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Open English Translation JOB Chapter 15

JOB 15 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

15:1 Elifaz’s second response to Iyyov


15Then Elifaz (from Teman) replied:

2Do wise people just answer with knowledge full of wind?

Do they just fill themselves with the east wind?

3Should a person argue against useless talk,

or against words that have no value?

4You turn people from the fear of God,

and discourage them from godly meditation.

5Thus your wickedness drives your words,

and you choose the language of crafty people.

6It’s not me who condemns you, but it’s your own mouth.

Your own lips testify against you.

7Were you the first person ever born?

Were you created before the hills were made?

8Do you listen to God’s advice,

or limit wisdom to your own experience?

9What do you know that we don’t?

What do you understand that’s not clear to us?

10Both the gray-haired and the elderly are on our side,

People who’ve lived longer than your father.

11Isn’t it enough when God comforts you?

Aren’t his gentle words enough for you?

12Why do your emotions get carried away?

Why do your eyes flash with anger?

13Are you turning your spirit against God

as your words pour out of your mouth?

14What person could ever be pure,[ref]

and how could someone born from a woman be righteous?

15He doesn’t even trust his holy ones,

and the heavens aren’t pure from his viewpoint.

16Certainly not someone who’s corrupt and abhorent,

or a person who drinks wickedness like water.

17I’ll show youlisten to me—

what I’ve seen and will tell everyone.

18What’s been told by wise people

that hasn’t been hidden from their ancestors.

19The land was given to them alone,

and no stranger had come in among them.

20Wicked people squirm in pain for their entire lifetime.

Those who oppress others have a number of years of pain stored up for them.

21Sounds of terrors are in their ears.

The destroyer comes while they’re enjoying prosperity.

22They don’t believe that the darkness will ever end.

They’re destined for the sword.

23They wander around searching for food that must be there.

They know that dark days are ahead—already prepared.

24They’re terrified by distress and anguish.

That dread overwhelms them like a king who’s ready for a battle.

25These things happen to wicked people because they oppose God.

They’ve behaved arrogantly to the provider.

26They rush against him in defiance,

trusting the thick reinforcing of their shields.

27Though their faces are round and fat,

and their bodies have rolls on their hips,

28they’ll live in broken-down houses

which people normally wouldn’t live in because they’re marked for demolition.

29They won’t be rich and their wealth won’t endure,

and their herds and flocks won’t spread across the land.

30Wicked people will never escape the darkness.

A flame will wither their branches,

and with one breath of their mouths, they’ll be gone.

31Don’t let them trust in emptiness or they’ll be led astray,

and worthlessness will be their only reward.

32They’ll be finished before their time,

and their branches won’t flourish and produce leaves.

33They’ll be like grapevines that drop their grapes when they’re still unripe,

and like olive trees that shed their blossoms.

34Yes, the company of godless people is worthless,

and anything gained from bribery will be burnt up in the fire.

35They dream about trouble and encourage wickedness,

and they give birth to deceitful plots.

15and_answered ʼₑlīfaz the_Temanite and_said.
2The_wise does_he_answer knowledge of_wind and_fill east_wind belly_his.
3Does_he_argue in/on/at/with_talk [which]_not it_is_of_use and_words [which]_not anyone_profits in/on/at/with_which.
4Also you you_annul fear and_hinder meditation to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before god.
5If/because it_teaches iniquity_your mouth_your and_choose [the]_tongue of_crafty_[people].
6Condemns_you mouth_your_own and_not I and_lips_your_own they_testify in/on/at/with_you.
7First human_being were_you_born and_from_before [the]_hills were_you_brought_forth.
8In/on/at/with_council of_god do_you_listen and_limit to_yourself wisdom.
9What do_you_know and_not we_know do_you_understand and_not to_us it.
10Both [the]_gray_haired as_well_as [the]_aged in/on/at/with_us [one]_old than_father_your days.
11Small for_you [are]_the_consolations of_god and_word in_gently with_you.
12Why carry_away_you heart_your and_why flash eyes_your.
13(cmp) you_will_turn against god spirit_your and_go_out of_mouth_your words.
14What [is]_a_person (cmp) he_will_be_pure and_because/when he_will_be_righteous [one]_born of_a_woman.
15There in/on/at/with_holy_his[fn] not he_trusts and_heavens not they_are_pure in/on/at/with_sight_his.
16Indeed if/because [one_who_is]_abhorrent and_corrupt a_person [who]_drinks like_the_water unrighteousness.
17Show_you listen to_me and_what I_have_seen and_declare.
18[that]_which wise_[people] they_have_told and_not they_have_hidden from_ancestors_their.
19To/for_them by_themselves it_was_given the_earth/land and_not he_passed a_stranger in/on/at/with_midst_them.
20All [the]_days of_a_wicked_[person] he [is]_writhing_in_pain and_number of_years [which]_they_have_been_stored_up for_the_ruthless.
21[the]_sound of_dread(s) in/on/at/with_ears_his in/on/at/with_prosperity a_destroyer come_him.
22Not he_believes to_return from darkness and_destined[fn] he to [the]_sword.
23[is]_wandering he for_the_food where he_knows if/because_that [has_been]_prepared in_his/its_hand a_day of_darkness.
24Terrify_him distress and_anguish overpower_him like_king ready for_the_battle.
25If/because he_has_stretched_out against god his/its_hand and_near/to [the]_almighty he_behaves_proudly.
26He_runs to_him/it in/on/at/with_defiance in/on/at/with_thick of_the_bosses shield_his.
27If/because he_has_covered face_his in/on/at/with_fat_his and_he/it_made fat on loin[s].
28And_dwell cities destroyed houses [which]_not people_will_dwell in_them which they_are_destined to_become_rubble.
29Not he_will_be_rich and_not it_will_endure wealth_his and_not it_will_stretch_out in_the_earth possessions_his.
30Not he_will_depart from darkness shoots_his it_will_dry_up a_flame and_depart in/on/at/with_breath mouth_his.
31Not let_him_trust in/on/at/with_emptiness[fn] he_has_been_led_astray if/because worthlessness it_will_be recompense_his.
32In/on/at/with_before time_his it_will_be_completed and_branch_his not it_will_grow_luxuriant.
33He_will_treat_violently like_the_vine unripe_grape_his and_throw_off like_the_olive_tree blossoms_his.
34If/because a_company of_[the]_godless [is]_barren and_fire it_consumes [the]_tents of_a_bribe.
35They_conceive trouble and_bring_forth[fn] wickedness and_womb_their it_prepares deceit.

15:15 Variant note: ב/קדש/ו: (x-qere) ’בִּ֭/קְדֹשָׁי/ו’: lemma_b/6918 n_1.0 morph_HR/Aampc/Sp3ms id_18Vdb בִּ֭/קְדֹשָׁי/ו

15:22 Variant note: ו/צפו: (x-qere) ’וְ/צָפ֖וּי’: lemma_c/6822 morph_HC/Vqsmsa id_18Ade וְ/צָפ֖וּי

15:31 Variant note: ב/שו: (x-qere) ’בַּ/שָּׁ֣יו’: lemma_b/7723 morph_HRd/Ncmsa id_18e1m בַּ/שָּׁ֣יו

15:35 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

JOB 15 ©
