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Open English Translation JOB Chapter 18

JOB 18 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

18:1 Bildad’s second response to Iyyov

18Then Bildad (from Shuah) responded again:

2How long until you stop all these words?

Think first, and then afterwards we can speak.

3Why are we regarded as cattle,

as if we’re considered by you all as being stupid?

4People who tear themselves apart in anger,

will the ground be abandoned for your sakes,

or the rock removed out of its place?

5Indeed, the light of wicked people[fn] is extinguished.

the flame of their fire won’t shine.

6The light in their tents will go dark.

and the lamps that hang over their heads will go out.

7Their strong steps will get shorter,

and their own schemes make them depressed.

8Yes, they’ll get their feet caught in a net,

and they’ll wander around in a maze.

9They’ll get their heels caught in traps,

the sprung jaws will keep hold of them.

10A rope is hidden in the ground,

and a noose lies there on their paths.

11Sudden noises around them will terrify them,

and follow their steps as they run away.

12Their strength dissolves into hunger,

and disaster has been prepared for them to stumble into.

13It devours parts of their skin,

death begins by devouring their body parts.

14They’re pulled from their tents where they felt secure,

and taken away to the king of terrors.

15Other people will live in their tents.

Sulfur is scattered over their homes.

16Their roots dry up underneath them,

and their branches above them all wither.

17No one on the earth will remember them any more,

and no streets will be named after them.[fn]

18They’ll be driven from the light out into the darkness,

and they’ll be chased out of this world.

19You won’t find any of their children or grandchildren in their town.

nor find any survivor where they previously lived.

20Those in the west are appalled at their fate,

and those in the east are getting the shudders.

21That’s certainly how the homes of wicked people end up,

and that’s the place for people who don’t know God.

18:5 This segment is about ‘the wicked man’ (somewhat general, but also obviously referring to Iyyov), but we’ve generalised it into ‘wicked people’ as being more relevant to the average reader (of both sexes).

18:17 That was a paraphrase (and probably an anachronism) that we couldn’t resist (and will probably delete again). It’s really something more like ‘no one will mention their names on the streets’.

18and_answered Bildad the_Shuhite and_said.
2Until when will_you_all_make ends for_words you_all_will_consider and_after we_will_speak.
3Why are_we_regarded as_the_cattle are_we_considered_stupid in/on/at/with_sight_your_all’s.
4[one_who]_tears self_of_him in/on/at/with_anger_him the_for_sake_your will_it_be_abandoned [the]_earth and_removed a_rock from_place_its.
5Also [the]_light of_wicked_[people] it_is_extinguished and_not it_shines the_flame fire_his.
6[the]_light[fn] it_grows_dark in/on/at/with_tent_his and_lamp_his on/upon/above_him/it it_is_extinguished.
7They_are_restricted the_steps strong_his and_throw_down_him schemes_his_own.
8If/because he_is_caught in/on/at/with_net in/on/at/with_feet_his_own and_into a_network he_walks_about.
9It_takes_hold in/on/at/with_heel a_trap it_takes_hold on/upon/above_him/it a_snare.
10[is]_hidden on_the_earth rope_him and_trap_him on [the]_path.
11All_around frighten_him sudden_terror(s) and_chase_him at_step_his.
12It_is hungry strength_his and_disaster [is]_prepared for_stumbling_his.
13It_consumes the_parts skin_his it_consumes limbs_his [the]_firstborn of_death.
14He_is_torn_away from_tent_his security_he and_brought_him to_king of_sudden_terror(s).
15It_dwells in/on/at/with_tent_his from_nothing to_him/it it_is_scattered over dwelling_his sulfur.
16From_under roots_his they_are_dried_up and_at_above it_withers branches_his.
17Memory_him it_perishes from [the]_earth and_not a_name to_him/it on [the]_surface of_[the]_street.
18Driven_he from_light into darkness and_from_world chased_him.
19Not posterity to_him/it and_not progeny in/on/at/with_people_his and_no a_survivor in/on/at/with_where_live_he.
20On fate_his they_are_appalled [the]_western and_east they_take_hold_of a_shudder.
21Surely these [are]_the_dwelling_places of_an_unjust_person and_this [is_the]_place of_[one_who]_not he_knows god.

18:6 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

JOB 18 ©
