My friends, a fig tree can't produce olives, and a vine can't produce figs, any more than a salt water spring can produce fresh water!

13Who among you has wisdom and understanding? Let their good lives demonstrate what they do—doing what is right with wise kindness and consideration.

14But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, don't boast about it and don't lie against the truth. 15This kind of “wisdom” doesn't come from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. 16Wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition you'll also find confusion and all kinds of evil practices.

17However, wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, and it also brings peace. It is kind and open to reason. It is full of mercy and produces good things. It is genuine and not hypocritical. 18Those who sow peace will harvest the peace of what is truly good and right.

4Where do the fights and quarrels you're having come from? Aren't they due to the sensual passions that are in conflict within you? 2You burn with desire, but don't get what you want. You kill for what you lust after, but don't get what you're looking for. You argue and you fight, but you don't get anything, because you don't pray for it. 3You pray, but don't receive anything, because you ask with a wrong motive, wanting to spend what you'd receive on your selfish pleasures. 4You adulterous people! Don't you realize that friendship with the world is hatred towards God? Those who want to be friends of the world make themselves enemies of God.

5Do you think Scripture doesn't mean what it says: that the spirit that he put in us is very jealous?[fn] 6But God gives us even more grace, as Scripture says: “God is against those who are arrogant, but gives grace to those who are humble.”[fn] 7So place yourself under God's direction. Confront the devil, and he will run away from you. 8Come close to God and he will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners. Purify your way of thinking, you people with divided loyalties. 9Show some remorse, cry and weep! Turn your laughter into mourning, and your joy to sadness. 10Be humble before the Lord and he will lift you up.

11Friends, don't speak badly of one another. Anyone who criticizes a fellow-believer and condemns[fn] them, criticizes and condemns the law. If you condemn the law you're not someone who keeps the law, because you're sitting in judgment of it. 12There's only one lawgiver and judge—the one who can either save or destroy you—so who are you to judge your neighbor?

13Come on now!—you people who say, “Either today or tomorrow we'll go to such-and-such a city, spend a year in business there, and make a profit.” 14You have no idea what will happen tomorrow! What's your life like? It's just a mist that appears for a little while, and then is gone. 15What you should say is, “If it's the Lord's will, we'll live like this and plan to do that.” 16But right now you're caught up in your vain ideas. All this boasting is evil. 17For it is a sin if you know to do what's right but don't do it.

5Come on, you rich people! You should weep and wail for all the problems that are coming your way! 2Your wealth is ruined, and your clothes have been eaten by moths. 3Your gold and your silver are corroded, and this corrosion will be evidence against you, eating away your flesh like fire. You hoarded up your wealth in these last days. 4Look, the wages of your farm workers that you cheated are crying out against you—the cries of the farm workers have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5You've enjoyed a life of luxury here on earth, full of self-indulgent pleasure, fattening yourselves up for the day of slaughter! 6You have condemned and killed the innocent who didn't even resist you.

7Friends, be patient as you wait for the Lord's return. Think of the farmer waiting patiently for the earth's precious harvest as it grows with the early and later rains. 8You need to be patient too. Stay strong for the Lord's return is near. 9My friends, don't complain about each other, so you won't be judged. Look, the judge is standing right at the door! 10Take the prophets as an example, my friends—see how they spoke in the Lord's name as they suffered and waited patiently. 11Notice that we say that those who endure are blessed. You've heard about the patience of Job, and you've seen how the Lord brought this to a positive conclusion—for the Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

12Above all, my friends, don't swear. Not by heaven, not by earth, and not by any other kind of oath. Just let your yes be yes, and your no be no, so you won't fall under condemnation. 13Are any of you suffering? You should pray. Are some of you cheerful? You should sing songs of praise. 14Are any of you sick? You should call for the church elders and have them pray over you, and anoint you with oil in the Lord's name. 15Such a prayer, trusting in God, will heal those who are sick, and the Lord will make them well. If they've committed sins, they will be forgiven. 16Admit the wrongs you've done to each other, and pray for one another so that you'll be healed. Earnest prayer from those who live right is very effective. 17Elijah was a man who had the same human nature as we do. He prayed earnestly that it wouldn't rain, and it didn't rain on the earth for three and a half years. 18He prayed again—heaven sent rain and the earth gave its harvest.

19My friends, if any one of you strays from the truth and someone brings you back, 20let them know that whoever rescues a sinner from the error of their ways will save them from death, and will gain forgiveness for many sins.

1:1 Referring to the twelve tribes of Israel, of course.

1:10 Referring primarily to the way each group is viewed by God (1:9-10); not necessarily their position in society…

1:17 James seems to be referring to the varying movements of heavenly bodies and eclipses (shadows).

1:18 Usually thought to refer to God's call and provision for us to be born again spiritually.

1:20 Literally, “achieve God's righteousness.”

2:7 Usually understood to be the name of Jesus.

2:8 Quoting Leviticus 19:18.

2:11 Quoting Exodus 20:13-14 or Deuteronomy 5:17-18.

2:13 The exact meaning of this verse is debated, but the fundamental point is to emphasize the merciful character of God.

2:21 Or “shown to be right.”

2:23 Quoting Genesis 15:6.

2:23 See Isaiah 41:8.

3:6 Gehenna: the trash dump outside of Jerusalem where fires were used to burn the trash. The word is used symbolically as the endpoint for the wicked.

4:5 Or “God has placed a spirit in us that is filled with strong desires.”

4:6 Quoting Proverbs 3:34.

4:11 Or “judges.”