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Open English Translation RUTH Chapter 1

RUTH 1 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

1:1 Elimelek goes to Moab during a famine

1Back in the time when the judges ruled Israel, there was a drought which caused a shortage of food, so a man from the town of Bethlehem in the region of Yudah went to live in the country of Moab for a while, taking his wife and their two sons. 2The man’s name was Elimelek and he was married to Naomi, and their sons’ names were Mahlon and Kilion. (They were part of the clan of Ephrathah from Bethlehem in Yudah.) They travelled to the Moab countryside and lived there. 3Then Naomi’s husband Elimelek died, and she was left with her two sons. 4Eventually they married women from there in Moab—Orpah and Ruth. But after Naomi and her sons had lived in Moab for about then years, 5Mahlon and Kilion both also died, and Naomi was left without her husband or her two sons.

1And_he/it_was in/on/at/with_days of_the_judging the_judges and_he/it_was a_famine on_the_earth and_he/it_went a_man of food/grain/bread Yəhūdāh to_sojourn in/on/at/with_country of_Mōʼāⱱ he and_his/its_woman/wife and_two sons_his.
2And_name_of the_man [was]_ʼₑlīmelek and_name_of his/its_wife/woman [was]_Nāˊₒ and_name_of of_the_two sons_his [was]_Maḩlōn and_Kilyōn Ephrathites from food/grain/bread Yəhūdāh and_they_came the_region(s) of_Mōʼāⱱ and_they_were there.
3And_he/it_died ʼₑlīmelek the_husband of_Nāˊₒ and_left she and_two sons_her.
4And_took to/for_them wives Mōʼāⱱite the_name the_one(f) [was]_Orpah and_name_of the_second(fs) [was]_Rūt and_they_lived there about_ten years.
5And_died also both_of_them Maḩlōn and_Kilyōn and_left the_woman without_two sons_her and_without_husband_her.

1:6 Ruth accompanies Naomi back to Bethlehem

6One day Naomi was in a field there in Moab when she heard someone telling about how Yahweh had helped his people in Israel and that now they had plenty of food, so she got ready to return to Bethlehem with her two daughters-in-law. 7The three of them left the place where they’d been living in Moab and started walking along the road back to Yudah. 8Then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Both of you should go back to your parents’ homes. I pray that Yahweh will treat you with the same faithfulness that you showed to your now-deceased husbands and to me. 9May Yahweh enable both of you to find new husbands and find peace and happiness in your new homes with them.”

Then she kissed them as they all wept aloud. 10But they both said, “No, we’ll go with you to return to your relatives.”

11But Naomi responded, “No, go back to your homes my daughters. Why would you bother coming with me? It’s not like I could still give birth to more sons to become your husbands. 12Go on back, my daughters, because I’m too old to remarry. Even if I did hope for that and got married tonight and had some sons, 13could you wait for them to grow up so you could be remarried? No, my daughters, what’s hard for me, even more than your hardships, is that Yahweh is using his power against me.”

14Then they wailed and cried again, and Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye and left, but Ruth stayed and clung to Naomi. 15Naomi said, “Look, your sister-in-law is going back to her parents and to her religion. Go back with her.”

16But Ruth replied, “Please don’t insist that I leave you and go back, because wherever you go, I’ll go with you and wherever you live, I’ll live there too. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. 17Wherever you die, I’ll die there too and be buried there. Maybe Yahweh punish me severely if anything other than death separates the two of us.”

18When Naomi saw that Ruth was determined to go with her, she didn’t say any more.

19So the two of them travelled on until they reached Bethlehem. When they entered Bethlehem, the whole town was curious about them, and the women began asking, “Is that Naomi?”

20But Naomi told them not to call her ‘Naomi’ (which means ‘pleasant’) but to call her ‘Mara’ (meaning ‘bitter’) because she said, “The almighty God has made my life very bitter. 21I went away content with a family, but Yahweh has brought me back with a void. So why call me ‘Naomi’? You see, Yahweh has testified against me—the almighty God has brought misfortune on me.”

22And so Naomi had returned, along with her daughter-in-law, Ruth the Moabitess, and they arrived there in Bethlehem at the start of the barley harvest.

6And_she/it_arose she and_daughters-in-law_her and_return from_country of_Mōʼāⱱ if/because she_had_heard in/on/at/with_country of_Mōʼāⱱ if/because_that he_had_visited Yahweh DOM people_his by_providing to/for_them food.
7And_set_out from the_place where she_had_been  there_at and_two daughters-in-law_her with_her/it and_went in/on/at/with_way to_return to the_land of_Yəhūdāh.
8And_she/it_said Nāˊₒ to_two daughters-in-law_her go return [each]_woman to_house mother’s_her may_he_deal[fn] Yahweh to_you_all covenant_loyalty just_as you_all_have_dealt with the_dead and_with_me.
9May_he_give Yahweh to/for_you_all and_find rest [each]_woman the_house her/its_husband/man and_kissed on_them and_lifted_up voices_their and_wept.
10And_said to_her if/because with_you we_will_return to_people_your.
11And_she/it_said Nāˊₒ go_back daughters_my to/for_what will_you_all_go with_me yet to_me [do]_sons in/on/at/with_womb_my and_they_will_be to/for_you_all as_husbands.
12Go_back daughters_my go if/because I_am_[too]_old too_to_have to_husband if/because I_said there_[is] to_me hope also I_belonged the_night to_husband and_also I_bore sons.
13Therefore will_you_all_wait until that they_will_grow_up therefore will_you_shut_yourselves_off to_not to_belong to_husband no daughters_my if/because it_is_bitter to_me very than_you_all if/because it_has_gone_forth in/on/at/with_me the_hand of_Yahweh.
14And_lifted_up voices_their and_wept again and_kissed Orpah on_mother-in-law_her and_Rūt she_clung in/on/at/with_her.
15And_she/it_said there she_has_returned sister-in-law_your to people_her and_near/to gods_her go_back after sister-in-law_your.
16And_she/it_said Rūt do_not entreat in/on/at/with_me to_leave_you to_turn_back from_following_you if/because to where you_will_go I_will_go and_in/on/at/with_where you_will_lodge I_will_lodge people_your people_my and_god_your god_my.
17In/on/at/with_where you_will_die I_will_die and_there I_will_be_buried thus may_he_do Yahweh to_me and_so may_he_add if/because the_death it_will_separate between_me and_from_you.
18And_she/it_saw if/because_that [was]_determined she to_go with_her and_no_more to_said to_her.
19And_went_on two_them until came_they house_of wwww and_he/it_was when_came_they house_of food/grain/bread and_stirred all the_city because_of_them and_said this Nāˊₒ.
20And_she/it_said to_them do_not call to_me Nāˊₒ call to_me Mara if/because he_has_caused_bitterness [the]_almighty to_me exceedingly.
21I full I_went and_empty brought_back_me Yahweh to/for_what do_you_all_call to_me Nāˊₒ and_YHWH he_has_testified in/on/at/with_me and_almighty he_has_done_harm[fn][fn] to_me.
22And_returned Nāˊₒ and_Rūt the_Mōʼāⱱitess daughter-in-law_her with_her/it the_came_back from_country of_Mōʼāⱱ and_they they_came house_of food/grain/bread in/on/at/with_beginning of_[the]_harvest of_barley(s).

1:8 Variant note: יעשה: (x-qere) ’יַ֣עַשׂ’: lemma_6213 a morph_HVqj3ms id_08nRZ יַ֣עַשׂ

1:21 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently from BHQ.

1:21 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

RUTH 1 ©