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Bshps YHN Chapter 18

YHN 18 ©

18When Iesus had spoken these wordes, he went forth with his disciples ouer the brooke Cedron, where was a garden, into the whiche he entred, & his disciples. 2Iudas also whiche betrayed hym, knewe the place? For Iesus oft tymes resorted thyther, with his disciples. 3Iudas then, after he had receaued a bande of men, and officers of the hye priestes & pharisees, came thyther with lanternes, and torches, and weapons. 4And Iesus, knowing all thinges that shoulde come on hym, went foorth, and sayde vnto them, whom seke ye? 5They aunswered him: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayth vnto them, I am he. Iudas also whiche betrayed hym, stoode with them. 6Assoone then as he sayde vnto them I am he, they went backewarde, & fell to the grounde. 7Then asked he them agayne, whom seke ye? They said: Iesus of Nazareth. 8Iesus aunswered, I haue tolde you that I am he: Yf ye seke me therefore, let these go their way. 9That the saying myght be fulfylled which he spake: Of them which thou gauest me, haue I not lost one. 10Then Simon Peter, hauing a sword, drewe it, and smote the hye priestes seruaunt, and cut of his ryght eare. The seruauntes name was Malchus. 11Therefore sayth Iesus vnto Peter, Put vp thy sworde into the sheathe: shall I not drynke of the cuppe whiche my father hath geuen me? 12Then the companie, and the capitaine, and officers of the Iewes, toke Iesus, and bounde hym, 13And led hym away to Annas first, (for he was father in lawe vnto Caiaphas,) which was ye hye priest that same yere: And Annas sent Christe bounde vnto Caiaphas the hye priest. 14Caiaphas was he which gaue councell to the Iewes, that it was expediet that one man should dye for the people. 15And Simon Peter folowed Iesus, and so did another disciple. That disciple was knowen vnto the hye priest, & went in with Iesus into the palace of the hye priest. 16But Peter stoode at the doore without. Then went out that other disciple which was knowen vnto the hye priest, and spake vnto the damosell that kept the doore, and brought in Peter. 17Then saide the damosell, that kept the doore, vnto Peter: Art not thou also one of this mans disciples? He sayde, I am not. 18The seruauntes and officers stoode there, which had made a fire of coales, (for it was colde) and they warmed the selues. Peter also stoode among them, and warmed hym. 19The hye priest then asked Iesus of his disciples, and of his doctrine. 20Iesus aunswered him: I spake openly to the worlde, I euer taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whyther all the Iewes resort, & in secrete haue I sayde nothyng. 21Why askest thou me? Aske the which hearde me, what I haue sayd vnto the: Beholde, they can tell what I sayde. 22When he had thus spoken, one of the officers whiche stoode by, smote Iesus with a rod saying: Aunswerest thou the hye priest so? 23Iesus aunswered hym, Yf I haue euyl spoken, beare witnesse of the euyl: But yf I haue well spoken, why smytest thou me? 24Nowe Annas had sent hym bounde vnto Caiaphas the hye priest. 25Simon Peter stoode & warmed hym selfe. Then sayde they vnto hym: Art not thou also one of his disciples? He denyed it, and sayde, I am not. 26One of the seruautes of ye hye priestes, (his cosin whose eare Peter smote of) sayde vnto hym: Dyd not I see thee in the garden with hym? 27Peter therefore denyed againe: And immediatly the Cocke crewe. 28Then led they Iesus fro Caiaphas into the hall of iudgement. It was in the mornyng: And they them selues went not into the iudgement hall, leste they shoulde be defyled: but that they myght eate the Passouer. 29Pilate then went out vnto them, and said: What accusatio bryng you against this man? 30They aunswered, and said vnto him: Yf he were not an euyll doer, we would not haue deliuered hym vnto thee. 31Then sayde Pilate vnto them: Take ye him, and iudge him after your owne lawe. The Iewes therfore sayde vnto hym: It is not lawfull for vs to put any man to death. 32That the wordes of Iesus myght be fulfylled, whiche he spake, signifiyng what death he shoulde dye. 33Then Pilate entred into the iudgement hall againe, and called Iesus, and sayde vnto hym: Art thou the kyng of the Iewes? 34Iesus aunswered: Sayest thou that of thy selfe, or did other tell it thee of me? 35Pilate aunswered: am I a Iewe? Thyne owne nation & hye priestes haue deliuered thee vnto me, what hast thou done? 36Iesus aunswered: My kyngdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde, then woulde my seruauntes surely fyght, that I shoulde not be deliuered to the Iewes: but now is my kyngdome not from hence. 37Pilate therfore sayde vnto hym: Art thou a kyng then? Iesus aunswered: Thou sayest that I am a king. For this cause am I borne, & for this cause came I into the worlde, that I should beare witnesse vnto the trueth: And all that are of the trueth, heare my voyce. 38Pilate sayde vnto him: What thyng is trueth? And when he had sayde this, he went out agayne vnto the Iewes, & sayth vnto them, I fynde in hym no cause at all. 39Ye haue a custome, that I shoulde deliuer you one loose at ye Passouer: Wyll ye that I loose vnto you the kyng of the Iewes? 40Then cryed they all agayne, saying: Not hym, but Barabbas. This Barabbas was a robber.

YHN 18 ©
